Towards a Net-Zero Energy District Transformation in a
Mono-criterion Scenario Analysis
The Case of Bo01, Malmö District
Sesil Koutra
, Vincent Becue
, Jean-Baptiste Griffon
and Christos Ioakeimidis
ERA Chair (*Holder) 'Net-Zero Energy Efficiency on City Districts', Department of Architecture and Urban Planning,
University of Mons, Rue de l'Epargne, 56, Mons, Belgium
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Mons, Rue d'Havre 88, Mons, Belgium
Keywords: Case, Criterion, District, Energy, Tool.
Abstract: Transforming cities to deal with the resource scarcity and the threats of the climate change remain major
challenges in the urban development. Hence, districts are already taking an active key role in European
policies. Buildings are a key consumer of energy worldwide representing over than 40% of the overall
energy consumption at European level. In this current context of arising interest, reducing energy
consumption is an important target. During the last years, the ‘zero energy idea’ has been introduced in
international scientific literature review aiming at a more sustainable urban and built environment focusing
on individual buildings by articulating the requirements for an annual basis of an energy balance equal to
zero. ‘U-ZED’ (Urban-Zero Energy Districts) methodological assessment tool focuses on the challenge of
zero energy objective on a district scale. In this paper, the analysis emphasises the ‘transformation’ of Bo01
Malmö area in a mixed-use zero energy district.
Modern cities deal with many challenges in regards
to phenomena of climate change, greenhouse gas
emissions, pollution, scarcity of renewable
resources, increase in urbanisation growth forecasted
to over than 75% by 2030, lead to an increased
demand for infrastructure, energy consumption, etc.
In this current context of the arising interest in
environmental impacts, European Union proposes
initiatives, directives and policy targets (i.e. EPBD
recast, etc.) for reaching energy efficiency and a
high level of its autarky in its Member States. Thus,
there is a need to rethink the urban development
strategies in holistic visions and approaches, where
energy and effective building retrofitting have a key
role (Becchio et al., 2016).
Already in 2008, the European Union published
its 2020 climate and energy objectives, including:
20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions,
compared to ‘90s levels, increase in share of energy
consumption from natural resources to 20% and
20% of the improvement of the European energy
efficiency (Große et al., 2016). Along with this
track, the concept of ‘zero energy’ is gaining
international interest in the scientific literature
review focusing more on individual autonomous
buildings and aiming at long-term and concrete
applications in larger territorial scales (i.e. district)
(Marique and Reiter, 2014).
Notwithstanding, due to the complexity of the
context, the challenge of its application in a cohesive
whole is the ‘district’ as a subset and micrograph of
the city able to evaluate the energy patterns and
identify solutions towards the sustainable strategic
urban planning. ‘U-ZED’ (Urban-Zero Energy
Districts) assessment tool deals with the challenge of
the ‘zero energy’ objective by translating the district
into a systemic approach to establishing a simplified
(and simulation) methodology for the
conceptualisation of the zero energy standards in a
multi-criterion and parametrical context in the
district scale.
In this paper, the ‘zero energy’ objective is
fostered in a mono-criterion level (social and
functional mixing) within the case-study of Bo01,
Malmö district (Sweden) (as evaluated by the U-
ZED tool as potential for zero-energy applications).
The purpose of the paper is, therefore, to identify the
principal drivers towards the ‘district retrofitting’
Koutra, S., Becue, V., Griffon, J-B. and Ioakeimidis, C.
Towards a Net-Zero Energy District Transformation in a Mono-cr iterion Scenario Analysis - The Case of Bo01, Malmö District.
DOI: 10.5220/0006301901800187
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2017), pages 180-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-241-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with zero energy targets via the formalisation of a
scenario analysis and a modelling procedure
according to them within the analysis in the
particular case-study of Bo01, Malmö district and its
conversion towards the direction of ‘zero energy
The paper is structured accordingly: Section 2
develops the principle methodological holistic
approach of the U-ZED tool, Section 3 describes
further the context of a ‘mixed-use’ district and its
importance for its labelisation as ‘zero energy’,
Section 4 outlines the three scenarios developed
towards the zero energy standards and the modelling
procedure in the Bo01, Malmö district, while
Section 5 concludes with the main critical discussion
and the further analysis towards the future
conceptualisation of the net-zero energy idea in a
district level.
‘U-ZED’ (Urban-Zero Energy Districts) as a
methodological assessment district approach
contributes to the establishment of a simplified
simulation tool on the basis of contextualisation of a
district’s urban structure (typology and morphology)
with zero energy attributes and completes the
existing approaches by developing a methodological
tool in diverse steps and a multi-criterion and
parametrical context. The tool explores the linkage
of the beneficial influence of the urban structure and
the patterns of the achievement of the increase in
energy efficiency and the zero energy standards in
five (5) steps (Figure 1).
Figure 1: U-ZED methodological approach.
In this paper, the analysis is restricted to the step of
‘Scenario Analysis/Modelling’ (Figure 1) in a mono-
criterion context at the simplified exemplar case of
Bo01, Malmö district in three interesting conceptual
terms proposed by the authors: the ‘smart location’,
the ‘smart typology’ and the ‘smart morphology’
corresponding to three of our research questions:
‘Where are we going to ‘locate our district
(‘smart location’)?’
‘What is the the ‘optimal type’ of the district
(‘smart typology’)?’
‘What is the ‘optimal urban structure’ of the
district (‘smart morphology’)?’
2.1 The Role of the ‘District’
A comprehensive problematic and challenge that the
study had to deal with, has been the ‘territorial scale’
to apply zero energy solutions. The strategy of the
identification of the territorial scale for an effective
energy planning takes into account the strategic
decisions in a ‘city level’ to ensure a more integral
diagnosis (Barbano and Egusquiza, 2015).
For this study, the district is understood as an
‘urban block’ and a complicated system with diverse
key parameters of its ‘internal’ and ‘external’
environment as presented below (Figure 2).
Figure 2: District approach, interconnections with
‘internal’ and ‘external’ environment.
2.2 Diagnosis of Ten European Cases
The analysis focuses on representative European
case studies (Figure 3) selected with an ‘eco’
character for the following reasons:
More than 50% of the cases are implemented.
The availability of the information.
The geographical criterion of their localisation in
Towards a Net-Zero Energy District Transformation in a Mono-criterion Scenario Analysis - The Case of Bo01, Malmö District
Figure 3: State-of-the-art-analysis. diagnosis & review of
ten European case studies.
2.3 Definition of Key Parameters
A compilation of criteria and key parameters
strategically significant for the urban structure of the
NZED (Net Zero Energy Districts) synthesis is the
subsequent step divided into two groups (qualitative
and quantitative) described and analysed in three
axes: (1) the ‘smart’ location, (2) the ‘smart’
typology and (3) the ‘smart’ morphology.
2.3.1 ‘Smart Location’
Key parameters in regards to the ‘smart location’:
Geographical site/Topography: proximity to the
city centre and neighbouring districts.
Connectivity/Accessibility: emphasis on the
physical connectivity (boundaries).
2.3.2 ‘Smart Typology’
Key parameters in regards with the ‘smart typology’:
Buildings: physical composition and attributes
(i.e. geometrical dimensions, etc.)
Mixed-use land uses ‘optimal’ combination of
residential and non-residential land-uses by
promoting a variety of dwelling typology and
resulting in more efficient urban environments.
Density: highly-dense districts are effective tools
related to mobility and transport issues.
Household synthesis: a typology of household
(number of persons per household).
2.3.3 ‘Smart Morphology’
Key parameters in regards with the ‘smart
Compactness: dense structures for lower energy
use and carbon emissions per capita, less air,
water and lower resource (Fertner and Große,
Geometry: geometry of the building (i.e.
dimensions, etc.) to determine the building's
energy use (Masmoudi, 2004)
Orientation: spatial parameter to analyse the
accessibility of (Dujardin, Marique and Teller
2.3.4 Introduction of ‘Smart Ground’
Along with the axes analysed previously, the study
carries out the introduction of the ‘smart ground’
implying that the development of a NZED demands
the analysis of the ‘optimal’ and ‘intelligent’
location, typology and morphology before the
application and/or installation of any technological
realisation. To the above principles and prerequisites
of significance importance is the role of residents’
participation to maintain a fully engaged
sustainability, collaborative and strategic planning
from the conception till the implementation of the
urban project (Figure 4):
Figure 4: Introduction of the notion of ‘smart ground’ for
the description of a NZED.
2.4 District Evaluation
Within the past decades, an arising interest in
diverse assessment tools around the world has been
developed to evaluate the energy performance and
efficiency of the built and urban environment in a
district (Ayyoob, 2013). Already since 2000, the
development of the early approaches has been
launched with the certification and labelisation tools
(Yepez-Salmon, 2011).
In this context of district evaluation, U-ZED tool
assesses the potential of zero energy retrofitting via
three pillars to reach a high level of energy autarky
by introducing (Figure 5):
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Pillar 1. Optimisation of residents’ energy
Pillar 2. Energetic hybridisation: Combination of
the capacity of the renewable resources and the
energy systems installed at the district.
Pillar 3. Organisation of energy storage: Demand
for energetically efficient systems in function
with the peak periods of consumption to achieve
an optimal balance.
Figure 5: Pillars of NZED Evaluation (U-ZED tool).
In a broad sense, the ‘mixed-use’ context in a district
is the combination of residential and non-residential
activities and functions on the basis of a multi-
functional and efficient territory. As a goal, the
‘mixed-use’ district aims at promoting the economic
growth in relation to the sustainable development to
achieve uniform distribution of the population and
the residential development in spatial conditions
(Vorontsovab and Salimgareevc, 2016). ‘Mixed-use’
(or heterogeneous) areas enhance the compatible
land-uses to be located in proximity and decrease the
car dependency (Arroyo Group, 2009)
Malmö is the third largest city in Sweden by
population after Stockholm and Gothenburg divided
into ten (10) districts (Anderson, 2014). Western
Harbour is located in the northwest of the city center
of Malmö (318,000 inhabitants in 2014 and center of
a metropolitan area with approximately 700,000
inhabitants). The 175ha area consists of a peninsula
stretching out into the Öresund Straight and
Universitet Sholmen located between the peninsula
and the old city center of Malmö (Figure 6)
(Anderberg and Foletta, 2015):
Figure 6: Geographical site of Bo01, Malmö district.
For the last 15 years, Western Harbour has been the
major flagship of the Swedish international eco-city
ambitions. These city projects are presented both as
leading examples of the conversion of former
industrial harbor areas and of environmental
adaptation of densely built urban environments.
Western Harbour is a centrally-located former
shipyard area developed into a mixed area for
housing, schools, offices, shops and other
workplaces as well as for recreational areas with
public spaces, etc. By 2031, when the area has been
completed, it is expected to accommodate more than
25,000 residents (Anderberg, 2015).
4.1 Scenario Analysis
The paper analyses the criterion of functional and
social mixing in the Bo01, Malmö district in regards
with three scenarios: motivations and reasons for its
realisation (scenario 0), current situation and
achievements (scenario 1) and potential to a NZED
transformation (scenario 2):
4.1.1 Scenario 0. First Phase: Bo01 Malmö
District Housing Exposition
Scenario 0 includes the early first approach of the
urban initiative of the Bo01, Malmö district realised
as a redevelopment of the post-industrial Western
Harbour area of Malmö (Figure 7) for the
international housing exhibition (Bo01) and the
Towards a Net-Zero Energy District Transformation in a Mono-criterion Scenario Analysis - The Case of Bo01, Malmö District
subject of the ‘City of Tomorrow’ (Austin, 2009) as
a result of public and private entities (Klas, 2004).
Figure 7: Western Harbour area before 1998.
The vision for Bo01 was to create a modern mixed-
use district committed to sustainable principles. The
350 residential dwellings exposed at the Housing
Expo (2001) comprised a mixing of tenures with
particular architectural design, patterns and
construction materials to minimise the energy
consumption and promote the sustainable mobility.
Bo01 Housing Expo served as a model for the
successive urban development of the Västra Hamnen
area (Anderson, 2014).
Designed by Klas Tham, the ambition for the
Bo01 district has been to create a compact, mixed-
use and lively district with reduced mobility
requirements by favoring environmentally friendly
transport and a self-energy (autonomous)
community based on 100% local renewable
4.1.2 Scenario 1. Second Phase: Completion
of the Bo01, Malmö District, and
Current Approach
After Bo01 housing exposition, the area was
completed and expanded as a second phase with the
goal to create an attractive district in terms of
(Anderberg, 2015):
An important part of the energy concept of the
district is the low energy use in buildings. Each unit
is only allowed to use 105kWh/m
/year including
electricity. A system for a district energetically
autonomous is installed for Bo01 (Sydkraft) (Figure
8) powered by the wind, solar, biogas and heat
pumps (production of 6,200MWh of heating,
3,000MWh of cooling and 6,300MWh of electricity)
including heat recovery from ventilation systems,
triple-glazed windows and energy-efficient
appliances and equipment.
Figure 8: Description of the energy system in Bo01,
Malmö district.
Stakeholders in Bo01 Malmö planned to minimise
the future mobility requirements by emphasising the
cycle paths (8,185m). The district is well-served by
mild public transport and by interesting mobility
concepts, i.e. car sharing supported and introduced
by the CIVITAS Initiative (Figure 9), etc. At least
one bus stop is located within 300m of every
dwelling and buses pass at seven-minute intervals
throughout the day. Additionally, from the southern
border of the district, the Malmö Central Station
abstains 1km (Foletta, 2015). The study analyses in
detail the transportation system in the Bo01 district
(almost 50% of the road network, more than 20% of
cycle paths and 20% of pedestrian routes).
Building Housing
The city focuses on the demonstration of innovative
green solutions with interesting building typology
including almost 60 different housing patterns
(CMHC, 2005) and more than 1,000 dwellings
covering an area of 30ha. Most of the buildings
cover residential requirements (3-4 storeys)
combined with several commercial and community
amenities (Fais, 2009; NK Architects Sustainability
Archives, 2015). Among the existing buildings, the
remarkable case remains the ‘Turning Torso’ tower
(2005) of 190m (the tallest residential building in
Scandinavia) and 54 storey designed by S. Calatrava
consisted of 147 apartments and conference facilities
(Figure 10). However, the high construction costs
and the weak interest about condominiums lead the
tower to an economic failure (Anderberg, 2015).
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 9: Diverse Building Typology in Bo01, Malmö
Figure 10: Building Typology and ‘Turning Torso’ Tower
in Bo01, Malmö district.
The study analysed further the criterion of
‘functional mixing’ with regards to the land-uses and
the building typology with the aid of ‘Google Earth’
application. Figure 11 includes the attributes of the
‘functional mixing’:
Figure 11: Functional mixing in Bo01, Malmö district.
Figure 12 illustrates the building typology with the
emphasis on the residential dwellings: almost 20%
of row houses, 70% of collective houses
(apartments) and the rest for detached houses.
Figure 12: Building typology in Bo01, Malmö district.
Figure 13 highlights the parameter of ‘number of
floors’ in the district: the majority of the residential
dwellings include R+3 or R+4 (21% and 26%
Figure 13: Number of floors in residential dwellings of
Bo01, Malmö district.
4.1.3 Scenario 2. towards a NZED Bo01,
Malmö District
Scenario 1 proposed an approach of the Bo01,
Malmö district in terms of the ‘functional’ and
‘social’ mixing criterion. Scenario 2 completes the
idea of the Bo01 Malmö district transformation via
Roger’s theory as a basis for the definition of the
location of the new equipment and land-uses in the
district in a multi-functional and mixed-use concept
and the re-arrangement of the existing (Figure 14)
Bo01 district in Malmö began as an international
exhibition housing in 2001 and was transformed into
a viable and sustainable area. The district is the
Towards a Net-Zero Energy District Transformation in a Mono-criterion Scenario Analysis - The Case of Bo01, Malmö District
Figure 14: Proposal for Bo01 Malmö ‘transformation’ towards the net zero energy concept.
result of cooperation among several public and
private entities in a mixed-use urban development.
Much of the experience gained in the Bo01 project,
both positive and negative, is being directly applied
to further development in the Western Harbour area
of Malmö city.
Up to now, a research methodological study has
been developed to contribute to the establishment of
a simplified, scripting and simulation tool (U-ZED)
for the definition of the urbanisation strategies and
simplified urban models with zero energy attributes.
Five preliminary steps develop the constraints and
the opportunities towards the feasibility of the
application of zero energy idea at a district level by
completing the existing approaches limited on
individual autonomous buildings. An analytical
literature review diagnoses ten representatives, in the
scientific literature, case-studies with sustainable
and ecological context and interesting
accomplishments and evaluates them in regards to
three pillars (optimisation of energy requirements,
energetic hybridisation and organisation of energy
A critical selection of key parameters and criteria
(and sub-criteria) that influence the structure
(typology and morphology) of a district in response
to the reduced energy consumption is defined as an
initial step in accordance with the prerequisites of
the ‘smart ground’ (‘smart location’, ‘smart
typology’ and ‘smart morphology’).
The paper contributes to the existing literature on
the ‘zero energy’ objective via the U-ZED
methodological approach towards the
‘transformation’ of the Bo01 Malmö district in zero
energy attributes. A scenario analysis of three cases
investigates the feasibility of this objective at a
district scale in a mono-criterion frame (‘functional
and ‘social’ mixing). This work highlighted the
opportunities to extend the boundaries of a
sustainable ‘eco-district’ to a zero energy concept in
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
the general perspective of the principle of ‘mixing’.
The methodological framework will be extended and
completed, namely to take into account other
parameters in a multi-criterion analysis.
This research was funded by the EC under the FP7
RE-SIZED 621408 (Research Excellence for
Solutions and Implementation of Net-Zero Energy
City Districts) project.
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Towards a Net-Zero Energy District Transformation in a Mono-criterion Scenario Analysis - The Case of Bo01, Malmö District