Prediction Recomendation by Semantic Topics Through Matrix Factorization
Nidhi Kushwaha and O. P. Vyas
Department of Information Technology, Software Engg. Lab., Indian Institite of Information Technology, Allahabad, India
Keywords: Matrix Factorization, Semantic Topics, DBpedia, RDF, SPARQL, Similarity Coefficient, TF-IDF.
Abstract: The Matrix Factorization model proved as a state of art technique in the field of Recommender Systems.
The latent factors in these techniques are mathematically derived factors that are useful in terms of
dimensionality reduction and sparsity removal. In this paper, we exploited the information on these latent
factors in addition with semantic knowledge fetched from the DBpedia dataset to predict the movies to
users, based on their selected topics in the past. We incorporate matrix factorization with the Semantic
information to increase the accuracy of the recommendation and also increase the contextual information
into it. For handling cold start users, we also provide an opportunity for the user, to select topics at the run
time and prediction will be made according to their selection. To improve the diversity of the prediction in
both the cases we also used a specific strategy for the end user recommendation.
Recommender systems are not new, it has been in
progress since 90's. Tapestry (User-Based CF)
(Goldberg, 1992), GroupLens (Collaborative
Filtering) (Resnick, 1994), NewsWeeder (Content
Based) (Lang, 1995), Bellcore video recommender
(Collaborative Filtering) (Hill W., 1995), InfoFinder
(Content Based) (Krulwich, 1996), PHOAKS
(Collaborative Filtering, 1997) (Terveen, 1997), Fab
(Hybrid Based, 1997) (Balabanovic, 1997), PTV
(Hybrid Based, 2001) (Cotter, 2001), Amazon (Item
based Collaborative Filtering) (Linden, 2003),
Pandora (Content Based) and plethora of
applications are designed in this journey of research.
RSs act as the agent (software) to recommend a
person before s(he) explicitly shows his/her likings
towards a particular item. It also helps a user to
overcome the problem of knowledge overflow.
Recommender Systems provide filtered information
so that it help users to get the information according
to their past preferences and also their similar group
members (Bobadilla, 2013). Typical Recommender
Systems consist of three basic entities: Users, Items
and their ratings, either implicitly or explicitly
(Adomavicius, 2005). Matrix factorization approach
in the past, mainly known for the collaborative
filtering approaches which deal with only rating
matrix. It basically removes the dimensionality and
the sparsity problem of item rating matrix (Zhang,
2006) (Rossetti, 2013) (Koren, 2009). In this case
the input of the system is usually are the user ratings
on movies that the user has already seen and the
output of the system is the prediction of movies that
a user would like in future. The prediction of the
unknown ratings is based on patterns of partially
observed rating matrix (in case of low rank rating
prediction). This method differs from previously
applied approach that also utilize content
information about the user's (e.g. Age, gender
explicitly given preferences) and item's in case of a
movie (genre, year, actors, text reviews). Content
based methods totally focused on features of the
items and users, thus suffer from over-generalization
and also lack of personalization. Collaborative
method of recommendation, act as a complement of
the Content based method, it needs only user item
preference matrix, and give more importance of
user-user collaboration. This approach also suffered
from some drawback for ex: cold start user & cold
start item problems. In literature, the problem has
been removed through two ways, first from the data
available online in the form of social network and
another way is by using the combination of both
Content based and Collaborative Recommendation
Kushwaha N. and Vyas O..
SemTopMF - Prediction Recomendation by Semantic Topics Through Matrix Factorization Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0005475001180123
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 118-123
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
System methods, also known as Hybrid methods for
the recommendation (Burke, 2007) (Gemmell,
2009). In all the above three types Recommender
Systems, namely Content Based, Collaborative and
Hybrid two methods are used for predicting ratings,
i.e. Memory Based and Model Based approaches
depending on the utilizations of memory.
Resultant of Recommender System also divided
into two parts, predicting the rating and determining
the rank of the predicted rating, respectively. The
bottleneck for Memory based recommendation is
space and processing time of the whole data set,
while in Model based the main problem is complex
and time consuming of running the algorithm. The
performance of RSs degrades with the increase of
the number of item's and number of users. Despite
the challenges of over-generalization, the cold start
Recommender System also suffered from high
dimensionality and sparsity (Balabanovic, 1997)
(Adomavicius, 2005) (Rossetti, 2013).
In case of linear factor model for n users and m
items, the rating preferences with respect to k- factor
model are given by the product of a nxk , whose
column represent factors of user's and a kxm factor
matrix Z' whose rows represent the factors of items.
Thus, in this way a linear factor model is obtained
by approximating the observed rating preferences Y
with a low-rank matrix X. This low rank matrix X
should be obtained from the minimization of Root
Mean Squared error to obtain an original matrix Y. It
is difficult to find out global minima; because of
original sparse matrix Y. Hofmann in 2004 proposed
Loss function in place of Root Means squared Error.
However the idea becomes very popular with the
variation of matrix factorization approaches
(Adomavicius, 2005) (Zhang, 2006) (Rossetti, 2013)
(Koren, 2009) but it always suffers from the lack of
human interpretation. In this paper, authors exploit
the features retrieved from the Semantic Web (SW)
(Bizer, 2009) with the combination of
mathematically generated information from matrix
factorization to make it more meaningful and
valuable. Web3.0 develop an environment through
which we can share the information in machine
readable format and in the unified way (Bizer, 2009)
(MacNeill, 2010). This information grows day by
day that encourage researchers to utilize this
information for the cutting edge applications like
Data mining, Human Computer Interaction,
Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems.
The concept of Semantic Web was initiated by Sir
Tim Berners Lee that formed big project named
Linked Open Data project (Bizer, 2009). Connecting
data with the related information is the main aim of
this project. For this task various researchers came
forward to give their contribution in the standardized
format, i.e. in Resource Description Framework. The
idea of keeping this data open, benefited others by
linking their organization's specific content and thus
increases its accessibility to all. Data associated with
the particular entity in the Semantic Web can be
fetched with SPARQL querying (Prud’hommeaux,
2008) (Broekstra, 2012) on the stored RDF
(Resource Description Format) storage.
In the related work, the authors first highlighted
the state-of-art techniques of RS and its
characteristics (without SW) in Section 2. Authors
also highlight the proposed a model in section 3. At
the end, the paper summarizes with a conclusion and
future work with Section 4.
In Recommender System there is a set of user, items
and the ratings provided for these items are given as
input. The output should be the ratings for each user
to the items which was unknown previously. In the
matrix the rates are provided by each user that
belongs to [1...5], without the loss of generality, we
map the interval of ratings into [0,1].In Semantic
Web graph information related to items and their
associated characteristics are already present using
standard XML like language called as RDF
(Resource Description Framework), note that the
links are unidirectional. To utilize this information
in a meaningful way it is necessary to calculate the
weight of each feature which denotes the importance
over all movies features. Combining the information
of contents generated from Semantic Web with
benchmark dataset’s Ru matrix is the main
motivation of this work.
As discussed earlier Collaborative Filtering
methods of Recommender Systems have been used
in two different ways one for neighbourhood
methods and other for Latent factor models. In our
paper we choose Latent factor models as they can
work efficiently on the small datasets thus efficiently
solve the scalability issues as well as computational
time complexity. The method of Latent Factor
model, also known as Matrix factorization method, it
maps both users and items into a joint latent factor
space with the dimensions f, so that the inner
product of that space can be modelled as interaction
of user-item cell. Suppose after factorization the
vector associated with a user is u
and the vector
that associated with an item is i
. For a given
item i, the element of i
denotes the importance of
feature in the form of weighted factors, either
positive or negative. Similarly, for a given user u,
the element of u
shows the measure up to which
extent a user has liked features of items, again, either
positive or negative. The resultant dot product u
f X
, should represent the original rating matrix,
where each cell denotes the ratings of users for items
approximately, as shown with Eq. (1).
f *
The above described model is very similar to an
SVD model in which a small number of factors are
chosen to predict the rating of the unknown items.
This method mostly suffers from lots of missing
ratings problem in the user-item rating matrix.
Earlier Recommender Systems used Imputation
method and Association Retrieval technology to
overcome the problem of data sparsity that results in
a dense matrix by computational expensive methods.
Using Associative retrieval technology to explore
the transitive associations based on the user's
feedback data, realized a new collaborative filtering
approach to alleviate the sparsity problem and
improved the quality of the RS (Chen, 2011). It also
has the possibility of data distortion in the original
data. Hence, the solution proposed in (Liu, 2013)
(Zhou, 2011) (Zhou T. S., 2012) (Kleeman, 2007)
suggested regularization to overcome the problem of
over fitting occur due to unbalanced data. The Eq. 2
explains the regularization function. Here, N
represents the training set that consist of the set of
the (u,i) pairs for which
is known and constant λ
controls regularization and also known as cross-
- u
f *
) ^2 +
There are many learning algorithms are proposed
mainly ALS (Alternating Least Squares and
Gradient Descent).Other than that for updating in the
original formula, researchers also applied different
biases for calculating the actual prediction for the
users. These biases are mainly depending towards
the behaviour of the user's liking and an item's
popularity. Due to shortage of data provided by
users in the form of ratings, some researchers add
other biases that represent age, gender or implicit
ratings given by each user. Other than that, biases
also added that consist temporal aspects of users and
movies. In recent years, Latent Semantic Analysis
and pLSA (Kleeman, 2007) were proposed to
originally develop the context of information
retrieval systems. They both are dimensionality
reduction techniques and also based on matrix
decomposition similar to matrix factorization, SVD,
Probabilistic Matrix Factorization method
(Salakhutdinov, 2008) perform well on very sparse
and imbalanced dataset but a careful tuning is
needed to avoid the over fitting. Bayesian
Probabilistic MF (BPMF) overcomes this drawback
by using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
method that improves the accuracy of the RS.
Bayesian Probabilistic MF with Social Relation
(BPMFSR) also proposed by Tinghui et al. that
assumes different hyper-parameters for the different
users. The main drawback of the system is the
uniform consideration of the item parameters that
has been removed by Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix
Factorization with Social Relations and Item
Contents (BPMFSRIC) (Liu, 2013), the authors fuse
item contents as well as social relations and item
parameters are sampled according to the item
contents. The main drawback of the method, was the
use of trust information while ignoring the distrust
information that had given in most of the online
social networks. Also, the paper ignores the indirect
trust information and only using or based on the
direct trust relationship.
For the goal of a Recommender System is to
generate meaningful recommendations to a
collection of users for items or products that might
interest them. Our goal is to explore ways towards
attaching semantics to the latent factors of a matrix
factorization model, such that (parts of) these
models can be applied to new users (i.e. Users
without or with only few known ratings) or can be
exploited for explaining their recommendations. The
work, therefore, constitutes a first step towards this
direction by making the following contributions: 1)
Acquisition of a dataset with unary ratings via a user
study that can serve as ground truth for the
development of portable and interpretable MF
(Matrix Factorization) models. 2) Empirical results
on identifying topic related factors and predicting
topical interests of participants in our user study. In
this paper, we apply the model on the MovieLens
1M datasets that consist of 1,000,209 ratings from
6,040 users and 3,706 different movies. Ratings are
integer values from an ordinal scale ranging from 1
to 5, where 1 denotes worst and 5 represents the best
feedback from the user (see Figure: 1, that shows the
items rated by the users).
Figure 1: User Vs. number of items rated by User.
We are also using RDF dataset named DBpedia,
for semantic feature extraction. This dataset contains
1,604 links with Movielens dataset thus provide an
opportunity to extract the related features from it (as
mentioned in Figure 2). The information about the 2-
level categorical information of each movie is
mentioned in the Table. 1.
Table 1: Explanation of DCtermTopics from DBpedia
Movie graph.
1-Hop 2-Hop 3-Hop
Figure 2: Links common between MovieLens & DBpedia.
The importance of each category corresponding
to each movie has been explained by a weighting
factor that depends on the Term and Inverse
document frequency (TF-IDF) of that category in the
relevant graph. Three main important questions are
solved in this work are as follows:
Given the latent factors from a factorized rating
matrix, how can those latent factors merged
efficiently with the content information that is
retrieved from Semantic Web data.
By merging the content, information it can
improve the performance of the rating prediction
or not.
Will the system is able to provide appropriate
ratings in the case of cold start users.
3.1 Method
In our approach we have used Nonnegative Matrix
Factorization method to factorize the primary Rating
matrix, i.e. User Item matrix R, where R represents a
non-negative rating matrix where the rates are in
binary form R
{0,1}. The resultant of this
factorization method produce two matrix Uf and If
where R Uf*
. The Nonnegative factorization
method gives a purely additive outcome in contrast
to other dimensionality reduction techniques like
Principal Component Analysis (PCA), see Figure: 3,
Figure 3: Number of Latent Factors Vs. MSE for 1M-
Movielens dataset.
that shows error of factorization matrices while
considering on different Number of Latent Factors.
Eq. 3 shows this phenomena, N dimensional
measurement vectors
(t=1,......,T) ∈
, a linear
approximation of the data is given as,
= Uf∗
With the factorize matrix, the inclusion of a content
matrix, generated from the semantic data is also
performed to work differently from the previous
methods that uses matrix factorization. In this work
we have combined the original rating matrix R with
the content matrix
, where j and t denotes the
items and topics respectively. We have used
weighted factor to fill the matrix instead of using
only binary values that denote the presence of
particular topic for an item in the matrix. We have
used techniques described in FeGeLOD (Paulheim,
2012). Categories information of the particular URIs
is explained by dcterm. For dcterm, TF-IDF is based
on the following formula:
TF-IDF(Dcterm)=1 count log N |l
Here, the N = Total number of domain specific
resources, like in our case total no. of movies present
in the link data is 2979. l
in Eq. (4) denotes, the
number of other resources that have the same
relation as target resource. This formula reduces the
impact of most frequent relation by the multiply
factor i.e. Count. Table 2 shows actual weights for a
the RDF excerpt taken into consideration. Including
content matrix, two original matrices namely rating
(U x I) and content (I x DctermTopic) are used in
combination to generate U x DctermTopic. One of
the factored matrix, Lf x M, and I x DctermTopic
matrix produce LfxDctermTopic matrix, see Table.3
for the description of the Metrics.
Table 2: Top-10 weights for the Category:
Movie Name Weights
Alphaville (1965) 0.639
Grand Canyon (1991) 0.384
Mangolia (1999) 0.338
Sense and Sensibility (1995) 0.303
In the name of Father (1993) 0.303
Thin Red Line (1998) 0.303
Cinderella (1950) 0.288
12 Angry Men (1957) 0.262
Rain Man (1988) 0.198
People vs. Larry Flynt (1996) 0.169
Table 3: Description of matrices.
Notation of Matrix
Matrix it denotes
U*I Users*Items
U*Lf Users*Latent Factors
I*DctermTopic Items *Topics (2-hop)
U*DctermTopic Users*Topics
Lf* DctermTopic Latent Factors*Topics
Lf*I Latent Factors* Items
Lf*Count LatentFactors*Frequency Count
After selection of topics from user the procedure
goes as follows:
After selecting the topics, it would return a set of
Topics that indirectly returns Latent Factors
hidden in that topic through the Lf x
DctermTopic matrix.
To obtain a set of LF that implicitly shows the
importance of the each topic following work has
been done:
Sort the matrix Lf x DctermTopic matrix
(row-wise) in the descending order of the
latent factor weights that present in the above
After, sorting the column vector of the
selected topics, choose the top N
factor for further processing, and proceed it
as follows: Maintain a matrix called
LfxCount of the dimension of (N
) where
denotes number of latent factor and T
represent the highest importance of the latent
factor and T
=1 denotes the least important,
This matrix created to obtain the set of
common as well as important latent factors
that explicitly represent the user preferred
This matrix used to generate the count of
which, each latent factor appear in the Topics
preferred by the user. Also the count denotes
the frequency of the same latent factors
preferred by user implicitly in the form of
preferred topic.
Using this LF order, we sort the matrix LfxI, in
which first row represents the Lf1 that is highly
preferred by a user. Thus, this matrix is sorted so
that it represents the more suitable movie first
and the less suitable at the last. Based, on the
sorted movies we recommend the user more
suitable Top-N movies having similar factors as
liked by him in the past. In the next step, the
authors describe the inclusion of diversity after
the step of Top-N recommendation.
Movies are sorted in the order of
their Latent Factors
Latent Factors
2 4 7
3 5 8
Figure 4: Diversity improvement in matrix Lf*I.
3.2 Diversity Improvement
Previous step is able to provide recommendations
based on user's selected topics; however
improvement of the diversity in the recommendation
list is also needed because the prediction of the items
solely depends on the content of the items. Figure: 4
shows the order of the recommended items. Dotted
lines represent movement and dark lines shows
recommendation of items that come in the way.
In this position paper authors used DBpedia topics
for the Recommendation of users that also comprises
with the matrix factorization approach and used
traditional rating matrix. The blending of the topical
information with the rating matrix is an important
task of this The system used graph database and
querying language to deal with it. We have proposed
to develop a Recommender System to change
adaptively according to the response of the user's
selected preference. For the future authors are
interested to also include social or trust based
information in the system.
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