Fuzzy Logic and Multi-biometric Fusion
An Overview
Fabian Maul and Naser Damer
Identification and Biometrics, Fraunhofer IGD, Fraunhoferstraße 5, Darmstadt, Germany
Multi-Biometric Fusion, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Fusion.
Fuzzy logic has been proposed to improve various aspects of multi-biometric applications including enhance-
ments to the decision making of the application and the robustness to noisy data. This paper discusses recent
work that utilized fuzzy logic techniques within the multi-biometric fusion problem. This discussion is pre-
sented under two categories, the type of authentication scenario and the nature of the fused data. The paper
also presents an introduction to fuzzy logic and multi-biometric fusion. Based on the discussed works, this
paper aims to establish current trends and research possibilities in this field.
In order to improve biometric recognition, different
types of multi-biometrics haven been studied. The
multi-biometrics can be categorized into following
types: multi-algorithm, multi-instance, multi-modal,
multi-sample and multi-sensor biometrics. The cate-
gory most relevant for this paper is multi-modal bio-
metrics. In multi-modal biometrics, two or more bio-
metric characteristics are used. E.g. the work of Lau
et al. (Lau et al., 2004) and Hui et al. (Hui et al.,
2007) made use of three characteristics: face, fin-
gerprint and speech. The process of combining the
results of multi-biometrics is called fusion. Ross et
al. (Ross et al., 2008) name advantages of multi-
biometrics in the areas of: universality, indexing,
robustness, resistance to noisy data, continuity and
fault tolerance. Based on these advantages other re-
search has shown that multi-biometrics can improve
performance of biometric recognition (Chang et al.,
2003) (Hong et al., 1999).
Fuzzy logic is a way of reasoning by approxima-
tion that deals with vague or uncertain data by assign-
ing them truth values between 0 and 1 (Zadeh, 1965).
This allows the modelling of vague data, where for
example a temperature could be 0.3 warm and 0.7
cold corresponding to the vague expression of “fairly
cold“. This is done in three steps. First each in-
put is assigned to a linguistic variable. This step is
called fuzzification. Then for each variable member-
ship functions with different degrees of membership
are obtained. Next, fuzzy rules can be utilized where
logic can be applied to these membership functions.
E.g. in the form of If condition-1 and condition-2
then decision a“. This decision often is used as the
output for the fuzzy system. The process of convert-
ing this fuzzy output to a continuous value is called
Fuzzy logic can be used in biometrics to deal with
the quality of the samples of characteristics, which
can be affected by lighting, noise and user-device in-
teractions. It can also be used to perform the fusion
and therefore enhance the decision making of a multi-
biometric application. Another idea is to use this
principle for continuous authentication. Continuous
authentication aims to have the individual authenti-
cated using an ongoing identification or verification
process. E.g. while the subject is using a PC or while
it is inside a specific area of a building.
In the next two sections further details along with
the advantages of fuzzy logic and multi-modal fu-
sion will be presented. The section after will present
the research done in order to combine these two dis-
ciplines. Finally, a conclusion will be given where
trends and research opportunities will be discussed.
An application using fuzzy logic has the advantage
of being able to deal with both numerical as well as
linguistic data. This can be of advantage when deal-
ing with vague or incomplete data. Being able to deal
with data referring to concepts such as “high confi-
Maul F. and Damer N..
Fuzzy Logic and Multi-biometric Fusion - An Overview.
DOI: 10.5220/0005193302180222
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2015), pages 218-222
ISBN: 978-989-758-076-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
dence“, “low confidence“ or “quality“ offers possibil-
ities in both decision making as well as coping with
external factors of an application.
Mendel describes a fuzzy logic system (FLS), see
Figure 1, as follows (Mendel, 1995): An FLS can be
viewed as a mapping from inputs to outputs. Rules
may be provided by experts or can be extracted from
numerical data. In either case, these rules are ex-
pressed as a collection of “If Then“ statements, e.g.
“IF u
is very warm and u
quite low, THEN turn v
somewhat to the right.“ The fuzzifier maps the crisp
input to fuzzy sets. This is needed to work with the
aforementioned rules. The inference engine of the
FLS maps fuzzy sets to fuzzy sets. It handles the way
in which rules are combined, which helps in making
decisions. Finally, the defuzzifier maps the output sets
into crisp numbers.
George et al. state that fuzzy logic is used in the ar-
eas of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, in-
dustrial engineering, computer engineering, robotics
and in reliability theory (George J and Bo, 2008). Ex-
amples for such an approach can be found in a review
by Chen et al., where different ways of using fuzzy
logic to improve the ability of dealing with vague or
unclear data on the semantic web are shown (Chen
et al., 2012). Furthermore Mendel names a list of
real world applications, that make use of fuzzy logic
(Mendel, 1995). These applications are used for con-
trol (e.g. space shuttle docking (NASA)), schedul-
ing and optimization (e.g. stock market analysis (Ya-
maichi Securities)) and signal analysis for tuning and
interpretation (e.g. TV picture adjustment (Sony)).
A multi-modal biometric system is a multi-biometric
system where more than one biometric characteristic
is used to recognize a subject. In order to make a
final decision regarding this recognition, the different
information need to be combined or merged (fusion).
There are different ways to implement such a fusion
process. Ross et al. name the following (Ross et al.,
Decision-level Fusion. In decision-level fusion the
decisions of the uni-biometric systems are used to
compute the final decision. E.g. using a AND“
and “OR“ rule-set.
Rank-level Fusion. If the biometric system is used
for identification, the output can be viewed as a
ranking of the enrolled identities. The goal of
rank-level fusion is to consolidate this output by
the individual biometric subsystems in order to
derive a consensus rank for each identity. Which
then can be used to build the final decision.
Score-level Fusion. In score-level fusion the com-
parison scores output of the different biomet-
ric comparators are combined to generate a new
match score that can be subsequently used by the
verification or identification modules for render-
ing the final decision.
Feature-level Fusion. Using this fusion method, the
feature sets originating from multiple different
biometric algorithms are consolidated into a sin-
gle feature set. This is achieved by the application
of appropriate feature normalization, transforma-
tion and reduction schemes.
Sensor-level Fusion. This fusion method refers to
the consolidation of either raw data obtained us-
ing multiple sensors, or multiple snapshots of a
biometric characteristic using a single sensor.
Approaches using fuzzy logic to improve multi-
modal fusion focused mainly on decision-level fusion
and score-level fusion.
4.1 Classification Criteria
In this section, previous research work using fuzzy
logic to improve multi-biometric fusion are presented
under two discussion categories. The first category
differentiates the proposed systems based on the au-
thentication scenario intended, weather it is a conven-
tional (static) or continuous authentication scenario.
The second part will present the previous work de-
pending on the kind of information that was fused and
used fuzzy logic techniques to achieve their goals.
4.2 Type of Authentication
4.2.1 Static Authentication
Conventional or static authentication is the identifi-
cation or verification scenario common for biometric
systems where the recognition decision is built only
once and subsequent actions are performed based on
that decision.
In the approach proposed by Park et al. (Park et al.,
2006), fuzzy logic is utilized in the decision making
level of the system in order to improve the verification
rate and to lower the FAR and FRR. The proposed
system fused information gathered from a face com-
parator and a speaker comparator. Unsupervised prin-
cipal component analysis (PCA) was used for face
Figure 1: overview of a typical fuzzy logic system (Mendel, 1995).
Table 1: Table of work that was used for static authentication. Ordered by mention in this paper.
Multi-modal human verification using face and speech (Park et al., 2006)
Fuzzy logic decision fusion in a multimodal biometric system (Lau et al., 2004)
Adaptive weight estimation in multi-biometric verification using fuzzy logic de-
cision fusion
(Hui et al., 2007)
Quality based Speaker Verification Systems using Fuzzy Inference Fusion
(Hamid and Ramli, 2014)
An efficient multi-modal biometric person authentication system using Fuzzy
(Vasuhi et al., 2010)
Multimodal biometric system fusion using fingerprint and iris with fuzzy logic (Abdolahi et al., 2013)
recognition (Rowley et al., 1998). For speaker ver-
ification Hidden Markov Models (HMM) (Samaria
and Young, 1994) were used by the authors. The ex-
periments carried out by the authors achieved a verifi-
cation rate of 99.99% at an FAR of 0.001%, which is
an improvement over the individual modalities’ per-
formance of 98.5% and 97.37% verification rate for
face and speaker comparators respectively, both at an
FAR of 0.01%.
Lau et al. also proposed a system where fuzzy
logic is used to improve a verification system (Lau
et al., 2004). The authors combined fingerprint, face
and speaker verification into a system using fuzzy
logic to dynamically alter the weights of the differ-
ent characteristics. External factors, e.g. lighting, are
measured and then used by the fuzzy logic system to
determine the weights for the final decision calcula-
tion. Only the weights for face and fingerprint recog-
nition were calculated using the fuzzy logic based
approach. In different experiments the proposed ap-
proach achieved EER values in the range of 0.31% to
0.81% compared to the base line fusion by weighted
avarage scores with EER values in the range of 0.50%
and 0.84%.
Hui et al. presented an improvement over the sys-
tem proposed by Lau et. al. by adding a method to
compute a measurement of noise in the speaker recog-
nition (Hui et al., 2007). This signal-to-noise ratio is
then used by the fuzzy logic system to calculate the
optimized weight for the speaker comparison. In ex-
periments utilizing paired test sets the proposed so-
lution was able to show an overall improvement of
the EER by 42.1% compared to a solution based on
weighted average fusion.
A similar system, where fuzzy logic is used to
compute weights for the different biometric scores,
was proposed by Hamid et al. (Hamid and Ramli,
2014). The authors performed experiments using both
the Sugeno-type and Mamdani-type fuzzy models.
The paper did not present a comparison to base line
fusion solutions, however, it clearly showed the per-
formance gained by the fuzzy fusion approach com-
pared to single modalities.
Vasuhi et al. proposed a system where the final
decision is made by fusing the comparison scores
produced by speaker and fingerprint matchers with
fuzzy logic rules (Vasuhi et al., 2010). For voice
recognition, the authors used a text dependent speaker
verification using HMM. For the feature extrac-
tion and classification Mel-frequency Cepstral Coef-
ficients (MFFCC) were used (Hasan et al., 2004)
(Biswas et al., 2007). The authors proposed and used
the Cross Correlation of Field Orientation (CCFP) as
bases for their fingerprint comparator. The work did
not present any statistically significant results, how-
ever it claims to present an efficient solution that over-
comes the drawbacks of individual sensors.
Abdolahi et al. follow a similar approach, where
Table 2: Table of work that was used for continuous authentication. Ordered by mention in this paper.
Ensuring the identity of a user in time: a multi-modal fuzzy approach (Azzini et al., 2007)
A fuzzy approach to multimodal biometric continuous authentication (Azzini et al., 2008)
Continuous authentication using mouse dynamics (Mondal and Bours, 2013)
the scores of fingerprint and iris matchers are used as
inputs for the fuzzy logic system, which calculates the
final decision (Abdolahi et al., 2013). Discussed re-
sults only show advantages with respect to uni-modal
base comparators.
4.2.2 Continuous Authentication
In highly sensitive environments, it might be neces-
sary to confirm the identity of subjects at random in-
tervals to prevent identity substitution after the initial
authentication. For these cases, systems using contin-
uous authentication were proposed.
Two papers by Azzini et al. focus on the integra-
tion of fuzzy logic into a solution for continuous au-
thentication (Azzini et al., 2007) (Azzini et al., 2008).
In both systems, fuzzy logic was used to calculate the
decisions using the scores scored by different biomet-
ric sources as its input. The authors conclude their
work with a positive view on the achieved perfor-
mance with emphasis on the capabilities of the solu-
tion when the context variables in the acquisition are
not optimal.
In theory, fuzzy logic techniques can be used to
build a more robust trust model for continuous au-
thentication. Recent advances regarding continuous
authentication and trust models can be seen in the
work of Mondal et al. (Mondal and Bours, 2013).
4.3 Type of Data Fused
4.3.1 Fuzzy Logic Decision
Here, the input for the fuzzy logic system is the bio-
metric scores from different sources. The fuzzy logic
solution tries to optimally fuse those scores into a fi-
nal unified biometric decision. Much previous work
followed this approach to improve the performance
of biometric systems. The papers by Abdolahi et
al., Azzini et al., Park et al. and Vasuhi et al. (Ab-
dolahi et al., 2013) (Azzini et al., 2007) (Azzini et al.,
2008) (Park et al., 2006) (Vasuhi et al., 2010) were
based on this technique. More details about those
works and the achieved performances are discussed
in Section 4.2.
4.3.2 Fuzzy Adaptive Weight Score-level Fusion
For this approach, fuzzy logic is used to calculate
optimal weights for the scores of different biometric
sources using external factors such as capture quality
measures (e.g. illumination). The fusion itself is a
weighted score-level fusion. This methodology was
used by Hamid et al., Hui et al. and Lau et al. (Hamid
and Ramli, 2014) (Hui et al., 2007) (Lau et al., 2004).
4.3.3 Fusion Using Non-biometric Data
Azzani et al. included a strictly non-biometric input
into the fuzzy logic fusion (Azzini et al., 2007) (Azz-
ini et al., 2008). A password entered by the subject
is fused along with the biometric information to pro-
duce a final authentication decision. While the score
of the password is simply represented by a 1 if it was
correct, and a 0, if it was not correct, this inclusion
was noteworthy and can be extended to different non-
biometric information.
This paper presented a literature survey of the utiliza-
tion of fuzzy logic within multi-biometric systems. It
discusses the previously presented work based on two
criteria. First is the authentication scenario, whether
it is a conventional (static) or a continuous authenti-
cation. The second criterion is based on the type of
fused information as well as the nature of the fuzzy
logic application. All reviewed papers show that the
use of fuzzy logic can improve multi-biometric sys-
tems in certain scenarios. The presented works, es-
pecially the ones conducted in (Azzini et al., 2008),
show that selecting appropriate fuzzy membership
functions and defining the most beneficial set of fuzzy
rules is not a trivial task and might require time and
effort. These parameters also depend strongly on the
application in question. Unfortunately none of the ex-
periments in the previous work were conducted us-
ing a large and publicly available database. Future
work should, therefore, be more comparable to exist-
ing solutions and include the investigation of the ap-
propriate scenarios for the utilization of fuzzy logic.
It should as well discuss methods that should be fol-
lowed to optimize the parameters of the fuzzy logic
solution. Another task for future work would be the
verification of these approaches by using large and
open accessibly database. Reproducibility and veri-
fication of the results these proposals have produced
might support a trend of continuing and expanding re-
search in combining fuzzy logic with biometric recog-
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