Environmental Disclosure
From the Accounting to the Report Perspective
Francisco Carreira
, Ana Damião
, Rute Abreu
and Fátima David
Setúbal Polytechnic Institute, Campus do IPS, Estefanilha, 2914-503 Setúbal, Portugal
Guarda Polytechnic Institute, Av. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 50, 6300-559 Guarda, Portugal
Keywords: Environmental Index, Disclosure, Accounting, Reporting.
Abstract: This paper focus on the environmental disclosure (ED) promoted by firms, due to the strong demand for
information and identification of the relevant data that pursuit the new legal requirements. The methodology
is separate, by one side, on the theoretical framework based on the disclosure of environmental information
(EI) and the true and fair view based on the accounting perspective. Indeed, the paper provides an
understanding of the Patten (2002), Clarkson et al. (2008) and Monteiro (2007) researches. And, by the
other side, the empirical analysis, at longitudinal and exploratory level, measures the degree of disclosure of
the environmental information based on the report perspective. The authors present an Environmental
Disclosure Index (EDI) and discuss the increase of the environmental reporting (ER) over the time and
disclosure level of items published in the firms’ annual reports listed on the Lisbon Euronext Stock Market,
during the period of 2007-2009.
Environmental information (EI) must help the
society and firms to recognize the impact on the
environment of business decisions (Milne and
Patten, 2001; Kuk et al., 2005). Information systems
as Carlson et al., (2001) argue: “By making use of
current business information technology, such as
Internet-accessible tools, and industrial
environmental management tools, standards, policies
and legislation an information system for EI
management has been designed”. The constant need
of information from the EI system help managers to
identify environmental risks, structure of costs and
investments which need a challenge to be faced by
firms. The environment could not be defended only
by strictly economic results (Mendes, 2007). Indeed,
environmental accounting and its reporting are,
mostly, made by a voluntary character, especially
when they concern the natural environment. The
requirements of environmental standards, issued by
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
have been the basis to many researches on
environmental responsibility. To meet these
demands (Fernando et al., 2010) the corporate
annual report (AR) and accounting information
system have been considered as one of the important
information systems to communicate with firms’
stakeholders. From the literature, Gray and Collison
(2002) says that the concept of sustainable
development appears to challenge or defy different
measures within the financial accounting economic-
based model, which are nowadays the main factors
of corporate success. According to this concept
economic development and the natural
environment’s protection are jointly treated and not
apart (Barros, 2008). The methodology used is: first,
as a qualitative research to understand the meaning
that firms and managers have pointed out to the
environmental disclosure (ED): how people make
sense of their world and the experiences they have in
it (Merriam, 2009); and second, as a quantitative
research to identify concepts, comparable metrics
and make statistical treatments to classify as relevant
management or accounting as a major challenge
(van Dijk et al., 2014). First, authors discuss the
literature review on the disclosure of EI; Second,
authors present an empirical analysis, which
describes the research methodology, the sample
used, the data collection process and the hypotheses
tested, as well as, the results obtained. Third, authors
present the conclusions, limitations and proposals
for future research.
Carreira F., Damião A., Abreu R. and David F..
Environmental Disclosure - From the Accounting to the Report Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0004973604960501
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 496-501
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The disclosure of EI is based on the document
analysis as it is been promoted by Bowen (2009).
Several studies show concerns about sustainability
reporting, such as: Gray (2002, 2006), Gray and
Collison (2002), Sahay (2004), Byrch et al. (2007).
Although, ED is already a widespread tendency in
large and small and medium firms, it does not
address these issues on their AR (Sahay, 2004; Chan
and Welford, 2005). Indeed, it constitutes a
challenge to firms whose current environmental
focus are presented on monetary terms (Lamberton,
2005; Cho and Patten, 2007). Another example are
the corporate AR that, usally, disclose their “good”
business practices that ensure the sustainability of
the business in order to contribute to the
maximization of shareholder value, but nothing
related to the “bad” business practices of the
environment (Chan and Welford, 2005). But, there is
a danger of transmitting a false image of firms’
reports, emphasizing those that are managed
positively (Lamberton, 2005; DeVilliers and van
Staden, 2006). Niskala and Pretes (1995) say that
there are evidence about environmental reporting
(ER) to be subjective, because the ED can change
due to the voluntary basis. Neyland (2007) argues
that these informations give more transparency to
AR. Other example of disclosure could be the
publication of standards by National Entities or
Standard Setting Bodies in different countries about
environmental responsibility. In Portugal there is a
Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards 26 -
Environmental Issues (CNC, 2009), that prescribes
the accounting treatment for EI in terms of
recognition, measurement and disclosure. However,
entities with securities listed on regulated markets of
the member States of the European Union (EU) and
with consolidated accounts, do not apply this
standard. In these cases, the application of the
International Accounting Standards issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is
mandatory, since January 2005 (CNC, 2005).
Undeniably, Monteiro (2007) has identified some
factors that explain the ED practices in large firms
that operate in Portugal. Main factors could be
significantly associated with the prominence of ED
among the firms included in the sample, in order to
ascertain as to the existence of a significant (positive
or negative) relationship between ER and financial
performance. These concepts and ER seems to
identify several variables based on financial
accounting and as currently business success factors
(Gray, 2002). As van Dick et al. (2014) defends “the
most important challenge to sourcing environmental
data is not always data collection per se, but often
rather that collected data are too unlike,
insufficiently described, and notmachine readable
and therefore cannot (easily) be used in national
accounts and reports”. So, this research seeks to
analyse the ED on behalf of good practices
promoted by the firms listed on the Euronext Stock
Market which it will be associated with other
variables from the firms’ AR disclosures.
There is a theoretical assumption that the disclosure
on environmental and social issues has a potential
impact on the companies’ economic and financial,
environmental and social performances (Gray,
2006), because it is thought that sustainability
reporting might improve corporate behavior. Many
authors have been analysed the firms’ AR (Niskala
and Pretes, 1995; Patten, 2002; DeVilliers and van
Staden, 2006; Cho and Patten, 2007). Al-Tuwaijri et
al. (2004) show that the relationships between ED,
environmental performance and economic
performance relates these three aspects, two by two.
Regarding the relationship between social and ED
and financial performance, conclusions have not
been entirely clear (Gray, 2006). There are many
reasons for this inconclusiveness, i.e., users of
financial information, and stakeholders of firms that
may or may not recognize the added value of the
environmental and social nature disclosures. One of
the main issues that firms must disclosure to their
stakeholders is the AR (DeVilliers and van Staden,
2006). This has been the main data source for most
empirical studies on the ED (Barros, 2008). The
methodology used in most cases is the content
analysis and it aims to assess as to whether a
significant, positive or negative, relation between the
ED matters and some corporate factors, considered
as part of the economic and financial performance,
may be established. In this research it was necessary
to study the population of the listed firms on the
Lisbon Euronext Stock Market, during 2007-2009.
In depuration process, the research concentrates
mainly in the firms that belong to the PSI-20 Index.
However, the final sample is not represented by 20
firms, reported to a certain date. Indeed, this study
considers 24 firms that remained throughout that
period as well as those that entered, continuing to
consider the data of those that were excluded from
the index under review. After the sample
identification, we consulted the public avaliable
information, through the websites of each firm and
identify the industry sectors. In the qualitative
component, we conduct a content analysis of each
AR and construct an EDI, following the studies of
Patten (2002), Cho and Patten (2007) and Monteiro
(2007). Also, Clarkson et al. (2008) developed a
content analysis index, based on the GRI reporting
guidelines to assess the level of discretionary ED in
environmental and social responsibility reports
(GRI, 2014). They included this information in the
model as their ED variable presented in Table 1.
The main purpose of EDI will measure the extent of
information based on the firms’ AR and it applies a
scoring system awarding zero points in the absence
of the item or one point in their presence.
Table 1: Items include on Environmental Disclosure Index.
Annual Report
A Environmental programmes and policies
B Preventive measures/environmental protection
C Compliance with environmental regulations
D Reference to certification
Environmental investments/capital expenditures
(past and in the current year)
Environmental performance/risks and impact on the
environment (quantitative information)
G Environmental indicators
H Environmental management system
I Training on the environment
J External environmental audit
K Future environmental investment & expenditures
L Awards and recognition related to the environment
M Mention of improvements made year by year
N Mention of an environmental/sustainability report
O Initiative, awareness campaign, study, conferences
P Measurement criteria related with the environment
Q Environmental incentives
Environmental expenditures allocated to results
(expenses: operating costs)
S Environmental capitalized expenditures (investment)
T Environmental liabilities
U Environmental contingent liabilities
V Environmental provisions
W Fees/penalties relating to environmental issues
X Heading: "Information on environmental matters"
Y Heading "CO2 licenses"
In the quantitative component, we develop a
descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis to
test the 3 hypotheses formulated below (Hair et al,
2005; Greene, 2012). According to Monteiro (2007),
the analysis is based on the following variables:
Environmental Reporting. After the exploratory
study of the AR of the sample firms, we evaluate all
environmental items classified them according to the
items listed in Table 1 as required to be disclose in
the reports according to the NCRF 26. This standard
is applied to non-listed firms or to those firms
excluded from consolidation procedure. The
intention was to verify if these firms disclosure the
information in the consolidated AR, because the
statements are representative of an entire group of
firms and this type of information on the
environment has been considered increasingly
relevant over time and it cannot be totally
disregarded or overlooked when disclosing
information about the whole group. The score of the
EDI of each firm is obtained by dividing the total
score for a firm by the number of points awarded
(Monteiro, 2007).
Firm Size. According to
Hackston and Milne (1996), Legitimacy Theory
withholds arguments for the existence of a size-
environmental disclosure relationship. Firm size is
an important factor in the disclosure of
environmental matters since it has been shown in
previous empirical studies that it is the larger
companies that tend to disclose this type of
information, according Stray and Ballantine (2000).
Previous empirical evidence has shown that firm
size has been indicated as a key determinant of the
quantity of ED (Knox et al., 2005; Monteiro, 2007).
According to Hackston & Milne (1996) the proxy
used is Total Net Asset as presented on the balance
Profitability. Neves (2002) and Penman
(2013), state that a firms’ financial performance can
be analyzed using both accounting and market
variables, knowing that accounting information is
based on past performance while the market
information is based on the investors expectatives
about the firms performance. Acording to Neves
(2002), Cho et al. (2010) and Penman (2013), the
proxy used is Return on Assets as a measure of the
Economic Sector. It is also important
to consider the economic sector to which a firm
belongs because several sectors have different
informational levels, but within each sector there are
also significant differences in disclosure (Leote and
Rita, 2008). In this exploratory study, the variable
that distinguishes the economic sector depends on
the impact they have on the natural environment
(more or less significant). It is a dichotomous
variable to identify sectors that are less “critical”,
such as: financial activities (banks), media, and
information technology with zero; and if the firm
belongs to a “critical” sector, such as all the others,
with one. This classification is subjective and as
Monteiro (2007) states: “any ad hoc grading is
necessarily accompanied by a high dose of
subjectivity”. The hypotheses are expected to
influence the disclosure of EI by the sample, then we
will answer to the significant relationships between
diferente variables and disclosure of EI. The first
hypothesis has been formulated: H
: There is no
significant relationship between firm size and
environmental disclosure. This variable appears
positively related to social and ED. Larger firms
disclosure more information on these matters
(Barros, 2008) and Patten (2002) says: “larger
companies, (...), tend to disclose more information
than smaller firms”. Similar conclusion has been
reached by Sahay (2004), Monteiro (2007) and Cho
et al. (2010). This can be due to the fact that larger
firms have greater visibility and consequently, social
and ED can be a way to gain a better corporate
reputation (Gray, 2006; Sánchez and Sottorrío,
2007). Due to this increased visibility, Knox et al.
(2005) and Barros (2008) also indicate that the
larger firms may be subject to greater pressure from
the general public and that this “makes these present
greater amounts of information” (Barros, 2008:38).
By other perspective, the second hypothesis has
been formulated: H2-0: There is no significant
relationship between profitability and environmental
disclosure. As Cho et al. (2010) defend: although
not as consistently documented as firm size and
industry affiliation, profitability (has) been shown to
be significantly associated with ED. Barros (2008)
argues that the relationship between the firms’
profitability and the ED has been studied by several
authors, but this relationship has been difficult to
evaluate. Some of other studies mentioned by
Monteiro (2007) and Barros (2008) reveal no
significant relationship between profitability and
disclosure on social responsibility, such as Hackston
and Milne’s (1996). The studies that suggest a
positive relationship between these two aspects are
fewer in number (Teoh et al., 1998; Suwaidan et al.,
2004). The third hypothesis has been formulated:
H3-0: There is no significant relationship between
economic sector and environmental disclosure. The
economic sector in which the firm operates seems to
be related to the good ED practices (Sahay, 2004;
Knox et al., 2005; Monteiro, 2007). DeVilliers and
van Staden (2006) argues that “prior research
indicates company size and industry are strong
predictors of the quantity of environmental
disclosures”. The economic sectors with greater
environmental impact are subject to a wide variety
of environmental legislation (Barros, 2008). Firms
find themselves obliged to make public their
environmental performances and actions (Monteiro,
2007). Patten (2002) argues that “firms from
industries that have high sensitivity to potential
environmental legislation, petroleum, chemical,
metals, and paper industries, tend to make more
extensive disclosures than firms from less
environmentally sensitive industries.” The data
collected was processed and statistically analyzed
using SPSS – version 17.0 for Windows. The EDI
measures the degree of
ER in the firms listed in the
sample. These values show several firms that reach a
higher score of EDI, i.e. disclosure more EI items
and others that get less score as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Firms disclosure in EDI, 2007-2009.
Firms Environmental Disclosure Index
2007 2008 2009
ore disclosure
Portucel=0,64 Portucel=0,72 EDP = 0,88
Semapa=0,60 Semapa = 0,72 EDPR = 0,84
Cimpor=0,56 EDPR = 0,72 Semapa = 0,72
Galp=0,56 Galp = 0,60
Cofina=0,00 Cofina =0,00 Cofina = 0,00
Novabase=0,00Novabase=0,00 Impresa = 0,08
ZON = 0,00 ZON = 0,04 BPI = 0,12
BCP= 0,04 BCP = 0,04 BES = 0,16
Table 3 presents firms that disclose more items
than those that belonging to industry sectors with a
significant impact on the natural environment:
building materials and fixtures, oil and gas,
electricity, and paper. Those firms that disclosure
less have minor impact on the environment, such as:
three banks, two media branches firms and two
belonging to information technology and
entertainment sectors.
Table 3: Items disclosure in EDI, 2007-2009.
Number of firms
2007 2008 2009
More Disclosed Items
A-Environmental programmes
and policies
15 17 21
B-Preventive measures and
environmental protection
14 16 18
Less Disclosed Items
J-External environmental audit 1 --- ---
U-Environmental contingent
3 2 2
W-Fees/penalties relating to
environmental issues
--- 1 1
The first two hypotheses were tested by examining
the correlations between variables. For this purpose,
we based on Hair et al (2005), Jain and Aggarwal
(2011) and Greene (2012). The Pearson’s statistics
allows to analyze whether the variables are
positively or negatively correlated and whether the
relationship between them is strong or weak.
Associated to this, we have the significance level (or
p-value), which concludes with the relationship
between two variables is statistically significant or
not. The smaller value, then better indicator when <
0,05. Hypothesis 1 (Firm Size). The correlations
between the firm size and the EDI are negative
throughout the three-year period. Thus, one of these
variables tends to increase, when the other decrease.
Also, the correlation is weak because Pearson’s
statistics is very low (24% in 2007, 25% in 2008 and
only 7% in 2009). This may imply that the two
variables are not directly associated at all. According
to the statistic results, the association between firm
size and the ED level is not statistically relevant,
whereby hypothesis 1 is not supported. Hypothesis 2
(Profitability). The correlation between the
profitability and EDI, during 2007-2008, Pearson’s
statistics is above 50%, demonstrating a positive and
significant relationship between the profitability and
EDI. However, in 2009, the significance level
persists on p-value equal to 0,749, despite the
positive correlation. Pearson’s statistics is only 7,2%
in 2009, reflecting a much weaker relationship
between the variables than during the two previous
years. The correlations between profitability and
EDI present mixed values. The association between
two variables is therefore inconclusive, then it is
reject hypothesis 2. These results are similar to those
of Freedman and Jaggi (1988), Belkaoui and Karpic
(1989), Roberts (1992), Gray (2006), as opposed to
those of Al-Tuwaijri et al. (2004), Teoh et al. (1998),
Suwaidan et al. (2004) who found a positive
relationship between profitability and ED.
Hypothesis 3 (Economic Sector). The T-test of the
economic sector and the EDI present large
differences between the mean values of the
economic sectors classified as “non critical” and
those classified as “critical”, over the three years.
Also, it is possible to conclude that the firms that
belong to “critical” sectors, on average, disclosure
more EI than those belonging to “non critical”
sectors. The average values for the “critical” sectors
are substantially higher than those of “non-critical”
sectors. These same values, in both cases, tend to
increase over these three years, which means that the
sample tends to gradually increase the ED and
determined a significant relationship between the
type of economic sector in which a firm operates and
its ER level: Niskala and Pretes (1995), Sahay
(2004), Knox et al. (2005), Monteiro (2007).
Hypothesis 3 in our study is supported.
The ED is a topic that has gained interest of many
researchers from the accounting to the report
perspective. Although, there is separation in the
voluntary and mandatory nature of the AR, the last
one is based on the accounting theory that obliges to
use a more rigorous AR. The voluntary disclosure
aims to answer to the report perspective of the ED
focuses on the socio-political theories. Further
evidence to support the previous arguments appears
from the EDI that aim to measure the degree of
disclosure of environmental report in firms
comprised in sample, following Patten (2002),
Clarkson et al. (2008) and Monteiro (2007). The
EDI values, over the three years, tend to increase
which allows authors to conclude that the disclosure
level of ER has increased over time and there have
been more and more items of environmental matters
published in the firms’ AR. However, we must not
forget that the EDI values for one firm are not
directly comparable with another. Despite these
findings, several issues remain unsolved with this
literature. One is related with size sample, because
24 firms introduce sample bias to the relevance of
the statistical result. Another limitation is the firm
size, which it could introduce size bias due to
several reasons that led to the rejection of the first
hypothesis and the size of these listed firms is still
far from the classification as Small and Medium
Enterprises. The EDI based on NCRF 26 allows
firms in the sample to not apply these items from the
accounting standard. The data collecting method was
limited to the content analysis of the AR. It is only
public available information and the degree of bias
in these narratives varies systematically with the
expert environment that exhibit significantly more
optimism and certainty. As Milne and Patten (1996)
argue, the aim is to change firms behaviour from the
Stock Market, in the sense that, the focus has largely
been upon what firms are doing with information
rather than upon whom the actual or intended
recipients might be, and what they are or are
expected to be doing with information…
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