An Approach to Detect Polarity Variation Rules for Sentiment Analysis
Pierluca Sangiorgi
, Agnese Augello
and Giovanni Pilato
ICAR, Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni, CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,
Viale delle Scienze - Edificio 11, 90128, Palermo, Italy
INAF, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica - Palermo, via U. La Malfa 153, 90146, Palermo, Italy
Subjectivity Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Machine Learning.
Sentiment Analysis is a discipline that aims at identifying and extract the subjectivity expressed by authors
of information sources. Sentiment Analysis can be applied at different level of granularity and each of them
still has open issues. In this paper we propose a completely unsupervised approach aimed at inducing a set
of words patterns that change the polarity of subjective terms. This is a very important task because, while
sentiment lexicons are valid tools that can be used to identify the polarity at word level, working at different
level of granularity they are no longer sufficient, because of the various aspects to consider like the context,
the use of negations and so on that can change the polarity of subjective terms.
In recent years, with the advent of blogs, forums, so-
cial communities, product rating platforms and so on,
users have become more active in production of large
amount of information. Starting from news as well as
products reviews and any other information systems
that allow on-line user interaction in terms of con-
tents, users provide information through their contri-
butions in the form of opinions, discussions, reviews
and so on.
Companies and organizations are increasingly in-
terested in this type of information because it can be
used as knowledge resource for operations of market
survey, political behavior and, in general, measure-
ment of satisfaction.
Information produced by network users usually
regards what is known as their ”private states”: their
opinions, emotions, sentiments, evaluations and be-
liefs (Quirk et al., 1985) (Banea et al., 2011). The
term subjectivity is usually used in literature as a lin-
guistic expression of private state (Banea et al., 2011).
One of the latest and most challenging research
task is the automatic detection of subjectivity pres-
ence in text, which is named subjectivity analysis.
The task to also identifying, where possible, its po-
larity, by classifying it as neutral, positive or negative
is defined in literature as sentiment analysis.
Sentiment analysis may be realized at several lev-
els of granularity, like word, sentence, phrase or doc-
ument level. Usually each level of analysis exploits
the results obtained by the underlying layers.
What makes these tasks hard to achieve is the am-
biguity of words, the context-sensitivity of subjec-
tive terms, the need of appropriate linguistic resources
for different languages, the presence of negations, the
presence of irony, and so on (Montoyo et al., 2012).
In this paper we propose an approach to auto-
matically discover several sequential patterns (i.e.
a sequence of tokens in the sentence) in a specific
language that change the polarity of subjective words.
The novelty of the approach is that it is completely
unsupervised, requiring only the use of one single
linguistic resource: a sentiment lexicon, which is
specific for the language under consideration. This
can be done in order to build a polarity variation
detector to be used in sentiment analysis applications.
In sentiment analysis, the comprehension of sen-
tences polarities is a complex task, which involves
the analysis of the composition of the words in the
sentences, considering their prior polarities. Several
sentiment lexicons (Wilson et al., 2005a), (Stone and
Hunt, 1963), (Baccianella et al., 2010), (Strapparava
and Valitutti, 2004), can be accessed in order to ex-
amine the polarity at a “word-level”; in some cases
Sangiorgi P., Augello A. and Pilato G..
An Approach to Detect Polarity Variation Rules for Sentiment Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004961903440349
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 344-349
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
these lexicons can be obtained trough machine learn-
ing approaches (which cluster terms according to their
distributional similarity (Turney and Littman, 2003)),
or by means of bootstrapping methodologies starting
from few term-seeds (Banea et al., 2011)(Pitel and
Grefenstette, 2008).
Polarity of words is highly dependent on the do-
main in which they are used, so that adjectives with
positive polarity could have an opposite or a neutral
polarity in another domain. Moreover, especially in
the context of product reviews users often adopt ab-
breviations and idioms; therefore methods for the au-
tomatic creation of lexicons may be very useful in this
context also to improve existing dictionaries.
At a ”sentence-level” it is necessary consider the
composition of the word, with their prior polarities,
into the phrase. Different compositional models have
been proposed in (Yessenalina and Cardie, 2011),
(Wu et al., 2011) and (Chardon et al., 2013). In
(Hu and Liu, 2004) a set of adjective words (opinions
words) is identified using a natural language process-
ing method in order to decide the opinion orientation
of a sentence: for each opinion word its semantic ori-
entation is determined, and the opinion orientation is
then predicted by analyzing the predominance of pos-
itive or negative words. In (Moilanen and Pulman,
2007) a composition model based on a syntactic tree
representation has been proposed. Many other factors
have to be considered, especially the presence of po-
larity influencers (Wilson et al., 2005b) (Polanyi and
Zaenen, 2006). In (Wilson et al., 2005b) a study on
the most important features for recognizing contex-
tual polarity has been performed, and the performance
of these features has been evaluated by using several
different machine learning algorithms. In (Tan et al.,
2012) it has been proposed an automatic approach to
detect polarity pattern rules, based on the extraction
of typed dependency bi-grams of sentences and the
use of Class Sequential Rules (CSRs) to derive po-
larity class rules from sequential patterns within the
bi-grams. In (Tromp and Pechenizkiy, 2013) is pro-
posed an algorithm for polarity detection based on the
use of different heuristic rules.
The proposed approach is thought to work in an unsu-
pervised manner. It can be run just one time in order
to define the rules. A subsequent re-run of this ap-
proach is not required, excepted for an extension of
the number of rules using other data sets as inputs.
The process can be viewed as a black box that pro-
duces, given a set of documents as input, a set of rules
in a specific structure that will be described below.
The entire process can be decomposed in a sequence
of steps as reported in figure 1.
Figure 1: The architecture of the proposed approach.
The main idea is to extract several user reviews
expressed in English language from an on-line mar-
ket store which implements a star rating system. Each
one of the reviews represents a short document, usu-
ally a sentence, that can be classified as having pos-
itive or negative polarity according to the number of
stars that are compulsorily inserted by the users in or-
der to publish a review.
Given these two classes of documents, after a sim-
ple pre-processing through a tokenizer used for split-
ting their content into words, we scan each word by
exploiting a sentiment lexicon in English language.
If in a document with a given polarity is detected a
word with a different one, the three words to its left
and those to its right are saved in a list.
Repeating this process for all the extracted re-
views, we obtain a collection of words typically sur-
rounding subjective words that, “for some reason”,
are probably responsible for the variation of the po-
larity of the subjective words.
Without concerning why these rules change words
polarity, we can study them in terms of frequency,
support and confidence and select the most promising
The collection of these sequential patterns will
form a set of polarity variation rules. These rules
could be integrated in a polarity variation detector in
order to check, during other sentiment analysis appli-
cations, if a given sentence matches one of these new
rules and therefore a different polarity for the term
should be considered.
In a nutshell, the approach is based on four main
1. extraction of a large amount of user reviews from
on-line market store with star rating system;
2. sentiment analysis at word level using sentiment
3. extraction of the left and right context of a subjec-
tive word with inverted polarity respect to that of
the sentence;
4. identification of the sequential patterns rules that
change the polarity;
It might seem that an approach like this could be
replaced by a set of rules manually written by pro-
fessional linguists, but this is not completely true.
This because a linguist can define rules based on the
grammar of the language that not always fits the “lan-
guage” generally used by people on the social media.
Furthermore, this approach can be potentially applied
to any language of interest, since the polarity variation
detection depends only on the tools used.
In our approach three main elements can be identified:
1. the input resources which consist of on-line user
reviews that we want to analyze;
2. the processing chain;
3. the output which consist of linguistic patterns that
cause the change of polarity of subjective terms.
We define reviews as input as an ordered sequence of
variable length of words, punctuation and symbols z
= {z
, z
, z
, ..., z
and the desired output as two lists P
= {p
} and
= {p
}, respectively for positive and negative
sentences, of sequential patterns:
= [n
, n
, n
, n
, n
, n
composed by an experimentally fixed number of
terms, some of which empty, that represent the
sequence of three terms that are present before (n
, n
) and after (n
, n
, n
) a subjective term, which
can cause its polarity variation.
The details of the entire processing chain will be
described in the next subsections.
4.1 Acquisition and Data Preparation
The first step of the processing chain accomplishes
the task of collecting reviews in order to create the
knowledge resource, rich of subjective terms, from
which to extract the polarity variation rules.
To this aim we consider the on-line user reviews
as information sources, this because this type of
text carries out opinions and sentiments expressed by
the users, containing subjectivity terms with an high
In particular, we are considering to retrieve the re-
views from the Google Play market store, Amazon,
Itunes or other on-line market shop.
This choice is motivated by a fundamental feature
characterizing this kind of stores: they implement a
star rating system, with scores usually from one to
five, that must be inserted by the users in order to pub-
lish a review. This feature allows us to extract reviews
as classified in terms of opinion (bad or good) ex-
pression. We make the supposition that reviews with
higher value of stars express positive sentiments of
users while reviews with lower value of stars express
negative sentiments.
The result of this step is to extract several reviews
with their associated stars values for different prod-
ucts and group them by positive or negative expressed
opinion in two large class of documents R
= {r
and R
= {r
}, considering only the stars values.
Once the classes of documents are built, they pass
through a tokenizer chain to split the content of re-
views in separated terms. The splitting must be
done considering space character as well as punc-
tuation, maintaining every remaining alphanumeric
terms without filtering.
No other text pre-processing, like stopwords re-
moval, must be done, this because we are interested
to all terms that compose the reviews and could be de-
terminant in the rules definition despite they not carry
out particular information. For example think about
terms like ”but”, ”not” and so on.
The result of this process is that every review is
cleaned from spaces, punctuation and symbols. This
lead to a review r
composed only by terms t
= {t
, t
, t
, ..., t
4.2 Identification of the Variation
Neighborhood Lists
Given the i-th review with positive polarity r
composed by a sequence of terms t
= {t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, ...}
every j-th term t
is checked through a senti-
ment lexicon, and whenever the term is detected as
being subjective with negative polarity, the term is
marked and its neighbor terms are stored in an array
of predetermined size:
= [n
, n
, n
, n
, n
, n
n = t (if t is a valid terms)
n = ” (if t is empty).
We define as “Variation Neighborhood List a set
of sequential patterns of fixed size composed by the
terms in the left and in the right context of the sub-
jective terms with discordant polarity, and in this case
is an element of the Variation Neighborhood List
= {N
} relative to the positive reviews.
This operation is executed for both positive and
negative reviews. Generally speaking, we state that
whenever a discordance between the prior polarity of
a subjective term with the polarity of the review that
the term belongs to is detected, a new element of the
Variation Neighborhood List is built.
In order to clarify this statement, let us consider,
for example, three negative reviews after the tok-
enizer process:
= {this, app, is, good, when, it, works, but,
ninety, percent, of, the, time, it, will, not, even, open,
on, my, phone}
= {my, previous, review, was, good, as, i,
was, satisfied, with, the, app, but, now, feel, that, its,
the, worst, app, ever}
= {not, good, needs, to, be, fixed}
All the three reviews contain the subjective
term good that have positive prior polarity, which
is however discordant with the overall sentiment
expressed by the reviews.
In this case we build the three arrays:
= [this, app, is, when, it, works]
= [previous, review, was, as, i, was]
= [ , , not, needs, to, be]
Note that the subjective term is discarded and not
stored in the array, this because we are interested to
its context which can affect its polarity as well as the
context of other subjective terms.
The only restriction is to consider only an even
number of terms for each context in order to have al-
ways patterns with the first half of terms referring to
the left context of subjective terms and the second half
to the right.
4.3 Rules Extractor
Once the two Neighborhood Lists L
and L
tively for positive and negative reviews are built, they
are singularly processed in order to extract the two
final set of polarity variation rules.
In order to reach this goal, the list is expanded
adding all possible combinations of terms of the orig-
inal sequential patterns extracted in the previews step.
Considering the sequential pattern N
of the above
example, this means create additional sequential pat-
terns N
with k [1, 62], like:
= [previous, , , , , ]
= [ , review, , , , ]
= [ , , was, , , ]
= {previous, , , as, i, was}
and so on.
The k-th sequential pattern is built considering the
binary encoding of k that leave the original terms in
the positions with value equal to 1 and replace the
terms with in the positions with value equal to 0.
k=0 and k=63 are not considered because they are re-
spectively the empty pattern and the original pattern.
Note that 63 is the maximum number of sequential
patterns for each polarity variation detected, but they
could be less if the original pattern have empty ele-
ments (” ”).
After the expansion process, the next step is to
compare all the sequential patterns of the expanded
list, remove all the duplicates and saving for each pat-
tern its value of frequency.
Since a pattern with few empty elements is strong
and representative of polarity variation, but not prob-
able to occur many times, instead of its frequency we
consider a weight value w associated to each pattern;
w is defined as:
w = ( f -1)*l
where l is the number of non empty elements of
the pattern (l [1, 6]) and f is the frequency of the
pattern in the list.
In this way patterns that occur only once in the
list have weight w equal to 0 and therefore they are
discarded. Patterns with higher value of l, have an
high confidence, but a very low support.
Considering only the frequency does not work: for
example, let us consider that a pattern N
with a fre-
quency value of 2, implies the existence of 6 patterns
with the same frequency but l=1 (N
, N
, N
, N
, N
), as well as the other ”sub-patterns” with
all value of l generated from the expansion procedure
of the pattern with l=6.
Once the weight value w is calculated, for each
patterns for the two Neighborhood Lists, using an ap-
propriate value of threshold we remove all the pat-
terns with a value lower than a given threshold .
All the patterns remaining from the cut-off phase
represent the polarity variation rules we are looking
for and stored as elements p
in the two list of rules
= {p
} and P
= {p
They are expressed as vector of 6 terms, someone
of which may be empty. These vectors, if used in sen-
timent analysis tasks, indicate, with a grade of proba-
bility, which terms must be present before and/or after
a subjective term to cause its polarity variation.
We think that the work proposed in this paper could
be a plausible approach to determine and solve the
polarity variation problem in sentiment analysis ap-
plications. We are thus interested to develop this ap-
proach and we are working in this direction consider-
ing Google Play market store as resource for reviews
and SentiWordNet, a lexical resource for opinion min-
ing created by manual assignment of polarity to each
synset of Wordnet, as sentiment checker. This will let
us to define a set of valid rules to be integrated in a
computer aided system for real time detection of po-
larity variation as support for other systems.
The choice to work in this direction, in fact, is not
casual and arises from a real necessity occurred dur-
ing other sentiment analysis works were we are in-
volved. Just for example, during a sentiment anal-
ysis process done at word level on a large collec-
tion of Google Play market reviews, we have noticed
that SentiWordNet found more positive than negative
words inside reviews classified as negative with the
star rating system. Find any discordant polarity terms
inside a sentence it’s a typical situation, but not in the
numbers we found in our collection. This prompted
us to investigate and define a valid approach to solve
the problem.
This work has been partially supported by the POR
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