Supporting Human Recollection of the Impressive
Events using the Number of Photos
Masaki Matsumoto
, Sho Matsuura
, Kenta Mitsuhashi
and Harumi Murakami
Graduate School for Creative Cities, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
OGIS-RI Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan
Keywords: Recollection, Photo Data, Tag Cloud, Twitter, Google Calendar.
Abstract: We present a system to support human recollection with tag clouds, which are created from keywords
generated by our algorithms from the use information of Google Calendar and Twitter. The main feature of
our research is to weight words using the number of photos taken by users to recall impressive events. We
evaluated tag clouds by comparing our approach and a comparative approach, and our experiment results
suggest the usefulness of our approach.
The human memory is not certain. As time passes,
our ability to recall past memories may weaken.
Furthermore, the amount of information that we
manage is increasing due to the spread of the
internet. Managing our memories and information is
very difficult. Against this background, lifelog
studies are increasing that capture the lives of
individuals as well as personal information
management (PIM) schemes that categorize such
personal information as schedules and address books.
Before computers and the internet’s growth,
people wrote plans on paper media (e.g., memo pads
or calendars) to manage their schedules. As PDAs,
cell phones, and smartphones proliferate, the number
of people using digital media to manage personal
information has increased. Online, web-based
calendars are also being used. Google Calendar is
one of the most popular web-based calendars.
Social Networking Services (SNS), through
which users can send and share information with
others, have also grown. The spread of cell phones
and smartphones is one remarkable aspect of the
popularity of SNSs. Users can easily send and view
information even when they are away from their
computers. Twitter became popular because users
can post short messages anytime from anywhere and
easily connect with others. Twitter users can
immediately post their thoughts, activities, and
We believe that the schedules and messages
posted on SNSs are useful information sources to
recall memories.
In this paper, we propose a memory recall
support system that extracts useful keywords from
the texts written by users on Google Calendar and
Twitter. In addition, since we assume that we can
identify memorable events on the days when a user
takes many photos, we use the number of photos to
weight the extracted keywords. We present weighted
keywords using tag clouds to jog user recollections.
Below, in Section 2 we explain our approach’s
overview. Algorithms and preliminary experiments
are described in Sections 3 and 4. Related work is
shown in Section 5.
Our research supports human recollection by
extracting keywords from Google Calendar and
Twitter, weighting them using term frequency and
the number of photos, and displaying them by tag
First, we obtain the data written by users on
Google Calendar and Twitter and generate files
called history structures. A history structure is an
information structure that is constructed from time,
keywords, and URI sets for existing information
integration (Murakami, 2010). Next, we generate tag
clouds from history structures.
As a feature of this study, we support the recall
of impressive memories often obtained on trips or at
Matsumoto M., Matsuura S., Mitsuhashi K. and Murakami H..
Supporting Human Recollection of the Impressive Events using the Number of Photos.
DOI: 10.5220/0004902805380543
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 538-543
ISBN: 978-989-758-015-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
special events because people tend to take photos on
such occasions. To put it another way, impressive
events can be found around days on which a user
takes many photos. The above hypothesis is an
important element in our study.
A tag cloud is a visual representation of text data,
typically used to depict keyword metadata (tags) on
websites or to visualize free form text. Tags are
usually single words, and the importance of each tag
is shown with font size or color. This format is
useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent
terms (Wikipedia, 2013). We exploit this advantage
and adopt tag clouds to display keywords.
An overview of our approach is shown in Figure
Time Ke ywords URI
To support human recollection
Generating history structure
Generating tag cloud
History structure
Tag cloud
Ise tri
green pepper
Figure 1: Overview of our approach.
Figure 2: Tag cloud generated by our system.
Figure 3: Tag cloud generated by comparative system.
Figure 2 shows an example of a generated tag
cloud created with our system with data from one
month of the first author’s life (September 2012).
Figure 3 shows an example of a created tag cloud
with a comparative system that only calculates the
weights of tags by term frequency.
In this period, the author was diligently preparing
for a national exam of the application information
technology and also traveled to Ise with a friend
named Matsu for a few days and had lots of fun.
In the comparative system (Figure 3), study and
application appeared larger because he tweeted
these terms many times.
In our proposed system (Figure 2), Ise trip and
Matsu are displayed larger and Matsu is
strengthened in red. The word happiness reflects his
tweets during his trip, and green pepper reminds him
that he ate incredibly hot green peppers for the first
time at a unique Japanese style barbecue restaurant
that brought tears to his eyes. It made a deep
impression on him. He took many photos during the
trip, and green pepper is displayed even though it
only occurred on one day.
We believe that our proposed system effectively
helps users recall impressive memories.
We show a complete image of our system in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Complete image of system.
Our system, which works on a browser, has two
search functions: keyword and range. Keyword
search enables users to input keywords for output
related words on tag clouds. Range search enables
users to input periods (start and end dates) to display
a tag cloud for that period. The functions can also be
combined. The number of tags can be selected from
five choices: 10, 30, 50, 70 or 100.
Outputs are displayed in three parts: a tag cloud,
a calendar part, and a twitter part. The tag cloud part
displays a tag cloud, the calendar part displays the
event titles of a calendar, and the twitter part
displays tweets. Furthermore, each tag can be
clicked on, and the tag becomes a new search word.
The user can access detailed memories by clicking
on tags.
In this section, we describe our algorithms that
obtain information from Google Calendar and
Twitter to create history structures and generate tag
3.1 Generating History Structure
3.1.1 Data Extraction from System Usage
In this study, we use information form Google
Calendar and Twitter to support human recollection.
(1) Google Calendar
Here, we obtain an event time (start time) and an
event title. Keywords are extracted from the event
title by the algorithm in the next section.
(2) Twitter
Since tweets generally express user thoughts or
activities, we use all of them except those starting
with @ because they are mainly discourse and
official RTs (Retweets) because they are mainly the
opinions of others. We extract a tweet’s time, the
tweet itself, and generate keywords from it using the
algorithm described in the next section.
3.1.2 Generating Keyword Algorithm
We developed a generating keyword algorithm that
creates a set of keywords from such texts as the
event titles in calendars and tweets. Figure 5 shows
its general outline.
First, it extracts noun phrases as keywords from
the collected text data with MeCab, a Japanese
morphological analysis tool. We removed 11
unnecessary words that often appear in tweets, such
as today, now, and tomorrow.
When an extracted term is a noun, a common
noun, a proper noun, a verbal noun, a noun suffix, or
a noun as a number (type 1), it is repeatedly
concatenated with previous terms as a non-Japanese
noun phrase or as a Japanese noun phrase using
heuristics. An example of the former is artificial and
intelligence, which are concatenated into artificial
intelligence and become a keyword; an example of
the latter is jinko (artificial) and chino (intelligence),
which are concatenated into jinkochino (artificial
intelligence) and become a keyword. When the noun
is a noun adverbial or a noun adjective base (type 2),
it directly becomes a keyword. For example, asatte
(which means the day after tomorrow and is judged
to be a noun adjective base) becomes a keyword.
The detailed algorithm is described in (Mitsuhashi,
Generate noun
Generate noun
Stop list
Text data
Type 1
Type 2
Figure 5: Generating keyword algorithms.
3.2 Generating Tag Clouds
3.2.1 Calculating Tag Weights
Calculating the weight of a word is different for the
information source. In addition, our system
considers the number of photos taken by users to
calculate the weight, since we assume that on special
days users take many photos.
Next we define how to weight the words that
appeared in the calendars and those that appeared in
the tweets and sum up the weights.
(1) Weighting calendar words
We define weighting function CalW(t) to weight
word t that appeared in the calendar:
(t) is a function that obtains the date of word t.
(R) is a function that obtains the number of
photos of range R. HS means the history structure.
The more photos taken by users, the more the
weights of the words increase.
Figure 6 shows an example of calculating
calendar words.
The data in Figure 6 are the author’s usage on
September 2012. We calculated the weight with this
example data.
Fukuoka (place name) appears three times in this
period. Each Fukuoka is weighted with the number
of photos. For example, Fukuoka on September 16
has a weight of 5 points because there are four
photos (1 + 4). The other Fukuoka examples are
calculated in the same way, and these points are
Figure 6: Example of calculating weight of calendar words.
(2)Weighting Twitter words
We define weighting function TwiW(t) to weight
word t that appear in tweets:
 
(R) is a function that obtains the number of
tweets of range R, and G
(t) is a function that
obtains the time which is one hour before and after
time of word t (i.e., two hours).
We assume that the more tweets in a day, the
more both noisy and good words increase. We need
to normalize the weights based on the number of
tweets. The denomination of TwiA(t) shows the
Additionally, Twitter disseminates information
in real time. Since we believe that both a photo and a
tweet made in a close time are highly related, the
number of photos taken one hour before and after
the tweet time is added to the weight (Eq.3).
Finally, the addition of TwiA(t) and TwiB(t)
becomes TwiW(t).
Figure 7 shows an example of the calculation of
twitter words. The data of Figure 7 are again taken
from the author’s data on September 9. There are 71
tweets and five photos.
Next we calculated the weight of green pepper
that was tweeted at 13:17 (hereinafter “gp1317”).
First, we calculated A(gp1317). Green pepper
appears six times, and there are 71 tweets and five
photos on September 9. The A(gp1317) result
becomes (1+5) / 71 = 0.08. Second, we calculated
B(gp1317). There are three photos one hour before
and after its tweet time. Thus, B(gp1317) becomes 3.
From the above results, the weight of gp1317
becomes 0.08 + 3 = 3.08.
Other “green peppers” are calculated in the same
way and these points are added.
Figure 7: Example of calculating weight of twitter words.
Finally, we define weighting function Weight(t)
of word t:
This is its final weight.
3.2.2 Font Color
We designed font colors for tags based on the
information sources in which they appear.
(1) Calendar only
If word t only appears in the Calendar, it is orange
(2) Twitter only
If word t appears in Twitter, it is blue (#9999cc).
(3) Both Calendar and Twitter
If word t appears both in Calendar and Twitter, it is
red (#FF0000).
The above color selection is based on our
previous work (Mitsuhashi, 2011).
3.2.3 Sorting Tags
Tags are sorted by the time of the word. When word
t appears more than once, the oldest time at which t
appeared is used for sorting.
4.1 Overview
Our subjects were five males, aged 23-25. We used
one month-long data from August 2013. All subjects
used Twitter and took photos. Since three did not
use Google Calendar, they copied their schedules
onto it.
4.2 Experiment 1
We evaluated the usefulness of the algorithms that
weight the extracted keywords.
4.2.1 Method
We extracted the top 30 keywords from two
systems: our method and a comparative method. Our
method is described in Section 3.2. Weighting
function Com(t) for word t in the comparative
method is defined as follows:
Com(t) is calculated by the frequency of the word’s
occurrence. That is, the more it appears, the more its
weight increase.
From the two systems, we merged the extracted
60 keywords and sorted their appearances
alphabetically to form a list so that the subjects
cannot guess the weighting algorithms.
Our subjects evaluated whether the extracted
keywords on the list helped them recall their
memories at five levels (5: very useful; 4: useful; 3:
neutral; 2: not very useful; 1: not useful).
4.2.2 Results and Analysis
The average values of each algorithm are shown in
Table 1, and the data obtained by each subject are
shown in Table 2.
Table 1: Results of experiment 1.
P5 C5 P10 C10 P30 C30
Subject 1 4.0 3.3 3.2 3.8 3.4 3.3
Subject 2 4.2 3.2 3.1 2.7 3.0 2.5
Subject 3 4.2 4.2 4.2 2.7 2.4 2.3
Subject 4 2.6 3.8 2.6 3.2 2.6 2.6
Subject 5 4.0 4.0 4.2 2.9 3.9 2.4
Mean 3.8 3.7 3.5 3.1 3.1 2.6
Notes: P: Proposed method; C: Comparative method;
5: Top 5; 10: Top 10; 30: Top 30
Overall, our method outperformed the
comparative method.
However, we found little difference between the
proposed and comparison methods with respect to
Subjects 1, 3, and 4, because their number of
keywords is smaller than those of other subjects. The
same keywords were extracted from the two
different approaches. For example, for Subject 3, 27
words are identical in the two approaches. On the
other hand, for Subject 2, only ten words are the
same. If Subjects 1, 3, and 4 used calendars and/or
Twitter more often, the results might improve.
These results suggest the usefulness of our
algorithm for weighting keywords.
Table 2: Data set.
All Cal Twi Photo
Subject 1 69 13 57 36
Subject 2 467 8 462 73
Subject 3 33 7 28 19
Subject 4 65 25 50 41
Subject 5 748 15 735 32
Mean 276.4 13.6 266.4 40.2
Notes: All: extracted keywords from calendar and Twitter;
Cal: extracted keywords from calendar; Twi: extracted
keywords from Twitter
4.3 Experiment 2
We evaluated the usefulness of the algorithm to
create tag clouds.
4.3.1 Method
We prepared six tag clouds that display 30 keywords
for comparison: (a) three information sources
(Calendar and Twitter, Calendar only, Twitter only)
× (b) two weighting methods (our method and
comparative method).
The following are the six tag clouds:
- Tag cloud A is composed of Google Calendar
and Twitter and uses our weighting method.
- Tag cloud B is only composed of Google
Calendar and uses our weighting method.
- Tag cloud C is only composed of Twitter and
uses our weighting method.
- Tag cloud D is composed of Google Calendar
and Twitter and uses the comparative weighting
- Tag cloud E is only composed of Google
Calendar only and uses the comparative
weighting method.
- Tag cloud F is only composed of Twitter and
uses the comparative weighting method.
The following are the questions:
Q1: Which is more useful to recall your memories,
A or D?
Q2: Which is more useful to recall your memories,
B or E?
Q3: Which is more useful to recall your memories,
C or F?
Q4: Which is the most useful to recall your
memories, A, B, or C?
Q5: Which is the most useful to recall your
memories, D, E, or F?
Q6: Which is the most useful to recall your
memories among the six tag clouds?
Qs 1-3 compare our method and the comparative
method. Q4 and Q5 compare the source with each
method. Q6 compares all of them.
Every tag cloud displays up to 30 tags.
4.3.2 Results and Analysis
The results of experiment 2 are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Results of experiment 2.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
Subject 1 A B C A D A
Subject 2 A B C A D A
Subject 3 A B C A E A
Subject 4 A B C A D A
Subject 5 A B C B E B
Our method is better than the comparative
method regardless of the information source, based
on the results of Qs 1-3 (5/5). From the result of Q6,
one subject said that “Tag cloud A greatly displayed
important words.” Other opinions included,
“Changing the color for each source was effective.”
On the other hand, Subject 5 selected tag cloud B
and complained that “Tag cloud A has much more
noise than tag cloud B.” There were probably many
useless tweets on that day when many photos were
taken. These results suggest the overall usefulness of
our method.
This research is a part of a system called Memory-
Organizer that helps users construct “externalized-
memory” (Murakami, 2002). Murakami et al.
(Murakami, 2012) created Knowledge-space
browser from five information usages to support
human recollection. The differences between
previous research and this paper are that we selected
two important information sources for memory
support: new algorithms for weighting words using
the number of photos, and displaying tag clouds.
Much research integrated such information in the
light of personal information management
(PIM)(William, 2007).
There are many researches on tag clouds. Kuo et
al. presented PugCloud, whose tools use tag clouds
to summarize the results from queries over the
PubMed database of biomedical literature (Kuo,
2007). Eda et al. created a novel tag cloud (Eda,
2009) that uses tag entropy values to determine font
size. Many of these studies summarize the results of
searches or web pages. Our research uses tag clouds
for the recall of memory support. To the best of our
knowledge, no research uses tag clouds for human
memory recollection.
We presented a system that supports human
recollection with tag clouds created from the use of
Google Calendar and Twitter. This research’s main
feature is to weight words using the number of
photos taken by users to recall memorable events.
Preliminary experiments suggest the usefulness of
our approach. Since this is merely its first step, we
need to improve our algorithms and conduct further
experiments with more subjects. We believe our
approach is useful to recall the memories of
impressive events and should be investigated in the
Murakami, H., 2010. History Structure for Exploring
Desktop Data, In Proceedings of the SIGIR 2010
Workshop on Desktop Search (Understanding,
Supporting and Evaluating Personal Data Search),
Wikipedia, 2013.
(accessed 02-January-2014).
Mitsuhashi, K., 2011. A Human Recollection Support
System by Integrating Diverse Information and
Creating Knowledge Space. Masters Thesis,
Graduate School for Creative Cities, Osaka City
University. (in Japanese).
Murakami, H., Hirata, T., 2002. Information Acquisition
and Reorganization from the WWW by using
Memory-Organizer”, Bulletin of Osaka City
University Media Center, vol. 3, pp. 9-14.
Murakami, H., Mitsuhashi, K., 2012. A System for
Creating User’s Knowledge Space from Various
Information Usages to Support Human Recollection.
International Journal of Advancements in Computing
Technology, vol. 4, no. 22, pp. 496-508.
William, J., 2007. Personal Information Management,
ARIST, vol. 41, pp. 453-504.
Eda, T., Uchiyama, T., Uchiyama, T., Yoshikawa, M.,
2009. Signaling Emotion in Tagclouds. In WWW 2009,
pp. 1199-1200, ACM Press.
Kuo, B. Y-L., Hentrich, T., Good, B. M., Wilkinson, M.
D., 2007. Tag Clouds for Summarizing Web Search
Results. In WWW 2007, pp. 1203-1204, ACM Press.