Digital Holographic Encryption with Multiple-key Encoding using
Micro Phase-shifting Interferometry
Huang-Tian Chan
, Yang-Kun Chew
, Min-Tzung Shiu
and Chi-Ching Chang
Institute of Electro-Optical & Energy Engineering, Ming Dao University, Taiwan, ROC
School of Defense Science, National Defense University, Taiwan, ROC
Keywords: Digital Holography, Encryption, Phase-shifting Interferometry, Computer-Generated Hologram.
Abstract: This paper proposes a novel phase-shifting digital in-line holography with computer-generated holograms
(CGHs) to achieve the goal of encryption via multiple-key encoding. Multiple keys will also be required in
order to complete the decryption. These keys include the amplitude and the phase distribution of the primary
encryption key, the reconstruction distance of the image, and the phase value modulated via micro phase-
shifting interferometry. Experiments in this research have proved that the decryption would not be possible
without a primary key. The autocorrelation between the original and the decrypted images shows very high
Holographic encryption technology allows the
simultaneous encryption of both the phase and the
amplitude of 3-dimensional (3D) images. The
traditional holographic optical encryption allows
storing and fast accessing of high-density
information. Also, the complex encryption
conditions and restrictions make the encrypted
information hard to crack. This technology is an
important research area in the information
encryption. (Javidi 1994, Refregier 1995, Javidi
1997, Matoba 1999, Chang 2001, Sun 2002)
Denz et al. (
Denz 1991) has used deterministic
orthogonal phase codes in a reference-based
multiplexing technique to obtain a system for the
retrieval of multiple images with high diffraction
efficiency without energy losses, adjustment
problems, or time delay. However the system has
actual limitations that arise from imperfections in the
phase modulator. Among these limitations, spatial
phase fluctuations may destroy the orthogonality
between different phase addresses, which in turn,
causes cross-correlation noise.
Refregier and Javidi (Refregier 1995) have
proposed an optical encoding method of images for
security applications via random-phase encoding in
both the input and the Fourier planes. This method is
widely use in the field of optical encryption. One of
the simplest phase multiplexing techniques that have
been investigated by many researchers (
Wang 2000,
Chang 2002, Su 2004) is to use ground glasses to
perform random phase multiplexing. Random phase
encoding allows the information to be stored within
the recording medium in a more secured way.
However, the zero-order diffraction image and
the conjugate image interferences accompanied
traditional in-line holographic optical image
encryption technique tend to cause image distortion.
The strict reconstruction conditions of such
technique can also complicate the decryption and
sometimes cause information loss. Thanks to
charged coupled devices (CCDs) with suitable
numbers and sizes of pixels and computers with
sufficient speed, digital holography (DH) became
Schnars and Jüptner (Schnars 1994) have
established the foundation of DH development using
a CCD as a holographic recording medium to
reconstruct a real image of an object from digitally
sampled hologram via numerical methods.
Accessing holographic information via CCD instead
of conventional recording media has been proved
feasible by many researchers (Liebling 2004,
Yamaguchi 1997, Zhang 1998, Javidi 2000,
Yamaguchi 2001). In the digital holographic
encryption, many researchers have been using object
beam or reference beam via phase mask or
wavefront modulation for encryption (Javidi 1996,
Chan H., Chew Y., Shiu M. and Chang C..
Digital Holographic Encryption with Multiple-key Encoding using Micro Phase-shifting Interferometry.
DOI: 10.5220/0004836601270133
In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2014), pages 127-133
ISBN: 978-989-758-008-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Javidi 2000, Tajahuerce 2000, Lai 2000, Arizaga
2003, Nishchal 2004, Naughton 2004, Carnicer 2005,
Meng 2006, Cheng 2008, Chen 2008, Zhang 2008,
Liang 2009, Jeon 2011). Kim et al. (Kim 2004) have
encrypted a digital hologram of a 3D object into a
stationary white noise using virtual optics, in which
a computer-generated random phase key is used.
Tsang et al. (Tsang 2011) have proposed a method
for fast numerical generation and encryption of a
Fresnel hologram. CCD does not work well when
the resolution of the interference fringes, due the
complexity of the encryption key, is beyond the
resolution limit of the CCD (Schnars 2002).
Therefore, this paper proposes to use in-line setup to
encrypt digital hologram. However, unavoidable
disturbance from zero-order diffraction image and
conjugate image will inevitably cause image
Takaki et al. (Kreis 1997) have applied two
shutters and one phase modulator to the electro-
optical holographic recording system to change the
recording parameters for the elimination of zero-
order and conjugate images. Yamaguchi and Zhang
Yamaguchi 1997) have used piezoelectric transducer
to modulate the phase of the reference beam via
digital calculation, the double image interference of
the zero-order and conjugate images can be avoided
and phase information of the object beam obtained
(Zhang 1998). Cai et al. (Takaki 1999) have
proposed an approach to reconstruct the object wave
front in phase-shifting interferometry with arbitrary
unknown phase steps. The same research team Cai
2003) has proposed a method to extract the arbitrary
unknown and unequal phase steps in phase-shift
interferometry from interferograms recorded on the
diffraction field of an object. The object wave front
can then be digitally reconstructed with the formulas
they have derived. Throughout the years, researchers
have proposed similar techniques with different
formulas in a variety of experiments to suppress
double image interferences for the reconstruction of
object wave information Cai 2004, Xu 2008, Meng
2008, Chang 2009, Hsieh 2009, Hsieh 2010).
Another traditional digital technology like
encryption, decryption key information acquisition,
due to slight changes of environmental conditions
and CCD resolution and stability factors and the key
information in the different encryption, so will
certainly result in decrypt the information about the
error and loss. Implementation of the digital
holographic encryption and decryption work entirely
by numerical calculation, although we can to ensure
the invariance of the encryption key, but the biggest
drawback is the need to deal with complex 3D
images and phase information, as well as the
interference angle of diffraction transmission and
consideration of the 3D images with the polarization
direction and other issues, such as to achieve true
and a complete 3D image information, caused a
great deal of the burden must be on the operator and
This paper uses micro phase-shifting (MPS)
digital in-line holography with CGHs for encryption
and decryption within the CCD resolution. The
comprehensive and low-noised holographic
information of the object wave and the encryption
keys are obtained after the elimination of the
conjugate and the zero-order diffraction images. The
decryption can be accomplished with CGHs as keys
without losses. Based on this hybrid approach, the
information that has been encrypted can only be
correctly obtained by not only the correct multiple
keys but also correct parameters. Therefore, it
demonstrates that this approach can be used enhance
the feasible performance of digital holographic
The experiment is conducted using Mach-Zehnder
interference setup as shown in Fig. 1. The light
source of this setup is a He-Ne laser with a power of
30 mW and a wavelength of 632.8 nm. The setup
adopts two λ/2 wave-plates and a polarized beam
splitter (PBS) to adjust the ratio of the object beam
and the reference beam. Both beams are collimated
as plane waves via a lens and a spatial filter. The
phase object is a 1.77 mm glass plate (refractive
index = 1.52) placed in the path of the reference
wave. The plate can be rotated to micro adjust the
phase of the reference beam and thereby modify the
optical path of the beam. The hologram is recorded
using a CCD sensor (Pixera-150SS CCD camera,
1392×1040 pixels, 6.5 mm by 4.84 mm). The CCD
acquires and stores the digital image of the
interferences of the reference beam and the object
beam. The object beam is thereby reconstructed
while the beam’s phase change can be obtained via
This research starts with traditional digital
holographic optical encryption methods for the
encryption and decryption testing. And then
improves the procedure with the optical capture
image along with the computer-generated hologram
encryption for simple and high security encryption.
Using reference beam modulated by arbitrary
phase or amplitude device
(, )Txy
and conducting
Figure 1: Experiment setup of AMPS modulated digital
holographic microscopy encryption.
Fresnel diffraction at distance d in free space, the
phase modulated reference beam ψ
can be
obtained via Eq. (1) (Goodman 2005):
(,)= = ( )Th T hzd
Then interfere the coaxial structure and the
object beam on the recording plane,
, to
speedily and securely encrypt the information of the
beam with hologram,
, via equation (2):
22 2* *
1 key key key key
enc O O O O
The input image of this experiment is shown in
Fig. 2(a). The encrypted image obtained when the
distance from CCD to the input image is 21.5 cm
and to the lenticular lens array (LLA) is 7.6 cm is
shown in Fig. 2(b).
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Input mage and (b) image with LLA
The first step of the holographic information
decryption is zero order term suppression:
11key key key
enc enc O O O
This is the first decryption key. The reduced
intensity of the hologram after complete suppression
of the zero order term is:
key key
key key
exp(- ) exp( )
enc O O
 
can be any value other than
can any integer) (Zhang, 2004).
This is the second decryption key. To suppress the
conjugate image, multiply Eq. (5) with
then subtract it from Eq. (4) to obtain:
'' *
12 key
-exp(- ) = 1-exp(- 2 )
enc enc O
IiI i
is 1.30 rad, the image and the phase
contrast image of primary key (LLA) after traveling
7.6 cm in the free space are shown in Figs 3(a) and
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) Image of primary key (LLA) and (b) phase
contrast image of primary key.
As per Eq. (5),
, the conjugate information
of the primary key needs to be removed in order to
obtaind the complete information of the original
object beam, This process is the fourth decryption
key, which is the most difficult to obtain. As shown
in Fig 4(a), It is impossible to complete decrypt the
image without this key even if all other keys are
compromised. Fig. 4(b) shows the complete image
decrypted with this primary key.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) Decrypted image before applying primary
key and (b) image after complete decryption.
The last decryption key is the distance between
the encrypted image and the CCD (
d), which is used
for final decryption.
The object beam as well the image and the phase
of the key obtained via experiment are shown in Figs
5(a), 5(b), 3(a), and 3(b). The digital holographic
encryption as shown in Fig 5(C) can then be
achieved via computer generated hologram
production technique.
The image decrypted with all the required
decryption keys is shown in Fig. 6(a). The cross-
correlation of the decrypted image and the original
input image is shown in Fig. 6(b). The similarity of
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: Comparison of (a) image (not encrypted) at 21.5
cm from CCD, (b) phase comparison image, and (c) image
after holographic encryption.
these two images is close to 100%, compared to the
result of 85% similarity, as shown in Fig. 6(c), via
traditional decryption technique. This result
indicates that the proposed encryption technique can
provide effective and highly secured digital
holographic encryption without distortion.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6: (a) Image after complete decryption (b) cross-
correlation of the input image and Fig. 7(a)., and (c) cross-
correlation of the input image and Fig. 5(b).
The experiment is conducted using Mach-Zehnder
interference setup slightly different from the one
shown in Fig. 1. In this setup, a plane wave is used
as the recording reference beam. With the position
of CCD unchanged, the object beam as well as the
image and phase information of all the primary keys
are acquired individually.
The system resolution tests have been performed
using a Newport resolution target (RES-1) as an
object. The original input image acquired by the
CCD is shown in Fig. 7(a). The image acquired at a
9.4 cm distance between the CCD and the resolution
target and the phase comparison image are shown in
Figures 7(b) and 7(c), respectively.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 7: Comparison of (a) original input image, (b)
image at 9.35 cm from CCD, and (c) phase comparison
image of (a) and (b).
Use computer-generated hologram to encrypt the
target image (Fig. 8(a)). For the purpose of
decryption testing, the numerical summation of Figs
3(a) and 7(b) are used to produce encrypted image of
no interference (Fig. 8(b)). Apply Eq. (5) at
to produce another encrypted hologram of
modulated reference beam phase (Fig. 8(c)).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8: The encryption images of analytical target. (a)
holographic encryption image without phase modulation,
(b) encryption image without interference, and (c)
holographic encryption image with phase modulation.
The sensitivity analysis of key rotation and key
shifting tests are conducted to verify the integrity of
the proposed technique. To produce the adjusted
images for analysis, the key image is digitally
rotated and shifted. The obtained images are then
decrypted with the accordingly adjusted keys. The
tolerance of rotation and shifting are then examined
through the cross correlation between these
decrypted images and the image treated via ordinary
procedure. Figure 9 shows that the similarity is
below 30% when the decryption key is rotated over
degree. Figure 10 shows that the image becomes
not decryptable when the decryption key is shifted
over two pixels (9.34 μm).
Figure 9: Sensitivity analysis of key rotation at decryption.
Figure 10: Sensitivity analysis of key shifting at
The image of Lena as shown in Fig. 11(a), which is
commonly used for image analysis and processing,
is used in this research to verify the researched
technique’s influence to the encrypted image. In
addition, a numerical equation is used to simulate
the condition in which the distance between CCD
and the Lena image is 10.0 cm. The result of the
simulation and the obtained relative phase-contrast
image and the phase information are shown in Fig.
11(b) and Fig. 11(c).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 11: (a) Original input image, (b) image at 10 cm
from CCD, and (c) phase comparison image of (a) and (b).
Multiple digital holographic encryptions are
performed using LLA and the primary key
(diffuser), the image and the phase information
obtained as contrast to the CCD are shown in Figs
3(a), 3(b), 12(a), and 12(b).
(a) (b)
Figure 12: (a) Image of primary key (diffuser) and (b)
phase comparison image of primary key.
The hologram encrypted with these two primary
keys is shown in Fig. 13(a). This multi-digital
holographic encryption is able to process and
achieve the encryption effect that is difficult for the
conventional optical hologram encryption technique.
Figure 13(b) shows the image decrypted with a
reconstruction distance of 10.0 cm.
(a) (b)
Figure 13: (a) Encrypted image after multiple digital
encryption and (b) decrypted image when reconstruction
distance (d = 10.0 cm) is the only known key.
The decryption test of the second key set is
conducted using zero-order term elimination
technique. The result is shown in Fig. 14(b). The test
of the third key set is conducted via conjugate term
elimination with the result shown in Fig. 14(a). Even
if all other key sets including the primary key (LLA)
are cracked, it is still impossible to obtain complete
image information without another primary key (the
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 14: Resulted image (a) after applying two sets of
decryption keys, (b) after applying three sets of decryption
keys, and (c) before applying primary key (diffuser).
The image decrypted with all the required
decryption keys is shown in Fig. 15 (a). The result of
the cross-correlation operation
of the decrypted
image and the original input image is shown in Fig.
15 (b). The similarity of these two images is close to
100%, which indicates that the proposed encryption
technique can provide effective and highly secured
digital holographic encryption without distortion.
(a) (b)
Figure 15: (a) Image after complete decryption; (b) related
operation result of input image and Fig. 14 (a).
This research uses optical interferometry and digital
image processing technique to capture, via in-line
setup and within the CCD resolution limit, the
holographic information of the object beam and the
encryption key. The encryption can be completed
using the computer generated holograms with
multiple keys that include 1) the amplitude and the
phase distribution of the primary encryption key, 2)
the reconstruction distance of the image, 3) the
elimination of zero-order term, and 4) the phase
value modulated via arbitrary micro phase-shift
This study has shown that the decryption is not
achievable without a primary key. The encrypted
image can be transmitted to and captured by a CCD
at the receiving end, and then decrypted via simple
logical operations. The autocorrelation between the
original and the decrypted images shows 100%
similarity. The decrypted 3D image can be displayed
via the holographic display technology. Having the
integrity that is comparable to that of traditional
optical holographic encryption, this technique has
the convenience and simplicity of digital
holographic processing and thus provides a secured
solution for holographic information transmission.
The authors would like to thank the National Science
Council of the Republic of China, Taiwan, for
financially supporting this research under Contract
No. NSC 102-2221-E-451-019.
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