Prediction of Human Personality Traits From Annotation Activities
Nizar Omheni
, Omar Mazhoud
, Anis Kalboussi
and Ahmed HadjKacem
Higher Institute of Computer and Management, University of Kairouan, ReDCAD Laboratory,
Khmais Alouini Street 3100, Kairouan, Tunisia
Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Sfax, ReDCAD Laboratory,
Road of the Airport Km4 3018, Sfax, Tunisia
Annotation, Personality, Big Five Personality Model.
We show how reader’s annotation activity captured during an active reading session relates to their personal-
ity, as measured by the standard Five Factor Model. For 120 volunteers having usually the habit of reading,
we gather personality data and annotation practices. We examine correlations between readers personality
and such features of their annotative activities such as the total number of annotation acts, average number of
annotation acts, number of textual annotation acts, number of graphical annotation acts, number of referential
annotation acts and number of compounding annotation acts. Our results show significant relationships be-
tween personality traits and such features of annotation practices. Then we show how multivariate regression
allows prediction of the readers personalities traits given their annotation activities.
Studying human activity and interaction with technol-
ogy has grown dramatically over the last decade. Yet
studying reading poses particular challenges. (Mar-
shall,2010) reported the citation of Tzvetan Todorov,
quoted by Nicholas Howe in Jonathan Boyarins com-
pilation, the Ethnography of Reading: ”Nothing is
more commonplace than the reading experience, and
yet nothing is more unknown. Reading is such a mat-
ter of course that at first glance it seems there is noth-
ing to say about it”. Although details of reading ac-
tivity (moving eyes, writing annotation...) may tell us
something about the reader. When people read and
interact actively with their reading materials they do
unselfconscious activities which can be keys features
to their personalities.
For decades, the psychologists search to under-
stand the human personality and to find a systematic
way to measure it. After several researches they show
a relation of dependence between human personality
traits and different behaviors. (Ryckman,2010) re-
ported the Allport’s
definition of personality: ”per-
sonality is the dynamic organization within the in-
Gordon Willard Allport (November 11, 1897 October
9, 1967) was an American psychologist. He was one of the
first psychologists to focus on the study of the personality,
and is often referred to as one of the founding figures of
personality psychology.
dividual of those psychophysical systems that deter-
mine his characteristic behavior and thought”. Thus,
in Allports view human behavior is really controlled
by internal forces known as the personality traits.
This paper attemps to bridge the gap between
reading activity research and personality research
through reader’s annotation practices. Our core re-
search question asks whether annotation activity can
predict personality traits. If so, then there is an oppor-
tunity to use a natural human practice as a new source
to better understand the reader personality.
Several works has shown the opportunity of pre-
dicting user personality using the information peo-
ple reveal in their online social profile (Twitter, Face-
Book) (Bachrach et al,2012) (Golbeck et al,2011).
They refer to what people share, self-description, sta-
tus updates, photos, tags, etc. We pretend that annota-
tive activity is more spontaneously and natural prac-
tice and it can reveal something about human person-
Personalization attracted increased attention in
many areas. So the need to predict personality traits
increases over time mainly when several research has
shown the link between personality traits and suc-
cess in human relationship and practices (Barrick and
Mount,1991) (Eswaran et al,2011). By nature an in-
troverted person is not interested to make so much re-
lation with other while an extravert person do. Actu-
ally, certain developed recommendation systems con-
Omheni ., Mazhoud O., Kalboussi A. and HadjKacem A..
Prediction of Human Personality Traits From Annotation Activities.
DOI: 10.5220/0004801302630269
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 263-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sider the personality traits as key feature of recom-
mendation (Nunes et al,2008).
The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2,
we present background on the Big Five personality
index. Then we present our experimental setup and
methods. In the third section we present the results on
correlation between each annotative activity feature
and personality factor. Next, we show how multivari-
ate regression allows prediction of annotators person-
alities traits given their annotation activities. We con-
clude with a discussion of the possible implications
that this work has for such domains of application.
2.1 The Big Five Personality Model
The big five personality traits are the best ac-
cepted and most commonly used scientific measure
of personality and have been extensively researched
(Peabody and De Raad,2002). That personality is
well described as five traits was discovered through
the study of the adjectives from natural langage that
people used to describe themselves and then analyz-
ing the data with a statistical procedure known as fac-
tor analysis that is used to reduce lots of information
down to its most important parts. In the following we
cite a brief explanation of the five personality traits.
2.1.1 Openness to Experience
Openness includes traits like imagination, apprecia-
tion for art, depth of emotions, adventure, unusual
ideas, intellectual curiosity, and willingness to experi-
ment. People who score high in openness like usually
to learn new things and enjoy new experiences.
2.1.2 Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness includes traits like orderliness,
selfdiscipline, deliberateness, and striving the
achievement. People that have a high degree of
conscientiousness are planned, have the tendency
to act dutifully, have the sense of responsibility and
2.1.3 Extraversion
Extraversion includes traits like energy, positive
emotions, surgency, assertiveness, sociability and
talkativeness. Extraverts people get their energy from
interacting with others, while introverts get their en-
ergy from within themselves.
2.1.4 Agreeableness
Agreeableness includes traits like trust in others, sin-
cerity, altruism, compliance, modesty and sympathy.
People that have high degree of agreeableness are
friendly, cooperative, and compassionate, while peo-
ple with low agreeableness may be more distant.
2.1.5 Neuroticism
Neuroticism relates to ones emotional stability and
degree of negative emotions. This dimension mea-
sures the people degree of anxiety, angry, moodiness,
and the sensitivity to stress. People that score high
on neuroticism often experience emotional instability
and negative emotions.
2.2 Related Work
In (Burger,2011) view the personality is a ”consistent
behavior patterns and intrapersonal processes orig-
inating within the individual”. Trait psychologists
assume that personality is relatively stable and pre-
dictable (Burger,2011). So, several research work has
been done with personality traits as it influences hu-
man decision making process and interests. (Nunes
et al,2008) pionneered the model and implement of
personality traits in computers. Indeed, (Nunes et
al,2008) propose to model the user’s traits in a pro-
file which they called User Psychological Profile -
UPP. In order to fill in the profile UPP the authors
utilised an online tool called the NEO-IPIP
tory based on 300 items. Through user’s answers to
NEO-IPIP inventory the authors are able to predict
the user personality. Through their experimentation
(Nunes et al,2008) try to prove that Recommender
Systems can be more efficient if they use the User
Psychological Profile (UPP). Although the authors
follow an explicit way to predict the user traits, the re-
sults presented in (Nunes,2008) are fruitful. (Tkalcic
et al,2009) propose a personality-based approach that
is based on the big five model for collaborative fil-
tering Recommender Systems. In fact, the authors
calculate the user personality scores by means of a
questionnaire. Then they measure the user similar-
ity, that is based on personality, that yields a list of
close neighbours. This list is used after as a database
to compile a personalized list of recommended items.
The NEO-IPIP is a computer based Personality Inven-
tory, able to measure people Personality Traits created by
John Johnson (Johnson.).
(Roshchina et al,2011) propose personality-based rec-
ommender system which the aim is to select for the
user reviews that have been written by like-minded in-
dividuals. The user similarity is calculated based on
the presonality traits according to the Big Five model.
The authors predict the presonality traits based on lin-
guistic cues collected from the user-generated text.
(Bachrach et al,2012) and (Golbeck et al,2011) show
the relationship between personality traits and various
features of social media (FaceBook, Twitter). Their
findings prove the possibility to predict accurately the
user’s personality through the publicly avaible infor-
mation on their social network profile.
As it is mentioned above most of works has been
done with the ”Big Five” model of personality dimen-
sions which has emerged as the most well-researched
and regarded measures of personality in last decades.
The best of our knowledge, our work is among the
first to look at the relationship between annotation ac-
tivity and personaltiy traits. Much works try to pre-
dict personality from what the user offer consciously
(answers to a questionnaire, informations available on
public social profile...). Despite the fact that the find-
ings of these researchs are fruitful we believe that pre-
dicting personality from annotative activity is more
credible as the annotation is defined as ”a basic and
often unselfconscious way in which readers interact
with texts” (Marshall,2010).
Due to the spontaneously and unselfconscious as-
pects of annotation we are interested to predict per-
sonality from this potential source of knowledge.
We consider group of 120 volunteers. The subjects se-
lected were recruited with respect to certain criterias.
Infact, the age of our volunteers should be between 18
and more and they should be academic people. In our
sample we have the two sex (44 women and 76 men).
Another criteria for selection , we asked if the volun-
teer has the habit of reading and does he annotated his
documents frequently. If all these conditions exist the
subject can be selected to our experimentation.
Each subject was instructed to answer a standard Five
Factor Model questionnaire (the NEO-IPIP Inven-
tory). Then, he obtained a feedback regarding his per-
sonality based on his responses. This step gives us
the personality scores based on the Big Five Model
for each volunteer. To associate personality scores
to subjects annotative activities, we gather annotation
practices for each people. Here, we collect documents
annotated in a spontaneous and natural way. So we
asked, first of all, if the subject had a document an-
notated previously (academic course, book,...). If not
we asked him what topics interest him, then we give
him an article with few pages to not weary him.
We are very careful to the comfortability of the vol-
unteers during the experience to guarantee their spon-
taneous and natural reactions. Thus they are free to
choose places and conditions to read and annotate the
documents and they have enough time to do. The
strategy followed give us fruitful results. Infact, the
different subjects (who have not a document anno-
tated previously) interact actively with the reading
materials in view of the feel of comfortableness and
the interest to the document read.
Figure 1: Annotation practices of a reader.
3.1 User Annotation Activity
(Marshall,2010) defines the annotation as ”a basic and
often unselfconscious way in which readers interact
with texts”. We mean by annotation the act to add
a critical or explanatory notes to a written work, to
highlight a passage, to write down, and so on marks
the reader makes on a page during his reading activity.
To fulfil our experimentation, we ask each subject to
give us an annotated paper document. Then, we anal-
yse the readers annotations to extract some features.
We started by classifying annotations in the three
general categories cited by (Agosti and Ferro,2003) :
graphical annotation acts, textual annotation acts, and
reference annotation act all depends to the material-
ization sign of the semantics of the annotation added
to the annotated document. Then, for each reader, we
collect a simple set of statistics about their annotative
activity. These included the following:
1. Total Number of Annotation Act (TNAA)
2. Average Number of Annotation Act (num-
ber of annotation acts per a single annotated
3. Number of Graphical Annotation Act (NGAA)
4. Number of Textual Annotation Act (NTAA)
5. Number of Reference Annotation Act (NRAA)
6. Number of compounding Annotation Act (textual
sign, graphic sign and reference sign of annotation
act can be compounded together in order to ex-
press complex meanings of annotation)(NCAA).
This set of statistics tends to characterize quantita-
tively the reader’s annotation practices. Next we run
a Pearson correlation
analysis between subjects’ per-
sonality scores and each of the features obtained from
analyzing their annotative activities.
We study the Pearson correlation between subjects’
personality scores and each of the features obtained
from analyzing their annotative activities. We report
the correlation values in table I. Those that were sta-
tistically significant for p < 0.05 are bolded.
Table 1: Pearson correlation values between annotation fea-
tures scores and presonality scores.
Open. Consc. Extra. Agree. Neuro.
TNAA -0,059 0,128 -0,138 0,089 -0,287
ANAA 0,003 0,080 -0,210 0,163 -0,183
NGAA -0,067 0,040 -0,130 0,105 -0,207
NTAA 0,001 0,182 0,040 0,085 -0,211
NRAA -0,075 0,045 -0,122 0,077 -0,207
NCAA -0,059 -0,012 -0,147 0,014 -0,219
We found in our analysis fewer significant corre-
lations, but we believe a larger sample size would pro-
duce much better results. However, the results we ob-
tained even with a small sample show promise that the
annotative activity can be useful for computing such
personality traits. In fact, table I shows significant
correlations for Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, and
Extraversion traits. We need larger sample to verify
the inference of the other traits from peoples annota-
Next, we present the scatter plots for the most sig-
nificant correlations between annotation practices fea-
tures and personality traits. These plots presenting
the relationship between annotative activity features
and human traits, where horizontal axis represents the
average personality trait scores and the vertical axis
represnts the annotative activity feature values.
Pearson’s correlation r [1,1] measures the linear re-
lationship between two random variables.
4.1 Conscientiousness
As presented in table I Conscientiousness is positively
related to the number of textual annotation act (fig.2).
The rest of the correlation values are not considerated
because of p-value > 0.05. But this is not a reason to
reject definitively the rest of annotation features as a
larger sample size may produces other significant cor-
The considered correlation may indicates that consci-
entious people are interested to use textual annota-
tion acts. Infact, conscientious individuals are prudent
which means both wise and cautious, better organized
and they avoid acting spontaneously and impulsively.
Thus, it may be the case that people who have high
degree of conscientiousness are interested to use tex-
tual annotation more than other annotation acts as it
demands more reflexion, reasoning and cognitive ef-
Figure 2: Scatter Plot showing Number of Textual Annota-
tion Act against Conscientiousness scores.
4.2 Extraversion
According to results shown in table I, Extraversion is
negatively correlated with the average number of an-
notation act (fig.3). The rest of the correlation values
can be probably significant with a larger sample size.
We can interpret the regression fit shown in figure 3
as follow: The fit is correlated negatively which is not
surprising as extraversion is marked by pronounced
engagement with the external world where extraverts
tend to be energetic and talkative while introverts are
more likely to be solitary and reserved. Thus, it may
be the case that reading and annotation is an intimate
activities, we do it in private, so people who are so-
cially active are less willing to practice annotation.
4.3 Neuroticism
Table I shows that neuroticism is negatively corre-
lated with all the features of annotation activity. Here,
Figure 3: Scatter Plot showing Average Number of Annota-
tion Act against Extraversion scores.
the chosen sample size is sufficient to have significant
correlations for all the annotation features. The differ-
ent correlation values are very significant which can
show the sensitivity of annotation practices to the neu-
roticism trait.
In other hand, one possible explanation for these cor-
relations is that more Neurotic people are emotion-
ally reactive and they experience negative emotions
for unusually long periods of time which can dimin-
ish the neurotics ability to think clearly and make de-
cisions. Thus those who score high on Neuroticism
are less eager to use annotation act as they can not
actively and critically engaging with the content for a
long periods of time.
Figure 4: Scatter Plot showing Total Number of Annotation
Act against Neuroticism scores.
4.4 Openness and Agreeableness
Unfortunately, the correlation values related to the
Openness and Agreeableness traits are very low. But
we can not reject definetly the hypothese of prediction
of these traits from annotation activity. We may ob-
tain significant values if we increase the sample size.
As an exemple, the p-value of the regression fit of
the Average Number of Annotation Act against the
Agreeableness traits is p = 0.076. This value can be
ameliorated with a larger sample size.
Figure 5: Scatter Plot showing Number of compounding
Annotation Act against Neuroticism scores.
Previously we examined the correlations between
each of Big Five personality dimension and anno-
tative activity features. Now, we are interested to
make predictions about a subject’s personality based
on multiple annotation features. First of all, we used
the multivariate linear regression to predict each per-
sonality trait using the annotation features. Next, we
used the coefficient of multiple determination R
measure the strength of fit. Also, we measure the
F-test to verify the statistical significance of the col-
lective influence that have the annotation features on
the personality traits. Thus, larger values of the F-test
statistic provide stronger evidence against H
. To re-
ject H
the value of the F-test should exceeds a critical
value calculated as follow:
F =
(1 R
)/[n (K + 1)]
Where k is the number of explanatory variables in our
model which corresponds to the number of annotation
activity features(K=6)and n represents the sample size
(n=120). So the F
is compared against a critical
F with 6 degree of freedom in the numerator and n-7
degrees of freedom for error in denominator. In our
case F
=2.18 for alpha level
of 0.05. Results
shown in table II indicate that the null hypothesis is
rejected for two cases. In fact, Neuroticism and Con-
scientiousness can be predicted with reasonable ac-
curacy using features of annotation activity, whereas
other traits are more difficult to be predicted using an-
notations. Prediction regarding Conscientiousness is
reasonably accurate, with R
value of 0.12, F
The null hypothesis states that there is no relationship
between annotation activity features and personality traits.
The alpha level is defined as the probability of what is
called a Type I error in statistics. That is the probability of
rejecting H
when in fact it was true.
value of 2.52 which exceeds the F
value and P-
value of 0.03 which is lower than the α value where
P-value is the probability the F-test statistic is larger
than the observed F-value. For Neuroticism we ob-
tained the model with the best fit, with an R
of 0.14, F
value of 3.11 and P-value of 0.01,
indicating quite accurate a prediction. The model for
Extraversion has a lower fit and the model for Agree-
ableness is even less accurate. It seems that Openness
is the hardest trait to predict using annotation activity
Table 2: Predicting personality traits using annotation ac-
tivity features through multivariate linear regression.
Trait R
F test P-value
Openness 0.03 0.57 0.76
Conscientiousness 0.12 2.52 0.03
Extraversion 0.07 1.32 0.25
Agreeableness 0.05 1.03 0.41
Neuroticism 0.14 3.11 0.01
In this study we show that Neuroticism and Conscien-
tiousness traits are correlated with annotation activity
features. We expect a larger sample size can be help-
ful to verify the correlation of the other human traits
to annotation practices.
Our findings are based on pen-and-paper approach
which is qualified by its relative ease with which the
reader may interact with a document in an intuitive
and familiar manner.
Recent researchs endeavor to replace the ”pen-
and paper” pardigm for the annotating needs. Dif-
ferent systems and tools of annotation are developed
such as: iAnnotate (Plimmer et al,2010), u-Annotate
(Chatti et al,2006), YAWAS
, iMarkup (2013), etc.
Such tools enable readers to annotate their digital doc-
uments with free form annotations similarly to ”pen-
and paper” case. iAnnotate for example is an anno-
tation tool for android system and it enables users to
add annotations with the pencil, highlighter, and note
Recently we intend talking about new products for
reading such as the tablet. With the aid of such de-
vices, the user may interact easily with a digital docu-
ment and enter her annotations as he do in the case of
”pen-and-paper”. Thus, our findings is promising and
original to be applied in such digital areas.
Yawas is a free web annotation tool for Firefox and
Chrome built on top of Google Bookmarks. Yawas enables
you to highlight text on any webpage and save it in your
Google Bookmarks account.
We believe it’s the occasion to develop a system
to attract those that have a curiosity to use anno-
tation platforms and practices - from end users in-
cluding scholars, scientists, journalists, public ser-
vants...etc. We expect our system enables readers to
interact actively with their reading materials via an-
notation practices. Our goal is to use the traced anno-
tations on the digital document to infer the annotator
personality traits. Thus the expected system should
contain free form annotation tool easy to be used, be
able to infer user personality traits from captured an-
notation activity and refines the user traits profile by
reference to new captured annotations. Based on the
modelled profile we expect our system be able to offer
services to users such as friendship recommendation
based on similarity of users personality, customizing
user interface using such predefined personas, sharing
annotated documents...etc.
To achieve the personalization process we need to
know certain user’s features. Several research works
prove that prediction of personality traits reveals a
lot about a user’s features. These findings was ap-
plied in several domains such as recommender sys-
tems (Nunes et al,2008) (Roshchina et al,2011) and
the results is interesting.
The annotation as an unselfconscious practice
constitutes a credible source of knowledge. In
(Kalboussi et al,2013) the annotation activity is used
to invoke the appropriate Web services to users. This
proves that annotation is rich enough to be used dif-
In this paper we use annotation to infer such
reader traits. That is a promising work and represents
a new tendency to model user personality from human
In other hand, let’s be objective, there are some
limitations to this work. The most important issue is
the sample size as we expect more significant results
with a larger sample. This limitation may be due to
the dependency to ”pen-and-paper” approach which
prevents us to benefit from the population of readers
over the web. In addition, people are not interested
to participate in our experimentation unless they are
motivated. We expect resolving these issues in future
Finally, our work is the first step to study the rela-
tion of reader annotation practices to human person-
ality traits. So much perspectives can be subjects of
future works such as studying factors which are likely
to influence annotating behaviour such as familiarity
with annotation tools and interest in the content topic.
Also our research can be extended to study the pos-
sibility to predict human traits through social annota-
tions. These avenues and others are very interesting
and represent an opened future directions which needs
more investigations.
In this paper, we have shown that such users’ per-
sonalities traits can be predicted from their annota-
tion practices. With this ability of prediction many
opportunities are opened which suggests future direc-
tions in variety of areas such as user modeling, recom-
mender systems, user interface design and so on areas
relative to personalization research domain. Further-
more, this work bridges the gap between the reading
and the personality research domains and it remains
an open research questions to see whether personality
can also be predicted using other potentially features
of reading activity as well as the influence of such en-
vironmental factors on human annotation behaviour.
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