Threshold-based Fall Detection on Smart Phones
Sebastian Fudickar, Alexander Lindemann and Bettina Schnor
Department of Computer Science, University of Potsdam, August-Bebel Str. 89, Potsdam, Germany
Fall detection, Development of Assistive Technology, Sensors-based Applications.
This paper evaluates threshold-based fall detection algorithms which use data from acceleration sensors that
are part of the current smart phone technology. The evaluation was done with sampled fall records where
young people simulate falls. To test the false positive rate of the algorithms, another record set with Activities
of the Daily Living (ADLs) from elderlies was used. The results are very promising and show that smart phone
sensors are suitable for fall detection. This will offer a new opportunity to assist elderlies in their daily living
and extend their period of self-determined living.
With physical disorders gaining relevance with in-
creasing age to the elderlies’ daily living, the prob-
ability of falls increases and the probability of full
health-recoverage from falls decreases (especially if
falls are not instantaneously detected) (I. S. Joint
Commission Resources, 2008). Consequently, first-
responders must be notified instantaneously if elder-
lies fall to increase healing chances.
Mobile devices like smart phones are equipped
with accelerometers which may be suited for auto-
matic fall detection. This is an interesting opportunity
for Assistive Living technologies where the automatic
fall detection can initiate an emergency call which
also includes the localization information where the
patient is fallen.
Prior studies have shown that the best results
are achieved when the mobile device is worn at the
hip (Kangas et al., 2008). The optimum should com-
bine a high sensitivity with a high specificity. The
sensitivity is a measure for the correctly detected falls:
Sensitivity =
Number o f all f alls
where TruePositives is the number of correctly
detected falls.
The specificity measures the rate of
TrueNegatives, i.e. the percentage of correctly
classified non-fall situations:
Speci ficity =
Number o f all non f alls
A high specificity means a low number of false
alarms. This is also a very important feature to make
a fall detection system a suited assistive technology.
Modern smart phones are equipped with a tri-axial
accelerometer sensor which collects periodically a
vector with axis-specific acceleration. Typically, this
is used to re-orient the screen as a user moves the de-
vice. But this sensor has also potential to be used for
fall detection.
In context of the Assistive Living project
KopAL (Fudickar et al., 2011), we use a mobile de-
vice called Efficient Mobile Unit (EMU) (Fudickar
et al., 2012a) which is equipped with the ADXL345
accelerometer. This is a high-end accelerometer
which is able to sample data with up to 800 Hz (for the
C bus) and which is capable of in-hardware prepro-
cessing. A simulation study has shown that the EMU
running the ADXL345 at 800 Hz has a very high sen-
sitivity of 93% (Fudickar et al., 2012b).
Recently, it was indicated by Mehner et
al. (Mehner et al., 2013) that the algorithm’s
detection rate is even accurate with sampling rates
below 800 Hz. The lower sampling rates are typical
for multi-purpose smart phones that are as well
equipped with acceleration sensors. Smart phone
operating systems such as Android aim to save
energy and typically sample with low rates (of up
to 100 Hz). The question was whether these lower
sampling rates will allow a high sensitivity.
Since the authors evaluate their algorithm with a
different fall set, it is not directly comparable to the
original one from (Fudickar et al., 2012b). Hence,
we extended the simulator to evaluate both algorithms
Fudickar S., Lindemann A. and Schnor B..
Threshold-based Fall Detection on Smart Phones.
DOI: 10.5220/0004795803030309
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2014), pages 303-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-010-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(the one optimized in (Fudickar et al., 2012b) and the
one of Mehner et al. (Mehner et al., 2013)) with our
recorded falls and the simulator first proposed in (Fu-
dickar et al., 2012b), to assure a meaningful compa-
Since the initial Activities of the Daily Living
(ADLs) were recorded by young probands that exe-
cuted critical ADLs in a high frequency and in an ex-
aggerated manner, the results may be less realistic for
elderlies. While recording falls of elderlies is still a
challenging and critical task, the recording of ADLs
of the elderly is less problematic. Therefore, ADLs
of elderlies were recorded in a nursing home and en-
abled us to test also the specificity of both algorithms
under realistic conditions for the intended user group.
The remainder of the article is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2 related work is discussed. The
basic algorithm of the threshold-based fall detection
is introduced in Section 3. Section 4 presents the ex-
tension of the simulator. It follows the description of
the evaluation environment. The results of the evalu-
ation are presented in Section 6. The article ends with
a conclusion.
Jia (Jia, 2011) proposed a threshold-based fall detec-
tion algorithm for the accelerometer ADXL345 which
is able to pre-process raw acceleration data itself.
This feature can be used to let the processor remain in
low-power mode until a special event, in our use case
a free fall, was detected. This makes the accelerom-
eter beneficial for the use in mobile devices since it
helps to save energy.
The Efficient Mobile Unit (Fudickar et al., 2012a)
is a mobile device dedicated for Assisted Living sce-
narios which is equipped with the ADXL345. In (Fu-
dickar et al., 2012b), the parameter of Jia’s threshold-
based fall detection were optimized for the EMU.
For this purpose, the authors proposed a fall-detection
simulator which is able to model the threshold-based
fall detection. The simulator uses pre-recorded data
records from fall-situations and ADLs. ADLs were
generated for the simulator from recorded movements
of three probands with an age between 20 and 30
The optimal parameter set for the EMU was iden-
tified by running several simulations to test the com-
plete parameter space. This resulted in an optimized
algorithm with a sensitivity of 93% compared to a
sensitivity of 33% of the original Jia algorithm.
The work of Mehner et al. (Mehner et al., 2013)
indicated that threshold based fall-detection algo-
Figure 1: States of a fall shown for a frontal fall without
loss of consciousness (Fudickar et al., 2012b).
rithms are as well applicable for smart phones and
that the lower sampling rates (such as 50 Hz) that are
supported by the smart phone’s operating system are
uncritical. Furthermore, they indicated that the exclu-
sion of the free-fall detection may increase the detec-
tion accuracy by 27 % from 56% with free-fall detec-
tion to 83% without free-fall detection. Overall the
proposed algorithm achieved a maximal sensitivity of
83% and a specificity of 100%.
Sannino et al. (Sannino et al., 2013) have recently
proposed a fall detection algorithm that is based on
supervised knowledge extraction for a windowing
technique and was optimized with the an subset of the
recorded fall set from (Fudickar et al., 2012b). The re-
sulting algorithm achieved a promising sensitivity of
91% and a specificity of 92 % as the average of 25
runs for a seperate subset (testing set) of the fall set.
For a tri-axial accelerometer, fall situations are char-
acterized by multiple sequential events, as shown in
Figure 1. The accelerometer collects a vector (x,y,z)
of the axis-specific acceleration. While the following
description from (Fudickar et al., 2012b) is applicable
to threshold based fall detection algorithms in gen-
eral, the parameter settings are described according
to Jia (Jia, 2011).
Within a fall situation, the falling body experi-
ences zero-gravity during free falls. The free fall is
the initial event of each fall situation and therefore
is identified first. For example, for the accelerom-
eter ADXL345 used in our experiments, the gravity
must drop below the free fall threshold THRESH FF
(as described in Table 1) for a minimal duration of
Table 1: The optimal register settings are identical for all evaluated sampling rates and fall-detection algorithms.
Parameter’s Description Optimized algorithm
Register name (Register setting)
THRESH FF free-fall threshold 0.75 g (0x0C)
STRIKE THRESHOLD minimal impact per axis 2 g (0x20)
STRIKE WINDOW maximal delay between free fall and impact 500 ms (0x19)
STABLE TIME minimal stable-phase duration 1 s (0x01)
STABLE WINDOW maximal stable-phase duration 3.5 s (0xAF)
NOMOVEMENT TIME duration of critical phase 5s (0x19)
NOMOVEMENT THRESHOLD maximal acceleration during stable-phase 0.4375 g (0x07)
TIME FF minimal free-fall duration 30 ms (0x06)
TIME FF. Other algorithms (such as (A.K.Bourke
et al., 2007)) exclude a minimal duration for free fall
detection but instead detect them only via threshold
Once a free fall occurred, the algorithm tries
to detect an impact, which is given if the acceler-
ation values of all three axis exceed the so-called
STRIKE THRESHOLD. The maximal duration be-
tween free fall and impact recognition may not ex-
ceed the duration defined in STRIKE WINDOW. If
no impact was detected within this period, no fall was
detected and the algorithm resets the accelerometer to
detect further free falls.
In a fall situation the impact is followed by
a stable phase. During the stable phase, all
axis’ acceleration values drop below the NOMOVE-
MENT THRESHOLD, for a minimal duration of
STABLE TIME. A fall is recognized, if a free fall,
an impact and a stable phase were detected sequen-
tially. Therefore, the detection of the stable phase is
essential for the fall detection, but does not indicate a
loss of consciousness.
Instead, loss of consciousness is detected during
the critical phase, which follows the stable phase.
If no movements were recognized during the critical
phase (we chose 5 seconds), a loss of consciousness
can be assumed, caused by the previous fall.
The fall detection simulator from (Fudickar et al.,
2012b) was extended by the following aspects:
Since we wanted to compare two different thresh-
old based fall detection algorithms (one with and one
without the free fall phase detection), we had to im-
plement the one which ignores the fall’s initial free
fall phase. This altered algorithm was implemented
according to the one presented in (Mehner et al.,
2013) and is used to evaluate the fall detection al-
gorithm for mobile devices with less complex ac-
The original threshold-based fall detection algo-
rithm classifies the following three fall types:
1. Normal Falls: cover falls where the proband
moves again.
2. Critical Falls: describe falls where the proband
does not move after the impact and loss of con-
sciousness (l.o.c.) is assumed.
3. Critical Free Falls: are characterized by multiple
free fall events before the impact, which are e.g.
typical for falling down stairs. Critical free falls
do not differentiate regarding the l.o.c. since they
are in any case critical.
The fall detection algorithm without free fall de-
tection classifies detected falls into normal or critical
falls and can not detect the third fall type. Instead, the
associated falls are detected as normal or critical falls.
The other modification was the implementation of
an additional simulation stage which allows us to sim-
ulate different sampling rates (50 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz,
400 Hz, 800 Hz).
The sensitivity and specificity of the threshold based
fall detection algorithms is evaluated with the fall sets
and ADLS that are described in the following sub-
sections. All data records were sampled with the
EMU (Fudickar et al., 2012a) since it is equipped with
the ADXL345 accelerometer which is capable to sam-
ple data with a high sampling rate of 800 Hz.
5.1 Fall Set
The fall set was taken from (Fudickar et al., 2012b).
Since, the risk of injuries in case of older probands
is obviously much too high, the fall set was recorded
by three young probands with an age between 20 and
30 years including both genders. The fall set covered
frontal falls, backward falls, falls to the left and to the
right, falling after standing up, falling from bending
Table 2: Detected falls with and without free fall detection for the analyzed sampling rates. Falls are only counted at the most
critical fall-type. The sum is calculated from the detected falls and critical falls and critical free falls.
Sampling rate with free fall detection without free fall detection
normal falls critical fall critical free fall sum falls normal falls critical fall sum falls
800 Hz 29 43 6 78 (92%) 35 48 83 (99%)
400 Hz 32 41 6 79 (94%) 37 46 83 (99%)
200 Hz 29 45 4 78 (92%) 34 48 82 (98%)
100 Hz 28 44 7 79 (94%) 34 48 82 (98%)
50 Hz 28 45 4 77 (92%) 34 49 83 (99%)
Expected falls 36 36 12 84 42 42 84
down while picking up a book and falling from stairs
as suggested by (Wang et al., 2008). The half of the
allover 84 recorded falls were critical falls, with loss
of consciousness (where the proband did not move af-
ter the falls). The other half were falls after which the
proband moved again.
5.2 ADLs of Elderlies
To evaluate the specificity of the algorithms, we
recorded the acceleration characteristics of ADLs of
elderlies. Thereby, elderlies were equipped with a
fanny pack, worn at the probands’ hip in which the
EMU was carried.
The recordings took place in the nursing home
Florencehort, Stahnsdorf, Germany on two consecu-
tive days in August 2013. Nine elderlies (four males
and ve females) with an average age of 82 years
(ranging from 70 to 95 years) participated in the
recordings. Among the participants, one was using
a wheelchair and four were using a wheeled walking
Only recordings of eight probands are used for
the evaluation of the algorithm’s specificity, since the
recording failed in one case due to a device error.
Allover, more than 41 hours of ADLs were recorded.
The phases of attachment and detachment of the fanny
pack were excluded (cropped) from the recordings.
This results in a considered duration of allover 39
hours in which 37695360 acceleration values were
recorded. The considered recording duration per de-
vice ranged from 3.37 to 5.93 hours and was in av-
erage about 5 hours. The recordings started around
10:15 a clock and therefore covered typical daily ac-
tivities including eating lunch, walks and potential af-
ternoon naps.
Figures 2 shows the recorded acceleration values
(x,y,z) plotted as the length of the vector:
+ y
+ z
The maximal recorded acceleration in the cropped
recordings was at 8.7 g. However, such measurements
over 5 g occurred rarely and its occurence is marked
in the Figures by a red cross at the upper bound. Fur-
ther, some missing samples exist in the recordings
shown in Figure 2 c) and h) due to recording problems
of the devices (which are still in prototype stage). The
acceleration of the recording shown in Figure 2 d) var-
ied less than the one of the others and thereby was
probably sampled with the proband in the wheel chair.
With the extended simulator and the additional
recorded ADLs of elderlies, we evaluated both thresh-
old based fall detection algorithms (with and without
free-fall detection) and the lower sampling rates to get
insights on their influence on the sensitivity and speci-
The evaluation results are discussed separately for
the sensitivity and specificity in the following.
6.1 Sensitivity
Ahead of the evaluation, the threshold parameter’s
settings were optimized for the fall set for all sam-
pling rates and both algorithms (with and without free
fall detection), in respect to potential variations of
the optimum. However, the optimal parameter set-
tings as expected did not vary or change since they
rather represent the fall characteristics, which did not
change. Therefore, the optimal parameter settings are
as shown in Table 1 identical to the ones that were
identified as optimal in (Fudickar et al., 2012b). Con-
sequently, the evaluated algorithms differed only by
the inclusion of the free-fall detection step and the
used sampling rate.
For the evaluated sampling rates (between 50 Hz
and 800 Hz), the fall detection algorithm’s overall
sensitivity is minor affected by the sampling rate, as
shown in Table 2. The associated confusion matrixes
are shown in Table 3 and in Table 4. For the applied
fall records, a sampling rate of 400 and 50 Hz resulted
in a slightly higher fall-detection rate. In contrast to
the sampling rate, the exclusion of the free-fall detec-
tion significantly increased the algorithm’s sensitivity
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
Figure 2: The acceleration in g (black) of the ADL records of elderlies (red crosses indicate the time of acceleration measure
that exceeds 5 g, which occured in a) 17, in c) 8, in e) 12, in f) 20, in g) 7 and in h) 15 times).
Table 3: Confusion matrix for fall detection algorithm with
freefall detection at 50 Hz.
Detected as Falls Detected as ADL
Falls 77 7
ADLs 0 ca. 2355960
and increased the detection rate by up to 5% to 83
falls (99%) without free-fall detection instead of 79
falls (94%) with free-fall detection.
6.2 Specificity
The specificity of both algorithms was evaluated with
the records of the elderlies’ ADLs. Both algorithms
have optimal specificity, since no false positive fall
was detected. Hence in our experiments, the free-fall
detection had no influence on the specificity.
However, the specificity of the fall-type detection
differs and is without free fall detection less accurate
(see Table 2). While most falls are correctly detected,
the type of a fall is regularly false detected among
all algorithm configurations (see Table 2). Typically
normal falls are detected as critical falls. Since in
any fall-situation (even the ones without loss of con-
sciousness) an emergency should be notified, this as-
pect is unproblematic, but might be further investi-
6.3 Interpretation of the Results
The results indicate that the exclusion of the free-fall
detection step enhances the sensitivity, while not af-
fecting the algorithms specificity. Thereby, we could
confirm the results of (Mehner et al., 2013) who pro-
posed the exclusion of this processing step. Further-
more, we confirmed that the data sampling rate has
minor impact on the algorithm’s sensitivity and speci-
ficity in the tested range (50 800 Hz). The algo-
rithm’s optimal parameter settings have shown to be
independent from the data sampling rates at all.
We evaluated threshold-based fall detection algo-
rithms which can be used on smart phones. Our
motivation was that multi-purpose smart phones are
equipped with acceleration sensors. Smart phone op-
erating systems such as Android aim to save energy
and typically sample with low rates (typically be-
tween 20 and 100 Hz). The question was whether
these lower sampling rates will allow a high sensitiv-
Table 4: Confusion matrix for fall detection algorithm with-
out freefall detection at 50 Hz.
Detected as Falls Detected as ADL
Falls 83 1
ADLs 0 ca. 2355960
Therefore, we extended the simulator presented in
(Fudickar et al., 2012b) to compare different sampling
rates and two different fall detection variants: one
with and one without detection of a free fall phase.
Our results show that
1. Fall detection with low sampling rates of at least
50 Hz can be used and have a sensitivity of 99%
for our fall records.
2. The sensitivity of the fall detection algorithm vari-
ant without the detection of a free fall phase is
(with up to 5 %) slightly better. From 84 falls,
the algorithm with free fall phase detection rec-
ognized 77 falls where the algorithm without free
fall detection recognized 83 falls.
3. The specificity of both algorithms regarding the
false-positive rates is perfect for the recorded
ADLs of the elderly.
The application programming interfaces for the ac-
cess of accelerometers of current smart phone OSs
such as Android and iOS are limited regarding the
configuration of specific sampling rates and the ac-
cess of interrupts. Therefore, we are looking forward
to propose better extensions and will integrate the fall
detection into the Kernel of the Android OS.
Android based smart phones use in some opera-
tion modes even lower sampling rates (up to 20 Hz)
than the ones used in our simulation to save energy on
the mobile devices. Therefore, we plan to adapt the
simulator to work also for this lower sampling rates.
The nursing home Florencehort in Stahnsdorf which
belongs to the Landesauschuss f
ur innere Mission
(LAFIM) supports sincerely our studies. We like to
thank the LAFIM team and all of the probands for
their patient support of our work.
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