Challenges of Modelling Landscapes
Pragmatics Swept Under the Carpet?
Marija Bjekovi
c and Henderik A. Proper
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
{marija.bjekovic, erik.proper}
Model, Modelling Language, Model Integration.
In enterprise modelling, a wide range of models and languages is used to support different purposes. If
left uncontrolled, this can easily result in a fragmented perspective on the enterprise, its processes and IT
support. On its turn, this negatively affects traceability, the ability to do crosscutting analysis, and the overall
coherence of models. Different strategies are suggested to achieve model integration. They mainly address
syntactic-semantics aspects of models/languages, and only to a limited extent their pragmatics. In actual use,
the ‘standardising’ and ‘integrating’ effects of traditional approaches (e.g. UML, ArchiMate) erodes. This is
typically manifested by the emergence of local ‘dialects’, ‘light weight versions’, as well as extensions of the
standard to cover ‘missing aspects’. This paper aims to create more awareness of the factors that are at play
when creating integrated modelling landscapes. Relying on our ongoing research, we develop a fundamental
understanding of the driving forces and challenges related to modelling and linguitic variety within modelling
landscapes. In particular, the paper discusses the effect of a priori fixed languages in modelling and model
integration efforts, and argues that they bring about the risk of neglecting the pragmatic richness needed across
practical modelling situations.
Enterprise models play an important role in the design
and operations of enterprises (Bubenko et al., 2010).
More specifically, enterprise models can be used to
study the current state of an enterprise, analyse prob-
lems with regard to the current situation, sketch po-
tential future scenarios, design future states of the
enterprise, communicate with stakeholders, manage
change, etc. ((Davies et al., 2006), (Bubenko et al.,
2010), (Anaby-Tavor et al., 2010)).
Next to the fact that enterprise models are cre-
ated for different purposes, it is necessary to do so
from different perspectives, such as business pro-
cesses, value exchanges, products and services, in-
formation systems, etc. In the field of information
systems engineering, the use of a multi-perspective
approach has long since been advocated, e.g. (Wood–
Harper et al., 1985), (Zachman, 1987). For enter-
The Enterprise Engineering Team (EE-Team) is a col-
laboration between Public Research Centre Henri Tudor,
Radboud University Nijmegen and HAN University of Ap-
plied Sciences (
prise modelling, there is even a broader set of per-
spectives to consider ((Frank, 2002), (Winter and Fis-
cher, 2007), (Greefhorst et al., 2006), (Wagter et al.,
The collection of models that jointly represent
the different perspectives of one enterprise, are of-
ten expressed using different modelling languages, in-
cluding UML (OMG, 2003), BPMN (OMG, 2008),
ArchiMate (Iacob et al., 2012), i* (Yu and Mylopou-
los, 1996), e3Value (Gordijn and Akkermans, 2003),
SBVR (OMG, 2006), etc. Throughout this paper, we
will use the term enterprise modelling landscape, or
simply modelling landscape, to refer to the variety of
models and corresponding modelling languages used
in a specific enterprise modelling effort
Since the models included in an enterprise mod-
elling landscape provide different views on the same
enterprise, it is quite natural to expect that the sets of
models form a coherent whole; i.e. linked where rele-
vant and consistent as a whole. A plethora of models
The scope of a particular enterprise modelling effort
can be only one project, cross-project considerations, entire
enterprise etc.
G M. and A. Proper H.
Challenges of Modelling LandscapesPragmatics Swept Under the Carpet?.
DOI: 10.5220/0004773600110022
In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2013), pages 11-22
ISBN: 978-989-8565-56-3
2013 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and modelling languages may easily result in a frag-
mented perspectives on the enterprise, which is likely
to have a negative impact on the traceability across
different models, the ability to do crosscutting anal-
ysis, to manage inconsistency
and to ensure overall
coherence of e.g. the design of the enterprise. The
fact that different models are usually expressed in dif-
ferent modelling languages makes it even harder to
maintain the coherence.
The traditional approach of dealing with fragmen-
tation in modelling landscapes is to create an inte-
grated/unified modelling language, such as UML and
ArchiMate. However, in actual use, one can observe
how the ‘standardising’ and ‘integrating’ effect of
such languages erodes. This typically manifests itself
in terms of local ‘dialects’, ‘light weight versions’, or
several extensions of an existing standard that are in-
tended to deal with ‘missing aspects’. This point is il-
lustrated by the advent of domain or purpose-specific
(modelling) languages that allow for the creation of
models that are tuned to the needs of specific domains
or purposes. At the same time, there exists a number
of approaches that aim to alleviate this fragmenting
effect by assuring the links between the different lan-
guages definitions, see e.g. ((Frank, 2002), (Vernadat,
2002), (Anaya et al., 2010)). Typically, these links
are defined based on the standardised definition of the
language, in particular its semantics (as in e.g. (Anaya
et al., 2010)).
As we will discuss throughout this paper, the
drivers of language standardisation are predominantly
of technical nature (Hoppenbrouwers, 2003). There
are clear benefits of language standardisation. For in-
stance, it is generally considered as a necessary con-
dition for CASE tool development. In addition, it is
a first step towards automating some model manip-
ulations, e.g. model transformations (including code
generation). Nonetheless, the potential benefits of
standardised languages tend to be quickly generalised
to the entire modelling endeavour. What goes practi-
cally unquestioned, in aiming for language standardi-
sation, is whether fixed languages can be used at all in
different modelling contexts and with different stake-
holder groups. For instance, in ((Kaidalova et al.,
2012), (Bubenko et al., 2010)) it is observed that the
choice of formalism should be related the given mod-
elling task and audience. For example, when the lan-
guage chosen is rather too formal for stakeholders, it
can hinder the modelling process.
We will argue, that standardising/fixing a mod-
elling language leads to a situation in which the
pragmatic richness that is needed across various
Allow inconsistencies between models, e.g. due to dif-
ferent views by differing stakeholders, in a controlled way.
modelling situations in practice is neglected. This
brings about the risk of sweeping pragmatics un-
der the carpet. Indeed, various surveys ((Malavolta
et al., 2012), (Kaidalova et al., 2012)) and empir-
ical studies ((Anaby-Tavor et al., 2010), (Karlsen,
2011), (Briand et al., 1995), (Elahi et al., 2008)) re-
porting on practical experiences with enterprise mod-
elling, point at the need for flexibility in modelling.
At the same time they observe a lack in flexibil-
ity of tools and the underlying (fixed) languages
to aptly fit the needs of specific modelling situa-
tions. This often leads to different levels of disci-
pline in which the standard language is obeyed to,
e.g. resulting in dialect-like variations of the orig-
inal language ((Bubenko et al., 2010), (Malavolta
et al., 2012), (Briand et al., 1995), (Elahi et al.,
2008), (Karlsen, 2011)), or workarounds (e.g. us-
ing ad hoc notes and annotations) to compensate
for the missing elements in the language/tool (De-
len et al., 2005). This may even go as far as
the use of home-grown, organisation-specific semi-
structured models/languages instead of the standard
notation ((Anaby-Tavor et al., 2010), (Malavolta
et al., 2012), (Karlsen, 2011)).
In our view, this indicates a lack of fundamental
understanding of the role of language in modelling,
and more specifically, the place of fixed language in
attempts to integrate models. In this paper, based on
our ongoing research, we intend to shed more light on
this topic. We will therefore start in Section 2 with a
discussion on the potential benefits of standardising
modelling languages. In Sections 3 and 4 we then
explore the effects of their use in modelling and inte-
gration respectively, also identifying more explicitly
the risk of sweeping pragmatics under the carpet of
the modelling landscape. We then continue in Sec-
tion 5 with a fundamental discussion of models and
modelling. This understanding is used then to discuss
in Section 6 the role of modelling languages, and their
potential standardisation. In the conclusion, we syn-
thesise the insights and suggest the direction to ex-
plore more realistic strategies for creating and man-
aging modelling landscapes.
In our field, we typically deal with linguistic mod-
els (Karagiannis and H
offerer, 2006), i.e. models ex-
pressed in a modelling language. A further distinc-
tion can be made between textual and graphical lan-
guages (Harel and Rumpe, 2004). Given their signifi-
cant usage in enterprise modelling efforts, our discus-
sion focusses on graphical languages. Traditionally, a
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
modelling language is defined in terms of an abstract
syntax, a concrete syntax and semantics.
The abstract syntax defines the basic elements and
rules for creating models. The abstract syntax of
graphical modelling language is commonly given by
means of the meta-model. The meta-model actually
represents the conceptual foundation of the modelling
language, i.e. a specific classification of concepts to
be used in discourse about the ‘world’ (Falkenberg
et al., 1998). As such, the meta-model provides a par-
ticular ontological position filtering the view on the
‘world’ that one chooses to take (Falkenberg et al.,
1998). It is also argued in (Falkenberg et al., 1998)
that all other aspects of the modelling language de-
pend on the concepts contained in the meta-model.
The concrete syntax or notation deals with the (vi-
sual) representation of the modelling language on the
medium, by defining the visual symbols and rules for
their combination (and their correspondence to the ab-
stract syntax of the language. The medium itself can
for example be restricted to a specific form, such as
graphical, textual, or video, but the notation in gen-
eral can also be restricted in terms of fonts, icons and
layout rules. See e.g. (Moody, 2009).
The semantics deals with the meaning of a mod-
elling language. The conventional way of defining
semantics is in terms of a semantic domain and a se-
mantic mapping (Harel and Rumpe, 2004). Accord-
ing to (Harel and Rumpe, 2004), the semantic do-
main captures the decisions about the kinds of things
language should express (Harel and Rumpe, 2004,
p. 68). The semantic mapping, in turn, establishes
the correspondence from syntactic elements to the se-
mantic domain. However, this approach to defining
semantics is required for the mechanical manipula-
tion of models, e.g. by computer tools, since they can
only manipulate semantics in terms of syntactic rep-
resentations (Harel and Rumpe, 2004). We propose
to label this aspect of semantics as syntactic seman-
tics. In the realm of human use of language, meaning
is approached differently by taking into account the
entire context in which the linguistic communication
is embedded and the function of linguistic utterances
in that context
. We propose to label this aspect of
semantics as pragmatic semantics. When stakehold-
ers use modelling language in modelling, they address
the semantics from this perspective. We will discuss
this topic further in Section 6.
As illustrated in Figure 1, the fixed i.e. standard-
ised definition of the modelling language a priori
identifies and restricts the intended sets of models the
This way of addressing meaning is inherent to the func-
tional perspective or action tradition on language. We will
elaborate this in the Section 6
ML Pragmatics
Figure 1: Intended and actual use of the modelling lan-
language allows to express. This also limits the sets
of intended modelling situations in which, by using
a particular fixed language, a satisfactory model of
the domain can be produced. Therefore, when freez-
ing languages (Hoppenbrouwers, 2003), the design-
ers of the language, implicitly or explicitly, restrict
the intended use of a language. The more models a
language can ‘produce’, the more expressive the lan-
guage is. However, the actual suitability of the lan-
guage is dependent on the particular modelling situa-
tion in which language is used. It refers to whether
the modelling language allows to create the model
of the domain such that it satisfies the needs of ac-
tual modelling situation (e.g. the level of detail in do-
main, coverage of specific aspects, specific form etc.).
This is the area of modelling pragmatics. According
to (Thalheim, 2012), it studies the use of languages
in a particular modelling situation depending on the
purposes and goals of models within a community of
In most cases, graphical modelling languages are
defined semi-formally, i.e. with explicit (and more or
less formal) definitions of the (abstract and concrete)
syntax. The conceptual foundation of the language
may be defined at different levels of genericity (i.e.
involving more or less generic concepts). This influ-
ences the intended model sets supported by the lan-
guage. Also, different syntactic restrictions may be
included in the language definition, further restricting
intended model sets. The semantics is, however, usu-
ally given in an informal manner in the language spec-
ification, i.e. using natural language. The latter does
not lend itself that easily to machine interpretation.
Formally defined semantics is required for making the
language specification (fully) machine readable. The
standard and precise definition of modelling language
syntax and semantics is indeed pre-requisite for au-
tomation. This makes possible e.g. model transforma-
tions, interoperability, computer-aided analysis tech-
niques, simulation, and (developing tools for) various
other manipulations of models. These are some clear
benefits of fixed languages, and one possible strategy
Challenges of Modelling Landscapes - Pragmatics Swept Under the Carpet?
to ensure a return on modelling effort.
The predominant factor for a priori fixing the
modelling language is therefore the technology (Hop-
penbrouwers, 2003), i.e. the fact that mechanical ma-
nipulation of models requires fixed representations. It
is also assumed that by having standard (and precise)
definition of the modelling language, all the meta-
discussions on concepts can be avoided. This would
contribute to the certainty and efficiency of commu-
nication (Hoppenbrouwers, 2003), and shared under-
standing of models would be easier to reach.
However, as the next two Sections will discuss,
standardisation comes at a cost, in particular for prag-
matics, which ends up being swept under the carpet.
A key problem in the use of fixed languages in mod-
elling is rooted in the lack of suitability of a language
for an actual modelling situation. It is indeed often
the case that the choice of the modelling language is
imposed from the “outside” onto the modelling situa-
tion. Typically, the existing modelling infrastructures
within the enterprise, the expertise of the modelling
team, etc. constrain the choice of the language.
As reported in several surveys on the practice of
modelling, see e.g. (Davies et al., 2006) (Anaby-
Tavor et al., 2010) (Malavolta et al., 2012), general-
purpose modelling languages are the most widely
used modelling languages. Nonetheless, these sur-
veys also indicate that ‘variants’ of these languages
are in place. For instance, several experience reports
of the use of i* in specific situations (Briand et al.,
1995) (Elahi et al., 2008) explain in detail why and
how the language was extended to be able to make
models that satisfy the needs of the given modelling
situation. In the case of ArchiMate, this has e.g.
resulted in the suggestion to distinguish between a
‘sketching’ and a ‘designing’ (Lankhorst et al., 2005)
variation of the notation (using more sketchy lines and
more informal looking fonts). This variation can even
be combined in one model to differentiate between
the status of different parts of the model. On the same
line, (Malavolta et al., 2012) indicate the need for in-
formal ‘variants’ of (software and enterprise) archi-
tecture models for their communication to different
In our view, these variants are essentially
purpose-specific variations of the same original
generic modelling language, differing only in their
syntactic and semantic restrictions, i.e. purpose-
specific modelling languages (Bjekovi
c et al., 2012).
They emerge from the need to make the language suit-
able for the communicative task in the actual mod-
elling situation at hand. When the modelling lan-
guage used is not suitable enough, variations will
emerge to compensate for this lack of suitability.
Pragmatics re-emerging from under the carpet.
An extreme case of adapting the language to the
actual modelling situation is the use of ‘home-grown’
notations (Anaby-Tavor et al., 2010) and/or emergent
modelling languages, i.e. the languages that are be-
ing constructed along the modelling process. For
instance, in (Anaby-Tavor et al., 2010) business ar-
chitects express a clear preference for home-grown,
semi-structured models, since they offer flexibility in
terms of re-factoring, delayed commitment to syn-
tax, and closer fit to the inherent way of thinking in
these phases. These semi-structured models emerged
through the repeated use in similar modelling situa-
tions, whereby the sets of concepts and their mean-
ings, and (right level of) restrictions gradually yielded
a new language.
Collaborative modelling situations also demon-
strate the challenge of adequate modelling support.
For instance, in situations whose primary goal is col-
lective knowledge creation, e.g. developing vision and
strategy, scoping the problem, and high-level busi-
ness design, the need for simple and intuitive mod-
elling notations, as well as unconstrained medium
(e.g. plastic walls, whiteboards) prevails (Bubenko
et al., 2010). As most stakeholders do not have mod-
elling expertise, the language and tools have to ac-
commodate this, and thus are required to be simple,
intuitive, and corresponding to the natural interaction
that occurs in such situations (Barjis, 2009).
Depending on the nature of a modelling situation,
the modelling language is, to a greater or lesser de-
gree, able to support the formulation of the desired
models. We have discussed a number of different
strategies used in practice to compensate for the lack
of language suitability. These strategies in one way
or the other act on the language specification, aiming
to ‘extend’ the actual sets of models which a given
language can express. In doing so, there is inevitably
the risk of violating the intended pragmatics of the
fixed language. However, such a practice may well
be an indication that the pragmatic richness of mod-
elling situations to be supported by the language has
not been adequately taken into account when the lan-
guage was designed. In our view, answering this
dilemma requires a more fundamental understanding
of the role of language in modelling.
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Since enterprises are modelled using different mod-
els/views, it is desirable to maintain their coherence.
The use of a wide range of models and modelling
languages can easily lead to a fragmentation of the
modelling landscape; i.e. a break up of coherence. To
avoid or deal with such a situation, different strate-
gies are employed, e.g. ((Frank, 2002), (Iacob et al.,
2012), (Anaya et al., 2010)). We classify them into
language unification and language federation strat-
egy. They both address the integration challenge at
the level of fixed language definition. In this section,
we discuss some of the challenges that such an ap-
proach raises.
The strategy of unification of enterprise modelling
language(s) has the ambition to define a standard set
of constructs in which all the models (i.e. perspec-
tives) can be expressed. The unified language is in-
tended to be used instead of the different languages
that partially cover the domain of interest. We can ob-
serve this logic in the definition of UML, ArchiMate,
as well as language of EKD method (Stirna and Pers-
son, 2012). This approach boils down to preventing
the fragmentation from occurring in the first place.
The unified language offers a fixed, but integrated,
view on some domain of interest. Besides a priori fix-
ing the set of constructs, the standardising effect of
the unifying language lies also in the fact that it a
priori fixes the perspectives for modelling some do-
main. The integration between the different perspec-
tives, i.e. models, is easier to ensure, given that con-
sistency and coherence rules can be embedded in the
language definition. The CASE tool can then auto-
matically check these properties.
Regretfully, however, it is nearly impossible to a
priori identify which perspectives should be part of an
integrated language. The challenge lies in the fact that
the relevance of different perspectives (and its related
modelling concepts) is highly context-dependent. For
instance, different perspectives may be relevant for
different (types of) enterprises, or even in different
transformation projects of the same enterprise. More-
over, over time, new perspectives may become rele-
vant for a particular enterprise.
To cater for context-dependency, standard mod-
elling languages like UML and ArchiMate offer
means for their extension. For instance, UML has the
well-known stereotyping mechanism (whose prob-
lems are also well-known). In the case of Archi-
Mate, the very design of the language (Lankhorst
et al., 2010) provides different possibilities for ex-
tension. However, these mechanisms are of limited
scope, they mostly allow for refinement of concepts,
not for adding the entire domains which were not en-
visaged by the original language definition.
At the same time, one can observe how there is
a drive for the ArchiMate language as a standard to
be extended with additional domains. The move from
the ArchiMate 1.0 standard to the ArchiMate 2.0 stan-
dard included two additional domains, namely mo-
tivation and migration. Further integration between
TOGAF and ArchiMate is likely to lead to even more
extensions. Moreover, the extensions with e.g. busi-
ness policies and rules, are also considered (Iacob
et al., 2012). Where will it stop?
The fact that such unified languages are typically
very generic is already an indicator that the perspec-
tives and concepts that are specific to different con-
texts cannot be covered. Therefore, in the actual use
of a unified modelling language in the specific con-
text, the need to extend the language with ‘missing
domains’ is likely to emerge. On the other hand,
defining the comprehensive and overly detailed lan-
guage covering all the potentially relevant perspec-
tives and related concepts would most likely result in
the overly complex language that would be costly to
According to (Egyedi, 2007), this tension is in-
herent to any standard definition process, including
modelling standards. The authors argue that defining
the context-independent standards (e.g. enterprise- or
application-independent, etc.) typically leads to very
comprehensive and/or generic standards, therefore
also difficult or too expensive to use. Even more,
this tension is recognised as a fundamental dilemma
in developing standards, which is very difficult to re-
solve (Egyedi, 2007).
Moreover there is another issue with a unified lan-
guage approach. A common belief is that by means of
a priori imposing standardised vocabulary, frequent
meta-discussions could be avoided, and the knowl-
edge transfer could be facilitated. However, as well as
with perspectives, the languages used in enterprises
are also context-dependent, depending on e.g. pro-
fessional background and education of stakeholders.
These factors exert an influence on the default way
different people conceptualise (Linden et al., 2012).
In that sense, imposing another language, which is
‘outside’ their area of practice, straight from the be-
ginning is likely to cause, and not resolve, conceptual
A language such as ArchiMate is designed to deal
with this issue by enabling users to define their own
viewpoints, i.e. to have their model (the view) derived
from the integrated model. However, this viewpoint
is still to be defined from the unique fixed ‘footprint’,
i.e. unified metamodel.
Challenges of Modelling Landscapes - Pragmatics Swept Under the Carpet?
Conversely to the key drive of language unifica-
tion, the rationale of the strategy of federating lan-
guages is not to prevent, but rather to allow and man-
age the variety of modelling languages within the
modelling landscapes. To avoid fragmentation, it
aims to ensure the links between the modelling lan-
guages. A number of different approaches exists to
establish these links. We can classify them on several
dimensions, for the goal of this discussion.
One classification dimension regards the way
in which bridges are constructed between the lan-
guages. One approach is to directly connect the lan-
guages on a point-to-point basis, e.g. (B
ezivin et al.,
2006) (Zivkovic et al., 2007) (Fabro and Valduriez,
2009). The links can also be established with the help
of a ‘mediator’, as in Unified Enterprise Modelling
Language (UEML) (Anaya et al., 2010). The medi-
ator’s role is to serve as the basis to which all the
modelling languages are mapped, and to ensure the
consistency between the models. In UEML, the uni-
fied ‘ontology’ (Opdahl et al., 2012) plays this role.
However, it requires the languages to be (re)defined
in accordance with the specific grammar, as well as in
full formal precision, given that the approach targets
the semantic interoperability of tools and associated
We may also distinguish the approaches based on
the moment (in the language’s lifetime) when the
links are established, i.e. based on the temporality.
In the case of point-to-point bridges, the links are es-
tablished between already existing languages. How-
ever, the links may also be defined at the moment
of language design. In that case, the new language
is defined extending or specialising an already ex-
isting (more generic) language, the approach akin to
the older work on the so-called meta-model hierar-
chies (Falkenberg and Oei, 1994) (Falkenberg et al.,
1998). For instance, (Vallecillo, 2010) discuses in
detail different techniques for combining (domain-
specific) modelling languages based on this hierarchy
Another dimension of classification may be
whether the links are established based on syntac-
tic correspondences only, or whether they also in-
volve semantic correspondences. MDE approaches to
model transformations and model weaving (Fabro and
Valduriez, 2009) generally only consider the syntacti-
cal level. In turn, semantic integration is explored in
order to enhance the quality and reduce the complex-
ity of a priori establishing language bridges (Kara-
giannis and H
offerer, 2006). It is however question-
able what kind of semantics of language constructs
can be captured a priori. This is especially pro-
nounced for generic languages such as i* (Yu and
Mylopoulos, 1996) or UML, but also relevant for
domain-specific languages, as discussed in (Frank,
2011). Without taking the context of language use,
the abstract concepts (underlying generic languages)
may allow for various interpretations. The precise,
i.e. contextualised interpretation is, however, neces-
sary for the bridges to be meaningful. For instance,
a modelling language such as i* (Yu and Mylopou-
los, 1996) can be used for modelling strategic goals
of actors in relation to the system, but also to express
information systems requirements. In each of these
contexts, the inherent semantics of e.g. the modelling
construct actor will vary: when modelling strategic
goals of enterprise, actor can only be a human actor,
while in the context of modelling software require-
ments, a machine may be an actor as well. Without
taking this into account, the a priori mappings be-
tween i* and ArchiMate (based on language defini-
tion and not use) might be meaningless in some of the
contexts of i* use.
This context-dependent semantic variation can
only be determined by taking into account the con-
text of language use, not a priori. Indeed, in dis-
cussing the meaning of models, (Thalheim, 2012)
distinguishes its two complementary aspects: refer-
ential and functional meaning. While the referential
meaning is well investigated, the functional meaning
relates model elements with the context in which they
are used. The key to understanding the functional
meaning is in modelling pragmatics.
In addition, as we have seen in the reports of the
use of modelling languages, there is an indication
that, in various usage contexts, the syntactical vari-
ation with respect to the original language specifica-
tion also takes place. Therefore, the value of building
the language bridges a priori and based on a priori
fixed languages, i.e. out of the context of its actual
use, might be questioned.
The remainder of the paper discusses our fundamen-
tal understanding of the driving forces and challenges
related to modelling and linguistic variety within en-
terprise modelling landscapes. In our ongoing re-
search, we develop a theory to explain why and how
enterprise modelling landscapes emerge and evolve,
where we focus on the use of modelling languages.
Based on such a theory, our ambition is to revisit
the integration strategies and propose their realis-
tic variants that better caters for the pragmatics of
models/languages. Our view on models and mod-
elling is rooted in semiotics, linguistics and cogni-
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
tive science. This view is inspired by different re-
lated research tackling the fundamental modelling
aspects such as ((Stachowiak, 1973), (Rothenberg,
1989), (Falkenberg et al., 1998), (Hoppenbrouwers
et al., 2005), (Proper et al., 2005), (Thalheim, 2012)).
We look at the models as being essentially a means of
communication about some domain of interest, and
the process of modelling as a communication-driven
process led by a pragmatic focus (Hoppenbrouwers
and Wilmont, 2010).
Though different views on models and modelling
exist, as well as many different definitions, we will
elaborate the reasons for which we propose the fol-
lowing (general) definition of model (based on ((Sta-
chowiak, 1973), (Rothenberg, 1989), (Falkenberg
et al., 1998), (Thalheim, 2011))):
A model is an artefact acknowledged by an
observer as representing some domain for a
particular purpose.
By stating that a model is an artefact, we exclude
from the definition the conceptions (Falkenberg et al.,
1998) or so-called “mental models” (mental spaces
in (Fauconnier, 2010)). Nonetheless, we do consider
conceptions as important within the modelling pro-
cess. Later in this section, we elaborate on their role
and importance, especially in the case of collaborative
With observer we refer to the group of people cre-
ating (i.e. model creators) and using the model (i.e.
model audience). On one extreme, it can refer to the
entire society, on the other extreme, to the individ-
ual. Though it may not be the general rule, in en-
terprise modelling context, it is very often the case
that model creators are at the same time its audience.
The observer is the key element in modelling, as it
is only through the appreciation of the observer that
some artefact is acknowledged as being the model.
Similarly to (Falkenberg et al., 1998), we define
domain as any part “part” or “aspect” of the “world”
considered relevant by the observer in the given mod-
elling context. The “world” here may refer not only
to the “real” world, but also to hypothetical or imag-
ined worlds. Even more, the domain of a model can
be another model as well.
A model always has a purpose. This purposeful-
ness dimension is explicitly present in most of the
model definitions, e.g. ((Stachowiak, 1973), (Rothen-
berg, 1989), (Thalheim, 2011)). Although acknowl-
edged as an essential dimension of models, the con-
cept of purpose is rarely defined and its role in the
entire modelling process is scantly discussed.
We see the purpose of the model as a combination
of the following dimensions: (1) the domain which
the model should pertain to and (2) the intended us-
age of the model (e.g. analysis, sketching, contract-
ing, execution, etc.) by its intended audience. In line
with (Rothenberg, 1989), (Thalheim, 2011), we argue
that, although usually implicitly present in modelling,
the purpose should be explicit within the modelling
process; i.e. the model creator should be aware of the
intended usage and audience of the model. This is
quite important, since the fitness-for-purpose directly
determines/influences the degree to which the mod-
els satisfies the conception of the domain within the
actual modelling situation. This subsequently influ-
ences the value of the model for its intended usage.
As illustrated in Figure 2, when modelling, the ob-
server O decides
what the relevant aspects of the
“world” under consideration are in the given mod-
elling situation. This results in the conception of the
domain, c
. This process of abstracting away from
certain aspects of the “world” which are not rele-
vant should be driven by the purpose p of the model
m ((Rothenberg, 1989), (Thalheim, 2011)) (depicted
as influence 1 of the purpose p on the relation concep-
tion of, see Figure 2).
I view on modelling (high-level)
Single-observer modelling situation.
conception of
Discusses the particular
modelling situation
(p, d, cd, md)
Still does not introduce
the languages discussion.
Figure 2: The process of modelling.
The observer subsequently tries to shape an arte-
fact (i.e. the model-to-be) in such a way that it ad-
equately represents, for the purpose p, his/her con-
ception of the domain c
. The purpose p is a con-
ception as well, i.e. the conception of the purpose of
the model-to-be c
. Even more, the observer O also
has the conception of the model-to-be, c
. The mod-
elling process actually consists in the observer’s grad-
ual alignment of these three conceptions (illustrated in
Figure 3). This process usually takes place in paral-
lel with the very shaping of the model artefact. When
their mutual alignment is achieved, the artefact is ac-
knowledged as the representation of the (conception
of the) domain d for the purpose p. In other words,
the observer O acknowledges that the artefact m is a
model of the domain d for the purpose p.
Obviously, the observer’s judgement may be influenced
by many different factors, e.g. observer’s intentions, expe-
rience, previous knowledge, etc. We exclude from our con-
sideration the potential political intentions of the observer.
Challenges of Modelling Landscapes - Pragmatics Swept Under the Carpet?
I view on modelling (detailed)
Single observer. Zoom at conceptions.
cd d
conception of
Discusses the particular
modelling situation
(p, d, cd, md) and zooms
into the conceptions
Still does not introduce
the languages discussion.
Figure 3: Aligning conceptions in modelling.
II Collaborative modelling
cp1= cp2 = … = cpn ?
cd1= cd2 = … = cdn ?
cm1= cm2 = … = cmn ?
Figure 4: Co-aligning conceptions in modelling.
The previous explanation holds for a single ob-
server modelling process. But what does happen in
a collaborative modelling process? In such a situa-
tion, a group of n human actors is involved in the
process of modelling, and is supposed to jointly ob-
serve some domain and come up with its model, for
some purpose. The great challenge in the collabo-
rative modelling consists in the fact that each partic-
ipant has its own conception of the domain, of the
model taking shape and of the purpose of that model.
This is illustrated in Figure 4. In addition, these in-
dividual conceptions are influenced by the individ-
ual pre-conceptions (Proper et al., 2005), brought by
the particular social, cultural, educational and profes-
sional background. So, in order to reach shared un-
derstanding and appreciation of the artefact m as a
common model of the domain d for the purpose p,
the co-alignment of the n×3 conceptions has to take
place. Indeed, this co-alignment of conceptions is
generally considered as a critical step in the collabora-
tive modelling, where all the discussions, negotiations
and agreement about the model has to take place.
We have seen how, in the modelling process, mod-
els gradually come into being by (co-)aligning the dif-
ferent conceptions in the observer’s mind(s), and by
their subsequent externalisation. To externalise the
(aligned) conception of the domain c
into m, the ob-
server O uses some system of symbols/signs. Essen-
tially, the observer establishes the mapping between
the conception into some system of signs, whereby
signs used come to represent the observer’s concep-
tion of the domain c
. The models externalised us-
ing some system of symbols are usually referred to as
symbolic models.
We will now look more closely at the role of the
modelling language, as well as the factors contribut-
ing to the modelling and linguistic variety in the mod-
elling landscapes.
6.1 Role of Modelling Languages
A language in use may be regarded as a medium sys-
tem (Hoppenbrouwers, 2003), involving both a lan-
guage and a medium. The medium refers to the physi-
cal means to achieve communication (Hoppenbrouw-
ers, 2003), e.g. audio, video, writing, etc. We enter-
tain this view as it allows us to discuss, from a funda-
mental perspective, different and often conflicting re-
quirements put on modelling languages. We thus pro-
pose to consider that a modelling language has two
primary roles, the role as a language to be used by
humans, and the role as a medium, i.e. carrier of sets
of models aimed at mechanical manipulation. Fun-
damentally, we regard language as an instrument of
human activity, primary in support of reflection and
communication. This is in line with a functional per-
spective (Cruse, 2011) and the action tradition on lan-
guage (Clark, 1993). We are thus primarily interested
in how fixed modelling languages play that role.
In its role as a language, it should serve as a sup-
port of activities taking place in the modelling pro-
cess. The central issue therefore is to which extent an
a priori fixed language can act as an effective means
of human communication and knowledge creation in
the actual modelling situation. Let us look closely at
its adequacy for creating conceptions. As shown in
Figure 5, if model m is expressed in a modelling lan-
guage L
, what is the language L
in which the con-
ception c
is constructed in the observer’s mind: is it
the modelling language L
, or some other language,
e.g. the observer’s native language?
Obviously, the definitive answer to this question is
not easy to provide. Nevertheless, we believe that it is
important to create awareness of the potential gap be-
tween L
and L
and its consequences. As previously
discussed, a fixed modelling language comes with an
a priori embedded filter on the ‘world’. In the mod-
elling process, it thus tends to constrain, or at least
influence, the conception of a domain. Depending on
the actual modelling situation, this pre-conceived fil-
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
I view on modelling (high-level)
Single-observer modelling situation.
conception of
Discusses the particular
modelling situation
(p, d, cd, md)
Languages focus!
Lc ?
Figure 5: The role of language in the modelling process.
ter may prove to be inadequate for the particular ob-
server and for the particular modelling problem.
For instance, research from cognitive linguistics
shows that the entire social, cultural, educational and
professional background of an observer plays a role
in shaping their ‘linguistic personality’ (Novodra-
nova, 2009). This includes their ‘world view’; i.e.
their natural way of conceptualising phenomena in
the ‘world’ (Schmid, 2010). Likewise, (Linden et al.,
2012) shows that different people have different de-
fault interpretations of the abstract concepts underly-
ing enterprise modelling languages. It is reasonable
to assume that, in a particular modelling situation,
(at least) non-modelling-experts form conceptions in
a language significantly different from L
. This is
likely to increase the L
gap and negatively im-
pact the general suitability of L
Another factor potentially effecting the L
gap involves the nature of the modelling task in
the particular modelling situation. While the re-
lation between the nature of the modelling prob-
lem and the suitability of the modelling language
needs further study, the empirical data indicates rather
negative influence of overly restrictive (in terms of
syntactic-semantic restrictions embedded in) fixed
language on the creativity in modelling. For in-
stance, (Anaby-Tavor et al., 2010) observe the inad-
equacy of fixed modelling languages to support the
exploration phases where things are unclear and am-
biguous, and models are used to organise informa-
tion, gain insight, envision alternative possible futures
etc. (Anaby-Tavor et al., 2010). Similarly, (Bubenko
et al., 2010) observe that in highly creative and collab-
orative situations such as vision and strategy devel-
opment, rather informal and intuitive notations (and
mediums) seem to be of better support.
In its role as a medium, a modelling language
should accommodate the formulation of models,
while allowing their mechanical manipulation. The
potential added value of the modelling language,
from this perspective, lies primarily in its re-usability
across different modelling problems, and the extent to
which the language specification is machine readable.
As discussed in Section 2, the reusability of a lan-
guage relates to its expressiveness. Obviously, this
makes sense for the development of tools and auto-
mated model management. However, while general-
purpose modelling languages are usually more ex-
pressive, they are less suitable than domain or
purpose-specific languages for specific problem do-
mains and modelling situations. These languages in-
corporate in their definition concepts that are tuned to
the modelling of particular domains. The overall aim
is to foster modelling productivity, facilitate the un-
derstanding of the models by the domain stakeholders
and increase the overall quality of resulting models, in
particular semantic and pragmatic quality (Krogstie
et al., 2006). While domain and purpose-specific lan-
guages seem to correspond to the natural, i.e. hu-
man, need for suitability of the modelling language,
they are not easy to reuse across different situations.
General-purpose modelling languages, on the other
hand, are easier to reuse for modelling different do-
mains. Nevertheless, the interpretation challenge of
the models expressed in them is more pronounced.
It certainly does not make sense to have situation-
specific modelling language emerge from scratch in
each new modelling situation. However, it does make
sense to embed in the (generic) meta-model the ele-
ments that are repeatedly discussed in similar mod-
elling contexts. Therefore, there is a need to carefully
balance potential sets of models one would like to ex-
press in a language, and potential sets of modelling
situations one would like to support.
The second added value of a language as a
medium is machine readability. This is driven by
the need for automated manipulation of models. This
is achieved by formal, i.e. precise and unambiguous,
definition of both the syntax and semantics of the lan-
guage, usually in a mathematical language. This es-
sentially boils down to expressing the semantics of
the model/language in terms of another syntactic rep-
resentation, i.e. expressing the syntactic semantics.
Though necessary for the machine’s correct interpre-
tation of the model, this kind of a priori fixed se-
mantics does not tell anything about what the model
means to the observer. In particular, it allows by no
means to a priori precisely capture the meaning of a
model as it occurs in the actual modelling situation,
i.e. the model’s pragmatic semantics.
6.2 Language Variety
We are now able to suggest two primary drivers for
the variety within enterprise modelling landscapes. In
our view, these drivers relate to:
Challenges of Modelling Landscapes - Pragmatics Swept Under the Carpet?
Abstraction variety Abstraction is at the heart of
modelling. As we have seen, it boils down to pur-
posefully neglecting irrelevant details of the observed
“world”. The need for differing levels of abstrac-
tion in dealing with an enterprise is related to its
complexity/multifaceted-ness. The abstraction vari-
ety thus leads to the increase in number of needed
perspectives, i.e. models, in modelling.
Manifestation variety The manifestation here
refers to the way the model is represented on the
medium. Fundamentally, the need for this kind of va-
riety is rooted in the complexity and heterogeneity of
social structures underlying modelling. The more het-
erogeneity in stakeholder groups, the more likely is
the need for different manifestations of arguably the
“same” model. This invites an increase in linguistic
variety on top of the abstraction variety.
These types of variety are illustrated in Figure 6.
Throughout the paper, we have seen that these factors
are to a large extent situational, i.e. they depend on
the particular enterprise and enterprise modelling ef-
fort, involved stakeholders (observer), the purpose for
which models are created in this effort, etc. This leads
us to the conclusion that modelling landscapes should
be situated. Indeed, the ‘standard eroding’ effects dis-
cussed in Sections 3 and 4, might be seen as the man-
ifestation of the need to make these landscapes better
situated, driven by the pragmatic needs of the wider
organisational context that the landscapes cover.
V Modelling landscape
Sources of diversity
conception of
Figure 6: Sources of variety in the modelling landscapes.
Evidently, both of these drivers stem from the lan-
guage role of the modelling language. They also fun-
damentally conflict with the drivers for the a priori
standardisation of the language, which stem from its
medium role. We believe that this natural polarity
deserves careful management, rather than denial. It
should by no means be swept under the carpet.
Based on the discussions so far, we posit that, at the
heart of the challenge of creating integrated modelling
landscapes, lies the question: What can be a priori
fixed in a modelling language? To create more bal-
anced strategies that cater for the pragmatic needs of
modelling landscapes, it is necessary to carefully ex-
amine which aspects may be feasible to a priori fix in
the modelling language. In this final section, and rely-
ing on the presented fundamental view on modelling
and language, we draw some initial conclusions as a
tentative (though partial) answer to this question.
First of all, the semantics. Given that (the concep-
tion of) the domain actually does not ‘exist’
a priori
but emerges in the very process of its modelling, the
semantics, in the pragmatic semantics sense, also can-
not be captured a priori. One would expect to be able
to at least fix the grammar (abstract syntax) and sym-
bols used for its representation on the medium (con-
crete syntax). To the extent to which the grammar is
tuned to the needs of the intended set of modelling
situations, it can be a priori fixed. One can also start
by only a priori fixing the core grammar, and allow-
ing its further refinement a posteriori during the use
of the language. For instance, it can be possible to
start the modelling process with lightly constrained
vocabulary adapted to the domain/purpose (e.g. based
on some historical heuristics), and then gradually in-
clude more formalisation, to the extent necessary for
the intended usage and audience of the model. Need-
less to say, this would necessitate modelling infras-
tructures to be more flexible. A growing interest in
this subject can indeed be observed, e.g. ((Cho et al.,
2011), (Ossher et al., 2009)).
The point we aim to make is that, although hav-
ing an a priori fixed representation to a large extent
facilitates the development of tools and automation of
model manipulations, fixing the language that is to be
used in human communication may seriously damage
its capacity to adequately express thoughts, i.e. con-
ceptions of domains in the given modelling situation.
Even if carefully defined, the standardised enterprise
modelling language will inevitably demonstrate the
need to evolve, to adapt to the dynamically changing
The term exist is used here in the sense of Heidegger’s
notion of breaking down, discussed in (Winograd and Flo-
res, 1986). Indeed, “Heidegger insists that it is meaningless
to talk about the existence of objects and their properties
in the absence of concernful activity, with its potential for
breaking down. What really is is not defined by an objec-
tive omniscient observer, nor is it defined by an individual
the writer or computer designer but rather by a space
of potential for human concern and action (Winograd and
Flores, 1986, p.37).
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
‘reality’ of enterprises and their environments, and
thus to the human sense-making of that ‘reality’.
As our next step, we aim to further explore the
theoretical and practical considerations presented in
this paper. We aim to start by analysing the available
instruments for modelling language design, adapta-
tion and combination, and the potential of their im-
proving or combining in order to support purpose-
specific language adaptations. In addition, we aim
to extend these instruments to allow for explicit
modelling of the modelling pragmatics. For in-
stance, megamodel (Favre and Nguyen, 2004), view-
point (ISO, 2011), metamodel hierarchies (Falken-
berg et al., 1998), metamodel inference (Ossher et al.,
2009) etc. are some of the instruments of our particu-
lar interest.
This work has been partially sponsored by the
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
(, via the PEARL programme.
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Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design