How and When Presenting a Concept Map for Learning
and an Accurate Self-evaluation?
A. Maillard, L. Motak, J. C. Sakdavong, C. Dupeyrat and N. Huet
CLLE-LTC CNRS UMR5263, Université Toulouse 2 Le Mirail, 5 allée Antonio Machado, Toulouse, France
Keywords: Self-regulated Learning, Self-evaluation, Concept Map, Cognitive Load.
Abstract: Self-evaluation is not an easy step for learners even if it is a decisive step in self-regulated learning. The
goal of our study was to test concept maps effect on learning performance and self-evaluation accuracy. 136
students were assigned over five experimental groups in which the format used (consultation/construction)
and the moment of use (simultaneous of the learning task vs. after the learning task) of concept map varied.
Cognitive load was also measured in order to explain differences in performance and self-evaluation.
Results suggested that participants in the consultation conditions have a more accurate self-evaluation and
better performance than participants in the construction condition. More studies are required to identify
more precisely what factors influence the efficiency of use conceptual map.
Self-evaluation is a process which consists in
detecting a difference between a specific learning
goal and the current state of knowledge (Nelson &
Narens, 1990). The accuracy of this estimation is
essential because this is what enables learners to
adopt the appropriate learning strategies and
behaviours (Gama, 2004). However, numerous
studies show that students experience difficulties to
perform a correct self-evaluation (see Dunlosky and
Nelson, 1994; Dunlosky & Nelson, 1992; Koriat,
Several tools have been developed in order to
improve self-evaluation accuracy (Dunlosky and
Rawson, 2012, Kornell and Son, 2009, Chi and al.,
1989). However, their uses are specific (for
definitions or for a well-guided condition) or their
efficacy limited. More recently, Redford et al.
(2012) have improved self-evaluation of
comprehension by the aid of concept maps. Concept
maps are schemas which display the relations
between different concepts (see Nesbit and Adesope,
2006; Novak & Gowin, 1984).
According to Redford and his colleagues,
learners who organize information themselves would
exhibit a more accurate self-evaluation as compared
to learners who merely consult an already defined
map. Results of their experiments confirm this
hypothesis by highlighting that self-evaluation is
more accurate in the construction condition as
compared to the rereading condition (Experiment 1)
and to the consultation condition (Experiment 2).
Thus, for the authors, presenting the same
information twice does not enhance self-evaluation
The Cognitive Load Theory (see Sweller, 1988)
casts a new look at this lack of effect of concept map
consultation. In particular, the “split attention effect”
can offer explanations to this result. This “split
attention effect” appears when people have to
process different information for which the
integration needs to be mentally performed in order
to infer sense from the presented material (Tricot,
In parallel, in the Information Processing Theory
perspective, Winne (2001) shows that self-regulated
processes including self-evaluation, rely on
cognitive resources. Thus, map consultation,
learning and self-evaluation have a cognitive cost
and the concurrent fulfilment of these three activities
may overload learners’ working memory, resulting
in a bad integration of information and in difficulties
to perform self-evaluation. On the contrary, the map
construction condition involves only one source of
information. Cognitive load of participants is
consequently less important, which allows them to
use all their resources to process, to integrate
Maillard A., Motak L., C. Sakdavong J., Dupeyrat C. and Huet N..
How and When Presenting a Concept Map for Learning and an Accurate Self-evaluation?.
DOI: 10.5220/0004414401880193
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 188-193
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
information but also to evaluate this degree of
integration more easily.
Taken together, these studies (Redford et al,
2012; Tricot, 1998) suggest implicitly the issue of
temporality in the presentation of concept maps in
their effectiveness vis-à-vis self-evaluation and
learning. Therefore, in this perspective of
temporality, it is relevant to examine whether the
construction and the consultation cannot be more
efficient for learning and self-evaluation whether it
is done after rather than during the learning task.
To answer this question, we based our
experiment on Redford et al’s (2012) study in which
students had to construct or to consult a concept map
during a learning task. We added two new
conditions. The first condition was a consultation of
a pre-conceived map after seeing a learning content
(and not during). The second one was a construction
condition after seeing a learning content. We added
also a control condition in which no concept map
was used at all. The learning task was word-
processing and especially creation of styles.
In reference to the Cognitive Load Theory
(Sweller, 1988), we predicted that learning would be
better and self-evaluation more accurate for
participants who use concept maps after the learning
task as compared to participants who use concept
maps during the learning task. In addition, we
predicted that participants who construct the concept
map would perform better and will have a more
accurate self-evaluation than participants who
merely consult the concept map.
In other words, organizing information oneself
instead of just reading it would improve participants’
learning. Indeed, concept map elaboration is a deep
cognitive strategy (e.g., Weinstein and Mayer,
1986). Numerous authors (e.g., Pintrich and De
Groot, 1990; Weinstein and Mayer, 1986) have
highlighted that the use of deep strategies lead to
higher performance and to a more accurate self-
evaluation (e.g., Cassidy, 2006).
Finally, we expected an interaction effect
between both, the modality and the time of map
presentation. Thus, we predicted that the “concurrent
consultation” condition would lead to the worst
performance and to the less accurate self-evaluation
whereas the “construction after the learning task”
would lead to the best performance and to the more
accurate self-evaluation.
This study was funded by the french ANR
CONTINT program (ANR10-CORD-011-01).
2.1 Participants
136 students (80 females, average age = 18.5, SD =
1.2) in first year of “Industries and Administration
Management”. No differences in the initial level of
knowledge on word-processing were detected
among the experimental groups (p > .05).
2.2 Familiarization Phase with Concept
The familiarization phase was intended to introduce
students to the "concept maps" designer tool that
they would handle during the learning phase.
Students were presented a screencast (screen + audio
commentary) with the following information: the
purpose and terms of the experiment, the definition
of a concept map and its purpose, an example of
concept map and how it should be read, the function
and value of a concept map and a demonstration of
the use of the concept maps designer tool. Then they
had to do two training exercises including a
feedback with examples of conceptual maps of the
expected kind and of the inadequate kind. The tool
used to build concept map was a simplified version
of CoGui ( )
2.3 Learning Phase and Groups
The learning phase consisted of three videos. These
videos all related to word processing and more
specifically on how to create "styles" (with a word
processor) and apply them to the document. The
videos had an increasing level of difficulty. The
software device was constructed so that learners
cannot avoid any part of the videos or view them in
a different order than the one proposed. During this
learning phase, participants were randomly assigned
in one of the five groups depicted as follows in the
learning phase. The first group was instructed to
watch videos and simultaneously build a concept
map (N = 27). The second group was instructed to
watch the videos and then build a concept map (N =
28). The third group watched the video and
simultaneously consulted an expert conceptual map
data (N = 27). The fourth group was viewing videos
then consulted an expert concept map (N = 24).
Finally, the fifth group (control group) was viewing
videos simply without being presented concept maps
(N = 30).
Three important instructions were given to each
participant: the opportunity to "pause" the videos at
any time, they were not allowed to watch video
twice and to take notes. Participants were also
informed that they will later undergo a test to assess
their understanding: Test Phase and self-evaluation
2.3.1 Familiarization with Exercise Test
The exercise test itself was preceded by a
familiarization period to enable to have a clear idea
of what they would be asked to do.
The familiarization period (identical to the test)
consisted of the three following steps:
- A performance prediction (“To what extent do
you think you can correctly answer the
following question?”)
- Task instructions and execution (“You will be
prompted to format the text without using
- A post diction (“To what extent do you believe
you have correctly answered the previous
2.3.2 The Test
The exercise test consisted of the same three steps as
the familiarization period. More specifically, during
the task execution, participants were instructed to
change the appearance of a text using styles. To do
this, they first had to change the predefined styles
according to specific instructions in 15 actions. One
point per correct action was attributed. For
measuring self-evaluation, participants answered on
a scale ranging from 0 to 100. They estimated before
and after the exercise how they thought they could
or had correctly answered the question.
2.3.3 Self-evaluation Biases
Biases were measured by the difference between the
actual performance of learners and their
performance evaluation. For this, we used a linear
regression analysis (Bouffard et al., 2006). First, we
transformed the performance scores and measures of
self-evaluation in Z scores. Then, we performed a
regression of performance on self-assessment for
standardized residuals. Standardized residuals equal
to or greater than 1 indicated over-evaluation and
standardized residuals equal or less than -1 indicated
2.4 Measure of Cognitive Load
To measure cognitive load, we used the distinction
done by Amadieu, Mariné and Laimey (2011) who
measure cognitive load in two different ways.
Specifically, the authors distinguish general
cognitive load and cognitive “overload”. For
example, to measure cognitive load associated with
the general understanding of the videos, participants
were asked to rate on a 9-point scale: "The cognitive
effort to understand videos was:" very small (1),
very important (9) (Paas, 1992). To measure
cognitive “overload”, participants asked to rate on a
9-point scale: "Indicate how much it was difficult for
you to understand videos", very easy (1), very
difficult (9). The same questions were asked to
measure the cognitive load associated with
consultation / construction of concept maps.
2.5 Procedure
The first two phases of the device were identical for
all participants. The first phase measured the level of
knowledge of participants before any learning; the
second one was to familiarize participants with the
concept maps. In the third phase, called learning,
students were assigned randomly to one of five
groups of our experimental manipulation, watched
the learning videos and then did the familiarization
and test exercises. At the end of the experiment, all
participants responded to questions measuring
cognitive load.
3.1 Performance
A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
conducted with group as the independent variable
and with performance as dependent variable. Results
showed a significant effect of the group, F(4, 131) =
2.72, p = .03,
²p = .08. Post-hoc test (Tukey)
detected a significant difference between the control
group and the simultaneous construction group, p =
.04, showing that the control group (M = 10.6)
performed better than the simultaneous construction
group (M = 6.0). The other groups did not
significantly differ between them.
A two-way ANOVA excluding control group,
was conducted in order to detect eventual interaction
effect between modality and moment. Results
detected an effect of modality on performance, F(1,
102) = 5.54, p = .02,
²p = .05. Participants in the
consultation group (M = 9.8) performed better than
participants in the construction group (M = 7.0).
Neither moment effect nor interaction effect was
3.2 Measure of Self-evaluation
3.2.1 Prediction Biases
In order to detect biases differences between our five
groups, a one-way ANOVA was run on standardized
residuals that detected a main effect of the group,
F(4, 130) = 3.00, p < .05,
²p = .08. Post-hoc test
(Tukey) detected a significant difference between
the delayed construction group and the simultaneous
construction (p < .05) showing that participants in
the delayed construction group tended to
overestimate their performance while participants in
the simultaneous construction tended to
underestimate their performance (Table 1).
Moreover, participants in the control group tended to
underestimate their performances while participants
in the delayed construction group tended to
overestimate their performance (p < .05).
A two-way Moment x Modality ANOVA
detected an interaction, F(1, 102) = 4.63, p < .05,
²p = .04. Whatever the moment, consultation
conditions enabled an accurate self-evaluation in
both the delayed and the simultaneous condition.
Simple effect analysis showed that mean bias did not
differ between both consultation conditions.
However, participants tended more to over-
evaluation in the delayed construction condition than
to under-evaluation in the simultaneous construction
condition, t(53) = 2.39, p = .02.
3.2.2 Post-diction Biases
One-way ANOVA run on standardized residuals of
post diction detected a main effect of the group, F(4,
130) = 2.23, p = .05, n²p = .07. Post-hoc test
detected a marginal difference (p = .06) between the
delayed construction group and the simultaneous
consultation group, suggesting that participants in
the delayed construction group tended to
overestimate their performance while participants in
the simultaneous consultation group tended to
underestimate their performance (see Table 1).
Two-way ANOVA only detected an effect of the
moment of presentation, F(1, 102) = 4.17, p = .04,
²p = .04, showing that the delayed condition led to
a higher evaluation while the simultaneous condition
led to a lower evaluation. Interestingly, participants
for whom self-evaluation was the more accurate
were those in the delayed consultation condition.
Neither modality nor interaction effect were found.
Table 1: Descriptive statistics means (and standard
Deviation) of standardized residuals of self-evaluation
Groups N Prediction Post-diction
.43 (1.05)
-.25 (1.08)
-.08 (.91)
.07 (.97)
-.18 (.87)
36 (.92)
-.14 (.90)
.09 (.81)
Note: D for Delayed; S for Simultaneous; Constr for
Construction; Consult for Consultation.
3.3 Cognitive Load
3.3.1 Mental Load
A one way ANOVA with group as factor and mental
load to videos understanding as dependent variable
was computed. Results showed a significant group
effect F(1,131) = 6.97; p < .001;
²p =.18. Post-hoc
test (Tukey) detected a significant difference
between delayed construction group and all the other
four groups. The analysis showed that the mental
load to understand videos was lower for participants
in the delayed construction group than for the other
A Modality x Moment ANOVA performed on
mental load to videos understanding showed an
effect of the modality F(1, 102) = 2.56, p <.05,
=.11, an effect of moment F(1, 102) = 18.31, p
²p =.15 and an interaction effect, F(1, 102)
= 5.97, p < .05,
²p = .055. Simple effect analysis
showed that the mental load to understand videos
was less important for participants in the delayed
construction group (M = 2.86) than for the
participants in the delayed consultation group (M =
4.46), t(50) = -2.61, p < .01. Moreover, the mental
load was lower for the participants in the delayed
construction group (M = 2.86) than for the
participants in the simultaneous construction group
(M = 5.52), t(53) = -5.29, p < .001.
Same analysis was conducted with the mental
load felt to construct/consult the concept maps and
detected an interaction effect between the two
factors, F(1, 102) = 7.35, p < .01 ,
²p = .07. Simple
effect analysis showed that when the map was used
in a delayed way, participants in the construction
group felt a mental load significantly less important
(M = 2.18) than participants in the consultation
group (M = 4.42), t(50) = -4.34, p < .001. Analyses
also showed, that participants felt a less important
mental load when the construction was done in a
delayed way (M = 2.18) than when the construction
was done in a simultaneous way (M = 4.56), t(53) =
-5.99, p < .001.
Finally, for all participants, the cognitive load
felt to understand videos was negatively correlated
with the performance, r = - .21, p < .05, with the
prediction, r = -.31, p < .001 and with the post
diction, r = -.29, p < .001. The cognitive load felt to
construct/consult maps was negatively correlated
with the performance r = -.24, p = .014, and
marginally with the post diction, r = -.18, p = .072
3.3.2 Mental Overload
A one-way ANOVA with group as factor and mental
overload to videos understanding as dependent
variable was computed. Results showed a significant
group effect F(1, 131) = 7.38; p < .001;
²p =.18.
Post-hoc test (Tukey) detected a significant
difference between delayed construction group and
all the other four groups. The analysis showed that
the mental overload to understand videos was lower
for participants in the delayed construction group
than for the other groups.
A Modality x Moment ANOVA performed on
mental overload felt to understand learning videos
found significant effect of modality F(1, 102) =
6.08, p <.05,
²p =.06, an effect of moment F(1,
102) = 8.20, p <.001,
²p =.07 and an interaction
effect, F(1, 102) = 15.62, p < .001,
²p = .13. Simple
effect analysis showed that participants in the
simultaneous consultation group felt a less important
mental load (M = 4.85) than the participants in the
simultaneous construction group (M = 5.89), t(52) =
2.27, p = .03. Analysis also showed that participants
in the delayed construction felt significantly a less
important mental load (M = 4.96) than participants
in the simultaneous construction (M = 5.89), t(53) =
-2.11, p = .04.
Finally a Modality x Moment ANOVA
conducted on mental overload felt to
construct/consult concept maps showed a significant
interaction effect, F(1, 102) = 6.67, p < .05,
²p =
.06. Simple effect analysis showed that participants
in the simultaneous consultation group felt a
significantly less important mental overload (M =
4.30) than participants in the simultaneous
construction group (M = 5.89), t(52) = 3.35, p <
The difficulty felt to understand videos was
negatively correlated with the performance, r = -.23,
p = .01, with the prediction, r = -.41, p < .001, and
with the post diction, r = -.20, p = .02. Similarly,
cognitive overload felt to construct/consult maps
was negatively correlated with the performance r = -
.23, p = .02, with the post diction, r = -.27, p = .01,
and was marginally correlated with the prediction, r
= -.19, p = .06.
The aim of this study was to determine what the
condition concept maps’ presentation is the most
relevant for learning and self-evaluation.
Our first hypothesis assumed that concept maps
construction would allow learners to have better
learning performance and self-evaluation as
compared to those who had to consult concept maps.
Secondly we assumed that using a map after the
learning task would be more efficient than using a
map during the learning task. Finally we supposed
that the “concurrent consultation” condition would
lead to the worst performance and to the less
accurate self-evaluation whereas the “construction
after the learning task” would lead to the best
performance and to the more accurate self-
Results contradict the first and the third
hypothesis and did not confirm the second one.
Indeed, they showed that the consultation conditions
were more efficient to improve learning and self-
evaluation accuracy. More specifically, construction
conditions decrease performance and self-evaluation
accuracy as compared to the control group.
Regarding the cognitive load and overload, we
thought that a higher cognitive load in the
simultaneous and /or consultation conditions could
explain lower performance and more inaccurate self-
evaluation. This hypothesis is confirmed because
participants found easier to understand videos when
they had to construct a map rather than they had to
consult it. Nonetheless, this is only right when map
were used after the learning task. However, learners
found easier to consult simultaneously a map than
construct it simultaneously. These results confirm
Stull and Mayer (2007) results. According to these
authors, construction condition adds a task to the
learning and cognitively overloads learners.
Moreover, these results are in contradiction with
previous study (see Redford et al., 2012). They
might be explained by the fact effective simultaneity
between maps and videos was difficult to reach.
Finally, regarding to the cognitive load felt by
learners, it could be relevant to check the concept
map quality and numbers of created links. This point
could explain why learners found easier to
understand videos when the have to construct a map.
To conclude, we can recommend to not
overloading learners as they are learning and this by
limiting the tasks number during learning; present
help system as concept map not during learning, and
privilege the maps consultation rather than the maps
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