Using IT Education to Reveal New Horizons
A Large Scale Case Study on Digital and Social Inclusion
Marcel Vinicius Medeiros Oliveira
, Jair Cavalcanti Leite
, Adri˜ao Duarte D´oria Neto
Pablo Javier Alsina
, Jos´e Ivonildo Rego
, Izabel Hazin
and Jorge Tarc´ısio da Rocha Falc˜ao
Departamento de Inform´atica e Matem´atica Aplicada, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
Departamento de Computac¸˜ao e Automac¸˜ao, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
Departamento de Psicologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
Digital and Social Inclusion, Technical Studies, Information Technology, e-Learning.
The development and the economical growth of a State in the sectors of Industry, Commerce (and e-
Commerce), and services are directly influenced by the investments on Information and Communication Tech-
nologies (ICTs). Emergent countries like Brazil have an extremely large deficit in qualified ICTs employees.
Furthermore, despite being the 6th economy in the world, Brazil currently still presents a large number of
citizens below the poverty line even after a considerable improvement in recent years. In 2006, the Federal
University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), developed the Digital Metropolis project, whose main objective
is to provide means for the creation of a ICT Development Environment in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Cur-
rently, the project’s main supporting activity is the Technical Course on Information Technology. In this paper,
we describe the activities involving this course, its results and difficulties so far, and the future challenges we
aim to face in a very near future.
The development and the economical growth of a
State in the sectors of Industry, Commerce (and e-
Commerce), and services are directly influenced by
the investments on Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs). Using the infra-structure pro-
vided by such technologies, a local environment is
able to obtain the same technical results in a more
efficient manner making it much more competitive in
today’s globalisedeconomy. Hence, reducing the pro-
duction and commercialisation costs highly depends
on a larger use of ICTs. This infra-structure is com-
posed by two important components: equipments and
stakeholders. First, desktop computers, servers, com-
puter programs and services, network and internet ac-
cess are imperative resources to organisations of all
sectors. Nevertheless, these resources are only useful
if qualified people exist for both projecting, installing
and maintaining these resources, and using them at
the final end of the process.
Most of the emergent countries like Brazil have an
extremely large deficit in qualified ICTs employees.
Recently, an study conducted by Softex Brazil (Sof-
tex, 2010) projected a scenario in which this deficit
increases considerably from 70,000 open jobs in 2010
up to something between 140,000 and 200,000 open
jobs at the end of 2013. If these projections are
confirmed, all economic sectors in Brazil will have
their competitiveness deeply affected since, nowa-
days, ICTs are transversal to all productive sectors.
Despite being the 6th economy in the world,
Brazil currently still presents a large number of cit-
izens below the poverty line even after a consider-
able improvement in recent years. In recent research
published in (IBGE, 2010), the Brazilian Institute
for Geography and Statistics (IBGE), indicated that
16,27 million (8,5%) Brazilian citizens live in ex-
treme poverty. Furthermore, current Educational In-
dexes like the IDEB (INEP, 2012) presented a consid-
erable improvement (from 3.8 to 5.0 in the last seven
years), but are still far from indexes considered ac-
ceptable for a developed country. More specifically,
in Rio Grande do Norte, the index has been histori-
cally below the national average (from 2.7 in 2005 to
4.1 in 2012).
In this context, the Federal University of Rio
Grande do Norte (UFRN) developed the Digital
Metropolis project in 2006 with the support of local
and national government. The project’s main objec-
Vinicius Medeiros Oliveira M., Cavalcanti Leite J., Duarte Dória Neto A., Javier Alsina P., Ivonildo Rego J., Hazin I. and Tarcísio da Rocha Falcão J..
Using IT Education to Reveal New Horizons - A Large Scale Case Study on Digital and Social Inclusion.
DOI: 10.5220/0004344606030611
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 603-611
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tive is to provide means for the creation of an ICT
Development Environment in Rio Grande do Norte,
Brazil. In this process, it is imperative to contribute
with the formation on ICT of qualified individuals
that will reduce the lack of employees previously de-
scribed. The Digital Metropolis embraces this cause
but adds to it a strong sense of social and digital inclu-
sion: the project’s main supporting activity to date is
the Course on Information Technology whose 70% of
students (ageing between 15 and 19) are from public
In this paper, we describe the Course on Infor-
mation Technology of the Digital Metropolis, which
aims at providing professionals with high qualifica-
tion in ICT whilst promoting social and digital inclu-
sion. For that, our courses have a large scale approach
in which over 2,400 students have been accepted in
the last two years. In 2013 alone, this is the number
of students that will be starting the course, hence, re-
sulting in 4,800 admissions in the last 4 years.
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2
we present an overview of the project as a means to
contextualise the Course on Information Technology,
which constitutes the main focus of this paper. The
course’s history and detailed descriptionare presented
in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. Among the course
details, we describe the instrument of selection of tal-
ents (prospection), the structure of the course, its exe-
cution mode, the didactic material, the student’s eval-
uation, and some statistics on the course’s execution.
The Section 5 describes the initiative of our Institute
to stimulate our students to keep their intellectual de-
velopment by either taking one of our BSc courses
as their next academic steps, or by innovating on ide-
alised products on a project incubation. Finally, we
draw our conclusions and discuss future work in Sec-
tion 6.
The Digital Metropolis was founded with the mission
of promoting the interaction University-Society by
complementing its functions in the axis of Education,
Research and Extension on ICTs. This integration
takes place in partnerships with the public, private
and service sectors of society and involves various
Academic Departments of the UFRN, each of which
contributes with the different knowledge areas of the
project. This approach favours the multi-disciplinary
aspects of the Institute since, besides technological
aspects, social and human factors are also considered
within the project.
In the Educational axis, our mission is charac-
terised by initiatives that promotes the formation of
qualified IT professionals at various levels: from tech-
nical courses up to post-graduates. At the technical
level, our objective is to stimulate vocational IT skills
in teenagers aging from 15 to 18 years
, always keep-
ing the social and digital inclusion in context. As
such, 70% of our students of the technical course are
from public schools from all over the State. In the
higher education, the Digital Metropolis is also in-
novating by creating the BSc on Information Tech-
nology and the BSc on Software Engineering. The
former will start in 2013 and the later has started in
2011 and will be incorporated to our Institute as from
2013. Both courses will run in our future physical
installations and aim at forming differentiated profes-
sional that are capable of taking important roles in lo-
cal IT companies and endeavor in startups in the ever-
growing ICT market.
In the Research axis, the Digital Metropolis aims
at broading out the natural vocation of the UFRN
in scientific development and technological innova-
tion through a direct integration with private and pub-
lic companies driving the practical application of re-
search results and the technology transfer. Our objec-
tive in a near future is to establish partnerships that
promote the implantation of a technological center in
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. On the other hand, this
interaction will also allow the University to become
aware of the real problems in society that demand
high skilled research.
Finally, in the Extension axis of the project, our
mission is to foster the entrepreneur vocation in the
young members of the project. In that sense, the Dig-
ital Metropolis support start-ups initiatives based on
innovative projects. By creating and supporting such
environment,we foster the inclusion of the students of
the project both from the technical courses and higher
education in real life projects.
The existing synergy of UFRN and society on the
three supporting axis of the project has been the key
of the project’s success so far. By qualifying students
and integrating them with local ICT companies as
well as stimulating them to open their own start-ups,
we make it a real possibility to transform the State’s
current economical and social profile.
As described latter in this paper, in 2013, this will range
from 15 to 20 years old; furthermore, we will also offer the
course for students above 20 years old
The Technical Courses of the Digital Metropolis In-
stitute started on March, 2009, with the first group of
1195 students. This first course had a duration of 15
months and its curricular structure was the basis of
our current structure described in Section 4. In June,
2011, the first group of 407 students successfully fin-
ished the course. The success rate was a good indica-
tive since our 34% success rate was well above the
national average rate of 18% (Soares, 2011).
Currently, we are running the second group of stu-
dents, which also started with 1200 students aging
from 15 to 18 years. However, in its current three-
semesters structure discussed in the next Section, the
course became a Technical Course with three pos-
sible specialities: Technician in Web Programming,
Technician in Computer Networks, and Technician in
In both occasions, the execution mode of the
course was online, but with weekly interventions of
tutors that follow the students throughout the course.
Nevertheless, as expected, our experience with the
first group of students allowed us to apply changes
to the daily operational execution of the course that
resulted in the structure presented in the next section.
The technical courses of the Digital Metropolis Insti-
tute aim to attract young talents to the area of ICTs
as a means to promote the establishment of an excel-
lence center in this area. In this context, currently,
the Institute offers three specialities in the techni-
cal courses: web programming, computer networks,
and electronic. As we detail later in this section, all
courses are executed with online material and weekly
physical meetings. They have been prepared in a
process of appropriation and production of state-of-
the-art knowledge on ICTs and may contribute to the
preparation of high-skilled professionals throughout
Natal, helping the city to become an excellence cen-
ter on ICTs.
Our technical courses target local students be-
tween 15 e 18 years old, which fit the profile of ICTs
skills. In summary, during these courses the students
learn basic mathematicalnotions, which are necessary
for programming, general concepts on computational
systems like operating systems and computer archi-
tectures, and programming (for the web, computer
networks, or electronic circuits - depending on the
specialisation). Besides the technical knowledge, stu-
dents also learn to deal with technical material writ-
ten in English. Finally, at the end of the course, stu-
dents are motivated to undertake specialised courses
and to integrate with local companies as junior pro-
grammers. At the end of these courses, our students
are able to smoothly integrate into a working environ-
ment on ICTs broadening the horizonsof their profes-
sional careers.
4.1 Course Structure
The courses are organized in three modules: basic
module, advanced module and integration module.
Each of these modules have a duration of approxi-
mately six months with a 400 hours class load. The
first module (basic) aims to introduce the students to
the area of ICTs and programming. Furthermore, it
also offers material on technical English. During the
six months of the basic module, the students take 9
subjects presented in Figure 1, which involve an Intro-
duction to Information Technologies, Technical En-
glish, Computer Systems, and Basic Programming.
Figure 1: Basic Module Structure.
Once finished with the basic module, the student
is allowed to ingress in thesecond phase of the course,
the advanced module, in which we aim to offer a more
specific knowledge to the students. Hence, when
subscribing to this module, the students are asked
to choose one of the three specialities of the techni-
cal course: web programming, computer networks, or
electronics. Overall, during the six months of the ad-
vanced module, the students have a 400 hours class
load that are divided into the subjects according to
its choice as presented in Figure 2. In this module,
the students of all specialities have an extended for-
mation in technical English. Furthermore, students
of web programming and computer networks study
further programming and databases. After that, web
programming students have a specialising training on
web programming, which includes programming for
mobile devices. The students of computer networks
specialize in network infra-structure and security. Fi-
nally, the students of Electronics have subjects on
electronic circuits, micro-controllers, radio-frequency
systems, and integrated circuits prototyping.
The final module of the technical courses aims at
providing an integration between academia and indus-
try. In this module, students are able to undertake
more specialised courses provided by local and na-
tional companies, which enable them to acquire more
specific knowledge required by these companies. The
courses also work as a link between the students and
the companies that offers them, which are able to re-
cruit the students with a more detailed analysis of the
candidates skills. In our Institute, students are in con-
stant contact with the Institute’s start-up incubator.
Hence, entrepreneurship is a further possibility of our
egress students.
4.2 Running the Courses
All our technical courses are distance semi-attending
courses. This modality allows both a concomitant ex-
ecution with their standard school courses and, more
importantly, a large scale offer of the courses. Cur-
rently, we offer 1200 vacancies. In 2013, this num-
ber will increase to 2400 vacancies with the plans de-
scribed in Section 6.
The students are divided into groups of 40 stu-
dents which happen synchronously. Each of these
classes are allocated to a tutor, whose job is to fol-
low the students throughout the whole module. Due
to this nature of tutoring, the tutors are required to
have a strong background on the module’s subjects.
In our experience, most of the tutors are students of
one of our post-graduate programmes.
The tutors interact with their students both on-
site and virtually. The on-site weekly meetings take
place in the university. Each group of students has a 4
hours meeting per week with a fixed schedule. Over-
all, the meetings happen from monday to saturday in
the three periods of the day. This broad availability
of choices makes it possible for us to offer the course
to the most number of students. The tutors use these
4 hours meetings to present a resume of the weeks
subjects and to answer any questions that the students
have regarding the week’s subjects. At the end of the
meetings, students are asked to complete exercises on
the week’s subjects. Most of these exercises have a
practical nature as they require the students to prac-
tice the theorythey havelearnt online. For instance, in
the programming related disciplines, the students are
mostly asked to provide programs that solve certain
problems. The answers of these exercises are used to
compose the student’s final mark as described in Sec-
tion 4.3. Furthermore, during the meetings the stu-
dents engage on discussions about non-technical sub-
jects on ICTs. These discussions foster their interest
in the area by providing a broader non-technical view
on the area.
During a module execution, the disciplines are ex-
ecuted sequentially. Every week, the students are in
touch with 2 or 3 subjects. For each of these subjects,
the students are given 1 to 3 lectures, each of which
correspondto a 4 hours class load. Hence, weekly, the
students are asked to study between 4 to 6 lectures (16
hours to 24 hours class load). Each of these lectures
are available to the students in our Moodle based on-
line learning environment. They have been elaborated
by Lecturers of our Institution, all of which are post-
graduated (PhD) in the subject of the material they
have been assigned for, as we describe in Section 4.5.
Besides the online lectures the students are also given
the opportunity to interact with their tutors in the vir-
tual classes that also happen in the online learning en-
As a means to facilitate the access to both mate-
rial and online exercises, the Institute offers access
points to all students throughout the week. Further-
more, every student is given a media that contains
all the material of the current module in execution.
Hence, the student is given various opportunities to
access the courses helping them to keep in touch with
their classes execution.
4.3 Keep Tracking of the Student’s
During the course, the students are continuously eval-
uated. This is enforced by the final composition of the
module’s gradethat we explain in the sequel. For each
subject, the student is graded based on three compo-
nents: participation (25%), on-line exercises (25%),
and the final exam (50%). The subject’s final grade is
the weighted average of these three components.
The participation includes both virtual and on-site
activities of the student. For the virtual participa-
tion grade, we developed a tool that automatically
analyses the log of the virtual learning environment
and produces a weekly-based grade for each student.
Among the activities that are considered in this anal-
ysis we have number of logins, time dedicated on-
line, participation in forums, and exercises. For each
one of these components, students that are above the
component’s threshold are given the maximum grade.
Students that arebelowthe thresholdreceive the grade
proportionally. For instance, the time dedicated on-
line threshold is 16 hours per week. Students above
this time receive a mark 10 (ranging from 0 to 10); a
student that dedicated 8 hours would receive a mark
Figure 2: Advanced Module Structure.
5 on the corresponding week. The final grade of the
online participation is automatically calculated by the
tool; it is the weighted average of the components of
interest in the log. The on-site participation is graded
by the tutor and takes into consideration the partici-
pation of the students during the weekly meeting and
the students results in the list of exercises given at the
end of each on-site meeting.
The second component of the final grade of each
subject correspondsto the student’s on-line exercises.
For each 4 hours lectures that is made available in the
virtual learning environment, the student is asked to
answer 5 exercises. Hence, overall, besides the ex-
ercises of the weekly on-site meetings, the students
have a load of exercises that range from 20 to 30 ex-
ercises. Most of the exercises have a practical nature
as they requirethe solution of practical problems. The
style of these questions range from multiple choice to
open questions. In case of multiple choice questions,
the correction of the exercises is done automatically
by the virtual environment. The remainder of the ex-
ercises is graded by the student’s tutors.
The last part of the subject’s grade is the subject
final exam. This exam is applied twice per module,
each of which correspondsto a different group of sub-
jects of the module. Each 4 hours of class load of the
subject corresponds to one question of the final exam.
For example, a 40 hours class load subject contains 10
questions in the final exam. The nature of these ques-
tions is the same as that of the exercises presented to
the students during the weekly meetings and in the
online exercises.
Based on the three components discussed above,
the student receives a final grade in each subject. The
students final performance in the module, however,
is given as the weighted average of the grades of all
subjects of the module, where the weight of each dis-
cipline corresponds to its class load. The students
with a final module average above 5.0 are approved
in the module and qualify to the next module. The
students that fail to achieve this mark are given a sec-
ond opportunity: they are allowed to take a second
final exam. After this second exam, the final grade of
the module is recalculate. The same requirements for
approval apply to this very final mark. Students that
fail again to achieve the threshold of 5.0 after the very
final exam are excluded from the program, but may
take part in the entrance examination again. As the in-
tegration module is composed only by activities, this
is valid only for the basic module and the advanced
When the basic module is finished, the approved
students are given the choice of the emphasis of the
advanced module. Since some of the emphasis have a
limited number of places due to physical limitations,
we give the priority of choice to those students with
better final grade in the basic module. Every student,
however, is allocated to some class in the advanced
module. In cases in which the student’s choice for the
advanced module is not available, he is allocated to
another emphasis. The grading of the advanced mod-
ule is very similar to that of the basic module.
During the modules execution, a thorough follow-
through of the students participation in the course is
made. This is achievedby a continuous analysis of the
student’s participation and exercises, which allows us
to identify students that have a performancebelow av-
erage. In such cases, we invite this students to per-
sonal meetings with the team of social assistance of
the Institute. Based on these meetings, we identify
the student’s needs and accommodate our resources
in order to solve the issues. In some few cases, this
also involved the Psychology team of the Institute.
4.4 Prospection of Talents
The evaluation tool used in the selection of candi-
dates willing to access the technical courses of our
Institute was composed by 30 multiple choice ques-
tions, each question having only one correct option
among five possible choices. This evaluation tool was
supposed to cover a set of abilities and competen-
cies considered critical for an IT formation and ca-
reer, and was based on a certain number of assump-
tions related to this operational target of selection.
These abilities and competencies are seen as struc-
tural modalities of intelligence, necessary in prag-
matic, situated knowing, having variable degrees of
complexity. In other words, the instrument was not
focused in formal-conceptual, informational school-
like aspects of knowledge, covering instead strategies
of data analysis in the context of problem-solving pro-
cedures and differing from traditional school evalua-
tion instruments (Primi, 2003). So, the assessment
contemplated the expertise described in the National
Curricular Parameters (NCP) (Educacional, 2012) in
some of specific knowledge areas, particularly in
the domain of languages, coding and their technolo-
gies (2000), which is more promptly associated with
the identification of talents and skill building in ICTs.
For example, the assessment was composed by
questions of exploration of the familiarity of the stu-
dents with the following skills:
”Understand and use the symbolic systems of dif-
ferent languages as a means for cognitive organi-
sation of the reality by the constitution of mean-
ings, expression, communication ann informa-
tion¨ (NCP, 2000, p. 6)”
”Analyse, interpret, and apply the expressive re-
sources of the languages, relating texts to their
contexts, by the aid of their nature, function, or-
ganisation of manifestation, in accordance with
the conditions of production and reception (NCP,
2000, p. 8)
We understand this paradigm of assessment ap-
praises the high levels scholar skills, which are fun-
damental to a better performance in the technical
courses of our Institute. Additionally, this might pro-
vide an incentive for schools on our state to adopt the
NCP, enhancing the aggregated value of our proposal.
On the other hand, despite the need and importance
of defining a paradigm for the assessment, the orien-
tation around the NCP was not enough for building
the intended selection mechanism, mainly because
the NCP do not deal directly with professional for-
mation, and even less when dealing with ICTs. The
assessment also needed to ensure that the selected
students had an indicator of talent in specific areas
such as computer programming, for example. The as-
sessment incorporatedan investigation of the students
skills and vocations relatedto ICTs, even in an emerg-
ing state, as a means for amplifying their success in
the courses of the institute and, consequently, attend-
ing our targets of providing the students with a high
degree of ICTs formation and capability of getting a
job after the courses.
The process of assembling the evaluation instru-
ment mentioned above was based firstly on the propo-
sition of a limited set of competencies and abilities
demanded by environments and situations related to
IT (stage 1); once these competencies and abilities
were established, stage 2 was characterised by the
decomposition of these competencies and abilities in
smaller units allowing the proposition of descriptors
over which specific items could be proposed(stage 3);
the set of items constituting the complete evaluation
tool was then applied to the groupof candidates (stage
4), allowing finally to the constitution of the selected
group of students entering in our courses (stage 5).
In this direction, we have elaborated an evalua-
tion instrument oriented by: (1) on the paradigm side,
the investigation of the skills every student should de-
velop in the areas of languages, coding and their tech-
nologies, and; (2) on the pragmatic side, the inves-
tigation of talents directly associated with the skills
and vocations of ICTs. Below, we list the set of tal-
ents, vocations and skills that deal with this pragmatic
aspect of the assessment, which were inspired by the
indicators of the International Society for Technology
in Education (ISTE)
1. Creativity and Innovation
(a) Apply knowledge in the construction of new
ideas, products and processes.
(b) Use models and simulations to explore systems
and complex situations.
(c) Identify trends and foresee possibilities.
2. Communication and Collaboration
(a) Communicate ideas through diversifiedways of
(b) Develop an appreciation and understanding of
different cultures.
(c) Contribute to the assemblage of situations and
times capable of solving problems and produc-
ing original works.
3. Research and Information Management
(a) Localise, organise, analyse, evaluate, synthe-
sise, and ethically use information from diver-
sified sources and medias.
(b) Evaluate and select information sources and
digital artifacts appropriated for specific tasks.
4. Critical Thought, Problem Solving and Decision
(a) Identify and define authentic problems and sig-
nificant questions for investigation.
(b) Collect and analyse data aiming at making de-
cisions in specific situations.
(c) Use multiples processes and diversified per-
spectives as a means for exploring alternative
solutions for non-canonical problems.
5. Concepts and Procedures in Technology
(a) Comprehend the use of information systems.
(b) Effectively and productively select applications
and platforms.
(c) Apply knowledge in the creative use of new
This structure aimed at maximising chances of se-
lecting students who would stay longer and be more
successful in our courses, since they would already
have at least a few of the skills and a sense of the dig-
ital culture we wanted to develop. Furthermore, the
assessment questions blended content and contexts of
digital media, drawing very explicitly on students’
common-sensical knowledge of IT.
4.5 Digital Material
The didactic material of our courses have been elabo-
rated by a team of over 30 PhD lectures of the UFRN,
each of which was supported by an assistant (nor-
mally post-graduate students). Furthermore, the un-
processed material went through a thorough revision
process that included: grammatical revision, analysis
of the language use in accordance to distance learn-
ing standards, accordance with rules of the Brazilian
Association of Technical Rules (ABNT)
, and a dia-
grammatic edition that made the final material more
accessible and attractive for the students. Overall, the
whole process of creation, revision, and edition of the
didactic material involved a group of over 60 people.
In total, our portfolio includes 320 lectures and
3200 exercises on all disciplines discussed in Sec-
tion 4, each of which correspondsto 4 hoursclass load
of one discipline. This material is available to all stu-
dents in the virtual learning environment. In Figure 3,
we present a sample of the material as presented to
the students.
4.6 Current Results
In 2010, the entrance examination had a number of
7000 candidates for an offer of 1200 vacancies in the
course (rate of 5.83). This number considered in-
creased in 2011, when we had a number of 13500 for
an offer of 1200 vacancies (rate of 11.25). This year,
as we will describe in Section 6, we considerably in-
creased the number of vacancies and geographically
distributed the course throughout the State. In 2012,
the number of candidates stabilised in 13300 candi-
dates, but now we offer 2400 vacancies in the course,
bringing down the acceptance rate to around 5 (5.54).
So far, only students from 2010 have completed
the basic and advanced modules with an acceptance
rate of 34% (407 students), well above the national
average of 18%. Interestingly, the rate of students ac-
cording to the sector of their schools (either public
or private), which was 70-30 at the beginning of the
course (see Section 1), proved to stay almost constant
in the group of graduated students. In the end of the
course, this rate was of 67-33. This was a strong in-
dication of the success of the instrument used in the
prospection of talents.
Initially, the course was planned to be a basic for-
mation course. Nevertheless, during the execution of
the first version of the course, we identified its poten-
tial to become a course that offered a technical de-
gree to its graduated students. The students of 2010
that completed both modules have been given the op-
portunity to re-ingress the course along with the stu-
dents of 2012. A total of 269 students (67% of the
graduated students) started the new version of the
course which offers the technical degree. From those,
140 (52%) are finishing the missing disciplines which
entitles them to start the integration module. From the
group of 1200 students that started the course in 2012,
517 (43%) students have concluded the basic module
and are currently in the advanced module.
The number of students that are currently trainees
in local companies is considerably high (over 50),
specially considering that they have not yet started the
advanced module. Their performance in these activi-
ties will be the object of study in the next months.
Besides providing our students with a technical
course that provides them with skills on ICTs, the
course presented here aims at attracting these stu-
dents to the area and open their horizons. Among the
options for their near future, throughout the course,
we stimulate both (non-excluding) innovation-based
entrepreneurship and graduation. For that, our in-
stitute provides both a start-up incubator and under-
graduation courses. Among these courses we high-
light the recently created 3 years long bachelor’s de-
gree on Information Technology (BIT), which enti-
tles the graduated students to automatically choose to
follow-up on a second graduation on either Computer
Figure 3: Sample of the Online Didactic Material.
Science orSoftware Engineeringcourses. From 2014,
the BIT will receive the best students of our technical
courses, broadening the possibilities of our students.
Yet another initiative that we will start from 2013
is the ICTs Olympics Competition for students ag-
ing below 15 years. This competition will cover the
whole of our State and enable students to have a first
contact with ICTs. From 2014, our technical courses
will provide free seats for the best students of this
Hence, by implementing these two initiatives
which are currently under development, we will con-
siderably broaden the public ofour Institute and, more
importantly, provide all students of our state with new
horizons, starting from the middle school, towards
Despite the goodresults reachedso far, the roadahead
of us has still a considerable number of challenges.
We have already started dealing with some of them.
For example, in 2013, we will start to spread the
course (originally executed only with the capital of
our State, Natal) to the whole of the State. Next
year, three new cities will be offering the course in
the same modus operandi as the one offered in Natal.
They are Angicos (170 Km), Mossor´o (272 Km), and
Caic´o (277 Km), which cover the main economical
regions of our State.
The course’s expansion has not only be geograph-
ical, but also in numbers and age groups. First, from
2013, the Institute will offer 2400 vacancies spread
in the 4 cities in which the courses will be executed.
Although doubling the current number of vacancies,
we aim to keep this expansion in order to achieve our
target of 5000 students by 2015. Yet another expan-
sion is regarding the age group: from 2013 we ex-
panded the age of the core group of students which
will range from 15 to 20 years. Furthermore, students
aging above 20 years will also be offered 20% of the
A third dimension if the course’s expansion in
2013 is the list of possible emphasis in the advanced
module. In 2013,the course will also offerthe empha-
sis on Industrial Automation in the advanced module.
Furthermore, we are currently working on the cre-
ation of the emphasis on Digital Games that will be
included in the list of emphasis in 2014.
Another important challenge is regarding the
course’s digital material. Currently, due to the al-
ready difficult challenges and innovation of making
the course as it is happen, the vast majority of the
digital material is not interactive. We are currently
running a thorough revision on the whole material
in order to include more interactivity to it. This re-
vision will expand the current material with screen-
casts, animations, and interactive exercises. Further-
more, a furtherrevision to the wholecourse is planned
by 2015. In this second revision we aim to provide
the possibility of a progress-as-you-learn courses like
those provided by Coursera
We are also facing the challenge of consolidating
the integration module. Although we have already es-
tablished important partnership with local companies
and with international companies like IBM, we still
need to consolidate this module and systematise the
follow-up of the students. Currently, we are expand-
ing our contacts with local and national companies in
order either broaden the number of courses offered in
the integration module or to attract these companies
to the Institute. Furthermore, we are implementing a
system that will systematise the student’s follow-up in
order to provide important information that will help
the management of the large number of students in
this module.
We are strongly confident of the success of our
initiative. Mainly, the results reached so far have
strengthen this confidence. In a near future, we ex-
pect these results will directly affect our State’s econ-
omy and completely change the current horizons of
our students by using ICTs and a means for that.
We are extremely grateful to the whole team of the
Institute without which it would be impossible to
achieve the results. Mainly, the office staff, the lec-
tures involved in the creation of the material and the
edition team, the tutors who have a more near contact
with the students, and the team that provides support
to the virtual environment. Furthermore, the finan-
cial support of the Ministry of Education and Min-
istry of Science, Technology and Innovation has been
a bedrock of our programm. We are also grateful to
Luciano Meira who has participated as a consultant in
the elaboration of the students evaluation instrument.
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