Social Pervasive Systems
The Integration of Social Networks and Pervasive Systems
Soumaia Al Ayyat
, Sherif G. Aly
and Khaled A. Harras
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Doha, Qatar
Social Pervasive Systems, Context-awareness, Social Networks, SPS Applications, SPS Challenges.
Sensor technology embedded in smart mobile devices branded such devices as candidates for building inno-
vative context-aware pervasive applications. On a parallel front, the notable evolution in the shape and form
of social networking and their seamless accessibility from mobile devices founded a goldmine of contextual
information. Utilizing an ecosystem that combines both mobile smart devices and a big data like environment
in the form of social networks allows for the creation of an elitist set of services and applications that merge
the two domains. In this paper, and following the footsteps of similar research efforts that attempted to com-
bine both domains, we describe what we label as Social Pervasive Systems that cross-pollinate a mutually
influential mobile and social world with opportunities for new breeds of applications. We present herein the
evolution of the merger between both worlds for a better understanding. Above and beyond what related work
achieved, we present a set of new services and potential applications that emerge from this new blend, and
also describe some of the expected challenges such systems will face.
The recent advancement in mobile technologies and
the enabling network infrastructure have paved the
way for the growth of two prime domains, namely
mobile-based pervasive systems and online social net-
works. Mobile technologies have been posed as an
extremely necessary ingredient in the new rise and
implementation of intelligent context-aware applica-
tions (Bellavista and Helal, 2008) (Lehsten et al.,
2010) (Sambasivan et al., 2009). In parallel, the pop-
ularity of online social networks (OSNs) throughout
the world is leading a tide of great social influence
(Gay, 2009). With such massive social networks pop-
ulation - there are 1 billion active members on Face-
book by Oct. 2012
-, OSNs possess huge amounts
of social information that present a wealthy source
for research. Such immense information can be a
substantial source of contextual information, thus im-
proving the intelligibility of pervasive systems (Kom-
patsiaris et al., 2010). Similarly, by receiving context
from mobile sensors, social networks can be aware of
user context enabling them to provide more intelligent
social services (Quercia et al., 2010).
While Pervasive Systems and Online Social Net-
Facebook Statistics:
works were progressing simultaneously, we show in
this paper that the lack in the enabling technologies
may have hindered their progress. Both domains
continued to evolve at a slow pace until the end of
the 90s (Satyanarayanan, 2001) and were mainly iso-
lated worlds except for very few commercial applica-
tions such as Lovegety and Humming Bird (Eagle and
Pentland, 2005) that attempted to add a flavor from
both systems for better service. Since 2000, both do-
mains witnessed rapid improvement coinciding with
the advancement in sensor technology, mobile tech-
nology and network infrastructure. Initially, both the
pervasive and social networking domains were aware
of the power of integrating forces, yet few elemen-
tary collaborative research work accommodating both
areas led to the emergence of powerful yet incom-
plete contributions as observed by Baldauf et al. (Bal-
dauf et al., 2007) and Boyd et al. (Boyd and Elli-
son, 2008). Few attempts initiated in 2007 contribut-
ing to the merger of both domains, examining their
co-influence to ultimately maximize benefits (Beach
et al., 2010) (Quercia et al., 2010).
From our analysis of such merger over time, we
envision a further maturity in the merger domain be-
tween the mobile and social worlds. We manifest a
solid merger in the form of new systems that we call
Al Ayyat S., Aly S. and Harras K..
Social Pervasive Systems - The Integration of Social Networks and Pervasive Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004306101180124
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2013), pages 118-124
ISBN: 978-989-8565-43-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Social Pervasive Systems (SPSs). We define SPS as
a system that intensively utilizes both primitive and
fused context from both the mobile and social worlds.
Relying on the co-influence of its ancestors, SPS will
infer significant bidirectional user context and prefer-
ences between mobile and social systems, thus lead-
ing to a novel breed of wealthy services and applica-
tions. Our contribution in this paper is broken down
to three main points. First, we define SPS as a new
research thrust and provide illustrative analysis of the
most prominent work towards its emergence. Sec-
ond, we shed some light on the prominent applica-
tions in which SPS would be of striking importance
followed by a discussion of the key challenges that
need to be addressed by the research community. Fi-
nally, we propose pointers for addressing these chal-
lenges along with some proposed solutions.
Context-Aware Systems is one of the research areas
that significantly contributes to the construction of
SPS. In the 90s, commercial, non-standard context-
aware applications emerged, along with the challenge
of building applications that use extremely heteroge-
neous sensors. Thus, the progress and scalability of
context-aware systems was significantly hindered. In
the past decade, the coinciding improvement of mo-
bile sensor technology and high bandwidth network
infrastructures revived the research and implementa-
tion of pervasive systems (Baldauf et al., 2007).
In parallel to the progress of pervasive systems,
Online social networks (OSNs) transformed from be-
ing offline applications or mere contact lists into on-
line social network sites that can be accessed off the
web and through APIs (Boyd and Ellison, 2008). We
spent the effort to visualize a timeline for the evolu-
tion of the merger and present it in Figures 1 and 2.
The figures emphasize the milestones in the evolution
of context-aware systems and OSNs.
Many research attempts target either mobile context-
aware systems or social systems, but few have merged
both to maximize the benefits attained from each sys-
tem as compared to when they are separately utilized.
To support this argument, we traced some publication
trends in this domain. We used Google Scholar to sur-
vey the number of publications since 1975 till 2011
that either did unique research in one of the indicated
areas, or underwent combined research in both areas.
The trends illustrated in Figure 3 indicate a modest
activity in research that combines both mobile con-
text aware systems and social networks. We believe
that the fusion of the context extracted from sensors
readily available in mobile devices, along with the
wealth of information available in OSNs, can pro-
duce a new powerful generation of applications serv-
ing a wide range of domains. In this section, we
briefly trace the progress in technology enabling the
infrastructure motivating research towards this cross-
pollination. We then navigate in time to explore early
attempts of a merger between the two domains fol-
lowed by more recent systematic activities, yet still
unstructured. Finally, we define SPS and illustrate its
fundamental features.
3.1 The Enabling Technology
Technology advancements in affordable mobile tech-
nology, including higher processing powers, larger
memories, and better displays, paved the way for en-
abling the merger between social and mobile context-
aware systems. Notable advancements also emerged
in mobile networking such as the introduction of
Bluetooth in 1998 until the launch of 4G technology
in 2009. Both lines of advancements enabled the cre-
ation of handheld devices that, to a great extent, con-
tinue to compete in the replacement of larger non-
mobile computational devices. Overall, mobile net-
working has become extremely ubiquitous amongst a
large population of mobile users, thus fostering easier
access to OSNs. Simultaneously, mobile sensor tech-
nology improved the innovation of smart phones ever
since its inception in 2000. Devices continue to be
equipped more and more with smaller affordable sen-
sors, which allows devices to be more aware of am-
bience, and thus encouraging the creation of more in-
telligent applications that promote better usability and
sensitivity to user needs. Such parallel improvements
in sensor technology, devices, and networking infras-
tructure all contributed to a high coupling between so-
cial networks and mobile devices, and motivated the
popularity of mobile social network applications and
the smooth access to the online social network sites.
3.2 The Evolution of SPS
From our observations, there have been several shy
attempts of generating premature SPSs since the late
90s. Beginning from 2007, a new era of closer fu-
sion of both domains started as exemplified in a set of
better social and context-aware contributions.
3.2.1 Early Attempts
The early attempts of implementing primitive social
pervasive applications were mainly commercial prod-
ucts. In 1998, the first commercial product for in-
troduction systems (Lovegety in Japan) was launched
(Eagle and Pentland, 2005) where users with match-
ing profiles were introduced as they come in proxim-
ity. However, it required special devices and manual
feed to generate a primitive social profile. In 2001
Campus Aware (Gay, 2009) was an early attempt to
fuse mobile sensor technology with social networks
as it imposed the visitor’s impressions of specific lo-
cations on top of the map of a university campus.
In 2002, mobile devices were introduced in user
collocation pattern detection, and common friends
were sought to introduce unacquainted persons who
share common social patterns. For example, the Ex-
perience Project placed proactive displays in the Ubi-
Comp conference next to tag readers to display pre-
senter talks that match the profiles of the users in
proximity with tagged conference badges (Eagle and
Pentland, 2005). User profiles, however, were stored
in a local database. In 2004, Social Serendipity used
Bluetooth, staged localized social profile systems,
and proximity information, to achieve some kind of
context-awareness (Eagle and Pentland, 2005). In
2006, Eagle et al. introduced the concept of Real-
ity Mining by using mobile phones as behavioral sen-
sors proving their candidacy for sensing human be-
havior. By analyzing the collected data, they build
a system that infers relationships and senses complex
social systems (Eagle and Sandy, 2006). The majority
of the aforementioned research work does not include
the various forms of context and does not communi-
cate with external social networks.
3.2.2 Recent Merger
Integration of context-aware techniques, sensor tech-
nology, social networks, and mobile technology re-
cently emerged and led to fruitful research in context
Figure 1: The evolution of both social networks and context-aware systems from the 1980s to 2006.
Figure 2: The merger between social networks and context-awareness since 2007.
fusion. For instance, since 2007, the SOCIALNETS
project studies physical and electronic social net-
works to construct an opportunistic virtual and adap-
tive social network that provides knowledge and con-
tent management to pervasive applications (Mendes,
2008). Other studies propose local social networks
as a means for privacy preservation and trust man-
agement policies in location based systems within op-
portunistic networks (Sapuppo and Sø rensen, 2011).
More recent work incorporates social information re-
trieved from OSNs into context-aware systems as a
new form of contextual information utilized in better
service provisioning (Beach et al., 2010).
The year 2009 has witnessed many contribu-
tions including: Social context-aware browsing to
improve search techniques (Vassena, 2009), apply-
ing the social approach in resolving context-aware
system group conflicts (Kwon, 2009) (Beach et al.,
2010), social context-aware services that feed into so-
cial networks (Santos et al., 2009), adaptation and
support for manual control of context-aware systems
(Beach et al., 2010) to gain users’ trust and confi-
dence, social pervasive e-tourism that infers user con-
text and mobility profile to provide recommendation
services (Garcia-Crespo et al., 2009) (Kompatsiaris
et al., 2010), and integrating online user profiles with
face-to-face presence (den Broeck et al., 2010). In
2010, a closer fusion among context-awareness and
online social networks, resulted in the following con-
tributions: Context fusion to improve new forms of
sensors such as the calendar (Lovett et al., 2010),
logical sensor generation for individuals/group ac-
tion recommendation (Beach et al., 2010), broker-
based social matching service that supports oppor-
tunistic social networking in DTNs (Mokhtar et al.,
2010), recommending and monitoring social relations
as proposed by FriendSensing and SensingHappiness
(Quercia et al., 2010), and finally integrating user
experience in virtual worlds with the real world, as
in SecondLife, by feeding current user actions - be-
ing extracted from the mobile sensors - into a virtual
world account (Mahmud et al., 2010).
3.3 Social Pervasive Systems: Definition
and Features
Social Pervasive Systems are the cross-pollination of
mobile systems and social systems that intensely use
mutual context. They inherit the main features of both
domains, yet are depicted by a new breed of features.
Any SPS inherits from pervasive systems context-
awareness, invisibility, handling data from diverse
sensors, dealing with heterogeneity, context manage-
ment, being proactive, adaptation, security preserva-
Figure 3: Trend of research in social networks, pervasive
computing and joint research since 1975.
tion and scalability (Bellavista and Helal, 2008). On
another front, SPS inherits from social systems so-
cial profile generation, social communication, interest
groups generation, media sharing, posting peer com-
ments, tagging, allowing application sharing, friend-
ship network generation towards more social net-
working, and the provisioning of several levels of pri-
vacy settings (Boyd and Ellison, 2008).
However, SPSs have a unique set of prominent
features - as we envision it - due to the fusion of
significant attributes of both ancestors and the co-
influence of both domains. In such kinds of systems,
social networks will provide both low level and fused
social context to mobile devices using logical social
sensors. On the other side, SPSs can influence social
networks by exploiting mobile-device-based sensa-
tion to improvethe social networks’ awareness and in-
telligence. To successfully exist, these systems must
manage in real-time the possibly massive amounts of
diverse data to avoid staleness, outdated context infer-
ence, and inappropriate SPS actions and recommen-
We extrapolate a set of optional features for SPS
performance enhancement such as: Inclusion of cer-
tainty levels with situation identification, offering op-
tional user customization of the system at all stages
to improve system flexibility, and possibly utilizing
cloud technology in data storage distribution and pro-
cessing. Finally, SPS may rely on opportunistic net-
works to widen the range of applications and to pro-
vide dynamic adaptation based on communication.
With this cross-pollination, a breed of new applica-
tion families emerges to provide a higher level of so-
cially influencing services. In this section, we de-
scribe five different families of applications that may
emerge from such kind of merger.
- Monitoring Social Behavior. These systems mon-
itor the cumulative behavioral profiles of the social
groups within a certain population in order to cat-
egorize them into sub-populations sharing common
features, economic conditions and health conditions.
These systems consist of two phases; first, gathering
the collective behavioral profiles from both context-
aware mobile systems and social networks, and then
analyzing and grouping these profiles to deduce the
common sub-populations. The behavioral data gath-
ering phase mainly relies on collaborative, large-
scale sensing among people’s mobile phones com-
bined with social information collected from social
systems. There are significant behavioral data gath-
ering projects that support the data gathering phase
such as Reality Mining (Eagle and Sandy, 2006) and
”Big Data” (Eagle, 2010) which provide massive so-
cial/behavioral data gathered from mobile phones.
The second phase requires significant research con-
tributions in the field of high-level context inference
to deduce and analyze the common social profiles
among social subgroups.
Such social behavior monitoring systems are sig-
nificant for a wide spectrum of applications such
as population-targeting healthcare applications, eco-
nomic/political applications targeting certain sub-
populations, urban sensing, monitoring traffic con-
gestion and analyzing social interactions. Further-
more, fusing social tagging with context-awareness
and multimedia technology enriches Social Multime-
dia (Tian et al., 2010) which constitutes a wealthy
source for social context-awaresearchengines and so-
cial studies (Kompatsiaris et al., 2010).
- Social Persuasive Applications. Effective and per-
suasive applications such as social pervasive adver-
tising would use both mobile context and social con-
text to achieve many objectives. One of the objectives
could be to propagate customizable and appealing ad-
vertisements. Such applications can persuade clients
to purchase certain kinds of products or services by
having prior knowledge of how such products or ser-
vices relate to the customers’ mobility or social inter-
ests. Further information about social contacts, their
preferences, the degree of their influence on the sub-
ject in question can even aid the effective persuasion
process. Furthermore, persuading users to move to
certain regions in commercial areas can even have
more of an impact as opposed to simply purchasing
the products or services, such as decongesting physi-
cal areas by routing customers to areas of lower com-
mercial value.
Persuasive systems can also have educational ap-
plications. Amongst many, they can rely on user’s
social profiles, current context, and the context of
friends and peers. Fusing all this data can produce
information on the academic progress of users com-
pared to their peers in an act of academic persuasion
to do better. Peers with higher interaction with a user
may even be more influential than others with less in-
teraction patterns, so ranking social contacts’ interac-
tion could be very useful for applications of this kind.
- Socially Influenced Context-aware Systems. By
utilizing the history of mobility, social interactions,
social and behavioral profiles, such kinds of systems
can deduce their future actions and provide suitable
services. Among the services provided by this fam-
ily of applications is identifying mobile nodes capa-
ble of forwarding information in a way that is sensi-
tive to their behavioral profile and their willingness
to perform such actions. Social-aware ad hoc mes-
sage forwarding approaches is a hot research area that
can benefit from this application family; in which we
propose incorporating interest, awareness of the re-
maining node’s power, willingness to forward mes-
sages, activeness and social ranking among other con-
text and social-aware parameters. Another exam-
ple is social/context-aware search engines that can be
guided by users’ current context, social preferences
and the history of browsing actions.
- Alerting Systems. Alerting systems monitor user
behavioral patterns and gather current user context
from various logical and physical sensors to infer any
changes in their behavior, and to deduce whether such
behavioral changes constitute alerting phenomena. In
case of deduced alerting status, these systems alert
users or their social contacts of the detected critical
status. The alerting systems can infer the proper so-
cial contacts to alert based on the ranking of social
interactions in the social graph.
Alerting systems can be utilized in applica-
tions alerting users of their peers’ current activi-
ties/progress to motivate them towards better perfor-
mance. We extrapolate on the benefit of alerting sys-
tems in improving nations’ economic status by an-
alyzing outcomes of the social behavior-monitoring
systems to pinpoint the sub-populations on the verge
of economic danger. Furthermore, governments may
be alerted by these applications of the sub-populations
in need of direct support to avoid approaching eco-
nomic crises.
- Social Recommender Systems. They are one of
the great potential applications of SPS. They pro-
vide recommendations based on situation/context in-
ferred from the fusion of social information, user and
peers’ context and behavioral profiles. Situation/high-
level context inference is an active research area that
heavily relies on context information extracted from
OSNs, mobile devices, logical and physical sensors
combined with machine learning approaches.
We visualize these systems in work environments
where they may recommend to managers the optimal
group of employees to perform certain tasks based
upon an analysis of social interactions and personali-
ties obtained from their social profiles. These applica-
tions can also provide common services within work
premises to all employees based on context. Such ser-
vices can be adapted to mobile device capabilities, or
the current requirements as per the task in hand.
Other types of recommender systems can include
social context-aware learning management systems
that can, for example, customize study material as
per student level of comprehension, recommend help-
ful interest groups, and even persuade students to
progress in their studies through alerts of colleagues’
progress. Such systems can also generate study
groups based on students’ common study habits. On
another front, the application may alert instructors of
those students facing difficulty in comprehending cer-
tain lessons, and recommend suitable aiding methods,
and may also refer instructors to suitable references to
improve their teaching skills, all based on information
co-obtained from both pervasive and social worlds.
To realize our proposed SPS application families, we
list some challenges that need to be addressed by the
research community in order to realize the full poten-
tial of SPS. We believe the following to be the most
prominent set of challenges:
- Intelligence and Invisibility. Given the large spec-
trum of contextual data an SPS can attain from both
the mobile and social worlds, further challenges of
intelligence and invisibility arise. Irrespective of the
amount of sources of contextual information that are
present in such systems, the need for user interven-
tion in processing should be minimized as usual. Is-
sues like the utilization of varying social networks,
authenticating credentials, and diverse mobile plat-
forms should all be invisible to users.
- Extreme Heterogeneity. Above and beyond typ-
ical heterogeneity issues in pervasive systems, SPSs
are challenged by magnified heterogeneity challenges
given they involve both social networks and mobile
systems altogether. Challenges involving access to
various social networks like Facebook, Twitter or
Blackboard include amongst many, varying structures
for the types of context that could be retrieved, and
varying APIs for access. In addition, varying com-
munication infrastructures, differences in interacting
devices, and login credentials of the various interact-
ing social/mobile systems still exist.
- Power Conservation. Although power and energy
are typical challenges in pervasive systems, the huge
information exchange that may be involved in sys-
tems combining the mobile and social worlds imposes
a higher power conservation challenge. Higher com-
munication requirements impose a larger challenge
due to the amount of battery power depletion that will
be incurred upon mobile devices.
- Real-time Constraints. The trade-off between real-
time management of input data and processing time
consumption requires close attention. The rigid time
constraints expected in many SPS applications are
also coupled with the need for huge storage space and
large processing power in order to process large col-
lected contextual data.
- Security and Privacy. Privacy problems still hold
while exchanging and utilizing social and mobile in-
formation, especially when hosts are used in such sys-
tems whose reputation and trust is not well defined.
Unsuitable privacy levels especially when social in-
formation is utilized create the risk of users refraining
from trusting and using such systems.
- Scalability and Conflict Resolution. Scalability
is an inevitable challenge that needs further research
efforts. The majority of SPSs offer services in lo-
calized areas. Once the range of services increases,
performance typically deteriorates. Furthermore, pro-
cessing massive noisy real-time data, latency, infer-
ring context from data with degrees of uncertainty are
among the challenges rising from scalability (Cook
and Das, 2012). On another front, the more differ-
ent sources of contextual information are used from
mobile and social networks, conflicting contextual in-
formation becomes a notable risk.
In this section, we present possible solutions for ad-
dressing some of the aforementioned challenges. To
achieve intelligibility , better situation inference al-
gorithms are needed to properly react towards satis-
fying user needs and expectations, and to gain user
confidence in the intelligibility of applications. Possi-
ble approaches for situation inference would require
combining rules upon multitudes of observed activi-
ties such as recent user social interactions, response
to recent communications and change in routine be-
havioral profiles.
To overcome the challenge of heterogeneity, stan-
dardization of context-data exchange among various
systems/sensors becomes more imminent. Such stan-
dardization is achievable through a standard context
markup language or a standard format/protocol for
exchanged context information. Standardized login
credentials are also needed. Initial contributions pro-
pose an ”identity aggregator” to store these creden-
tials and transparently map the services to the proper
credentials (Beach et al., 2010). However, the ”iden-
tity aggregator” idea faces its own set of challenges
such as security threats, ad hoc communication, cen-
tralized versus distributed processing. Furthermore,
research studies are needed to determine the best dis-
tribution of the expected collection of data for satis-
fying optimal processing times and storage and I/O
For power conservation, some research contribu-
tions propose solutions such as balancing process-
ing and communication among the resource-rich and
resource-weak devices (Schuhmann et al., 2010). The
frequencyof context information update could also be
set based on its frequent change and urgency (Beach
et al., 2010), and trends to use renewable power
sources such as solar power and wind in charging the
SPSs (Cook and Das, 2012) could be used. More in-
novative energy harvesting techniques can be adopted
such as transforming the electromagnetic waves of
the surrounding objects or the negative human en-
ergy (NHE) into an electric form suitable for charging
wearable/mobile devices. On another front, inclusion
of NHE-detection sensors in mobile devices, coupled
with the user status extracted from OSN, can guide
both systems to adapt their themes/applications to the
currently detected negative user mood.
Distributed processing and Cloud computing are
among the promising venues that support SPS scal-
ability and compensate for resource deficiency in
resource-weak devices. Cloud computing also shows
potential in resolving the stress of massive real-time
processing. Besides, we believe that predicting con-
text offline can save time and reduce the stress of the
huge real-time processing.
Finally, for privacy preservation, users may set
context-aware privacy settings that change per loca-
tion, time, or user mood. In addition, secure zones
through which SPS can safely migrate their context
data could be researched.
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