Integrating Spatial Layout of Object Parts into Classification without
Pairwise Terms
Application to Fast Body Parts Estimation from Depth Images
Mingyuan Jiu, Christian Wolf and Atilla Baskurt
e de Lyon, CNRS, INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, 69621, Villeurbanne, France
Object Detection, Pose Estimation, Spatial Layout, Unary Terms, Randomized Decision Forest, Kinect.
Object recognition or human pose estimation methods often resort to a decomposition into a collection of parts.
This local representation has significant advantages, especially in case of occlusions and when the “object”
is non-rigid. Detection and recognition requires modeling the appearance of the different object parts as well
as their spatial layout. The latter can be complex and requires the minimization of complex energy functions,
which is prohibitive in most real world applications and therefore often omitted. However, ignoring the spatial
layout puts all the burden on the classifier, whose only available information is local appearance. We propose
a new method to integrate the spatial layout into the parts classification without costly pairwise terms. We
present an application to body parts classification for human pose estimation. As a second contribution, we
introduce edge features from gray images as a complement to the well known depth features used for body
parts classification from Kinect data.
Object recognition is one of the fundamental prob-
lems in computer vision, as well as related problems
like face detection and recognition, person detection,
and associated pose estimation. Local representations
as collections of descriptors extracted from local im-
age patches are very popular. This representation al-
lows robustness against occlusions and permits non-
rigid matching of articulated objects, like humans and
For object recognition tasks, the known methods
in the literature vary in their degree of usage of spatial
relationships, between methods not using them at all,
for instance the bags of visual words model (Sivic and
Zisserman, 2003), and rigid matching methods using
all available information, e.g. based on RANSAC
(Fischler and Bolles, 1981). The former suffer from
low discriminative power, whereas the latter only
work for rigid transformations and cannot be used
for articulated objects. Methods for non-rigid match-
ing exist. Graph-matching and hyper-graph match-
ing, for instance, restricts the verification of spatial
constraints to neighbors in the graph. However, non
trivial formulations require minimizing a complex en-
ergy functions and are NP-complete (Torresani et al.,
2008; Duchenne et al., 2009).
Pictorial structures, deformable parts based mod-
els, have been introduced as early as in 1973 (Fis-
chler and Elschlager, 1973). The more recent semi-
nal work creates a Bayesian parts based model of the
object and its parts, where the possible relative parts
locations are modeled as a tree structured Markov
random field(Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher, 2005).
The absence of cycles makes minimization of the un-
derlying energy function relatively fast of course
much slower than a model without pairwise terms. In
(Felzenszwalb et al., 2010) the Bayesian model is re-
placed with a more powerful discriminative model,
where scale and relative position of each part are
treated as latent variables and searched by Latent
A similar problem occurs in tasks where joint ob-
ject recognition and segmentation is required. Lay-
out CRFs and extensions model the object as a col-
lection of local parts (patches or even individual pix-
els), which are related through an energy function
(Winn and Shotton, 2006). However, unlike picto-
rial structures, the energy function here contains cy-
cles which makes minimization more complex, for
instance through graph cuts techniques. Furthermore,
the large number of labels makes the expansion move
algorithms inefficient (Kolmogorov and Zabih, 2004).
In the original paper (Winn and Shotton, 2006), and
Jiu M., Wolf C. and Baskurt A..
Integrating Spatial Layout of Object Parts into Classification without Pairwise Terms - Application to Fast Body Parts Estimation from Depth Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0004278206260631
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 626-631
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
as in our proposed work, the unary terms are based on
randomized decision forests. Another related applica-
tion which could benefit from this contribution is full
scene labelling (Farabet et al., 2012).
Pose estimation methods are also often naturally
solved through a decomposition into body parts. A
preliminary pixel classification step segments the ob-
ject into body parts, from which the joint positions
can be estimated in a second step. The well known
method used for the MS Kinect system completely
ignores the spatial relationships between the objects
parts and puts all the classification burden on the pixel
wise working classifier (Shotton et al., 2011). The de-
cision function to be learned by the classifier is com-
plex and therefore requires a learning machine with a
complex architecture, which is difficult to learn. The
good performance of the system has been obtained
with an extremely large training set of 2 · 10
vectors extracted from 1 million images and training
on a computation cluster with 1000 nodes.
In this paper we propose a method which seg-
ments an object into parts through pixelwise classi-
fication and which integrates the spatial layout of the
part labels. Like the methods ignoring the spatial lay-
out, it is extremely fast as no additional step needs
to be added to pixelwise classification and no energy
minimization is necessary. The (slight) additional
computational load only concerns learning at an of-
fline stage. The goal is not to compete with methods
based on energy minimization, which is impossible
through pixelwise classification only. The objective
is to improve the performance of pixelwise classifica-
tion by using all available information during learn-
Classical learning machines working on data em-
bedded in a vector space, like neural networks, SVM,
randomized decision trees, Adaboost etc., are in prin-
cipal capable of learning arbitrary complex decision
functions, if the underyling prediction model (archi-
tecture) is complex enough. In reality the available
amount of training data and computational complex-
ity limit the complexity which can be learned. In most
cases only few data are available with respect to the
complexity of the problem. It is therefore often useful
to impose some structure on the model. In this work
we propose to use prior knowledge in the form of the
spatial layout of the labels to add structure to the de-
cision function learned by the learning machine.
The contributions of this paper are twofold:
The integration of the spatial layout of part labels
into learning machines, in particular randomized
decision forests;
We introduce features extracted from edges cal-
culated on the gray image and show that they can
provide valuable complementary information to
the traditional depth features.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents
the learning procedure which integrates the spatial
layout into a randomized decision forest. Section 3
introduces edge comparison features which can com-
plement the classical depth features for pose estima-
tion. Section 4 explains the experiments on pose esti-
mation, and section 5 finally concludes.
We consider problems where the pixels i of an image
are classified as belonging to one of L target labels by
a learning machine whose alphabet is L = {1 . . . L}.
To this end, descriptors F
are extracted on each pixel
i and a local path around it, and the learning machine
takes a decision l
L for each pixel. A powerful
prior can be defined over the set of possible labellings
for a spatial object. Beyond the classical Potts model
known from image restoration (Geman and Geman,
1984), which favors equal labels for neighboring pix-
els over unequal labels, additional (soft) constraints
can be imposed. Labels of neighboring pixels can
be supposed to be equal, or at least compatible, i.e.
belonging to parts which are neighbors in the spatial
layout of the object. In computer vision this kind of
constraints is often modeled soft through the energy
potentials of a global energy function:
, . . . , l
) =
, F
) + µ
i j
, l
) (1)
where the unary terms U (·) integrate confidence of
a pixelwise employed learning machine and the pair-
wise terms D(·, ·) are over couples of neighbors i j.
In the case of certain simple models like the Potts
model, the energy function is submodular and the ex-
act solution can be calculated in polynomial time us-
ing graph cuts (Kolmogorov and Zabih, 2004). Tak-
ing the spatial layout of the object parts into account
results in non-submodular energy functions which are
difficult to solve. Let’s note that even the complexity
of the submodular problem (quadratic on the number
of pixels in the worst case) is far beyond the complex-
ity of pixelwise classification with unary terms only.
The goal of our work is to improve the learning
machine in the case where it is the only source of in-
formation, i.e. no pairwise terms are used for classifi-
cation. Traditional learning algorithm in this context
are supervised and use as only input the training fea-
ture vectors f
as well as the training labels l
, where
i is over the pixels of the training set. We propose
to provide the learning machine with additional infor-
mation, namely the spatial layout of the labels of the
alphabet L .
2.1 Randomized Decision Forests
In this paper we focus on randomized decision forests
(RDF) as learning machines, because they have
shown to outperform other learning machines in this
kind of problem and they have become very popu-
lar in computer vision lately (Shotton et al., 2011).
Decision trees, as simple tree structured classifiers
with decision and terminal nodes, suffer from over-
fitting. Randomized forests, on the other hand, over-
come this drawback by integrating distributions over
several trees.
The classical learning algorithm for RDFs (Lep-
etit et al., 2004) is training each tree separately, layer
by layer. Each layer is also trained separately, which
allows the training of deep trees with a complex pre-
diction model. The drawback of this approach is the
absence of any gradient on the error during training.
Instead, training maximizes the gain in information
based on Shannon entropy. In the following we give
a short description of the classical training procedure.
We describe the version of the learning algorithm
from (Shotton et al., 2011) which jointly learns fea-
tures and the parameters of the tree, i.e. the thresh-
olds for each decision node. We denote by θ the set
of all learned parameters (features and thresholds) for
each decision node. For each tree, a subset of training
instances is randomly sampled with replacement.
1. Randomly sample a set of candidates θ.
2. Partition the set of input vectors into two sets, one
for the left child and one for the right child accord-
ing to the threshold τ θ. Denote by Q the label
distribution of the parent and by Q
(θ) and Q
the label distributions of the left and the right child
node, respectively.
3. Choose θ with the largest gain in information:
= argmax
= argmax
where H(Q) is the Shannon entropy from class
distribution of set Q.
4. Recurse the left and right child until the prede-
fined level or largest gain is arrived.
Classical: G(θ)=0.37 Classical: G(θ)=0.37
Spatial: G
(θ)=0.22 Spatial: G
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: An example of three parts: (a) part layout; (b) a
parent distribution and its two child distributions for a given
θ; (c) a second more favorable case. The entropy gain for
the spatial learning cases are given with λ = 0.3.
2.2 Spatial Learning for Randomized
Decision Forests
In what follows we will integrate the additional infor-
mation on the spatial layout of the object parts into the
training algorithm, which will be done without using
any information on the training error. Let us first re-
call that the target alphabet of the learning machine is
L = {1. . . L}, and then imagine that we create groups
of pairs of two labels, giving rise to a new alpha-
bet L
= {11, 12, . . . 1L, 21, 22, . . . 2L, . . . , LL}. Each
of the new labels is a combination of two original
labels. Assuming independent and identically dis-
tributed (i.i.d.) original labels, the probability of a
new label i j consisting of the pair of original labels i
and j is the product of the original probabilities, i.e.
p(i j) = p(i)p( j). The Shannon entropy of a distribu-
tion Q
over the new alphabet is therefore
) =
p(k)log p(k) (3)
where k is over the new alphabet. This can be ex-
pressed in terms of the original distribution over the
original alphabet:
) =
i, j
p(i)p( j) log[p(i)p( j)] (4)
We can now separate the new pairwise labels into
two different subsets, the set of neighboring labels
, and the set of not neighboring labels L
, with
= L
. We suppose that each original label is
neighbor of itself. In the same way, a distribution Q
over the new alphabet can be split into two different
distributions Q
and Q
from these two subsets.
Then a learning criterion can be defined using the
gain in information obtained by parameters θ as a sum
over two parts of the histogram Q
, each part being
calculated over one subset of the labels:
(θ) = λ G
(θ) + (1 λ) G
(θ) (5)
(θ) = H(Q
(θ)) (6)
Here, λ is a weight, and λ < 0.5 in order to give sep-
aration of non neighboring labels a higher priority.
Let’s consider a simple parts based model with
three parts numbered from 1 to 3 shown in figure 1.
We suppose that part 1 is a neighbor of 2, that 2 is a
neighbor of 3, but that 1 is not a neighbor of 3. Let’s
also consider two cases where a set of tree parameters
θ = {u, v, τ} splits a label distribution Q into two dis-
tributions, the left distribution Q
(θ) and the right one
The distributions for the two different cases are
given in figure 1b and 1c, respectively. Here, we did
not compare the the individual values for Shannon
entropy gain between classical measure and spatial
measure, as the former is calculated from the unary
distribution and the latter on a pairwise distribution.
However, the difference between two cases can be ob-
served using the same measure. It can been seen that
the classical measure is equal for both cases: the en-
tropy gains are both 0.37. If we take into account the
spatial layout of the different parts, we can see that
the entropy gain is actually higher in the second case
(θ)=0.31) than the first case (G
(θ)=0.22) when
setting λ=0.3. In the first case, the highest gain in
information is obtained for parts 2 and 3, which are
neighbors. However, the highest gain comes from
parts 1 and 3 which are not neighbors in the second
case. This is consistent with what we advocate above
that a higher priority is set to non-neighbor labels.
In (Shotton et al., 2011), depth features have been
proposed for pose estimation from Kinect depth im-
ages. One of their main advantages is their simplicity
and their computational efficiency. Briefly, at a given
pixel x, the depth difference between two offsets cen-
tered at x is computed:
(I, x) = d
(x +
) d
(x +
) (7)
where d
(x) is the depth at pixel x in image I, param-
eters θ = (u, v) are two offsets and are normalized
by the current depth for depth-invariance. A single
feature vector contains several differences, each com-
parison value being calculated from a different pair of
offsets u and v. These offsets are learned during train-
ing together with the prediction model, as described
in section 2.
3.1 Edge Features
Psychophysical studies show that we can recognize a
object only with its contour, In (Shotton et al., 2008),
contour is defined as the outline (silhouette) together
with the internal edges of the object, which enable to
represent the spatial structure of the object. Here we
extend this concept further by introducing edge com-
parison features extracted from the grayscale image.
We propose two different types of features based on
edges, the first using edge magnitude, and the second
using edge orientation.
In our settings, we need features whose positions
can be sampled by the training algorithm. How-
ever, contours are usually sparsely distributed, which
means that comparison features can not directly be
applied to edge images. Our solution to this problem
is inspired by chamfer distance matching, which is
a classical method to measure the similarity between
contours (Barrow et al., 1977). We compute a dis-
tance transform on the edge image, where the value
of each pixel is the distance to its nearest edge. Given
a grayscale image I and its binary edge image E, the
distance transform DT
is computed as:
(x) = min
||x x
|| (8)
The distance transform can be calculated in linear
time using a two-pass algorithm.
The edge magnitude feature is defined as:
(x) = DT
(x + u) + DT
(x + v) (9)
where u and v are the same in (7). This feature indi-
cates the existence of edges near two offsets.
Edge orientation features can be computed in a
similar way. In the procedure of distance image, we
can get another orientation image O
, in which the
value of each pixel is the orientation of its nearest
(x) = Orientation
arg min
||x x
The feature is computed as the difference in orienta-
tion for two offsets:
(x) = O
(x + u) O
(x + v) (11)
where the minus operator takes into account the cir-
cular nature of angles. We discretize the orientation
to alleviate the effect of noise.
The objective of both features is to capture the
edge distribution at specific locations in the image,
which will be learned by the RDF.
We performed experiments for an application of pose
estimation. We would like to point out that the learn-
ing method can be applied to any parts based model
which integrates pixelwise classification with random
forests, for instance methods for joint object recogni-
tion and segmentation.
The proposed algorithm has been evaluated on the
CDC4CV Poselets dataset (Holt et al., 2011). Our
goal is not to beat the state of the art in pose esti-
mation, but to show that spatial learning is able to
improve pixelwise classification of parts based mod-
els. The dataset contains upper body poses taken
with Kinect and consists of 345 training and 347
test depth images. The authors also supplied cor-
responding annotation files which contain the loca-
tions of 10 articulated parts: head(H), neck(N), left
shoulder(LS), right shoulder(RS), left elbow(LE), left
hand(LHA), right elbow(RE), right hand(RHA), left
hip(LH), right hip(RH). We created groundtruth seg-
mentations through nearest neighbor labeling. In our
experiments, the left/right elbow (LE,RE) and hand
(LHA,RHA) parts were extended to left/right upper
arm (LUA,RUA) and forearm (LFA, RFA) parts, we
also defined the part below the waist as other (the
black area in the Figure 2b).
Unless otherwise specified, the following param-
eters have been used for RDF learning: 3 trees each
with a depth of 9; 2000 randomly selected pixels per
image, roughly distributed across the body; 4000 can-
didate pairs of offsets; 22 candidate thresholds; off-
sets and thresholds have been learned separately for
each node in the forest. For spatial learning, 28 pairs
of neighbors have been identified between the 10 parts
based on a pose where the subject stretches his arms.
The parameter λ was set to 0.4.
We evaluate our method at two levels: pixelwise
classification and pairs of parts recognition. Pixel-
wise decisions are directly provided by the random
forest. Part localizations are obtained from the pixel-
wise results through pixel pooling. We create a poste-
rior probability map for each part from the results on
RDF. After non-maximum suppression and low pass
filtering, the location with largest response is used
as an estimate of the part, and then the positions of
pairs of detected parts are calculated, which approxi-
mately correspond to joints and serve as the interme-
diate pose indicator. In the following, we denote them
by the pair of neighboring parts.
Table 1 shows classification accuracies of the
three settings. A baseline has been created with clas-
sical RDF learning and depth features. Spatial learn-
ing with depth features only and with depth and edge
Table 1: Results on body part classification in pixelwise
level: D=deph features; E=edge features.
Classical RDF with D 60.30%
Spatial D λ = 0.4 61.05%
Spatial D+E λ = 0.4 67.66%
features together are shown in table 1. We can see
that that spatial learning can obtain a performance
gain, although the layout is used in the prediction
model and no pairwise terms have been used. Figure
2 shows some classification examples, which demon-
strates that spatial learning makes the randomized for-
est more discriminative. The segmentation output is
cleaner, especially at the borders.
At part level, we report our results of pairs of parts
according to the estimation metric by (Ferrari et al.,
2008): a pair of groundtruth parts is matched to a de-
tected pair if and only if the endpoints of the detected
pairs lie within a circle of radius r=50% of the length
of the groundtruth pair and centered on it. Table 2
shows our results on part level using several settings.
It demonstrates that spatial learning improves recog-
nition performance for most of parts.
The experiments at both pixelwise and part level
demonstrate that spatial learning makes randomized
forest more discriminative by integrating the spatial
layout into its prediction model. This proposition is
very simple and fast to implement, as the standard
pipeline can be still used. Only the learning method
has been changed, the testing code is unchanged.
There is no additional computational burden whatso-
ever during testing; a slight increase in computational
complexity can be observed for learning. No complex
discrete optimization problems need to be solved.
In this paper, we proposed a novel learning algorithm
for randomized decision forests which integrates in-
formation on the spatial layout of target labels. The
classification algorithm is of exactly the same compu-
tational complexity, a slightly higher computational
burden is put on the learning stage. We applied our al-
gorithm on the body part classification, although any
other application requiring the segmentation of an ob-
ject into parts may benefit from the contribution. An-
other contribution extends the well known depth com-
parison features to edge comparison features obtained
from grayscale images. Results show that RDF in-
deed benefits from the integration of the spatial layout
of parts and the edge features.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure 2: Examples of the pixelwise classification: each row is an example, each column is a kind of classification results, (a)
test depth image; (b) part segmentation; (c) classical classification; (d) spatial learning with depth features; (e) spatial learning
with depth features and edge features.
Table 2: Correct rate(%) on pairs of parts for different feature settings in part level: D=deph features; E=edge features.
Classical E 46.69 0.29 20.46 2.02 0 21.90 77.81 1.15 19.88 21.13
Spatial E λ = 0.4 52.45 0 25.65 1.44 0 14.41 82.13 0.86 22.48 22.16
Classical D 85.30 0.29 39.77 1.15 0.29 17.58 49.86 0.29 16.14 23.41
Spatial D λ = 0.4 88.47 1.15 34.58 0.28 0.28 10.66 67.72 5.18 28.24 26.29
Spatial D+E λ = 0.4 89.05 0 53.31 0.86 0 25.65 72.91 0 13.54 28.37
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