Bringing Order to Legal Documents
An Issue-based Recommendation System Via Cluster Association
Qiang Lu
and Jack G. Conrad
Kore Federal, 7600A Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043, U.S.A.
Thomson Reuters Global Resources, Catalyst Lab, Neuhofstrasse 1, Baar, ZG 6340, Switzerland
Unsupervised Learning, Recommendation, Clustering, Labeling, Document-cluster Associations.
The task of recommending content to professionals (such as attorneys or brokers) differs greatly from the task
of recommending news to casual readers. A casual reader may be satisfied with a couple of good recommen-
dations, whereas an attorney will demand precise and comprehensive recommendations from various content
sources when conducting legal research. Legal documents are intrinsically complex and multi-topical, contain
carefully crafted, professional, domain specific language, and possess a broad and unevenly distributed cov-
erage of issues. Consequently, a high quality content recommendation system for legal documents requires
the ability to detect significant topics from a document and recommend high quality content accordingly.
Moreover, a litigation attorney preparing for a case needs to be thoroughly familiar the principal arguments
associated with various supporting opinions, but also with the secondary and tertiary arguments as well. This
paper introduces an issue-based content recommendation system with a built-in topic detection/segmentation
algorithm for the legal domain. The system leverages existing legal document metadata such as topical clas-
sifications, document citations, and click stream data from user behavior databases, to produce an accurate
topic detection algorithm. It then links each individual topic to a comprehensive pre-defined topic (cluster)
repository via an association process. A cluster labeling algorithm is designed and applied to provide a precise,
meaningful label for each of the clusters in the repository, where each cluster is also populated with member
documents from across different content types. This system has been applied successfully to very large col-
lections of legal documents, O(100M), which include judicial opinions, statutes, regulations, court briefs, and
analytical documents. Extensive evaluations were conducted to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of
the algorithms in topic detection, cluster association, and cluster labeling. Subsequent evaluations conducted
by legal domain experts have demonstrated that the quality of the resulting recommendations across different
content types is close to those created by human experts.
The goal of a recommendation system is to suggest
items of interest to a user based on the user’s own
historical behavior or behaviors of a community of
other users. Practical applications have been widely
adopted in different areas, such as recommending
books, music, and other products from online shop-
ping sites (Linden et al., 2003), movies at Netflix
(Bennett and Lanning, 2007), and news from Google
and Yahoo! (Liu et al., 2010; Li et al., 2010).
Depending on the targeted user, however, the rec-
ommendation task may differ greatly. A casual news
reader or an online shopper may be satisfied with a
Both authors worked for Thomson Reuters Corporate
Research & Development when this work was conducted.
few good recommendations, regardless of other poor
suggestions. Professionals such as attorneys or bro-
kers, by contrast, may demand more precise and com-
prehensive recommendations. For example, when an
attorney is performing legal research, she has to comb
through a huge amount of material to identify the
most authoritative documents across different sources
of the law, such as judicial opinions, statutes, and
court briefs, to name just a few. In the field of law,
it is well known how important high recall is for at-
torneys who may be preparing for a trial or related
litigation proceeding. They cannot afford to miss a
key case that may have significant bearing on their
current legal and logical strategy. Furthermore, be-
ing presented relevant documents may not be enough;
that is, they may not be sufficiently granular since it is
the specific sub-document-level topics or arguments
Lu Q. and Conrad J..
Bringing Order to Legal Documents - An Issue-based Recommendation System Via Cluster Association.
DOI: 10.5220/0004136600760088
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 76-88
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
that are critical. Legal practitioners must familiarize
themselves not only with the primary arguments that
may be marshaled against them; they must also an-
ticipate secondary or alternative arguments associated
with the legal issue as well. While ineffective legal
research wastes time and money, inaccurate and in-
complete research can lead to claims of malpractice
(Cohen and Olsen, 2007).
In this paper, we present a robust and compre-
hensive legal recommendation system; it delivers to
its users the top-level legal issues underlying a case
along with secondary and supplemental issues as
well. So for a given a document, e.g., in a search
result, a user is presented with additional documents
that are closely related, and these recommended doc-
uments are grouped together based on issues that
are discussed in the original document. This issue-
based recommendation approach, relative to those ar-
guments in the original document, is essential to the
effectiveness of a legal research system due to the
complete coverage provided. Legal documents are
complex and multi-topical in nature. For example,
a judicial opinion may deal with a customer suing
a hotel for its negligence due to an injury-causing
slip and fall in the shower, who later is awarded an
amount of compensation by summary judgment in the
court. At least three legal issues are presented in this
case, namely negligence, summary judgment proce-
dures and appropriateness of compensation, and each
could lead to a collection of other important docu-
ments specifically addressing such a topic. By pro-
viding such an issue-oriented recommendation tool,
users are able to explore legal topics within any doc-
ument at much greater depth rather than simply sur-
veying them.
Furthermore, this examination is en-
abled without explicitly summarizing the issues and
constructing different search queries.
One additional means of ensuring an understand-
ing of the scope of a particular issue in a cluster of
documents is to provide a meaningful label. A simple
phrase may be sufficient for many traditional docu-
ments, such as those in a news collection. By con-
trast, an hierarchically structured labeling approach
may be more suitable for complex legal documents.
Such an approach can provide a more precise and de-
tailed description of many complicated legal issues at
a fine-grained level yet still maintain a coherent and
broad topical overview at the root level. Legal infor-
mation providers often deploy editorial resources to
organize and index content to support specific infor-
mation needs, and topical taxonomies and encyclope-
In the interest of simplification, the expressions legal
issues and legal topics will generally be used interchange-
dias are two examples of such editorial tools for con-
tent navigation purposes. Nodes in taxonomies can
offer well-crafted descriptions to form a solid founda-
tion for a labeling algorithm. It is up to the research
scientist to devise the algorithmic means of generat-
ing such informative, multi-tiered labeling captions.
Although the labeling component of the system rep-
resents a post-cluster generation process involving the
characterization rather than the generation of the clus-
ters, it is arguably as essential as any of the other
components of the recommendation system. Stated
simply, if users cannot effectively understand and in-
terpret the meaning of the labels, the quality of the
system’s clusters and document-cluster associations
may not matter; the system may still fail to meet its
intended performance objectives.
In the interest of clarity, it is also instructive to em-
phasize the fundamental underlying use case that mo-
tivates this work. It is to provide a robust and effective
complement to search. Along with search, navigation
and personalization, the recommendation approach
we implement can greatly improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of an otherwise comprehensive informa-
tion retrieval system for legal research. Given a non-
trivial legal domain-specific query, when a user per-
forms a professional search, in addition to receiving
ranked lists of search results delivered across mul-
tiple content types, the recommendation component
of the system presents a supplemental list of ranked
clusters, one for each of the key issues present in the
selected document from the search results. In short,
this cluster recommendation system is enabled by the
document-to-cluster association process described in
Section 4. The process by which the clusters have
been topically defined and populated is described in
an earlier work (Lu et al., 2011).
The recommendation system presented in the pa-
per can thus be described as follows:
1. It identifies major issues discussed in individual
documents from different content types;
2. It links each issue to the back-end repository of
important legal issues via an association process;
3. For every legal issue, it identifies, populates, and
updates a set of the most important documents for
that issue;
4. It provides a meaningful and sufficiently encom-
passing label for every issue in the universe.
By defining such a collective framework, we pro-
vide a powerful, coherent, and comprehensive ap-
proach to supplementing legal research results with
additional relevant yet important documents in our
issue-based recommendation system. Just as impor-
This back-end repository is sometimes referred to as
the “universe” of legal issues.
(Cluster Population)
(Topic Universe Generation)
(Document Recomendation)
(HNs, KNs, NPs, Citations)
Topic Label
Figure 1: Workflow of document recommendation system.
tantly, the system will produce a more comprehensive
coverage of the essential arguments associated with
these legal issues.
Figure 1 illustrates the overall workflow of this
recommendation system. At the highest level, the pri-
mary activities are represented by the two key com-
ponents of the system: (1) define and generate the le-
gal topic universe, and (2) perform document recom-
mendations via associations (shown in the two light
blue boxes delineated by dotted lines). As the sub-
components indicate, both the generation of the uni-
verse and the association processes rely on the docu-
ment topic segmentation results that precede them.
Other significant components of the workflow in-
clude: (a) populating the clusters with the most im-
portant documents, depending on the topics they con-
tain, and (b) labeling the clusters, which is an impor-
tant piece of any outward rendering of the clusters.
Each of these components will be discussed in the re-
mainder of the paper in order to clarify their roles.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
briefly surveys related work. Section 3 gives a short
description of the metadata available across the dif-
ferent content types in the legal domain. Section 4
presents the overall issue-based recommendation sys-
tem, which includes a document topic detection algo-
rithm and a document association algorithm. The la-
beling algorithm is covered in Section 5, followed by
a description of the evaluation results and system per-
formance in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 concludes
the work while Section 8 discusses future research di-
The two “Document Topic Segmentation” boxes in
Figure 1 are functionally the same.
Topic detection in documents can be applied at two
different levels: at the individual document level, and
at the document collection level. At the individual
level, topic detection is often referred to as topic seg-
mentation, which is to identify and partition a doc-
ument into topically coherent segments. Algorithms
in this category often exploit lexical cohesion infor-
mation based on the fact that related or similar words
and phrases tend to be repeated in coherent segments
and segment boundaries often correspond to a change
in vocabulary (Choi, 2000; Hearst, 1997; Utiyama
and Isahara, 2001). Complementary semantic knowl-
edge extracted from dictionaries and thesauruses, or
additional domain knowledge such as the use of hy-
ponyms or synonyms can been incorporated to im-
prove the segmentation (Choi et al., 2001; Beeferman
et al., 1997). Topic detection at the document collec-
tion level, on the other hand, is to identify underlying
common topics among different documents. Many
studies derive topics by document clustering, either
using entire documents (Aggarwal and Yu, 2006)
or sentences (Bun and Ishizuka, 2002; Chen et al.,
2007). Topic modeling approaches, such as Proba-
bilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) (Hofmann,
1999), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al.,
2003), and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
(Lee and Seung, 1999), take a more intuitive notion
of topics in a collection by characterizing a topic as a
cluster of words rather than documents. For example,
Prasad, et al. (Prasad et al., 2011) applied a technol-
ogy in dictionary learning known as NMF to decom-
pose a document collection matrix represented by the
vector space model into two non-negative matrixes,
one of which was a term-topic matrix with each entry
being the “confidence” of a term in a particular topic.
Due to the non-negative nature of the topical matrix,
an original document can be reconstructed approxi-
mately by the combination of topics using only the
allowed additive operation.
Labeling topics is another significant yet often
somewhat neglected issue in topic detection research.
Topics have traditionally been interpreted via top
ranked terms based on either marginal probability
in LDA or some statistical measurements such as
tf.idf or tf.pdf (Bun and Ishizuka, 2002). A good
overview of cluster labeling topics can be found in
Jain (Jain et al., 1999). Historically less work has fo-
cused on clustering labeling than cluster generation
itself. Popescul and Ungar obtained impressive re-
sults by combining X
and the collection frequency
of a term (Popescul and Ungar, 2000). Glover, et al.
labeled clusters of Web pages by relying on the in-
formation gain associated with those pages (Glover
et al., 2002a). Whereas Stein and zu Eissen use an
ontology-based approach (Stein and zu Eissen, 2004),
the more challenging problem of labeling nodes in a
hierarchy (and the related general vs. specific prob-
lem) is addressed by Glover, et al. (Glover et al.,
2002b) and Treeratpitu and Callan (Treeratpituk and
Callan, 2006). More recently Fukumoto and Suzuki
performed cluster labeling by relying on concepts in a
machine readable dictionary (Fukumoto and Suzuki,
2011) with positive results. In another distinct recent
work, Malik, et al., focused on finding patterns (i.e.,
labels) and clusters simultaneously as an alternative to
explicitly identifying labels for existing clusters (Ma-
lik et al., 2010).
A comprehensive review of document recommen-
dation systems, as part of broad-based recommen-
dation systems, can be found in (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005). Such systems are usually classified
into three categories, based on how recommendations
are made: content-based recommendations, collabo-
rative filtering recommendations, and hybrid meth-
ods. Content-based recommendations suggest simi-
lar documents based on the preferred ones by users
in the past, and this type of approach has its roots
in information retrieval and information filtering re-
search. Often, both users and documents are repre-
sented by sets of features. Documents that best match
the user profile and the profile of previously viewed
documents get recommended. A news recommenda-
tion system recently described in (Li et al., 2010) is an
example of such system. In addition, the authors also
introduced an exploitation factor into the algorithm
to bring new content to users’ attention. The basic
concept behind collaborative filtering is to utilize the
preferences and evaluations of a peer group to pre-
dict the interests of other users. It has been success-
fully applied to suggest products in shopping sites,
such as the one used in Amazon (Linden et al., 2003),
but it was rarely used independently among document
recommendation systems. Instead, collaborative fil-
tering approaches often combined with content-based
approaches into hybrid systems. Google news (Liu
et al., 2010) adopted this hybrid approach, with heavy
emphasis on the click log analysis on its rich history
of usage data, to recommend personalized news to
different users. Document recommendation technol-
ogy has been successfully adapted to legal documents
in recently years. Al-Kofahi et al. (Al-Kofahi and
et al., 2007) described a legal document recommen-
dation system blending retrieval and categorization
technologies together. They designed a two-step pro-
cess. In the first step a ranked list of suggestions was
generated based on content-based similarity using a
CaRE indexing system [4], a meta-classifier consist-
ing of Vector Space, Bayesian, and KNN modules.
In the second step, recommendations were re-ranked
based on user behavior and document usage data. The
recommendation system described in this paper dif-
fers from theirs in several respects: (1) it recommends
documents based on important topics discussed in the
original document and groups them as such, (2) it
links the topics in the document to topics in a uni-
verse instead of each individual document, and (3)
each topic in the document is presented with a pre-
cise and hierarchically structured label.
Documents in the legal domain possess some note-
worthy characteristics. These characteristics include
being intrinsically multi-topical, relying on well-
crafted, domain-specific language, and possessing a
broad and unevenly distributed coverage of legal is-
3.1 Data and Metadata Resources
Legal documents in the U.S. tend to be complex in
nature because they are the product of a highly ana-
lytical and often adversarial process that involves de-
termining relevant law, interpreting such law and ap-
plying it to the dispute to which it pertains. Legal pub-
lishers not only collect and publish the judicial opin-
ions from the courts, but also summarize and clas-
sify them into topical taxonomies such as the Key
Number System (described in 3.1.3). We mention
some features of Thomson Reuters’ products below
to illustrate a point about the kinds of resources le-
gal publishers harness in order to offer researchers
multiple entry points and search indexes into the con-
tent. Other legal publishers have their own analogous
means of accessing their content.
3.1.1 Judicial Opinions making Case Law
A judicial opinion (or a case law document) con-
tains a court’s analysis of the issues relevant to a le-
gal dispute, citations to relevant law and historical
cases to support such analysis and the court’s deci-
sion. Thomson Reuters’ Westlaw System adds sev-
eral annotations to these documents to summarize the
points of law within and make them more accurate
using a consistent language for the purposes of legal
research. These include a synopsis of the case, a se-
ries of summaries of the points of law addressed in
the case (3.1.2), classification of these points to a le-
gal taxonomy (3.1.3), and an historical analysis of the
case to determine whether its holdings and mandate
remain intact or whether they have been overruled in
part or in whole (3.1.4).
3.1.2 Case Law Annotated Points of Law
Thomson Reuters’ Westlaw System creates “head-
notes” for case law documents, which are short sum-
maries of the points of law made in the cases. A
typical case law document produces approximately 7
headnotes, but cases with over one hundred headnotes
are not rare.
3.1.3 Headnote Classification, Key Number
Headnotes are further classified to a legal taxonomy
known as the West Key Number System,
a hier-
archical classification of the headnotes across more
than 100,000 distinct legal categories. Each category
is given a unique alpha-numeric code, known as a
Key Number, as its identifier along with a descrip-
tive name, together with a hierarchically structured
descriptor, known as a catchline. An example of a
headnote and its key numbers (including catchlines)
is shown in Figure 2.
3.1.4 Citation System
Legal documents contain rich citation information
just as documents from other domains do, such as
scientific publications and patents. These are the le-
gal domain’s equivalent to URLs. A case law docu-
ment tends to cite previous related cases to argue for
or against its legal claims; therefore, it is not unusual
to have landmark cases decided by the U.S. Supreme
Court with hundreds of thousands of cites to them.
3.1.5 Statutes’ Notes of Decisions
Another primary law source is statutes, which are
laws enacted by a state legislature or Congress. For
some statutes, both in federal and state levels, Notes
of Decisions (NODs) are created for them. NODs
are the editorially chosen case law documents that
construe or apply the statute. In particular, NODs
are tied to specific headnotes in the applying cases.
An example of NODs is shown in Figure 2, with the
blue hyperlink at the end of the headnote text (i.e., 8
Given the complexity and multi-topical nature of so
many legal documents, recommendation algorithms
that treat documents as single atomic units tend to
produce results that are topically unbalanced in the
sense that recommended documents with different
topical focuses are blended together in a single list,
and it is left up to users to decipher which section of
the original document is the target of the recommen-
dation. To tackle this deficiency, the recommendation
approach we have developed has a built-in topic de-
tection algorithm that explicitly segments each doc-
ument into coherent legal topics. Recommendations
are thus tailored toward each individual topic. The al-
gorithm consists of two steps: (1) segment documents
into topics, and (2) associate topics with clusters of
documents containing the most relevant like topics.
The document segmentation algorithm is designed to
accommodate various content types, and the associa-
tion step is based on the similarity between topics and
As alluded to in the aforementioned second step,
prior to the association process, a universe of topic
clusters (i.e. topics) that has a comprehensive topi-
cal coverage in the legal domain needs to be defined
such that topics detected in each individual document
can be linked to this universe. Without this universal
coverage, one could not envision issue-based recom-
mendations, similar to “more like this” for the Open
Web, where legal researchers could discover topics
related to a document they are examining or probe
Figure 2: A example of a headnote with its assigned key number.
deeper into a topic of interest. It is also critical that
most if not all legal documents (regardless of their
type) be linked to these clusters. The clusters, de-
scribed in prior work (Lu et al., 2011), are meant to
contain the most important case law documents on a
legal topic. Yet they are also populated with other
types of legal documents such as statutes, regulations,
and court briefs, to ensure comprehensive coverage.
In short, the utility of the clusters as a means to orga-
nize legal content around issues or topics is as much
a function of the quality of the clusters themselves
as it is a function of coverage. As such, the cluster
universe generation process is not part of the recom-
mendation algorithm, but we mention it here because
it is the foundation upon which our recommendation
algorithm is built.
4.1 Topic Segmentation
The topic segmentation algorithm leverages available
metadata from different document types. We found
this approach to provide better quality results over tra-
ditional topic segmentation algorithms that rely upon
lexical cohesion and utilize document text alone.
The segmentation algorithm differs depending on
the availability of metadata in different document
types. For the purposes of illustrating variations of the
segmentation algorithm, we will subsequently have a
brief discussion of case law documents (possessing
headnotes), statutes, and court briefs.
4.1.1 Case Law Topic Segmentation
As stated before, headnotes are short summaries of
points of law in case law documents. Collectively,
they provide near-complete coverage of the main legal
issues within a case. By grouping headnotes within
a case law document based on their “similarities, it
is possible to identify the main legal topics within a
document. We use the vector-space model to repre-
sent headnotes in a case. A headnote is depicted in
terms of four types of features: text, key numbers,
KeyCite citations, and noun phrases. The similarity
between a pair of headnotes, sim(h
, h
), is defined
as the weighted sum of the similarities between the
corresponding component vectors. The weights are
determined using heuristics.
The similarity functions for the component vec-
tors are defined using cosine similarity or one of its
variations, and an agglomerative clustering algorithm
grouping similar headnotes to generate the topics for a
case law document. The algorithm merges two head-
notes together while maximizing the following equa-
F = maximize
τ = maximize
, T
) (4.2)
ε = minimize
, T ) (4.3)
T =
where τ is the intra-cluster similarity and ε is the
inter-cluster similarity, k denotes the total number of
topics in a document, T denotes the topics for a doc-
ument, T
denotes an individual topic, and n
is the
number of headnotes in the topic T
. Also, T
and T
represents the center of a single topic and all topics,
Notice that the algorithm does not require the
number of topics as an input parameter; rather, it de-
pends on an intra-topic similarity threshold to con-
trol the granularity of the topics in a document. The
threshold is determined empirically by analyzing the
histogram of intra-cluster similarities. We use a set of
documents with known topic segmentations to guide
our threshold selection process.
4.1.2 Statutes Topic Segmentation
Unlike case law, federal or state statutes do not have
headnotes; however, some of them contain NODs
as stated in 3.1.5, and these NODs are tied to spe-
cific headnotes that construe or apply the statute.
By grouping these headnotes in the same manner as
stated in 4.1.1, legal topics inside the statutes can be
4.1.3 Court Briefs Topic Segmentation
A majority of the court briefs do not contain head-
notes, however they have rich citation links, both in-
links (other documents citing this brief) and out-links
(this brief cites other documents, mostly case law).
Utilizing the headnotes available from these directly
cited documents and grouping them in the same man-
ner as stated in 4.1.1 can help identify main legal top-
ics within a brief.
One distinction between the court briefs and case
law documents, however, makes further topic seg-
mentation refinement for briefs necessary. Case law
opinions in general contain complete legal facts re-
garding a law suit, while court briefs have a much
narrower focus. Most often they only deal with cer-
tain aspects of the complete set of facts. To help iden-
tify these specific aspects, a generic document sum-
marization algorithm (Schilder and Kondadadi, 2008)
is first applied to the brief text to extract the most im-
portant sentences. Then these sentences are sent to
a key number classification system built with CaRE
(Al-Kofahi et al., 2001) to retrieve major key num-
bers from it. By analyzing the commonalities among
topics from the retrieved key numbers and the afore-
mentioned grouped topics (that have associated key
numbers as well) from cited case law documents, ir-
relevant legal topics can be filtered in a straightfor-
ward manner and the remaining ones will form the
legal topics thereafter.
4.2 Recommendation Via Topic
The above topic segmentation algorithm produces le-
gal topics for each document regardless its content
type, and each topic serves as an anchor point (i.e.,
a source topic) for the recommendation algorithm to
retrieve the most similar clusters in the universe. As
stated earlier, each cluster has been pre-populated
with the most important documents from different
content types, namely, case law, briefs, statutes, reg-
ulations, and administrative decisions, jury verdicts,
trial court orders, expert witness reports, pleadings,
motions & memoranda and analytical documents. By
assembling and organizing these documents for each
individual segmented topic, issue-based recommen-
dations can then be generated for that document.
We treat the retrieval of the most similar cluster of
an anchor topic as a ranking problem such that can-
didates are first generated and sorted; then the top
ranked cluster is picked at the completion of the pro-
To generate candidate clusters, a document classi-
fication engine, CaRE, is used, although other index-
ing engines (e.g., Lucene) could be used. For each
cluster, three classifiers are trained one per feature
type headnote text, key numbers, and citation pat-
Given an anchor topic, we use CaRE to retrieve a
pool of candidate clusters. We then use a ranker SVM
to determine which cluster in the candidate pool is
most similar to the anchor topic. To do this, we repre-
sent each anchor-candidate pair in terms of a feature
vector. The features include CaRE scores, and vari-
ations of the noun phrases and key number features
described in 4.1.1. These similarity features are then
used to train a ranker SVM to rank clusters in the can-
didate pool, and the top ranked cluster is selected as
the recommendation for the anchor topic in the doc-
ument. The same process is performed for each seg-
mented topic in the document. A series of evaluations
of this process is presented in Section 6.
Considerable research and development effort was
dedicated to the labeling algorithm for these clusters.
The breadth and depth of this research generating
distinct labels for approximately 360K clusters is
beyond the scope of this paper and merits its own
research report. Nonetheless, some of the key fea-
tures explored for the labels in question are briefly
discussed here. We harness a portion of a heading
from an existing taxonomy [Key Number System (See
Section 3)], express a bias towards shorter over longer
labels, and strive to avoid any redundancy. These last
two features were the direct result of early evaluation
rounds which employed attorney domain experts and
the feedback we received from the business unit sup-
porting this research.
Our current labels generally consist of three seg-
ments. These segments range from general headings
to more specific ones. The most effective number of
segments was determined empirically. The current
algorithm evolved from our experiments and repre-
sents a hybrid of two earlier versions. The first stage
consists of identifying the first two more general seg-
ments of the label. As stated, it leverages an existing
taxonomy of case law topical classifications (multi-
level classifications coming from the Key Number
System). The second stage relies on a ranking process
that orders noun phrases that were identified in the
headnotes in the cases in the given cluster. The result-
ing algorithm uses both information from a seed case
for a cluster and the case law documents with which
the cluster itself has been populated. The basic idea is
to pick the most representative noun phrases from the
headnotes in the top N cases in the given cluster for
which its key number(s) are the same as the clustered
headnotes in the seed case. These are appended to the
first two segments from the first stage (the ones con-
sisting of the topic titles from the most popular key
numbers in the top N cases). Earlier experiments re-
vealed that noun phrases from headnotes classified to
specific key numbers were more accurate than those
from more generally assembled headnotes. Further-
more, the optimum number of top key numbers to use
was determined empirically (i.e., more than 5).
The process can be summarized as follows:
[Segments 1 and 2] Select the top two headings
from the most popular key numbers;
Get the headnote text from the top N cases with
the same key number(s) as in the clustered head-
notes in the seed case;
Add back the clustered headnotes from the seed
Use a noun phrase chunker on these text strings
to identify optimal noun phrases (NPs); then rank
the extracted NPs based on several simple fea-
tures, such as the length of the NP (how many
words), the combined within headnote term fre-
quency (TF) for each of the word in the NP, the
TF of the NP itself, the cross-collection document
frequency (DF) of the NP, its inverse (IDF), etc.;
[Segment 3] Pick the top NP after ranking, and
append it to the top two headings from the key
numbers above.
Based on an iterative manual assessment and er-
ror analysis process, we identified a set of potential
enhancements that were worth investigating. These
1. suppressing redundancies across label segments
to foster clarity and the absence of duplication
within a label;
2. enforcing normalization across all term and doc
statistics used (tf, idf, tf.idf, ...) to ensure consis-
tency across the universe of clusters;
3. promoting label segments that contain more fre-
quently occurring n-grams (frequently occurring
substantive noun phrases);
Figure 3: A example of a set of clusters associated with a
case on adoption. (Note the 2-3 tier layout).
4. creating a bias towards shorter vs. substantially
longer labels to encourage clearer, more readable
5. adding a labeling duplication detection step, and
a priority-based process by which duplicate labels
are methodically avoided.
The baselines used in our experiments include: (1)
the titles from the most popular key numbers in the
top N cases (termed ‘original baseline’), and (2) the
most popular (frequent) NPs in the top N cases. See
Figure 3 for an example of a set of four cluster labels
for a legal case on “adoption” where religion plays a
pivotal role. Also see Table 3 for a comparative set of
these results. Evaluations performed on the labeling
process, which examines the potential contribution of
several feature enhancements, is presented in the next
To access the performance of our recommendation
algorithm, we generated over 360,000 clusters from
about 7 million U.S. case law documents, which col-
lectively contain more than 22 million headnotes clas-
sified to approximately 100,000 key numbers. Each
cluster is populated with the most important case law
documents, as well as statutes, regulations, admin-
istrative decisions, and 6 other additional previously
mentioned content types as its members. Over 100
million different documents have gone through the as-
sociation process to generate recommendations. Over
one thousand documents of different document types
have been manually reviewed by legal experts in or-
der to determine the quality of the recommendation,
along with the labels for the associated clusters. The
following results are based on these reviewed sam-
6.1 Evaluation Design
We report three different evaluations as follows:
6.1.1 Evaluation I: Association and
Recommendation Quality
In Evaluation I, the quality of the clusters associ-
ated with input documents for different content types
was graded by legal experts using a ve-point Lik-
ert scale from A (high quality associated cluster) to F
(low quality associated cluster). In addition, the top
ranked recommended documents of different content
types within those clusters have been scored using a
coherence measurement, which is defined as the ex-
tent to which the documents in a given cluster address
the same specific legal issue with respect to the an-
chor topic extracted via segmentation from the origi-
nal source document. Furthermore, the recommended
case law documents have been given a utility score,
which is defined as the usefulness of the documents
in the given cluster to a legal researcher. The ratio-
nale for assessing utility in addition to coherence is
because it would be possible to have a cluster with a
high coherence score which is not very useful to a le-
gal researcher. For both metrics, the reviewers used a
five-point scale ranging from 5 (high coherence with
the current cluster’s central topic or high utility to a
legal researcher) to 1 (low coherence with the cur-
rent cluster’s central topic or low utility to a legal re-
6.1.2 Evaluation II: Label Quality
For the label evaluations performed, human domain
experts (attorneys) with many months of clustering
assessment experience provided the judgments. A
five-point Likert scale was again used from A (high-
est quality) to F (lowest quality) based on accuracy
and clarity. Specifically
A = on point, completely captures the topic .... (5)
B = captures the main topic in a general sense (4)
C = captures some of the main topical focus ... (3)
D = captures secondary or minor topical focus (2)
F = misses the topical focus of the cluster ...... (1)
6.1.3 Evaluation III: Composite Legal Report
and Issue Quality
In Evaluation III, a group of legal professionals were
involved in creating 10 research reports from a cross-
section of U.S. jurisdictions and covering different
topical areas. Each of the reports included 7 or fewer
of the most authoritative documents, including both
primary sources, such as case law and statutes, and
secondary sources such as analytical materials. Legal
topics were identified manually for each of the doc-
uments by domain experts. Further, they found that
each of the 10 reports in this study had a common
‘thread’ (i.e., a common legal issue) running through
it. However, the common thread did not always ap-
pear in each document in each of the reports.
The algorithm was applied to the same set of re-
ports to detect clusters associated with these docu-
ments. The objective of this assessment was to eval-
uate two things: (1) is the recommendation algorithm
able to discover all the legal topics in these documents
and (2) is the recommendation algorithm able to find
the common legal issue in each of the reports.
We used precision and recall to measure the per-
formance for the first objective, in which:
Precision, P, is defined as the number of cor-
rectly identified topics of a document (compared
to number of manually identified topics) divided
by the total number of topics, and
Recall, R, is defined as the number of correctly
identified topics of a document divided by the to-
tal number of manually identified topics of a doc-
ument (the ground truth).
For the second objective, we used true positive
rate, TPR, for evaluation, which is defined by the
number of common legal issues identified among doc-
uments in all reports divided by the number of com-
mon legal issues manually identified among docu-
ment in all reports by experts.
6.2 Performance
6.2.1 Evaluation I
In Evaluation 1, legal experts were asked to grade the
quality of 105 clusters associated with the topics iden-
tified in 25 source documents. During this exercise,
they reached a consensus on the clusters with grade
A being “excellent”, B being “good”, C being “ac-
ceptable”, D being “marginal”, and F being “poor”.
In addition, the experts defined the “precision rate” as
the ratio of clusters receiving an A or B grade, and the
“success rate” as the ratio of clusters receiving an A,
B or C grade, to the total associated clusters, respec-
Table 1 shows the association quality for case law
documents, federal statues, and court briefs in ranked
order. The precision and recall rate decline based on
rank which is not unexpected. This behavior justifies
our decision of picking the top ranked cluster as the
output of the association process. In the court briefs
category, we also show the quality difference between
using and not using the summarization tool (which
picked the first N-ranked sentences (e.g. N=10) from
the document). As demonstrated by these results,
summarization noticeably improved the quality of the
top-ranked clusters. Table 1 also illustrates that in or-
Table 1: Association Quality on Rank.
Expert Assessment
Case Law Federal Statutes Court Briefs Court Briefs
w/ Summarization w/o Summarization
Rank Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall
1 60% 93% 51% 86% 74% 95% 61% 87%
2 55% 91% 45% 86% 69% 95% 63% 88%
3 51% 91% 48% 85% 68% 94% 59% 87%
4 50% 90% 42% 85% 66% 90% 56% 88%
5 48% 89% 41% 84% 66% 90% 56% 88%
Table 2: Recommendation Quality Assessment.
Grade Expert Assessment
Case Case Analytical Court Brief Overall Overall
Utility Coherence Coherence Coherence Recommendation Recommendation
per Topic per Document
5 49 41 39 47 67 17
4 39 23 37 29 1 0
3 12 29 23 17 30 8
2 5 7 3 8 2 0
1 0 5 3 4 5 0
Average 4.2 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.4
der to achieve high recall, i.e., in the upper 80% range
and above, it is a challenge to obtain comparable pre-
cision rates. These percentages are noticeably lower,
with summary-aided briefs highest, followed by case
law documents, and finally statutes.
Table 2 shows the quality assessment of 105 rec-
ommended topics from 25 documents represented
by case law opinions, U.S. secondary law materials
(a.k.a. analytical materials), and court briefs, in terms
of coherence and utility, and the overall recommen-
dation quality per topic level and per document level
(additional scores to assess the overall recommenda-
tion quality across all document types). As one can
observe from Table 2, the recommendation quality at
the topic-level across document types remains high,
in the 4.0 range. For case law documents, this is true
both in terms of utility as well as coherence. Further,
the overall recommendation quality at the topic-level
and the document-level similarly remains high, above
4.0, in both instances.
6.2.2 Evaluation II
The following cluster labeling results were based on
100 final clusters which included 60 from an initial set
of clusters associated with case law documents and
another set of 40 from clusters associated with anno-
tated statutes. They were produced while run in our
newly developed operational environment. The label
sets assessed included our original taxonomy-based
baseline label set, our NP-based baseline label set,
a set where redundancies across the label segments
were eliminated, a set where features such as df were
comprehensively normalized, a set where labels with
more frequently occurring n-grams were promoted,
and lastly, a set where a bias towards shorter labels
was used.
As is evident from Table 3, performance of the
original baseline label set was solid and in fact dif-
ficult to outperform. Although the initial baseline
received some of the highest scores from the asses-
sors, for being understandable and closer to human-
like quality, it is also worth noting that these labels did
not harness the computational effort that subsequent
versions did in attempting to produce a readable and
precise (i.e., more granular) three-segment label, and
thus even though of high quality readability, they ar-
guably do not contain the same degree of information
as their more mature and labored counterparts in sub-
sequent versions. That said, given other presentation-
related factors such as a bias towards shorter labels,
other results such as those produced for version 5 may
be preferable. The other features tested in the label
experiments proved not to be as consistently effective
as anticipated.
6.2.3 Evaluation III
Regarding the first objective the algorithm’s ability to
discover legal topics within a document set the pre-
cision and recall of the system on 10 reports across
different document types in shown in the Figure 4.
Overall, the algorithm achieves reasonably high pre-
cision, but the recall in this instance was quite low,
especially for case law documents. The main reason
for this performance is the aggressive filtering, i.e., by
Table 3: Quality Assessment of Baseline and Hybrid Labels.
Grade Original Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5
Baseline Baseline Redundundancy Normalized N-Gram Short
1 2 Suppression Features Promotion. Lgth Bias
Average 3.68 3.65 3.65 3.08 3.52 3.66
A 18 16 16 18 19 19
B 47 46 45 20 38 41
C 23 27 29 55 26 29
D 9 9 8 18 14 9
F 3 2 2 2 4 2
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100
adopting much higher thresholds, in the post process-
ing of the system in order to achieve high
For the second objective the algorithm’s ability
to identify a common legal issue within the document
set Table 4 shows the performance of the system in
each individual report, as well as overall.
Figure 4: Precision and Recall of Evaluation III.
Table 4: Precision of common legal issues of Evaluation III.
Rpt Total Docs w/ Same Docs w/ Same
IDs No. Theme Theme
Docs Ed. Gen. Assns Alg. Gen. Assns
AE 2 6 6 6
AE 20 6 6 6
AE 22 4 4 4
AE 24 5 3 3
AE 31 6 6 6
AE 32 7 5 5
AE 35 6 6 5
AE 36 6 6 6
AE 37 5 3 3
AE 39 7 7 7
Total 58 52 51
Precision 89.7% 87.9%
In this analysis, each of the 10 reports has a com-
mon legal issue running through it. However, this
common ‘thread’ did not appear in each document in
each of the reports. In summary, the experts manu-
ally created clusters by identifying a common thread
through all documents in 7 of the 10 reports (un-
shaded rows); our system identified a common thread
through all documents in 6 of these 7 reports. In one
of the reports, our system missed a common thread
in one of the documents in that report, and is thus
considered as a failure. Across the entire set, experts
manually created topics and identified the common
thread in 52 of the 58 documents (89.7%). Our sys-
tem created clusters and identified the common thread
in 51 of 58 documents (87.9%), representing a small
but still appreciable 2% drop in TPR.
As demonstrated in the different evaluations re-
ported above, overall, the assessment of our proposed
recommendation system for legal documents consis-
tently achieved significantly reliable results.
Document recommendation remains an active area
of research containing a spectrum of challenging re-
search problems as different applications have differ-
ent needs. It is particularly challenging in the legal
domain where documents are intrinsically complex,
multi-topical, and contain carefully crafted, profes-
sional, domain specific language. Recommendations
made in the legal domain require not only high preci-
sion but also high recall, since legal researchers can-
not afford to miss important documents when prepar-
ing for a trial or related litigation proceedings. In ad-
dition, legal practitioners must familiarize themselves
not only with primary arguments but with secondary
or tertiary arguments associated with the legal issue
as well. To this end, we describe in this paper an ef-
fective legal document recommendation system that
relies on a built-in topic segmentation algorithm. The
system is capable of high quality recommendations
of important documents among different document
types, recommendations that are specifically tailored
to each of the individual legal issues discussed in the
source document. The performance of the system is
encouraging, especially given its validation by human
legal experts through a series of different test assess-
ments. Given these results, this paper makes three
contributions to the field. First, it demonstrates how
one can expand the set of original relevant legal doc-
uments using “more like this” functionality, one that
does not require explicitly defining legal issues and
constructing queries. Second, by providing meaning-
ful, hierarchically structured labels by way of our la-
beling algorithm for legal issues, we show that users
can effectively identify interesting and useful topics.
And third, the system is highly scalable and flexible,
as it has been applied to on the order of 100 million
associations across different document types.
Based on our studies, users, especially legal re-
searchers, often prefer to have the ability to drill down
and focus on key issues common within a document
set, as opposed to getting a high-level overview of
a document collection. Attention to fine-grained le-
gal issues, robustness and resulting topically homo-
geneous but content-type heterogeneous, high quality
document clusters, not to mention scalability are the
chief characteristics of this issue-based recommenda-
tion system. It represents a powerful research tool for
the legal community.
Our future work will focus on improvements in the
existing topic segmentation algorithm for documents
which contain little metadata information. We have
been experimenting with topic modeling algorithms,
such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al.,
2003) and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
(Lee and Seung, 1999), in other related projects, and
have witnessed very promising outcomes. Human
quality labels remain a challenge since up until now,
substantial manual reviews by human experts have
been required to ensure quality. We are pursuing this
subject as another future research direction.
We thank John Duprey, Helen Hsu, Debanjan Ghosh
and Dave Seaman for their help in developing soft-
ware for this work, and we are also grateful for the as-
sistance of Julie Gleason and her team of legal experts
for their detailed quality assessments and invaluable
feedback. We thank Khalid Al-Kofahi, Bill Keenan
and Peter Jackson as well for their on-going feedback
and support.
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