Semantically Enriched Obligation Management
An Approach for Improving the Handling of Obligations Represented in Contracts
Barbara Thönssen
and Jonas Lutz
Institute for Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW,
Riggenbachstr. 16, Olten, Switzerland
Dipartmento di Matematica e Informatica, University of Camerino, Via Madonna delle Carceri 9, Camerino (MC), Italy
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Ontology, Risk Management, Contract Management, Information
Extraction, Obligation Management.
Abstract: Contract Management becomes increasingly important for companies and public administrations alike.
Obligations and liabilities are described in contract clauses that are often buried in documents of a hundred
pages and more. Although commercial Contract Management Systems (CMS) are available, with a few
exceptions relevant information has to be extracted manually which is time consuming and error prone. But
even if information extraction is automated and contracts are managed using a CMS, dealing with
obligations is still a challenge. Whereas the CMSs deal well with time triggered obligations like periodical
payments by setting up corresponding workflows, they fail to trigger obligations based on events, as this
knowledge is out of the systems’ scope. We introduce an approach to fill the gap as we relate information
about the obligations managed in a CMS with background knowledge modelled in an ontology. The
ontology is a formal representation of an enterprise architecture extended by top-level concepts. Motivating
scenario for the approach is the contract management of a large company. For proof of concept a prototype
has been developed.
Contracting is a critical issue for enterprises and
public administrations alike, as “All organizations
depend upon their ability to make, manage, monitor
and perform against their business commitments, or
to structure and oversee those they receive from
their trading partners” (IACCM 2007). To manage
not only the sheer volume of contracts but their
growing complexity, The International Association
for Contract and Commercial Management
(IACCM) believes that automation is fundamental
and of critical importance. In a study that IAACM
provided (IACCM 2007), benchmarks have shown
that the benefits of Contract Management Software
are significant for most organizations, despite
reservations over the maturity and functionality of
the available options. One software flaw is the weak
support of obligation management. Even if a
Contract Management System (CMS) is in place,
clauses, terms, conditions, commitments and
milestones are buried in unstructured text. Thus, a
first step can be document segmentation and
information extraction. In the Swiss national funded
project DokLife contract documents are analysed
and information like contract partners, contract date,
jurisdiction, etc. is automatically extracted.
Moreover, the documents are divided into disjoint
sections for further analysis, e.g. classification and
section specific information extraction. The original
contract document, its segments and the extracted
metadata are imported into a commercial CMS.
However, although with such an approach
contract document management is improved,
obligation management remains a challenge.
Whereas time triggered obligations (e.g. sending a
report at a certain time) can be supported by the
workflow functionality of a Contract Management
System, event triggered obligations cannot. The
problem is that these events occur outside the CMS
and cannot be foreseen. If for example a company
goes bankrupt it is of vital interest to know whether
a relationship exits with this company, what kind of
relationship that is, whether the relationship is
contracted, and whether obligations are to be met.
Our approach aims at providing the context for
contract management by linking the extracted
Thönssen B. and Lutz J..
Semantically Enriched Obligation Management - An Approach for Improving the Handling of Obligations Represented in Contracts.
DOI: 10.5220/0004134700400048
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 40-48
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
information, i.e. contract metadata to business
objects described in an enterprise ontology. In the
ontology (background) knowledge about business
objects and business events are made explicit.
Hence, this knowledge can be used to automatically
assess business events, for example reported in
external sources of commercial information or
newspaper reports, and to identify affected
obligations for which the respective contract(s) can
be retrieved.
Figure 1: Obligation management overview.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the approach:
information is automatically extracted from contract
documents, the metadata is stored in the relational
database of an CMS and mapped to the respective
concepts in a ontology, which is a semantically
enriched Enterprise Architecture Description. A
business event (e.g. bankruptcy) triggers the search
for affected contracts in the ontology and if found,
the related documents can be accessed via the CMS.
The remaining paper is structured as follows:
Section two describes the motivating scenario for
semantically enriched obligation management. In
section three background and related work is
presented. Section four introduces the three pillars of
our approach and in section five we give proof of
concept by describing an implemented prototype.
We conclude in section six and give an outlook on
future work.
“Contracts exist because separate legal entities that
decide to form a relationship with each other need
some formal record of understanding regarding the
nature of the relationship and their respective rights
and obligations“ (IACCM 2007). Motivating
scenario for our approach is a large machine
manufacturer with several regional subsidiaries all
over the world. The enterprise as a whole as well as
each subsidiary has hundreds of contracts with
suppliers, customers, sub-contractors, etc. Contract
Management is considered one of the top ten risks
an enterprise must face (Grosse-Ruyken & Wagner
2011). Therefore, all contracts are managed with a
CMS. The company’s own contracts are created
with the CMS, but the biggest number by far is
issued externally and thus paper copies are scanned
and then stored in the CMS. Many of the contracts
are voluminous and identification of relevant
information, such as obligations and conditions is
error prone, cumbersome and time consuming.
However, if this metadata is entered the CMS
provides simple workflow functionality to trigger
time related obligations like periodic payments (to
make or to receive), submissions of reports, etc.
Besides managing contracts with a CMS, the
machine manufacturer mandated an information
provider for monitoring news about business
partners, competitors, suppliers, etc. A risk manager
is in charge of evaluating the news with respect to
their impact on the company. This task is also time-
consuming as well as time-critical and error-prone
(with respect to completeness of evaluation).
To improve contract capturing, metadata
generation and obligation management, the tasks
should be automated.
Although the importance of contract management is
well-known in the economy, little scientific research
has been done on that topic. Contract management
has been addressed in the European integrated
project TrustCoM (Wilson, 2007), that aims to
develop a framework for trust, security and contract
management in dynamic Virtual Organisations
(Dimitrakos et al., 2004). “Trust between VO
[Virtual Organisations] members can be supported
by each being transparently aware of the obligations
and performance of others, so that business risks are
both mitigated, and monitorable” (Wilson et al.,
2006). There are two main differences to our
approach: Firstly, TrustCoM obligation (policies)
are modelled in the form of Event-Condition-Action
rules which define how the VO should adapt to
failures, changes in requirements, security events,
etc. Secondly, TrustCoM starts from contract
creation based on (structured) templates. We
consider that ideal but oversimplified. Many
companies already have templates, approved by their
legal department, which they are obliged to use.
Even so, many commitments remain imprecisely
described in contracts, for example what efforts the
mitigation duty requires or what point in time the
obligation arises (Goetz and Scott, 1983). In our
approach we address these issues as we start from
unstructured contract documents and describe
obligations semantically instead of transforming
A well-known approach for describing entities of
an enterprise semantically is in terms of an ontology.
Bertolazzi et al. (2001) analysed and compared
existing ontologies, namely the Toronto Virtual
Enterprise (TOVE) and The (Edinburgh) Enterprise
Ontology (EO) with their own proposal for a Core
Enterprise Ontology (CEO). Leppänen (2005)
introduced a context-based enterprise ontology and
referred in his contribution in addition to TOVE and
EO to the REA Enterprise Information System. Most
recently, (Thönssen and Wolff, 2010) introduced a
ContextOntology for dealing better with change in
Whereas the term ‘ontology’ emerged in the
context of Artificial Intelligence and later in the
World Wide Web, particularly of the Semantic Web
(Dietz, 2006), roughly at the same time enterprise
architecture' became generally known as a
management topic in the end of the 1980ies
(Matthes, 2011). Contrary to enterprise ontologies,
which are concrete representations of (generalized)
enterprise architectures developed to be re-used in
enterprises (Uschold et al., 1998), adopted and
enhanced to the enterprise’s specific needs,
Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (EAF) “provide
the guidance and rules for developing, representing,
and understanding architectures” (DoDAF, 2007, p
Kang et al. (2010), Hinkelmann et al. (2010) and
Thönssen (2010) suggested relating an enterprise
ontology to an Enterprise Architecture Framework
in order to increase the quality of the enterprise
ontologies, for example with respect to
completeness. Our approach is based on ArchiMate,
a standard that not only provides guidance but
comprises a lightweight and scalable modelling
language for architecture descriptions (The Open
Group, 2009). Since ArchiMate’s representation
language is based on the UML 2.0 notation for class
diagrams the ‘meaning’ of the entities is not
described. “A meaning […] is a specialized
description that aims to clarify or stipulate a
meaning. […] Typical examples of meaning
descriptions are definitions, ontologies, paraphrases,
subject descriptions, and tables of content” (The
Open Group, 2009).
Despite the consent about using an ontology for
describing meaning no agreement has been achieved
yet on the appropriate level of formalization and the
degree of formality (Fox and Grüninger, 1998). Fox
and Grüninger (1998) regard an enterprise model as
the computational representation of the structure,
activities, processes, information, resources, people,
behaviour, goals, and constraints of an enterprise.
This means that the enterprise ontology should be
represented in such a way that a machine can
process it. Because ArchiMate’s original
representation language is not expressive enough to
achieve that, a more formal representation is needed
for our purpose, like for example RDF(S) or OWL
(Yu, 2011).
Having enterprise objects represented in an
ontology, for example the business object ‘contract’
and related context information like business actor
‘contract partner’ and product ‘Service Level
Agreement’, allows the addition of background
information to a contract. In other words, a contract
document and its metadata can be stored in a CMS
but the business object ‘contract’ and its context are
stored in the enterprise ontology. That leads to the
issue of relating databases to ontologies, a
requirement that has been investigated from the very
beginning of the semantic web (Spanos et al., 2011).
Approaches to combine relational databases (RDB)
and ontologies have become known as ‘database to
ontology mapping problem’, or more generally
characterized as ‘object-relational impedance
mismatch problem’ (Spanos et al., 2011). The
problem that has to be solved lies in the structural
difference of the relational and object-oriented
models. It has been studied from different points of
view for various kinds of reason (Auer et al. 2010),
like semantic annotation of dynamic web pages,
heterogeneous database integration, mass generation
of Semantic Web data or ontology learning (Spanos
et al. 2011). Sahoo et al. (2009) distinguish between
‘Automatic Mapping Generation’ and ‘Domain
Semanticsdriven Mapping Generation’. Whereas
the first method directly maps RDB and RDF
schemas, the latter considers “domain semantics that
are often implicit or not captured at all in the RDB
schema” (Sahoo et al., 2009, p 5). As the focus of
our research here is not on the mapping, we refer to
some excellent papers on the subject (e.g. Barrasa et
al., (2004), Kontchakov et al., (2010) and Spanos et
al., (2011)). We also refer to the W3C RDB2RDF
Working Group who provides many publications on
automatic mapping, for example a strategy for
directly mapping relational data to RDF (Arenas et
al., 2011), and a language specification (R2RML) to
express customized mappings from relational
databases to RDF datasets (Das et al., 2011).
For our approach, Direct Mapping (DM) is
sufficient as it is performant, simple and easy to
implement. Direct Mapping defines an RDF graph
representation of the data in any relational database
with a set of common datatypes (Arenas et al.,
2011). The DM technique entails the transformation
of relational database data and schema into an RDF
graph which is called the direct graph. The relational
tables are mapped to classes in an RDF vocabulary,
and the attributes of the tables to properties in the
vocabulary (Hert et al., 2001). This technique has
been introduced by the RDB2RDF working group
(W3C Working Group, 2011).
Our approach carries research further with
respect to modelling the context of a contract in
terms of an ontology that represents enterprise
objects in way that is machine executable. Taking a
standard of an enterprise architecture description as
a basis, i.e. formalizing and enhancing ArchiMate, is
a new approach to represent the background
information needed for event based obligation
Our approach comprises three parts: contract
segmentation and classification, metadata creation,
and obligation monitoring. Because of the limited
space we focus on obligation management and only
briefly introduce the other two parts; they are simply
pre-requisites but our approach would work as well
with manually entered metadata.
4.1 Automatic Contract Segmentation
and Classification
In order to facilitate the problem of metadata
creation especially for large contract documents a
contract is automatically split into disjoint segments.
Paragraph numbers and titles are recognized and the
separated parts are stored for further processing.
Figure 2: Contract segments.
Figure 2 shows the different parts of a contract
Contract segmentation is implemented in a
commercial third party product for layout analysis to
identify paragraph numbering based on regular
expressions. After that, each of the paragraphs is
classified with respect to the obligation type, e.g.
finance, report, notification. Classification is done
by a Support-Vector-Machine (libSVM, cf. Para-
graphs that are not numbered, like introduction and
closing section or header and footer, are omitted as it
is unlikely that they describe obligations.
4.2 Semi-automatic Metadata Creation
For the contract as a whole as well as for its
paragraphs metadata are automatically extracted,
e.g. contract partner, contract beginning, contract
end, applicable law. For information extraction
GATE (an open source solution for text processing
cf. is used and some
JAVA web-services. In addition to metadata for the
whole contract particular metadata is created for
single paragraphs, e.g. obligation type, trigger, dates
and conditions. For this we also use regular
expressions to extract due dates, conditions and
triggers (time, period or event).
The analysed contract document, its paragraphs
plus the created metadata are stored in an XML-file
for further editing. In the DokLife research project
for example, which is funded by the Federal Office
for Professional Education and Technology OPET
(Project KTI Nr. 10902.2 PFES-ES des
Bundesamtes für Berufsbildung und Technologie)
the file is imported into a commercial CMS (cf. to
the project’s Web-Site URL:
for more information). Within the CMS for each
obligation the text-segment and its metadata are
displayed and the user can accept or correct it.
Figure 3: Paragraph example with Metadata.
Figure 4: Excerpt of ArchiMate concepts.
Figure 3 depicts an example of a simplified
paragraph recording the obligation regarding force
majeure events plus the automatically created
metadata. The paragraph is only one from an
average of about 120 paragraphs extracted from a
single contract. The information extracted from the
paragraph is indicated by a rectangle. As shown,
some of the obligation’s metadata can be extracted
(obligation trigger, obligation condition, due date),
obligation type is provided by the SVM, and
obligation provider and receiver are created by
resolving the information ‘a party’ (which can be the
contractor, here Enterprise X, or the contractee, here
Company Y).
Contract segmentation and classification, and
information extraction build the basis for improving
obligation management.
4.3 A Broader View on Contract
To improve obligation management a contract
document is considered a representation that realizes
a business object (The Open Group, 2009) and “A
business object is defined as a unit of information
that has relevance from a business perspective”. The
quotation is taken from the ArchiMate framework,
standardized by the The Open Group (2009). We
adopted that notion and consider a contract
document a representation that realizes a contract
business object and one or more obligation business
objects. In ArchiMate, business objects are related to
business behaviour elements, such as business
events, to business roles and business actors. With
that all context information necessary for dealing
with event-based obligations, recorded in contract
are met.
For our purpose we refined the existing
ArchiMate concepts with respect to creating sub-
concepts and additional relations.
Figure 4 depicts a simplified excerpt of concepts
and relations, depicted in the ArchiMate notation,
relevant for our approach. We added two
BusinessObjects Contract and
Obligation that are realized in the
ContractDocument (which is a Represent-
ation). A BusinessObject is associated to a
BusinessEvent; Bankruptcy,
MoratoriumPetition, Injunction and
Merger&Acquisition are (instances of)
business events. A Contract is concluded with a
BusinessActor with the assigned
BusinessRole of a ContractPartner.
Conceptually we add three top-level concepts
(with its sub-concepts) time, location and
event. With this we are able to model events,
externally to an enterprise, for example ActOfGod
(Hurricane, Tsunami, etc.) or ManMade (war, riots,
etc.), and to relate it to BusinessObjects in
order to infer obligations triggered by force majeure
Further development of ArchiMEO followed Fox
& Grüninger (1997) methodology on elaborating
competency questions.
Example of an informal Competency Question:
Given an environmental disaster
(earthquake, hurricane, tsunami,
etc.) and some constraints (location
or about a business relationship),
which business partners are
From the Competency Questions content of
ArchiMEO has been validated and further elaborated
as shown in Figure 4.
The Competency Questions are then rewritten in
a formal way using SPARQL (see chapter 5).
As a proof of concept we developed a prototype for
Semantically EnRiched Obligation management
(SERO). Pre-requisite for SERO is the enterprise
ontology and the results of contract segmentation
and metadata creation for ontology population. This
can be done automatically or manually.
The enterprise ontology used in SERO fully
comprises the ArchiMate entities but is enhanced
where necessary, as suggested in the standard (The
Open Group 2009), and detailed above. Since a
formal representation is needed the ArchiMate
language has been translated into OWL. The
enterprise ontology is named ArchiMEO to indicate
its roots in ArchiMate. ArchiMEO is modeled with
Protégé in OWL 2 QL dialect (it is also available in
RDFS) and actually comprises about 400 concepts
and 600 relations.
Currently the ontology is populated with a sub-
set of the metadata resulting from the automatic
contract segmentation, obligation classification and
information extraction, namely Contract-
Document, Contract, Obligation,
BusinessActor, Business-Role and
In the next phase Direct Mapping technique will
be implemented to relate the instances with the
entities stored in the relational database of the CMS.
For obligation management the ontology is
imported into a SESAME triple store. Querying of
the ArchiMEO ontology is realized in the SERO
prototype by a JAVA Swing Interface implementing
the OpenRDF Sesame API. The Application
connects to the Sesame Triple Store and uses
SPARQL queries, as exemplarily illustrated in
chapter 5.1, to receive the required information. To
simulate real world events the prototype interface
contains fields to specify type and location of the
occurring events. The depicted query in 5.1 presents
the data related to a specific Use Case, introduced
below, namely ‘Earthquake’ and ‘Fukushima’. Of
course, in SERO the implemented queries are more
generic, allowing the search for any location and
event stored in the Ontology. That is, via a graphical
user interface one can ask for an event to search for
affected business partners and if any contracted
obligations. The resulting Information is added to
JAVA objects and lists of objects such as
ContractDocument, Contract, Obligat-
ion and BusinessActor are displayed as
tangent contracts by the event in the GUI.
To illustrate our approach for improving the
handling of obligations represented in contracts, in
the following two use cases examples are provided,
based on the motivating scenario given above.
5.1 Use Case 1: Environmental
Initial Situation: In a newspaper an environmental
disaster is reported and the machine manufacturer
as global player – wants to know if business partners
are affected and if so, if obligations are due.
Analysis procedure: News, e.g. published on a
newspaper web-site, are analysed using the same
text analysis methods used for analysing the contract
documents. For simplification in the prototype, such
information is entered via a Graphical User Interface
(GUI); in use case 1 this could be ‘earthquake’ and
‘Fukushima’. Since in ArchiMEO events, e.g.
earthquake, tsunami, flood are modelled and also
information about locations, e.g. part of countries as
Fukushima or Tōhoku are stored, knowledge about
the type of the event (here: act of god) and the
location (here: Japan) can be inferred. Based on the
address of a business partner’s production plants,
headquarter, etc. it can easily be found out if he or
she is affected or not. The query can be refined with
respect to the closeness of a partner’s location to the
site of the disaster by exploiting geographical data
for distance determination.
If a business partner is affected the kind of
existing business relations can be inferred,
respectively, what role that partner plays, e.g.
supplier or consultant. Again, this information can
be used to refine the query, as for example it would
be more important for the manufacturer if the
production plant of a supplier were in the epicentre
of the earthquake than the headquarters of a
To find out whether obligations are due, the
business object obligation is queried for
obligation receiver and obligation provider. As
depicted in Figure 3 each party has the duty notify
the contract partner if a force majeure event affects
its performance. With our approach the business
partner affected by the earthquake in Fukushima is
automatically identified, his or her obligations can
be checked and, as an act of god like an earthquake
is a force majeure event, this obligation can be
identified also automatically. As result a warning
can be issued and the contract document in which
the obligation is represented can be retrieved from
the CMS.
Example of the query in SPARQL:
PREFIX eo:<http://ch.fhnw.eo#>
PREFIX rdf:<
PREFIX top:<>
PREFIX rdfs:<
SELECT ?businessActor ?eventType
?eventParent ?obligation ?role ?location
?partCountry ?locationCountry ?contract
Eo:Earthquake rdf:type ?eventType.
?eventType rdfs:subClassOf ?eventParent.
{ ?businessActor
?locationCountry rdf:type top:Country.
} UNION { ?businessActor
{ { ?location top:cityIsLocatedInCountry
?locationCountry } UNION {
?locationCountry. } }
FILTER(?location = eo:Fukushima||
?partCountry = eo:Fukushima ||
?locationCountry = eo:Fukushima)
5.2 Use Case 2: Bankruptcy and
Initial situation: An information service provider
gives notice that a company filed bankruptcy in one
country but at the same time opens a new production
plant in another country. The machine manufacturer
wants to know what consequences this has for him.
Analysis procedure: The provided information is
analysed and ArchiMEO is queried for obligations
due in case of bankruptcy for that very business
partner. Whereas this part of the query is easy to
execute, finding out obligations related to the
production site is not. In SERO it can be done by
inferring information from the location. Assume the
production site has been in Singapore and is now
moved to Vietnam; the manufacturer is located in
Switzerland. Since Switzerland has a free trade
agreement with Singapore but not with Vietnam, the
reason for the supply contract is not valid any more.
In ArchiMEO legal bases for contracts can be
described and thus, in use case 2 not only the
obligation to notify the machine manufacturer about
the business event could be identified automatically
but also contracts affected by a change of legal pre-
As a side effect, records management for
contract documents can be improved as well. If a
contract partner goes bankrupt all contracts become
invalid. The documents’ retention period starts by
then which can be triggered automatically based on
With our approach we can improve the handling
of obligations represented in contract documents by
providing the missing link to external business
events (e.g. bankruptcy) or force majeure events
(e.g. earthquake). We can automatically identify
affected business partners, business relations,
business roles inferring the enterprise ontology and
trigger event-based obligations represented in
contract documents which can be stored in a
Contract Management System.
Our approach has been presented and reviewed
by two focus groups, namely the user group of a
commercial CMS and the consortium of the APPRIS
project. APPRIS (Advanced Procurement
Performance and Risk Indicator System) is a Swiss
national funded research project (KTI-Nr. 12102.1
PFES-ES) with the goal of integrating risk,
procurement and knowledge management into one
early warning system.
“According to 42% of enterprises in a new study the
top driver for improvements in the management of
contracts is the pressure to better assess and mitigate
risks” (Anon, 2007). With our approach, a first step
in this direction is taken, as the risk of overseeing
obligations and contracts affected by events
(business, acts of god or man-made) can be
With the help of the SERO prototype the
feasibility can be (and has been) demonstrated that
obligations and contracts, triggered by business
events, can be identified automatically and thus,
contract management can be improved significantly.
Our approach will be used and further developed
in the APPRIS project. The functionality of SERO
will be used to detect warning signals based on risk
indicators related to events in order to address the
contract management risk.
Technologically, SERO will be improved with
respect to instance management. Whereas at present
the ontology is not yet physically linked to the
contract documents stored in a Contract
Management System, in the next version of SERO
instances of ArchiMEO will be related to entities of
of a CMS’s database via Direct Mapping.
Currently, all background information is fully
stored in ArchiMEO. In the future, Linked Open
Data sources like GeoNames will be integrated. The
GeoNames geographical database for example
covers all countries, and contains over eight million
place names (Wick n.d.). Also promising is the Open
Government Data initiative in Switzerland
( with respect to integrating business
administration issues like laws and regulations.
Research will focus on how these sources can be
truly integrated into ArchiMEO instead of simply
mashing them up and displaying them alongside
each other (Bizer et al., 2009).
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