Attention Capabilities for AI Systems
Helgi Páll Helgason
and Kristinn R. Thórisson
Center for Analysis & Design of Intelligent Agents / School of Computer Science,
Venus 2
floor, Reykjavik University, Menntavegur 1, 101, Reykjavik, Iceland
Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines, 2. h. Uranus, Menntavegur 1, 101, Reykjavik, Iceland
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Attention, Resource Management.
Abstract: Much of present AI research is based on the assumption of computational systems with infinite resources,
an assumption that is either explicitly stated or implicit in the work as researchers ignore the fact that most
real-world tasks must be finished within certain time limits, and it is the role of intelligence to effectively
deal with such limitations. Expecting AI systems to give equal treatment to every piece of data they
encounter is not appropriate in most real-world cases; available resources are likely to be insufficient for
keeping up with available data in even moderately complex environments. Even if sufficient resources are
available, they might possibly be put to better use than blindly applying them to every possible piece of
data. Finding inspiration for more intelligent resource management schemes is not hard, we need to look no
further than ourselves. This paper explores what human attention has to offer in terms of ideas and concepts
for implementing intelligent resource management and how the resulting principles can be extended to
levels beyond human attention. We also discuss some ideas for the principles behind attention mechanisms
for artificial (general) intelligences.
The field of AI has a long history of targeting
isolated, well-defined problems to demonstrate
intelligent capabilities. While useful, many of these
problems (and especially their task environments, as
perceived by the system) are extremely simple
compared to the problem of learning how to solve
novel tasks and adapting to changes in real-world
environments - a problem which must be addressed
and solved in order for AI systems to approach
human-level intelligence. Given the nature of this
prior work, it is not surprising that limited focus has
been given to real-time processing and resource
management. However, the design of any AI system
expected to learn and perform a range of tasks in
everyday environments needs to face these realities:
The real world is highly dynamic and complex
and can provide an abundance of information
at any given moment.
Resources of any intelligent system are not
only limited, but insufficient in light of the
massive amount of information available from
the environment.
A range of time constraints, many of which
are dictated by the environment, must be
satisfied in order to ensure safe and successful
operation of the system.
Much of existing work in the field of AI is also
based on greatly simplified operating assumptions -
a case in point being the practically impossible (but
surprisingly common) assumption of infinite
resources, often in terms of storage but particularly
in terms of processing: A system based on this
assumption will fail to perform and potentially crash
in real world operation when fed with information at
a greater rate than it is capable of processing. To
find inspiration for implementing intelligent
resource management we need not look far, nature
has provided us with a prime example in human
attention; a cognitive function that enables us to
focus our limited resources selectively on
information that is most important to us at any given
moment as we perform various tasks while
remaining reactive to unexpected but important
events in the environment. Consider that while
reading this chapter you have effectively ignored
more than 99.9% of the numerous things that your
mind could have spent time and resources on doing.
Páll Helgason H. and R. Thórisson K..
Attention Capabilities for AI Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004120502810286
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2012), pages 281-286
ISBN: 978-989-8565-21-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that this is
exactly the kind of resource management that is
required to enable AI systems to approach human-
level intelligence in real-world environments. Thus,
it makes perfect sense to investigate how AI systems
can be endowed with this cognitive function for the
purpose of improving their operation and making
them applicable to more open-ended and complex
tasks and environments. The goal need not be to
replicate any biological function in detail, but rather
to extract useful concepts and methods from the
biological side while leaving undesirable limitations
behind in order to facilitate the creation of AI
systems that can successfully operate in real-world
environments in realtime using limited resources.
While attention has been largely ignored in the
field to-date, there are notable exceptions. These
include cognitive architectures such as NARS
(Wang, 1995), LIDA (Baars, 2009) and Clarion
(Sun, 2006). However, the attentional functionality
implemented in these systems is incomplete in
various ways, such as focusing solely on data-
filtering (ignoring control issues, e.g. how
prioritization affects processing of selected data) and
external environmental information (ignoring
internal system states). The ASMO framework
(Novianto, 2009) is somewhat unique as it assumes a
tight coupling between attention and self-awareness
and includes focus on internal states. However, none
of this work addresses realtime processing, which is
one of the major reasons we desire attentional
functionality, in a vigorous fashion. Attention has
also been studied in relation to AI within the limited
scope of working memory (c.f. Phillips, 2005 and
Skubic, 2004). While attention and working memory
are closely related, this is a restrictive context to
study attention within as working memory can in
most cases be modelled as a cognitive function
rather than an architectural component.
This paper starts with a brief overview of human
attention and subsequently attempts to extract
principles that may be useful for AI systems. This is
followed by a discussion of how these principles
might be extended to levels beyond human attention
for meta-reasoning and introspection. We then
present a high-level design of an attention
mechanism intended for AI architectures.
Research of human attention has a long history
dating back to the beginnings of psychology. Back
in 1890, the American psychologist William James
wrote the following (James 1890):
Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking
possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of
one out of what seem several simultaneously
possible objects or trains of thought. Focalization,
concentration, of consciousness are of its essence. It
implies withdrawal from some things in order to
deal effectively with others, and is a condition which
has a real opposite in the confused, dazed,
scatterbrained state which in French is called
distraction, and Zerstreutheit in German.”
- William James
This elegant description indicates that the
importance of attention for the human mind was
identified as early as the 18
century. The beginning
of modern attention research is commonly tied to
Colin Cherry’s work on what has been called the
“cocktail party effect” (Cherry, 1953), which
addresses how we are able to focus on particular
sensory data in the presence of distracting
information and noise, such as following and
participating in a conversation at a cocktail party in
the presence of many other conversations and
background noise, and still be able to catch when
someone calls our name in the background. The
ability to be in a focused state of attention while
remaining reactive to unexpected events, seems to
call for a selective filtering mechanism of some sort
while at the same time requiring deliberate steering
of cognitive resources. The cocktail party scenario is
a good illustration of the dual nature of attention:
We will refer to the deliberate, goal-driven side as
top-down attention and the reactive, stimulus-driven
side as bottom-up attention.
A number of models for attention were
subsequently proposed, some of which were
considered early selection models as selection of
sensory information is assumed to occur early in the
sensory pipeline based on primitive physical features
of the information. This implies that the
determination of what is important and should be
selected is based on shallow, primitive processing
with very limited or non-existent analysis of
meaning. The Broadbent filter model (Broadbent,
1958) is the most prominent of these. A number of
late selection models have also been proposed, that
assume further analysis of incoming sensory
information must be performed in order to determine
its relevance and carry out efficient selection. The
Deutsch-Norman (Norman 1969) model is based on
the assumption that sensory information is not
actually filtered, but processed to the point of
activating representations stored in memory.
Selection then occurs at the level of representations,
where the most active ones are selected for further
processing. The model also assumes an attentional
bottleneck at this point, where only one
representation can be selected for processing at a
time. These two classes of attention models are
referred to as the early vs. late selection models, and
have resulted in some debate. Shortcomings of many
early selection models are obvious, as they fail to
account for parts of the cocktail party effect,
especially phenomena such as noticing your own
name being called from across the room while
engaged in conversation. This contradicts the model,
as the physical characteristics of the data (our name
being called) would not be sufficient to attract our
attention and pass through the filter; some analysis
of meaning must be involved.
Some more recent theories and models of
attention focus on the interaction between top-down
and bottom-up attention. In (Knudsen, 2007), an
attention framework is presented based on four
fundamental processes: working memory, top-down
sensitivity control, competitive selection and
bottom-up filtering for salient stimuli. The first three
processes work in a recurrent loop to implement top-
down control attention. Working memory is
intimately linked to attention as its contents are
determined by attention. This framework seems to
capture most of the essential components of
attention and is a promising candidate for inspiration
with regards to attention for AI.
Let us now consider how the previous chapter can
inspire implementation of attentional capabilities for
AI systems. As suggested in the introduction, we
specifically target general AI systems designed to
operate in complex environments under real-time
constraints with limited resources. These systems are
expected to perform various tasks while being
reactive to events in the environment, a requirement
that maps neatly to the top-down and bottom-up a
workings of attention mentioned earlier. Both of
these are necessary for a complete system; those that
implement only top-down down attention will
continue to work on tasks without being able to react
to unexpected or novel events in the environment –
events that may be relevant to the current task or
necessary triggers for generation of new ones.
Conversely, systems implementing only bottom-up
attention cannot perform tasks beyond those that are
simple and reactive; tasks consisting of multiple
steps are not possible. However, when these two
types of attention are properly combined, the result
is a flexible system capable of performing complex
tasks while being faced with interruptions and
unexpected events. Part of the role of attention
therefore, is to manage the balance between these
two at every point in time.
Figure 1: The Knudsen attention framework (from
Knudsen, 2007). Data flows up from the environment,
passes through salience filters (which detect infrequent or
important stimuli) and activates neural representations,
which encode various types of knowledge. The activation
of neural representations is also influenced by working
memory via the sensitivity control of top-down attention
that adjusts activation thresholds of individual
representations. Representations compete for access to
working memory with only the most active ones being
admitted. Gaze is controlled by working memory and the
selection process.
The early vs. late selection debate mentioned in
the previous chapter is also relevant here. It is
possible to implement attention mechanisms for AI
systems that perform selection early in the sensory
pipeline based on primitive features of the data. This
approach is adopted in some of the best known
existing cognitive architectures, such as SOAR
(Laird 2008), where attention is viewed as a
perceptual process rather than a cognitive one. Early
selection unavoidably means that some data is
(partly or fully) ignored without being processed for
meaning; ignoring data that is not understood by the
system introduces considerable risk as its relevance
for the system is not known. This may be acceptable
for narrow AI systems designed for specific tasks in
specific environments as it may be possible to create
shortcuts to understand the nature of incoming
information in such cases. However, for general AI
(AGI) systems designed for tasks and environments
not specified at implementation time, this is highly
problematic. Early stages of the sensory pipeline can
contribute to attention in useful ways, such as
performing biasing as opposed to absolute selection.
For example, such biasing might be based on
novelty or unexpectedness of the data as these
properties may give rough clues to the importance of
the information without requiring the information to
be processed for meaning. Furthermore, this is a
reasonable way to implement bottom-up attention, as
suggested by the Knudsen model in Figure 1. As
shallow processing at early stages of the sensory
pipeline seems unlikely to provide a reliable
measure of the importance of information, the late
selection paradigm seems more promising than early
selection in terms of AI and attention.
Top-down attention may be viewed as a goal-
driven process as it is intimately related to current
goals of the system. For goals to direct top-down
attention, their level of specification is critical. In a
system where goals are fully specified in terms of
operation, the goal definition will be extremely
useful in adjusting attention to elements that are
relevant to the goal. A top-down attention
mechanism based on pattern matching could
generate partially specified patterns from goal
specifications and attempt to find matches in sensory
information. Predictions and expectations may also
be expected to be necessary control input for top-
down attention in systems that explicitly implement
predictive capabilities – and there is good reason to
believe that this is necessary in order to approach
human-level intelligence. In terms of top-down
attention, predictions may be treated in virtually the
same fashion as goals (with level of specification
being equally important as for goals).
AI systems have an interesting advantage over
human minds; they are based on software rather
than hardware (“wetware”). While neurons of our
brains can adaptively wire up to encode skills,
knowledge and experiences the core mechanisms of
these processes are fixed. For example, humans
cannot easily acquire dramatically better ways of
learning or remembering. This limitation does not
apply to software AI systems; their potential for
flexibility and reconfiguration are only limited by
their architectural design. The same can be said for
their level of introspection; our introspective
capabilities are greatly limited - we only have a
very vague sense of what is going on in our minds.
On the other hand, there are much weaker
limitations on self-observation in software AI
systems, which again are limited only by
architectural design.
A case for flexible architectures capable of
autonomous self-reconfiguration is made in
(Thórisson, 2009). There are limitations on the
complexity of manually built software systems and
it is not unreasonable to assume that more complex
software systems than exist today are needed in
order to approach human-like AI. If our chances of
manually building such systems are low, having the
systems build themselves (in a sense) from
experience is not an unreasonable line of research.
In order to perform deep levels of introspection
in complex AI systems, attention is equally useful
as for information originating outside the system;
the sum of activity within such a system can be
considered to be a vast stream of information and
system resources remain limited. Determining
which parts of this stream are worth processing in
order to achieve meta-cognitive goals may be
considered as the role of attention, in much the
same way as attention operates on environmental
information. The main purpose of introspection is
to provide information to direct self-
reconfiguration of the system. For example, an
observation that system process P fails repeatedly
in certain contexts can be used by the system to
shut down process P and activate a different
process (which may exist or need to be
created/learned, generating a new meta-cognitive
goal) when such contexts occur in the future.
This section presents a design of one possible
attention mechanism for AI systems which addresses
the concepts related to attention discussed
previously. The implementation and evaluation of
this mechanism is upcoming future work. The
approach taken adopts the theoretical and
methodological framework presented in Thórisson
As attention is a ubiquitous cognitive process
that cannot be easily separated from the rest of the
cognitive architecture, some architectural
requirements are unavoidable when tackling the
design of an AI attention mechanism. The attention
mechanism proposed here rests on the requirements
that the underlying cognitive architecture has the
following properties:
Data-driven. All processing occurs in
reaction to data. Processes are activated only
when paired with compatible input data
(fitting the input data specification of the
process). Absence of fixed control loops allow
for greater flexibility and operation on
multiple time scales.
Fine-grained. Processing and data elements
of the architecture are numerous and small.
Complex tasks require collaboration of many
such elements. Reasoning about small, simple
components and their effects on the system is
more practical than attempting to do so for
larger components.
Predictive Capabilities. Generate predictions
with regards to expected events. Expectations
are part of the control data of the attention
Unified Sensory Pipeline. Data from the
environment and from within the system are
treated equally. Enables systems to sense their
own operation and potentially allows
cognitive functions to be applied equally to
task performance in the environment as well
as meta-cognitive processing (e.g. self-
The proposed attention mechanism implements
both top-down and bottom-up attention. Top-down
attention is based on goals and predictions, which
serve as the basis for generation of so called
attentional templates (AT), which are patterns that
target data to various levels of specification. An AT
can target general data (such as all data from a single
modality, e.g. auditory) or more specific data such as
anything directly related to an object or location in
the environment and everything in between. As the
architecture implements a unified sensory pipeline,
sensory data and internal data are targeted in an
identical fashion by attention. When a data object
matches an active AT, it becomes a candidate to
serve as input to a process for which it is compatible
as input. Data objects that do not match any active
AT are not caught by top-down attention and cannot
trigger processing (unless caught by bottom-up
attention). Each AT is created with an associated
priority value, which is used when a match occurs
with data, where the matching data item is assigned
the same value. This value initially comes from the
goal or prediction used to generate the AT. The
assignment of priority values to data upon a match
with an AT is called biasing. Available resources of
the system are allocated to data items in order of
their priority; data items with high priority values
(greatest bias) will have better chances of receiving
processing than those with lower values.
Bottom-up attention is implemented by primitive
data selection principles that attempt to quantify the
novelty and unexpectedness of input data based on
content, temporal factors and operational experience.
The novelty of data is based on how similar it is to
data the system has previously seen, with higher
novelty values being assigned to data that is
different from previously seen data. Time also plays
a role as data that has not been seen recently (but is
not completely new to the system) will receive
higher novelty values than those that have occurred
recently. For example, if the environment has been
silent for a while and sound is suddenly heard,
auditory data is considered novel and would be
caught by bottom-up attention. If the sound persists
for some period of time, auditory data will cease to
be novel and require top-down attention in order to
be processed. In this way, the bottom-up part of the
attention mechanism implements habituation.
Figure 2: Overview of the proposed attention mechanism.
Finally, a special mapping process is responsible
for ensuring processes capable of consuming data
caught by attention will be in active states. As the
system is expected to contain numerous processes
and data objects at any given time, attempting to
match every data object to every process to
determine if an operational match exists is not
practically feasible. The data-to-process mapping
component can be viewed as an optimization that
reduces the number of data/process matched
As has been shown, mapping models and concepts
from attention in cognitive psychology to AI
systems can be useful and straightforward.
Surprisingly limited work has been performed on
attention in the field of AI given that it is a field with
the ultimate goal of creating human-like intelligence
and that attention is clearly a critical cognitive
process for humans. The fact that the human mind
implements this kind of sophisticated resource
management while being orders of magnitude more
computationally powerful than existing computer
hardware today also hints at the importance of
attention for AI.
Furthermore, attention is likely to be equally
critical for introspective systems such as those that
can manage their own growth and adapt to
experience at the architecture level. The internals of
the system can be viewed dynamic and complex
environment in the same way as the task
environment. With a general and flexible attention
mechanism, it may be possible to apply the same
attention mechanism for both environments
simultaneously; giving rise to AI systems that
perform tasks and improve their own performance
while being subject to real-time constraints and
resource limitations.
This work was supported by the European Project
HUMANOBS – Humanoids that Learn Socio-
Communicative Skills Through Observation (grant
number 231453).
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