Cultural Preference Identification for Cross-cultural Website Design
Gatis Vitols
, Irina Arhipova
and Yukako Hirata
Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Agriculture, Liela 2, Jelgava, Latvia
Hewlett-Packard Japan, Ltd., 2-2-1, Ojima, Koto-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Cross-cultural design, Website, Usability.
Abstract: In this article analysis of available cross-cultural website design model methods for cultural preference
identification is performed. Users from various cultures not only speak different languages, but also think
and act differently. These differences impact process of how users perceive and use information systems,
including websites. Therefore there is emerging need for models, methods and technologies for design of
usable cross-cultural websites. One of the main tasks relating to usable cross-cultural website design is to
gather data about cultural preferences for a selected culture. We propose to extend the existing methods for
cultural preference identification with additional cultural dimension theories and methods for extraction of
data from culture preferred products.
Since the introduction of the Internet, various
services have been created and become available for
users around the world. World Wide Web and
websites became a widespread communication tool.
Initially, Internet services, including websites,
were developed mainly in English language
typically for users from western countries. However
only 8-10% of world population and 35% of website
users use English as their primary communication
language (Takasaki & Mori, 2007).
It is concluded by various authors that such
cultural differences as language, thinking patterns
and communication style can significantly impact
website usability (Rau et al., 2011). Because of such
conclusions there are increased demands for
research about cross-culturally usable website design
models, methods and technologies.
Though, as Jasem Alostath with co-authors
(Alostath et al., 2009) admit, for website designers
there is almost no unified models, methods and
tools, that would support cross-cultural website
design. Alostath also admits that there are no sets of
published guidelines that would gurantee cross-
cultural usability.
One of main challanges for website designers is
to aquire detailed data about cultural preferences of
certain culture in a website design requirements
stage (Kondratova et al., 2007; Rau et al., 2011).
Such cultural preferences include for example
websites colour, layout and information density
The aim of this article is to summarize and
analyse the existing methods for cultural preference
identification for cross-cultural website design and
develop an improved methods. To reach this aim the
following tasks are brought forward:
1. Analyse previous researches that relate to
cross-cultural website design and summarize
methods for cultural preference identification.
2. Based on analysis and synthesis of
literature propose improved methods for cultural
preference identification for cross-cultural website
From analysis of literature (Hsieh et al., 2009;
Kondratova et al., 2007; Rau et al., 2011), it can be
concluded that there are two main approaches which
can be used for usable cross-cultural website design.
One is to use existing theoretical studies about
cultures and the other is to involve directly into life
of culture with testing and observing users. The
latter approach usually requires long-term
involvement, which is often not affordable for
Vitols G., Arhipova I. and Hirata Y..
Cultural Preference Identification for Cross-cultural Website Design.
DOI: 10.5220/0003968600990102
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 99-102
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
website designers.
Instead, most cross-cultural design methods
recommend using data from cultural theories
combined with published empirical studies.
Some authors, including Gevorgyan and
Manucharova (Gevorgyan & Manucharova, 2009)
successfully applied cultural dimension theories
from psychology, sociology and communication
science for cultural preference identification in
process of cross-cultural website design.
Well known studies that are used for cross-
cultural information system design are published by
authors Geert Hofstede (Hofstede et al., 2010) and
Edward Hall (Hall, 1976; Hall & Hall, 1990). These
authors propose certain dimensions for culture
examination and classification, such as time
perception, power distance, uncertainty avoidance
and other.
Zahedi with co-authors (Zahedi et al., 2001) in
their web design conceptual model for cultural
preference identification recommend to use
theoretical studies such as Hall's time orientation
dimension and all Hofstede's dimensions.
Jagne with co-authors (Jagne et al., 2004) in their
cross-cultural interface design strategy for cultural
preference identification recommend designers to
involve into target cultures with website audits and
interviews with usability experts from those target
cultures. Some authors also propose to investigate
existing empirical researches, such as published by
Barber and Badre (Barber & Badre, 1998).
Smith with co-authors (Smith et al., 2004) in
their process model for usable cross-cultural website
development, propose to audit target culture
websites, investigate Hofstede's culture dimensions
and observe local users.
Hsieh et al., (2009) in their theoretical model for
cross-cultural website design, for cultural preference
identification propose to audit target culture
websites, investigate existing empirical studies and
use Hall's context dimension and all Hofstede's
Many similarities can be seen in methods for
cultural preference identification by previously
mentioned authors.
Most of published methods agree on such steps
as target culture website audit and use of cultural
dimensions by either Hofstede or Hall or combined.
We would like to offer expand existing cultural
preference identification process by adding a few
factors that emerge from literature reviews.
First of all, agreement can be found that Hall and
Hofstede cultural dimensions are successfully used
in cross cultural website design. However, recent
studies, such as performed by Ying and Lee (Ying &
Lee, 2008) show that there is one more culture
dimension that should be considered as important for
website designers. Ying and Lee empirical study
showed that Nishbett's (Nishbett, 2003) proposed
culture division based on style of thinking have an
impact on how users from various cultures scan
information on websites. Based on whether thinking
style in culture is holistic or analytic, website
designers should consider how to organize website
Therefore we suggest using Hofstede, Hall and
Nishbett dimensions for cultural preference
identification. In addition to target culture website
audit, we would like to suggest methods for target
cultural preference identification. Based on culture
preference identification results of previous studies
(Braun & Rose, 2007), we would like to suggest
applying methods from Quick and Dirty User
Profiling Technique (QDUPT) introduced by
Chavan (Chavan, 1999).
Most cultural dimensions can be divided in two
groups: subjective and objective. This division is
well known and used in cross-cultural researches
(Gould, 2005). Objective dimensions are those that
can be easily identified, such as language in which
target culture speaks. Subjective dimensions are
more complicated to identify and include, for
example, target culture information scanning
As a result, in order to identify cultural
preferences we propose to execute following
Culture life style data collection.
Identification of objective dimensions.
Identification of subjective dimensions.
Target culture website examination.
3.1 Culture Life Style Data Collection
To gather data about target culture life style and
certain cultural preferences, there is a need to
analyse data about target culture success products,
movies and music videos from past 5 years (Braun
& Rose, 2007; Chavan, 1999). Analysis of collected
data need to be performed to extract attributes that
relate to website design. For example, find anwers
about mobile device success or what are the colour
We suggest to perform manual content analysis
of gathered data with combination of tool that allow
to extract colour preferences from videos. Such tool
prototype has been developed for this research in
programming language Processing.
3.2 Identification of Objective
After reviewing literature on objective dimensions
(Gould, 2005; Kondratova et al., 2007; Rau et al.,
2011), we found that most common objective
dimension classification for website design is:
language, format, graphics, colour and layout.
Partly data about objective dimensions can be
acquired when performing culture life style data
collection and analyse literature about target culture.
For example Marcus and Baumgartner (Marcus &
Baumgartner, 2004) advice for this purpose to use
The World Fact Book published and maintained by
the Central Intelligence Agency.
3.3 Identification of Subjective
To identify subjective culture dimensions we
propose to analyse Hofstede's, Nishbett's and Hall's
published researches. Also, other author theoretical
and empirical studies can be used to confirm target
culture subjective dimensions. For example, if we
analyse Japanese culture subjective dimensions, we
find that Japanese culture, for example, is high
power distance, high context, holistic thinking and
masculine culture.
After investigating characterictics gathered from
analysis of subjective dimensions, guidelines for
website designers can be determined. Certain such
guidelines exist and are published (Ahmed et al.,
2009). However, there is no central repository for
such guidelines available.
3.4 Target Culture Website
Tipically target culture website examination or audit
is performed by or with expert from target culture
(A. Smith et al., 2004). For this process usually
certain group of websites is selected. Usually those
websites are most popular in target culture or
popular in certain field, such as, for example, most
popular target culture restaurant websites. For data
gathering we suggest using website statistics
services provided by companies such as Google or
Amazon, which has been succesfully applied in
previous researches (Kondratova et al., 2007; Vitols
et al., 2011). Content analysis usually is chosen as a
method for evaluation and extraction of data.
Extracted data usually help to identify target culture
objective dimensions, such as website font or
character encoding preferences.
Kondratova and Goldfarb (Kondratova et al.,
2007) for extraction of colour and font preferences
advise to use a tool allowing to scan target culture
websites based on website country domain and
analyse HTML and CSS codes for colour codes and
fonts. However, as those authors admit, this tool
cannot read colour from images and only
approximately can determine colour distribution in
websites. For example, if the website background is
white and there is one letter in black, that tool will
output same colour distribution in ratio 50% black
and 50% white. So for our method we suggest to use
such tool only as a reference information, but main
evaluation has to be performed manually. More
detailed target culture website examination process
is described in our previous paper (Vitols et al.,
From summarization of methods for cultural
preference identification, there is a seen similarity
that most authors propose to use cultural theories by
researchers such as Hofstede and Hall, combined
with target culture website examination.
Our method, besides evaluation of Hofstede and
Hall dimensions, include additional analysis of
research results by Nishbett on culture thinking
style, which is proven to be an important cultural
dimension that relates to how users scan information
in websites.
Our added method from Chavan's QDAPT
technique can help website developers to gather
additional data such as colour preferences.
As further steps we suggest evaluating those
collected data with usability experts from a target
Developed method will be applied for Japanese
cultural preference identification. To execute the
method, we will gather data about Japanese success
products from Japan's main advertisement company
Dentsu and magazine's Nikkey Trendy annual
reports. To gather data about successful movies, and
top target culture websites, we will use statistics
provided by company Amazon.
Funding support for this research provided by
Europe Social Fund program “Support for doctoral
studies in LUA”, agreement 2009/0180/1DP/
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