Liliana Enciso Quispe
and Luis Mengual Galan
Research Institute of Computer Science, Technical University of Loja, San Cayetano Alto, Loja, Ecuador
Department of Computing, Politechnical University of Madrid, Monte de Boadilla, Madrid, Spain
Ad Hoc, AODV, DSR, MANET, Parameters, QoS.
Providing QoS in the context of Ad Hoc networks includes a very wide field of application from the perspective
of every level of the architecture in the network. Saying It in another way, It is possible to speak about
QoS when a network is capable of guaranteeing a trustworthy communication in both extremes, between
any couple of the network nodes by means of an efficient Management and administration of the resources
that allows a suitable differentiation of services in agreement with the characteristics and demands of every
single application.The principal objective of this article is the analysis of the quality parameters of service
that protocols of routering reagents such as AODV and DSR give in the Ad Hoc mobile Networks; all of this
is supported by the simulator ns-2. Here were going to analyze the behavior of some other parameters like
effective channel, loss of packages and latency in the protocols of routering. Were going to show you which
protocol presents better characteristics of Quality of Service (QoS) in the MANET networks.
Ad hoc networks (MANET) (Tupakula et al., 2011;
Munoz, 2004) are formed by a group of mobile nodes
(the host, router), they can autoorganize themselves to
communicate among them. All these devices that be-
long to Networks transmit packages and each of their
nodes have to take decisions when they communicate
with other nodes.The MANET Networks do not have
a static infrastructure. Each of its nodes can take part
in the processes of routering or authentication and dis-
tribution of resources; therefore, the management of
its nodes is done in a distributed form, allowing the
communication of other nodes that do not have It in a
direct way, for these reasons, these types of Networks
are vulnerable to assaults and risks such as: (Kary-
giannis and Owens, 2002) denial of service (DOS),
steal of service, malicious hackers, malicious code
and even espionage.
The paper is constructed this way: The section I
contemplates an introduction to the mobile networks
in relation to the Ad Hoc quality and safety. Section
II develops the condition of the art belonging to the
topic. Section III specifies relevant steps to character-
ize the quality in the mobile Ad Hoc networks. Sec-
tion IV simulates and presents results on the differen-
tiation of the protocols DSR and AODV for effects
of the quality of the Ad Hoc networks. Finally the
section V specifies conclusions on QoSs parameters
analyzed in relation to the protocols AODV and DSR.
2.1 Ad Hoc Mobile Networks
In the network Ad Hoc fig. 1, the way of commu-
nication is broadcast (sending a message from point
A to B, this one comes also to all the nodes, initiat-
ing in the origin and propagating to the whole net-
work) (Venkatraman and Agrawal, 2003). The char-
acteristics of a MANET are: links of limited band-
width and changeable capacity, limitations of energy
and capacity. fig.2, type of Network Ad Hoc process-
ing in the nodes and physical limited safety. Its re-
quirements of safety are the same that a traditional
network, since they need confidentiality, integrity, au-
thentication, not repudiation and availability (Bouk-
erche and Boukerche, 2008; Jose et al., 2009; Tu-
pakula et al., 2011), but these characteristics make
safety requirements more complex to administering.
Douligeris and Serpanos (Douligeris and Ser-
panos, 2007) consider as examples of applications of
Enciso Quispe L. and Mengual Galan L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003940302760279
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 276-279
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Type of network ad hoc.
the Ad Hoc networks: recovery of disasters, mis-
sions of search and rescue, military operations; and,
between others to the distributed networks, dynamic
communication of group, communication between
mobile robots, etc.
2.2 QoS of Routering in Ad Hoc
According to Douligeris and Serpanos (Douligeris
and Serpanos, 2007) these networks lack total safety
in the control of physical access.The Internet is one
of the principal factors that exhibits to the mobile de-
vices to assaults like: refusal of service, injection of
malicious code, interception of the network for mans
assault and fraud.
The problem of the Quality of Service (QoS) in
mobile Ad Hoc networks has been and is one of the
big problems in this type of networks. In spite of it the
majority of protocols of routering for mobile Ad Hoc
networks, such as AODV [1], DSR [10] are designed
without considering in an explicit way the quality of
the service of the routes that they generate. QoS of
routering in Ad Hoc networks is studied and spreadin
recently (Zhang and Gulliver, 2005; Zhu and Corson,
2004; Lee et al., 2000; Chen and Nahrstedt, 1999;
Hsu et al., 1998; Leung et al., 2001; Mohapatra et al.,
2008; Park and Corson, 1997; Chen et al., 1999).
The quality of service is measured basically in
agreement with parameters as: throughput, latency,
loss of packages, etc. With the help of the QoS it is
possible to discriminate against traffic giving major
or minor efficiency in the transmission of the infor-
mation. When one speaks about quality of service, it
is possible to say that the protocol of routering is ca-
pable of finding the way towards the destination and
of delivering information in a reliable form. Aspects
as loss of packages, latency in this type of networks,
must be almost void especially in applications of real
time (Lane et al., 2011).
3.1 Comparison between Routering
The protocols that are object of study and simulation
are AODV and DSR considered inside their classifi-
cation as reactive protocol.
Important parameters of the quality of service
Throughput - Is the quantity of information got
for the destination in a time determined across a
physical or logical way in a network.
Latency - This parameter is measured in units of
time and refers to the total passed time, since the
package is transmitted by the origin until it comes
to its destiny.
Loss of Packages - This happens for the conges-
tion of channels of transmission and because of
this the packages do not reach their final destina-
3.2 AODVs Analysis (Ad Hoc on
Demand Distance Vector)
Only when it needs to communicate, the process
of discovery of route begins.
Major time in the delivery of packages.
It supports a locally table of routering for the al-
ready known destinies.
It only supports the use of unidirectional links.
3.3 DSRs Analysis (Dynamic Source
Has routering in the origin.
The packages include a head-board of information
about the nodes that they are going to cross.
It obtains multiple possible ways towards the des-
Every node keeps a cache memory of routes of its
It detects the loss of conectividad and requests a
new immediate discovery of route.
Figure 2: Environment of simulation with NS2.
Figure 3: Receive packets AODV.
4.1 Stage
The simulation of the Ad Hoc protocols has been car-
ried out with the tool of simulation of network ns2
(network simulator). This Ad Hoc network consists
of a topology with 10 nodes, in a time of simulation of
40 seconds, where two nodes communicate using the
protocol of transport TCP across intermediate nodes.
In this stage, the advantages and disavantages that
the protocols AODV and DSR present are demon-
strated, as it is detailed in the figures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and
4.2 Evaluation of Results
The principal results obtained of the simulation are
in the following tables I, II y III: In the Table I,
Figure 4: Receive packets DSR.
Figure 5: Throughput AODV.
Figure 6: Throughput DSR.
DSR presents a highest number of lost packages that
AODV, but proportional to the generated packages the
lost packages is minor in DSR that in AODV , think-
ing that DSR generates 1390 and alone AODV 849
packages, in consequence DSR is more efficient. The
lost of packages is higher in DSR that in AODV, but
DSR loses packages in agreement to the number of
sendings, if we calculate mathematically DSR sends
690 packages and loses 13 packages AODV at the
time on having sent 401 packages should lose 7,55
packages and like we can see the simulation throws
8 packages lost in AODV at the time we can say that
they are similar. We can also notice a similar behavior
in both protocols as for the erasing of packages dur-
ing the transmission. See Table II. In the simulation
is observed that the delay in AODV is minor, which
indicates that this protocol presents better quality of
service in his routering, since the rate of lost pack-
ages is minor that DSR, and the delay that it presents
in the communication between the origin and desti-
nation in his maximum and minimal point, continues
being a minor in AODV.Table III.
The throughput in AODV demonstrates that the
communication is established more soon than in DSR.
The throughput in DSR appears 30 seconds after the
simulation had started, which indicates that in this
time it manages to communicate with the destination
and this value is two points during the rest of the sim-
ulation; with AODV the throughput begins at the 0
Table 1: Packets management (DSR - AODV).
Protocol Generated
Sent Pack-
DSR 1390 1390 23
AODV 849 846 17
Table 2: Communication from the node 2-5.
Protocol Sent packets Lost Pack-
DSR 690 13 0
AODV 401 8 0
Table 3: Delay between the node 2-5 (DSR - AODV).
DSR 0.017022 seg. 0.271257 seg. 0.329094 seg.
AODV 0.004172 seg. 0.030682 seg. 0.193194 seg.
On the basis of the analysis, simulation and results
there concludes that:
The performance of the protocols of routering
reagents depend on the stage that appears in a sim-
ulation. In normal cases as it appears in the ob-
tained results, DSR presents better performance
that AODV. This protocol in the routering with
QoS produces a major performance, minor late
and better effort of the protocol.
DSR organizes enough good in networks where
less than one hundred of nodes exist. In these net-
works DSR is specially useful and highly adapt-
able in small environments.
Amongthe protocol AODV and DSR, the protocol
AODV is more adapted for the quality in networks
by top mobility and they adapt to big and complex
For QoSs provision in Ad Hoc networks we must
provide of an adaptative model of QoS where the
applications have to be able to adapt to the con-
ditions and to the availability of resources of the
Ad Hoc, which are highly dynamic. These models
will have to have jointly certain elements: control
of admission, control of congestion, police func-
tion, some mechanism to differentiate packages
and some mechanism that allows us to know the
condition or state of the network.
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