Esmiralda Moradian and Anne Håkansson
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Electrum Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: E-Commerce Security, Software Security, Security Ontology, Agent System, Mapping.
Abstract: Developers are struggling with the challenging task of producing secure e-commerce software. Nonetheless,
software insecurity remains an issue for e-commerce organisations. Software engineers are expected to pos-
sess knowledge in the software engineering area, as well as, security. In addition, they are required to under-
stand and correctly identify the relationships between the security concepts. However, developers com-
monly lack this knowledge and consequently, security is often omitted during the engineering process. To
support developers to face the challenge, we use ontology based techniques for structuring and representa-
tion of security knowledge. Categorization according to the security properties of confidentiality, integrity,
and availability is needed to provide a holistic view over the security requirements, assets, security threats,
and security controls. Moreover, we propose mapping of different security ontologies to provide traceabil-
ity. For this purpose, we use meta-agents and software agents in multi-agent system. We present a develop-
ment scenario of electronic invoice presentment system, where we demonstrate how usage of ontologies in
combination with multi-agent system can improve security of e-commerce software systems.
The importance of secure software systems for e-
commerce is unquestionable (McGraw, 2006). Many
security threats arise due to poorly designed server
and client software. For example, the complexity
and size of software programs, lack of security
knowledge has contributed to an increase in software
vulnerabilities that threat agents can exploit (Lau-
don, Traver, 2008; Awad, 2007). Despite of different
existing solutions, security of e-commerce systems
is a growing issue and a challenging task that engi-
neers are struggling with. Since it is difficult for e-
commerce developers to sufficiently understand
threats and security mechanisms, security needs to
be implemented in an early stage of the development
process. The lack of knowledge in security area and
time constraints does not make it easier for develop-
ers. Consequently, insecure e-commerce software is,
often, built.
To support engineers to develop more secure
software systems for e-commerce, use ontology
based techniques that enable security knowledge
representation is proposed. The conceptual model
where we define the terms, relationships, and de-
pendability of security concepts is presented. Cate-
gorization of security expert knowledge and infor-
mation according to security properties of confiden-
tiality, integrity, and availability, is proposed. More-
over, mapping of different security ontologies,
which is performed by the agents is demonstrated.
Mapped ontologies result in integrated ontology and
checklists. For ontology searching and mapping
agents in multi-agent system are used. Multi-agent
system enables mapping in an automatic way, which
facilitates the developer’s work and saves time. Two
types of agents are used, namely, software agent and
meta-agent. Mapping security threats and security
controls to security requirements can provide trace-
ability and holistic picture, which enables control
over software security during the development proc-
ess. Moreover, we present a development scenario of
electronic invoice presentment system, where the
process of checklist creation is demonstrated.
E-commerce systems attract attackers that can ma-
nipulate the backend of application where sensitive
and often desirable data is stored – from credit card
numbers to medical information (Moradian, Håkans-
Moradian E. and Håkansson A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003938901670173
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 167-173
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
son, 2006). E-commerce security comprises follow-
ing security properties: confidentiality, integrity,
availability. Confidentiality refers to the ability to
ensure that data and information is protected from
unauthorized entities. Integrity ensures that no unau-
thorized alteration has been made to the da-
ta/information after the creation, i.e., information
being displayed on the Web site, or transmitted or
received over the Internet, has not been changed by
unauthorized entities. Availability refers to the abili-
ty to use the resource desired, i.e., the ability of an e-
commerce system or web service to function as in-
tended. (Bishop, 2005; Laudon and Traver, 2008;
Awad, 2007).
By using firewalls and/or Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS), e-commerce organizations are trying
to protect themselves from attackers but are unaware
that their assets are exposed even through firewalls
and IDS’s. E-commerce organizations must be able
to share information with customers and vendors
and, at the same time, protect the information from
malicious threat agents.
Malicious threat agents can be a human or a
software application that exploit vulnerabilities of e-
commerce software system. E-commerce software
can be exposed in many ways; therefore, developers
of e-commerce systems need to decide how the
software should react to illegitimate use, such as bad
input or illegitimate request (McGraw. 2006). The
ability to develop secure enough software for e-
commerce depends on how well engineers can un-
derstand organization’s goals and requirements, and
the ability to align those goals and requirements to
software development. They also have to understand
the risks, which the intended system can be exposed
to. Unfortunately, engineers commonly lack the
security knowledge. Therefore, security ontology for
structuring and representing a security knowledge is
Ontologies represent knowledge in a specific do-
main. The ontologies can define terminologies, de-
scribe domain, apply structures and build relation-
ships between concepts (Håkansson, Hartung, Mo-
radian, and Wu, 2010). Moreover, ontologies enable
analysis and reuse of domain knowledge. The latter
is an important factor for building secure e-
commerce software. Knowledge about security
threats and security controls is example that can
facilitate the work of software engineers. Further-
more, possibility to integrate and map several ontol-
ogies, for example, security requirements to steering
documents, or security threats to security controls,
can provide traceability. Moreover, effort and time
aspects are also important: time needed for manual
integration and mapping of ontologies performed by
humans differs significantly from an automated
process (Moradian, Håkansson, Andersson, 2010).
The design of the security ontology is based on
security process described in ISO/IEC 15408 stan-
dard (ISO/IEC 15408, 2009) and aims at structuring
the security knowledge. The process involves a
number of definitions and relationships between
them. Figure 1 presents the security concepts and
Figure 1: Security concepts and relationships.
In the process an owner is responsible for the asset
and assigns a value on it. The asset can be threatened
by an agent. The agent is an entity with malicious
intention that aims to abuse assets, in order to
achieve winnings. The agent exercises a threat,
which is an indication of danger or harm. The threat
is represents a potential danger to the asset with
impact on the security properties, such as confiden-
tiality, integrity, and availability. Threat exploits
vulnerability, which is the weakness of the asset.
The vulnerability of an asset implies loss of confi-
dentiality, integrity, and availability. Vulnerability
can be used to violate security requirement. Threat
raise risks for the asset. An asset is an entity va-
luated by the owner. Risk can realize an attack to the
asset. Risk is a danger that an event adversely affects
the possibility of reaching the goal (Moradian,
Håkansson, Andersson, 2010).
The process also includes security requirement,
security goals, and security controls. Security re-
quirements satisfy security property. These security
requirements contribute to achieving security goals.
Security controls are countermeasures to avoid, mi-
tigate or reduce security threats and risks and vulne-
rabilities. These security controls protect security
properties, such as confidentiality, integrity, and
Security concepts describe ontologies of the se-
curity domain. The taxonomy of the security ontol-
ogy is generic, and thus, extendable as well as appli-
cable on different organizations.
The concepts are defined as security classes where
each class has at least one property and one depend-
ency. Class ´Asset´ has properties, for example,
´hasVulnerability´, ´hasOwner´, and ´hasValue´. We
can create an ontology rule stating: if an asset has
vulnerability and the vulnerability is exploitedbyT-
hreatAgent then the asset has threat. The rule can be
expressed as follows:
Asset(a) hasVulnerability(a,v) ex-
ploitedbyThreatAgent(a,eta)Threat (a).
Class ´Threat´ has subclasses that can be de-
signed in the following way:
´ThreatConfidentiality´, ´ThreatIntegrity´, and
The ontology is developed by applying a top-
down approach. In a set of software security ontol-
ogy, the core ontology is the Main Security ontol-
ogy. The Main Security Ontology has a separate
class ´SecServices´ that enables specification of the
security objectives.
The Main Security Ontology
also has other classes, which among others are
´Threat´, ´SecurityControl´, ´Asset´, and
´SecurityServices´ classes. A partial overview of
´Threat´ ontology is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Partial view of threat ontology.
All threats have properties inherited from the parent
class, such as hasTarget, exploitsVulnerability,
ofType, exersizedbyThreatAgent, hasConsequence,
and hasCountermeasure.
<owl:Class rdf:ID="ThreatAvailability">
The above owl code shows that ´BufferOverflow´ is
a subclass of the ´ThreatAvailability´ class, and that
consequence of a Buffer Overflow attack can be
Denial of Service attack.
The purpose of the multi-agent system is to search
for ontologies, analyze the content and combine the
ontologies to create more complete solutions
(Håkansson et. al, 2010). The multi-agent system
consists of intelligent meta-agents and software
agents. The agents are goal-oriented agents, and
Figure 3: Ontology integration by agents.
perform search for information according to speci-
fied requests and satisfy goals. The agents are auto-
nomous and perform tasks without human interven-
tion. The environment that agents work in is observ-
able, cooperative, accessible, and episodic. With
observable environment, the agent can communicate
with each other and cooperate. By making the envi-
ronment accessible, the agents have access to infor-
mation needed to accomplish task and satisfy
goal. In an episodic environment, the agents perform
one task at the time (Håkansson et. al, 2010).
Agents are assigned different roles, such as
search agents and mapping agents. The process is as
follows: InterfaceAgent receives a request from the
user and process it to the ManagementAgent. Mana-
gementAgent manages and coordinates the activities
of SoftwareAgents. ManagementAgent also assigns
the task to the Software Agents, that search and
retrieve data from repository. The ontologies are
retrieved from the local knowledge base.
The search request can contain terminology, as
well as, classes and/or properties. The Managemen-
tAgent merges the result from the SoftwareAgents
and passes it to the InterfaceAgent. Thus, the meta-
agent perform mapping by comparing different on-
tologies. If there is a direct match the meta-agent can
continue to work with the next part of the ontolo-
gies. The meta-agent uses the knowledge base to
compare the ontologies and interpreter to match and
execute rules. The process is illustrated in Figure 3.
The knowledge base contains facts and rules.
Rules can be constructed by terms or rule with sev-
eral different alternatives, such as synonyms. For
mapping the ontologies, there must be related parts.
(Håkansson et. al, 2010) The ontologies are exam-
ined against the knowledge base with tags like
owl:Ontology, owl:Class, rdfs:subClassOf,
owl:onProperty (Håkansson et. al, 2010).
Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment Model
(EIPP) is a process usually used by organisations to
present invoices through the Internet. Ontology
based techniques and agent systems are often used
for implementation of the invoice presentment proc-
ess. Presentment means taking the information that
is available on a printed invoice and hosting it on an
e-invoice presentment Web server. To assure the
security of the process, security has to be considered
at the early stage. There are three models of EIPP:
buyer direct, consolidator, and seller direct (Turban,
King, McKay, Marshall, Lee, and Viehland, 2008).
Buyer Direct is the model where there is one buyer
and many sellers. Seller post invoices to the buyer’s
EIPP for viewing. Consolidator, which is many-to-
many model, acts as intermediary. Sellers and buy-
ers register with the consolidator’s EIPP system.
Sellers generate and transmit invoice information to
the EIPP system. The consolidator sends notification
to buyers that invoices are ready for viewing. Seller
Direct model implies that one seller is linked to
many buyers (Turban et.al, 2008). The seller gener-
ated invoices and informs buyers that the invoices
are ready for viewing. Byers can then log into the
seller website to view the invoices. There are differ-
ent options for making payments in an EIPP system
among others the payment method that uses purchas-
ing cards, and online banking. For the research in
this paper, we focus on the Seller Direct model,
only, and therefore, do not consider e-payment part.
In the next chapter, we present a scenario where
security of e-commerce software is considered from
the requirement phase of the development process.
In this section a development scenario of electronic
invoice presentment software system is described.
The identification of security threats and counter-
measures is demonstrated by mapping ´Threat´ on-
tology to ´SecurityControl´ ontology. The search for
ontologies is performed by agents that use a knowl-
edge base to compare the ontologies and an inter-
preter to match and execute rules.
6.1 Scenario
Consider that a Telecom Corporation (TC) develops
an electronic invoice presentment software system.
The system will be used to provide invoice present-
ment service for TC’s customers through the web.
The TC works according Seller Direct model and the
process involves producing the invoices, monitoring,
archiving, and presenting invoices to the customers.
The steps of the invoicing process are depicted in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: EIPP system.
The first step is to prepare the invoice data. Invoice
data is the raw billing data. Next step is processing,
which implicate converting raw data into xml format
used for presentment of the invoice on the webpage.
XML invoices are stored in Web server. A PDF
invoice is produced and saved in electronic archive
(e-Archive). The PDF invoice is saved in e-archive
due to legal requirements as well as can be viewed
and printed by customer. The invoice issuer sends e-
mail notification to the customer about e-invoice.
Customers’ data is stored in customer database.
Customers/buyers log into the TC’s Web site to
view the invoices. After viewing an invoice the cus-
tomer can pay the bill. TC organizational require-
ments are as follows. The customer should be able to
view only its own invoices. Customer information
and invoice data should be protected. The availabil-
ity of the system should be 98%. Information pre-
sented in an electronic invoice originates from the
billing file.
External users, i.e, outsiders, are non-customers,
competitor organizations, and suppliers should be
able to view the marketing information that resides
on the web server. External users must not access
the development environment. TC’s customers are
managed by the admin users/developers via the
admin tool. Hereby, following user classes are iden-
tified: outsiders, developers, corporate managers,
and customers.
The goals of the TC security policy are:
1. Corporate data that is classified as restricted
must be protected and available only to authorized
users and only to those who need to know. One
example is data involved in developing of new
2. Customer data and all the information about
customer, which involve personal information, order
info, and invoice information must be protected and
can only be accessed by those who provide the
information/fill the order, pay the invoices, i.e. only
by the customer himself. Developers and order
managers can only obtain the information that is
necessary to process the orders and manage
customers' information.
The identified corporate assets are: information,
IT-systems, physical assets, and staff. In this re-
search we only consider the asset, such as informa-
Information is classified as: public data,
development data, corporate data, and customer
data. Public data is available to everyone (outsiders).
It includes product information and specification,
price information, and marketing information.
Development data, such as product and software
specifications is available only to developers.
Corporate data, such as legal information, corporate
sensitive data is available only to corporate
managers and lawyers. Customer data is the data
provided by customers. TC needs to identify threats
that possibly can target the system and
countermeasures that can eliminate or mitigate those
threats. To identify threats and countermeasures,
security ontology in combination with the multi-
agent system is applied.
6.2 Security Checklist Creation
TC system is based on client/server software appli-
cation which interacts with users or other systems
using HTTP for untrusted users and HTTPS for
trusted users. Software is responsible for manage-
ment of the TC’s customers, presenting of invoices
for those customers and for processing cus-
tomer/user input. Each component of the system has
vulnerabilities and potential threats. Security policy
of TC can be categorized according to the security
properties of confidentiality, integrity, and availabil-
ity and, hence, following security requirements can
be identified.
The confidentiality aspect of TC security policy
requires that application software must have high
assurance. Therefore, authentication function must
authenticate the users. Moreover, authorization func-
tion shall prevent unauthorized subjects and objects
from accessing the system. Web server and data-
bases have to be secured, so that only authorized
individuals can access the information.
Figure 5: Checklist example.
The integrity aspect of the TC security policy re-
quires that data is protected from modification.
Therefore, improper or unauthorized change of
data/information shall be prevented and data origin
shall be assured. Following security events shall be
logged together with the userID, date and time for
transaction: login/logout attempts in order to detect
any attempts to change the data in unauthorized way.
The availability aspect of the TC security policy
requires that the software system is available to the
public, developers and customers. The needed in-
formation should be available to authorized users
depending on the access right.
To enable mapping between security require-
ments, threats, risks and countermeasures, a multi-
agent system that uses security ontologies is applied.
Security ontologies contain knowledge about the
security requirements, threats, risks, and counter-
measures, which are categorized according to secu-
rity properties of confidentiality, integrity, and
availability. The agents check ontology by terms,
classes or properties. The knowledge base contains
rules as well as has equivalent terms, properties or
classes. If equivalent term is not found an indirect
mapping is performed. A threat ontology is used to
represent knowledge about threats as described in
section 3. To identify potential threats TC engineers
Table 1: Merged list from ontologies.
Sec.Req Security Threats Security Control
Encryption during
transmission i.e.
encrypted com-
channel. SSL and
IPSec should be
use strong pass-
Brute force
use strong pass-
improper /
change of
data / in
shall assure
the data
Data tampering Access control
tion should
be avail-
able to
on the
access right
Denial of
All data input
should be vali-
Exception han-
dling should be
Harden the
TCP/IP stack
against denial of
provide system with keywords about asset, and secu-
rity requirement. The system searches for ontologies
and examines them as described in section 4. After
performed search and examination of ontologies the
system can present a threat list from the ´Threat´
ontology. Relationship between threat and security
control enables identification and mapping threats to
security controls, which are countermeasures.
Figure 5 demonstrates mapping of two ontolo-
gies into a checklist. The checklist is created by the
agents as a result of mapping between threats and
Table 1 shows a small example over TC’s secu-
rity requirements and corresponding threats and
countermeasures that can be generated as a result of
ontologies mapping. The list provides the informa-
tion about how TC’s requirements are fulfilled but
can also be used for traceability purposes.
Usage of ontologies in combination with multi-
agent system can provide TC engineers with the
information about specific threat, vulnerability that
specific threat exploits, as well as, what security
properties the threat impacts. Engineers can also
obtain information about countermeasures that can
be implemented in order to avoid or minimize the
threats. Figure 6 presents a simple user interface
where the information about a BufferOverflow
threat is presented to the engineer.
Figure 6: User interface.
Identified potential threats to the TC’s system as
well as countermeasures allow TC engineers’ im-
plement security controls during the development
process. The security controls can avoid threats and
increase probability that more secure software sys-
tem is developed.
Tsoumas, Dritsas, and Gritzalis (Tsoumas, Dritsas,
and Gritzalis, 2005) present an ontology-based ap-
proach that manages security of information sys-
tems. The authors argue that the approach is struc-
tured to support the process from policy and Risk
Analysis (RA) documents to technical controls. The
authors state that the result is a knowledge-based,
ontology centric security management system that
may bridge the IS risk assessment and organization-
al security policies with security management
(Tsoumas, Dritsas, and Gritzalis, 2005).
Gorodetski et al. (Gorodetski, Popyack, Kotenko,
and Skormin, 1999) propose a multi-agent model of
an information security system that is based on on-
tology. Authors use the ontology to structure the
distributed knowledge. Nodes and relations defined
in ontology are used by an agent that aims at solving
the entire multitude of problems related to particular
In our work, we propose the usage of ontology
based techniques for security knowledge representa-
tion and multi-agent system that enables mapping
between security requirements, security threats and
security controls. We develop the security ontology
that supports security management during the devel-
opment of new software systems and maintenance of
the existing systems. The ontology is general and
can be applied on different types of organizations.
For mapping of ontologies we apply multi-agent
We have proposed security ontology that aims to
support engineers during software engineering proc-
ess and improve the security of software systems.
The security ontology provides holistic view over
the security concepts and relationships between
those. We presented taxonomy of the security ontol-
ogy and discussed the necessity, importance and
usefulness of using security ontologies. Furthermore,
we presented electronic invoice presentment and
payment models and demonstrated electronic in-
voice presentment scenario. In the scenario, the pos-
sibilities of utilizing multi-agent system with on-
tologies for automatic mapping between threats and
countermeasures, which can provide traceability and
facilitate to the development of more secure soft-
ware systems is demonstrated.
This research is supported by Sweden-Korea re
search Cooperation Programme funded by STINT,
The Swedish Foundation for International Coopera-
tion in Research and Higher Education. http://www.
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