Oksana Arnold
, Jun Fujima
, Klaus P. Jantke
and Yuzuru Tanaka
Erfurt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Applied Computer Science, Altonaer Str. 25, 99085 Erfurt, Germany
Fraunhofer IDMT, Children’s Media Department, KinderMedienZentrum, Erich-K¨astner-Str. 1a, 99094 Erfurt, Germany
Hokkaido University Sapporo, Meme Media Laboratory, Kita-13, Nishi-8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-8628 Japan
Computability Theory, Webble Technology, Direct Manipulation, Exploratory Learning, Playful Learning.
In schools and in universities, there will always remain a certain very abstract, but highly relevant content.
Remarkable percentages of learners, therefore, are facing severe difficulties and need some substantial support.
The paper demonstrates an involved case of learning some of the most abstract contents in higher education by
means of exploratory direct manipulation. Direct manipulation technologies allow for touching media objects,
for moving, modifying and combining them, and for–even playfully–exploring the behavior of mechanisms.
Webble technology has been used to represent content and to implement direct manipulation functionalities.
The implementation reported is in practical use within some moodle environment.
Recursion theory also known as the theory of effective
computability (Rogers jr., 1967) is among the most
abstract areas of computer science. The basic results
of recursion theory are explaining the principle reach
and limitations of computers. They are underlying the
fundamental insights of logic–from the classics to the
present–into decidability and undecidability. Last but
not least, recursion theory is determining the reach
of the automation of human reasoning (Siekmann and
Wrightson, 1983a; Siekmann and Wrightson, 1983b).
A correct and comprehensive treatment requires
enormous efforts of understanding abstract concepts
and brings with it notations of a high complexity like
, ... , y
, z
, ... , z
) = ϕ
, ... , z
This equality holds for any G
ODEL numbering ϕ,
where for any two natural numbers m and n there does
exist a certain general recursive encoding function s
accordingly ((Rogers jr., 1967), §1.8, p. 23).
Despite awareness of the discipline’s relevance,
many students are reluctant to memorizing, under-
standing, and actively using formalisms like this.
What are the potentials of media technologies and
media didactics to alleviate the bottleneck of calculi
of effective computability? In particular, what are
the potentials of direct manipulation and of intuitive
interfaces? If technologies may be of any help, how?
How to learn the abstract by concrete manipulation?
There is some scientific evidence that teaching resp.
learning abstract concepts may be substantially sup-
ported by concrete activities (Barsalou and Wiemer-
Hastings, 2005). However, concepts considered in the
present approach are by far more formal than those
studied by Barsalou and Wiemer-Hastings (2005).
One of the problems with the abstract concepts
and relations of computability theory is that starring at
a formalisms like the s-m-n-theorem on the left does
not help at all. Those formalisms have some opera-
tional meaning, but they are not “running” in any way.
In particular, it helps to learn and, finally, master
the formalisms by studying the formulas’ meaning for
a larger number of specific input data. Unfortunately,
given any particular data, such an exploration of some
formulas meaning is tedious and time-consuming.
Learners have to perform by hand lengthy formal and
mostly trivial, but error-prone transformations.
Arnold O., Fujima J., P. Jantke K. and Tanaka Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003916001000107
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 100-107
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Roughly speaking, there is the question for media
environments in which the abstract has some concrete
representations that allow for a playful manipulation
by hand. Operational meanings “just take place” and
are observed to provoke thought and interpretation.
This section is intended to present the domain in some
detail to provide a firm foundation of the subsequent
About hundred years ago, a large community of
scientists did strongly believe in the solvability of any
problem supposed the problem has been expressed
sufficiently clear and formal. This assumption was
underlying David Hilbert’s famous and remarkably
influential speech to the 2
International Congress of
Mathematicians, Paris, August 1900 (Gray, 2000).
However, a large variety of problems such as the
difficulty to find a sound foundation of set theory lead
to severe doubts. Could it, perhaps, be the case that
there were some generally unsolvable problems?
For strictly proving the unsolvability of any par-
ticular problem, i.e. to demonstrate that no algorithm
ever will be able to provide a solution, one needs to
have a sufficiently clear understanding of definitely
all algorithms. This insight lead to the emergence of
a general theory of algorithms or, in other terms, of
effective computability (Rogers jr., 1967).
There are largely varying approaches primarily
by authors such as Alonzo Church (Church, 1936),
Stephen C. Kleene (Kleene, 1936), Emil Post (Post,
1936), and Alan M. Turing (Turing, 1936). All
these attempts to specificy computability, in general,
turn out to be provably equivalent (see (Machtey and
Young, 1978), e.g.)–an evidence for the so-called
CHURCHs Thesis that each formalization correctly
reflects the true nature of computability (see (Church,
1936), footnote 2, page 346).
Relying on CHURCHs Thesis, it is sufficient to
study one of these approaches in detail. For the pur-
pose of the research and the applications in higher
education reported in this paper, the authors have
selected the concept of partial recursive functions
originating from (G¨odel, 1931) and (Kleene, 1936)
(see also (P´eter, 1981)).
The underlying key idea of this approach is to be-
gin with a few obviously computable functions and to
define the class of all computable functions to be the
closure under a few obviously computable operators.
Every constant function is computable.
The successor function is computable.
The projection on an argument is computable
Substitution inherits computability.
Limited recursion inherits computability.
The minimum operator inherits computability.
The first three items above specify the basic functions,
whereas the following three items name the operators.
Illustrative applications will follow in section 6.
Conventionally, studies of recursive function theory
involve much writing of terms and term equations
describing certain functions. Suppose s denotes the
successor function and p
(for any m and n with
n m) denotes the m-ary projection function which
selects the nth element of any m-tupel.
add(x, 0) = p
(x) = 1 (1)
add(x, s(y)) = s(p
(x, y, a(x, y))) (2)
is a definition of addition add by means of limited re-
cursion which is the abstract form of inductive defini-
tion (the terminus technicus is “primitive recursion”).
Imagine that, instead of writing formulas as shown
above, functions appear as media objects. Imagine
the same applies to operators for the construction of
new functions. Instead of writing equations, you may
grasp an operator media object (very much in the
sense of grasping in (MacKenzie and Iberall, 1994))
and, in addition, you may grasp some function objects
to plug them into the input slots of the operator object.
In the end, you get a new media object describing a
certain new function.
The enormous advantage of directly manipulat-
ing objects is that the newly constructed one at the
learner’s fingertips is operational.
Figure 1: Two function objects and an operator object in
use; the learner plugging the Projection object into the
Primitive Recursion object by dragging it with her fingers
into the slot of the operator object (at the figure’s bottom).
Pondering the correctness of your construction,
there is no need to stare at a formula. Instead, you
simply play with your construct putting some values
in and looking for the outcome.
In particular, error-prone symbol manipulations
are avoided. Instead, learners can concentrate on the
key phenomena of setting up some new definition. In
particular, variants can be explored easily. Last but
not least, it may be more or less fun to manipulate ob-
jects physically on a touch screen or on an interactive
whiteboard. In contrast, it has been rarely reported
that writing lengthy formulas is considered any fun.
Independent of computer science and engineering and
of media technologies, Richard Dawkins (1976) has
published an influential book on the evolution of
thought. Excited by these ideas, Susan Blackmore
(Blackmore, 1999) is discussing the philosophical
reach of Dawkins’ perspective.
Dawkins’ key concept is named Meme used to de-
note the building blocks of human thought somehow
similar to the genes building the characteristics of the
whole human being. Yuzuru Tanaka has accepted the
challenge, so to speak, from a computer science and
media technology perspective (Tanaka, 2003). His
pioneering work aims at concepts and implementa-
tions that result in environmental conditions for the
computer-supported evolution of human knowledge–
memes `a la Dawkins being digitalized and prepared
for digital evolution. Accordingly, Tanaka speaks
about Meme Media.
From a somehow technocratic point of view, par-
ticular meme media technologies as described in
(Tanaka, 2003) establish some middleware which is
particularly suitable for the development of systems
in which knowledge evolution plays a prominent role.
Pads are the meme media object encapsulating knowl-
edge. Knowledge units can be subject to mutation or
cross-over. Though these manipulations are executed
by humans, the overall outcome of such a knowledge
evolution process is usually unforeseeable.
Early versions of meme media middleware have
been named IntelligentPad stressing that meme me-
dia objects appear like pads on a screen which can be
directly manipulated by dragging and dropping and,
thus, combining them to form new composite pads.
The most recent variant of meme media middle-
ware is named Webble to abbreviate Web-based life-
like entities”. Webbles, so to speak, live in browser
windows as illustrated by means of figure 2. The roots
of the technology are due to Tanaka and Kuwahara
Figure 2: A virtual laboratory based on Webble technology.
(Kuwahara and Tanaka, 2009).
The authors have set up some environment to host
a variety of media objects for computable functions
and for operators which allow for the composition of
any further computable functions. As will be shown
below, the environment contains all basic functions
and all operators necessary to define any computable
function (Rogers jr., 1967), (Machtey and Young,
1978), (P´eter, 1981).
Hence, this little environment is capable of re-
presenting anything computable. It implements the
fundamentals of a full recursion theory accessible by
means of direct media manipulation–computability
theory at your fingertips.
6.1 Webbles for Basic Functions
The functions needed initially are
the unary successor function s,
all constant functions c
of any arity n,
all projection functions p
selecting the mth ele-
ment out of n given arguments (for any m n).
The repository originally contains a few basic
functions as on display in figure 3.
In case other initial functions are needed, they are
easily generated by duplicating one of the original
functions and, successively, setting parameters. For
illustration, the lowest Webble shown represents p
It may be easily edited to select the second instead of
the first input, that way becoming p
, or to work for
one more argument, that way becoming p
Figure 3: The initial functions of Primitive Recursion.
6.2 Webbles for Operations
The set of all computable functions, usually named
the partial recursive functions (Rogers jr., 1967), may
be generated, if the three operators
substitution of functions,
limited, i.e. so-called primitive, recursion,
minimum operator
are available.
Note that in figure 4 the values “-1” in the output
slots indicate some failure, because the operators are
not in use.
Substitution as shown above is prepared for the
substitution of one unary function into another one.
One may easily edit the scheme, for instance, to al-
low for the substitution of one binary function into
one unary function or, alternatively, to allow for the
substitution of two unary functions into some binary
one. These two examples are on display in figure 5.
The other operators may be easily edited similarly.
6.3 Direct Manipulation of Definitions
Direct manipulation, loosely saying, means that you
are able to take a media object directly, move it to
a place where you would like to have it, and per-
form what you want to do–turning around, rescaling,
setting parameters, and the like–immediately. Using
modern interfaces, you can do it with your own hands.
Figure 4: Operators necessary and sufficient for generating
the complete collection of all Partial Recursive Functions.
Figure 5: Two more variants of the substitution operator.
When students shall learn that for the purpose of
defining a particular target function, one has to substi-
tute some given original into another function given
as well, they should be allowed to do it by hand, so
to speak. The physical activity is assumed to support
cognition (Barsalou and Wiemer-Hastings, 2005).
When using Webbles for direct manipulation, a
standard activity is to drag and drop the one media
object over the other to plug it in. See the figure 6
below for a simple illustration.
The figure displays a real screenshot of the authors’
learning environment within moodle in which three
subsequent phases are overlayed in a single window,
for the sake of comparison.
In phase one, the learner takes some media object
(the one with the big dot at its left upper corner) to
drag and drop it over another composite object into
its apparently empty slot. Then, the object is latch-
ing automatically. The result is shown as a composite
media object on the right side of figure 6–phase two
Figure 6: Phases of a function definition by drag & drop.
of the construction. With some click to the object, the
learner may open a menu offering further opportuni-
ties. There is the action of grouping or, so to speak,
hiding details. After performing this activity as phase
three of the overall assembly process, the composite
object appears as displayed at the bottom.
Learners may define any computable function in
this way simply dragging and dropping elementary
objects or those constructed before as intermediate
stages of a more complex construction process.
To automatically lock objects in place is a very
convenient support to the human learner, but several
alternatives exist (Fujima, 2010).
According to the authors’ experience (varying up
to 25 years) in teaching computer science courses, a
remarkable percentage of students have difficulties in
understanding partiality of recursive functions theory.
It is always a sticking point to define one’s first partial
recursive function that is not total. One has to think of
processes that terminate sometimes, but not always.
It is crucial to employ the minimum operator–
usually denoted by µ–appropriately. In the case of
defining some unary function f , the terminology
f(x) = µy[g(x, y) = 0] (3)
means the value of f on input x is defined to be the
smallest y such that g(x, y) equals 0. Obviously, in
case g(x, y) is always greater than zero, the value f(x)
remains undefined. The minimum operator represents
the most abstract concept of unbounded search.
In several exercises, the function exact is defined
as follows
exact(x, y) = (sq(y)
x) + (x
sq(y)) (4)
where sq(y) is the square of y and the subtraction in
use yields zero if the second argument is not smaller
than the first one. Students may be encouraged to play
Figure 7: Exploring how the minimum operator works.
with some functions like this and with the minimum
operator (see figure 7 above).
The advantage of direct manipulation becomes
obvious. Learners can playfully explore the theory.
From some methodologicalpoint of view, the authors’
approach towards learning of abstract concepts and
of their properties and mutual relations may be seen
as an experiment to support Barsalous and Wiemer-
Hasting’s fourth hypothesis that “the content of ab-
stract concepts could, in principle, be simulated” (see
(Barsalou and Wiemer-Hastings, 2005), pp. 136/137).
From a technological point of view, the approach may
be understood as just another case of using Webble
technology for playful learning (Fujima et al., 2010).
Direct manipulation may be fun (Xie et al., 2008)
benefical to learning–evenextremely abstract content.
7.1 Exploratory Learning
Let us take the illustration from gure 7 in the column
on the left as an easy case study. The function object
(top right) which is plugged into the minimum oper-
ator object has been constructed beforehand. Taking
the requirements of partial recursive function theory
definitions (P´eter, 1981) seriously, a formally com-
plete specification of the mentioned function object
requires an equational specification as shown in the
Conventionally, the application of the minimum
operator to the function exact would be written as
f(x) = µy[exact(x, y) = 0] (5)
Would you as a reader, personally, like to compute
the value f(225), e.g., according to this definition tak-
ing the ten equations from the appendix as a basis?
How easy is it to derive characteristics of the function
f from its equational specification?
The authors are clearly in favor of exploratory
learning which is supported by the operationality of
composite media objects such as the one next to the
bottom of figure 7.
Experimenting with media objects at your finger-
tips, you can easily find out that on input 225 you get
the output 15 as shown in figure 7. Some additional
explorations yield further insights such as, e.g., that
there are outputs in response to the inputs 1 and 4,
but no response to 2 and 3.
Interested learners might now go further and
explore why there are no outputs in these cases.
Some might inspect the defining equations in detail.
Others might, instead, decompose the media object
and inspect the data flow and transformation in its
components–direct manipulation and exploration.
7.2 Game-based Learning
Webbles implementing partial recursive functions of-
fer a large number of opportunities for competitiveex-
ercises and playful exploration, although the domain
is extremely abstract and formulas are frequently
It is somehow exciting that most–if not all–of the
deeper insights into computable functions theory lead
to numerous specific exercises.
The fundamental KLEENE normal form theorem
(see (Rogers jr., 1967), §1.10, p. 30) may serve as a
convenient introductory example. Roughly, although
applications of the minimum operator may be iterated
several times, this basic theorem says that for any
computable function there is no need for more than
just one call of the minimum operator. The theorem
may be summarized by the following simple equality
for any computable function f of n arguments.
, . . . , x
) = α( µy[ β(i, x
, . . . , x
, y) = 0 ] ) (6)
Here, α and β are two universal functions definable
without any application of the minimum operator and
i is some index specific for f. By the way, α and β are
just primitive recursive decodings and encodings.
It follows a certain generic exercise based on the
KLEENE normal form theorem:
Provide any function definition using two or more
calls of the minimum operator. Ask students for the
simplest alternative Webble media object describing
the same particular function, but using the minimum
operator Webble (as shown in figure 7) at most once.
Competitions of this type are complicated by the
problem to demonstrate that a certain proposed alter-
native is correct. In general, the equivalence problem
for definitions of partial recursive functions is known
to be undecidable (Rogers jr., 1967).
To sum up, competitive exercises as sketched here
may lead to a variety of deeper problems such as, e.g.,
program equivalence which may be experienced by
the learners in a quite playful manner. In this way, we
return from competition to exploration.
In another game, one might proceed as follows:
Peel off an inner media object.
An opponent has to find another object for plug-in
leading to an inequivalent definition.
If the opponent fails, he looses. Otherwise, the
players’ roles are exchanged and it becomes the
opponent’s turn to peel off some object.
The game ends when constructions are repeated.
To complete the present section, readers should
recall that the current practice of teaching recursive
function theory is far from being fun on both sides–
the teachers and the students.
Direct manipulation, in its early years, has been
seen as a paradigm for alleviating severe bottlenecks
of human-computer interaction (Shneiderman, 1982),
(Shneiderman, 1983), (Hutchins et al., 1985). More
recently, it has developed into a paradigm supportive
to human understanding in highly involved studies.
(Thalheim, 2008) provides some valuable approach
to teaching SQL. Thalheim’s approach, however, is
much less operational than the present one, because
his Visual SQL queries are not functional. They still
need to be translated. In contrast, the authors’ partial
recursive functions Webbles are ready to run and they
respond to any data input by processing the data.
The implementation of computability theory by
means of Webble technology described in the paper’s
preceding sections has been embedded into some
Moodle learning environment for seamless curricular
integration. It is currently in use in university level
courses on Theoretical Computer Science.
In this environment, the students find a certain
repository of Webbles sufficient to construct arbitrary
computable functions. This provides, so to speak,
computability theory at the students’ fingertips.
There are exercises that enforce students’ collabo-
ration. In particular, students are encouraged to work
together on a project exchanging composite Webbles.
In some sense, this may be seen as a Web 2.0
approach to the study of computability theory, be-
cause learners contribute their own constructs to some
repository which may be used within the community.
In particular, there are tasks that establish con-
tests and encourage students to compete for optimal
solutions. That way some of the exercises are get-
ting close to games and studying computability theory
may become a bit playful.
Foremost, the implementation provides a practical
case study in which learning of rather involved and far
reaching abstract content is substantially supported by
active learning based on direct media manipulation,
exploration, and play.
Within the oral presentation of the present paper
as well as in the related discussion, the authors will be
able to report their recent experiences from teaching
during the Summer term 2012.
However, it is the present authors’ strong believe
that experimentation and systematic evaluation, in
particular, is a field of scientific work in its own right.
This paper is a contribution to e-learning technologies
introducing Webbles as a middleware for exploratory
and playfully learning studying an abstract domain.
The present contribution is intended to set the stage
for direct manipulation approaches to studies of
highly abstract domains such as computability theory.
The basics have been prepared and some complete
implementation–including its integration into some
Moodle environment–has been provided. Further-
more, a couple of scenarios of exploration and playful
competition have been developed.
This way, the authors are facing now systematic
experimentations and evaluations. The results should
be published in some subsequent paper, but go beyond
the limits of the present short paper.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation
with a larger number of scientists and engineers who
contributed to the development of IntelligenPad and
Webble technologies providing cases of application.
Micke Kuwahara deserves particular thanks.
Furthermore, they gratefully acknowledge the
support by colleagues to introduce the development
reported in the present paper into higher education
practice including some students providing feedback.
Andr´e Schulz is the one who has always kept our
computability Webbles running in Moodle.
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add(x, 0) = p
(x) (7)
add(x, s(y)) = s(p
(x, y, add(x, y))) (8)
mult(x, 0) = c
(x) (9)
mult(x, s(y)) = add(p
(x, y, mult(x, y)), p
(x, y, mult(x, y))) (10)
sq(x) = mult(x, x) (11)
pred(0) = 0 (12)
pred(s(y)) = p
(y) (13)
subtr(x, 0) = p
(x) (14)
subtr(x, s(y)) = pred(p
(x, y, subtr(x, y)) (15)
exact(x, y) = add(subtr(p
(x, y), sq(p
(x, y))), subtr(sq(p
(x, y)), p
(x, y))) (16)