Satoshi Ikeda, Nobuharu Kami and Takashi Yoshikawa
System Platforms Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, 1753 Shimonumabe, Nakahara, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
TF-IDF, Context Awareness, Keyword Ranking.
The spread of microblogging services, such as Twitter, has made it possible to extract location-dependent
context such as keywords specific to a geographical region, with fine granularity. The results of content
analysis of microblogging services are affected by users who post excessive messages. In addition, because
geographical granularity of users’ interests differs, it is preferable to support multiple levels of granularity for
usability. Thus, we propose a ranking method of location-dependent keywords based on a term frequency-
inverse document frequency method, which takes into account diversity of information sources and supports
multiple zoom levels of geographical areas by approximation. We evaluated our ranking method with a real
dataset from Twitter and showed its effectiveness. We also describe a prototype implementation of a system
using our ranking method.
Microblogging services, such as Twitter, have been
spreading worldwide in recent years. A characteristic
of users frequently updating their status has made it
possible to obtain users’ context information with fine
granularity in real time.
Accordingly, user content from microblogging
services has been widely leveraged as a research ob-
ject of user context (Tumasjan, Sprenger, Sandner
and Welpe, 2010; Chen, Nairn, Nelson, Bernstein
and Chi, 2010). In particular, context based on ge-
ographical location information, location-dependent
context, is notable since users’ activities are closely
related to their location. Moreover, the popularization
of smartphones equipped with GPS receivers has en-
couraged research on location-dependent context. In
fact, many studies analyzing content from microblog-
ging services based on geographical location infor-
mation have been conducted (Arakawa, Tagshira and
Fukuda, 2010; Sakaki, Okazaki and Matsuo, 2010).
One way to express location-dependent context
is to extract and rank location-dependent keywords,
which characterize a geographical region by analyz-
ing content from microblogging services. In content
analysis of microblogging services, the impact of ad-
vertisement messages must be taken into consider-
ation. Since microblogging services are also used
as advertisement tools, malicious users may try to
compromise the analysis result by posting a large
number of messages. Though spam filtering with
a Bayesian filter (Sahami, Dumais, Heckerman and
Horvitz, 1998) would be considered effective to de-
termine whether a message is an advertisement or
not, it requires training using sample messages in ad-
vance. Moreover, it is difficult to determine what
should be filtered out as malicious since an adver-
tisement message may be useful if it contains con-
text related to its location. Hence, it is not adequate
to filter out all advertisement messages. Addition-
ally, the granularity of geographical areas with which
location-dependent context is analyzed is important.
For instance, an application that analyzes and visu-
alizes location-dependent keywords should use geo-
graphical areas with appropriate granularity based on
the zoom level of a map because sizes of geographical
areas in which users are interested may differ. There-
fore, it is preferable to support multiple levels of gran-
ularity with a method that can reduce computational
cost and database size, because a naive approach must
calculate and store ranking scores for all zoom levels.
We propose a ranking method of location-
dependent keywords, which enhances a term
frequency-invert document frequency (TF-IDF)
method (Salton and Buckley, 1988). Diversity of
information sources is taken into consideration with
our method. Specifically, by penalizing keywords
with low diversity of users, the impact of excessive
Ikeda S., Kami N. and Yoshikawa T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003905206070615
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 607-615
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
repeating of messages by a few users is mitigated.
Additionally, our ranking method supports multiple
zoom levels of geographical areas by TF-IDF ap-
proximation. With this approximation, we need not
to calculate and store TF and DF values for all zoom
levels because values for only several zoom levels
are stored and TF-IDF values for the intermediate
zoom levels are interpolated. From evaluations
using an actual dataset from Twitter, we show the
effectiveness of user diversity and the accuracy of
TF-IDF approximation. We also introduce a proto-
type implementation of a system using our ranking
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 introduces our ranking method of location-
dependent keywords. Section 3 describes the proto-
type implementation of a system using our ranking
method. Section 4 discusses the evaluation of the ef-
fect of user diversity and approximation used in our
ranking method. Related work is discussed in Section
5, and Section 6 gives the conclusions.
In this section, we introduce our location-dependent
keyword ranking method that enhances a TF-IDF
method. In our method, diversity of information
sources is utilized to suppress the impact of loud
users. Moreover, our method supports multiple zoom
levels of geographical areas by TF-IDF approxima-
2.1 Application of TF-IDF
The basic idea for extracting location context is to ap-
ply a TF-IDF method to ranking location-dependent
In contrast to original TF-IDF for determining
how important a word is to a document in a collec-
tion of documents, the purpose of our approach is to
determine how important a word is to a geographical
area. For this purpose, we regard a collection of mes-
sages posted in a geographical area as a document of
the TF-IDF method. A geographical point, latitude
and longitude, tagged in a message is converted into
a location label representing an area the point is lo-
cated in. An area represented by a location label is
one cell of a square grid on the Mercator projection
of the earth. The size of an area is determined by
zoom level. Specifically, a single cell covers almost
the whole earth at zoom level 0 and is divided into
four cells for each additional zoom level.
To label geographical points, we use tile coor-
dinates, which are used in the Google Maps API
(Google Inc., 2009) and reference a specific tile on
a map at a specific zoom level. The tile coordinates
(x,y) at zoom level z are determined from a geograph-
ical point with latitude ϕ and longitude λ as follows:
x =
π+ λ
(π λ < π)
y =
π ln(tanϕ+ secϕ)
< ϕ ϕ
where ϕ
is latitude ϕ such that tanϕ+ secϕ = e
, that
is, approximately 1.484 rad (approx. 85.05 degrees).
For instance, tile coordinates (0,0) at zoom level 0
includes almost the whole earth.
We consider a TF-IDF-based keyword ranking
method for each area whose location is expressed in
the tile coordinate system. A TF-IDF value for a word
w in an area with a location label l of tile coordinates
(x,y) at a specific zoom level is calculated as follows:
= tf
· idf
where tf
is the number of occurrences of w in l. The
inverse document frequency idf
is defined as:
= log
where n
is the number of areas where w occurs at
least once.
To accurately rank location-dependent keywords,
we need to pay attention to a definition of N, which is
simply the number of all areas in the case of the orig-
inal TF-IDF method. Some words are given an unex-
pectedly high ranking score especially when a zoom
level is high in which the minimum and maximum DF
values tend to be close if we simply select the num-
ber of all areas for N. If we instead take the num-
ber of “active areas that accommodate at least one
word, this unexpected ranking problem is mitigated
since we can exaggerate the difference in the location-
dependence of words by enlarging the difference be-
tween the minimum and maximum DF values. Yet,
there is still room for improvement and we propose to
use max
) instead of these selections of N. Fig-
ure 1 plots these selections of N against various zoom
levels for a dataset. If the number of all areas is se-
lected as N at zoom level 16, the IDF value of a word
with the maximum DF value is about 9.3 and the IDF
value of a word that occurs at a single area is about
23.0. This means that, for least and most location-
dependent keywords w
and w
, w
is ranked higher
than w
if w
occurs only thrice of w
. On the other
hand, if the number of active areas is selected as N,
the IDF values respectively change to 2.5 and 16.2.
By adopting the maximum DF value as N, IDF values
for the least location-dependent keywords are zero.
Consequently, a least location-dependent keyword is
always ranked lowest.
Figure 1: Selection of N in TF-IDF.
2.2 User Diversity Weighting
Microblogging services are also leveraged for com-
mercial advertisements and announcements from
public institutions. For instance, some restaurants
provide time-limited coupons and some fire depart-
ments announce information on responses to 911
In such cases, the frequency of posts from such
services is relatively high on a constant basis such as
tens of posts a day. Moreover, since these services
usually use message templates, the messages have a
strong tendency to include specific words related to
the services or the users. As a consequence, TF val-
ues of such user specific keywords tend to increase,
as well as TF-IDF values. This indicates that mali-
cious users can easily juggle keyword ranking sim-
ply by posting a large number of messages with target
To prevent such user-specific keywords from be-
coming too influential, we introduce using a diversity
index of each keyword, which is a measure that rep-
resents how many users equally originate a keyword,
for penalizing the ranking scores of those keywords.
There are several diversity indices such as Shan-
non’s diversity index and Simpson’s diversity index.
We use Simpson’s due to its simple definition. The
user diversity index for a word w in an area l is de-
fined as follows:
= 1
where U is a set of users, n
is the number of occur-
rences of w in l, and the user term frequency n
the number of occurrences of w from a user u in l.
We use the user diversity index to lower the rank-
ing of keywords from malicious users. This index
ranges from zero to one and approaches one when a
word is uniformly posted by many users. Because of
these characteristics, the ranking of keywords from
malicious users is lowered simply by multiplying TF-
IDF values by the user diversity index. We define
diversity-weighted TF-IDF (DTF-IDF) as follows:
= D
· tfidf
2.3 Zoom Support
It is preferable to provide rankings for each zoom
level for usability since the granularity of interest may
differ among users. Because a change in zoom level
alters the geographical partitioning, the simplest solu-
tion is to calculate and store TF-IDF values for each
zoom level. However, this requires a huge database
whose size is approximately proportional to the num-
ber of TF entries. Moreover, the computational cost
is also roughly proportional to these entries. Figure 2
shows the number of TF entries for each zoom level
for a dataset of actual tweets collected from Twitter,
which is described in detail in Section 4. If we main-
tain TF tables at each zoom level from 7 to 16, we
need to keep about 15 million TF entries. Addition-
ally, calculation of the user diversityindex in real time
needs to maintain the number of occurrences of words
at all areas for each user. The total database size re-
quired for the dataset was about 1.3 GB.
Figure 2: Number of TF entries at each zoom level.
To reduce the database size, we introduce an ap-
proximation approach for calculating TF-IDF values.
Instead of maintaining calculated results for all zoom
levels, calculated results are stored for several zoom
levels to the database and TF-IDF values for the omit-
ted zoom levels are approximated from the stored
zoom levels. This approximation approach also has
another advantage in that it supports various sizes of
a target area. An approximated TF-IDF value for an
area consisting of 3 × 3 sub-areas, for example, can
be calculated with this approximation approach even
if partitioning with 3× 3 sub-areas is not supported.
2.3.1 IDF Approximation
For approximating TF-IDF values, IDF values for the
omitted zoom levels must be estimated. This can be
accomplished by interpolating DF values.
In general, location dependency of keywords
varies according to the size of the target areas. For
instance, if the size is large enough, a name of a
nationwide chain store would have least location-
dependency (IDF value) since the name would be
posted in almost all areas. In contrast, in a small
area, the name would have a relatively high depen-
dency since it would be posted within a narrow range
near the stores. Hence, we cannot simply use an IDF
value for other zoom levels available in a database as
the value for the target zoom level. Therefore, appro-
priate DF values should be used for TF-IDF approxi-
While one might think variations in DF values for
all words have similar tendency to the number of ar-
eas, this is not the case. Figure 3 shows variations
in DF values of some words and the number of ac-
tive areas. The DF values monotonically increase as
the zoom level increases. The shapes of the curves,
however, differ from each other including “# of ac-
tive areas”. The DF value of “aid response” increases
quickly from zoom level 13 to 16. In contrast, the
DF value of san francisco” increases gradually in this
Figure 3: DF values for some words for each level. Line
with “# of active areas” is number of areas having at least
one word.
The tendency seen in Figure 3 is that the segments
that result from splitting the curves several ways
are roughly approximated by straight lines in linear-
log space. Hence, some interpolation approaches in
linear-log space are used to yield good approximation
results. With linear interpolation in linear-log space,
we store DF values for K zoom levels {ξ
with ξ
< ξ
. The DF value df
at zoom level
z (ξ
) is interpolated by the following equa-
= df
A maximum DF value used for calculating IDF values
is also approximated by this equation.
2.3.2 TF Approximation
Precise TF values are calculated from those at a larger
zoom level by just summing up TF values in all sub-
areas included in a target area for each word. The
user diversity indices are also calculated by aggregat-
ing user term frequencies in all sub-areas.
However, the computational cost of calculating
TF-IDF values from TF and DF tables is not negli-
gible since aggregation is required per query. Figure
4 shows the number of words in the top 250 areas in
decreasing order for zoom levels 7, 10, 13, and 16.
Figure 4: Number of words in top 250 areas in decreasing
There were 144,251 words in the area with the
largest number of words at zoom level 7. If the naive
approach is taken, it requires aggregation for all the
words per query for accuracy. Because of this, it is
not realistic to calculate precise values for such areas
with a large amount of words.
Hence, approximation is taken for TF aggregation
to reduce the computational cost in areas with thou-
sands of words. Our approximation approach limits
the number of words taken from each sub-area, that
is, for some integer k, only the words with top k TF
values in each sub-area are taken for aggregation and
the others are ignored.
While this approximation may yield TF-IDF rank-
ings with less accuracy, the choice of k can improve
accuracy. Undoubtedly, a large enough k results in
precise TF values, while it increases the computa-
tional cost. The effect on rankings of this approxi-
mation is evaluated in Section 4.3.
With the ranking method described above, we imple-
mented a ranking system for location-dependent key-
words. In this section, we briefly introduce our rank-
ing system.
3.1 Architecture
The system architecture is shown in Figure 5. Our
system collects geotagged tweets from Twitter using
the Streaming API (Twitter Inc., 2010), making it pos-
sible to collect tweets within a specific geographical
area in real time.
Tweet Table
Term Freq.
Doc Freq.
TF Table DF Table
Tweet Table
User Interface
Figure 5: Architecture of our ranking system.
When the system receives a tweet via the Stream-
ing API, the geographical point (latitude, longitude)
of the tweet is converted to a location label (tile coor-
dinates) which represents a geographical area. Next,
nouns (or noun phrases) in the tweet are extracted as
candidate keywords. We use a part-of-speech (POS)
tagger for noun extraction. To show tweets that con-
tain such nouns, the mapping between a tweet and the
nouns are stored in a database. Then, the number of
occurrences of nouns are updated and stored into the
TF table. At the same time, user term frequencies are
also stored for calculating user diversity indices. If a
noun is found to be the first occurrence in the area in
the TF counting process, the DF value of the noun is
also updated and stored in the DF table. Thus, the TF
and DF tables are kept updated in real time. A rank-
ing is generated per request by calculating DTF-IDF
scores using the approximation described in Section
On a machine with Intel Xeon 3.1 GHz and 4 GB
memory, the response time per request is shorter than
300 milliseconds even for areas with a large number
of words if the database is in memory. In contrast, it
is shorter than 100 milliseconds for rural areas with
not many words. The response time is considered to
be improved by caching generated rankings for areas
that requests concentrate on.
3.2 User Interface
Our system ranks keywords depending on a specified
geographical area by analyzing tweets with geograph-
ical information. Figure 6 shows a user interface of
the ranking system. When a user clicks at a point on
the map, a keyword ranking in an area that contains
the clicked point is displayed on the right side. While
only the top 13 keywords are shown in Figure 6, the
ranking area is scrollable and the top 100 rankings are
calculated by default. A user can look at tweets that
contain a keyword by selecting it if he or she wants
to know why the keyword is rated highly. The zoom
level of tile coordinates used to specify a target area is
basically one zoom level larger than that of the map.
In other words, the size of a target area varies by the
zoom level of the map. This makes it possible for
users to specify a target area with granularity of inter-
Figure 6: User interface.
Although the prototype system simply provides a
keyword ranking, the ranking can be used also for
keyword recommendation or completion. When one
inputs a text with a smartphone out the door espe-
cially at a location that he or she visit for the first
time, its content should relate closely his or her geo-
graphical context. By recommendation or completion
of location-dependent keywords, he or she would be
able to notice the excitement at the location which is
usually passed over unnoticed.
We obtained 866,420 geotagged tweets via the Twit-
ter Streaming API from Sept. 3 to Sept. 16, 2011.
The geographical area covering the west coast of the
United States was specified as the query parameter.
Table 1: Example results of user diversity weighting.
rank keyword diversity keyword diversity
1 arts festival 0.97 arts festival 0.97
2 seattle 0.99 seattle 0.99
3 bainbridge island 0.48 bumbershoot 0.97
4 aid response 0.00 space needle 0.96
5 bumbershoot 0.97 keyarena 0.93
6 space needle 0.96 golden gardens park 0.92
7 keyarena 0.93 ballard 0.95
8 golden gardens park 0.92 bainbridge island 0.48
9 new listing 0.00 alki beach 0.92
10 e 21 0.00 woodland park zoo 0.74
The south-west and north-east corners of the area
were respectively (32.0, -125.0) and (49.0, -114.0).
We evaluated the effect of the user diversity
weighting, errors in IDF approximation, and the ef-
fect of approximation on keyword rankings using this
4.1 User Diversity Weighting
Table 1 lists the example results of the effect of user
diversity weighting. These are top ten rankings of
location-dependent keywords with and without user
diversity weighting in the area with tile coordinates
(163, 357), a section of Seattle, WA, at zoom level
The TF-IDF ranking without user diversity
weighting contained keywords of ‘aid response’, ‘new
listing’ and ‘e 21’. Of these keywords, ‘aid response’
and ‘e 21’ were a part of announcements related to
911 calls posted by one user, and new listing’ was
a part of advertisements from a real-estate agency.
Though they are indeed location-dependent in the
sense that they have large IDF values, the ranks are
considered to be overrated due to one user’s massive
With user diversity weighting, the ranking is ad-
justed so that the impact of loud users are mitigated.
The keywords above were filtered out by the user di-
versity index of 0.00. At the same time, keywords
posted by many users can maintain higher ranks. For
instance, the keyword bumbershoot’, a name of a fes-
tival, which was posted by 40 users, had a user diver-
sity index of 0.97 and its rank rose from 5th to 3rd.
4.2 IDF Approximation
Cubic interpolation in linear-log space also promises
a better outcome than linear interpolation since it
yields smooth and continuous curves that linear inter-
polation can not yield. In this section, we compare the
linear interpolation of DF values described in Section
2.3.1 with cubic interpolation. The comparison re-
sults show that the two interpolations of DF values in
linear-log space did not show significant differences
in errors of approximated IDF values.
There were 432,132 words in the dataset, and
374,992 words of them had the same DF values at
zoom levels 7 and 16. Since such words yield no er-
rors by the interpolations, these words were excluded
from the evaluation. We evaluated the error in IDF
values of the remaining 57,140 words. We used DF
values at zoom levels 7, 10, 13 and 16 and approxi-
mated IDF values at the six intermediate levels.
Errors of approximated IDF values are summa-
rized in Table 2. The errors are classified by the range
of precise IDF values (precise IDF). In both interpo-
lation methods, the errors tend to decrease as IDF
values decrease. The fact of low errors for words
with small IDF values indicates that approximation
can keep location-independent words as they are.
Another finding is that there is no significant dif-
ference in both Rooted Mean Squared Errors (RM-
SEs) and Mean Absolute Errors (MAEs) between lin-
ear and cubic interpolations. In both methods, RMSE
and MAE were respectively about 0.24 and 0.19.
From the evaluation results, the approximation
by cubic interpolation had no significant advantages
compared with linear interpolation. In contrast to lin-
ear interpolation requiring only two zoom levels, cu-
bic interpolation requires at least four zoom levels.
This would increase database access and computa-
tional cost. For this reason, we chose linear interpola-
tion for approximation.
4.3 Effect on Rankings
As mentioned above, for ranking location-dependent
keywords, it is not necessarily required to calculate
precise TF-IDF values for all candidate words. The
important thing is to provide precise ranking against
perfect ranking which is obtained from precise TF-
IDF calculations.
Table 2: Comparison of approximation errors.
Linear Cubic
precise IDF RMSE MAE RMSE MAE rate (%)
< 2.0 0.082 0.065 0.090 0.071 1.3
< 4.0 0.150 0.122 0.154 0.123 8.9
< 6.0 0.235 0.185 0.225 0.178 19.3
< 8.0 0.257 0.182 0.270 0.196 24.9
8.0 0.261 0.213 0.255 0.209 45.6
ALL 0.245 0.190 0.244 0.190
For evaluation of rankings by the approxima-
tion described in Section 2.3.2, we used the normal-
ized discounted cumulative gain nDCG
(J¨arvelin and
Kek¨al¨ainen, 2002). nDCG
for a top-k ranking is de-
fined as:
where DCG
= R
i). R
is the rele-
vance value of a word at rank i, which takes a large
value if the word strongly depends on the location,
and iDCG
is DCG
for perfect ranking. From this
definition, nDCG
is such a value that the more simi-
lar a ranking is to an ideal one, the closer it is to one.
Thus, if nDCG
for an approximated ranking is close
to one, the approximation is considered to be highly
accurate. We use precise TF-IDF values of a word at
rank i as relevance R
since a word with a higher TF-
IDF value is considered to be strongly dependent on a
geographical area.
In the evaluation below, the results in Figures 7, 8
and 9 are the average nDCG
values of the top ten ar-
eas with a large number of words at a specified zoom
Figure 7 shows the evaluation results for TF ap-
proximation at zoom level 8 using TF values at the
base zoom level of 10. The x-axis represents the
number of TF entries used in the approximation. If
it is 1,600, for instance, the top 100 TF entries for
each sub-area are collected since there are 16 sub-
areas to aggregate. In this evaluation, we used the
precise IDF values without approximation and ranked
by TF-IDF instead of DTF-IDF values, without user
diversity weighting, to evaluate the effect of TF ap-
The number of entries per sub-area to achieve a
highly accurate ranking is not large. There were about
275,000 words on average in the top ten areas at zoom
level 8. For k = 10, 25, and 100, respectively, about
only 70, 140, and 310 TF entries per sub-area were
needed to achieve nDCG
over 0.99. Since the av-
erage number of words per area is less than that at
smaller zoom levels, TF entries required to achieve
this accuracy are considered to be less than these re-
sults for a zoom level larger than 8.
Figure 7: Evaluation of TF approximation at zoom level 8
by aggregating TF entries at base zoom level 10.
The differences among base zoom levels at which
TF values were used to approximate TF values at
zoom level 8 are shown in Figure 8. Similar to the
evaluation above, we used TF-IDF rankings with pre-
cise IDF values and the approximated TF values with-
out user diversity weighting. For z
= 8, approxima-
tion was performed simply by ignoring words with
low TF values. For base zoom levels z
= 9 and
= 10, there were respectively 2× 2 and 4× 4 sub-
areas to aggregate.
The results show that the total number of TF en-
tries required for equivalent accuracy is not propor-
tional to the number of sub-areas. For nDCG
0.99, the required total entries doubled or tripled
when the base zoom level increases by one while the
number of sub-areas increases to four times.
In the next evaluation, the effect of IDF approx-
imation is taken into consideration. Figure 9 shows
values with and without IDF approximation.
With IDF approximation, the nDCG
takes small
values compared to the case without approximation
regardless of k. This is because the errors in IDF ap-
proximation make perfect ranking impossible. To be
more precise, in a TF-IDF result ranking with IDF
approximation, since the approximated TF-IDF val-
ues are not necessarily the same as the precise ones,
it is impossible to generate a perfect ranking even if
all TF entries for each sub-area are aggregated. How-
ever, our approximation is considered to have good
Figure 8: Evaluation of approximation for different base
zoom levels z
Figure 9: Effect of IDF approximation.
accuracy since the differences in nDCG
between the
cases with and without IDF approximation are less
than 0.02.
Many studies have been conducted for analyzing con-
tent in microblogging services and leveraged geo-
graphical location context. Arakawa et al. (2010) in-
troduced an extraction method of location-dependent
keywordsby extracting grids with high density of spe-
cific keywords using breadth-first search. It needs
to specify a target keyword to calculate its depen-
dency and is suitable for detecting locations the key-
word depends on. On the other hand, it is not suit-
able for ranking keywords that depend on a specific
location. TwitterStands (Sankaranarayanan, Samet,
Teitler, Lieberman and Sperling, 2009) is a news pro-
cessing system that analyzes tweets and detects late
breaking news with a geographic focus. The geo-
graphic focus, which is determined from tweet text
and metadata by geotagging, is calculated by rank-
ing the geographic locations in a topic cluster. The
approach determines the geographic focus after topic
clustering. Therefore, the geographic focus might
concentrate in areas where many tweets are posted.
Sakaki et al. (2010) proposed an event detection
scheme using a Kalman filter in real time and esti-
mated earthquake epicenters and typhoon trajectories
from Twitter data. Tweets with pre-defined keywords
are regarded as sensor data of a targetevent. Mei, Liu,
Su and Zhai (2006) proposed a probabilistic mixture
model and analyzed spatiotemporal theme patterns on
weblogs (not on microblogs) with the model. Since
the granularity of a location is not flexible, parameter
estimation of the model must be reperformed when
the granularity is changed. Thus, support of multiple
levels of geographical granularity has not been dis-
cussed sufficiently.
TF-IDF methods are widely used in analysing
tweets. TwitterStands uses TF-IDF for weighting im-
portant words to cluster topics. Eddi (Bernstein et al.,
2010) assigns topics to a tweet using TF-IDF-style
key terms obtained from search results of nouns in the
tweet. Chen et al. (2010) studied URL recommenda-
tion on Twitter. In their approach, the recommenda-
tion is made based on a user profile which is a TF-IDF
vector generated from his/her tweets. A set of tweets
from a user is regarded as a document; in contrast, a
set of tweets in an area is regarded as a document in
our approach. Our user diversity weighting is appli-
cable for recommendation to mitigate the impact of
malicious users.
Diversity of users in a geographical area is useful
also for purposes other than mitigating the impact of
loud users. Cranshaw, Toch, Hong, Kittur and Sadeh
(2010) examined connection between an online social
network and the location traces of its users. They
showed that users who visit a location with high di-
versity tend to have more connections in the social
network. Toch et al. (2010) showed that users appear
more comfortable sharing their presence at locations
with high diversity.
We proposed a location-dependent keyword ranking
method for microblogging services, which adopts a
TF-IDF method to geographical location context, and
described the prototype implementation of a keyword
ranking system. Our ranking method penalizes key-
words with low user diversity and supports multiple
zoom levels of geographical granularity by using TF-
IDF approximation. The evaluation results showed
that user diversity weighting is effective in mitigat-
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