Salvatore F. Pileggi, Gema Ibañez, Carlos Fernandez-Llatas and Juan Carlos Narajo-Martinez
ITACA-TSB, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Semantic technologies, Virtual Organization, Virtualization.
Abstract: The massive migration to cloud solution appears next to be a fact. Cloud infrastructures could assure a
competitive, scalable and sustainable environment for services and applications. However, next generation
applications have to be able to pervasively meet the needs and requirements deeply different among them.
Applications involving complex virtual organizations could require a higher level of flexibility that could
result by the convergence of migration and virtualization. In this paper, a resource-centric model, is
proposed: file systems, DBs, services and any other class of resources are available in the "cloud" as Virtual
Resources regardless the infrastructures on which they are deployed. Semantics play a critical role in order
to assure advanced and open solutions in a technologic context featured by a fundamental lack of
The popularity of Cloud technologies is constantly
increasing as well as the interest on this emerging
market from specialized companies that are already
able to offer several solutions based on different
models such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS (Shuai, 2010).
Even if there are several concerns from involved
customers and stakeholders and open issues (e.g.
privacy (Esteves, 2010), security (Ramgovind, 2010)
and standardization (Ortiz, 2011)) concerning the
massive migration to the cloud, both private and
enterprise cloud solutions are unanimously
considered the "future" of the computation (Kshetri,
In practice, the cloud approach is actually
referred as the most competitive, scalable and
sustainable solution on the market under the always
more realistic conditions of constantly decreasing
bandwidth price and of always connected users. An
exhaustive analysis of technical (Shuai, 2010) and
business (Chang, 2010) aspects of cloud solutions is
out of paper scope.
This business scenario could quickly change in
the next future if the cloud will not provide high
flexible solutions able to meet the needs of complex
Virtual Organizations (VOs). Analyzing VOs, it is
evident that not all resources normally involved are
suitable to the migration to the Cloud. The level of
flexibility of cloud solutions could be further
increased if the platforms are the results of the
convergence between migration and virtualization.
The key idea is that resources deployed using cloud
infrastructures (migrated) and resources deployed
according to conventional solution could be merged
in a unique virtual environment.
This paper proposes a resource-centric model for
cloud infrastructure in which virtual resources are
provided with a semantic description/specification
able to assure a potential high level of
interoperability among platforms as well as a set of
facilities for the integration of pre-existent or new
resources. As detailed in the following sections,
semantics play a critical role in the proposed model
especially considering the fundamental lack of
standardization the cloud is experimenting (Ortiz,
As any cloud model, it is potentially independent
from any application domain even if, inevitably,
domain-specific semantic representations could be
required in certain contexts/applications.
A potential application domain for the model is
the Spanish health system. In Spain, National Health
System follows a decentralized model where each
autonomous community manages all the centres,
services and establishments of the Community
Councils, Town Councils and any other intra-
regional governments. An autonomous community
is the first-level political division of the Kingdom of
Spain, established in accordance with the current
Spanish Constitution. Each autonomous community
has many hospital systems of very different natures,
F. Pileggi S., Ibañez G., Fernandez-Llatas C. and Carlos Narajo-Martinez J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003885405410546
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (IWSI-2012), pages 541-546
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
being independent of each other.
When a patient must go to different health
centres should generally answer the same questions
in order to open his/her medical records in each of
them. This generates an overall lack of coordination
regarding the interoperability between systems,
redundant data, basic services, etc.
There is a current trend, which aims to unify
those different systems to autonomous community
level. At the moment, interconnection between all
hospital systems is unapproachable, being applied to
European context.
With this purpose, the proposed model aims to
provide interoperability through cloud-based
environments, giving support and tools for the
virtualization, migration of already existing systems
formed by data, apps and/or infrastructure and
creation of new generation services, in order to make
available basic and composite services to consumers
(patients, services,…) and for development and
management of customized e-health services to all
The core part of the paper is structured in 3 main
sections: the section 2 is the natural extension of the
introduction (it provides a detailed description of
approach and scope); in the section 3 the model is
deeply described; finally, in the section 4 a brief
analysis to next generation resources is provided.
The scope of enabling semantic resources in the
cloud is the interconnection of heterogeneous
systems providing the coexistence of different kinds
of heterogeneous resources (Figure 1):
Internal resources: they are the result of the
common migration process to the cloud.
Resources are hosted by internal infrastructures
and they are available as virtual resource in the
External resources: they are hosted by external
infrastructures but they are pervasively
available into the platform as virtual resources
Next generation resources: can be designed and
implemented directly over the virtualized layer
provided by the platform.
The platform model assures a flexible and shared
infrastructure mainly featured by the following
It enables ecosystems among heterogeneous
Figure 1: Interconnecting resources in the Cloud.
It provides a pervasive virtual environment:
resources are managed at virtual levels assuring
high-interoperable capabilities.
Cloud approach: scalable, competitive and
sustainable solutions.
Open semantic support: the core semantic
support can be integrated/extended with
domain-specific interoperability capabilities
(e.g. health/medical).
Cross-domain platform: the core infrastructure
of the platform is not domain-specific; the
potential application range increases with the
expressivity of the semantics.
The diagram represented in the figure 2 shows
the platform conceptualization. The free software
IHMC CmapTools (IHMC, 2010) is adopted for
specifying this compact model as a concept map.
IHMC CmapTools proposes an approach for
knowledge representation similar to semantic
networks that build semantic relations among
concepts through a directed or undirected graph
consisting of vertices, which represent concepts, and
As showed, pre-existing VOs join the common
cloud ecosystem enabled by the platform. Each VO
provides a set of resources. These resources can be
public (available in the ecosystem for any other
VO), protected (available just for authorized actors)
or private (available only inside of owner VO or
under payment). The platform is able to manage any
kind of resource regardless by the infrastructures on
which they are deployed. This interoperable layer is
assured by the semantic representation of resource.
2.1 A Practical Use Case: Health
Systems Interconnection
Several medical systems (e.g. ORION and IANUS)
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Platform conceptualization.
are currently coexisting in Spain providing similar
data and services. They are solutions developed in
different times in order to meet different
requirements and needs from different end-users
(e.g. hospitals) that are progressively converging.
Integrated services as well as the need of a
stronger level of collaboration require a high level of
interoperability. This requirement is completely
missed in current systems that are designed to work
according to stand-alone behaviours.
The interoperability among health systems is
normally solved through ad-hoc solutions (e.g. an
interoperable layer between ORION and IANUS).
This class of solution is expensive and has several
limitations in terms of flexibility because it does not
solve a generic problem but just a concrete/local
problem. Details about will be provided in the
section 3.1.
The convergence between cloud-based solution and
virtualization is not an absolute novelty. An
exhaustive analysis (Dong, 2010 and Gmach, 2011)
is out of paper scope but, recently, this approach was
used in order to reach different goals in the context
of different domains.
The last generation of virtual platforms
(Siddhisena, 2011), virtual organizations (Li, 2010),
virtual services (Fu, 2010), techniques for virtual
resources management (Hien, 2009)/ optimization
(Khatua, 2010) and virtual infrastructure (Keller,
2010) are, implicitly or explicitly, referred to the
Also a semantic specification of resources is a
well known topic for both general purpose and
specific (e.g. industrial resources (Khriyenko, 2004))
The proposed model is composed of three
converging perspectives:
Interoperability model (Section 3.1)
Business model (Section 3.2)
Technical perspective (Section 3.3)
3.1 Interoperability Model: Vertical
One of the critical and key issues for the
improvement of the current interoperability model is
the conceptual evolving from a “horizontal” to a
“vertical” approach.
Actually medical systems are logically part of
virtual organizations characterized by different
complexity in terms of structure and distribution.
Each virtual organization has its own technological
During the last few years, a progressive
convergence among these environments was aimed
(see introduction). The problem is normally
approached trying to provide added (or improved)
capabilities among existent systems (Figure 3). This
“direct” solution is effective and efficient but it is
just a local solution: the “integration” of a new
system (or resource) implies the need of a “new”
Furthermore, if a new system/resource is
integrated in the ecosystem and it has to be
interoperable with the existent ones, an ad-hoc
component (proxy) that assures the interoperability
has to be provided for interfacing each existent
This last situation is expressed by (1) where n is
the number of independent systems/resources and k
is the number of proxies. As showed, if a new
resource or system is integrated, a full-interoperable
solution implies the deployment of O(n) proxies.
k(i) = k(i-1) + n(i-1) O(n-1) = O(n)
The virtualization of resource enables a model of
interoperability based on a vertical approach (Figure
3): resources are available at virtual level and the
interoperability among systems is approached at this
abstracted level.
A solution based on the vertical approach for the
interoperability is intrinsically simplest because the
integration of a new system/resource just implies the
interfacing with the abstract layer (2).
k(i) = k(i-1) + 1 O(1)
Figure 3: Horizontal vs vertical approach for
In practice the vertical approach can be assured
according to two different approaches:
1) Standards. Solutions based on shared layers that
impose resources to be described according to a
well defined set of standards. This is the
simplest solution by a technical and conceptual
point of view but, unfortunately, is not always
easy to be applied in the context of complex
virtual organization. This is mainly because
standards are hard to be imposed and the
data/knowledge from systems can be hard to be
converged in well defined standards even
considering domain-specific solutions.
2) Open models. Dynamic solutions based on open
models (e.g. semantics). Semantic
representations guarantee the definition of local
knowledge environments that can be centrally
managed without the need to share standards.
Furthermore, resources could interact among
them interchanging semantic data. A completely
open model is complex to be proposed and
managed. As explained in the section 4, realistic
solutions can be designed according to hybrid
approaches based on core ontologies that can be
extended and/or particularized.
3.2 Business Model: Merging
Migration and Virtualization
Merging migrated and virtualized resources provides
a high level of flexibility respect to both technologic
and business perspectives. Migration assures a
scalable environment, the potential reduction of
maintenance costs, as well as the other vantages
typical of the cloud approach.
Virtualization allows a further degree of
flexibility for resources that owners cannot migrate
or do not want to migrate: resources are available
into the ecosystems but they are not migrated to the
cloud. Motivations for preferring a virtualized
resource can be related to law restrictions, business
constraints or any other real situation that does not
match a full cloud approach.
3.3 Technical Overview: Functional
and Semantic Support
Platform designed according to the proposed
approach should include at least a set of core
functionalities, as well as a full semantic support. A
reference model can be logically structured as in the
follow (Figure 4):
CORE Infrastructure/Functional support:
infrastructures and any other functional support
to the ecosystem.
Management support: set of functionalities for
the management of the platform.
Semantic support: models for knowledge
Figure 4: Technical overview at the platform.
Furthermore, in order to assure a realistic
exploitation plan a support for developers is
required: a set of APIs and interfaces that support
the developer to migrate and virtualize existing
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
resources as well as the design and implementation
of new resources.
The platform is evidently the result of the
convergence among cloud technologies,
virtualization techniques and semantics.
A pervasive virtual environment designed according
to a cloud approach can provide a solid support for
the development of a new generation of resources
(e.g. services and applications).
These resources can be developed directly on the
top of the virtual layer provided by platforms
supporting a high level of abstraction (e.g. role-
driven development).
As introduced in the section 3.1, the key issue is
the efficient and effective application of open
models for the knowledge specification and
The use of “standard” ontologies could be the
most immediate solution: rich data models could be
enough expressive to represent the knowledge as
well as to assure inferred knowledge and an
interesting set of interoperability capabilities. But it
could limit the advantages and benefits provided by
open solutions as well as the problems related to the
knowledge convergence could not be solved or
On the other hand, a completely open model that
assumes each local system/resource described
according its own ontologies could be hard to be
applied in real systems. Typical problems in multi-
ontology computation (e.g. correctness and
ambiguities) both with the objective difficulty to
provide a centralized management for resources
advise more realistic approaches.
The current idea is the use of shared
vocabularies. These vocabularies should provide the
basic concepts making possible the definition of
independent local knowledge environments that can
be globally linked and processed. In practice, shared
concepts have to be used in order to link local
ontologies to the platform. Further concepts, as well
as rules and relations among them, can be provided
by local ontologies. This approach is equivalent to
object extension in object-oriented environments.
At the moment of designing a new resource,
developers could have a full functional support
provided by the platform and a dynamic semantic
support. The developer can choose the deployment
model (migration or virtualization) that better
matches the business needs, link the resource to the
platforms through concepts from the shared
vocabulary and make available the knowledge
required (local ontologies). Further advantages are
provided at the moment to design resources that
assume the coordinated/uncoordinated use of other
resources that can be directly managed at high level.
The convergence between cloud and virtualized
solutions in a semantic context provides improved
interoperability capabilities as well as a competitive
environment for resources integration.
The flexibility assured by open models for the
knowledge definition and representation could play
a key role in several concrete environments (e.g.
Spanish health system) involving complex virtual
The power of integrating existent resources (as
well as the design of new ones) directly on the top of
an abstracted layer provides a new vision at the
cloud and its exploitation model.
Finally, a semantic layer able to link resources to
the global environment (platform) and to support, at
the same time, local knowledge representations
could provide a dynamic support for the effective
convergence of dynamic resources in the cloud.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence