Michal Hradi
s, Ivo
cek and Kamil Beh
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Brno University of Technology, Bozetechova 1/2, Brno, Czech Republic
Video Genre Recognition, Semantic Indexing, Local Features, SIFT, SVM.
This paper presents our approach to video genre recognition which we developed for MediaEval 2011 evalua-
tion. We treat the genre recognition task as a classification problem. We encode visual information in standard
way using local features and Bag of Word representation. Audio channel is parameterized in similar way
starting from its spectrogram. Further, we exploit available automatic speech transcripts and user generated
meta-data for which we compute BOW representations as well. It is reasonable to expect that semantic con-
tent of a video is strongly related to its genre, and if this semantic information was available it would make
genre recognition simpler and more reliable. To this end, we used annotations for 345 semantic classes from
TRECVID 2011 semantic indexing task to train semantic class detectors. Responses of these detectors were
then used as features for genre recognition. The paper explains the approach in detail, it shows relative per-
formance of the individual features and their combinations measured on MediaEval 2011 genre recognition
dataset, and it sketches possible future research. The results show that, although, meta-data is more infor-
mative compared to the content-based features, results are improved by adding content-based information to
the meta-data. Despite the fact that the semantic detectors were trained on completely different dataset, using
them as feature extractors on the target dataset provides better result than the original low-level audio and
video features.
Genre is one of the most basic information which
is available for movies, TV shows and other profes-
sional video content. It is presented to viewers in
television programs, cinemas, rental shops and their
on-line variants. It is important information a poten-
tial viewer takes into consideration when choosing the
content to view.
Although the genre information is available for
commercial content, it is not always supplied for user
videos and other amateur content, or this informa-
tion is not detailed or reliable enough. For example,
Youtube allows users to choose one of 15 mutually
exclusive categories without any suggestion based on
the video content. Video sharing sites would benefit
from automatic genre recognition when this informa-
tion is not supplied by the user, and uploading videos
could be made easier by suggesting genre to the user
based on the content.
The approach presented in this paper was devel-
oped for MediaEval 2011 Genre Tagging Task (Lar-
son et al., 2011; Hradis et al., 2011). The data provi-
ded for this task include Creative Commons videos
downloaded from, automatic speech recogni-
tion (ASR) transcripts (Gauvain et al., 2002), user
supplied metadata for the videos and relevant social
data from Twitter. Each video was assigned one of
26 exclusive genre categories. Some of the results re-
ported in this paper are the runs submitted for eval-
uation while other results were acquired later on re-
leased test data using the official MediaEval evalua-
tion methodology.
We approached the genre recognition task as a
classification problem in a way which is consistent
with the current trends in extraction of semantic infor-
mation from video (Snoek et al., 2010; Smeaton et al.,
2009). We relied on Support Vector Machine (SVM)
to learn models of the individual genres based on sev-
eral types of Bag of Word (BOW) representations.
These classifiers, each using different type of fea-
tures, were fused by Logistic regression to obtain final
decision rules. The information sources used in the
experiments were still images extracted from video,
audio, ASR transcripts and from user-supplied meta-
data. Local image features (Van de Sande et al., 2010;
Hradiš M.,
cek I. and Behú
n K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003868706400646
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 640-646
ISBN: 978-989-8565-03-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2005) were extracted from
the images. The audio was transformed into spectro-
grams and from these local image features were ex-
tracted as well. The local features were transformed
to BOW by codebook transform (Van Gemert et al.,
2010). Similarly, BOW representations were con-
structed from the ASR transcripts and metadata.
The approach outlined in the previous paragraph
aims to map low-level visual and acoustic information
directly to the video genre categories. Although some
genres can be characterized by general visual and au-
dio properties, such as dark colors, fast movement or
dissonant and unsettling music (Brezeale and Cook,
2008), it is quite a leap from the the low level features
to the very high level genre information. Having se-
mantic information (e.g. objects, activities, environ-
ment type, screams and gun shots) extracted from the
video would definitely aid in recognizing the genres.
However, todays automatic methods for extraction of
semantic information from video reach only moder-
ate accuracy and require considerable resources and
effort, especially, when many semantic classes are to
be detected (Snoek et al., 2010; Smeaton et al., 2009).
Even with the shortcomings of the automatic meth-
ods in mind, it is still reasonable to expect that they
can provide some useful information for genre recog-
nition. We explored this idea by training detectors of
345 semantic categories on TRECVID 2011 Seman-
tic Indexing (SIN) task data, and by using results of
these detectors as features for genre recognition.
Older approaches to video genre recognition
are well summarized in a survey by Brezeale and
Cook (Brezeale and Cook, 2008). Recently, You et
al. (You et al., 2010) proposed a method for seman-
tic video genre classification based on Gaussian Mix-
ture Models, Hidden Markov Models and naive Bayes
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
describes our approach including feature extraction,
classification and fusion, and it explains how the
TRECVID semantic classifiers are used. The Medi-
aEval data are described in Section 3. Experiments
and their results are presented in Section 4. Finally,
the paper is concluded in Section 5.
As mentioned earlier, our approach relies on SVM
classifiers, logistic regression for classifier fusion,
and several BOW representations based on differ-
ent modalities. Several types of features are com-
bined by classifier fusion in order to get more robust
and reliable classifications. The following text de-
scribes all the parts of the classification framework
(see Figure1), and it introduces the semantic classi-
fiers and explains how they are used for genre recog-
2.1 Feature Extraction
For the purpose of extraction of visual features, 100
frames were extracted from each video. The frames
were extracted equidistantly from the whole video.
We did not use shot change information or any type
of key-frame detection. The reason for this is that we
intended to sample the videos as representatively as
possible, and shot information or key-frame detection
could favor certain type of content (e.g. fast dynamic
From each image, six types of local features were
extracted. These six types were created by combining
three image sampling methods and two descriptors.
The first sampling method uses the Harris-Laplace
scale invariant detector (Mikolajczyk, 2004) which
localizes corner-like structures in scale-space. Rota-
tion invariance was not used as it generally degrades
results in image recognition problems. Further, two
dense sampling schemes were employed. In both
cases, circular regions were sampled on a regular grid
with step of 8 pixels. The two schemes differ in the
radius of the circular regions which was 8 pixels and
16 pixels.
The local image patches were parameterized using
the original SIFT descriptor by Lowe (Lowe, 1999)
and RGB-SIFT (Van de Sande et al., 2010). The SIFT
descriptor computes Histograms of Oriented Gradi-
ents (HOG) on a 4 × 4 grid centered on an image
patch. The computed descriptors are vectors of 128
values created by concatenating the 16 histograms.
The magnitude of a single pixel is distributed be-
tween neighboring histograms according to a spatial
Gaussian filter which alleviates the boundary effect.
The SIFT descriptor is invariant to shifts and scal-
ing of the image intensity channel. It encodes the
shape of an image patch while being resistant to small
displacements and geometric transformations. The
RGB-SIFT descriptor (Van de Sande et al., 2010)
computes SIFT independently on R, G and B image
channels. For computational reasons, Principal Com-
ponent Analysis was used to reduce dimensionality of
the computed descriptors to 198.
To create feature vectors suitable for classifica-
tion, codebook transform was used to translate the
sets of local descriptors to BOW representations.
Generally, codebook transform assigns objects to a set
of prototypes and it computes occurrence frequency
histograms of the prototypes. The prototypes are co-
Figure 1: The processing pipeline: 100 frames and audio segments (spectrograms) are extracted from a video file. Spatial
sampling is performed. Local patches are described by SIFT and RGB-SIFT. BOW representations are computed by codebook
transform. SVM classifiers are trained for each representation and the classifiers are fused by logistic regression.
mmonly called codewords and a set of prototypes is
called a codebook. In our case, the codebooks were
created by k-means algorithm with Euclidean dis-
tance. The size of the codebooks was 4096.
When assigning local features to codewords by
hard mapping, quantization errors occur and some
information is lost. This is especially significant in
high-dimensional spaces, as is the case of the local
patch descriptors, where the distances to several near-
est codewords tend to be very similar. In the context
of image classification, this issue was discussed for
example by Gambert et al. (Van Gemert et al., 2010)
who propose to distribute local patches to close code-
words according to codeword uncertainty. Computa-
tion of BOW with codeword uncertainty is defined for
each codeword w from a codebook B as
UNC(w) =
K (w, p)
K (v, p)
, (1)
where P is a set of local image features and K is a
kernel function. We use Gaussian kernel
K(w, w
) = exp
kw w
, (2)
where σ defines the size of the kernel. In our experi-
ments σ was set to the average distance between two
closest neighboring codewords from the codebook.
For parameterization of the audio information, an
approach similar to parameterization of the visual in-
formation was used. The audio track was regularly
segmented into 100 possibly overlapping segments.
The length of the segments was 10 seconds and over-
lap was allowed as necessary. Mel-frequency spec-
trograms with 128 frequency bands, maximum fre-
quency 8 KHz, window length 100ms and overlap
80ms were computed from these segments. Dynamic
range of the spectrograms was reduced to fit 8-bit res-
olution. The spectrograms were then processed as im-
ages by dense sampling and SIFT descriptor. BOW
representation was constructed for the spectrograms
by codebook transform the same way as for images.
For classification, BOW histograms of the indi-
vidual images and audio segments were averaged to
get single BOW vector of each representation for each
From the metadata and the ASR data, XML tags
were removed together with any non-alphabetical
characters and words where lower-case character was
followed by upper-case character were split. Stem-
ming was not performed on the data. Although,
the data includes several Dutch, French and Spanish
videos, we did not employ any machine translation, as
the ratio of the non-English videos is relatively small
and it should not seriously influence results. For each
video, separate word occurrence counts for metadata
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
and ASR were collected.
All feature vectors were normalized to unit length
for classification.
2.2 Classification Scheme
Although, the data in MediaEval genre tagging task is
multi-class (a video is assigned to a single class), the
evaluation metric is Mean Average Precision, and the
genre recognition problem is in general multi label -
one video may belong to several genres, e.g. Sci-Fi
and comedy. As a result, we build classifiers for each
genre separately and independently.
The classification structure has two levels. The
first level consists of linear SVM classifiers each
based on a single BOW representation. These clas-
sifiers are then fused by logistic regression to produce
robust estimates of the genres.
SVM (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995) is often used for
various tasks in image and video classification (Le
et al., 2011; Van de Sande et al., 2010; Van Gemert
et al., 2010; Snoek et al., 2010; Smeaton et al., 2009).
SVM has four main advantages. It generalizes well, it
can use kernels, it is easy to work with, and good-
quality SVM solvers are available. Although non-
linear kernel have been shown to perform better in
image recognition (Perronnin et al., 2010), we se-
lected linear kernel due to the very small training set
size. Radial Basis Function kernels which are usu-
ally used (Perronnin et al., 2010; Van de Sande et al.,
2010; Van Gemert et al., 2010; Snoek et al., 2010)
introduce an additional hyper-parameter which has to
be estimated in cross-validation on the training set.
Estimating this parameter together with the SVM reg-
ularization parameter could prove to be unreliable on
the small dataset.
The single SVM regularization parameter was es-
timated by grid search with 5-fold cross-validation if
enough samples for particular class were available.
The objective function in the grid search was Mean
Average Precision and the same parameter was used
for all genre classes for a particular BOW representa-
Due to the fact that no validation set was available,
we had to re-use the training set for Logistic Regres-
sion fusion. To keep the classifiers from overfitting,
we trained the Logistic Regression on responses of the
5 classifiers learned in cross-validation with the esti-
mated best value of the SVM hyper-parameter. Each
classifier computed responses on the part of the data
which it was not trained on. This way, no knowledge
of a particular video was used to compute response on
that video. Before fusion, classifier responses were
normalized to have zero mean and unit standard de-
viation. Multinomial L2-regularized logistic regres-
sion was used for the fusion. The regularization pa-
rameter was estimated by the same grid search and
cross-validation procedure as in the case of the linear
SVMs. Considering the different nature of the avail-
able features, the video and audio classifiers (see Sec-
tion 2.1) were fused separately and the classifiers us-
ing semantic features (see further in Section 2.3) were
fused separately as well. Finally, the two classifiers
created by fusion were fused again with the classifiers
based on the ASR transcripts and metadata. In this
second fusion, single set of weights was computed
for the different modalities and these were used for
all genres in order to limit overfitting.
2.3 Semantic Detectors in Genre
2011 SIN task provided a training
dataset consisting of approximately 11,200 videos
with total length of 400 hours. The duration of the
videos ranges from 10s to 3.5 minutes. The source
of the videos is Internet Archive
. The videos were
partitioned into 266473 shots (Ayache et al., 2006)
which are represented by a corresponding keyframe.
The 500 semantic classes proposed by TRECVID or-
ganizers were annotated by active learning
and Qu
enot, 2007; Ayache and Qu
enot, 2008). Total
4.1M hand-annotations were collected and this pro-
duced 18M annotations after propagation using rela-
tions (e.g. Cat implies Animal). For 345 classes, the
annotations contained more than 4 positive instances.
Examples of the classes are Actor, Airplane Flying,
Bicycling, Canoe, Doorway, Ground Vehicles, Sta-
dium, Tennis, Armed Person, Door Opening, George
Bush, Military Buildings, Researcher, Synthetic Im-
ages, Underwater and Violent Action.
Using the TRECVID SIN task data, 345 semantic
classifiers were trained. These classifiers use the same
eight BOW feature types and the same SVM classi-
fiers as described in Section 2.1 and Section 2.2. Fur-
ther details on these classifiers can be found in (Be-
ran et al., 2011) together with the results achieved in
TRECVID 2011 evaluation.
We applied these 345 classifiers to the extracted
images and audio segments and created feature rep-
resentations for the videos by computing histograms
of their responses. The histograms consisted of 8
equidistant bins with the outer bins set to 5% quan-
tiles. The dimension of the resulting feature vectors
Table 1: Genre categories and their distribution in training
Genre #videos
art 4
autos and vehicles 1
business 7
citizen journalism 11
comedy 6
conferences and other events 2
default category 40
documentary 3
educational 19
food and drink 4
gaming 4
health 7
literature 6
movies and television 6
music and entertainment 2
personal or auto-biographical 5
politics 45
religion 16
school and education 2
sports 7
technology 27
the environment 1
the mainstream media 5
travel 4
videoblogging 10
web development and sites 3
obtained by concatenating the histograms of individ-
ual semantic classes was 2760.
The data released for MediaEval 2011 Genre Tagging
Task (Larson et al., 2011) consist of Creative Com-
mons videos downloaded from The data is
split into separate training and testing sets. The train-
ing set contains 247 videos and the test set contains
1728 videos. The genre categories and the distribu-
tion of classes in the training set is shown in Table 1.
The metadata includes information about the
videos supplied by uploaders of the video including
among others title, description, uploader login name
and tags.
MAP of a random system on the test set should be
In experiments, we focused mostly on the perfor-
mance the individual content-based features, and on
how much fusion of the metadata with the content-
based features improves over the results achieved by
Table 2: Mean average precision achieved by individual
types of features. Line COMBINED contains results of fu-
sion of all the presented features.
Features TV11
DENSE16 CSIFT 0.193 0.194
DENSE16 SIFT 0.149 0.178
DENSE8 CSIFT 0.178 0.201
DENSE8 SIFT 0.138 0.187
HARLAP CSIFT 0.186 0.178
HARLAP SIFT 0.170 0.174
COMBINED 0.254 0.276
Table 3: Mean average precision achieved by fusion of all
features, metadata alone, all content based features (audio,
video and ASR), and ASR alone.
Features MAP
All including metadata 0.451
Metadata 0.405
All Content-based 0.304
ASR 0.165
using metadata alone. The metadata is in general very
informative as, for example, one uploader usually up-
loads videos of only very small number of genres.
The results of visual and audio features are shown
in Table 2. In the table, dense sampling is denoted as
DENSE16 for patch radius of 16 pixels and DENSE8
for radius of 8 pixels (see Section 2.1. HARLAP
stands for the Harris-Laplace detector. The descrip-
tors are denoted as SIFT and CSIFT for the RGB-
SIFT. The audio features are indicated by SPEC-
TRUM. TV11 represents the classifiers based on re-
sponses of TRECVID semantic detectors.
The results show that the semantic classifiers on
average provide better results. The same is true for
fusion of the the audio and video features where clas-
sifiers using directly the low-level features achieve
MAP 0.254 and those using semantic features achieve
Table 3 compares results of metadata, ASR tran-
scripts, fusion of content-based features, and fusion
of all features including metadata. Metadata by it-
self gives MAP 0.405. On the other hand results of
ASR are much lower. With MAP 0.165 it is slightly
worse than the individual audio and video features.
By combining all content-based features MAP 0.304
was achieved. This is still significantly lower than for
the metadata. However, it is important to realize that
the content-based features do not include any infor-
mation generated by humans. By combining meta-
data with the content-based features, the results are
improved by 0.046 reaching MAP 0.451.
Four runs were submitted to MediaEval 2011
using the presented approach with several differ-
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Frames randomly selected from MediaEval 2011 genre tagging task data. The source videos are released under
Creative Commons license.
Table 4: Mean average precision on test set achieved by the
runs submitted to MediaEval 2011.
RUN1 0.165
RUN3 0.346
RUN4 0.322
RUN5 0.360
ences (Hradis et al., 2011). The most notable differ-
ence was that weights for the classifier fusion were
set by hand. When fusing the audio and video fea-
tures, uniform weights were used. RUN1 used only
ASR. RUN3 combined all features with the weight of
ASR and METADATA increased to 2.5. RUN4 com-
bined the low-level audio and video features, ASR
and metadata. Here the weights of ASR and metadata
were set to 1.25. RUN5 combined semantic features,
ASR and metadata with the same weights as in RUN4.
The results of these runs are show in Table 4.
The best purely content-based method submitted
to MediaEval 2011 achieved MAP 0.121 (Ionescum
et al., 2011). Very successful were methods focus-
ing on metadata and information retrieval methods.
The best result was MAP 0.56 (Rouvier and Linares,
2011). This result was reached by explicitly using IDs
of the uploaders and the fact that uploaders tend to
upload similar videos. Other than that, the approach
classified the data by SVM on metadata, ASR tran-
scripts and audio and video features.
The presented genre recognition approach achieves
good result on the datasets used in the experiments.
The results could be even considered surprisingly
good considering the small size of the training set
used. However, it is not certain how the results would
generalize to larger and more diverse datasets.
Although the metadata is definitely the most im-
portant source of information for genre recognition,
the audio and video content features improve results
when combined with the metadata. Compared to the
metadata, content-based features achieve worse re-
sults, but they do not require any human effort.
The semantic features for classification improve
over the low-level features individually, as well as,
when combined.
This work has been supported by the EU FP7 project
TA2: Together Anywhere, Together Anytime ICT-
2007-214793, grant no 214793, and by BUT FIT
grant No. FIT-11-S-2.
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