Magic Mirror
Nuri Murat Arar
, Fatma G
, Nasuh Kaan Bekmezci
, Hua Gao
and Hazım Kemal Ekenel
Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Institute for Anthropomatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Face Swapping, Face Blending, Face Replacement, Face Detection, Active Appearance Model, Face Tracking.
Magic Mirror is a face swapping tool that replaces the user’s face with a selected famous person’s face in
a database. The system consists of a user interface from which the user can select one of the celebrities
listed. Upon selection, model fitting automatically starts using the results of face detection and facial feature
localization. Model fitting results in a set of points which describe the estimated shape of user’s face. By using
the shape information, user’s face is replaced with the selected celebrity’s face. After some post processing for
color and lighting adjustments are applied, final output is displayed to the user. The proposed system is able
to run in real-time and generates satisfactory face swapping which can be applied for face de-identification in
videos or other entertainment applications.
Advances in image analysis gave rise to applications
of face processing techniques in several areas. Face
replacement studies gains importance due to the in-
creasing publicity of personal photographs. Besides,
studies in face swapping and morphing produce the
most intriguing systems regarding facial image anal-
ysis. In this study, we present such an interesting
system for fully-automatic face swapping in video se-
quences. The system performs face swapping on the
images acquired by a video capturing device, which
is why we call it as Magic Mirror. User interacts with
the system via a user interface. By using this inter-
face, user is presented with a list of celebrities and
requested to select the face for swapping. A snapshot
of the user interface and a sample output of the system
can be seen in Fig. 1.
Magic Mirror can be used as a tool to amuse peo-
ple by swapping their faces with famous people’s
faces from politics, sports, and entertainment sectors
such as movie stars, popular musicians, or simply
swapping friends’ faces with each other. It is possible
to insert Magic Mirror in popular chat applications as
a plug-in option for video chats. Magic Mirror might
also be used for personal security purposes such as
identity protection, face de-identification, against in-
creasing availability of visual media.
Figure 1: Example snapshots that shows how the system
executes via the user interface of the system.
There are a few studies regarding both face swap-
ping and face de-identification. Existing studies
(Bitouk et al., 2008) and (Blanz et al., 2004), present
the technique for face swapping on individual images.
The main contribution of our study is the efficient use
and effective combination of available methods for
Murat Arar N., Güney F., Kaan Bekmezci N., Gao H. and Kemal Ekenel H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003828000480053
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 48-53
ISBN: 978-989-8565-04-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
face detection, facial feature localization, face mod-
eling, and face tracking in order to realize a fully
automatic, real-time face replacement system. We
achieved a plausible performance in spite of conti-
nuity and short execution time constraints caused by
real-time video processing. We used Active Appear-
ance Model (AAM) (Cootes et al., 2001) to model the
face, therefore, our study does not put a constraint on
similarity of pose angles as in (Bitouk et al., 2008).
In (Blanz et al., 2004), the performance of the sys-
tem strictly depends on manual initialization. Also,
3D modeling of faces requires more complicated im-
plementation issues. On the other hand, our study
presents a fully automatic way of swapping faces
successfully using a simpler approach. Additionally,
the work in (Gross et al., 2006) achieves face de-
identification using AAM in images. The main differ-
ence of this work from ours is that they used AAM to
produce different appearances by changing model pa-
rameters to de-identify faces, whereas, we use AAM
to obtain face contour in different images, align and
swap them for de-identification.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; Sec-
tion 2 introduces related work and Section 3 explains
a detailed description on the proposed method. Exper-
imental results and discussions are given in Section 4.
Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
There are both 2D and 3D studies related to face
swapping, face replacement or face de-identification.
The work in (Blanz et al., 2004) presents a sys-
tem that exchanges faces across large differences in
viewpoint and illumination in images. It allows user
to replace faces in images for a hair-style try-on. They
fit a morphable 3D model to both input and target face
images by estimating shape, pose and the direction of
the illumination. The 3D face reconstructed from the
input image is rendered using pose and illumination
parameters obtained by the target image. This system
requires manual initialization for accurate alignment
between the model and the faces images.
The work in (Gross et al., 2006) introduces a
framework for de-identifying facial images. The ma-
jority of the privacy protection schemes currently
used in practice, rely on ad-hoc methods such as pixe-
lation or blurring of the face, they, instead, combine a
model-based face image parameterization with a for-
mal privacy protection model. They change the iden-
tifying points on the face according to the protection
model. They utilize AAM in order to model the faces
and find the identity information on them.
The method proposed in (Bitouk et al., 2008) au-
tomatically replaces faces in images. They construct a
large library of face images which are extracted from
images obtained by the internet using a face detection
software and aligned to a common coordinate system.
Their replacement is composed of three stages: First
they detect a face on the input image and align it to
the coordinate system in order to find candidate faces
which are similar to the input face in terms of pose
and appearance. Then, they adjust pose, lighting, and
color properties of the candidate face images accord-
ing to the input image, and perform swapping with
the input image. They rank the resulting face replace-
ments according to a match distance and display the
top ranked ones as results.
3.1 System Overview
We propose a face swapping mechanism in video se-
quences by both combining some known computer
vision techniques, such as face detection and AAM,
and providing a face alignment procedure. We used
modified census transform (MCT) feature-based face
detection (Kublbeck and Ernst, 2006) and Active Ap-
pearance Model (AAM) to locate and model the face
and its attributes. For the face alignment procedure,
we use piecewise-affine warping. The basic steps of
our face swapping approach are shown in Fig. 2.
Mainly, there are two independent execution mech-
anisms; offline and online processes. The offline pro-
cess is a one time procedure to build an AAM used
during the online process. The AAM is built from a
set of landmarked faces and this model is loaded each
time the real-time system is started.
Figure 2: System overview.
The online process is executed each time the sys-
tem starts and the internal steps including face de-
tection and tracking, AAM fitting, face alignment,
face swapping and post processing are sequentially
performed. That is, results of the detection step are
used for the construction of initial shape required in
AAM modeling step and alignment through warping
produces the coordinates used in swapping. The on-
line process starts with a welcome screen in which a
user is asked to select a face from the list of celebrity
faces. This face chosen by the user is called the target
face. Then, face detection and AAM fitting is per-
formed on the target face. The best fitted shape for
the target face is obtained. Then, video frames are
captured from a video camera which are called as in-
put frames. The similar procedure explained above is
applied on the input frames. That is, face detection
is performed on the input frames to locate the faces.
For each input frame, face detection results are fed
into AAM fitting step and an estimated face shape is
obtained. After face detection and AAM fitting steps,
we have the best fitted shapes of both input face and
target face, but, for a successful swapping, we need
them to be in the same scale on a common coordinate
system. Then, we warp the target shape to the input
shape for the exact alignment. We swap two faces
by exchanging the pixel intensities of aligned target
face with corresponding intensities of the input face
using shape information of both faces. After swap-
ping, in order to enhance the reality of output images,
we apply post-processing by computing output image
as a weighted combination of input and target face for
color and lighting adjustment. After post-processing,
the output image is displayed to the user. Fig. 3 shows
an example sequence of input image, target image and
the output image, respectively.
Figure 3: Input image (left), target image (middle) and out-
put image (right).
3.2 Face Detection using MCT
We use MCT frontal face detector, which advocates
the use of inherently illumination invariant image fea-
tures for object detection, to locate the face in video
frames. The features convey only structural object
information which are computed from a 3 × 3 pixel
neighborhood using the modified census transform.
For classification, this feature set is used with a four-
stage classifier cascade. Each stage classifier is a lin-
ear classifier, which consists of a set of lookup-tables
of feature weights. Detection is carried out by scan-
ning all possible analysis windows of a particular size.
Each window is classified as either background or
face. Detector has four classifiers of increasing com-
plexity. Each stage has the ability to reject current
analysis window or pass it to the next stage accord-
ing to the outcome of a thresholding operation. As a
result of four stage classifier, the detector determines
the location and scale of the face on the image. Using
the same algorithm we can train detectors for individ-
ual facial components such as eyes and mouth. An
example of detection output is displayed in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Outputs of face detection step: bounding face
rectangle, mouth and eyes.
3.3 Active Appearance Model
AAM is known as a deformable model which de-
fines the statistical modeling of shape and texture of a
known object and its fitting algorithm. Many face re-
lated studies use AAM to model the shape of the face.
Shape is defined by a set of points on the common
coordinate system of the training set used. First, a
mean shape and modes of variation is learned from
training data by applying PCA. Then, by changing
the mean shape through different variations, which
are defined in modes of variation, various instances
of shape can be obtained. Texture information is a
statistical model of the gray-level image and captured
by sampling with a suitable image warping function
defined by the shape parameter.
3.3.1 AAM Building
AAM building process is an offline process performed
only once before the system starts to operate. We used
the IMM face database (Nordstrm et al., 2004) con-
taining 240 annotated monocular images of 40 differ-
ent human faces in order to build the model. Each
image in the database is annotated with 58 landmarks
for defining the shape of the face (Fig. 5). AAM is
trained with these annotated images.
3.3.2 AAM Fitting
AAM fitting is used to obtain shape of both target and
input faces. AAM fitting is an iterative process of ad-
justing model parameters to fit the model to unseen
face images (Cootes et al., 2001). An initial shape
for the detected face is constructed by using the facial
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Sample original image in IMM face database
(left) and annotated image (right).
features detected in the first step. First, an affine trans-
form is estimated according to the facial features on
the input image and the model shape. Then, estimated
transformation is performed on the model shape so
that the differences in locations between the feature
points on the model shape and the input image are
minimized (Gao, 2008). The result of AAM fitting is
an optimized model shape which best approximates
the face on the current image Fig. 6. This optimiza-
tion is performed using the simultaneous inverse com-
positional algorithm as stated in (Gross et al., 2005).
Figure 6: AAM fitting results of input image (left) and tar-
get image (right).
3.3.3 Tracking with AAM
Face detection is the most expensive step in terms of
time constraints. Since this application aims to do
face swapping in real time, using a tracker instead of
performing face detection on each frame saves a lot
of time. Based on the fact that face in the current
frame cannot be too far away from the face found in
the previous frame, a tracking mechanism using AAM
can be developed in this context. AAM fitting is per-
formed on each frame by using the fitting results, i.e.,
shape and appearance parameters of previous frame
as the initialization of current frame (Gao, 2008).
Face is located using the face detector in the first
frame, after that, best fit shape of previous frame is
directly fed to the AAM as the initial shape of cur-
rent frame. An error measure that yields low value
for good face model fitting and high value for poor fit-
ting is defined to indicate the quality of AAM fitting.
Whenever the error is high, it indicates that the track-
ing or fitting failed and a reinitialization is required to
continue tracking on the following frames. Reinitial-
ization is carried out by detecting face and feeding the
initial shape constructed from it to AAM fitting step.
3.4 Face Alignment
Faces registered in the system are extracted in vari-
ous sizes and orientations. Input frames coming from
video camera also differ in size and orientation, be-
cause user may not stand in front of the the camera
at constant distance and position. In order to perform
directly swapping of input and target faces, an align-
ment step is necessary to bring various sized and po-
sitioned face images into a common coordinate sys-
tem with a particular size. For the alignment pro-
cess, firstly we bring RGB colored face of the cho-
sen celebrity by using its best fit shape and its origi-
nal image into a coordinate system so that we obtain
the aligned target face. Then, we bring RGB colored
face of the input frame into a coordinate system so
that we obtain the aligned input face. To do this, a
piecewise-affine warping is applied with triangulated
mesh. Pixels inside each triangle are determined by
bi-linear interpolation. At this point, these faces are
aligned in terms of their positions but their sizes are
different and also their shapes are different in terms of
width, height and the locations of points. Finally, we
warp the aligned face of the target face to the aligned
input face. This warping process resizes the target
face in proportion to input face and warps its points to
achieve the alignment (Fig. 7).
Figure 7: Target image aligned to a common coordinate sys-
tem (left), aligned input image (middle) and target image
aligned to the aligned input image (right).
3.5 Face Swapping
After the alignment process, the size, orientation and
the shape of input face and target face correspond in
common coordinate system. At this point, the rela-
tive locations of the faces on the images are known,
but to complete the swapping process, the transforma-
tion between these locations needs to be calculated. In
order to calculate this transformation, firstly, bound-
ing box of shapes are located. Then, function which
matches the upper left corner of the bounding box
of the target shape with the upper left corner of the
bounding box of the input shape is computed. The
transformation is obtained by applying this function
to all pixels of target face. Lastly, corresponding pixel
intensity values are copied to the output image. The
results of face swapping step are shown in Fig. 8.
Figure 8: Input image (left), target image (middle) and face
swapping result (right).
3.6 Face Blending as Post Processing
After face swapping process, face blending is per-
formed in order to smooth the transitions on face con-
tour. Face blending is the process of combining input
and target faces’ intensities with changing weights ac-
cording to pixel coordinates. On the face contour, the
weight of the input face is higher. The weight of tar-
get face is increased while getting closer to the center
of output face. Fig. 9 depicts the effectiveness of the
post processing step.
Figure 9: Face swapping without post processing (left) and
face swapping with post processing (right).
Some qualitative results produced by the system are
shown in Fig. 10 and 11 . The results are obtained by
selecting frames from the output real-time video of
the system. Fig. 12 shows frames taken from a 6 sec-
onds video stream produced by the system in order to
show the robustness of the face alignment to different
size, rotation and translation transformations during
the video. Please note that, it is difficult to quanti-
tatively assess the performance of the developed sys-
tem, since it requires a significant amount of facial
feature point annotations. As a matter of fact, evalua-
tion of face replacement results are mostly qualitative
by the problem’s nature. An example of quantitative
evaluation is employed in (Bitouk et al., 2008) by per-
forming a user study testing people’s ability to distin-
guish between real images of faces and those gener-
ated by their system. However, this evaluation strat-
egy cannot be applied here, since we deal with video
sequences rather than individual images and require
user to select the target image beforehand.
Figure 10: Some results of the system: target images (left)
and output images (right).
The system runs in real-time by processing faces
of 110 × 110 average spatial resolution in 640 × 480
sized frames. To obtain quantitative results some-
how and evaluate the real-time property of the system,
we measured average execution times of each internal
step. The results of the experiments conducted on an
Intel Core i5 2.5 Ghz computer are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Average execution times of internal steps.
Internal Steps Average Execution Time (in ms)
Detection 173.22
Tracking 17.12
AAM fitting 0.05
Alignment 21.66
Swapping and Blending 2.91
Face detection is the most time consuming process
of the system. With the use of the tracking mecha-
nism, face detection is not performed in each frame.
However, there is a trade-off between response time
and realistic face swapping. For lower values of the
error measure on model fitting, re-initialization of the
tracker occurs more frequently for better face model
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 11: Example output sequence, each row shows three
screen shots belonging to a different celebrity selection. For
each frame in a row, note the differences in position, angle,
and size.
fitting results. Each re-initialization means a new face
detection, therefore, average processed frame rate de-
creases. Average processed frame rate can be in-
creased by applying higher values of the error mea-
sure which results in poor fitting of faces. In our
demo sessions, we observed that poor fitting is a more
noticeable deficiency compared to low response time.
Especially, when lightening is insufficient in the envi-
ronment, fitting error increases and tracker becomes
useless. In such cases, even using continuous detec-
tion for tracking produces more realistic results.
Figure 12: Sample frames from a 6 seconds output video.
In this study, we developed a complete and fully-auto-
matic system to swap the face of the user with a face
selected by the user via the user interface of the pro-
gram. The images are acquired by a video captur-
ing device and face swapping process is applied on
these images. The system have a quite simple and
user-friendly interface for users to select a celebrity
from a list. After selecting the celebrity, the sys-
tem performs face swapping between the user and the
celebrity without requiring any manual initialization.
We used MCT face detector to locate frontal faces
and MCT eye and mouth detectors for the localiza-
tion of facial features. Detection results are fed to
the AAM fitting mechanism as initial shape positions.
After the AAM fitting process, best fits for the input
and target faces are generated. Using these shapes, a
piecewise-affine warping is applied with triangulated
mesh in which target shape is warped into the input
shape. Face swapping is performed by obtaining a
transformation function between aligned target face
and input face. Finally, we apply a post-processing
by using a weighted combination of intensity values
to blend in target face and input face. The system pro-
duces qualitatively nice results and is able to run in
real-time by processing frames of 640 × 480 spatial
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