Jorge Luis Morales B. and Ciro Alberto Amaya G.
Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Keywords: Empty container repositioning, Empty container allocation, Stochastic programming, Sample average
Abstract: This paper proposes a solution method to the problem of allocating an empty container fleet to a set of
stocking yards in order to minimize empty container stock and repositioning costs under uncertainties in
demand, supply, container damages and repairing times. We propose an approximate solution for the
problem based on a hierarchical approach. We used random data from different probability functions to
generate problem instances and evaluate robustness and performance. We find that the proposed model
solves the single location inventory problem in a very short time while obtaining high robustness and each
one can be solved independently. This approach allows liners to reduce the complexity of an aggregate
stochastic problem by solving multiple independent stochastic inventory problems. Additionally to other
similar works, the presented models consider random container damages and repairing times.
In the new scenarios of increasingly globalized
commerce, repositioning and container allocation
problems are recurrent; however, commercial and
operational contingency decisions dominate tactical
policies and planning, leading to operational
Imbalances are frequently observed between
empty containers’ demand and supply.
Consequently, stock of empty containers may be not
enough if replenishment is not made. Liners need to
face the costs of these imbalances by allocating their
container fleets to different yards, and repositioning
empty containers in order to replenish yards with
stock-outs while unnecessary inventory from other
yards is evacuated. This problem has been
denominated as the Dynamic Empty Container
Allocation Problem.
This paper proposes a solution method to this
problem, and is organized as follows. In Section 2
we describe the problem and state the randomness
issues of the problem. In Section 3 we present and
describe the previous works that have tackled this
problem. In Section 4 we propose an approximate
solution for the Dynamic Empty Container
Allocation Problem based on a hierarchical approach
applying linear and stochastic programming,
presenting and describing in detail our proposed
models and the hierarchical structure of the solution.
In Section 5 we describe the performed experiments
for testing robustness and performance, and the data
structure used. Finally, Section 6 presents the
conclusions and perspectives.
2.1 General Problem Statements
The dynamic empty container allocation problem
addressed in this paper considers a liner—decision
maker—that operates in a network of container
storage yards located in both ports and inland points.
The liner also offers shipping services on fixed and
periodic routes and owns a finite container fleet.
Each yard has an associated exogenous demand that
is met with empty container inventory available at
each location.
Shipping routes are weekly cyclic. The fixed and
periodic routes allow each yard to be reached from
any other.
Luis Morales B. J. and Alberto Amaya G. C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003758004760479
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2012), pages 476-479
ISBN: 978-989-8425-97-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Replenishment of empty containers at each yard
is done from imports, which must consider the time
elapsed after a container is discharged at a port and
returned empty by the client. The empty returned
containers can also present damages, and they are
not always immediately available to be assigned to
demand. Alternatively for replenishment, empty
containers can be repositioned from a storage point
to another when necessary, or the liner can sublease
a finite number of empty containers to meet
inventory requirements.
2.2 Present Uncertainties
The described process has a high level of uncertainty
over time. The major sources of randomness are
given by the demand, supply, damages and repair
times of empty containers. On the other hand, the
supply of containers in a yard is uncertain, when
containerized cargo is transported from one port or
yard to another, it loses time in waiting, from the
moment the client receives the cargo in the ending
port to the moment it is returned empty to storage
yards and equipment is available.
Additionally, there is the possibility of container
damages, in which case it must be repaired. Finally,
the repair of empty containers takes a random time,
after which the equipment will be available in
storage to be assigned to new demand.
The literature related to this subject is relatively
short, and not until after the work of Crainic,
Gendreau and Dejax (1993) was the dynamic and
stochastic problem first really tackled. They
proposed both deterministic and stochastic dynamic
models for both single-product and multi-product
cases; for the deterministic model, a decomposition
strategy was proposed in subsequent works
(Abrache, Crainic and Gendreau, 1999).
Shen and Khoong (1995) proposed a hierarchical
decision support system for the multi-period
planning of the distribution of empty containers.
Cheung and Chen (1998) formulated the problem
through a two-stage stochastic network. Leung and
Wu (2004) presented a robust optimization model
for the stochastic problem. Li et al. (2007)
considered implementation of a (U,D) inventory
interval policy for the replenishment. Crainic, Di
Francesco and Zuddas (2007) presented a mixed-
integer programming model associated with a
stochastic program. Chang et al. (2008) use a
decomposition technique and branch and bound.
Belmecheri et al. (2009) used integer programming.
Yuanhui et al. (2009) used a hybrid integer code
hybrid genetic algorithm. Feng and Chang (2010)
used a revenue management model. Song and Zhang
(2010) modeled container transportation as a
continuous fluid flow. Wang et al. (2010) included
decision maker risk preference in a robust
optimization model. Yang (2011) considered an
integer programming allocation model. Finally, Shi
and Xu (2011) presented a Markov decision process
model for empty container repositioning.
Parameters include random container demands,
transit times, expected return times for containers,
storing and transportation costs, leasing costs and
capacities, random supplies, damage probabilities,
and probability for repair times.
The proposed models is based on the following
assumptions: a) The whole observed demand is met
along the time horizon; b) Uncertainty is given by:
demand, supply, damages, repair times; c) The
random variables are independent and not self-
correlated along the time horizon; d) There is no
capacity limit for replenishment containers; e)
Storage capacity in yards is unlimited; f) A returning
yard or time period for subleased containers is are
not specified. Based on these assumptions and the
topology shown above, two optimization programs
will be presented.
4.1 Empty Container Aggregated
Replenishment (Agre) Model
The objective of the model will be to minimize the
costs of aggregate replenishment for empty
The decisions that must be made along the
planning horizon include the container stock to
having available the in each yard, transportation of
empty containers between yards, and containers
Following this, a cost function can be defined
conidering storage, transportation and
subcontracting costs. Contingency supplies must be
also defined to guarantee the problem feasibility.
Constraints of the Agre model include the
dynamic balance for the available stock of empty
containers, arrivals during a given time period,
subleasing capacities, contingency supplies, and
safety stock.
The Agre model does not take into account the
randomness of the parameters under uncertainty.
The impact of this randomness must be captured by
the safety stock that must be guaranteed at each sto-
rage point along the planning horizon. This
minimum stock should be sufficient to deal with
uncertainty. The model which estimates the
minimum stock level is described in the next section.
4.2 Minimum Stock (Mist) Model
The empty container minimum stock (Mist) model
should estimate a minimum inventory at each
storage point, to meet the randomnes of the problem.
Based on certain demand for initial stock at the
first time period, we must make a decision on the
inventory to stock. In each period, when making a
decision, the history of previous decisions and
realizations of random variables is known, ignoring
the future demand and supply.
The cost function of the Mist model considers
only the stock costs, specifically, the mean cost
along the planning horizon. Note that, since the
solution of depends on random parameters of
demand and supply, then it also is random.
Contrary to the aggregated replenishment model,
the demand and the supply are random variables
with known probability functions. Additionally, the
damage rate and the devolution times are considered
Solution of the Mist model provides the
minimum container stock, which will be used as a
parameter by the Agre model in order to capture the
randomness of the system and face the uncertainty.
4.3 Solution to the Mist Model based
on the Sample Average
In order to solve the Mist stochastic non-linear
model described previously, the sample average
approximation, or SAA, method is used. This
method generates an approximation of the
probability distribution of the random variables by
Montecarlo simulation. On each period of the time
horizon, realizations of the random variables are
generated, about which decisions should be made.
The motivation for using this method lies in the
following reasons: a) Multiple randomness sources
exist, with heterogeneous probability distributions;
b) The planning horizon considers multi-periods; c)
The probability distributions of the random variables
can be expressed through discrete functions; e)
Based on the previously established assumption of
independence and no self-correlation for the random
variables, random scenarios can be easily generated;
f) Since the Mist model does not include binary or
integer variables, the problem can be solved by a
polynomial size linear program.
We code the models in GMPL to test the
performance robustness of the model. It is important
to note that the computational complexity of the
solution is determined by the complexity of the Mist
problem, given the large number of scenarios that
have to be generated in order to simulate the
randomness of the system. For an instance of one
yard, one container type, a fourweek planning
horizon, and a tree with 1,000 random scenarios, the
matrix of the associated program has a size of
62,000 columns and 5,000 constraints before pre-
We construct four data sets with four different
demand probability distributions, empirical, normal,
lognormal and uniform, for fourty experiments
corresponding to fourty probability trees. To test the
robustness of the model, the variation of the optimal
solution for expected cost and average minimum
stock over the four periods was recorded, using the
sample variability coefficient as the estimator. To
measure the performance of the model, solution
times and memory usage were recorded; note that it
is expected that the running frequency of the
application is not grater than one run per week.
5.1 Conclusions and Perspectives
Inspired by the work of Shen and Khoong (1995),
the model presented in this paper proposes a
hierarchical solution approach to the Dynamic
Empty Container Allocation Problem that divides
the problem into two models: Mist, the estimation of
the minimum stock necessary to deal with
uncertainty at every storage point over a planning
horizon, and Agre, the estimation of the flow of
container replenishment to ensure compliance with
those minimum stocks levels and business demand
budgets. These models are also inspired by several
of the works mentioned before and operating
conditions of the specific problem described.
However, unlike the works mentioned, the proposed
models also consider the possibilities of observing
damage to containers and repairs’ random times.
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
The computational complexity of the application
is given by the stochastic complexity of the Mist
model. For this program, we introduced the sample
average approximation method approach, which
offers advantages regarding uncertainty capture by
generating a large number of random scenarios
given by realizations of the random variables
considered. Through this method, the stochastic pro-
gram became a stochastic linear program and the
expected cost function was expressed as the sample
average cost observed over the generated scenarios.
The computational performance and robustness
of the models was tested, finding that the Mist
model, which governs the complexity of the
application, solved each of fourty runs and four data
set instances in a negligible time, considering that
the running frequency of the model should not be
greater than one run per week. Also, the solution, of
minimum stock values and optimal cost estimates,
was found to show good robustness. Only the
lognormal demand data set showed a high variation
coefficient for the solution, due the dispersion of the
lognormal distribution.
Further work may eliminate some assumptions,
such as the infinite capacity of empty container
shipping; include uncertainty in the capacity; and
include constraints on the container leasing process,
limiting the devolution time and location of leased
equipment to a time window and a specific
geographic location. Finally, is possible to perform a
statistical analysis to generate a measurement of effi-
ciency for the number of random scenarios that
should be generated in the tree, and to estimate
confidence intervals for the calculated solution.
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