Milan Zdravković and Miroslav Trajanović
Laboratory for Intelligent Production Systems, University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, Niš, Serbia
Hervé Panetto
Research Centre for Automatic Control (CRAN – UMR 7039), Nancy-Université, CNRS, Nancy, France
Keywords: Ontology, Enterprise interoperability, Supply chain management, SCOR.
Abstract: Most of the issues of current supply chain management practices are related to the challenges of
interoperability of relevant enterprise information systems (EIS). In this paper, we present the ontological
framework for semantic interoperability of EISs in supply chain networks, based on Supply Chain
Operations Reference (SCOR) model, its semantic enrichment and mappings with relevant enterprise
conceptualizations. In order to introduce the realities of the enterprises into this framework, namely their
models, we define and implement the approach to generation of local ontologies, based on the databases of
their EISs. Also, we discuss on the translation between semantic and SQL queries, a process in which
implicit semantics of the EIS’s databases and explicit semantics of the local ontologies become inter-related.
Despite the advances in the relevant research areas
and rapidly growing demand for flexible,
customized production, manufacturing supply chains
are still primarily focused on a cost reduction as a
key aspect of collaboration. The fact that supplier
relationship management contributes largely to the
overall costs of the supply chains’ final products has
great impact to their configuration-related decisions.
For example, manufacturers tend to reduce the
number of suppliers. Moreover, relationships are
dyadic – rarely expanded to include vendors’
vendors and customers’ customers. Also, high level
of integration is required in order to reduce costs –
manufacturers tend to view their suppliers as
extensions of themselves. Traditional approach to
supply chains’ configuration may have negative
impact to their performance. First, high-speed, low-
cost supply chains are often unable to respond
efficiently to unexpected structural changes in
(customized) demand or supply. Second, high level
of integration reduces flexibility of small and
medium enterprises, main constituents of the lower
levels of supply chains. Third, investments in
technical framework for enterprise integration,
which could maximize the efficiency and
productivity, cannot be returned in a short term.
Furthermore, starting collaboration in such
traditional settings is reactive and not proactive
decision. Namely, relationship establishment or
development is motivated by the internal, rather than
external factors: complexity and volume of supply
relationships, potential for cost reduction (Lamber et
al., 2006), high frequency of transactions between
parties (Jespersen and Larse, 2006), degree of asset
specificity (Williamson, 1985), etc.
In a response to the issues of static and integrated
architecture of the supply chain, a notion of virtual
enterprise has been introduced and widely discussed
in academic community. Virtual enterprise is a
temporary network of independent enterprises, who
join together quickly to exploit fast-changing
opportunities and then dissolve (Browne and Zhang,
1999). It is characterized by a short-living
appearance of a supply chain, capable to produce
low volume of high variety of products, by drawing
from the loosely-coupled, heterogeneous
environment of available competences, capabilities
c M., Trajanovi
c M. and Panetto H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003416500220031
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 22-31
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and resources, sometimes referred to as Virtual
Breeding Environment (Sánchez et al., 2005).
Paradigms of virtual enterprises and their breeding
environment are based on the capability of an
enterprise to configure or reconfigure quickly,
according to the circumstances of the market, often
not known in advance, or even in the moment of
configuration. Hence, efficiency and effectiveness of
this joint endeavour depends on the interoperability
of enterprises, rather than their integration. The main
prerequisite for achievement of interoperability of
the loosely coupled systems is to maximize the
amount of semantics which can be utilized and make
it increasingly explicit (Obrst, 2003), and
consequently, to make the systems semantically
In this paper, we discuss on the notion of
semantic interoperability in supply chain networks,
namely the overall architecture of the enterprise
information systems environment and corresponding
ontological framework. One of the greatest
challenges in building this framework is related to
the implicitness of semantics of the enterprises’
realities. In our approach to face this challenge, we
assume that: 1) these realities are represented by the
corresponding enterprise information systems (EIS),
and 2) enterprise message models (crucial for
flexible economic integration) are based on EISs’
data models, represented implicitly in their
databases. The proposed approach aims at making
this representation - explicit.
Our approach to semantic interoperability in
supply networks assumes fragmentation of the
problem into three inter-related areas: a) formal
model of supply chain, b) enterprise semantics (body
of knowledge), and c) local semantics.
Formal model of supply chain (Zdravković et al.,
2010) builds upon a widely adopted supply chain
process reference model – SCOR (Stewart, 1997). It
is represented on two layers of abstraction. First
layer models implicit semantics of SCOR elements
and stores actual knowledge on supply chain
operations. Second layer represents SCOR’s
semantic enrichment - it identifies common
enterprise notions, maps those to SCOR entities and
classifies them into more general inter-related
concepts. Both layers are then represented by OWL
models – SCOR-KOS and SCOR-FULL. This
approach is shortly described in section 2. In this
section, we also discuss on the semantic
interoperability in supply networks and on how we
can use its formal definition to evaluate it. Finally,
we describe the role of local ontologies in
semantically interoperable systems.
SCOR-FULL ontology identifies and classifies
common enterprise notions. However, their
semantics is defined externally. We strongly believe
that enterprise semantics is well described in many
efforts of conceptualizing its architecture, functions
and processes and that additional effort in this
direction would be redundant. Thus, different
enterprise formalizations, contexts and views of
existing architectures and other conceptualizations
need to be used as sources of specifications of
enterprise semantics, and mapped accordingly to the
enterprise notions in SCOR-FULL ontology.
Currently, SCOR-FULL ontology is mapped to
TOVE (Fox et al., 1996) organizational and
foundational ontology (in fact, to its OWL
While formal model of supply chain and
enterprise semantics provide a theoretical context for
semantic interoperability in supply networks, local
ontologies introduce actual enterprises contexts,
namely, the language which they are going to use to
communicate, in a collaboration environment. We
believe that enterprises’ capability to efficiently
collaborate between each other depends on the
correspondence between their local semantics and
the general context above. Main focus of the work,
presented in this paper, is on the analysis of the
source of this local semantics, namely relational
database systems and, consequently, its
The research addresses some of the identified
weaknesses of the existing approaches (see section
3.1) to database to ontology mapping and aims at
using the OWL expressivity to enrich the implicit
semantics of ER (Entity-Relationship) models. It
delivers a method and corresponding software tool
which: 1) imports the database structure and
classifies ER entities; 2) classifies (infers) OWL
types and properties; 3) enables lexical refinement
and 4) generates local ontology. The concepts of the
local ontology are mapped backwards to the
corresponding concepts of the intermediary models,
in order to enable transformation of semantic to SQL
queries. The method and the software tool are
described in section 3.2, and are applied in the case
of OpenERP database. Some of the experiences
gained during implementation of this case are
described in section 3.3. The method for execution
of semantic queries on the local ontology, namely,
instantiation of its concepts according to the content
of the relevant database, is described in section 3.4.
It is important to emphasize that the scope of the
presented approach is limited only to selected ER
patterns which are associated to semantics,
expressed by the OWL constructs. Although the
process overcomes some of the gaps, identified in
the current state-of-the-art in database to ontology
mapping, its end result typically requires
considerable amount of customization. Since direct
mapping is unlikely to produce a useful ontology,
the result of this analysis may be considered as
intermediary. Thus, it is necessary to put additional
work in enactment of this intermediary ontology,
which aims at facilitating the final stage of semantic
mapping of local ontology to relevant domain
The concepts and tools presented in this paper are
using the formal framework of supply chain
operations presented at Fig. 1. It is developed with
goals to enable the semantic interoperability
between SCOR-based systems and other relevant
enterprise information systems, and to improve the
expressivity of SCOR-based models.
In the remainder of this sub-section, we briefly
describe the elements of this framework. Their
detailed elaboration can be found in Zdravković et
al., 2010.
SCOR-FULL ontology is developed by semantic
analysis of SCOR Input/Output elements,
identification of core terms and their generalization.
It extends what we call the SCOR-SYSTEM
ontology, which formalizes the SCOR System
It is then extended by the SCOR-GOAL
ontology, which semantically maps its concepts to
SCOR Performance Metrics element. SCOR-FULL
is exploited by different application models, which
formalize specific design goals. For example,
SCOR-CFG OWL model is used to develop a
semantic web application for supply chain process
configuration (Zdravković et al., 2010).
The framework is based on a premise that
domain knowledge evolves at highest rate at lower
levels of abstraction, in domain community
interaction. Consensus on the specific notions is
more likely to be reached than agreement on the
generalizations and abstractions. However, this level
is often characterized by the implicit semantics of
the standards, reference models, database structures,
etc. Thus, we consider coherence between creation,
evolution and use of specific, highly contextualized
knowledge and development of formal expressive
models as a very important factor for usability of the
In the process of development of a formal
framework for supply chain operations, we start with
modelling the implicit semantics of SCOR model
and representing it by using OWL language (SCOR-
KOS OWL). OWL (OWL 2 Web Ontology
Language) is a family of knowledge representation
languages, which provides the syntax for authoring
and exchanging the ontologies among relevant tools
and applications.
Figure 1: Formal framework of supply chain operations
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Thus, this common syntax (OWL) enables us to
reuse the resulting model with existing tools such as
ARIS EasySCOR by IDS or e-SCOR by Gensym.
Next, the semantics of the SCOR elements is made
explicit through its formalisation with ontology rules
embedded into the SCOR-FULL ontology. These
rules are used for mapping those concepts to SCOR-
KOS OWL concepts. We call this set of rules,
SCOR-MAP. SCOR-FULL may then be considered
as a micro theory which formalizes knowledge about
supply chain operations, by identifying and
aggregating common enterprise notions. It is using
those concepts to define the semantics of chosen
generalizations, namely, the notions of Course,
Setting, Quality, Function and Resource.
2.1 Semantic Interoperability
in Supply Chain Networks
One of the crucial competitiveness factors of the
enterprises, especially SME’s, is their ability to
ensure the quality performance, when
simultaneously participating in more than one
supply chain, with the same or different products.
This ability is mainly driven by the enterprises’
capacity to conform to different collaboration
(processes) requirements, issued by the customers,
where these requirements are described by the
different standards or models (SCOR, RosettaNet,
ISO/TS 16949 quality specification for automotive
industry supply chain and others) and/or methods
(CPFR, Vendor-Managed Inventory, etc.).
One of the main challenges is to define the
references between the standards, make the
corresponding models compatible or complementary
and thus, ensure the interoperability of the relevant
systems, driven by those models. This challenge can
be addressed by formalizing collaboration standards
and methods, identifying common enterprise notions
(and relating those to the standards’ elements) and,
mapping them to a general body of knowledge,
namely, enterprise models. Hence, the relevant
systems, based on those models, will become fully
or partially – semantically interoperable.
ISO/IEC 2382 defines interoperability as the
“capability to communicate, execute programs, or
transfer data among various functional units in a
manner that requires the user to have little or no
knowledge of the unique characteristics of those
units”. Semantic interoperability builds upon this
notion and it means ensuring that the precise
meaning of exchanged information is uniquely
interpreted by any system not initially developed for
the purpose of its interpretation. It enables systems
to combine and consequently process received
information with other information resources and
thus, to improve the expressivity of the underlying
ontologies. In our research, we adopt the formal
definition of John Sowa (Sowa, 2000; SUO, 2001),
because we can use it to evaluate semantic
interoperability of enterprise systems:
“A sender's system S is semantically operable
with a receiver's system R if and only if the
following condition holds for any data p that is
transmitted from S to R:
For every statement q that is implied by p on the
system S, there is a statement q' on the system R
that: (1) is implied by p on the system R, and (2) is
logically equivalent to q. The receiver must at least
be able to derive a logically equivalent implication
for every implication of the sender's system.”
We represent this definition in controlled natural
language, as asymmetric logical function
data(p) system(S) system(R)
p (
q(statement-of(q,S) pq)
q’(statement-of(q’,R) pq’
Figure 2 illustrates the following assumption of
semantic interoperability of systems, represented by
the local ontologies: when two different application
ontologies of two partners in the supply chain (or
two departments or contexts of the same enterprise)
are mapped to the same domain ontology, relevant
information systems whose knowledge they
represent will become fully or partially semantically
interoperable in specific direction, depending on the
In other words, if there exist two isolated
enterprise information systems S
and S
corresponding application ontologies O
and O
and if there are mappings M
and M
established between the concepts of O
, O
domain ontology O
, respectively, then there exist
mappings M
which can be inferred as logical
functions of M
and M
. Each of the local
ontologies may (not necessarily) represent one of the
contexts of the enterprise (C
In our research, we aim at confirming this
assumption by inferring the mappings between
two contexts of the enterprise, represented by
Figure 2: Semantic interoperability of systems.
formalizations of an ERP system (S
) and
SCOR-based system (S
) for managing the
supply chain operations of the enterprise. Mappings
are inferred as logical functions of mappings
between corresponding formalizations and SCOR-
FULL ontology (O
). Also, by exploiting the
mappings between SCOR-FULL (O
) and TOVE
organizational and foundational ontologies (O
), we
aim at showing how the expressivity of the overall
ontological environment can be increased, for the
benefit of improved semantic interoperability and
increased competence. Finally, we evaluate the
semantic interoperability of the systems by using the
definition above.
In this paper, we focus only on the local
ontologies, namely, the formalizations of enterprise
information systems’ data models and we
demonstrate the approach to automated (or semi-
automated) generation of local ontologies on basis of
the relational database structure.
One of the major challenges in the efficient use of
computer systems is interoperability between
multiple representations of reality (data, processes,
etc.) stored inside the systems, or actual
representations and reality itself – systems’ users
and their perception of reality (Hepp, 2007). Where
latter can be formalized by the domain ontologies, as
shared specifications of the conceptualizations,
former relies upon the local ontologies – wrappers
for heterogeneous sources of information, business
logic and presentation rules.
In our work, the range of semantic
interoperability is clearly set to enterprise
information systems. The semantic interoperability
of the enterprises is considered as more complex
problem and is not addressed in this paper. The
conceptualization of their information systems is
made on basis of the business logic, which is hidden
in the actual code, in most cases, and data model,
represented by the corresponding relational database
structure. We consider EIS’s databases as legitimate
starting point for building a relevant local ontology.
Obviously, business logic which is encapsulated in
the EIS’ will remain hidden – only underlying data
model is exposed by ontology. The exceptions are
database’s triggers, which can be considered as
business rules, if they are not implemented only to
enforce referential integrity of the database.
In the remainder of this section, some of the
reported work in database to ontology mapping is
presented. Then, our approach to local ontology
generation is described and demonstrated on the case
of ER model (database) of OpenERP enterprise
3.1 State of the Art in Database to
Ontology Mapping
Review of the relevant literature reveals several
approaches which address database to ontology
mapping. In this section, we present the main
features of four distinctive frameworks, made with
different objectives, and we identify gaps, in terms
of the usability and coverage of the frameworks.
Work on DB2OWL mapping facility is a part of
development of a general interoperability
architecture (Ghawi and Cullot, 2007) that uses
ontologies for explicit description of the semantics
of information sources, and web services to facilitate
the communication between the different
components of the architecture. DB2OWL (Cullot et
al., 2007) looks for some particular cases of database
tables to determine which ontology component has
to be created from which database component.
According to these cases, conversion process is
performed (table -> class, column-> property,
constraint -> relation) where the set of
correspondences between database and ontology
components is conserved, thus enabling the
translation of ontological to SQL queries and
retrieval of corresponding entities. However, it
remains unclear how this translation will be
implemented. More important, the semantics of
existential constraints of the columns and cardinality
of relations is not taken into account.
Relational.OWL (de Laborda and Conrad, 2005)
is a candidate for data and schema representation
format, relevant for database to ontology mapping. It
provides a meta-model, which describes the
components of the relational database. Hence, it can
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
be used as an intermediary in the process of database
to ontology mapping, instead of a document with
correspondences, used by DB2OWL. Unfortunately,
it suffers from the same problems as DB2OWL -
multiplicity of the foreign keys is not in the model.
Thus, it is not possible to use it to assign source and
destination cardinality to OWL properties.
Moreover, source multiplicity determines important
aspect of the semantics of the underlying concept or
database table. Namely, where source multiplicity of
the foreign key is 1, the corresponding OWL relation
shall be necessary condition for instantiation of the
concept in its domain. This is important semantic
feature, because it enables intensional
conceptualization of the entity.
Where DB2OWL is used to create new ontology
from existing schema, D2OMapper (Xu et al., 2006)
is a tool for automatic or semi-automatic creation of
the mappings between database schema and existing
ontology. D2OMapper follows a set of predefined
heuristic rules, based on the conceptual
correspondences between the schema and ontology.
This work is based on the authors’ experience in
developing ER2WO (Xu et al., 2004) tool for
translating ER schema into OWL ontology.
Vis-A-Vis tool (Konstantinou et al., 2006) uses
the Protégé libraries for graphically representing an
ontology, a database model (MySQL or
PostgreSQL) and the mappings between them. The
plug-in allows queries to be asked to the ontology
and returns results from the database. The key
motivation of the authors was to keep the instances
stored in a database and maintain a link to the
dataset. Thus, ontologies become smaller.
3.2 Our Approach to Database to
Ontology Mapping
Mapping is a process in which implicit semantics of
a database schema is mapped to the explicit and
formal knowledge structure of the ontology. In our
approach, we use the database schema to generate
this formal structure, while preserving the logical
mappings between ER meta-model and generated
local ontology. These mappings will enable the
translation of semantic to database queries.
Generation process consists of 4 phases: a) data
import and classification of ER entities; b)
classification (inference) of OWL types and
properties; c) lexical refinement; d) generation of
local ontology; and is illustrated on Figure 3, below.
The process is supported by a web application,
developed by using RAP API (Oldakowski et al.,
2005), a PHP-based package for parsing, querying,
manipulating, serializing and serving RDF models.
Web application consists of modules for data
import/assertion of ER meta-model instances, lexical
refinement and transformation of classified OWL
types and properties to a local ontology.
First, database schema is investigated and OWL
representation of the ER-model is constructed. This
is realized by developed application, which connects
to the database, uses introspection queries to
discover its structure and asserts the relations
between the artifacts by using proposed ER
formalization (er.owl).
Following assertions are made for each field
of the corresponding table: has Attribute (entity,
attribute), hasType (attribute, type) and
Figure 3:
Approach to database-to-ontology mapping.
hasConstraint(attribute,’not-null’) and/or
hasConstraint(attribute,’unique’) (if applicable).
Following assertions are made for each relation:
hasDestinationAttribute (relation, attribute),
hasSourceAttribute(relation, attribute).
Second, resulting (serialized) OWL
representation of the database ER-model is imported
into meta-model (s-er.owl), which classifies future
OWL concepts (Ax1) and domains and ranges of the
object and data properties, according to defined
axioms (Ax2, Ax4). Although specification of object
and data properties may impose the unnecessary
restrictions on the resulting ontology, we consider
those as important for improving the efficiency of
mapping or alignment process, which is critical for
the semantic interoperability. Another reason for the
assertion of object properties in OWL representation
of database ER-model is that object properties of the
resulting local ontology will be annotated with the
URI’s of the respective relations, in order to enable
the correspondence between the ontology and
database representation, for the benefit of query
transformation. On the other hand, existential
constraints from the ER-model are associated to an
explicit semantics of the resulting ontology, namely,
necessary conditions for entailment of the
corresponding concepts. According to these
constraints, axioms for intensional conceptualization
(necessary conditions, or inherited anonymous
classes) for particular entity are identified by
inferring ranges of hasDefiningProperty(concept,
concept) and hasDefiningDataProperty(concept,
data-concept) relations (Ax2.2 and Ax4.2). Finally,
the approach takes into account the functionality of
the properties (owl:FunctionalProperty). Functional
property is property that can have only one (unique)
value y for each instance x. They are classified when
relation one-to-one is identified between two
concepts (Ax2.3).
Classification of future OWL concepts is inferred
by exploiting following axioms:
Ax1. Concepts are all entities of the ER model’s
OWL representation, except the entities whose all
attributes are relation sources (corresponding to
intermediary tables, connecting two tables with
many-to-many relationship).
er:entity(x) not (er:hasAttribute
only (er:attribute
(er:isSourceAttributeOf some
er:relation))) s-er:concept(x)
Ax2.1. Domains and ranges of the object
properties are inferred by using the rule below.
er:entity(x) er:entity(y)
er:relation(r) er:hasAttribute(x,
a1) er:hasAttribute(y, a2)
er:isDestinationAttributeOf(a2, r)
er:isSourceAttributeOf(a1, r) s-
er:hasObjectProperty(x, y)
Ax2.2. Domains and ranges of the defining
properties (necessary conditions of the concept) are
inferred by using the rule below. Defining property
is a sub-property (rdfs:subPropertyOf) of the object
property (hence, simplified representation of the rule
s-er:hasObjectProperty(x, y)
er:hasConstraint(a1,'not-null') s-
er:hasDefiningProperty(x, y)
Ax2.3. Domains and ranges of the functional
properties are inferred by using the rule below.
Functional property is a sub-property
(rdfs:subPropertyOf) of the defining property
(hence, simplified representation of the rule below).
s-er:hasObjectProperty(x, y)
er:hasConstraint(a1,'not-null') s-
er:hasDefiningProperty(x, y)
Ax3. Data concepts are all attributes of the ER
model’s OWL representation which are not at the
source of any relation.
er:attribute and not
(er:isSourceAttributeOf some
er:relation) s-er:data-concept
Ax4.1. Domains and ranges of the data
properties are inferred by using the rule below.
Ranges of the data properties are data types,
corresponding to the simple types from XML
er:type(x) s-er:data-type(x)
s-er:concept(c) er:attribute(a)
er:type(t) er:hasAttribute(c, a)
er:hasType(a, t) s-
er:hasDataProperty(c, t)
Ax4.2. Domains and ranges of the defining data
properties are inferred by using the rule below.
Defining data property is a sub-property
(rdfs:subPropertyOf) of the data property (hence,
simplified representation of the rule below).
s-er:hasDataProperty(c, t)
er:hasConstraint(a,'unique') s-
er:hasDefiningDataProperty(c, t)
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Rules above classify instances of the OWL
representation of the database ER model (er.owl)
into a meta-model (s-er.owl). Inferred triples can be
edited in a simple web application, which also
launches the process of local ontology generation. In
this process, meta-model entities are transformed
into corresponding OWL, RDF and RDFS constructs
– a resulting local ontology. Concepts of the
generated local ontology are annotated with URI’s
of the corresponding ER entities from er.owl model.
Thus, translation of semantic to SQL queries
becomes possible.
3.3 Case Implementation
The approach above is implemented on the case of
OpenERP enterprise information system. OpenERP
is an open source suite of business applications
including sales, CRM, project management,
warehouse management, manufacturing, accounting
and human resources. It uses PostgreSQL relational
database for data storage and application server for
enterprise logic.
With all modules installed, OpenERP database
counts 238 tables. In the first step of database import
into er.owl model, namely, instantiation of the OWL
representation of ER model, 3806 individuals are
created (2633 attributes, 238 entities, 934 relations)
and 7999 object property assertions are made. In the
second step of classification of OWL concepts and
properties, 696 of individuals’ entailments (193
concepts and 493 data-concepts) and 2779 properties
are inferred, on the basis of axioms, presented in
section 3.2. All inferences are stored in a separate
OWL file in order to reduce the processing
requirements for the final step. In the final step of
local ontology generation, application transforms
classified instances of the meta-model of the
openERP database to the corresponding OWL
concepts and properties (see Fig. 4).
Figure 4: OpenERP local ontology in Protege.
One of the benefits of the semantically
interoperable systems (see Fig. 2) is the possibility
to use the single criterion (or criteria) to infer the
statements that hold true in all these systems, despite
their heterogeneous structure. Namely, specific
semantic query executed against the local ontology
would normally infer triples of information from
the database of S
. However, if mappings (or logical
function of mappings) between O
and O
inferred triples will also include information from
the database of S
. For example, in supply chain
networks, a single semantic query can be used to
find out the availability of specific resource or
competence, of all - owned and used by the
enterprises from the Virtual Breeding Environment
(for the benefit of virtual enterprise formation
3.4 Reasoning with Local Ontologies
and Translation of Semantic
to SQL Queries
In this section, we describe the method for instance
assertions to local ontology on basis of the semantic
query results. Method consists of the following
steps: 1) decomposition and analysis of the semantic
query; 2) data extraction and instance assertions; 3)
Semantic query can be considered as a pair (O,
C), where O is a set of concepts which need to be
inferred and C - a set of restrictions to be applied on
their properties, namely value (owl:hasValue and
qualified cardinality restrictions, owl:allValuesFrom,
owl:someValuesFrom) and cardinality constraints
(owl:cardinality, owl:minCardinality,
owl:maxCardinality). This consideration
corresponds to a simplified representation of a SQL
query which includes tables (and fields) and
comparison predicate, namely restrictions posed on
the rows returned by a query. In addition, different
types of property restrictions correspond to different
cases (or patterns, where complex semantic query is
mapped) of SQL queries.
Where relevant entailments can be reasoned only
by property domain and range inferences, a set C
may be considered as necessary and sufficient for
representation of the semantic query. For example,
in openERP ontology (see Fig. 4), a DL query
“hasAccountAccountType some (hasCode value 3)”
returns all instances of account_account concept
whose type’s code is exactly 3. This kind of query
representation (only by using properties restrictions)
may produce unpredictable and misleading results
where the restrictions are posed on the common
lexical notions of different concepts, such as
“name”, “type”, “id”, etc. Ambiguity of the
corresponding properties is reflected on the relevant
ontology in the sense that their domains are typically
defined as union of large number of concepts. For
example, in openERP ontology, domain of the
“hasName” data property is union of 170 concepts.
However, this ambiguity may be considered as an
advantage in some cases. Value restrictions on
ambiguous data properties may produce relevant
inferences and thus, facilitate semantic querying
without a need to have extensive knowledge on the
underlying ontology structure. This kind of query is
mapped to a SQL UNION query which combines
SELECT sub-queries made on the each element of
the property domain, with the WHERE statement
corresponding to the relevant rows restrictions. For
example, in a mapping process, DL query “hasName
value ‘Derek Porter’” is first used to infer all 170
possible entailments (property domains), which are,
then, used to assemble qualified (O,C) pairs, e.g.
“res_users and hasName value ‘Derek Porter’”.
When corresponding element of the UNION query is
assembled, a static field with appropriate label (a
reference to the concept) is added to each of the
elements, so as to become possible to decide on the
entailments. In other words, we need this to
determine which sub-query actually returned the
In the first step of the method, decomposition
and semantic analysis of the input query is
performed. The 4-tuplets in forms of (subject
predicate some|only|min n|max m|exactly o bNode)
and (subject predicate value {type}) are extracted
from the input query. In case of the DL query which
returns all concepts which are related to a company
whose primary currency is EURO
(“hasResCompany some (hasResCurrency some
(hasName value "EUR"))”), following 4-tuplets are
X hasResCompany some bNode1
bNode1 hasResCurrency some bNode2
bNode2 hasName value "EUR"
Next, a database connection is established and
SQL query is constructed and executed for each 4-
tuplet, in reverse order, as a result of analysis
described above. Each query returns data which is
used to generate OWL statements which are asserted
to a temporary model. Each set of the OWL
statements corresponds to a sub-graph whose focal
individual is an instance of the concept, inferred on
basis of the 4-tuplet’s property domain or returned
result (label). Other individuals or values correspond
to defining properties of this concept (inherited
anonymous classes). In case of ambiguity, resulting
blank nodes are represented as the sets, which are
filtered as a result of range inference of the parent 4-
tuplet, in a final stage of the method.
Work, presented in this paper is a part of the
research of semantic interoperability in supply chain
networks. This research is based on formalization of
widely adopted supply chain process reference
model and includes development of its OWL
representation, semantically enriched model,
specification of some of its entities (namely, system
and goal) and correspondences with other models. It
transforms implicit semantics of the reference model
to the explicit specification which uses common
enterprise notions, assumingly defined in other
domain ontologies and/or conceptualizations of
relevant enterprise models, architectures and
frameworks. Used approach is characterized by the
multiple, cross-referenced levels of abstraction,
represented by the OWL models of different
expressivity. Modular design contributes to the
usability of the ontology framework, by avoiding
performance related problems in reasoning, as well
as by providing increased potential for ontology
matching. Thus, it is expected to facilitate the
semantic interoperability in supply chain networks.
In this paper, we focus on introducing the partial
realities of the enterprises, namely data
representations of their information systems, into
heterogeneous environment of a supply chain
network. In presented approach, enterprise data
models are used to generate local ontologies, by
applying a set of rules for interpreting the semantics
of an ER model, namely database schema. Although
“database to ontology mapping” is not a novel
concept, we show that existing approaches are
characterized by weaknesses, most of which are
related to lack of completeness of properties’
semantics. Our approach and corresponding tools
aim at overcoming those, thus enabling the complete
(from the aspect of OWL expressivity) interpretation
(explicitation) of the implicit semantics of the ER
model, as well as full correspondence between
semantic and database queries.
In context of the semantic interoperability in
supply chain networks, resulting local ontologies
may be considered as enterprise message models. As
such, they aim at enabling the semantic
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
interoperability of corresponding enterprise
information systems, not the enterprises themselves.
Still, significant research efforts are needed for
representation and exposition of the enterprise
business logic, which is hard-coded in the systems,
as well as the semantics of the instances, namely
information which is stored in the database (for
example, occurrence patterns). Another line of
research in the future will aim at enactment of the
generated ontologies, as they are considered only as
intermediary models. We consider those research
directions as important for increasing collaboration
in a supply chain network, as its fulfilment will
enable logic driven, automatic and transparent
decision making, thus, facilitating a transition from
traditional supply chains to virtual enterprise and
related paradigms.
The work presented in this paper was partially
supported by the program for scientific cooperation
between Serbia and France PHC PAVLE SAVIC,
project N
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