J. C. Sakdavong, F. Amadieu, N. Huet and C. Dupeyrat
CLLE-LTC, UMR CNRS 5263, Université Toulouse le Mirail, 5 Allée A. Machado
31058 Toulouse Cedex 1, Toulouse, France
Keywords: Learning, Distance education, Computer supported education, ICT, AIED, Modelling, Help, Guidance,
Metacognition, Metacognitive guidance, Multiagent system.
Abstract: This paper presents the framework of elaboration of help in a text-processing computer-based learning
environment. A multiagent software system have been developed including help. Then it was tested in
participants who had to learn autonomously and for which we analyzed the behavioral pattern of using help.
Results showed a lack of regulation and highlight the need for adding a metacognitive guidance enabling
learner to efficiently use help.
The following study has been sponsored by the
French National Agency for Research (ANR) for a
period of four years from 2006 to 2011 (ref.
For several years, the use of new technologies in
higher education and vocational training were
widely developed but did not inevitably entail an
improvement of learning. Several studies showed
that computer learning environments lead to poor
learning (e.g., Dillon & Gabbard, 1998; Shapiro &
Niederhauser, 2004).Furthermore, there is also a
very high dropout rate in distance training
environments (Lebel, 1995).
One of the reasons for this failure is the lack of a
fine analysis of the sequence of learning, the sub-
tasks required to acquire the contents of knowledge.
From an ergonomic point of view the learning
programs using new technologies were too often
elaborated without modelling the task of learning
that is without an analysis of the cognitive demands,
the types of potential errors associated with a
modelling of the activity of the learner (e.g.,
Boucheix, 2003 ; Leplat, 2002 ; Samurcay & Pastré,
In the present study, we will present how we
elaborated the learning sequence taking into account
the previous points.
Another reason which can contribute to this
failure lies in the fact that the educational and
technological tools require learners to take charge of
their own cognitive learning in autonomy for which
they are not all necessarily prepared (Azevedo &
Cromley 2004). This problem occurs particularly in
distance training (Lebel, 1995). To resolve these
difficulties of autonomous learning, it may be useful
to provide learner with helps (for example,
glossaries, work-out exercises) for learning in their
own (Baker, Puustinen & Lund, 2002). However,
learning outcomes partly depend on the quality of
the help provided (Puustinen, Volckaert-Legrier,
Coquin & Bernicot, 2009). If the help does not meet
the learners’ needs, it will not be used or will not
improve learning. Taking into account an analysis of
errors made on a task in help designing enables to
meet learner’s needs and increase the relevance of
the help provided. In the present study we will
describe how we elaborated help in this sense.
Research showed that help is often unsuited for
learners’ needs and rarely or inappropriately used
(e.g., Aleven et al., 2003; Puustinen et al., 2009;
Roll et al., 2005).
Furthermore, the appropriate use of help is
considered in the literature as a self-regulated
strategy (Puustinen, 1998). Self-regulation requires
metacognitive knowledge (e.g., Flavell, 1979), the
knowledge that individuals have of their own
knowledge, perceptions of difficulty, utility and cost
and the relative efficiency of strategies. According
C. Sakdavong J., Amadieu F., Huet N. and Dupeyrat C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003345503040311
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 304-311
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to some authors (e.g., Nelson-Le-Gall, 1981), an
awareness of the need of help-seeking followed by
the decision of seeking help depends on an
individual’s metacognitive knowledge about the
utility and cost of help-seeking. According to
literature on metacognition, metacognitive
knowledge or perceptions of the utility and cost of
using strategies enabling a gain in performance is
positively associated to strategy use (e.g., Pressley et
al. 1985; Escribe & Huet, 2005). In an interactive
learning environment of statistics, we found that the
more students perceived the utility of on-line course,
of worked-out problem, the more they used it
(Noury, Huet, Escribe, & Narciss, 2008).
However, even when help is perceived as useful,
in some studies it was found that help is seldom used
(Hofer & al., 1996).
Furthermore, studies on help-seeking and
learning showed divergent results. Some authors
found that an increase of help used was not
associated with an increase in performance (e.g.,
Clarebout & Elen, 2009), others found a positive
relationship between the use of help and
performance (Jiang, Elen & Clarebout, 2009). These
divergent results reveal that the process of help-
seeking is complex. The help-seeking process can be
considered as a continuum from low to high self-
regulation (Puustinen & Rouet, 2009). Several
characteristics of self-regulated help-seekers or users
have been identified (Puustinen et al. In press). A
high self-regulated help-seeker is illustrated by: (1) a
high awareness of the need for help as indicated by a
high relation between confidence judgment in the
accuracy of the answer and performance (2) the high
rate of time before selecting help as an indicator of
the necessity of the need for help; (3) an
instrumental help selection (asking only for an
explanation or a general procedure or solving
principle and trying to solve the problem by oneself)
rather than an executive help (that is ready-made
answers); (4) the ability to re-invest the first use of
help to the similar exercises.
Within the context of Interactive Learning
Environment (ILE), the aim of the present study is
1) to show how we have elaborated help on the basis
of a previous analysis of errors made by the learners;
2) to explore the use of help in the new device and in
relation with perceptions of help utility and
2.1 Materials
2.1.1 The Text-processing Computer-based
Learning Environment
The environment consisted in a software system for
learning how to use word processor formatting and
style-sheets. The learning material consisted of
screencasts dealing with word processor’s
procedures and application exercises. Within this
environment; the participants were not allowed to
transgress the sequence. This environment resulted
from a previous exploratory study carried out on 80
students (Sakdavong, Huet & Adreit, 2009). The
instructional screencasts were designed especially
for the experiment. Each screencast was composed
of a narration from the teacher and either an
explanation screen or a video of a word processor’s
procedure. These screencasts dealt with formatting
and using style-sheets. They were composed of
explanations of declarative and procedural
knowledge accompanied by examples. The
screencasts duration was about half an hour.
After viewing the screencasts, participants had to
deal with three exercises. These exercises were
provided by the computer-based learning
environment through two windows: one presented
the subject of the exercise and the other was a fully
functional generic word processor. All actions from
the participants in these two windows were recorded
by the computer system.
Each exercise was composed of two questions:
an initial question and a checking question.
Exercise 2 was more complex than exercise 1 in
that it required to master all of the procedures for
formatting and using style-sheets.
After reading the subject of a question, each
participant had to answer to it in the word processor
For example, in the second exercise, the word
processor was presenting a small text from Molière
and the initial question was:
You have to modify the “default”
style in order that paragraphs are
in Times New Roman font, size of 10
points, in italics and with
justified paragraphs. You have to
modify the “title 3” style in order
that …
Figure 1 shows the appearance of the two
windows shown to each participant.
Figure 1: The Learning Environment.
Once a participant had validated her/his answers,
she or he had to assess how confident he or she was
in the accuracy of the answer and then, received a
feedback. If the answer was right, the participant had
to go on to the checking question. If wrong, the
participant was invited to accept or refuse to get
help. According to her/his choice, the participant
was getting help or not, then she/he had to go to the
checking question.
This checking question differed from the initial
question in the following aspect: it was not
associated with help or feedback. It had two roles: if
the participant had failed the initial question, the
checking question tested if the participant had
transferred the chosen help; if the participant had
been successful with the initial question, the
checking question tested if she or he really knew
how to solve the question or if she/he succeeded by
chance. A great care has been taken to ensure the
two questions were equivalent in difficulty.
2.1.2 The Provided Instrumental and
Executive Helps
Help was only provided after a failure on the initial
question of each exercise.
Figure 2 shows the general scheme of each
If the participant accepted to receive help, she/he
was invited to select one of the four following
options: (1) “Go back to see the lesson in relation
with the error I did”; (2) “Read a text describing the
error I did”; (3) “Read a text describing the
Figure 2: Scheme of one exercise.
general procedure to solve the exercise”; (4) “Watch
a video showing the exercise’s solution”. Then
participant had to go to the checking question.
Help #1 to #3 were instrumental helps (Arbreton,
1998) and help #4 was an executive help.
Participant could only choose exactly one help
once she/he accepted to get help.
The instrumental help #1 was generally a link to
one of the first instructional screencasts. The
instrumental help #2 was a simple text identifying
the error but not how to solve it. The instrumental
elp #3 was the correct procedure to answer the
question, presented as an algorithm.
The executive help #4 was a screencast of the
correct solving procedure. This screencast was
without audio commentary.
The errors with their associated help have been
selected thanks to our previous exploratory study
carried out on 80 students (Sakdavong, Huet &
Adreit, 2009): we made a statistical analysis of the
most common and recurrent errors in a word
processor, and have selected the most difficult
exercises and interesting errors. Then we have
designed a general scheme of help in two steps: first
step to know if participant wanted help; second step
to know which type of help she or he would like.
The computer environment device was a
software system not for learning how to use word
processor formatting and style-sheets but to record
and analyse participant’s behavior in order to
provide data for the psychologist and automatic
feedback for the participant.
This device has been implemented as a multi-
agent system (Wooldridge, 2002). Thanks to this
choice, we had software elements (agents) able
Selection of one hel
tance Avoidance
Failure Success
Initial question
Proposition of getting help
Proposition of 4 types of help
Consulting of help
Checking question
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
intrinsically to observe the activity and to produce a
behavior, also to communicate between them. The
system was very dynamic: creating agents during the
learner's behavior (for example, creating a new
helping agent when an exercise starts) or modifying
in real time the behavior of agents (for example, an
helping agent can change of behavior according to
an evolution of the learner’s profile) were very easy.
We have used the framework JADE
(Bellefemine, Cairo, Trucco and Rimassa, 2004) and
programmed the agents in the Java language.
One of the agents role was to record the learner’s
behavior as a sequence of actions (the activity
graph), we called it “Historical” agent. It records the
activity with respect to the full teaching scenario (for
example, it records which help the participant has
chosen in case of failure in solving a question; it
records the consultation time of help or the
processing time of one exercise), to the word
processor agent (for example, the learner selects a
paragraph then clicks on the shortcut button
“centering the paragraph”).
A second important agent role was the
“Scrutinizer” one, it made it possible to observe and
analyze the activity of learning. These agents are in
charge to identify characteristic behaviors. Such
agents are created specifically for each exercise.
They had a mechanism of subscription which
enabled them to receive from the “Historical” agent
the sequences of actions which they were in charge
to analyze. According to their analysis, they created
“Helper” agents or will communicate with the
existing “Helper” agents. They could also
communicate with the “Profile” agent in charge to
dynamically adapt the profile of the learner.
The “Helper” agents were the most important
ones: they provided the assistance by giving
feedback, proposing and displaying help. The
combination of “Scrutinizer” agents and “Helper”
agents while they gave a typical feedback were
acting as classical work on intelligent tutoring (e.g.,
Wood, Bruner& Ross, 1976) in which the tutor
decide which help providing on the basis of an
analysis of frequently made errors (Puustinen,
Volckaert-Legrier, Coquin & Bernicot, 2009).
In order to allow our team to analyze each
participant results, the device was generating XML
and CSV files containing all records.
2.2 Mesures
2.2.1 Prior Knowledge Test
In order to control previous experiences and
familiarity with text processing programs, each
participant was asked to report what were the text
processing programs he/she knew and their
frequency of use. The frequencies of use were very
extended among participants (from many times a
day to sometimes a year).
In addition, they were given a pre-test of seven
multiple choice questions to determine their level of
prior declarative knowledge in principles of text
processing programs (5 answer choices including the
choice “I don’t know” to avoid a random answer
bias). The questions dealt with shared procedures
and functions of text processing programs. They
focused on formatting and using style-sheets with
text processing programs. Each correct answer was
scored by 1 point. An example of a prior knowledge
question was as follows: Justifying text means
(Expected answer: Aligning text on both left and
right sides). Cronbach's Alpha for the prior
knowledge test was 0.60. The mean proportion of
correct answers of 49.23 % (SD = 26.00) highlighted
a large heterogeneity of knowledge within the
participants group.
2.2.2 Confidence Judgment and Perceived
Utility of Help
After finishing the question and before receiving a
feedback, the participant had to assess how
confident he or she was in the accuracy of the
answer on scale from 0 (not at all confident) to 100
(very confident).
For each consulted type of help, five questions
assessed the perceived utility of the concerned type
of help. The questions were designed on the basis of
existing measures of perceived utility (Davis, 1989;
Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003). The
questions were adapted to the learning and problem
solving aspects of the task. Participants rated their
answer on a scale from 0 “not at all” to 100
“totally”. A mean score was computed on the basis
of the five questions.
2.2.3 Actual use of Help and Solving
On-line recording tools were used to get data of the
exercise solving behaviors: accuracy of the answer,
time to decide to accept or refuse help, solve
exercise, solving procedure, chosen type of help
(executive or instrumental.), acceptance or refusal of
help. The recording tools were the agents presented
above. Each student action was recorded and/or
processed by the system. The system was reactive to
these actions and the system’s actions were recorded
2.3 Procedure
Participants were tested in groups in a spacious
computer room, in order to prevent them seeing
what the other students were doing. The duration
was approximately 90 min. They performed
individually the tasks and they were not allowed to
use material other than the computer-based learning
Participants first filled out the template assessing
their past experiences with text processing program
use and their declarative knowledge about
formatting and using style-sheets. Next, the learning
step consisted in watching the instructional
screencasts about formatting and style sheets. The
main part of the experiment was the problem solving
step. Participants were instructed to perform three
types of exercises implying formatting and use of
style sheets. In order to familiarize participants with
the problem solving tasks, the exercises device and
the types of available help were presented through a
screencast. This exercise was designed to promote
participants’ familiarity with the exerciser
environment. The first exercise required formatting
procedure of a given text. The second exercise
required to use and change a style sheet to process a
given text. Each exercise was made of two
equivalent group of questions. Each participant was
first getting the subject of the first question, and then
was allowed to try to answer to it with the integrated
text processing program. When participants
indicated that they had finished, the system decided
if the exercise was correctly solved according to the
grid we have designed. In case of wrong solving, the
system proposed participants to use help.
Participants were allowed to reject help. Participants
accepting help had to make a choice among different
types of help. After consulting help, participants
dealt with the second question of the current
exercise (see figure 2).
At the final step, participants indicated their
perceived utility of the environment’s help.
3.1 Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for
performance and help use on the overall sample (n=
Concerning performance, results showed that in
the initial question of exercise 1, a little more than
fifty percent of participants succeed. Among those
who failed, 44,83 % refused help (i.e., they
expressed that they do not need or do not want help);
55,17% accepted to select help. Concerning the
initial question of the second exercise, most of the
participants failed, and among them 76% accepted
help, 24 % refused help.
Table 1: Descriptive statistics for performance and help
use for the initial question of exercises.
N %
Exercise 1
Help refusal
Help selection
Exercise 2
Help refusal
Help selection
Concerning the kind of help selected, nearly all
of the participants selected an instrumental help: 14
out 16 for exercise 1 and 35 out 38 for exercise 2.
Concerning the kind of error made in the initial
question of exercise 1, most of the participants did
an error of forgetting a sub-goal (13 participants out
of 29); some participants (10 out 29) did an error not
identified by the help system (i.e., an error for which
no specific help had been elaborated, only general
help could be provided) and a minority did a wrong
choice of procedure (6 out 29).
Concerning the initial question of exercise 2,
most of participants (31 out 50) did a wrong choice
of procedure, the others forgot sub-goal (11 out 50)
or made an error not identified by the system (8 out
3.2 Efficacy of Help used
In exercise 1, the acceptance or the refusal of help
was not related to performance; χ²= .144; p >.05.
Among those who refused help, 69.2 % failed again
in the checking question; 30.8% succeeded. Among
those who accepted help, only 37.5 % took benefit
from the help by succeeding in the checking
question. The other participants, although they
selected a help, they did not take benefit from it and
failed again in the checking question (62.5%).
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Similarly to the previous exercise, in exercise 2,
the acceptance or the refusal of help was not related
to performance; χ²= .93; p >.05. Among those who
refused help, 92 % failed again in the checking
question; 8% succeeded. Among those who accepted
help, only 20.6% took benefit from the help by
succeeding in the checking question. The other
participants, although they selected an help, they did
not take benefit from it and failed again in the
checking question (79.4%).
Overall, these results showed that the help
selection did not lead the majority of learners to
succeed in a similar question.
A mean rate of the perceived utility was
computed for each learner who consulted help (N =
45 participants who used at least once a help in at
least one of the two exercises). The learners
generally perceived a positive utility of the consulted
help (M = 61.14; SD = 24.68).
For exercise 2 (checking question), those who
succeeded after consulting help displayed a higher
perception mean of the utility of the help (M=72.71;
SD=18.65) than those who failed (M=57.72;
SD=24.96), t(42)= 1.94, p<.05). Because, the score
of perceived utility was assessed after executing all
of the exercises we did not compute the relationship
between performance at exercise 1 (checking
question) and the utility perceived of the help used
in all of the exercises.
However, high perceived utility of help was
linked to a high confidence-judgment of success to
solve the checking exercise r(45) = .47, p < .01). In
other words, a positive confidence judgment of
performance was associated to a high perceived
utility of help consulted to perform the checking
3.3 Individual Differences in
Self-regulated Learning
The analysis of individual differences in self-
regulation of behavior on the most complex exercise
(exercise 2) revealed that:
-15 participants succeed both the initial and the
checking question).
-4 participants succeeded in the initial question
but failed in the checking question
- Among the participants who failed in the initial
question, 12 participants refused the help and 11 out
of 12 failed in the checking question, considered as
bad regulated help-seekers.
- Among the participants who failed in the initial
question, 34 participants accepted help and only 7
succeeded in the checking question, showing that
they were self-regulated help-seekers. The other 27
were bad regulated help-seekers.
These behavioral patterns showed that the majority
of the participants lack of self-regulated skills and
consequently cannot appropriately use the helps.
Analysis of variance were computed between the
three groups who failed (see Table 2) (we excluded
one group who was composed of only one
participant who failed at the initial question, refused
help and succeeded at the checking question) on the
mean time duration of the decision to accept or
refuse help on the exercise 2. Results were not
significant, F(2,42)=1.30, p>.05. The self-regulated
group (N=7) did not differ from the other two
groups. The five behavioral pattern did not differ on
the confidence judgment in the answer at exercise 2
(initial question), F(4,59)= 1.27, p>.05 (see Table 2).
Table 2: Behavioral pattern and descriptive statistics of
confidence judgment in the answer at exercise 2.
Behavioral pattern N M SD
Failed initial q:
Help refusal-
failure checking q.
Help accepted-
failure checking q
Help accepted-
success checking q
Success initial q:
Success checking q
Failure checking q
Note. q: question
The aim of this study was to present the design of
the helps provided by a multi-agent system based on
a previous analysis of errors. Then, a second aim
was to explore how learners behaviour in a device
with help and especially are they self-regulated help-
Results showed that taking charge of one’s learning,
even with a computer-based learning environment
with relevant helps, is not easy for most of the
learners. They lack of accurate monitoring:
judgment of confidence scores should be less high
when they failed. An important amount of them
refused help when needed, and consequently failed.
Some of them used help but inefficiently although
they selected an instrumental help, which is
considered as an adaptive help for learning. They
perceived the utility of the help but did not take
benefit from it.
These results are in the line of those found in the
literature and highlight the need for helping learners
to select help when needed and to be self-regulated
helping-seeker. In this perspective, the next step of
our study will be to conceive a metacognitive
guidance. If learners do not use correctly the helps, it
is because they have a lack of metacognitive
abilities: they do not regulate correctly their learning
Two types of metacognitive guidance will be
proposed (double-blind, 2009):
A suggested guidance that the learner can
accept or refuse
An imposed guidance if the system identifies
a recurrent metacognitive mistake or lack.
This made the principal originality of our
approach from the point of view of psychology.
The two types of metacognitive guidance will
be included in the multi-agent system as new
helping agents
The online course including guidance will be
tested over many groups of learners and the
multi-agent system will again record all the
learners’ behavior into graphs
Psychologists will analyze the graphs of
learners’ behavior in order to check if our
metacognitive helps are useful.
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