Mario A. Gomez-Rodriguez, Victor J. Sosa-Sosa and Ivan Lopez-Arevalo
Laboratory of Information Technology (LTI), Cinvestav-Tamaulipas
Parque Científico y Tecnológico TECNOTAM - Km. 5.5 carretera Cd. Victoria-Soto La Marina
C.P. 87130. Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Keywords: Wi-Fi, GPRS, MMS, Mobile File Server.
Abstract: Current mobile devices such as mobile phones and PDAs are able to run applications that can demand a
considerable storage space. When these devices run out of local memory, they require backing up their files
in an external storage device, which could restrict the user mobility. This paper presents an Adaptive File
Transfer Middleware (AFTM) for mobile applications. This middleware eases the transfer of files between a
mobile device and an external storage server by accessing the best wireless connection (WiFi,
GPRS/UMTS) available, considering quality and cost of the service. AFTM is also able to use the
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) as another option for transferring files. A File Backup Service
(FBS) was built on top of the AFTM. The FBS will detect when the device ran out of local memory and will
automatically send selected files from the mobile device to an external storage server, freeing the mobile
storage memory. To decide which files should be backed up, FBS implements several file replacement
policies. Results showed that the selection of one replacement policy will be a trade-off between the
efficiency of the algorithm and the cost of the wireless service available when a file needs to be backed up.
The cell phone is one of the most popular mobile
devices. It has constantly evolved since its invention.
It's common that current mobile devices have two or
more communication interfaces such as USB,
infrared, Bluetooth, GPRS and the IEEE 802.11,
popularly known as Wi-Fi. Wireless networks
improve the utility of portable computing devices,
enabling mobile user's versatile communication and
continuous access to services and resources of the
terrestrial networks. Mobile phones have also been
endowed with more computing power. Intelligent
mobile phones (a.k.a. smartphones) integrate the
functions of PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) in
conventional mobile phones. These technologic
developments allow current mobile phones to run
applications that generate a large number of files
and, as a consequence, require a greater storage
capacity. Unfortunately, the storage capacity on
these devices has not grown at the pace that mobile
applications require. Once a mobile device exceeds
its storage capacity, it is necessary to download its
files (such as text, images, music, videos, etc.) in an
external storage system (e.g., a computer), backing
up the information. This process usually limits the
mobility because users have to connect their mobile
devices to a fixed external storage using a cable
(e.g., USB), or through a short-range wireless
network such as Infrared or Bluetooth. These storage
limitations reduce the mobility and storage capacity
of users, particularly in situations when users are
travelling and they need more space, for instance, to
keep their pictures or videos and there is not
available a nearby external storage device. These
situations motivate the development of supporting
tools that allow files to be exchanged between
mobile devices and external storage systems in a
transparent way, taking into account LAN or WAN
wireless connectivity, cost of the service and
available storage. Since there are different mobile
devices that work with various computing platforms
or operating systems (e.g., Symbian, Blackberry,
Windows Mobile, Android, etc.), it is not feasible to
develop a proprietary tool for a specific platform,
because it would limit its usability. That is why the
design of a solution to this problem must include
A. Gomez-Rodriguez M., Sosa-Sosa V. and Lopez-Arevalo I. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking and Optical Communication Systems, pages 45-52
DOI: 10.5220/0002990100450052
multiplatform considerations that allow better
coverage in different mobile devices.
The situations described above were our motivation
to build an Adaptive File Transfer Middlewar
(AFTM) that can be capable of running on different
operating systems and allow mobile applications to
send and receive files from an external storage
server, connected to Internet through different
wireless technologies, taking into account the cost
and quality of the service. The AFTM was tested by
developing a File Backup Service (FBS) for mobile
phones, which offers a service of swapping files
between the mobile device and an external storage
server in a transparent way. Users of this application
perceive a virtual storage space, which is higher than
the real memory space included in the mobile
device. FBS is similar to a file caching service,
reason why it integrates an efficient replacing policy
to optimize the file access time.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section II describes related work; some of the
systems described in Section II gave technical
support to the Adaptive File Transfer Middleware
(AFTM). Section III presents the AFTM
architecture, which is divided in three main parts:
Client-side application layer, Core connection layer
and Server-side application layer. In Section IV, a
mobile application named File Backup Service
(FBS) is presented. This application was developed
as a use case for testing the AFTM. Section V
includes final comments and mentions ongoing
Mobile file systems like Coda (Satyanarayanan et al.,
1990)(Kistler et al., 1992)
, Odyssey (Satyanarayanan,
), Bayou (Demers, 1994) and Xmiddle (Mascolo et
al., 2002
), worked with the data sharing-oriented
problem in distributed computing environments.
This problem could be directly related to the file
transfer problem in mobile phones. Although with
different focus, all of these systems try to maximise
the availability of the data using data replication,
each one differing in the way that they maintain
consistency in the replicas. Coda provides server
replications and disconnected operations; it allows
access of data during the disconnection period and
focuses on long-term disconnections, which more
often occurs in mobile computing environments.
Odyssey is the successor of Coda, which has been
improved introducing context-awareness and
application-dependent behaviors that allow the use
of these approaches in mobile computing settings.
The Bayou system is a platform to build
collaborative applications, its emphasis is on
supporting application-specific conflict detection
and resolution. It has been designed as a system to
support data sharing among mobile users and is
intended to run in mobile computing environments.
The system use a read-any/write-any replication
scheme, thus the replicated data are only weakly
consistent. Unlike previous systems, Bayou exploits
application knowledge for dependency checks and
merges procedures. (Lui et al, 1998) propose a
mobile file system, NFS/M, based on the NFS 2.0
and the Linux platform. It supports client-side data
caching in order to improve the system performance,
reducing the latency during weak connection
periods. (Atkin et al., 2006) propose other file
system that, like NFS/M, supports client-side
caching. Some applications like (
GSpaceMobile, 2009)
and (Emoze, 2009)
, enable the file transfer between
mobile devices and external storage servers.
However, these applications only consider a
proprietary storage server.
(Boulkenafed and Issarny, 2003) present a
middleware service that allows collaborative data
sharing among ad hoc groups that are dynamically
formed according to the connectivity achieved by
the ad hoc WLAN. These middleware enable to
share and manipulate common data in a
collaborative manner (e.g, working meet, network
gaming, etc.) without the need for any established
infrastructure. They implemented their middleware
service within a file system in order to evaluate it.
The result was a distributed file system for mobile
ad hoc data sharing. It is worth mentioning that the
performance measurements were done on a platform
of ten laptops, and they only use IEEE 802.11b
WLAN in ad hoc mode, unlike AFTM, which is able
to use Wi-Fi, GSM, GPRS or UMTS networks.
(Belimpasakis et al, 2008) propose a content sharing
middleware for mobile devices using different
protocols (UPnP, Atom and WebDAV), providing
interfaces for applications, in order to allow 3rd
party developers to create applications with sharing
capabilities. The middlewares mentioned above
make use of both Wi-Fi and GPRS wireless
networks. However, they consider neither
transferring files through a messaging system like
MMS nor the portability issue. We have decided to
develop AFTM using J2ME, offering portability.
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
In this section, the AFTM architecture is described
in more detail. The architecture is mainly divided in
three components or layers: Client-side application
layer, Core connection layer and server-side
application layer. Figure 1 depicts this architecture
whose components are presented in the following
3.1 Client-side Application Layer
This layer deals with file transferring operations
(send/receive) required from mobile applications.
One main function is to make transparent the
selection of the available wireless connection (WiFi,
GPRS or UMTS) or messaging service (MMS)
provided by the lower layer (Core) to the mobile
application. The main component of the client-side
application layer is the External Storage Services
Module (API_ESS). This module offers a set of
wrappers for connections with different wireless
networks. It uses a connection selector that indicates
which wireless network will be used. When
connectivity is limited, the connection selector offers
the MMS services as the best option for file
The API ESS includes both messaging services SMS
and MMS. Due to the limitations of SMS (about 150
bytes by message), MMS is the default option
chosen by the connection selector.
The API_ESS could include a configuration file that
indicates the priorities assigned to the wireless
connection services. The first in the list indicates the
cheapest service in terms of cost or bandwidth
consumption. The API_ESS functions are divided
into upper level functions and lower level functions.
The upper functions are typically used by mobile
applications, e.g., selectRoot( ), retr(file) and
stor(file). These functions send and receive files
from an external storage service making totally
transparent the type of wireless o messaging service
used. Lower level functions deal directly with
wireless connection and messaging wrappers.
Examples of these functions are:
autoDetectConnection(), getConnection() and
The current implementation of the API_ESS
includes the following wrappers:
Wi-Fi/GPRS: It enables to send/request files via
the IEEE 802.11 and the GPRS protocols.
Figure 1: Layers of the File Transfer Middleware (AFTM)
for Mobile Phones with Limited Connectivity.
MMS: It represents an alternative option for
sending and requesting files using the
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). MMS
has to be supported by a mobile phone carrier;
otherwise it will not be available. This wrapper
will commonly be used when the Wi-Fi and
GPRS (or UMTS) networks are not available.
SMS-M: The purpose of this wrapper is to
provide mobile applications with one more
option for sending information to and/or
receiving from the external storage server in
future applications. The mobile application FBS
uses this wrapper for registering user accounts in
a web storage server that is supported by the
server-side layer of the AFTM.
3.2 Core Connection Layer
This part of the architecture represents the
communication services needed by our middleware.
It includes modules to deal with the most popular
wireless technologies and messaging services. A
brief description of these modules is as follows:
Center (SMSC): The SMSC is responsible for
relaying messages between short message
entities (SMEs, elements that can send or receive
text messages) and store and forward messages,
if the recipient SME is not available.
MMS Center (MMSC): The MMSC is a key
element in the MMS architecture, and it is
composed of an MMS relay and an MMS server,
which are responsible both to store and manage
incoming and outgoing multimedia messages. It
also ensures interoperability with other
messaging systems (Bodick, 2005) by means of
different communication interfaces (e.g., MM3
SMTP Server: It receives the files that have been
sent via multimedia messaging (MMS) to an
email account. The data travels across the
wireless network available (2.5G or 3G) and are
routed by the MMSC to the Internet, then get to
our SMTP server. This option is activated when
socket connections fail.
GSM Gateway: It receives text messages (SMS)
that are sent by the client for complementary
services, e.g., to create an account.
User DB: It is an optional database that could
contain information of subscribers registered by
mobile applications based on AFTM.
FTP Server: It is the process responsible for
receiving and storing the files. In the FBS
application, users have to be registered before
obtaining a storage space in the external storage
server. Files managed by the FTP Server can
come from direct socket connected clients (using
a wireless connection) or e-mail clients (using a
MMS connection). This server is one of the key
parts of the architecture as it controls all the files
received in the external storage server.
e-mail Client: This process is used by the server-
side layer when the original server-side MMS
receiver fails. In this situation, files that are sent
by clients using MMS are redirected to a mail
box defined in the server-side application layer.
The e-mail Client process is in charge of
obtaining these files from the indicated mail box
using the Post Office Protocol (POP3).
3.3 Server-side Application Layer
This layer gives developers an infrastructure
(API_ISS) for building a storage server that
considers mobile devices. API_ISS includes
modules for receiving and sending files through
different communication services such as WiFi,
GPRS, UMTS and the Multimedia Message Service
(MMS). Different types of servers can be
implemented using this API. The particular behavior
can be customized, for instance, by developing a
web storage service or a file sharing storage server.
The Internal Storage Service (ISS) module
represents the main module included in the
The API_ISS is a module that offers a set of
methods, which will be used by server-side
applications. It contains functions for managing
connections and user accounts as well as functions
for receiving and transmitting data through different
wireless networks. It includes similar wrappers like
those located in the client side application layer. It
implements the FTP service, which packs all the
methods for transferring and receiving files going to
or coming from mobile devices. A file storage server
that is developed with the API_ISS could connect
with other distributed storage servers building a big
virtual disk. This distributed approach allows it to
increase its virtual available storage space by
integrating the storage space offered by other
external storage.
This section describes a use case for the Adaptive
File Transfer Middleware (AFTM). A mobile
application named FBS that uses our AFTM was
developed. The purpose of FBS is to send files from
a mobile phone to an external storage server when
the mobile phone runs out of memory. This process
is transparent for users that can always see the
complete list of files, even when some of them are
not physically kept in the memory of the mobile
phone. When a file is required by the user, FBS
requests the missing file from the storage server
using any wireless network available or the MMS
service, depending on the service priority defined in
the configuration file. Automatic swapping allows
mobile devices to free storage space in a transparent
way. A web storage server was also developed based
on AFTM. To use our web storage server, users have
to be registered before sending files. The registration
process can be done through a SMS message or by
filling in a web form. FBS and the AFTM were
developed using the J2ME platform. The
configuration, profile and basic libraries needed for
our development are: CLDC 1.1 (Connected Limited
Device Configuration 1.1.), MIDP2.0 (Mobile
Information Device Profile 2.0), WMAPI 2.0
(Wireless Messaging API 2.0), SATSA-Crypto (JSR
177) and PDA Profile (JSR 75).
Due to the fact that FBS works like a caching
system, a file replacement police was included in its
implementation. A benchmark based on metrics
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
taken from different real mobile phones was also
created. The main metrics were: the average storage
space in a mobile phone, the average file size, and
the average data transfer rate in wireless LAN and
WAN networks such as WiFi y GPRS. Table 1
includes measures taken from different mobile
phones and PDAs such as: Nokia5530, 7020, N95
and HP iPAQ HW6945, Blackberry 8220.
Table1: Common measures in limited mobile phones and
A collection of more than 1000 files taken from
different mobile phones revealed an average file size
of 1.3MB. More of them were of music, photos and
videos. Transmitting files of 1.3MB from different
mobile phones to an external storage server
connected to Internet using WiFi revealed an
average time of 8.3s (about 1.3Mb/s). Using GPRS
for the same transmissions showed an average time
of 148s (about 73Kb/s).
These experiments gave us a realistic average
transmission time of wireless networks with
different traffic loads. The traffic coming from
Internet connections played an important role in
these measures. (Enriquez, 2009) made several
tests trying to find an optimal block size for
transmitting files between a mobile phone and a data
server (PC) using WiFi and GPRS networks,
considering different traffic hours. The optimal
block size obtained using WiFi was 4KB (Figure 2)
and for GPRS was 96B (Figure 3). However, the
GPRS transfer rate showed a high variability in
hours with high traffic, resulting in many
communications errors. Several block sizes were
tested with high traffic to observe the GPRS
behavior. GPRS showed less variability when a
block size of 64B was used, resulting in a better
behavior. This stable behavior motivated the use of a
block size of 64B in AFTM, instead of 96B found in
(Enriquez, 2009).
As we mentioned above, FBS is a mobile application
that works like a caching service, reason why it
includes a file replacement policy. The main task of
a replacement police is to decide which file will be
sent to the external storage server to free storage
space in the mobile phone memory.
Figure 2: An optimal transmission block size in a WLAN
Figure 3: An optimal transmission block size for a GPRS
In order to find a good replacement policy for FBS,
four algorithms were tested. These algorithms were:
LRU (Least Recently Used), LFU (Least Frequently
Used), LFS (Largest File Size), and SFS (Smallest
File Size). As their names indicate, the LRU policy
will send the least recently used file to the external
storage server. LFU will send the least frequently
used file, LFS the largest file, and SFS the smallest
one. If there is more than one file as the largest or
the smallest, a LRU police is applied. A benchmark
that reproduces a sequence of send/receive
operations, using a group of 120 files with sizes
ranging from 512KB to 2.5MB was implemented.
Thirty one experiments were carried out with
different scenarios. Connections for sending and
receiving files were randomly changing between
GPRS and WiFi, emulating mobile users.
Figure 4 depicts the behavior of the average hit ratio
in FBS using each replacement policy (in 31
experiments). Figure 5 shows the average
transmission time.
As we can see, if FBS replaces files based on the
largest file size (LFS), it obtains the best hit ratio
(almost 8 of 10 files were in the mobile phone
memory when they were requested by the user).
Figure 4: Average hit ratio obtained by FBS using
different replacement polices.
Figure 5: Average transmission time obtained by FBS
using diferrent replacement policies.
However, it also obtains the greatest average
transmission time, which could be a result of
transmitting large files using a GPRS connection at
the moment of a miss. These results give us some
insights to determine if we should prioritize between
the quantity of bytes transmitted and the total time
consumption using the network, especially in the
GPRS/GSM networks. In most of the cases the
wireless communication service is charged based on
bandwidth consumption. Figure 6 shows the total
bandwidth consumption after running all of the
algorithms. These experiments did not show a
correlation between the total bandwidth
consumption and the average transmission time.
Even though the LFU algorithm had low total
bandwidth consumption, it did not show low average
transmission time. It happened so because most of
the time that the mobile application had to
send/receive files (using the LRU algorithm)
coincided with a GPRS connection.
The evaluations using FBS gave us information for
deciding which algorithm could be implemented as
part of our Adaptive File Transfer Middleware
(AFTM), and to consider if it would be better to
include a fixed replacement policy or an adaptive
one, considering if the cost of the communication
service is based on time or bandwidth consumption.
In the current implementation of FBS, users are able
to define a cost-based priority list that best fits his or
her requirements. This priority list has to be included
in a configuration file. Information like depicted in
Figure 4, 5 and 6 can help to decide the order of
priorities based on the cost of the services in a
particular region.
Figure 6: Total bandwidth consumption obtained by FBS
using 4 different replacement policies.
Another important topic considered in FBS was
information privacy. This topic becomes an
important factor when transmitting files from a
mobile phone to an external and public storage
server. In cases where the storage server does not
offer a private place to keep the user information,
FBS can encrypt the files before sending them to the
server. In these cases, the external storage server
will keep only encrypted files, offering privacy to
the information. The encryption process is carried
out by using the Java Specification Request 177
(JSR 177, Satsa Crypto). FBS uses the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES), which is a symmetric
key algorithm with a key and block size (it could
vary) of 128bits. Experiments for evaluating the
impact in the transferring time when using
encryption were conducted with FBS. The objective
was to find out the impact in terms of the cost of
extra bandwidth and transferring time needed when
encryption is applied. For this experiment, the use of
the MMS service as another option (included in
AFTM) to transfer files was tested. To execute this
experiment, our test bed had to be redesigned,
because the largest public MMS service provider in
Mexico has defined a maximum file size for each
MMS message of 100KB. FBS was tested using a
group of 100 files with sizes ranging from 80 to
Table 2 shows how the encryption process increases
the average file transfer time until 3 times in some
cases. We can see how WiFi connections are the
most affected.
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
Table2: Average file transfer time with and without
encryption using files with an average size of 90kb.
Average File
Transfer Time
AFTT without
AFTT with
Impact Using
3 times
1.59 times
2.64 times
This situation is more evident when small files are
transmitted. Since GPRS networks have a low
bandwidth and low transmission rates, the resulting
impact of the encryption process is lower. The
transmission times obtained from the MMS service
showed a high variability, because the public MMS
server provider in Mexico does not guarantee real
time transmissions.
As mobile devices evolve, they require more storage
capacity to keep the large amount of files that new
mobile applications generate. This paper briefly
introduced an Adaptive File Transfer Middleware
(AFTM) for mobile applications. The middleware
allows mobile applications to store and request files
from an external storage server, taking advantage of
available wireless networks and considering issues
related to the cost of the service. As a use case, a
mobile application that transparently swaps files
between a mobile device and an external storage
server was developed, increasing storage space in
the former. In this application, different file
replacement policies were tested. An important
parameter that has to be considered when deciding
about a replacement policy is the cost of the service.
Results obtained in this work showed that it is not a
trivial decision to select a specific replacement
policy for a mobile device. Mobile devices do not
present a correlation between the bandwidth and
time consumption because they do not keep the
same wireless connection any time. Service costs are
usually defined by wireless WAN providers, and
could be based on bandwidth consumption or time
consumption, criteria that have to be included in the
replacement algorithms. FTS is also prepared for
transferring files using the Multimedia Messaging
Service (MMS), an additional option to be
considered for users when connections are limited.
Our experiments revealed that the time for
transferring encrypted files could rise the original
time in a factor of three. This increase is more
evident when small files are transmitted using
wireless network with high transmission rates.
This research was partially funded by project
number 51623 from Mix Funds of the National
Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT-
Mexico) and the Government of Tamaulipas State.
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DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking