Can the Online Proctor be Reliably Computerized?
Ariel J. Frank
Department of Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Keywords: Lockdown Software, Dependable Distributed Testing, Distributed Education, Identity Verification, Online
Proctoring, Secure Online Testing, Test Cheating, Test Integrity, Testing Management System.
Abstract: Distributed Education (DE) enables education, both teaching and learning, anytime, anywhere, using any
media or modality, at any pace. Assessment, especially testing, is a major component in the overall
evaluation of an educational program. However, there still is an important component missing from most
DE programs to enable its full realization in a distributed environment: dependable distributed testing
(DDT). The paper presents a comprehensive risk analysis of dependable distributed testing that classifies
seven (types of) risks, introduces the resultant DoDoT (Dependable observable Distributed online Testing)
reference model, and examines its coverage by three commercial systems. However, these systems are not
yet in use in most DE frameworks and do not have yet full DoDoT coverage. The vision of the DoDoT
reference model is the continued pursuit and adaptation of new, innovative technologies and methods to
make dependable distributed testing increasingly more computerized, reliable, affordable and prevalent.
The incessant evolution of the Web has also
accelerated the adaptation of Distributed Education
, a generalization of Distance Learning, which
is in wide use nowadays for educational aims (Allen
& Seaman, 2010). DE enables education, both
teaching and learning, anytime, anywhere, using any
media or modality, at any pace.
There are many important topics in education in
general and in distributed education in particular
(Simonson, Smaldino, Albright & Zvacek, 2009).
We concentrate here on the topic of assessment –
of learners by teachersa major component in the
overall evaluation of an educational program.
Assessment, be it summative or formative, is a
process dealing with control, measurement and the
systematic documenting of learners' achievements so
as to be able to examine to what extent have the
learners advanced towards predefined educational
goals. Learners' assessment can be achieved using
some combination of tools, such as assignments,
papers, projects, quizzes, open and closed tests,
forums, group work, etc.
The focus here is on the classic assessment tool
the test (exam, quiz), taken by a testee (examinee,
test taker), usually a student, pupil, or trainee,
learning in an organization associated with higher
education, high schools, or business, respectively.
But how can testing security be provided to assure
testing integrity? Obviously, there are people who
will cheat or defraud if the stakes are high enough
and the deterrence too low (Bailie & Jortberg, 2009;
King, Guyette & Piotrowski, 2009; McCabe,
Trevino & Butterfield, 2001; VS1, n.d.).
Tests can be paper-based or computer-based.
Modern educational frameworks (e-learning)
provide for computer-administered testing
(e-testing). However, notwithstanding the significant
growth of DE and its recent ubiquity, there still is an
important component missing from most DE
programs to enable its full realization in a distributed
environment: dependable distributed testing (DDT)
(Bailie & Jortberg, 2009; Graf, 2002; Guess, 2008).
The term “dependable” here means that distance
testing is available to all testees in a secure, reliable
manner that maintains testing integrity. The focus
here is only on the technical aspects of DDT.
The contribution of this paper is in the
comprehensive risk analysis of DDT, in the resultant
DoDoT (Dependable observable Distributed online
Testing) reference model and in examining its
coverage by three commercial systems. The rest of
the paper is structured as follows. The following
section discusses some relevant aspects of
dependable testing. In Section 3, seven (types of)
Frank A. (2010).
DEPENDABLE DISTRIBUTED TESTING - Can the Online Proctor be Reliably Computerized?.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 22-31
DOI: 10.5220/0002985500220031
risks in DDT are analyzed. In Section 4 the resultant
DoDoT reference model is introduced and its
coverage by three commercial systems is examined
in Section 5. We conclude the paper with Section 6.
Before delving into the risk analysis of DDT, the
following subsections review some relevant aspects
of dependable testing: accreditation of DE programs,
in-person proctoring, and testing integrity.
2.1 DE Program Accreditation
Are DE programs as reputable as regular educational
programs? Or more formally, are DE programs
regulated and accredited as non-DE programs are?
Specifically, accreditation requires that an
organization offering an educational program must
positively prove by some documentation that an
enrolled person is the same learner who does the
work leading to graduation (Acxiom, n.d.; VS2, n.d.).
Admittedly, there is a trend in DE not to rely on
high-stakes testing for learners' assessment (Foster,
2008). This trend advocates worry that they will be
forced to use a particular assessment process that
could turn out be too expensive or that would
overemphasize tests. Their driving idea is that DE
teachers should rely more for assessment on written
assignments, threaded discussions, blogs, wikis,
e-portfolios, online quizzes, open tests and capstone
projects. The assumption is that teachers can become
familiar with their learners' working and writing
styles in order to spot cheating and fraudulent work,
and in time be able to individually assess them.
However, educational organizations requiring
high-stakes assessment probably need to depend on
testing (Heubert & Hauser, 1999). The lack of
dependable testing might turn out to be a major
obstacle in complying with required accreditation.
Having such “validated testing” could garner more
respect for DE programs and raise their credibility
with regulators. However, even if distance testing is
provided, it is recommended that learners should not
be forced to take an online test. In the same way that
usually there is a choice if to take an educational
program on-ground or online, so should there be a
choice for test taking.
2.2 In-person Proctored Tests
Dependable testing is usually realized by human
oversight, in the form of proctors who administer the
test. Dependable test delivery, with in-person
proctors, can be realized using one of three options
(Questionmark, n.d.):
1. On-site testing
2. Off-site testing centers
3. One-on-one proctoring.
On-site testing necessitates the physical arrival of all
proctors and testees (and usually their teachers) to
the organization at the same time. With computer-
administered testing, each testee works on a
computer that is organizationally preloaded with the
test and other tools authorized for use. This is a
major undertaking by all involved, though it does
provide dependable testing.
Off-site testing centers necessitate the physical
arrival of proctors and testees to the closest testing
center at similar times (time zone adjusted). This
requires travel of staff and faculty to proctor tests
taken at off-site public facilities or at third-party
testing centers. With computer-administered testing,
the organizational logistics required to support
multiple testing centers in parallel is a complex
effort. It can turn out to be a cumbersome operation,
though it also provides dependable testing.
One-on-one proctoring necessitates the
recruitment of an in-room proctor to supervise a
certain testee at a pre-designated place and time.
That is, the testee usually has to make all
arrangements for selecting a certified proctor
(former teacher, work colleague, librarian, etc.),
which will physically oversee the taking of a secured
test delivered on time to the testee computer.
Overall, this is a burdensome option with a lower
testing dependability, since there is higher
opportunity for collusion between a not-so-reputable
testee and a not-so-reputable proctor.
As aforementioned, each of these in-person
proctoring options requires much planning and
execution, involving relevant DE administrators,
proctors, learners, and teachers, and the appropriate
computer-administered testing infrastructure, to
solve what can turn out to be “a logistical
nightmare”. Any of these options, above and over
the, often repeated, efforts and costs, can also lead to
growing frustration among the distance learners
since these options contradict the core principles of
DE and its full realization.
2.3 Test Integrity
The prevalent assumption is that traditional proctors
and secure logins suffice to ensure honest computer-
administered testing (Carter, 2009). However, any
(testing) security system can be circumvented if the
will is there and the capabilities exist. In-person
proctored tests are also not foolproof. Proctors never
DEPENDABLE DISTRIBUTED TESTING - Can the Online Proctor be Reliably Computerized?
do anything but keep honest testees or uncreative
ones honest. How does one make sure that no one
cheats in an auditorium attended by a large number
of testees? Or as another example, consider a testee
with a hidden pinhole camera on a shirt button that
broadcasts the screen content to an accomplice who
uses a cellphone to advise the testee that wears a
miniature wireless earphone concealed by long hair.
What should be possible is to inhibit testing integrity
risks, not fully prevent them (Graf, 2002; Weippl,
Assuming no in-person proctors in DE frameworks
makes dependable distributed testing even tougher
to realize, but does not turn it into “mission
impossible”. The fact that (at least) three
commercial DDT systems are in use is an indication
of a need for such DE systems (Section 5). As part
of a literature survey (see References) and extensive
research leading to the proposed DoDoT reference
model (Section 4), we conducted a comprehensive
risk analysis of the cheating and fraud options
attemptable during tests. Following, we analyze
seven (types of) risks that were identified and
classified: testing mismanagement, impersonator,
PC misuse, forbidden stuff, accomplice, test leakage,
and “electronic warfare”.
3.1 Testing Mismanagement
Dependable distributed testing requires varied
services and tools for test creation, test data
management and archiving, test scheduling, test
delivery, test grading, test reporting and test
security. The potential for testing mismanagement is
huge. Fortunately, the following coupled DE
systems can handle this risk.
DE frameworks are usually based on a Learning
(Content) Management System (LMS/LCMS) – a
software application, usually web-based, for the
administration, documentation, tracking, and
reporting of e-learning programs, classroom and
online events, and educational content (Ellis, 2009).
The companion system, Testing Management
System (TMS), has similar functionalities but
specializes on the testing domain. A TMS can be
integrated into an LMS or be interconnected with
existing one.
The TMS simplifies the entire test management
process while adhering to privacy policies. It should
provide testing security for the entire lifecycle of a
test. Teachers can post tests from anywhere and
learners can take them anywhere with computerized
test delivery and full documentation of the testing
process. The TMS provides teachers with complete
control over and access to the test items, test results
and other test information. It can track testees'
progress throughout the test sessions, reducing the
tension and administrative burdens normally
associated with the test season. A TMS can also be
used to manage other assessments including
unproctored practice tests, quizzes and take-home
tests, but this is not the emphasis here.
To support DDT, a TMS should be rigorously
secured by use of leading-edge test security and
communication technologies or even be run on a
secure network. For example, it should use data
encryption technologies for test information, secure
protocols, firewall protection, etc.
In terms of distributed systems, such a TMS is a
“dependable system” where the dependability
concept covers important requirements such as
availability, reliability, safety, maintainability,
integrity, security and fault tolerance (Kopetz &
Verissimo, 1993). In a similar sense, the term used
here – “dependable distributed testing” – is a
generalization of the often used term of “secure
online testing”.
As aforementioned, there are many components
to a testing management system. The focus here is
on the test delivery aspects of a TMS. Commercial
TMSs include: Perception Secure (Questionmark,
n.d.), Respondus (Respondus, n.d.). Section 5
reviews three commercial DDT systems that are
TMS based: ProctorU (Pupilcity, n.d.), Online
Proctoring (KryterionOLP, n.d.), Remote Proctor
(Securexam, n.d.).
3.2 Impersonator
A serious DDT risk is an impersonator testee. How
to verify that a learner, signed up for a DE program,
is the same one taking the test if the testee is far
away? The identity check required when taking a
test can be realized by testee verification (Acxiom,
n.d.; Bailie & Jortberg, 2009; Schaefer, Barta &
Pavone, 2009; Weippl, 2005). Baseline verification
of testee identity in computer-administered testing
can be achieved by authenticating the username and
password during testee login.
The problem though is how secure are usernames
and passwords? Learners employing someone else to
take their test instead of them would willingly share
their username and password with the impersonator,
regardless of any rules or regulations. Similarly, we
cannot rely on common information about testees
(e.g., identification number, mailing address) or
even something supposedly only testees know but
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
that is a “shared secret” with the TMS (e.g.,
mother’s maiden name, favorite color). The problem
is that “what you know” is easily sharable. We also
cannot rely on some artefact the testees have (e.g.,
driver's license, smartcard, wearable RFID tag), i.e.,
on “what you have”. Note that we should also not
rely on the location of the testees (e.g., IP address,
GPS tracking device), i.e., “where you are”, so as
not to limit the testees in where they take the test.
So how can impersonation be prevented in DE
environments? One solution is to achieve testee
verification using biometric enrollment and
authentication processes (i.e., “what you are”).
There are several biometric verification technologies
that could be considered (Prabhakar, Pankanti &
Jain, 2003). Some are already in use in DE
frameworks: fingerprint verification (Securexam,
n.d.), face verification (Kryterion, n.d.; Securexam,
n.d.), signature verification (StudentPen, n.d.). As
part of the authentication process, there is a need to
decide when (at start, periodic or random) and how
to authenticate the testee and what are the
consequences of failure to authenticate. (These
processes are also important to assure non-
repudiation of test taking.)
Some researchers have coined the term
“behaviometrics” for behavioral biometrics such as
typing rhythms patterns or mouse movements (i.e.,
“what you do”), where this analysis can be done
continuously without interrupting or interfering with
user activities. For example, Webassessor
(Kryterion, n.d.) uses keystroke analysis for
recognizing unique typing styles. It measures the
pattern of keystroke rhythms of a user and develops
a unique biometric template of the user's typing
pattern for future authentication.
Another testee verification option is use of the
challenge questions methodology to inquire on
personal history that only the testee can answer for
(i.e., “what only you know”). For example, Acxiom
Student Identity (Acxiom, n.d.; Bailie & Jortberg,
2009) poses in real-time a few targeted questions
that challenge the testee and scores the answers.
Challenge questions can be based on third-party data
retrieved from large-scale public or private
databases, while maintaining privacy policies.
Strategies can be used to determine which challenge
questions to ask, how many questions, passing
thresholds, and red flags on fraud indicators. For
example, challenge questions could be asked at sign-
on, periodically or also at random. Unlike biometric
and behaviometric authentication, the challenge
questions methodology does not require pre-test
3.3 PC Misuse
Nowadays, most learners have their own personal
computer (PC) or can easily gain access to one for
testing purposes. We assume the testee uses a well-
equipped PC. For purposes like voice verification,
environment sounding, or audio chat, the PC
requires a microphone. In addition, speakers need be
connected to the PC unless the testee wears
headphones. For purposes like face verification,
environment watching, or video chat, the PC
requires a (preferably sound-equipped) webcam.
Moreover, for DE purposes, PCs need broadband
connections to access the Internet from anywhere,
anytime. We do not relate here to mobile learning
(m-learning) and its varied devices and connections.
With computer-administered open tests, the
testee can access local files, use PC applications or
browse the Web. Web browsers are usually designed
to be as open and flexible as possible. The focus
here though is on high-stakes closed tests.
Consequently, when delivering such tests, there is
need for more security than is available on a regular
PC or that a common Web browser provides
(Questionmark, n.d.).
However, with no in-person proctors, how can
the entire test session be secured to ensure the
testing integrity? For example, the testee could have
installed some software on the PC before the test for
the express purpose of defeating the test security. Or
as another example, there is always a temptation to
Google for help. The solution is to use PC lockdown
software to secure the testing environment and its
test contents. However, how can the lockdown
software be securely activated on the PC to ensure
its continued reliable operation? The solution is to
securely access and activate the PC lockdown
software via the TMS and keep them interoperating.
With lockdown software running on the PC, it
can be ensured that the test is only delivered via the
organization’s TMS, after successful biometric
enrollment and authentication processes. PC
lockdown software includes varied tools that enable
lockdown of the desktop, operating system, and Web
browser. The idea is to flexibly restrict or
completely disable testees' access to the
compromising functionalities of these resources.
Besides access to the test questions and use of
authorized files or tools (e.g., word processing,
spreadsheet analysis), the lockdown software
secures the testing PC by preventing print, capture,
copy, or access to other locally stored or Web
accessible files and programs.
PC Lockdown software usually disables (if not
restricts) the following functionalities:
Cut/copy/paste of data to/from the testing
DEPENDABLE DISTRIBUTED TESTING - Can the Online Proctor be Reliably Computerized?
Screen capture/printing functions
Control/function keys/shortcuts
Task/application start/access/switch
Right-click menu options
Menu options or icons activation
Setting of PC date/time
Pop-up windows
Messaging, screen sharing, network monitoring.
In addition, browser lockdown usually disables (if
not restricts) the following functionalities:
Search/surf the Web
Browser menu and toolbar options with possible
exception for Back/Forward/Refresh/Stop
HTML source code viewing
Cache/store of pages in history/search listings.
Moreover, PC lockdown software can provide
for the following requirements:
Automatically start at sign-on page of the
organization's TMS.
Testees cannot commence a test until they are
provided with a special password by the TMS.
The test questions are displayed in a full-screen
mode that cannot be minimized.
Following test completion, all test-related files
are automatically submitted back to the TMS.
Clearing of any cookies, caches, and temporary
files at test session end.
When a test is launched, the testee is locked up into
the testing environment (i.e., cannot suspend or exit
it) until the test is submitted back. The testing
environment should be able to withstand
(un)intentional actions or breakdowns, shutdowns or
restarts, and network disconnections, and be able to
recover the testing environment and contents. With
advanced technologies such as "software as a
service", Web services, virtualization and cloud
computing, such robust testing environments can be
nowadays supported.
As another option, "Remote Desktop" software
can be used to observe the testee screen and even
control the PC if deemed necessary by an online
proctor. It can also be used to assist the testee and
provide technical support if need be. The testee must
have given previous authority for remote access to
the online proctor.
Commercial PC lockdown software include:
Simpliciti (Simpliciti, n.d.), KioWare Lite
(KioWare, n.d.), Perception Secure (Questionmark,
n.d.), Respondus (Respondus, n.d.). There is also an
open-source Safe Exam Browser (SEB, n.d.).
3.4 Forbidden Stuff
In regular closed tests, the testee puts away all
forbidden stuff such as notes, reference sources,
textbooks, computers, cellphones and other devices
(King et al., 2009). But how can this restriction be
enforced in the absence of in-person proctors?
The solution is online monitoring to proctor the
testing environment to detect anything forbidden.
Online monitoring, using real-time audio and video
(A/V), can hear and watch the testees and their
surrounding environment, while they enroll,
authenticate and take the test on their PC. It can be
carried out by (live or random) online proctor
observation or by (continuous) test session recording
that consists of A/V, biometrics and other testing
event data that is sent to the TMS. Online proctors
can observe the testee using one-on-one
videoconferencing technologies. Test session
recording uses streaming technologies where the
A/V stream can also be viewed by an online proctor.
Computerized processes can detect aberrances and
use red flags to real-time alert the online proctor or
indicate need for post-test analysis.
However, with a common webcam, there is a
problem detecting forbidden material displayed at
the room back or hidden behind or below the PC.
We provide a solution for this in the next subsection.
3.5 Accomplice
Another serious DDT risk is a testee accomplice
(Eplion & Keefe, 2007). How can an accomplice be
prevented from aiding the testee? There is a need to
disallow the same accomplice means used in a
regular test such as exchange of notes, use of
cellphones, rendezvous at the toilets, etc. The
distance testee should be required to disconnect all
phones, not leave the room, not let another person
enter the room, etc.
Online monitoring can also be used to detect an
accomplice via a sound-equipped webcam.
However, a regular webcam isn't enough to ensure
testing integrity. For example, a video projector in
back of the room or a hidden (pinhole) camera in
front can project the screen content to an in-room
accomplice standing behind the PC. The accomplice
can in return signal the testee (say for multiple
choice questions), use sign language, or write
answers onto a raised (hand-held) whiteboard.
Asking the testee to physically pan the webcam
around the PC to check on the surroundings is an
awkward process, especially if it has to be repeated
during the test itself. A better solution is to use a
webcam. For example, the Securexam Remote
Proctor (SRP) unit (SecureExam, n.d.) encloses a
webcam. The unit features a mirrored sphere
suspended above a small pedestal. The sphere
reflects a deep 360
view around the testee, which
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
the webcam picks up. A 360
webcam can be used to
detect an accomplice, as well as use of forbidden
stuff, also behind and below the PC, and red flag
online monitoring that something might be awry. It
is hard to cheat without some suspicious sound or
motion being made by the testee or the accomplice.
Another countermeasure is to detect and obstruct
any (hidden pinhole) camera by use of an
inexpensive, simple laser pointer – not damaging to
humans – to zap (blind) the camera, thereby
generating a camera capture resistant environment
(Naimark, 2002). Similarly, a long video cable or
hidden camera can transmit the screen content to an
off-site accomplice who uses a cellphone to advise
the testee who wears a miniature wireless earphone.
The countermeasure is the use of cellular detectors
and jammers (Wollenhaupt, 2005).
Advanced recognition technologies could also be
put to use. For example, if the testee decides to play
music to relax while taking the test, voice/sound
recognition can disregard it. As another example,
image/object recognition can prevent a false alarm if
a pet suddenly wanders around the room or jumps on
the testee lap.
3.6 Test Leakage
An acute DDT risk is test leakage, especially for
same time tests (Eplion & Keefe, 2007). Although
testees can (try to) memorize (some of) the closed
test's content, at least they should not be able to
compromise it at test time. The use of a secure TMS
and PC lockdown software prevents many of the
options for test leakage. Restrictions enforced for the
accomplice risk also apply. Options to prevent test
leakage via an accomplice have also been covered.
However, in regular closed tests, scrawling is a
natural test activity that is allowed in the test book
(“blue book” in USA). Similarly, scrawling in
computer-administered testing can be allowed in a
digital notebook (“private workspace”) that is part of
the secured testing environment. Forbidden writing
to paper can be detected by online monitoring.
However, indirect recording of test questions by a
testee that seemingly just reads the questions aloud
is hard to detect (if the recording device is hidden),
so such systematic reading aloud should be
To hinder the leakage of a test, its questions and
answers, one or more of the following or similar
methods, collectively named here “Schemed
questioning”, could be considered:
Use of test banks with random selection of
Scrambling the order of questions and answers
(for multiple choice questions).
Presenting just one question at a time.
Setting time allotments for question answering
(timed test delivery).
3.7 “Electronic Warfare”
The concern here is with the physical protection of
the PC hardware and devices. How can the PC and
especially its devices such as the camera,
microphone and biometric devices be protected from
tampering? There is a need to detect lost A/V signals
or loss of feed quality. As another problem, the
webcam real-time A/V stream could be substituted
by a pre-recorded one.
The detection of this can be done by online
monitoring. However, to discourage more advanced
“electronic warfare”, i.e., disabling or circumventing
the capability of these devices, a separate hardware
proctoring unit that physically encloses the devices
can be used. To be easy to use, the unit should be
portable and pluggable, say via USB. The proctoring
unit has to be of course first acquired by the learner
before any testing activity. To ensure the testing
integrity, as part of an enrollment process, the unit
should be remotely registered to both the testee and
the PC used for test taking. The proctoring unit itself
should be physically tamperproof, and secured by
the TMS and PC software lockdown so as to red flag
any mishandling of the unit.
Based on the above DDT risk analysis, we introduce
the resultant DoDoT/RM (Dependable observable
Distributed online Testing Reference Model).
(Dodot stands for aunts in Hebrew – it is slang for
the traditional elderly female proctors.) DoDoT/RM
suggests an array of specific methods that can
answer the seven risks (see mapping in Table 1), so
as to enable the reliable computerization of online
proctoring in DDT systems. The paper's author is
unaware of any published similar attempt to define a
dependable distributed testing reference model.
The premises of DoDoT/RM are as follows. To
assure DDT, each and every one the seven (types of)
risks should be covered. Moreover, not just one, but
at least two of the proposed methods should be used
for risk mitigation. The idea is to make cheating and
fraud significantly hard – too expensive for the
testee to make it worthwhile taking the risks. For
example, for testee verification it is recommended to
DEPENDABLE DISTRIBUTED TESTING - Can the Online Proctor be Reliably Computerized?
use two-factor authentication, where two different
factors (out of biometrics, behaviometrics and
challenge questions) are used in conjunction to
deliver a higher level of authentication. Similarly,
both online proctor observation and test session
recording can be used for more reliable monitoring.
However, since most of the suggested methods can
concurrently answer several risks, just a minimal
covering set of methods should be chosen.
The monitoring of the test session should be
online, not just offline, since the test environment
should be real-time observable and the testee be
made aware of it. However, online monitoring does
not necessarily require that a human proctor
continuously observe the testee. Since a human
proctor is an expensive resource, live observation
could be done at test launch, randomly, or if real-
time computerized red flags were raised. It also does
not have to be achieved via a one-on-one
videoconference. The A/V stream of the test session
recording received at the TMS can be observed by
an online proctor. Note also that there is no, or less,
need to repeat authentication processes if there is
test session recording that can be post-test analyzed.
However, how many proctors can be employed
concurrently? And of those, how many are capable
to diligently watch and listen to hours of testees A/V
during or after the test taking with the possibility in
mind that testees might cheat at some point?
Considering the human limitations in continuous
monitoring, the premise of DoDoT/RM is that
computerized processes are preferable in this regard
to human ones. Most, if not all, of the online proctor
observations can be replaced by computerized
processes (possibly adaptive AI agents) that can
deter and detect aberrant events and red flag them as
real-time alerts for the online proctor or as signals
indicating a need for post-test analysis.
The online proctor could then monitor a testee
just a few times during a test to observe if what is
being done matches the sounds and actions on the
testee PC. If there are red flags, the test session
recording can be later analyzed, preferably again by
computerized processes, which provides in addition
the recorded proof of any wrongdoing.
To inhibit the risks of accomplice and test
leakage, it is recommended to use technologies for
hidden devices obstruction such as camera zapping
and cellphone jammers. For sophisticated
computerized monitoring and post-test analysis, use
can be made of advanced recognition technologies
such as voice/sound and image/object recognition.
Post-test analysis of multiple tests can be used to
detect aberrant trends, for example, by data mining.
As aforementioned (Section 3.5), use of a common
webcam is not enough – only a 360
provides continuous view of the entire testee
surroundings. Moreover, having separate PC devices
such as 360
webcam, biometric devices, camera
zappers and cellphone jammers is problematic
(Section 3.7). Use of a separate proctoring unit to
enclose all the devices is required.
A cost-effectiveness analysis of DoDoT/RM still
needs to be carried out. However, it is assumed that
a covering set of its methods, and specifically the
separate proctoring unit, can be realized in a cost
effective way (subsidized by the organization or
priced at few hundred dollars overall per testee). For
such and further technical considerations refer to
(Acxiom, n.d.; Bailie & Jortberg, 2009; Foster,
2008; Jortberg, 2009). Clearly, when choosing such
a covering set, other relevant aspects such as social,
legal, ethical, economical, and psychological ones
need also be considered (Schaefer, 2009).
For a feasibility check of DoDoT/RM we examine
its coverage by three commercial DDT systems
(Bailie & Jortberg, 2009; Foster, 2008): Pupilcity
ProctorU, Kryterion Online Proctoring, Securexam
Remote Proctor. Due to paper space constraints, the
review focus here is on their outstanding techniques
and services (more detailed information is on their
websites). Note also that no caught cheating rates are
made public by these companies. For each system,
we mark in Table 1 the methods that are in use by a
checkmark and those not in use by a dimmed x.
Subsection 5.4 compares these working DDT
systems regarding their DoDoT/RM coverage.
5.1 Pupilcity ProctorU
ProctorU (Pupilcity, n.d.) allows learners to securely
take tests online by using videoconferencing to
connect one-on-one with live, certified proctors and
follow their instructions. ProctorU was originally
developed for internal use at Andrew Jackson
University (AJU) and was later spun off into a
separate company, Pupilcity (Morgan, 2008).
ProctorU uses the Acxiom Identify-X technology for
a real-time online identity verification service that
uses the challenge questions methodology (Acxiom,
n.d.). This technology was piloted and put to test
several times at National American University
(ANU) (Bailie & Jortberg, 2009). ProctorU is
affiliated with 20 educational institutions.
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
Table 1: DDT risks and methods.
Risks Methods that can answer the seven risks
Secure SRP
Testing Management System
Secure communication
Biometric authentication
Behaviometric authentication
Challenge questions
Online proctor observation
Test session recording
PC Misuse
PC Lockdown Software
Remote Desktop Software
Aberrance computerized red flags
Forbidden Stuff
Online proctor observation
Test session recording
Aberrance computerized red flags
Online proctor observation
Test session recording
Use of 360
Hidden devices obstruction
Advanced recognition technologies
Test Leakage
PC Lockdown Software
Online proctor observation
Test session recording
Use of 360
Aberrance computerized red flags
“Schemed questioning”
“Electronic Warfare”
Detect lost A/V signal & feed quality
Separate proctoring unit
Each testee first needs to individually schedule a test
at ProctorU's Online Proctoring Center. There are
four steps in taking the test:
1. Connect – ProctorU automatically connects the
testee to the online proctor.
2. Observe – proctor connects to testee's screen.
3. Prove identity – proctor watches the testee as
he/she authenticates identity.
4. Monitor – proctor observes testee taking test.
ProctorU uses the TokBox video chat and Remote
Desktop software. The online proctor watches the
testee via a webcam as he types away at the
keyboard, observes the screen, and listens for other
sounds in the testing environment. Aberrant actions
can be manually documented in the form of screen
captures and camera shots that are sent to the TMS.
ProctorU does not make use of the other methods
suggested by DoDoT/RM.
5.2 Kryterion Online Proctoring
Webassessor (Kryterion, n.d.) is a secured online
testing platform that provides a wide variety of
testing technologies and services. Kryterion
introduced Webassessor's Online Proctoring (OLP)
system (KryterionOLP, n.d.) in 2007. A series of
OLP pilots was carried out in conjunction with
World Campus, the online arm of the Pennsylvania
State University system (Shearer, Lehman, Hamaty
& Mattoon, 2009).
It uses the Akamai secure network to provide
robust testing delivery. OLP uses the Sentinel
Secure technologies to lockdown the PC and
conduct face verification and keystroke analysis for
testee enrollment and authentication. The testing
environment is continuously monitored and a testing
session recording is generated. OLP utilizes varied
security technologies and processes to deter and
detect aberrance during the testing session and alerts
online proctors when suspicious activities occur.
Kryterion employs certified, online proctors,
called KCOPS, who can remotely observe and listen
to as many as 50 testees at a time. They monitor a
live video feed of each testee in real-time. Previous
testing activity of testees is available to KCOPS for
detecting aberrant behavior. Testee's aberrant
behaviors or response time patterns (e.g., answering
a question too fast or too slow) alert the KCOPS.
OLP uses Real Time Data Forensics (RTDF)
technology to red flag unusual events.
DEPENDABLE DISTRIBUTED TESTING - Can the Online Proctor be Reliably Computerized?
The KCOPS communicate with testees just via
drop down menu options. KCOPS can send
messages to the testee as necessary and take actions
such as pausing, suspending or stopping the test
based on testee behaviors and actions. For “Schemed
questioning”, testees receive questions one at a time
after scrambling the order of test questions.
5.3 Securexam Remote Proctor
Software Secure (SoftwareSecure, n.d.) provides a
suite of tools for secure online testing. The
Securexam Remote Proctor (SRP) (SecureExam,
n.d.) was an initiative of Troy University, which was
commercially developed by Software Secure. It has
been extensively experimented with and is long in
use at Troy University (Powers, 2006; Guess, 2008).
It was used for a pilot at a Small Southern Regional
University (Bedford, Gregg & Clinton, 2009). SRP
is affiliated with 15 educational institutions.
PlanetSSI is their web-based TMS. PC lockdown
software is comprised of the Securexam Student and
Securexam Browser. SRP uses biometric fingerprint
verification and face verification, real-time A/V
monitoring and recording of the testing session.
The SRP device is a separate proctoring unit that
connects to the testee’s PC as a USB plug-in. It
includes a groove for scanning fingerprints, and a
built-in 360
webcam. SRP interconnects with
Securexam Browser and Securexam Student. SRP
verifies the testee’s identity through the use of
finger-scan and face verification. Testees are
recorded during tests and the recorded stream can be
observed online. In addition, computerized filters
can detect any suspicious changes in sound or
motion, and red flag them for post-test analysis.
5.4 Discussion
Pupilcity ProctorU is a technically simple DDT
approach since it mainly depends on online proctor
observation and uses challenge questions for testee
verification (Table 1). Consequently, it has only
partial coverage of DoDoT/RM. ProctorU is more
oriented to individual test taking than to same time
testing. It does not have two-factor authentication
since there is no biometric/ and behaviometric
authentication; it relies solely on challenge
questions. It does not use PC lockdown software, do
test session recording or provide aberrance
computerized red flags. It also does not have a
separate proctoring unit having a 360
Kryterion Online Proctoring is a technically rich
DDT approach with good coverage of DoDoT/RM
(Table 1). OLP has two-factor authentication:
biometric (face verification) and behaviometrics
(keystroke analysis). It is noteworthy that this
chosen two-factor authentication scheme requires no
biometric device. OLP supports both online proctor
observation and test session recording so any
required balance between them can be realized. It
has a varied set of computerized processes to real-
time red flag aberrant actions and behaviors.
However, it does not make use of a separate
proctoring unit having a 360
SRP has excellent coverage of DoDoT/RM since
it also uses a separate proctoring unit with a 360
webcam (Table 1). However, it has only two-factor
biometric authentication: face and fingerprint
verification. It is noteworthy that SRP emphasizes
test session recording while relying less on online
proctor observation. It uses computerized processes
to red flag suspicious activities by recording A/V
clips for post-test analysis and aberrance proof.
Note that these systems could use more advanced
recognition technologies for sophisticated
computerization of processes to red flag aberrances.
They could also utilize hidden devices obstruction
(Section 4) to inhibit the associated risks. In any
case, a DDT system with full or fuller coverage of
DoDoT/RM has yet to be developed and deployed.
To increase the testing integrity of DE programs,
there is growing need to deliver DDT anytime,
anywhere. Wide deployment of DDT systems to
achieve testing integrity has long been overdue. The
introduced DoDoT/RM is based on a comprehensive
DDT risk analysis. The fact that three commercial
DDT systems are in use is an indication for their
need. Nowadays, due to technological advances and
improved methods, DDT systems can securely
deliver high-stakes tests worldwide. These DDT
systems utilize varied test security methods to deter
and detect cheating and fraud by testees.
However, DDT systems are not yet in use in
most DE frameworks. Moreover, these systems do
not yet provide full DoDoT/RM coverage to enable
reliable computerization of the online proctor – more
experimentation and comprehensive field use is still
needed. The vision of DoDoT/RM is the continued
pursuit and adaptation of new, innovative
technologies and methods to make dependable
distributed testing increasingly more computerized,
reliable, affordable and prevalent.
Thanks to Tomer Patron for research contributions.
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DEPENDABLE DISTRIBUTED TESTING - Can the Online Proctor be Reliably Computerized?