Usage of Positional Representations
in Tasks of Revealing Logical Regularities
Yury Laptin
, Alexander Vinogradov
and Yury Zhuravlev
Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Academician Glushkov pr. 40, 03680 Kiev, Ukraine
orodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Vavilov str. 40, 119333 Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract. A new approach to the problem of description of clusters in the form
of sets of logical regularities is developed. Special attention is paid to detection of
steady interrelations in data which are valid for considerable shares of the sample.
The approach is based on usage of fast bit operations and positional method of
data representation. New criterion of adjacency is proposed for high-level points
of the representation, and it’s used further in the process of assembling such
points in maximal hyper-parallelepipeds corresponding to the best regularities.
The method can be used as preliminary step in various tasks related to the search
of essential logical regularities and substantial interpretation of data.
1 Introduction
Numerous approaches to the problem of extraction of knowledge from numerical data
sample are used recently. Special attention is paid to methods of detection of steady
interrelations in data which are valid for considerable shares of the sample. So, in the
area of IP there are widely used methods where some hierarchical division of set of
objects into blocks of the increasing size is set in advance. At various levels of hierarchy
interrelations of specific types appear presented and can be processed by specialized
procedures. It is supposed that at top levels the most important laws can be found out
and used further.Among such approachesit is necessary to note varioustransformations
of type coarse-to-fine, various scale-spaces, representations with multiple resolution,
space filling curves, quad - and octo-trees [1] [2]. Positional representation is among
them, too [3].
At all advantages of the mentioned methods, it is possible to note some obvious
shortcomings. Use of concrete hierarchy is rather a severe constraint which not always
corresponds to the nature of the data. In some cases shortcomings are connected also
with spatial restrictions having origin from borders of an image and from the direction
of basic axes. As it is known, transformation and conformity problems between differ-
ent representations describing the same object in the form of quad- or octo-trees, are
among the main obstacles to wider use of these representations. Many of noted lacks
Laptin Y., Vinogradov A. and Zhuravlev Y.
Usage of Positional Representations in Tasks of Revealing Logical Regularities.
DOI: 10.5220/0002963501000104
In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Image Mining Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-030-6
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are overcome in the approaches based on the use of language of Logical Regularities
(LR) for the describing clusters in recognition tasks [4] [5]. In this work some possibil-
ities of use of positional data representation for search of description of the classes and
the decision rule in terms of LR are considered.
2 Logical Regularities and Positional Coordinates
Standard statement of a problem of recognition in R
for K classes is considered. The
exact decision of a problem results in a segmentation of all the space on K subareas.
Let X R
is one of segments corresponding to the class k. Logical regularity LR
is represented by a conjunction of kind
where each condition R
is a couple of in-
equalities A
< X
< B
. To conjunction R
there corresponds a hyper-parallelepiped
in X. Some disjunction
can provide a covering of segment of the class k. The
covering can possess those or other properties depending on the choice of A
, B
. In
formal representation here the usual logic is used, and the form of condition R
simple intuitive sense. As a result of automatic search of representation
there is
a list of LR that is sufficient for a class. Logical regularities are presented in a form that
is clear to the human acquisition, and they can contain important new information. The
less number of indices i and j used in
, the bigger average share of sample cov-
ered by each hyper-parallelepiped, and the more important law it represents. Whatever
the origin of exact solution of a problem of recognition, it is possible to try to trans-
form it to appropriate representation in terms of LR and to use noted above advantage
in substantial interpretation.
We will build this transformation by means of positional data representation. Posi-
tional representation implies setting some discrete grid D
that is common for
all segments, where |D| = 2
. For a grid points x = (x
, x
, , x
) the conversion of
the points in their positional representations corresponds to effectively carried out trans-
formation on bit slices in D
when each m-bit of binary representation of the number
results in p(n)-bit of binary representation of the m-digit in 2
-ary representation
of value representing the vector as a whole. Here m d, and function p(n) defines
some permutation on the set {1, 2, ..., N }. As a result there is linearly ordered scale
S of length 2
, representing one-to-one all points of the grid in the form of a curve
filling the space D
densely. We consider Z-scanning of a grid, when p(n) = n. At a
choice of other types of scanning p(n) it is possible to achieve more smooth filling of
the grid, for example, in the form of Peano curve, etc.
3 Searching Maximal Hyper-parallelepipeds in Positional
Representation of Segments
For a given digitization D
, all segments X
corresponding to classes k are
found as solutions of the task of recognition, and they set together a K-valued function
f defined on the scale S. As it is known, m-bit in 2
-ary positional representation
corresponds to some n-dimensional cube of size 2(
. We will name such cube as
a m-point. We will search for situations when there are homogeneouscubes as parts of a
segment of some class k which can be united in hyper-parallelepiped of bigger volume.
We will see, how it can be made on the basis of research of the structure of function f.
Let’s select at first all segments of scale S where value f does not vary. We will
sequentially check points of S and build a list
f, containing records of sort (b
, k). Here the binary sequence (b
consists of d m + 1 bits, and
the last bit ends the positional representation of some m-point as whole. In such code
we will represent in
f all detected cubes with homogeneous filling k.
Lemma 1. At linear search of points S, the transition from one m-point to another
occurs at zeroing of all low-oder digits in 2
-ary positional representation of a current
The proof follows immediately from the way of construction of the list
Obviously, the list
f is filled at one pass of the scale S. For such filling it is enough
to watch the moments of simultaneous zeroing of all 2
-ary digits, lower than m.
The received description of segments
f already has a structure of type
. How-
ever, this representation is not the best because it does not meet yet the requirements
of the Section 1. In particular, it is redundant, because some n-dimensional cubes cor-
responding to different m-points of positional representation can be united in common
hyper-parallelepiped, and they can receive therefore a representation in the form of a
single logical regularity
. Two cubes of identical size we will name adjacent if they
adjoin on the common N 1 -dimensional edge. A N 1-dimensional edge, orthogonal
to axes n, we will name as a n-edge. We will use the following criterion of association
of pair of m-points belonging to the segment k.
Lemma 2. Two m-points C1, C2 are adjacent on a n-edge iff: 1) there is a m
C such that m
> m; 2) record on C1 precedes record on C2 in
f; 3) in binary record
of all 2
-ary digits m, m + 1, ..., m
1 bits with number n have in record for C1 (C2)
from the list
f values 1 (accordingly, 0); 4) all other bits in records for C1, C2 in
The proof. If there is a digit m
> m with the specified properties then volumes of
cubes C1, C2 coincide, and in corresponding m
-cube C all m-points, in binary bits
of 2
-ary digits of which n-th bits can vary only, make a uniform hyper-parallelepiped
of length 2
. As Z-scanning is used, C1 takes a highest position in the m
1-sub-cube, and C2 takes a lowest position in some other m
1-sub-cube. But C1
precedes C2 in the list
f, and therefore, they are allocated in the middle of the hyper-
parallelepiped and consequently are adjacent.
On the opposite. Any two sub-cubes of equal volume C1, C2 from D
are allocated
on S without intersections, therefore, one of them is placed in
f earlier. Let it be C1.
If C1, C2 are adjacent on n-edge, there is minimum m
such that some m
-cube C
contains C1, C2 , but any m
1-sub-cube does not contain them together. Therefore,
each of them belongs to unique own m
1-sub-cube. But C1, C2 are adjacent, and
those should be own m
1-sub-cubes, as any two sub-cubes of identical dimension
in positional representation either are adjacent, or are not intersected. Repetition of
this reasoning for all 2
-ary digits up to m allows to conclude that all bits in binary
representationof all 2
-ary digits m, m+1, , m
1 in records for C1, C2 in
f coincide,
excepting bits with number n. It is obvious that change of value of n-th binary bit in
any 2
-ary digit from 0 to 1 results in moving corresponding sub-cube along the axis n
(and backward, at change 1 on 0). For C1 within its own m
1-sub-cube (and within
any sub-cube of smaller size up to m) it is impossible to make such change. It means
that in record for C1, C2 in the list
f all these bits have values 1 (accordingly, 0 for
C2). The Lemma 2 is proved.
Fig.1. An example in case N = 2, K = 3, d = 3. Adjacency of two gray 1-points (k = 1) is
revealed for 1-edge by considering left-bottom 3-point; adjacency of two black 1-points (k = 2)
is revealed for 1-edge by considering the whole grid (4-point); adjacency of two light-gray 2-
points (k = 3) is revealed for 2-edge by considering right-bottom 3-point.
Using the given criterion, it is possible to build hyper-parallelepipedsof the increas-
ing size. Gathering hyper-parallelepipeds of maximal volume results in exact descrip-
tion of segments of the sample in terms of LR and of sort
4 Discussion
It is necessary to remind that this construction depends essentially on the properties
of the grid of digitization D
. In particular, the value D
= 2
= 2
can serve
as natural estimate of length of the scale S that makes the approach applicable to data
processing on PC. Though bit conversions are performed efficiently, the representation
received on this way can differ considerably from the solutions found by more exact
(and more slow) methods. The reason is that some features of boundaries of the seg-
ments cannot be represented adequately on a discrete grid. Nevertheless, if in the exact
solution there is found some LR
, the presented method reveals some logical regularity
as its correspondent on the grid, and vice-versa. On the basis of all told above
and proved in Lemmas 1, 2 it is possible to assert that LR
and LR
will differ from
each other only in parameters A
, B
, and no more, than on the value of the step of
digitization (and cuts of empty regions on boundaries of the grid D
5 Conclusions
A new approach is developed for the task of mining new knowledge from the data sam-
ple in the form of logical regularities. The main attention is paid to the search of max-
imal logical regularities, that are valid for essential shares of the sample. The approach
is based on usage of the fast bit operations providing conversion of data in positional
representation and search of blocks in it. In such representation all sample elements
receive hierarchically ordered positions on the common linear scale where the main re-
lations of closeness are preserved. A new method is developed for description of the
structure of classes in the form of restricted list where only important elements from
various levels of hierarchy are present. The criterion of adjacency for pares of such el-
ements is developed and used further in procedure of combining these elements into
hyper-parallelepipeds of maximal size which correspond to the most essential logical
The approach can be used as preliminary step in solution of various tasks related
to the search of logical regularities and substantial interpretation of data. The approach
can find application in data processing and mining in 2D and 3D, and also in the search
of logical regularities in abstract feature space of higher dimensions.
This work was done in the framework of Joint project of the National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 08-01-90427
’Methods of automatic intellectual data analysis in tasks of recognition objects with
complex relations’.
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