P. Kroha and R. Nienhold
Department of Computer Science, University of Technology, Strasse der Nationen 62, 09111 Chemnitz, Germany
Text classification, Stock exchange news, Market trends.
In this contribution we present our results concerning the influence of news on market trends. We processed
stock news with a grammar-driven classification. We found some potentialities of market trend prediction
and present promising experimental results. As a main result we present the fact that there are two points
(altogether only two) representing the minimum of good news/bad news relation for two long-term trends
breaking points (altogether only two) during the last 10 years and that both of these points representing news
appear in both cases about six months before the long-term trend of markets changed.
Text mining is a promising new field combining meth-
ods of linguistics, computer science, artificial intelli-
gence, and mathematics. The goal is to extract, rep-
resent, and use the meaning of texts. A subset of text
mining is text classification. Text classification is eas-
ier because the topic is not the meaning of a text but
the similarity of textual objects. Classification meth-
ods are known from other fields of applications. The
main idea is that we have to find specific features
of objects to be classified that can be used to define
classes and to controll the process of assigning an ob-
ject to a class.
One practical application of text classification is
the classification of short messages, e.g. advertise-
ments. We considered it interesting to classify news
concerning markets because we can investigate the in-
fluence of the obtained classes and their cardinalities
on market prediction after the classification.
There are some thousands of daily news available
that can influence markets. Nobody can read them
all. Usually, analysts are specialized and read only
news of some branch, published by some respectable
Most investors believe that markets are driven by
news so that they need to read them and use them
for their investment decision. Because of that, news
about economic and political events that concern mar-
kets and stock exchange situation are a very well-
selling article. There are profitable agencies selling
news subscriptions of any possible kind.
Theoretically, this concept is controversial or at
least disputed. The currently accepted theory of effi-
cient markets (Fama, 1970) states that the information
contained in any public news story is already con-
tained in stock prices so that it cannot bring a profit
anymore. As we started our investigation we stated
a hypothesis based on the theory of efficient markets.
Our hypothesis was that when news only describe the
existing situation, i.e. when the information obtained
in news is already contained in stock prices then news
cannot have any prediction features.
However, there is also the theory of inefficient
markets (Shleifer, 2000) that has interesting argu-
ments, too. Practically, investors hope that markets
are inefficient and believe that they can use various
strategies how to exploit the news obtained. Some of
them are buying on good news, some of them are sell-
ing on good news. If the majority of investors wants
to buy, the up-trend will be generated. If the major-
ity of investors wants to sell, the down-trend will be
The process is complex because the market con-
text changes very chaotically. Many investors do not
have a stable behavior and they do not use fixed rules
but often only an intuition. The situation which is
necessary for the stock exchange to work is that at
any time point there is a group of investors thinking
that this is the right point to sell and at the same time
point there is another group of investors thinking that
this is the best time point to buy. In other cases, the
stock exchange would not work.
Our motivation was to investigate the influence of
Kroha P. and Nienhold R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002867301870192
news on long-term market trends using different tech-
niques of text classification. We continued the re-
search presented in (Kroha and Baeza-Yates, 2005),
(Kroha et al., 2006), (Kroha and Reichel, 2007),
(Kroha et al., 2007) that resulted in the conclusion
that the quotient between good and bad news starts to
recover some months sooner before the markets start
to grow up again.
In (Kroha and Reichel, 2007), we introduced our
grammar-driven text classification method for market
news in English and found that the curve representing
the quotient between positive and negative news starts
to grow about some months before the markets start
to grow. Because we investigate long-term trends and
because we have our data staring in 1999 we found
only one such situation described above.
Ever since, the prime crisis has come and there is
another down trend (2007 - 2009) and another break-
ing point (March 2009) in markets.
In the investigation described in this paper, we
want to answer the following questions:
How easy or difficult it is to construct a gram-
mar for our grammar-driven classification of tex-
tual market news when it should be done for Ger-
man language (complex declination, conjugation,
irregular plurals)? We were trying to answer it for
German language because we have about 554.000
news available.
When we change not only the language of news
but also the time interval do we get similar re-
sults compared with our previous? This means,
we were curious whether the dependences found
for english market news from the time interval
1999 - 2006 can be observed in german market
news from the time interval 1999 - 2009, too.
We used the grammar-driven method like we did in
(Kroha and Reichel, 2007) but we constructed a gram-
mar for classification of news written in German. Fi-
nally, we found that the conclusion from analysing
market news in English from 1999 - 2006 can be
confirmed through experiments with market news in
German from 1999 - 2009. As we will show, the
news indicator (good news/bad news) processed by
our grammar-driven text classification method seems
to have interesting features that could be used for fore-
casting because the news indicator changes its trend
some months before the market changes its trend.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we discuss related work. In Section 3 we
briefly explain why we want to use a grammar-driven
method. In Section 4 we take a look to the imple-
mented system which proceed all messages. Section 5
describes our results in comparison to the DAX stock
index. In the last section we present some measure-
ment results and conclude.
In related papers, the approach to classification of
market news is similar to the approach to document
relevance. Experts construct a set of keywords which
they think are important for moving markets. The
occurrences of such a fixed set of several hundreds
of keywords will be counted in every message. The
counts are then transformed into weights. Finally, the
weights are the input into a prediction engine, which
forecasts which class the analyzed message should be
assigned to.
In (Nahm and Mooney, 2001) and (Nahm, 2002),
a small number of documents was manually annotated
(we can say indexed) and the obtained index, i.e. a
set of keywords, will be induced to a large body of
text to construct a large structured database for data
mining. The authors work with documents contain-
ing job posting templates. A similar procedure can
be found in (Macskassy and Provost, 2001). The key
to his approach is the user’s specification to label his-
torical documents. These data then form a training
corpus to which inductive algorithms will be applied
to build a text classifier.
In (Lavrenko et al., 2000), a set of news is corre-
lated with each trend. The goal is to learn a language
model correlated with the trend and use it for predic-
tion. A language model determines the statistics of
word usage patterns among the news in the training
set. Once a language model has been learned for ev-
ery trend, a stream of incoming news can be mon-
itored and it can be estimated which of the known
trend models is most likely to generate the story.
Compared to our investigation, there are two differ-
ences. One difference is that Lavrenko uses his mod-
els of trends and corresponding news only for day
trading. The weak point of this approach is that it is
not clear how quickly the market responds to news re-
leases. The next difference is that our grammar-driven
method respects the structure of a sentence that can
have a fundamental influence on the meaning of the
In our previous work (Kroha and Baeza-Yates,
2005), we have been experimenting with statistical
methods of text classification that are based on the
frequency of terms to distinguish between positive
news and negative news in terms of long-term mar-
ket trends. In (Kroha and Reichel, 2007), we pre-
sented a grammar-driven text mining method, i.e. we
have built a grammar that describes templates typical
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
for specific groups of news stories written in English.
Each sentence in a news story is analyzed by a parser
that determines the template to which the sentence
belongs. Sentences and news are classified accord-
ing to these assignments. We compared the statisti-
cal method and the grammar-driven method in (Kroha
et al., 2007).
The first method (Kroha and Baeza-Yates, 2005),
(Kroha et al., 2006) uses Bayes classification in two
modifications. Its disadvantage is that it is based on
frequency of words and does not respect the struc-
ture of sentences. The next method (Kroha and Re-
ichel, 2007) is grammar-driven, i.e. it uses a gram-
mar for description of classification so that it can
mine more from sentences—so far from composed
sentences. This method can be seen as a refinement
of the first method.
In methods of information retrieval, stop-list and
term frequency are used to specify the content of doc-
uments. The goal is to find documents that concern
the given topic which is given by some terms, too.
For the purpose of text classification, term fre-
quency is not enough and some words from the stop-
list can completely change the classification. Some
features that are important for the classification are
given by the sentence structure and not by the term
frequency. In (Kroha and Baeza-Yates, 2005), we pre-
sented an example in which two news stories have the
same term frequency but a completely different mean-
To overcome the problem presented above, we
have written a grammar describing grammatical con-
structions in English (Kroha and Baeza-Yates, 2005)
that usually bring positive or negative meaning to a
3.1 Data for Grammar Construction
To get an overview what form a positive or a nega-
tive news story in German can have, we analysed by
hand 547 market news having 8448 sentences. News
and sentences are not only positive or negative. Many
of them do not have clearly defined meaning, i.e. it
cannot be clearly decided what an influence they can
have. Because of that we filtered out all sentences that
did not have a company name (no company news) as a
subject, all sentences that only commented the move-
ment of indices, all sentences having political content,
all sentences containing speculations and guesswork.
This way we filtered out about 64 % of news sto-
ries. Some news use the company name only in the
first sentence and the following sentences can be dif-
ficult to assign (roundup news). Some sentences de-
scribe events but it is difficult to decide in which way
they influence the markets, e.g. company take-over,
suspension of staff, paying a penalty. Some sentences
can be clearly identified as positive or negative. They
were only 514 of 8,448. Many sentences could not
be assigned to any pattern and were marked as “not
classified”. They were 2,240 of 8,448. The overview
is given in Table 1.
Starting from the news and sentences analysed
manually, we defined terms and structure of sentences
that should be represented in a grammar.
Start = {System.out.println
("Classification: ");}
(Sentence)* ;
Sentence = Positive | Negative;
Positive = {System.out.print
("test positive");}
Company Subject PosVerb ’.’
(" > is positive");};
Negative = {System.out.print
("test negative");}
Company Subject NegVerb ’.’
(" > is negative");};
Company = ’Allianz’ | ’Bosch’;
PosVerb = ’steigern’ | ’steigert’;
Verb = ’verzeichnen’ | ’verzeichnet’;
Subject = ’Gewinn’ | ’Umsatzrueckgang’;
3.2 Precision of our Grammar
The used grammar was build with messages from
November 1999 and tested with messages from
November 2004. To avoid a lot of sentences get-
ting filtered by the withoutcompany-filter, a set of
companies and company paraphrases were also in-
serted into our grammar. To check how accurately
it works, we compared every grammar-found classifi-
cation with the proceeding sentences by hand. In fact,
89 % of all sentences were correctly matched by the
grammar in our training period. As much as 91 %
compliance could be achieved for the test period.
Considering the huge number of messages, it has
been impossible to get a recall about sentences that
should have been matched by the grammar but have
not been.
Table 1: Types of news stories.
Type Number of News Number of Sentences Filtered out
Company news 297 3878 53 %
Roundup news 30 687 53 %
Overview 59 1612 55 %
Currency news & Commodity news 128 1831 91 %
Political news 33 440 98 %
547 8448 64 %
The described system was implemented as a compo-
nent of the information system WEBIS in Java under
Eclipse in (Nienhold, 2009). The BNF-form of the
grammar was transformed into an executable version
of a parser. We used the tool Bex (Franke, 2000) that
produced the source code of the corresponding ll(k)-
parsers. This source code was adapted by a classifi-
cation object ClassifyObj(c) that completed the gram-
mar by semantic rules describing the classification of
The grammar can be easily created and edited us-
ing the grammar editor we wrote. It is possible to
enhance new keywords and patterns to match more
sentences. Via an import interface the opportunity is
given to add several companies that are listed in a text
file. In fact, the result will become more exact.
The lexical analysis has to transpose the textual
messages into a form suitable for processing by the
parser, i.e. into a form that will be accepted by all
means (the case notClassified is a part of the gram-
mar). It is necessary for every sentence to be classi-
fied because the parser should not interrupt the classi-
At the very beginning, each message will be de-
composed into sentences. All abbreviations are inves-
tigated for change (to delete the dot) to guarantee that
sentences are identified correctly. Then all words will
be removed from each sentence that are not terminals
of the given grammar. This process of text message
preparation can be called normalization. In the next
step normalized texts are processed.
The process of classification runs on normal-
ized text messages. The parser reads every mes-
sage and builds a corresponding object ClassifyObj
that contains the number of classified (event. non-
classified) sentences. This means that every clas-
sification of a sentence is stored (negative, posi-
tive or non-classified) and—as a result of a major-
ity decision—the whole message gets a classifier, too.
All details are described in (Nienhold, 2009).
We used about 554,000 market news in German cov-
ering the interval from November 1999 to June 2009.
It was not possible to recognize and classify all sen-
tences completely. In the set we checked, we achieved
a recall of about 73 %, i.e. 27 % of the relevant sen-
tences were not matched by the grammar, and a pre-
cision of about 88 %, i.e. 12 % of all sentences were
classified wrongly. The data processing was time con-
suming. In the first approach we used a PC having In-
tel Core 2 DUO E6750 processor with 2 GB memory.
It took 21 hours. In the next approach we used an Ap-
ple MacPro computer having 8 kernels, we wrote our
programms using threads. The process took 4 hours
The classification found was used to calculate a
prediction. We weighted the positive news with +1,
the negative news with -1, not classified news with 0.
Then, we can use the following formula:
(pos, neg) =
(pos) h
(pos) + h
In the equation above (1) h
(pos) is the number of
positive classified news at time point t and h
(neg) is
the number of negative classified news at time point t.
The obtained prediction function (smoothed) in
context of the german DAX market index is shown in
Fig. 1. In region A (November 1999 - March 2001),
we can see that the DAX and our prediction are prac-
tically identical. In region B (April 2002 - June 2003),
we can see the breaking point of our prediction curve
get ahead of the breaking point of DAX by about nine
months. In region C (January 2007 - March 2009), we
can see again that the breaking point of our predic-
tion curve gets ahead of the breaking point of DAX
by about a half a year, i.e. the minimum of the predic-
tion curve comes at end of September 2008 and the
minimum of DAX comes at the end of March 2009.
We have got a more precise prediction—shown in
Fig. 2—when we calculated the prediction only from
news that concern companies obtained in index DAX.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
grammar forecast
Figure 1: DAX and prediction smoothed - All market news.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
grammar forecast
Figure 2: DAX and prediction smoothed - DAX market
In this case, our prediction get six month ahead of
DAX in both cases B and C.
5.1 Statistical Analysis
In the previous section, we predicted two breaking
points of type from-Down-to-Up with a forward of
half a year to nine months. As we can see in Fig. 2,
we are not able to predict the breaking points of type
An interesting topic is now to investigate to what
extend it is possible to predict the DAX within n
weeks in the future, i.e. what is the precision of the
forecast and how it depends on time. We compared all
existing trends of the DAX weekly with the trends of
our prediction in a time intervall by [-20 weeks, +20
weeks]. The result is shown in Fig. 3.
The resulted pseudo code represents the way we
have obtained values given in Fig. 3 :
for i=-20 to 20 step 1
for n=firstWeek to lastWeek step 1
0 5 10 15 20
rate of congruence in %
positive congruence
Figure 3: Congruence between the prediction and the DAX
if(lastWeek < n+i < firstWeek)
if(DAXweek_n = uptrend)
if(PREDweek_(n+i) = uptrend)
rate_of_congruence_i = equal/n
Hence, we got an overcome by 55.7 % in +14 and
+15 weeks. So we can say that if our prediction shows
an uptrend in 14 weeks the DAX will have an uptrend
by 55.7 %, too.
As we have shown, our prediction calculated from the
quotient of good and bad news has interesting proper-
ties. In the last ten years, we have two breaking points
of long-term trends changing from down to up. In
both cases, our prediction curve obtained from news
about companies in DAX gets six months ahead of the
DAX index which is the main index of the market in
Germany. Of course, two cases are not enough and
we cannot state it as a rule. Additionally, there are
other influences not contained in market news.
The reason why we can predict only from-Down-
to-Up changes is very probably a psychological one.
Frustrated investors observing markets going down
do not want to believe that there are some positive
changes in news and this is why the change of news
goes ahead of market change.
In further work, we will try to evaluate the impact
of messages in context of other economic parameters.
We are sure that the same news story will be inter-
preted by investors differently when it comes in a dif-
ferent context of other economic parameters. We are
just experimenting in including parameters concerned
the classified news as inputs into a neuronal network.
In such a way, we can observe not only the influence
of market news but also the influence of other eco-
nomic parameters like oil price, gold price, relation
between currencies, etc. We hope to get some refine-
ment of the prediction.
The next problem is that we also need to take into
account that some of news are not true and some of
them has been constructed with the intention to mys-
tify the investors. The task to filter out such news
would be very interesting but too difficult at the very
Also, we will try to evaluate a correlation be-
tween specific events of messages over a short and
long timeperiod, i.e. fulfilled prognoses. An event
weighting will get more precisely using weights in an
intervall of [-1, +1] instead of -1, 0 and +1.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems