Paul Lam, Jack Lee, Mavis Chan and Carmel McNaught
Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, Room 302, Academic Building No.1
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, China
Keywords: Digital Natives, e-Learning Needs, e-Learning Strategies, Usefulness and Expectations.
Abstract: Students are able to use and are using many digital devices in their everyday life. The term “Net
Generation” is used to describe these young people who have been using digital devices such as computers,
cell phones and digital music players all their lives. Can we then assume that the Net Generation would
welcome the use of technology in learning just because they are digital natives? Our study focused on the
eLearning perceptions, needs and requests of students at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. We found
that students were generally positive (though not overly enthusiastic) towards various forms of eLearning
It is a common view that students are able to use and
are using a great deal of digital devices in their
everyday life. There are notions like „Net
Generation‟, „Digital Natives‟ or the „Y Generation‟
to describe these young people who have “spent
their entire lives surrounded by and using
computers, videogames, digital music players, video
cams, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of
the digital age” (Prensky, 2001, p. 1)
Studies in Australia (Kennedy et al., 2006a;
Kennedy et al., 2006b) in US (Kvavik, 2005;
Salaway, Caruso and Nelson, 2008) and in the UK
(Green and Hannon, 2007) in general confirm that
the vast majority of the students have ready access to
web-enabled personal computers and own personal
digital devices such as mobile phones. They also use
a wide range of digital features and web features in
their everyday life, for communication (emails, msn,
etc.) or for forming social networks (blogging,
facebook, etc.). . In a report produced by the Joint
Information Systems Committee (JISC, 2009),
digital natives were remarked to for example,
joining/ using social networking sites regularly and
having ability to recognize both the potential
benefits and limitations of applying new
technologies in academic areas. The findings were
comparable to those reported by the Joint
Information Systems Committee's (JISC, 2009).
Digital natives were found to join and use social
networking sites regularly. They were also able to
recognize the potential benefits of applying new
technologies in social and academic areas.
A recent study at The Chinese University of
Hong Kong (CUHK) (McNaught, Lam and Ho,
2009) illustrated that our students are also the Net
Generation and are „digitally ready‟, to a level that is
compatible to their counterparts in Australia. They
are very familiar with information and
communication technologies. For example, a vast
majority of the students have broadband internet
access and have mobile phones. Nearly all students
use digital methods to communicate. They use
emails, read and comment on blogs, and use social
networking software.
Technology can be regarded as providing a new
platform for teachers to improve their pedagogical
approaches or practice. Prensky (2007) warned that
many teachers may not be ready to take full
advantage of the new possibilities. But are the
students ready?.
There is no strong evidence that students‟ habits
of using technologies in their everyday lives can be
easily transferred to the adoption of new eLearning
habits. On the contrary, students do not seem to be
Lam P., Lee J., Chan M. and Mcnaught C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 268-275
committed to eLearning. There are reported
challenges in the use of technology in teaching and
learning even from the students‟ point of view.
Many eLearning strategies lack students‟ support
(McNaught et al., 2006). Bullen and Janes (2007)
pointed out that our students are yet in receiving
mode and lack of independent thinking and learning.
A recent study at CUHK concerning students‟
perception of mobile eBook technology (Lam, Lam,
Lam and McNaught, 2009) indicated that eBooks
are not yet a useful and practical tool for academic
learning. While students who were first introduced
to the technology in generally gave us positive
comments about the technology, those who actually
spent more time on it were much less enthusiastic.
They raised concerns with many aspects of the
technology (such as the slow processes of finding
and downloading eBooks, the hardware, and the
reading process itself). Despite the fact that students
are able to use digital devices for many tasks in their
daily lives, they can be conservative and hesitant
when it comes to the adoption of a certain eLearning
Thus, other than persuading teachers to use the
technology in teaching and learning (which seems to
be the main focus of many eLearning support
services to date), we need to learn about the needs
and perceptions of the students about how the
technology might support their learning. There may
be novelty effects when students first come across a
new technology, but they are very pragmatic and
they will soon abandon new methods if the expected
benefits do not occur or they find the methods do not
meet their needs.
When studying students needs, multiple
eLearning strategies need to be considered,
including those that are relatively well established
and those that are new. Such strategies can facilitate
„autonomous learning‟, „cooperative learning‟ and
„multimedia resources‟ (Liaw, Huang and Chen,
2007). Furthermore, students need to be encouraged
to express their wishes for longer-term development
of eLearning.
The teaching and learning functions of the web
can be grouped into basic categories. Adapting the
model used in McNaught (2002), we identified
eLearning strategies into the following broad
categories. We acknowledge that in reality a teacher
usually engage students in an eLearning activity that
combines one or more of these functions.
1. Technology can be used to facilitate teaching and
learning in the classroom.
2. Websites can provide support functions for
teaching and learning, such as providing course
information to students, making online course-
related announcements, and giving help on
learning tips and learning skills, etc. Students use
them as study management tools.
3. Learning resources can be hosted on the web.
Students can access learning materials (ranging
from plain text, graphics, pictures or multimedia
to interactive self-learning exercises) for self-
paced learning.
4. There are communication-rich eLearning
strategies using email, forums, chat-rooms, or
video-conferencing. These activities facilitate
teacher-student communications, for example,
students asking teachers in a forum rather than
having to ask questions face-to-face.
5. There are communication-rich eLearning
strategies that facilitate student-student
interactions. Using forums or other tools,
students discuss with each other or cooperate
online to complete group writing or projects.
Different eLearning strategies may be related to
different learning benefits. Interaction may be one
way to understand the learning potential of various
strategies. Interaction is central to learning in a
constructivist model of learning (Lam, Csete and
Hodgson, 2007). Learning benefits from an
interactive learning environment, as feedback and
reflection effectively assist knowledge construction
(O‟Connor, 1998). Interaction comes in many
different forms. Swan (2003) explained interaction
as the “reciprocal events involving at least two
actors and/or objects and at least two actions in
which the actors, objects, and events mutually
influence each other” (p. 4). She sees that eLearning
is able to facilitate at least three main kinds of
learning-enhancing interaction: interaction with
content, with instructors, and with peers.
e-Learning strategies that have the potential to
facilitate enriched interactions (e.g. the
communication strategies that involve human
interactions on complex issues), therefore, can be
more promising than strategies that mainly involve
students to interact with web content and/or course
materials only.
Despite the significant potential benefits to
teaching and learning, the comparatively more
interactive types of eLearning strategies tend to be
less used by university teachers. A series of studies
at CUHK show that, while the percentage of
supplementary online course websites has grown a
great deal from ~45% in 200304 to over 80% in
200809, the web continues to be mostly seen as a
convenient storage house for easy distribution of
course materials to students, often using existing
basic functions in learning management systems
(LMSs), such as WebCT and Moodle. Most
communications are done through online forums
with simple designs which are not very active;
students, on average, post only one to three
messages (McNaught et al., 2006; McNaught and
Lam, 2009).
In an earlier study of students‟ eLearning needs
and expectations, McNaught and Lam (2005) noted
“the following four most functions as being
effective: learning tools such as glossaries, notes and
PowerPoints, assessment tasks associated with
grades, and creation and exhibition of multimedia
projects. In a highly competitive, examination-
oriented system, the first three are not surprising. If
we want a broader use of the web in university
courses, the nature of the curriculum must change,
with the confluence of educational, cultural and
political factors that are involved. The perceived
value of students creating and exhibiting their own
work in multimedia form is heartening, in that it
indicated a highly active form of web use. The low
perceived value of online discussions is likely to be
due to a multiplicity of factors and for those of who
believe in the potential value of this use of the web,
the challenge continues…” (p. 614).
At present, many of the success stories about
innovative eLearning strategies in the literature are
cases of pioneering teachers who are „early adopters‟
(Rogers, 2003) testing the teaching and learning
technologies in isolated courses in which certain
positive results have been achieved. Apart from
these pioneering cases most other teachers in the
„mainstream majority‟ (Anderson, Varnhagen and
Campbell, 1998) use quite simple eLearning
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
(Davis, Bagozzi and Warsaw, 1989; Liaw et al.,
2007) suggests that students perceptions have at
least the following components: the perceived ease
of use and the perceived usefulness, which in turn
are related to students‟ perceived intention to use,
(or the real use if the strategies have been widely
used). Perceived usefulness is thus a major factor in
governing the use of eLearning strategies. Under the
circumstances, we believe that a more detailed study
is needed on students perceptions, not only towards
eLearning in general, but also towards various types
of eLearning strategies.
We adopted a relatively board definition of “e-Lear-
ning strategyin our study. It refers to the use of any
kind if internet or communication service or
electronic device that supports learning activities
(Conole et al., 2006; p. 513) Thus, the use of the
web as a source of information for learning is
regarded as an eLearning strategy. a questionnaire
was designed and different eLearning aspects were
investigated. The survey went through a number of
iterations mainly to narrow down the scales that are
crucial to the study, cut short the number of items
and ensure clarity of language. The survey in its
final form had a total of 62 questions (60 multiple-
choice questions and 2 open-ended questions) with
the following three components:
1. Use of Technology
In the first section, we aimed at finding out the
various types of technologies students used in their
everyday lives (e.g. for information searching or for
communication, etc).
2. Use and Usefulness of e-Learning Strategies
In the second part, we studied the use of technology
in the teaching and learning context. How often did
students use a variety of eLearning strategies? We
asked about a variety of eLearning strategies, such
as using the web as a source of information, teaching
and learning through online communication, and the
use of multimedia to enrich teaching, etc.
3. Benefits of using e-Learning
In the last section of the questionnaire, we asked the
students about the learning benefits of using
eLearning strategies. These potential benefits
included more than understanding content
knowledge. We also asked about improvement in
learning motivation, attitude, information
management, communication skills, etc.
From April to May 2009 we developed the
survey into an online questionnaire using software
“FeedBack Server®”. Administration of the survey
was carried out from June to August 2009.
Invitations to complete the online questionnaire
were sent to all undergraduate students (total 10,768
students). Two reminders were sent to the students
in mid-July and early August respectively.
When the questionnaire closed in mid-August,
1438 responses had been collected, response rate
being 13.4%. Gender was quite well balanced, with
45% males and 55% females. We also had roughly
the same number of Year 1, 2 and 3 students
(roughly 400 each). Students responded were quite
well distributed across all the eight faculties in the
University (Arts, Business Administration,
Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science
and Social Science ranging from 10% to 21% of
the student population of that faculty).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The survey data enriched our understanding of
students‟ use of technology in general, their use of
technology for teaching and learning, and their
expectations of a number of eLearning strategies.
The following are some of our preliminary findings.
Analysis is ongoing and we will focus on comparing
students‟ opinions in various disciplines, as well as
comparing opinions of university and school
students using data from a parallel survey in a
number of local Hong Kong schools.
3.1 Use of Technology
Table 1 shows a number of common uses of
technology and their descriptions provided on the
Table 1: Technologies used by students.
More explanation
Online movie
Use the web browser to watch online
movie clips (e.g. YouTube).
Read postings
Join discussion forum and read forum
Participate actively in forum discussions.
Create simple text web-pages.
Use the internet to broadcast multimedia
file/ upload video files onto internet.
Use Email system.
Use instant messenger to communicate
with friends or public
Use video conference to communicate with
friends or public.
Use social networking website and
communicate with others (e.g. Facebook,
Create blog(s) for keeping track of
personal journals.
Figure 1 shows the responses of the students
concerning how frequently they used these various
technologies in their everyday lives. An interesting
thing to note is that the students reported using a
great deal of eCommunication strategies: e.g. emails,
blogs, discussion forums, multimedia-rich
communications and instant messaging. We found
that students are quite able to use technology for
communication. Around 90% of respondents
reported using instant messaging frequently (at least
several times a week). Around 60% of them use
discussion forums frequently too. The use of blogs
and other media-rich strategies are less common but
are still used by 20% to 40% of students.
Figure 1: Use of technology in general by students, bars
showing frequent uses only.
3.2 Use and Usefulness of e-Learning
Figure 2 shows i) how much students use a number
of eLearning strategies at present, and ii) how useful
they think these strategies would be to their learning
regardless of whether they are using them or not. We
focused on a number of types of eLearning
strategies: e.g. classroom technology, self-learning
strategy, provision of learning resources, and using
technology to facilitate communications, etc. (Table
The findings indicate that while many of the
eLearning strategies are not frequently used at the
moment (except using the web as source of
information), many of the students have high
expectations of these strategies. For example,
students felt that various forms of eCommunication
can assist learning a great deal but they are not
communicating this way often.
Table 2: e-Learning strategy types and the questions
Items for typical eLearning strategies
Computers in class
Teachers use multimedia materials (e.g.
movie, sounds, animation) to assist
Computers in class
Teachers use/ show webpages in class
to illustrate concepts and knowledge.
Computers as
students‟ study
I find additional and relevant
information from the internet to help
school work.
Computers as
students‟ study
I include multimedia files (e.g. pictures,
sounds, movie clips or animation) in
my class assignments.
Computers as
learning resources
There are websites for the courses
where I can conveniently find notes and
learning resources of the subject.
Computers as
learning resources
Teachers ask students to complete
online quizzes.
Computers for
Teachers communicate with (e.g. via
email) and provide out-of-class
guidance that help me to think again
what I have learned.
Computers for
Teachers act as a moderator and
discuss with students at bulletin board
system (BBS) or forum.
Computers for
The web provides a platform for
students to share knowledge and
express their opinions (e.g. discussion
forum) regarding courses.
Computers for
I often join social community
groups that are related to my studies
and discuss subject issues with the
Figure 2: Use of technology for learning by students, bars
showing frequent uses only.
3.3 Types of Benefits
A number of learning outcomes were targeted in this
section. Table 3 shows the themes we targeted and a
sample question we asked related to each theme.
Table 3: Learning outcomes asked and sample questions.
Learning outcomes
Sample questions asked
Motivation and attitude
The eLearning strategies
improve my attitude to
Information management
It improves my skills in
searching for relevant
fundamental concepts and
acquiring knowledge
It helps me to understand the
subject materials deeply.
Deep approach
eLearning strategies help me to
integrate knowledge to solve
real-life problems.
eLearning strategies raise my
interest on the subjects.
Communication skills
It promotes discussion and
improves communication with
teachers or classmates.
Group work spirit
I feel more confident in dealing
with others because of the
interactions on the web.
Figure 3 shows students perception of types of
benefits that can might be associated with the use of
eLearning in general. The data indicate that students
were on the whole more confident about the effect of
eLearning on acquisition of knowledge. They are
less certain about the effect of the strategies on the
other learning outcomes such as learning attitudes
and various learning skills. Students may not be able
to appreciate eLearning fully especially because of
their limited experience with it.
Figure 3: Students‟ expectation of learning outcomes
related to eLearning.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The study so far revealed that students had relatively
high expectations of eLearning strategies and their
benefits. The data collected was revealing in a
number of ways:
1. While most of the students used computers for a
variety of purposes, they used it extensively for
social networking and communication.
2. Students had limited experience of eLearning
strategies but the expected usefulness of using
these strategies was high.
3. Students could relate eLearning strategies to
many different kinds of learning benefits
(acquisition of knowledge being the most
obvious one).
We confirmed in this study that students used
digital devices for many kinds of online activities in
their everyday lives. They are clearly digital natives
in that they have access to digital devices, use
technology for long periods every day for various
activities, and have no problem using and learning to
use new technologies. Most of the students used
computers for a variety of purposes. Of most interest
was the fact that they used it extensively for social
networking and communication. The Web is no
longer a place for information only but is becoming
more and more prominently a place for networking.
The use of social networking software such as
Facebook and MySpace was prominent with more
than 85% of the students using social networking
several times a week. The use of instant messaging
tools for communication was even more intense with
more than 90% of the students using the tools
several times a week or more.
Comparatively, the teaching and learning
environment at the University is far less digital.
Students reported they had limited experience in
most eLearning strategies, except the simple usage
about storage of course-related information (about
74% of the students used it often or a lot) or course
notes (about 69% used it often or a lot) on a course
website. At the same time, these strategies were also
remarked by nearly 90% of the students as being
useful to learning.
The students nevertheless saw huge potential in
using eCommunication for teaching and learning.
Students on the whole favoured the use of
eCommunication for teaching and learning (77%
found eCommunication to teachers useful, 52%
favoured teacher-student communications in forums,
and 68% regarded student-student interactions
useful). We can easily associate this with the habit
identified above that students are already using the
Web very frequently for communications. This
might be the area where students‟ digital experiences
in their everyday lives transfer to the education
Despite students‟ lack of experience with a wide
range of eLearning strategies, the expected
usefulness of using a number of other strategies was
high. For example, many students favoured more use
of technology in the classroom context: about 80%
of the students considered that multimedia would be
useful and nearly 60% of the students regarded the
showing of webpages as helpful in explaining
concepts in a class.
However, we also found that students were not
overly enthusiastic about all the eLearning
strategies. They were particularly cautious about
strategies such as online quizzes and learning
communities in which they had very limited
experiences. On the whole, students‟ attitudes
towards eLearning were positive. Their lack of
experiences seemed to be one of the reasons that
made them less eager in the more complex
strategies. ,
In general, students had high hopes for eLearning
strategies to achieve learning outcomes. At present,
however, they found the acquisition/ understanding
of knowledge, and access to information as the most
obvious benefits. They were less certain about the
other potential: e.g. deeper understanding of
knowledge and learning skill acquisition. This is not
surprising as most of the students had not
experienced eLearning strategies that were designed
with these purposes in mind (as noted, the most
common strategies used were to deliver course
information and course notes on the web). With that
in mind, our students actually had high expectations
about what eLearning is able to achieve beyond
merely knowledge and information.
As suggested early on the paper, we cannot
assume students will welcome more use of
technology in learning without reservations. The use
of the more complicated (but potentially more
educationally useful) eLearning strategies is limited
and students‟ opinions of them were also cautious.
However, we found students very optimistic about
using eCommunication to assist teaching and
learning. The research led to implications to future
studies about students‟ views on eLearning. For
example, we are planning to interview groups of
students about possible uses of eLearning in their
classes/ courses. Also, it would be useful to learn,
from the students‟ perspective, the types how
technologies can support them to overcome current
learning difficulties.
A study was conducted systematically to investigate
the expectations and needs of various eLearning
strategies by students in Hong Kong. Although the
response rate was not high (13.4%), there were 1438
valid replies and the students who replied had good
representation across all faculties.
The findings tend to suggest that students are on
the whole open to innovation. They seem to desire
more eLearning strategies than they are experiencing
at present. Teachers can obviously consider the use
of eCommunication strategies in their teaching.
There was also a certain degree of cautiousness in
students‟ replies, particularly when they were asked
to comment on less commonly used strategies. As a
consequence it seems wise to introduce uncommon
innovations with caution.
Overall, students affirmed the growing use of
e-Learning at CUHK and clearly appear to
encourage teachers to use more eCommunication
strategies. In order to encourage both teachers and
students to consider additional options is the next
challenge we face. At present our teachers are
mainstream in the use of basic content-oriented
eLearning but we are still at early-adopter stage for
more interactive eLearning strategies. We will be
able to use the results of this survey to nudge our
University a little further along the path towards
optimal use of eLearning.
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