F. J. Domínguez-Mayo, M. Mejías, M. J. Escalona and A. H. Torres
University of Seville, Spain
Keywords: Model-Driven Web Engineering, Quality, Software Metrics, Methodologies, Model-Driven Engineering.
Abstract: Various development methodologies currently exist in the field of Model-Driven Web Engineering
(MDWE). Given the high number of methodologies available, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the
existing methodologies and provide helpful information to the developers. Furthermore, proposals are
constantly appearing and the need may arise not only to evaluate the quality but also to find out how it can
be improved. This article presents the work being carried out in this field and describes tasks to define a
Quality Evaluation Framework (QuEF) to evaluate, under objective measures the quality of Model-Driven
Web Engineering methodologies.
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a paradigm of
software development that consists of the creation of
models closer to a particular domain rather than
concepts or a specific syntax. The domain
environment specific to MDE for web engineering is
called Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE).
The Object Management Group (OMG) has
developed the standard Model-Driven Architecture
(MDA) which defines an architecture platform for
proposals based on the Model-Driven paradigm
The concept of platform independence appears
frequently in MDA. Models may have the quality of
being independent from the characteristics of any
technological platform. By applying this paradigm,
the lifecycle of a software system is completely
covered, from requirements capture to its own
maintenance, through the generation of the code. In
recent years, the growing interest in the internet has
led to the generation of a high number of proposals
(W. Schwinger et al., 2008) which offer a frame of
reference for the Web environment. On the other
hand, there are a high number of approaches without
standard consensus, a lack in the use of standards,
and scarcity of both practical experience and tool
support. In the face of this situation, an important
need to assess the quality of existing methodologies
arises. In this paper, therefore, an environment for
the quality evaluation of Model-Driven Web
methodologies based on MDA is proposed.
The paper is organized into the following
sections. In Section 2 a global analysis of the
situation is presented. Section 3 presents the
problem, motivation and goal, and is intended to lay
the basis of a framework that allows evaluate the
quality of different methodological proposals. In
Section 4 concepts such as framework and MDWE
methodology are explained and the elements which
define the Quality Evaluation Framework (QuEF)
are provided. Finally, in Section 5, a set of
conclusions, contributions and possible future work
are given.
2.1 Surveys
There are many proposals in the area of MDWE and
numerous comparative studies (Pérez, et al, 2007),
(Escalona and Aragón, 2008), (Kroiβ and Koch,
2008). Along these lines, (Schwinger et al., 2008)
must be considered, which specifically considers
modelling concepts for their ubiquitous nature,
together with an investigation of available support
for Model-Driven Development in a comprehensive
way, using a well-defined as well as fine-grained
catalogue of more than 30 evaluation criteria.
J. Domà nguez-Mayo F., Mejà as M., J. Escalona M. and H. Torres A.
DOI: 10.5220/0002784601910194
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Quality Evaluation
In (Cachero et al., 2008), an approach is proposed to
evaluate Web quality that provides all the elements
which, according to the ISO/IEC 14598, are
essential parts of a software quality evaluation. The
idea of developing a MDE framework for evaluating
quality has been applied in various studies of
(Mohagheghi et al.), where it is stated that the
quality of models is affected by the quality of
different factors.
2.3 Software Metrics
In the literature there are numerous references to
metrics (Etien and Rolland, 2005), (Briand et al,
2006), according to which, software measurement
integration could be achieved by adopting the MDA
approach. To this end, an approach is described in
(Garcia, et al, 2007) for the management of
measurement of software processes. From the
methodological perspective, software measurement
is supported by a wide variety of proposals, the ISO
15539 and IEEE 1061-1998 standards deserving
special attention. As far as web metrics quality is
concerned, in (Calero et al., 2005) some important
metrics proposed for web information systems are
The main goal of this research is to lay the basis of a
QuEF that facilitates the quality assessment of
different methodological proposals under some
specific criteria. Today’s modern web information
systems are called to manage a huge amount of
information which is difficult to develop and
maintain. In this sense, there is a need for the
suitable design of MDWE methodologies and
effective tools. In this way, our work concentrates
on evaluating and comparing existing proposals.
One aspect that must be considered is the use of a
MDWE methodology and its influence on the final
product quality. Nowadays, it is important in the
software industry to produce faster, cheaper software
of higher quality.
4.1 The Term “Methodology”
An approach or methodology is a Model-Driven
proposal for the development of web applications. It
may provide a set of guidelines, techniques,
processes and/or tools for the structuring of
specifications, which are expressed as models. Only
web modelling approaches which are based on MDA
in the framework are considered.
4.2 The Term “Framework”
The QuEF is a basic conceptual structure composed
of a set of elements used to evaluate MDWE
methodologies. Therefore, a QuEF with a set of
elements based on existing literature is proposed
where four components for the evaluation of the
quality of MDWE methodologies can be seen:
Approach Characteristics Template: This
component would have the responsibility of
describing the input methodology
characteristics to be evaluated.
Thesaurus & Glossary: This component
would be responsible for improving the
standardization of the access channel and
communication between users of different
MDWE methodologies.
Quality Model: This component is responsible
for providing the basis for specifying quality
requirements with the purpose of evaluating
Quality Evaluation Process: This component
would have the responsibility of carrying out
the quality evaluation process.
4.3 A QuEF for MDWE Methodologies
We present the steps for defining a QuEF for
MDWE methodologies.
1. Identifying quality factors and quality attributes
2. Identifying approach characteristics and
subcharacteristics that can affect the quality
3. Specifying how to evaluate the
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
4. Specifying association links between the
subcharacteristics and the quality attributes.
5. Defining the Quality Evaluation Process.
Concepts, tasks to be performed for each step, and
framework structuring and components which result
for each step are described. The main component for
the QuEF is the Quality Model. As shown in Figure
1, a Quality Model is a set of characteristics,
subcharacteristics and metrics, quality factors,
quality attributes and the relationships between
them, which provides the basis for specifying quality
requirements and evaluating quality. In simple terms
all the stakeholders must be well-informed of what
is expected, what the subcharacteristics to be
achieved are, which impact should be achieved on
quality attributes, what the evaluation criteria are
and how these criteria can contribute towards
achieving the goal.
Qualtiy Factor
Quality Attribute
Subcharacteristic Metric
Base Metric
Aggregated Metric
Derived Metric
+base metric
+quality attribute
Figure 1: Quality Model metamodel.
On the other hand, in the Approach Characteristics
Template component, a template is defined with
general approach characteristics and
subcharacteristics for each characteristic based on
the Quality Model. It is used to describe an input
methodology. This template would be used as input
to the QuEF.
Therefore, for our purposes, a Quality Model
contains a minimal amount of characteristics and
subcharacteristics through which any kind of
MDWE approach can be evaluated. In order to
define a Quality Model, it contains association links
between the subcharacteristics and the quality
attributes. These association links represent the
dependencies between subcharacteristics and
quality attributes. They show quality attributes
which are affected by subcharacteristics or the areas
of the methodology that will be significantly
affected if the approach is changed. Association
links may be based on proven and real-world
experience. Furthermore, subcharacteristics have to
define quantitative or qualitative metrics which may
be used to measure each subcharacteristic.
4.3.1 Identifying Quality Factors and
Quality Attributes
Examples of quality factors are maintainability,
usability or portability. In this sense, a set of quality
factors and quality attributes based on current
literature (for example, based on ISO/IEC 9126-1)
and adapted to MDWE methodologies have to be
identified, classified and hierarchical. Therefore, an
important element for the QuEF is the Thesaurus &
Glossary component. A thesaurus is a list containing
the "terms" used to represent concepts, themes or
contents of documents in order to make a
terminological standardization to improve the access
channel and communication between users of
different MDWE methodologies.
4.3.2 Identifying Approach Characteristics
and Subcharacteristics that can Affect
the Quality Attributes
A characteristic or subcharacteristic is a feature
assigned to a product, process or technique of a
methodology, and hence is generally a set of user
needs or expectations of a methodology. The
characteristic is a higher-level concept and the
subcharacteristic is a lower-level concept.
In MDWE, models are refined progressively and
transformed into new models or code with tools.
Moreover, each methodology may define its
development process and/or techniques.
The idea is to characterize the whole MDWE
4.3.3 Specifying How to Evaluate the
For each subcharacteristic, a specification of its
evaluation is necessary. For example, the evaluation
may be via measuring quantitatively by metrics or
subjective evaluation, inspections using checklists or
interviewing the users or designers.
4.3.4 Specifying Association Links between
the Subcharacteristics and the Quality
In this step, the association links between
subcharacteristics and quality attributes have to be
defined. Association links indicate which quality
attribute is affected for each subcharacteristic.
4.3.5 Defining the Quality Evaluation
A new component is defined, the Quality Evaluation
Process component, which contrasts the information
from each input Approach Template Characteristic
with information from the Quality Model. The idea
is to determine which aspect needs to be improved
on MDWE methodology. it may be necessary to
establish a decision criterion. The results provide an
assessment report of the methodology and this may
be used for contrasting with the evaluation of other
MDWE methodologies.
The bases of a Quality Evaluation Framework
(QuEF) for MDWE methodologies are proposed in
this paper. With regards to the contributions
obtained from this research we think that the use of a
QuEF would enhance the quality of products,
processes and techniques of MDWE approaches.
Therefore the use of a QuEF may improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of MDWE
methodologies, and in turn may make their use more
widespread. This framework would help designers to
ask the right questions and solve critical issues.
The steps for defining the QuEF have to be
followed. Besides, it would be necessary to carry
out a standardization of terminology to improve the
access channel for communication in MDWE. A
software prototype would be developed to put it all
in practise.
This research has been supported by the project
QSimTest (TIN2007-67843-C06_03) and by the
RePRIS project of the Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia (TIN2007-30391-E), Spain.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies