Wararat Wongkia
Institute for Innovative Learning, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Kanlaya Naruedonkul
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Nick Cercone
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada
Keywords: Math Expression, Text-to-Speech, Blind and Visually Impaired Learning.
Abstract: We present the requirements to access mathematics for the Thai visually impaired students. Blind and
visually impaired (VI) students agreed to participate in an interview to determine the requirements for using
a text–to–speech (TTS) system with the capability to automatically read math expressions. The interview
consisted of two parts: the students’ background characteristics and the students’ difficulties in and
requirement for using TTS systems to read math expressions. Our results show that the students who are
blind and visually impaired had difficulties to access mathematics. The students have basic computer skills
with standard software e.g., Microsoft Word. Therefore, the findings suggest that the students desire
assistant technology to better access to mathematics.
Presently, blind and visually impaired (VI) students
can access math documents with the help of a human
reader. Unfortunately, having a human reader at
their side at all times is impractical. Braille display
is a more convenient way for blind and VI students
to access such documents. However, not many math
documents are available in Braille because of the
difficulty of production. Moreover, reading
mathematics in Braille requires special knowledge.
Video technology is another choice. Nonetheless,
blind and VI students can have difficulty obtain the
main point of the story even if they listen for a very
long continuous period. Audio devices e.g., Daisy
books and talking books are an alternative material
to provide for the blind and VI students; however
The author wishes to acknowledge the support of the Project for
Promotion of Science and Mathematics Talented Teacher
these books are less prepared for math and scientific
expressions. Screen readers with text–to–speech
(TTS) technology can read the documents aloud.
Then again, most TTS engines including Thai TTS
can read only plain text from a screen. They cannot
read math and scientific electronic books (e–books).
All existing technologies are inadequate for assisting
VI students to access math documents.
Although many math word problems are
available either in printed materials or electronic
forms, blind and VI students derive limited benefit
from them. Blind and VI students lose an
opportunity to develop their math skills and to
practice on their own. Limitations in writing and
reading formulas restrict blind and VI students for
an efficient and complete study of mathematics.
Therefore, we are looking for a solution to help
blind and VI students with as fair a chance to
studying as with the sighted students. Compared to
other forms of assistance, TTS systems with the
capability to automatically read math expressions
would serve as an educational tool for blind and VI
Wongkia W., Naruedomkul K. and Cercone N. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 239-244
DOI: 10.5220/0002781002390244
students to access math documents written in Thai
their convenience.
We determine the blind and VI students’
background, difficulties and requirements to access
mathematics by the verbal interview. With using
such interviewed information from the blind and VI
students, we design an automatic math expressions
reader system, called MathReader, for blind and VI
students to access math documents in Thai.
MathReader is designed to incorporate reading Thai
text and math expressions as well.
Current technologies allow blind and VI students to
access to printed text via various means e.g., Braille
documents (e.g., Moço and Archambault, 2004;
Niyomphol, Tandayya, Nantachaipitak, and Intasoi,
2008), digital talking books (DAISY Consortium,
2008) and TTS systems. Moreover, Freitas and
Kouroupetroglou (2008) reviewed speech technolo-
gies for blind and VI students to access the printed,
written and visual information. With these devices,
blind and VI students can maintain their indepen-
dence while they are studying and practicing.
A text–to–speech (TTS) engine is computer
software that can read aloud text within electronic
text formats e.g., Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word,
and Adobe Reader. Often this engine works with the
screen reader software to have a more comfortable
employment for blind and VI people. TTS system is
widely used by blind and VI people to read
electronic text through a computer since the sound–
based representation is an important channel to
access information for blind and VI people.
In Thailand, groups of researchers have
researched and developed Thai TTS systems since
the 1980s. Until recently, most Thai TTS systems
generate Thai speech from Thai text with high
accuracy of pronunciation and high quality of
natural sound (Wutiwiwatchai and Furui, 2007).
However, the important problems in developing
Thai TTS system are the ambiguity of segmentation
and pronunciation, and unnatural sound of conti-
nuous synthetic speech.
At present, to enhance the access to educational
math materials, a few TTS based systems were
developed to read math expressions in many
languages, e.g., A
R, MathTalk, and MathPlayer
in English (Raman and Gries, 1995; Stevens and
Edwards, 1994; Soiffer, 2005); AudioMath in Euro-
pean Portuguese (Fereira and Freitas, 2005); and
Math Genie in English, French, and German
(Karshmer, Bledsoe and Stanley, 2004; Gillan,
Barraza, Karshmer, and Pazuchanics, 2004). In
addition, some systems presented output in both
audio format and Braille e.g., TRIANGLE, REMath-
Ex and LAMBDA (Gardner, Lundquist and Sahyun,
1998; Pavel, 2002; Schweikhardt, Bernareggi,
Jessel, Encelle, and Gut, 2006). Also, the mutimoda-
lity accessibility of math expressions was proposed
to support individual preferences. This mutimodal
provided output in audio, tactile and visual forms
(e.g., Tsonos, Kaccori, and Kouroupetroglou, 2009).
The TTS system with the capability to read math
expressions has continuously been developed and
researched to assist blind and VI people in accessing
math documents the same as for sighted people.
With the potential of TTS system, blind and VI stu-
dents have valuable tools to help them learn science
and mathematics. However, none of Thai TTS
systems has the capability to read math expressions.
The requirements for using a TTS system with the
capability to automatically read math expressions
were determined. The analyzed results will con-
tribute in designing TTS system with the capability
to automatically read math expressions in Thai.
3.1 Participants
The participants are students in secondary schools
(Grade 7–9) for the blind and VI students. The study
is developed with 20 blind and VI students ranged in
age from 14 to 20 (mean = 16.8, sd = 1.6). The
participants consisted of ten blind students (seven
male and three female) and ten visually impaired
students (five males and females) from two schools
for blind and VI students in Thailand. All of them
agreed to participate in the verbal interview.
3.2 Interview
The Thai semi–structured interview was prepared
for surveying the blind and VI students’ difficulties
and requirements of TTS with the capability to read
math expressions. The interview consisted of two
parts (see Appendix). Part 1 requested the students
background characteristics: personal information
and their ability to use the computer including their
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
experiences with computer software and aspects of
using the Internet. Part 2 covered the students’
difficulties in using existing TTS systems to read
math expressions, and the students’ requirements for
using TTS systems with the capability to read math
expressions in their study of mathematics.
3.3 Procedure
The participants were interviewed in the schools
from February to March 2009. Each student’s voices
were recorded during the interview for 10–15
4.1 Students’ Experiences of using a
Most blind and VI students had extensive experience
using the computer, while two students who are
blind had slight experience and joined their partners
to access the computer. All students had used Micro-
soft Windows. All blind students and most VI
students also used a screen reader with a Thai speech
synthesizer to work with the computer. Some VI
students mentioned using other devices and assistive
tools such as a magnifying glass, Braille display, and
an enlarged visual display to work with a computer.
The majority of the blind and VI students had
used the Internet for more than a year. Repeatedly,
two students who joined their partners to access the
computer had accessed the Internet with their
partners. Most students used the Internet for
retrieving information and entertaining themselves.
Some students had used the Internet to obtain
knowledge; exchange ideas, news and information;
and communicate with other people.
For software, all blind and VI students were
given a list of software that could be used on a
computer. All students were quite familiar with
Microsoft Word. The students also had experience
using other software as shown in Figure 1. None of
the students who participated had used software for
writing or editing math expressions e.g., Microsoft
Word Equation Editor or Math Type Editor. Most
students had used PPA TATIP (Thai and English
TTS system works together with Microsoft Speech
and Speech Synthesizer and available for Thai blind
and VI people). None of the students used VAJA
(another Thai TTS system developed by NECTEC).
Some sound–player software e.g., Winam and Win-
dow Media Player, were useful for providing infor-
mation. Furthermore, a few of the students stated
that had used TAB Player (free software player
supports DAISY books for Thai and English).
Equ ation Edito r
Media Playe r
Number o f s tu d en t
Figure 1: Students’ experience of using computer
4.2 Students’ Difficulties in using TTS
to Read Math Expressions
All blind and VI students stated that they had used a
Thai TTS system when they used the computer.
Some students had used a TTS system to read
numbers, simple math operations e.g., ‘+’ plus sign,
‘–’ minus sign and ‘%’ percent sign. Some students
also reported that the TTS system that they used read
simple math notations with an English accent. It was
difficult for the students to understand such
information. Only a few VI students noted that the
synthesizer did not work with simple math
expressions e.g., simple fractions. Most students had
never used a TTS system with the capability to read
math expressions. Only one student heard synthetic
sound of math expressions in Spanish.
Thirteen students attended inclusive schools (a
school that encourages disabled students to transi-
tion into society). The students had problems with
reading printed materials or documents from their
classroom because those documents were written in
a normal character system. Most students said that
they needed an assistant at their side for practicing
or doing homework, especially mathematics. Fur-
thermore, a few students preferred to read such
documents in Braille. However, Braille printing
devices and Braille reading displays are not provided
and available to individually blind and VI students.
The students stated that the production of such
documents in Braille took a long time because the
documents were sent to another organization and
then those documents were sent back to the students.
They also noted that, recently, the translation from
math notations into Thai Braille was practically
incomplete. Moreover, it was more difficult for the
students to read the math Braille system because
unusual coding was used to represent numbers and
special characters. The students also stated that most
math concepts composed of graphs, tables, figures
and notations; so it was difficult for the blind and VI
to study mathematics.
Similar to the students in the inclusive schools,
the other seven students who attended a mainstream
school (a school in which all students have special
needs) faced problems reading the math Braille
system as well. All students usually read documents
and books, took short notes, and performed
exercises, homework and exams in Braille. The
students were required to remember unusual coding
for performing mathematics.
4.3 Students’ Needs for using TTS with
the Capability to Read Math
Expressions in Thai
The blind and VI students were asked to comment
on needs for using a TTS system with the capability
to read math expressions in Thai. Many students
stated that if math documents could be read aloud in
Thai, then they could do mathematics better than
before. The students also said that they could
practice exercises, do homework and perform exams
by themselves anywhere and any time that they
wanted. The students’ comments included: “It is
easy and convenient for me to do math by myself”
and “It is quick to prepare and study by themselves
before classroom”. Some VI students reported that
they had problems because their eyes were
exhausted when reading the documents for a very
long continuous period. The VI students also said
that it was more comfortable if they had computer
software read the documents aloud. Furthermore, a
few students stated that they had a problem using the
computer with documents. Such documents that the
students had obtained from the classroom as in
printed documents were not electronic files.
Most students said that they desired to use a TTS
system with the capability to read math expressions
in Thai. They wanted to use this TTS system help
them study mathematics if it was available. They
also commented that this TTS system could possibly
to enhance their mathematics learning. However,
one student was not interested in this TTS system
because he could not catch the main idea when he
listened for a very long time. He preferred to read
math documents in Braille.
The students were asked for design suggestions.
They recommended that when developing such a
system should produce correct pronunciations and
more natural speech. The system should read math
expressions aloud in all levels of mathematics
including scientific notations. The volume could be
adjustable. The students requested that this system
could be used to solve math problems, guide
methods that can be used to solve the problems. In
addition, the system should be available for free,
could work alone, and did not need other software to
work well.
Math expressions differ from Thai plain text in
alphabet, writing and reading listed as follows
(Wongkia, Naruedomkul and Cercone, 2009):
Alphabet and Symbols: The Thai alphabet
system includes 44 consonants, 15 vowels and
four tone markers. In math expressions, English
letters in upper case and lower case, numbers,
Greek letters and math notations are used.
Displays: Thai text and math expressions are
displayed non-linearly. Thai text is represented
in a 4–level system. Each term is written in
linear form from left to right without spaces
between. A math expression is a multi–level
system. In general, subscripts and superscripts
can be writ-ten to an unlimited–level or non–
linear. Special math symbols including
horizontal line, summation, integral and root can
be written in combination of special symbols
which is complicated to read aloud.
Locations and Orders: a different location and
different order of appearances of characters
maps onto different audios. The expression “
in Figure 2 can be read “
เอกซ ยกก
าล สาม”. The
word “
าล /yok3-kam0-lang0/ {the power
” is required to complete the reading.
Figure 2: Different locations of “3” and “x
Mapping characters into their sound: a single
character in a math notation can be mapped onto
one or more sounds, e.g., “π” is mapped onto one
sound /phai0/ while the notation “<” is mapped
onto two sounds /noi3-kwa1/. In Thai text, one
sound corresponds to two or more alphabet sym-
bols, e.g., a three–alphabet symbol is mapped
onto one sound /mak2/ while “
รถ” a two–alpha-
bet symbol is mapped onto one sound /rot3/.
For each word, its pronunciation is shown in / / and its meaning is
shown in { }. The numbers 0-4 are represented five tones. Each
syllable is separated be hyphen e.g., “ปราการ” {wall} /pra0-kan0/.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Homograph: the Thai word “
สระ can be pro-
nounced /sa1-ra1/ {vowel} or /sa1/ {pool}.
There is a kind of homograph in mathematics as
well. For example, “1 – 12” means either “one to
twelve” /nueng1 teng4 sip1-song4/ or “one
minus twelve” /nueng1 lop3 sip1-song4/ depend-
ed on where it appears.
Adding words: A word is added to indicate the
expression boundary. For example,
)( ba + is
read as /e0 buak1 bi0 tang3mod1 yok3-kam0-
lang0-song4/, the word “/tang3mod1/{all}” is
added to indicate that the 2nd power is for a + b.
We present the design of MathReader–a TTS system
with the capability to generate an accurate Thai
speech output from Thai math problems with math
expressions. The students’ responses and the
differences between Thai text and math expressions
were carefully considered in designing the system
Figure 3: MathReader architecture.
MathReader was designed to perform speech
generation in four modules: Phrase Identification,
Thai Text Reader, MathEx Reader, and Math Reader
shown in Figure 3. An overview of how MathReader
system performs was presented in Wongkia et al.
(2009). The Phrase Identification module segments
the input string into Thai text and math expression
parts since reading text is different from reading
math expressions in their nature and identifies which
phrase is Thai text or a math expression. The Thai
Text Reader module generates the speech for the text
part while the MathEx Reader module generates the
speech for the math expression part. The Math
Reader module combines all separated parts to form
the corresponding speech of the original input.
MathReader generates syllable sequences for
math word problems containing both plain text and
math equations. MathReader should prove to be a
practical educational tool for the blind and VI
students to access math documents written in Thai
their convenience.
Although Thai TTS systems are available for all
blind and VI students, these systems are unable to
generate speech from math expressions. The results
of this survey suggest that the students who are blind
and VI had difficulties to access mathematics. When
asked about an ability to use a computer that would
provide them with better access to mathematics,
most students admitted having a basic skill to use a
computer with standard software. Their responses
suggest that the design of the MathReader system
should work with that software.
Therefore, the finding from this survey confirms
that the blind and VI students desire assistant tech-
nology. It is important to enables VI students to have
the same opportunities as sighted students in study-
ing, especially in mathematics and science.
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conversions of mathematical Braille: A survey of main
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& Gut, M. (July, 2006). LAMBDA: A european
system to access mathematics with Braille and audio
synthesis. Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference Computers Helping People with Special
Needs, LNCS 4061, Austria, 1223–1230.
Soiffer, N. (October, 2005). MathPlayer: Web-based Math
Accessibility. Proceedings of the 7th International
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Tsonos, D., Kaccori, H. & Kouroupetroglou, G. (2009). A
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accessibility of mathematics. P.L. Emiliani et al.
(Eds.) Assistive Technology from Adapted Equipment
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This interview is used to determine the requirements for
using a TTS system with the capability to automatically
read math expressions for blind and visually impaired
Part 1 students’ background characteristics:
1. Personal information (sex, age, educational level and
visual impairment)
2. Do you have a personal computer to use at home?
3. What platform do you use?
4. What computer software and supporting devices do
you use with the computer?
5. What programs can you use? (Word, PowerPoint,
Excel, Equation, PDF, IE, PPA TATIP, VAJA,
Winam, Media Player, and Others)
6. Do you have experience using the Internet? If you
6.1 How long have you used the Internet?
6.2 For what purposes do you use the Internet?
Part 2 students’ opinions toward TTS systems with the
capability to read math notations:
7. Do you ever use a screen reader or text-to-speech
(TTS) system? If yes, what software do you use?
8. Do you ever use a TTS system with the capability to
automatically read math expressions? If yes, what
software do you use?
9. What languages of that system do you ever use to read
math expressions?
10. What do you think of the contributions of the system
that read math expressions in Thai?
11. What do you think of the contributions of such system
for you?
12. In studying mathematics, what do you want from the
instructional media?
13. How dose such system help you to study mathe-
14. Do you need such system in your study of mathe-
matics? If yes, why?
15. What do you think of using such system in your study
of mathematics?
16. If MathReader is developed, do you want to use such
17. What suggestions have you to produce and pro-mote
such a system?
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education