Juliana Jansen Ferreira, Victor Manaia Chaves, Renata Mendes de Araujo
and Fernanda Araujo Baião
NP2Tec – Research and Practice Group in Information Technology
Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)
Av. Pasteur, 458, Urca, 22290-240, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Keywords: Information system requirements, Requirements elicitation, Business processes modelling, IT organizational
Abstract: This paper proposes an approach for identifying, documenting and keeping the rationale of information
systems requirements starting from the organizational business model. The approach comprises a method
and the implementation of a supporting tool. The paper also discusses the results of preliminary case studies
with this approach.
One of the great challenges of requirements
elicitation is ensuring that system requirements are
aligned with organizational business needs.
Requirements that represent just a single user
perspective, which are partially analyzed and do not
consider the environment where the system will be
used, may lead to systems which will not address its
users and organizational expectations.
Aligning system requirements with the business
needs of an organization requires understanding the
organizational context. In order to understand and
represent how organizations work, the Business
Process Modelling (BPM) area has defined a set of
concepts, models and techniques with the purpose of
drawing up organizational business models
(PROFORMA, 2000) (PROFORMA, 1998) (Sharp
and Mcdermott, 2001).
Previous work of our research group (MacKnight
et al., 2005) proposed a systematic approach for
using business models, especially business process
models, for the discovery or elicitation of system
requirements. In that work, a method was proposed
to guide the software development team, in
collaboration with the organization employees, to
understand the business model, identify business
needs and define system requirements aligned to the
business needs. Case studies, along with the
continuous use of the method in real projects in
industry pointed to the need for a tool to support the
method, thus providing automatic traceability and
documentation of the information gathered during
the method execution.
The present work discusses how the combination
of the method and the tool helps organizations to
keep the rationale on the context in which systems
requirements have been identified.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents BPM objectives and concepts and how it
has been used in IS requirements elicitation. Section
3 describes the method focusing on the information
and rationale generated in each step. Section 4
presents the tool main functionalities. Section 5
concludes the paper, suggesting the opportunities for
improving the proposed approach.
Business Process Modelling (BPM) aims at building
a set of combined views that allow a proper
agreement on the business (Eriksson and Penker,
2000) (PROFORMA, 2000) (PROFORMA, 1998)
(Sharp and Mcdermott, 2001) (BABOK, 2008).
Through BPM, an organization domain can be
represented through diverse perspectives (Figure 1),
and the representation of a domain makes use of
diverse models for each perspective. Business
process models reflect the way an organization is
structured in order to guarantee business rules and
Jansen Ferreira J., Manaia Chaves V., Mendes de Araujo R. and Araujo Baião F. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002153602920297
strategic goals achievement.
Figure 1: Business process models and perspectives.
There are many approaches for business
modelling, and each of them defines different
notations and languages for organizational business
design. Independently of the approach used to build
the business model, the following models can be
considered by the business analyst to start
requirements identification:
1) Organizational Model. stands for the
organizational units, its roles and the relationships
between them. For example, an IT department may
be considered an organizational unit, and a
programmer, a role. Besides that, an organizational
model represents which roles belong to each unit,
depicting an organizational hierarchy;
2) Goal Model. shows the business goals and the
hierarchical relationships between them. Represents
how a goal is divided into subgoals which can be
achieved by business processes;
3) Process Model. represents all business processes
and their hierarchical structure. It also represents the
activities that comprise each business process;
4) Activity Model. represents the relationships
between business processes activities and those
responsible for each of them. It also shows which
business objects (that may comprise any information
storage) are handled in each activity and which
events trigger or are triggered by the execution of
each activity.
There are several works in the literature considering
business modelling as a useful starting point for
system requirements elicitation (Eriksson and
Penker, 2000) (PROFORMA, 2000) (Christel and
Kang, 1992) (Rolland et al, 1998) (Marshall, 2008)
(De la Vara et al., 2007) (Röhrig, 2003) (Demidörs
et al., 2003)(Pavlovski and Zou, 2008). The common
agreement among them is that the business modeling
task is part of the system development process,
which means one of the first activities for system
development should be the representation of the
business portion to be supported by the system.
What is different in our approach is that it aims at
using business models as an instrument for
requirements discussion among stakeholders. It also
registers rationale information for future use.
Some business analysis approaches, especially
the ones concerning software development, consider
the use of intentional business modelling such as
i*(Yu, 1995). For example, the Tropos Framework
proposes a software development methodology
based on i* concepts to model early requirements
(Mylopoulos, Castro and Tropos, 2000). Although
the i* concepts embraces business concepts – such
as actors, goals and activities – the use of intentional
modelling notations such as i* has not been widely
used in organizations as an alternative for business
process modelling. It also lacks for supporting tools
which could be enhanced in order to cope with
rationale traceability.
The approach presented in this paper differs by
considering graphical models as an instrument for
brainstorming system requirements, and for keeping
and generating different views/reports on
requirements elicitation information. A tool was
implemented on top of an integrated repository of
process models. This provides for system analysts an
integrated view of all information systems that
support business activities, and of other activities
that are indirectly related to the ones within the
scope of the system request.
The method is divided in two main phases:
understanding the problem and building the
solution view. The objective of the first phase is to
discover the actual organizational needs in business
processes. Those needs should be addressed by the
system to guarantee that the right problem is being
solved. In the solution view, the identified needs are
analyzed to assess how they can be addressed.
The examples shown in this section illustrate a
scenario of a radiation laboratory (RML) in a real
organization in Brazil. RML is responsible for
providing radiation measurement services and
personnel protection for enterprises whose
employees work under exposure to different kinds of
radiations, and therefore need to be constantly
monitored. The monitoring process consists of in
vivo bioanalysis, which directly analyzes human
bodies to measure the levels of radiation. This
process is supported by a set of systems and a
request was made to develop an integrated system to
support the monitoring process.
This section highlights the information generated
by the method at each step execution, and why it is
important for requirements elicitation memory and
4.1. Understanding the Problem
The first phase of the method comprises 3 main
steps or activities:
Step 1: Identify the Context of the Request. The
aim of this step is to establish the boundaries of the
business area involved with the existing system
development request. This means analyzing the
business model, specifically the process models
identifying which processes must be considered for
further detail, concerning the request. For each
identified process, it is also important to identify
which activities will be supported by the new
requested system/functionalities. The activity model
guides the discussions, being useful not only as
information basis but also as an instrument for
discussion and knowledge build.
Step 2: Identify Business Needs. By analyzing the
organizational model it is possible to notice which
process participants can be considered as future
system actors. These are candidates for interviews to
understand their needs and possible difficulties
encountered during process execution.
To discover the business needs it is necessary to
find the difficulties in the process and look for their
reasons. These reasons are the business needs which
must be addressed so that the problems encountered
are solved. It is important to note the relationship
among each difficulty, its related business need, and
the activity containing the difficulty (Table 1).
Through this relation, we can trace the reasons why
a business need is being considered by the system
because there was a certain difficulty in a specific
activity of the process.
Step 3: Identify Impacts of Business Needs. The
aim of this step is to have an overview of the impact
the identified business needs cause to the
organization. These impacts will help define the
priorities of business needs and also help to decide
which of them will be addressed. The consequences
of each business need are identified with the help of
the activity model. Each business need can be
assessed to discover its impacts to the activities and
to the whole process. With the help of the goal
model, the organizational goals and people affected
were identified (Table 2).
Table 1: Relationship activities, difficulties and needs.
Activities Difficulties Business needs
Write personal
information in a form
and enter the same
information in the
patient catalogue
System interface and
performance should
be efficient and let
the technician enter
needed information
directly into the
Write the measures in a
form and then enter
again the measures into
the measurement
catalogue system
To associate the
personal information of
a worker to his/her
measurement, in the
two different systems, it
is necessary to copy
manually the workers
ID in the patient
catalogue into the
measurement catalogue
Functionalities of each
existing system
should be supported
by the new system
Table 2: Business needs impacts on the processes.
- System interface and performance should be
efficient and let the technician enter necessary
information directly into the system
- Functionalities of each existing system should be
absorbed by the new system
- Create an enterprise catalogue and relate each
worker to an enterprise
- Delay in activities
- Redundant work
- Need for more employees
- Chances of making mistakes
Goals - Be approved by clients
- Have competitive costs
People - Technicians
- Client
Priority - High
4.2 Building the Solution View
The second phase of the method comprises 4 main
steps or activities:
Step 4: Identify System Functionality and
Restrictions. Each activity in the identified set
should be analyzed concerning how it can be
supported by the system to find out the system main
functionalities and restrictions.
Table 3 shows the
main functionalities identified from the activities.
Step 5: Identify System Boundaries. In this step,
the objective is to evaluate roles, other systems,
storages and external actors which may have to
exchange information with the system. The activity
model is analyzed to find out if there are any
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
activities that the new system should support, which
are actually supported by other systems. This can
also be done in a simplified manner, as a glossary.
Some BPM approaches use to build domain
glossaries which definitions could be here reused.
It is interesting to analyze the process business
needs to identify other functionalities which solve
the problems found in the process. At this moment,
non-functional requirements could also arise. Table
4 shows the result, relating each functionality and
restriction found to the business need that originated
it. This relationship is important as it documents the
reason for the existence of the requirements.
Step 6: Identify System Boundaries. In this step,
the objective is to evaluate roles, other systems,
storages and external actors which may have to
exchange information with the system. The activity
model is analyzed to find out if there are any
activities that the new system should support, which
are actually supported by other systems. This can
also be done in a simplified manner, as a glossary.
Some BPM approaches use to build domain
glossaries which definitions could be here reused.
Table 3: System main functionalities.
Activities Functionalities
Input personal information
Manage personal information
Query personal information
Input measurements Manage measurements
Analyze readings
Manage readings
Enter readings
Calculate level of radiation
Calculate level of radiation
Manage radiation information
Generate report Generate report
Table 4: System aspects identified from business needs.
Activities Business needs Functionalities and
Input personal
Fast processing
Simple interface
Create an enterprise
catalogue and relate
each worker to an
Manage information
about RML clients
Step 7: Identify the Impacts of the New System. It
is important to assess the way the new system
interferes in the organizational business so that those
impacts are known and updated in the business
model. This can be done, with the help of the
activity model, by interactions with future users
based on the main aspects defined for the system.
Step 8: Generate Software Requirements
Document. Finally, software engineers should
register in the software requirement document all
relevant information about the system that resulted
from previous steps.
The method was applied into three case studies
in real organizations (MacKnight et al., 2005). The
case studies showed that the method led to a
valuable system requirements list. It was also
observed that the more detailed the business model
is, the richer the requirements identification can be.
However, these case studies suggested that the effort
required to follow the method was great considering
the level of documentation necessary to cope with
each step. This issue pointed to the fact that the
systematic use of the method in any organization
should be supported by automated tools. The
customization of BPM tools to cope with the
requirements rationale documentation was one step
The tool support for the Mac Knight method was
developed on top of the ARIS Business Architect
(IDS Scheer, 2008) platform, due to its support for
developing customized reports and adding user-
defined objects and diagrams properties, as well as
because of its popularity. The experience we had
with the tool and the possibilities for further
experimentation in real scenarios were also
motivations to use it for the method support.
The ARIS tool supports several models or
diagrams, each of them composed by a rich set of
objects with specific semantics. The development of
the necessary functionalities for supporting the
method comprised: creating new symbols in ARIS
symbols set, overloading existing objects,
overloading model types, creating new relationships
among objects and models, and creating filters,
templates and report generation scripts.
For the first method phase (understanding the
problem), extensions were created to help the
identification of the request context witihin the
process models. A new attribute – system support
was created and associated to each process model.
The attribute indicates if the process activity is
requested to be system supported.
After filling this attribute, users may execute a
script that was developed for generating the
Processes and goals related to client request”
report. The report lists and describes all objects with
the system support attribute checked, and the goals
related to them. This helps stakeholders in analyzing
the context of the system support request within the
process and business strategic goals.
Another report is provided, relating process with
their executors, thus helping analysts in identifing
possible participants in requirements discussion.
Four new objects - difficulty, cause, effect and
need – were created, providing ways to register the
rationale around a business requirement. New
attributes were created for some of these objetcs:
causes, for difficulties; impact and priority, for
needs. The difficulties report and needs report were
also developed.
Business needs that will not be addressed by the
system may have the system support attribute
unchecked, while other may be organized in order of
priority by setting the priority attribute. A report was
also created to list the needs that will be addressed
and their priorities.
For the second phase (building the solution
view), business needs can be associated to the
functional and non-functional requirements. A report
listing all requirements related to activities and
needs is also provided.
To identify system boundaries (points where the
system will change information with others business
resources - users, others systems, and databases), a
new diagram (System Use Diagram) was defined, as
well as new objects, such as the object user to
represent the users of the system and the attribute
permission for each user. For each database, a
conceptual data model could optionally be created.
Different reports are defined: users and related
privileges; data dictionary; and the relationship
among business needs and the new system.
Impacts of the new system can be identified by
checking each activity that will be automated
trhough the functionality Change Management,
avaiable in ARIS Business Architect. A report
generated at the end of this step lists the changes that
should be done in the process.
Finally, the tool allows the generation of the
Software Requirements Document. It merges all
previous reports, configuring a first draft of a system
vision document. The Requirements diagram
collects information about all system requirements
elicited along time for an information system (Figure
2). Needs are represented in blue, functional
requirements in yellow and non functional
requirements in red, and systems in light blue.
Through this map of requirements, it is possible to
keep the traceability between needs and
requirements (functional and non functional); and
which systems implement each requirement.
The information provided by the method is
organized into groups to separate different instances
of models, according to current (as-is) and future
(to-be) situations, concerning business needs and
system requirements.
We used the support functionalities presented in
this paper in a real project of a large Brazilian
company, where business processes were modelled
to discuss requirements for the acquisition of a new
system for people control access, for corporative
use. The main observations of this experience were:
1) the tool was a good facilitator for information
gathering and association; 2) considering that the
tool was designed to help IT experts, the developed
scripts were of easy and intuitive use. They were
helpful to consolidate the information on reports that
were used on the analysis steps of the method; 3) the
requirements diagram was a useful map of elicited
information; 4) the association of the actor of the
process activity and the system user, with his needs
and functionalities, is useful information for the
validation phase of the new system development; 5)
the software requirements document report that can
be automatically generated presents all the
information related to the elicitation, and only
requires format adjustments after its generation.
All extensions that were developed on top of
ARIS are structured according to the conceptual
model illustrated in Figure 3. This model shows how
the elements added by the tool implementation are
related to existing elements in ARIS. This model
shows how the elements added by the tool
implementation are related to existing elements in
Figure 2: Requirements diagram.
Our research group - NP2Tec - conducted several
consulting experiences in BPM in Brazilian
organizations, which resulted in more than 200
modelled business processes. We observed that
100% of the business process modelling initiatives
we conducted led organizations to think on system
requirements even if it was not the initial intention.
Our proposed tool helps organizations to address
the alignment of system requirements identification
to business models, by providing automatic support
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
for keeping the rationale of these decisions.
Additionally, the ability to keep alignment
information from business to IT is a crucial step for
organizations willing to build corporate IT
architectures, as suggested by (Zachman, 1987)
(Nikolaidou and Alexopoulou, 2008) (Dietz, 2004).
The organizations learn how business process
management can be helpful and continuously
maintain a business process model, this model can
be used as a high level infrastructure for system
development and for maintaining the organizational
information architecture.
Future work includes evolving the proposed
solution to cope with non-functional requirements
identification (Bittencourt and Araujo, 2008)
(Röhrig, S., 2003) (Pavlovski and Zou, 2008) and to
keep information about requirements change and
management also aligned to organizational business
processes evolution.
Figure 3: Conceptual model.
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