Thais Castro
, Hugo Fuks
Leonardo Santos
and Alberto Castro
Department of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, r. Mq. de S. Vicente, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Amazonas, av. Gal. R. O. J. Ramos, 3000, Manaus, Brazil
Keywords: CSCL, Group programming learning, Programming in groups.
Abstract: This work examines the findings of a case study carried out in the first semester of 2008, which uses a
programming progression learning scheme, from the individual to group programming. This approach
implies the generation of conversation logs among students as they take part in group programming.
Supporting strategies are the evidences fleshed out through those logs. These strategies will guide the
teacher on his inferences in the next group programming practical sessions.
The extremely competitive scenario in which
organisations strive to survive nowadays has
imposed profound changes on Human Resources in
general and on individual and group abilities in
particular. As a result, there is a clear demand for
project-oriented, team-based, collaborative
approaches to be explored at early stages during
continuing education. In addition to this,
pedagogical practices and teaching strategies need to
evolve in order to suit those new requirements.
Collaborative learning methods have also an
important role in contributing for that challenge.
The use of internet based tools represents
broadened opportunities for recording, organizing
and reusing experiences on learning and working at
both individual and group levels. In order to elicit
knowledge on how to improve collaborative
practices, it is necessary to analyse every experience
on the artefacts produced.
In this context, this paper reports some aspects of
a case study on group programming learning,
focusing on the analysis of interaction dialogues,
fleshing out clues on how students organize
themselves in order to act under a collaborative
scheme. By analysing, grouping and comparing
students’ interaction through a Learning
Management System, it was possible to identify
opportunities for intervention. This may result on
new guidelines for the current supporting strategies.
At UFAM, a Brazilian University, there is a fifteen
year experience in introductory programming
learning using the functional programming
paradigm. The emphasis in the introductory course
is in problem solving, as described in (Castro et al,
2002). Besides the functional approach, that research
group conducted experiments using collaborative
methods to represent problem solving knowledge
(Mendonça et al, 2002) (Pereira et al, 2002) (Silva
et al, 2002).
It is a common thought (Brooks, 1995) that there
is a strong link between the software engineer
performance and its academic background. Thus, in
the introductory programming courses it is
mandatory the use of techniques based on problem
solving, given that problem solving is a necessary
ability for a software engineer. That is also the
reason why training for collaborating is an important
part of undergraduate curricula.
In order to collaborate, initially students have to
be aware of some problem solving strategies.
Consequently, a pilot study was conducted in 2004
for probing which were the most difficult topics in
the introductory course (Castro et al, 2005).
That pilot study was applied to two freshmen
groups. In their weekly practical class, students got
one or two exercises that were previously solved
during the theoretical class. They could consult the
Internet or any other bibliography and also discuss
Castro T., Fuks H., Santos L. and Castro A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 68-73
DOI: 10.5220/0001951700680073
the exercise with other students or trainees. From
roughly 80 students who attended the course, 10
constituted the observation group. The pilot study
follow-up was based on a qualitative analysis of
their annotations, before and after they solved the
exercises. After every laboratory session, the
researchers read the students’, trainees’ and research
assistants’ annotations (5 assistants observed the
observation group while they were solving the
exercise). Then, annotations were triangulated in
order to find out which students should be invited
for an individual interview, based on the clinic
method protocol, as proposed by Jean Piaget,
explained in (Del Val, 2002).
During the aforementioned case study analysis
the researchers recurrently stumbled on following
the changes done to the code. In order to solve this
tracking problem a tool, called AAEP, was
developed for keeping track of the students’ code
evolution by the pairing of versions. Later on, for the
purpose of classifying the code evolution in one of
these three categories, namely, syntactic, semantic
and refactoring another tool named AcKnow
(Castro, Fuks, Castro, 2008) was developed.
However, when students work in groups it is
difficult to know who is responsible for each code
fragment and who is collaborating with whom.
Besides that, according to the literature in Cognitive
Science (Cohen, 1997), students learn more when
they are working in groups and programming is
definitively a cognitive activity (Weinberg, 1971).
Thus the proposal of integrating AAEP-AcKnow
into a groupware, that took place in both 2007 and
In the following section, literature about group
programming is presented aiming to introduce group
programming learning.
A case study was carried out in the first semester of
2008 in order to evaluate students’ engagement on a
programming introductory course. This article deals
with the conversation follow-up, one of 4 supporting
strategies identified in the context of a research
project. One supporting strategy was discussed in
(Castro, Fuks, Castro, 2008) and the others will be
discussed in future works, based mainly on (Gerosa
et al, 2006) and (Pimentel et al, 2006). The case
study was applied to 60 Computer Science freshmen
students. Incrementally, exercises got more complex
as collaboration becomes necessary, according to the
programming progression learning scheme.
3.1 The “How-to-Do” Analysis
The case study was based on a progression scheme
(Castro, Fuks, Castro, 2008b) that comprises nine
sequential exercises together with their coding,
companion reports and conversation logs. Two
additional warming up exercises precede the ninth
one, which resembles a programming marathon.
The How-To-Do analysis consists of inferring
the communication purpose on each conversation
turn. For instance, when a student says “
Hey folks!
I’ve done mine and I found out that it was simple”,
his objective is just to inform. In Table 1 there is a
description of each message category found in the
conversation log, followed by its instance. That
gives the researcher an overall idea about group
behaviour. Then, the message body was further
analysed. Table 1 below shows the categories found.
Table 1: Utterance Categories.
Category Instance
Making an
artefact available
“My functions…”
Informing “Guys, the problem ins’t so
Clarifying “I couldn’t log in before.”
Confirming “I’ve annotated it already…”
Asking “Does someone want to add
something else on the report?”
Suggesting “…everyone should try to create a
solution to each question on his
own way…”
Calling attention “Hey, Guys! Let’s do the
Pointing a mistake “I think you made a mistake when
you defined the output as the type
Explaining “…What I did was to use the 2
question that…”
In phases 1 and 2, students start to learn how to
collaborate using a chat tool. The whole class took
part in the discussion, but coding was an individual
Next, in phase 3, coding was still an individual
activity, but then they had to choose the best code
among all the participants’ and also justify why that
code was the chosen one. Almost all the groups
generated long conversation logs and the discussions
run deep in eliciting the requirements for the best
code candidates. These conversations demonstrate
that students are quite comfortable in testing each
other’s code and comparing them with the course’s
notion of efficiency and efficacy.
In phase 4 they distribute the pre-divided parts of
the exercise to all group members and then discuss it
in order to prepare their wiki-based group report
(that comprises the individual coding and the
combined group coding together with the suggested
problem solving method). Their forum-based
conversation logs show at this point that although
some groups could collaborate in a rudimentary way
they lacked the ability to solve the problem as a
group, passing the responsibility to combine the
parts to one self-appointed group member. Almost
half of the groups just made available their
individual members’ coding. Their discussion log
showed that group members had no understanding
about the exercise as a whole and that one student
combined all the individual codes, making the
necessary adjustments. A few groups discussed the
task and really solved the exercise together,
suggesting changes in each other’s codes, where it
was the case. One group did not use the forum tool
to discuss, justifying that they had face-to-face
discussion. Only one group did not do anything at
Phase 5 asks the groups for splitting the exercise
into functional parts for distribution among group
members. That entailed heated discussions showing
that they moved to a next level in their collaboration.
One possible reason for this improvement is that the
groups that had difficulties or misunderstandings
about how to conduct themselves in a collaborative
way got feedback pointing out where in the problem
solving process they were not able to collaborate.
Another possible reason was that students got
progressively more involved on their activities as
they kept carrying on the exercises posed within the
progression scheme.
Phase 6 of the progression scheme is the
programming marathon, where they work in small
groups of three members. In this phase, group
formation is left for the students to form new groups
of their likings. Surprisingly, not that many new
groups were formed. During the four hour collocated
marathon, record keeping was not mandatory,
although they had to write the wiki-based report.
Summing up, it could be observed that as
students progressively solved more exercises, they
produced better codes. Interestingly, students
resorted to collaboration whenever they did not
know how to solve the entire exercise a priori.
3.1.1 A Closer Look at Exercise 5
The conversation logs commented below were
translated from Portuguese. For that reason, some
misspellings and/or inappropriate use of English are
still in the text to give the reader a more accurate
view of the conversation.
Exercise 5 (in Phase 4) stand as a bottleneck
because, for the first time during the course, students
are urged to think about the whole problem and its
solution collectively. During the problem solving
process they have to accommodate each other’s
views and negotiate when there is a conflict of
understanding. For that reason, this subsection
presents exercise 5 in order to flesh out clues on
group programming learning within each group’s
conversation log.
Table 2 describes exercise 5, noticing that the
teacher proposes a specific method for solving it.
Some groups adapted in order to solve the exercise
according to their own characteristics.
Table 2: Exercise 5: Doctors allocation problem.
In a clinic, as soon as a patient arrives at the hospital,
she receives an attending number. There are always
three available doctors per shift, and they will receive
incoming patients depending on the number of patients
a doctor already has in her to attend list. The doctor
who has fewer patients in her list gets the next one.
Using tuples, we can define the following input:
available_doctors (("dr. A", 4, 23), ("dr. B", 1, 13),
("dr. C", 3, 27)), where the 2nd term of each tuple
refers to the number of patients in that doctor’s list and
the 3rd term refers to the last patient attended by that
doctor. Based on this input, write a script in Haskell
that, for a given incoming patient, choose in which
doctor’s to attend list she should be allocated to.
Group 1 does not discuss about either the
problem understanding or the problem solving,
including the division of work and the process of
joining all the individual solutions together to build
a unique group solution. Contrary to that, each group
member makes available his solution.
One member of group 2 in a self-appointed way
leads the group. Another one assumes the division of
work. The discussion is rudimentary about the
general understanding, although it gains strength
when the matter is the work itself. The last topics in
the conversation log deals with suggestions. The
leader examines all codes and points out what could
be improved in a specific one, as shown in fragment
below (Table 3).
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Suggestions.
StD2, I’ve already written above what is
necessary in your case.
StF1, the inputs are a list of tuples, even when
the function you’re working with uses the
previous function’s result. I’ve corrected there
in Polya’s steps. E.g.: Inputs: [("dr. A", 4, 23),
("dr. B", 1, 13), ("dr. C", 3, 27)]. Outputs "dr.
StK1, your function is wrong, it has to return
the complete list of tuples, as the doctor’s
tuple required in the input will have the 2
term -1 and the last one will be the number of
the patient added to the input.
Examples: Inputs: "dr. A" 28 [("dr. A", 4, 23),
("dr. B", 1, 13), ("dr. C", 3, 27)] Outputs:
[("dr. A", 3, 28), ("dr. B", 1, 13), ("dr. C", 3,
Group 3 follows the same pattern: one student
self-appointed as group leader and division of work.
There is a general question about understanding the
exercise that the leader emails to the teacher. One
student makes available his code and report which
apparently makes another student uncomfortable.
Immediately she poses a question, starting a
clarifying discussion, as shown in the fragment
below. Unfortunately, the group report was
generated face-to-face and there is no discussion log
about it, only the wiki indicating that some group
members edited it.
Group 4 differs because more than one member
is leading the group. One student poses a topic about
some peculiarity found in the exercise. Based on
that, another one discusses the nature of the exercise
and a third one suggests a slightly different problem
solving method from the one proposed by the
teacher. Everybody follows the third member’s
suggestion triggering discussions about each
member’s solution. The fragment below (Table 5)
shows when a student figures out the nature of the
exercise and another one proposes a way to do it and
starts leading the process.
Group 5 makes the codes available straight away
and this apparently is a result of a just finished face-
to-face conversation.
Group 6 does not discuss the exercise as a
whole, keeping the conversation restricted to two
members and only about the last function.
Table 4: Clarifying discussion.
StV1 Hey folks! I’ve done mine and I found out that
it was simple.
aux_menores x xs = [ y | y <- xs , y < x ]
indice_menor xs = [i | i <- [0..length xs-1],
aux_menores (xs!!i) xs == []]
But even if it was simple, I’d like you to look
at the end of the function "indice_menor xs" (
aux_menores (xs!!i) xs == []), ‘cause it was
there where I had more difficulties.
I was trying to do two extra auxiliary functions,
where one of the extra functions is
aux_menores and the other, which I didn’t
make available, indicates the lowest number.
So, in the main function could be indicated
"xs!!i==número menor". But I realized that this
could be done directly, with only one extra
function. Anyway, I’d like you to test it!!
StF1 Well, mine was pretty short, I thought it was
odd, but I think it is complete, as it was a
simple question.
What I did was to use the 2
question that
shows the lowest indices and use them to show
the doctor with fewer patients. It follows:
medicos_menos_pacientes = disp!!
StV1 Man, explain that in details….
Because… I can’t find a method that fits my
Did you test it?
Because, mine is "indice_menor xs".
Table 5: Working on a solution.
StJ1 I think the problem is sequential… Each one of
the required functions is easy if we use the
previous one, once one depends on the other…
I believe the best way of dealing with the
exercise is doing it sequentially each function
reusing the previous functions, creating extra
ones, when it is the case.
… …
StR1 As far as I can see everybody in the group
agrees about the fact that the problem is
sequential and consequently reuses every item
in the next. So, because there is not much time
left, ideally everyone should try to create a
solution to each question on his own way, and
separate the best ones, to combine them in
order to write one group solution. In case of
wasting too much time in one question, try to
think about the next, continuing the approach
started by other member or even modifying
Group 7 makes use of the most common way of
solving the exercise. One student leads the
discussion, asking for the division of work and at the
same time makes available his code. Another student
subdivides the work and asks everyone to make their
solution available as soon as possible, together with
their respective explanation. All members comply.
One member of the group reads all the codes and
finds out a mistake and its probable cause (shown in
the fragment below). Something that deserves
attention is at the end of the discussion, when one
student says that he has not done his part yet, but
needs no help. In the very end of the discussion he
makes his solution available. The fragment below,
Table 6, shows how the student asks for help
Table 6: A students asks for help.
StP1 Oops! Sorry guys. I haven’t tested it yet and
only now I saw it has an error. But I know the
reason why.
It’s because StD3 function came from a
sequence of functions of the type “one fosters
the other” and that’s why I corrected it by
copying and pasting every function from the
first to the third one.
Initially, group 8 discusses about general
questions related to the exercise, sharing some
expertise. One member complies with another
member’s suggestion and everyone continues
reusing the functions just done. There are still more
questions about the exercise, but the group remains
collaborative, except for one member, who does not
take part in the conversation and does his part
without reusing or revising the functions that have
been done already (this is shown in Table 7).
Table 7: Working alone.
StF2 I’ve done the 5
question. As I didn’t used the
questions which have been done before it is
big, but, basically it has the same functions that
have been done until the 4
Group 9 behaves similar to group 1, but with
absolutely no discussion. Everyone makes his codes
available and one member is responsible for the tests
and group solution.
Group 10 does not have any discussion log and
did not do the exercise at all.
The way each group behaves on their first group
exercise fleshes out clues about the cause of possible
difficulties in collaboration and evidences of
successful use of an informal collaboration method.
In the aforementioned description of the way
each group collaborates in the exercise 5, most of
the groups tried to collaborate and behave as a
group, but they did not achieve the whole meaning
of collaboration. The recording of these group
exercises were very important, because it made easy
for the teacher to identify these groups’ difficulties
and preparing them for the next exercise.
Other groups, namely groups 2 and 4, properly
performed the work, without any difficulties. Group
4 even used a new problem solving method, which
was beyond the expectation at this point. Only two
groups (1 and 9) completely ignored the fact they
were doing their exercise as a group and group 10
did not started to talk about the exercise.
Programming learning, as other intellectual
activities, can benefit from collaboration. However,
group programming learning also has to tackle
several difficulties, common when developing
abilities related to an effective participation in a
In this work, we have shown how an Internet
based, record-oriented, collaborative and progressive
scheme can be used to allow both: knowledge
elicitation on the development process of
collaboration ability within the group; and
identification of opportunities for instructional
The conversation logs analysis produced an
insightful view of a collaborative learning approach
used in an intricate domain, expressed in the
Teacher indication of a specific way of solving
an exercise is important. As groups acquire
more expertise, they feel more confident to try
different approaches;
Self-assignment is the most common criteria for
initial designation of a group leader. More
important though, is that a discussion about the
general understanding of the problem and task
division is the subsequent step;
Request for selection of an individual solution
to represent the whole group is a good way of
starting objective discussions and positive
criticism over the artefacts;
As students move forwards through stages of
the progressive scheme, and problems get more
complex, individual behaviour tends to be more
Inspection of dialogues and correspondent
solutions at each stage made possible for
o identifying groups’ specific difficulties
and acting on that;
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
o having a more levelled set of groups at
the next stage of the progressive
We are now using these findings as requirements
for a knowledge-based framework to task guidance
on supporting the teaching and learning process,
using the collaborative setting presented.
Hugo Fuks receives individual grant from CNPq
and FAPERJ. This research is financed by
ColabWeb – Proc.553329/2005-7, CNPq/CT-
Amazônia n.27/2005 and GroupwareMining –
Proc.575553/2008-1, CNPq/CT-Amazônia
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