Honey Kansal, Sudip Sanyal and Deepali Gupta
IIIT-Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttarpradesh, India
Keywords: Dewarping, Deskewing, Deshadowing, Noise in scanned documents, Affine transformations.
Abstract: An approach based on affine transformations is applied to solve the problem of dewarping of scanned text
images. The technique is script independent and does not make any assumptions about the nature of the text
image or the nature of warping. The attendant problems of deskewing and deshadowing are also dealt with
using a vertical projection technique and filtering technique respectively. Experiments were performed on
scanned text images with varying font sizes, shapes and from various scripts with varying degrees of warp,
skew and shadow. The proposed method was found to give good results on all the text images, thus
demonstrating the effect of the approach.
While scanning a thick volume, a major problem
often faced is warping along the spine of the volume
which hampers the readability of the scanned text
image. Also, if we want to process the text image
consisting of such problems with an OCR, then the
performance of the process degrades considerably.
The problems discussed here can also be seen while
photocopying a thick volume. This paper proposes
an effective method to solve this problem in a
manner that is independent of the script and also
does not make any assumptions about the nature of
the distortions.
Figure 1: Document image with warp, skew and shadow
along the spines.
Warping refers to non-uniform curvature genera-
ted near the spine and it produces a distorted text
image. The problem is compounded by shadowing
and skewness. The cause of warping can be
understood if we examine the optical model of a
scanner. It captures the image of the document by
sending the light rays over the whole page. Now, if
the page is perfectly flat then the intensity of light is
uniform across the whole area. However, when we
consider a thick volume, the intensity of incident
light is not uniform and consistent. The cause of the
non-uniformity is the curvedness of the page at the
‘spines’. This leads to two effects. The first is that
some dark region is generated at the spines, which is
termed as a shadow which is a photometric
distortion. The second effect is “geometric
distortion” which leads to bending or curving of the
text lines in the scanned image. These lead to the
problems of skewing and warping respectively.
In Figure 1 we show an example where all three
problems are present. In the general case both warp
and skew distortions exist together. However, most
approaches applied till now discussed removal of
warping assuming the absence of skewing or vice
versa. There are mainly two classes of approach
applied for dewarping. The first is 2D image
processing technique as described in (Zhang, 2003),
(Kakamanu, 2006), (Cao, 2003), (Ezaki, 2005),
(Gatos, 2007) and the other is restoration of 3D
document shapes as described in (Zhang, 2004),
(Zhang, 2005), (Chew, 2006). The latter approach
requires hardware like special camera setup which
entails a high cost. In this work we follow the first
approach. Zheng et al (Zhang, 2003) proposed a
technique based on connected component analysis
and regression of curved text lines. It was an
Kansal H., Sanyal S. and Gupta D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 73-78
DOI: 10.5220/0001798100730078
extension of their previous work (Zhang, 2001) and
used a new resolution free restoration system with a
simpler connected component analysis. The
technique was free from various resolution
parameters although it makes a significant
assumption of negligible skewing. Estimation of
robust text lines was done in (Kakamanu, 2006)
using the cue that the text lies on the surface of the
page and are straight. Their approach assumed
simple background which can be easily separated
without considering shadowing at spines. Cao et al
(Cao, 2003) assumed a cylindrical model that can be
fitted over the warped document. They estimated the
bending extent of the surface by extracting the
horizontal baselines and then fitted a curve over the
warped text. This assumption is not valid for all
warped document, especially those with skew. A
similar technique was proposed without any
consideration of cylindrical model by Ezaki et al
(Ezaki, 2005) by fitting a model in order to estimate
the warp of each text line by fitting an elastic curve
to the text line. Another approach was based on
segmentation (Gatos, 2005) which detects all the
words using image smoothing. Then the lines were
identified using connected component labelling.
In general most of the techniques described
above neglect skewing which is often present in the
warped document and may be present independent
of any warping. Also, most of the earlier approaches
ignore the presence of shadowing. Thus, a number
of techniques proposed by earlier workers will not
work properly in the presence of skewing. On the
other hand, a number of approaches have been
proposed considering skewing as an individual
problem without taking into account the problem of
warping. Dhandra and his colleagues in their work
(Dhandra, 2006) removed the skewing using image
dilation and region labelling techniques. They
calculated the average of all the angles at which each
labelled region was tilted and then found the
resultant skew angle. Another approach, based on
least square method and saw tooth algorithm, was
used to calculate the skew angle by Yu et al (Yu,
1995). Another method proposed by Ballard et al
(Ballard, 1982) uses 2D Fourier Transform to
estimate the skew angle. It was computationally easy
and appropriate for uniformly distributed text.
However, in the presence of warping the degree of
alignment changes continuously as one moves over
the warped line because of which the FFT method
fails.This non-uniformity present across the text
forced us to find a technique that should work on
local distribution of the text. So we have opted for
affine transformations as our approach for the
removal of warping.
We have formulated our approach using as few
assumptions as possible. Moreover, our technique
handles possible shadowing, skewing and warping
of the text image. We follow the approach of vertical
projection in order to remove skewing after dilation
of the shadow free document. Deskewing is
followed by dewarping using local affine
transformation of the segmented words after finding
the angle at which each word can be considered to
be warped. In the following section we describe our
approach. In the third section we present the results
of the experiments that were performed in order to
test our approach. Some directions for future
improvements are presented in the concluding
The scanned document of a thick volume consists of
warping along with skewing and shadowing at the
spines. The steps can be listed as:
a) Deshadowing in order to get the text region which
we call as foreground and background separately.
b) Deskewing of the binary document after dilating
the image uniformly.
c) Removal of warping from the deskewed
document using local affine transformation.
The significant factor of our work is the
consideration of a binary image that contains less
information as compared to grey scale or colour.
Without loss of generality, we will take white as
background and black as foreground. In the
following we describe each part of the process.
2.1 Deshadowing
Shadowing is a photometric effect which is
independent of other two distortions. This paper
proposes a filtering technique for deshadowing
which will eliminate the noise spread that is present
mainly near the spine as shown in Figure 2a. An
examination of Figure 2a shows that pixel density
can be used as a feature for distinguishing
foreground from background. In all cases that we
examined, the pixel density of the text area is
significantly larger than all other regions, including
the region under the shadow.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2(a): A sample showing the shadow effect at the
Figure 2(b): Effect of deshadowing.
To estimate the pixel density we take a square
window of size less than stroke width of the text and
move it horizontally and vertically over the whole
image. The pixel density in the window is calculated
using eqn. (1) which is used to determine the true
pixel value for the central pixel of the window. If the
density of pixels in a given window is greater than
some threshold then we mark the corresponding
central pixel of the window as black.
Pixel density = No of pixels of specified colour
Total No of pixels
The threshold is determined empirically after
observing a large number of documents. We find
that a pixel density of > 0.9 signifies that the central
pixel is black. In Figure 2b we show the effect of
using the above technique. As can be observed, the
shadow is removed quite effectively with the
proposed technique.
2.2 Deskewing
After deshadowing we approach the first category of
geometric distortion i.e. skewing. Our motive is to
find out the skew angle at which whole text is tilted
and rotate the text by this angle. We have examined
two approaches for determining the skew angle. The
first was based on 2D Fourier transforms (Ballard,
1982) and another using a histogram technique of
local angles obtained using vertical projections. The
latter approach is slower than the former but gives
higher accuracy.
2.2.1 Problem with FFT Approach
One of the main objectives of our work was to make
the technique script independent. Scripts can be
divided into mainly two categories, either consisting
of upper and lower modifier as in Devanagari and
other Indian scripts where the vowels are
represented as upper or lower modifiers or scripts
free from upper and lower modifier like English.
We created a collection of 10 scanned documents
of different scripts. An artificial skew of range 2
was introduced in them. While testing the approach
over the document for scripts like English, the
difference of calculated skew angle and exact skew
angle came to be within the range of 0.02˚ -0.3˚. On
the other hand, when the same technique is applied
to Indian scripts that have upper and lower vowel
modifiers, we found that this method has an error in
the range of 0.5-3˚.
While the error does not appear alarming at first
glance, it is sufficient to cause line segmentation
errors for OCR. Thus we had to device a new
approach for the calculation of skew angle.
2.2.2 Vertical Projection Histogram
The first step is to dilate the whole image to the
extent such that different lines become a single
object. For this purpose, we will choose a
rectangular window for dilating and make the whole
window black instead of central pixel. The effect of
dilation is shown in Figure 3 below. Since the skew
angle is a property of the entire page, therefore only
the topmost line is considered for its determination.
The next step is to find the first foreground pixel
while moving in the vertical direction. This is
performed at fixed horizontal gaps. The grey vertical
lines in Figure 3 show these vertical lines. The
lengths of the grey lines are the starting points of the
text area. This is similar to drawing ‘vertical
projection’ at some fixed interval and finding the
topmost point of intersection of projection and the
dilated image. Let the points of intersection be
labelled as (x
, y
). We can get a local estimate of the
skew angle as
= tan
– y
) / (x
– x
)) (2)
In practice, there will be some variations due to
the non-uniform heights of the original characters in
the text as well as due to warping. Therefore, we
compute the histogram of the local skew angles. The
histogram has a sharp and clearly identifiable peak
corresponding to the skew angle. Thus, the skew
angle for the entire page can be obtained as the
median of the local skew angles. The advantage of
this technique is that it gives a control over local
Figure 3: Document before and after dilation.
variation in the skewing. Moreover, the process
works well even in the presence of warping. The
horizontal gap between vertical projections should
be chosen with extreme care. For a normal image of
size 5000 * 7000 pixels, we tested with 50 pixels as
this parameter and got good results even for a
complex script like Devanagari which has lower and
upper modifiers along with normal characters. The
final output of deskewing is shown in Figure 4.
2.3 Dewarping
A warped text can be considered as a set of words
that have been rotated and translated from their
original position. Thus, our basic approach to
dewarping is to estimate the extent of rotation and
translation of the original word and perform the
corresponding inverse transformations.
Figure 4: Output after de-skewing.
Figure 5: Dilated deskewed output.
Let us consider a left warped document (as in
Figure 5) in order to make the approach clear.
2.3.1 Dilation
The first step in this process is to estimate the extent
of rotation and translation of each word. Thus, we
first have to identify each word by dilating the
document in a manner similar to that adopted for
deskewing but to different extent such that such that
each word of the text document becomes an object
as shown in Figure 5.
2.3.2 Object Labeling
The next task is to label the words and sort them in
such a way that we can identify the line to which
different words belong and obtain the sequence of
words in a line. A very straightforward approach is
employed in the present work for object labelling
(Fang, 1987). Moving in a direction from right to
left (for left warped documents) we locate the first
foreground pixel and mark it with a label. The
foreground pixels that are connected to the marked
pixel are then assigned the same label. This process
continues recursively till all connected components
of the object get the same label. The label for the
next object found is incremented by one and the
process is repeated till all objects get labelled. The
coordinates of the bounding rectangle of each object
is also noted. The problem with this labelling
algorithm is that it does not label the objects in a
sorted order. The labelling algorithm can assign
labels to objects with numbers that may have large
differences between adjacent objects. For further
processing, each line should have its objects labelled
in increasing order from right to left and consecutive
objects marked with consecutive integers. This post
labelling work is summarized next.
1) Sort objects in decreasing order according to their
rightmost x-coordinate and store them in a list S.
2) Pickup the topmost object from S which is the
rightmost word of the line that is processed first.
Mark it as <i, L> where L is line number and i=1,2,
….n where n is number of words in this line L.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3) For next word of this line, traverse S from top to
bottom and search for all objects (not marked)
having at least 85% overlap in Y direction with the
currently marked word.The first word of S, while
traversing from top to bottom, that belongs to the list
obtained from step 3 is the next word in the line.
5) This word is marked and steps 3 and 4 are
repeated till all words are marked.
2.3.3 Local Affine Transformation
The word "affine transformation" here means all the
transformations done to the pixels are based on some
kind for ‘affinity’ or ‘relation’ of them with their
neighbouring pixels. After correctly labelling each
word, we can now find the extent of translation and
rotation that each word has been subjected to, due to
warping. In order to achieve this we estimate the
transformation required to dewarp each word.
1) Obtain the horizontal profile of each word W
the line,traverse vertically downward in the word W
and find out the Y-level Y
having horizontal profile
value as at least 90% of the width of word.
2) Note the X-coordinate, X
, of leftmost pixel of
this Y-level Y
. Do steps 1-3 for all words.
3) Completion of step 3 yields the coordinates (X
), (X
, Y
) … (X
, Y
) where n is number of
words in this line and (X
, Y
) is the coordinate
corresponding to the rightmost word W
4) Now for each word W
(i=2,3,….,n) calculate the
local angle Ө
with which it should be rotated by
calculating the slope of straight line joining the
points (X
) and (X
) using (2).
5) Rotate each word W
of the original image (not
dilated) with Ө
keeping W
fixed and write them in
a new temporary image. This step effectively
removes the rotation effect of warping. The
translation effect is removed in the following steps.
6) Repeat dilation and object labelling, for this new
image. Then perform step 1 and 2 to get Y
(i=1,2,….,n) for all words.
7) Translate each word W
in vertical upward
direction by |Y
| again keeping W
8) Repeat steps 1-8 for all lines to get the dewarped
image as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Final output free from skewing and warping.
The results of our approach are summarized in
the next section.
In order to show the result of the approaches there is
no proper method prescribed other than visualizing
the output. Generally the accuracy of skewing and
warping is tested over the performance of OCR
(Zhang, 2003; Kakamanu, 2006; Cao, 2003) since
the words of a warped document will not be
correctly recognized by an OCR. The technique we
discussed is mainly based on local transformation of
words after calculating their degree of rotation and
translation. Therefore we have used a word based
accuracy measure. This measure can be described
using the Figures 5 and 6. The document, Figure 5,
consists of 70 words warped at different angles. On
reviewing the output of Figure 6, we can analyze the
error in calculating the degree of rotation and
We found that the estimate of rotation was
correct in 65 words out of 70. Similarly, estimate of
translation of only 4 words out of 70 had an error of
more than 5 pixels. So the error coefficient can be
given as max (5, 4) / 70 = 0.07 which results in an
accuracy of 93% per document. Since the document
was in Devanagari, so we could not find an OCR for
performing the conventional test of accuracy.
Similar experiments were performed with ten other
documents with different levels of warp, skew and
shadow. The average accuracy obtained was 94%.
Also, with English documents, we performed the test
using OCR and found that 95% of the words were
correctly recognized. Thus, we can conclude that the
word based accuracy measure and the OCR based
measure yield similar performance. Moreover, the
results of the word based measure are independent
of font and script.
The parameters used in the technique are
empirically found after working over different
scripts. The local affine transformation technique
used by the system overcomes the local variations
over the distorted document.
Warping is a major problem which arises due to
improper curvedness of thick volumes while
scanning or photocopying. This defect affects the
readability of text as well as its OCRability. It is a
difficult task to invent a technique that could remove
it perfectly considering the different components
that could exist in a document like figures and
various fonts. In the technique developed in the
present work we were successful in removing the
shadow, skew and warp, even if they co-existed in
the same document. Moreover, our approach was
script and font independent. One problem that we
have noticed is the warping of individual characters.
This can be noticed in the final output, Figure 6.
This can be overcome by reducing the granularity of
our approach. . In the present work we have taken
the word as an individual unit and assume that the
degree of rotation and translation will be a constant
for a given word. However, the presence of warping
of individual characters indicates that we should
estimate the warping at a sub-word level. Similarly,
in order to apply our technique to documents
containing images, we will have to identify the text
area first and apply the dewarping technique to the
text regions only. For regions containing graphics or
images, we can estimate the extent of warping using
interpolation techniques. These are important open
problems that require further investigations.
Authors gratefully acknowledge financial assistance
from TDIL, MCIT.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications