Extracting Semantic Meaning from Photographic
Annotations using a Hybrid Approach
Rodrigo Carvalho, Sam Chapman and Fabio Ciravegna
The University of Sheffield, UK
Abstract. This paper evaluates singular then hybrid methodologies for extract-
ing semantics relevant to users in cataloguing and searching of personal pho-
tographs. It concentrates upon extraction of meaningful concepts within textual
annotations focusing around geographical identification, together with references
to people and objects concerning each image. A number of approaches are con-
sidered; machine learning, rule based and a novel hybrid approach encompassing
previous techniques. This evaluation identifies the strengths of the singular ap-
proaches and defines rules best suited to differing extractions providing a higher
performing hybrid method.
1 Introduction
In recent years digital cameras have become an essential gadget in the household. With
the increasing adoption of mobile photography, inexpensive network transmissions,
cheap data storage and a decline in physical printing there is an inevitable expanding
number of photographs in both public and private digital collections and agrowing need
to search over this information. Existing solutions are incomplete as they fail to tackle
the needs of users who require retrieval on the conceptual content of individual images
which is harder to capture. Automated techniques to extract data from images have been
proposed, for example Content Based Image Retrevial techniques, CBIR[9], which in-
dex visual artifacts within images. Other techniques focus upon systems to gather user
input for the purpose of user directed archival, online photo sharing services are ex-
amples. Such systems encourage image reuse and sharing by utilising additional user
input, i.e. comments, tags, temporal and categorical groupings and organisation. One
issue with such an approach is that users of digital photography often will put mini-
mal effort into this archival process meaning limited potential reuse of the images. This
shortfall in available information makes it necessary to make maximal usage of any
annotations provided. This paper examines this issue by investigating means to take ad-
vantage of minimal photographic descriptions but first existing approaches are detailed
more fully.
1.1 Existing Approaches
Many approaches aim to address the problem of maximising image reuse. Current tech-
niques focus upon one of three basic approaches, each of which is now detailed briefly.
Carvalho R., Chapman S. and Ciravegna F. (2008).
Extracting Semantic Meaning from Photographic Annotations using a Hybrid Approach.
In Metadata Mining for Image Understanding, pages 48-57
DOI: 10.5220/0002339700480057
Image Analysis. Image analysis techniques attempt to extract meaning from the pixel
content of an image automatically. Veltkamp[9] surveys the state of the art techniques
such as face recognition, edge detection, image segmentation, region classification etc.
Such techniques however are largely problematic in real world scenarios for two rea-
1. Semantic gap - extracted regions are visual artifacts within pixels and not seman-
tic concepts which users require, for example, an objects boundary edge and not
semantic entities like My brothers car, dad or the eiffel tower.
2. Accuracy - state of the art has an unacceptable precision and recall to be considered
useful in that objects and classifications can be frequently misapplied. Barla et al
[2] indicate a 20.7% miss-classifcation in rudimentary binary classifications such
as cityscape vs non-cityscape.
Improved Structured Knowledge Representations. Representing Knowledge in a
standard format is of huge importance as it facilitates its reuse. In recent years a num-
ber of exchange formats have been developed focusing specifically upon exchanging
information regarding digital images. Exif
includes detailed camera settings set at the
time of digital image capture. Some of this information is of use for retrieval but again
suffers from the issue of semantic gap where it fails to embed semantic meaning needed
by users. Newer standards such as MPEG-7
provide a mechanism to encode extended
information including regional semantic annotations within an image, unfortunately al-
though a format exists for its representation there is as yet no agreed method to obtain
the needed annotations. User (or community) annotation extractions. Enlisting user
support in image classification has had a recent resurgance in popularity following the
success of the ESP game[1] and the development of online photo sharing websites such
as Flickr, KodakGallery and many more. Such interfaces attempt to empower users to
perform individual or collective annotation/archival of digital photographs. One issue
with such approaches is that only a small proportion of the population put in reason-
able efforts regarding annotation. Given such systems it is imperative to make maximal
usage of any photographic annotations as possible. Many attempts have been made to
extract maximal meaning from photographic annotations such as[8][7] but most have
focussed upon a complete natural language parse which is too costly to scale to a large
scale solution.
2 Extraction Focus
The focus of this paper concerns concentrating extraction efforts upon the needs of
the user. According to a study performed by Naaman et al[6] the usefulness of various
metadata was considered in aiding users to locate their own photos. The cues rated by
users as contextually important for recalling images were found in order of importance
to be:
EXchangeable Image file Format, was created by the Japan Electronic Industries Development
Association (JEIDA). Version 2.1 (the first public release) was released June, 1998, and later
updated to version 2.2 in April 2002
1) indoors opposed to outdoors pictures, 7) the year,
2) the identity of people within a photo, 8) the time of the day,
3) the location, 9) the weather conditions,
4) the event depicted, 10) the date,
5) the number of people, 11) the mood in which a picture was taken
6) the season,
Further input from industrial sponsors confirmed these features
. Some features from
the above list could be obtained from sources other than the image annotations them-
selves. For example image Exif metadata, basic image analysis can determine basic
recognition tasks e.g. indoor vs outdoor environments[2] having a a 93% accuracy.
Given these issues ve key attributes can be proposed, Location, Person, Object, Event,
Temporal of which we focus upon extraction of the first three.
Location: a textual location that the image might depict. This includes not only
geographical location names but also far less exacting locations such as home, my
road, my garden as well as synonyms for place names such as the big apple.
Person: people’s names or general references to people such as dad, mum, brother.
Object: conceptual objects depicted in an image. This concept was only identified
when a term of obvious importance did not fall into any of the previous categories,
such as football in the description Dave and his football.
One way of obtaining such information is via the analysis of textual descriptions about
the images within a collection. The following section introduces and discusses a hybrid
approach to tackle such issues.
3 A Hybrid Approach
Current research efforts for performing feature extraction from photographs are focused
mainly around the solution to widely known computer vision problems. However, with
the existence of online photo management and sharing services such as Flickr for al-
most half a decade, users of this technology have grown accustomed to organising their
photo collections by using textual metadata such as single words known as “tags” as
well as textual descriptions of an arbitrary length. The existence of such metadata about
images has opened a window of opportunities for the development of novel techniques
for the extraction of information about images by using Natural Language Processing
(NLP). What we propose in this paper is the use of an approach for extracting informa-
tion from image descriptions that takes advantage of the flexibility of machine learning
data models as well as the precision of rule based extractors. Given a very limited initial
training dataset as well as a limited number of rules, we aim to combine these two ap-
proaches not only for performing more confident extractions from image descriptions,
but also to control levels of precision and recall by maintaining a balance over which
technique is more influencing in the extractions.
An optimum solution for the domain of image descriptions would have to address
two central performance requirements: 1) It must be computationally cheap (light-
weight) in order to be scalable. 2) The extractions produced must be highly precise
Internal communications with Eastman Kodak Corporation
while maintaining recall. Further to these, performing Information Extraction (IE) from
such short snippets of text can be problematic due to their limited grammatical content
and disperate presentation. You can see from fig.1 that over 64% of image descriptions
have less than 10 tokens in a corpus of over 380K images from Flickr. The following
sections will introduce the machine learning framework, the rule based extractor and
a hybrid approach. The corpus of image descriptions will then be discussed before the
evaluation and conclusions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
No. of Tokens
Fig. 1. Descriptions’ token count.
3.1 Machine Learning
It is widely known that given a small set of training data, machine learning systems are
capable of creating a generic model and apply it to previously unseen data. More specif-
ically, in the field of NLP, textual features of tokens (e.g. part of speech, orthography,
the tokens themselves, etc.) together with the features of other neighbouring tokens are
used in the creation of this model what makes this an extremely flexible technique for
extracting information from text.
T-Rex. One such system that achieves competitive results when applied to several cor-
pora is the Trainable Relation EXtraction framework (T-Rex)[5]. T-Rex
is a highly
configurable support vector machine based IE framework that uses a canonical graph-
based data model. Its strength comes from decoupling its data representation from the
machine learning algorithms allowing configurable extensions.
3.2 Rules
On the opposite end of the spectrum there are rule based extractors that apply manually
written Hearst pattern[3] style rules to textual data. Precise extractions can then be
performed according to the ganularity of rules.
It is a rule based tool for annotating documents and is built upon the Runes
6 framework [4]. It relies on the document being represented as a graph, with nodes
representing document elements (tokens, sentences, etc.) and edges representing rela-
tionships between elements (belongsTo sentenceXYZ, follows tokenXYZ, etc.). Saxon
rules are defined as regular expressions detailing how to move between elements of
the graph. A rule has three main parts: a starting point, a regular expression (describ-
ing how to move between sections of the graph) and an update rule (detailing how the
graph should be updated if the rule matches). Further to these, a rule can also make
use of external gazetteer lists for reinforcing its precision by detecting better matches
within a concept. The full flexibility of Saxon lies however in the ability to specify un-
restricted Java code as the right hand side of a rule. The output of a rule can be either
other annotations or unrestricted actions specified within the rule.
3.3 Corpus Collection
Online photostore users were contacted
for permission to use their public images to
build a corpus of image metadata. During this period there were a total of 414 responses,
of which 391 replied positively.
The corpus gathered for development and evaluation of our approach includes over
1.8 million tokens distributed among over 119K image descriptions as it stands. This is
largely characterised by short disconnected snippets of text (see fig.1) describing users
photographs. In collecting the corpus, foreign language descriptions were inadvertantly
collected and some minimal language filtering needed to be performed.
Language Filtering. In order to filter out foreign language a scoring method based on
the most common terms
of the British National Corpus (BNC) was devised. The idea
was to reward the use of tokens within the annotations that are within this set of terms
from the BNC and penalising the use of tokens that are not. This returns an estimate of
the likelihood of any description being English and therefore included.
Training Data. A total of 1660 English image descriptions (24,215 tokens) belonging
to 54 distinct users were randomly collected from the main corpus. This smaller cor-
pus was then manually annotated by a group of 7 researchers according to the concepts
introduced in section 2 generating a total of 2522 annotations. More specifically, 566
annotations were assigned to the concept of Person, 747 to Location and 1209 to Ob-
ject. This dataset was then subdivided into 2 sets: the annotated data used by T-Rex as
training data and Saxon as a basis from which to build extraction rules (40%), the re-
maining data was used for testing. Further image descriptions were also collected from
the main corpus at a later stage for evaluating the approach.
Rule Development. The development of rules was an iterative process and took part
in 3 stages: one for each concept defined in section 2. At the end of the process, 15
generic rules were developed. Four rules for ’Person’ aided by the use of gazetteer lists
for detecting common first names, references to family relatives (e.g. mom, dad, brother,
etc.) as well as person titles (e.g. Mr, Dr, etc). Six rules for ’Location’, 5 of which were
reinforced by gazetters for detecting common locations (e.g. countries, cities, etc.) as
well as tokens indicative of references to a location (e.g. museum, street, etc). Five
rules for ’Object’ were extracted, 3 were reinforced by organisation gazetteers to detect
instances that refer to branded objects (e.g. McDonald’s sandwich, Lincoln engine, etc).
2325 Flickr users over a period of 4 months where contacted
with frequency greater than 800
3.4 Hybrid IE
In order to successfully extract information from image descriptions, it is argueable
that either technique implemented by T-Rex or Saxon could be singularly applied to the
task. However, because of the constraints imposed by the domain and the requirements
introduced in the beginning of section 3, each system carries with it disadvantages.
Despite implementing a flexible approach for IE, T-Rex depends heavily upon the
size and coverage of the initial training dataset which is costly to develop. Also, when
configured for performing highly accurate extractions computational cost can be im-
practical for use in scalable applications. Saxon on the other hand, while being less
computationally expensive, requires time consuming development of rules for captur-
ing every desirable case within the text, which makes it less flexible for performing
IE. What we propose here is that the combining of the two techniques implemented by
T-Rex and Saxon not only lessens their disadvantages, but also gives way to improved
precision and recall while maintaining the approach as scalable as possible.
One of the first issues to be addressed by the combination of the two techniques
is a architectural one. Machine learning approaches, as mentioned previously, utilise
tokens’ textual features from training data to build a generic data model that can be
applied in previously unseen cases. In order for this data model to be highly accurate,
multiple features must be recorded about as many neighbouring tokens as possible im-
plying complexity and increased computational cost for an extraction task.
The domain of image descriptions as discussed previously is unique. Meaning for
typically short texts, the size of the context a token can be placed in almost always
shrinks down to 1 or 2 neighbouring tokens. The creation of a machine learning data
model that reflects this reduces overall computational costs. On the other hand, in re-
ducing the size of the contextual information gathered for the creation of an appropriate
data model, the accuracy of extractions performed by T-Rex are also decreased. It now
takes less constraints to be satisfied for finding a token fiting the model created. A po-
tential solution would be to produce a greatly expanded training dataset but this would
be a prohibitive option since it would not only be costly but also difficult to obtain a
dataset that is comprehensive enough. The most suitable solution for improving the ac-
curacy of extractions could therefore lie in the use of a rule based extractor.
Unlike in singularly developed rule based extractors, in developing a hybrid ap-
proach to IE, Saxon rules can be built in a generic way, thus speeding up development
(i.e., less rules), as well as improving recall. While this would have a massive effect
on precision in exclusively rule based systems, in a hybrid approach extractions can be
compared according to different resources, thus giving rise to improved precision.
The essence of the approach therefore lies in extracting information from an anno-
tation using a combination of the extraction suggestions from each system. So in order
to better combine these extractions, a weighted voting strategy was devised that gave
rise to an opportunity for taking advantage of both systems’ strengths while attenuat-
ing the effects of their weaknesses. This voting method can be subdivided into three
distinct phases: 1) Extraction: each system puts forward potential extractions found
in an image description. 2) Voting: based on their separate findings, Saxon and T-Rex
“vote” on each extraction according to a set of weights attributed to each system. 3)
Ranking: the number of votes cast on the tokens of each extraction are used to give it a
“confidence” ranking according to pre-specified ranges (i.e., between 0.8 and 1 - high,
between 0.5 and 0.79 - medium or between 0 and 0.49 - low). In the extraction phase, an
Fig. 2. Voting strategy.
image description is passed to each system separately and both generate a list of poten-
tial extractions from the original text together with their corresponding classifications
(i.e., person, location or object). Once the potential extractions are identified, systems
vote on the set of extractions based on their own findings and pre-defined weights. An
obvious example of this would be in the description “Driving with the sunroof open
in North East London. whereby both T-Rex and Saxon vote for all the tokens within
“North East London” as referring to a location and only T-Rex votes for the token
“sunroofas referring to an object.
The set of votes V
each token t receives can then be represented as V
= {w
, ..., w
where w
is the weight of the vote received from resource r (i.e. Saxon or T-Rex). The
accumulated weight w
for each token is obtained from the sum of the vote weights w
that make up V
for token t, see equation 1. The confidence ranking r
for each merged
extraction E that is composed of n tokens where E = {t
, ..., t
} can be obtained from
the sum of each tokens’ accumulated weight w
divided by the number of tokens n that
compose the extraction, see equation 2.
As exemplified, the votes are cast at the level of tokens. This allows extractions to be
ranked according to what T-Rex and Saxon find regarding each single token that may be
part of a larger entity. Once the accumulated weights for tokens are obtained, neighbour-
ing tokens are then merged according to a combination of their weight, their extraction
type and the confidence ranking expected from each extraction (i.e. high, medium or
low). So in the example above, the tokens North, East and London are merged since
their overall confidence ranking is very high (i.e. 1) and they were classified with the
same type. However not all extraction combination scenarios are complimentary.
One of the strengths of this strategy is its ability to resolve overlapping extractions
according to the three levels of confidence mentioned previously. A typical example is
“Autumn in Arlington cemetery” whereby T-Rex extracts the token Arlington as a loca-
tion and Saxon extracts Arlington cemetery. Both extractions are conceptually correct
although one is more complete than the other. After voting the token Arlington would
arise as being a high confidence extraction, whereas the token cemetery would be clas-
sified as medim confidence. Depending on the confidence ranking expected, the final
result could either be an extraction ranked with medium confidence that incorporates
both tokens Arlington cemetery or an extraction ranked with high confidence that only
includes the token Arlington. This is one of the advantages of using a weighted voting
strategy in that it enables not only decisions on which extractions are the strongest,
but also consider the ones that are not so strong as opposed to simply discarding them.
One feature that arises from the existence of such rankings is that they allow the final
extractions to be geared towards either one of high precision or high recall.
More problematic conflicts such as the disagreement regarding an extraction classi-
fication cannot be resolved by simply applying the three levels of confidence introduced
above. This is where the full flexibility of a weighted voting strategy lies, in that the as-
signing of weights to votes can not only be used for ranking extractions but, when
tweaked to reflect a higher confidence in the more precise technique at hand, can be
used for resolving extraction type disputes across systems. An example found during
the testing of the approach that would fit into this situation come from descriptions
such as “Auray in Brittany; North-West France”, where Auray is clasified by T-Rex
as a person and a location by Saxon. It is clear in this instance Saxon has classified
the extractions correctly and this can be mainly attributed to the tokens being a correct
match to an existing rule for extracting locations that is reinforced by a gazetteer list,
thus yielding more precise extractions. Therefore in order to resolve conflict as exem-
plified above, the same voting strategy is used, but with the weights reflecting a higher
confidence in Saxon as being the more precise technique in such circumstances and
providing a means to resolve problems previously presented to either an exact match
combination or an overlapping extraction. In the sections to follow, we present evalua-
tion results obtained from this approach on an annotated subset of the main corpus and
introduce possible future work.
4 Evaluation
So the evaluation of the task involved the detection of all occurances of locations, people
and objects in an image description. The definition of how we decide whether extrac-
tions made are correct or not is crucial for the computation of evaluation scores. For
the evaluation of the hybrid approach detailed earlier three different possibilities were
considered: 1) exact rule: a prediction is only correct, if it is exactly equal to an an-
swer. 2) contain rule: a prediction is correct, if it contains an answer, plus possibly a
few extra neighboring tokens. 3) overlap rule: a prediction is correct, if it contains a
part of a correct instance, plus possibly some extra neighboring tokens. An evaluation
set of 100 previously unseen image descriptions that spanned the collections of 3 dif-
ferent users was randomly selected from the main corpus. This set was then manually
annotated before being processed both by T-Rex and Saxon individually and as part of
a hybrid system. The following results were obtained for extractions that were ranked
in the high and medium confidence ranges. As it can be seen from the results above,
Table 1. Performance comparison.
T-Rex Saxon Hybrid
Concept Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall
Person 67% 63% 70% 76% 86% 82%
Location 80% 62% 91% 77% 92% 79%
Object 75% 61% 75% 60% 73% 63%
the hybrid approach outperforms T-Rex and Saxon when run individually for extract-
ing instances of ’Person’ and ’Location’ from image descriptions, while for instances
of ’Object’ there is no noticeable overall improvement. Each system’s extractions were
then shaped by their strengths and weaknesses and in most cases combined with great
success using the hybrid approach. For instance, T-Rex was able to contextually detect
the uses of unknown words to refer to locations depicted in the photograph such as La
Louvre in “Floaton on a fountain by La Louvre” where Saxon failed. On the other hand,
the usefulness of gazetteers and the precision of rules allowed Saxon to detect tokens
such as Harry Potter in “Of Harry Potter fame” while T-Rex failed to do so.
Classification types can be corrected, in “Low cloud on Mont Victoire” T-Rex mis-
classified Mont Victoire as a person and Saxon correctly resolved the entity to a location.
Other examples such as “Big French sandwich” and “Worst seat in the best court”
demonstrated the flexibility of Saxon rules in complementing T-Rex’s extractions of
sandwich and seat with Big French sandwich and Worst seat which undoubtedly repre-
sent better conceptual extractions.
Although the approach performed well in combining both techniques there where
some cases of misclassification. In most cases these occurred due to overgeneralisation
both of Saxon rules and the T-Rex data model. Instances such as life in “I have never
seen anything like this in my life” and whole new meaning in “A whole new meaning
for drive through” were wrongly extracted as objects by either Saxon or T-Rex or a
combination of both at times. Further to this, occasional entities such as lines in “The
people were lines up like crazy to get into this place” cluttered the extraction set with-
out adding any semantic value to it.
The issue of useful instances being overlooked by both systems can be partly at-
tributed to part of speech misclassifications in descriptions such as “Artwork! Sculp-
tures in the sea at Crosby”, “Lifeboat on car ferry to France”. In all descriptions, the
references to objects of relevance within the photo (i.e. artwork, sculptures and lifeboat)
are contextually difficult to be classified as objects (i.e. nouns instead of proper nouns),
since their linguistic context also lends itself to other interpretations.
Finally, cases where there isn’t enough linguistic content for performing extractions
using only machine learning and rules or a hybrid approach are exemplified by descrip-
tions such as “Mull” and “French Riviera”. Unless such noun phrases were already part
of a pre-compiled gazetteer, the lack of a sentence structure surrounding such examples
makes it very difficult to tackle the IE problem from a purely NLP perspective.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we have detailed a hybrid approach for extracting information from im-
age descriptions that takes advantage of the combined results produced by systems that
implement widely used techniques for IE. More specifically we considered the combi-
nation of T-Rex, a machine learning framework, and Saxon, a rule based extractor, for
addressing issues of computational cost as well as precision and recall when extracting
information from such short snippets of text. As seen in the evaluation results, the use
of a hybrid approach for extracting information from image descriptions is promising,
however levels of precision and recall could be improved by using external knowledge
for reinforcing the extractions. For instance, cases such as in the description “High-
land near Ben Nevis” could be placed in the context of the user (e.g. does s/he know
anyone called “Ben Nevis”?), the image itself (e.g. GPS positioning) or other image
descriptions within the same collection (e.g. “Ben Nevis” was previously classified as
a location/person). Another possible refinement to the approach, that has been previ-
ously applied with success in the past for the task of image annotations [1], is that of
involving the user in the process for reinforcing system decisions, such as confirming
the outcome of a conflict resolution.
Furthermore, the concepts used here are an incomplete list of those useful within an
image description. One important area for future work is extraction of further concepts
used by people to describe their images (e.g. time, events, mood, etc). Also, some ex-
traction examples, such as in the description “Vicky and dad at local bus stop” where
local bus stop is extracted as an object, suggest that certain concepts may need fur-
ther refinement. This would allow in this case for the object instance found to be also
assigned geographic properties, given the contextual information about the image.
This work was sponsored by Kodak Eastman Corporation. We would also like to thanks
the 391 online photo sharing users who donated their photos and captions.
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