K. Donald Tham
Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, M5B2K3, Canada
Keywords: SCEM, SCM, enterprise model, ontology, knowledge representation, Temporal-ABC, resource cost units,
cost fluents, period overhead costs, non-period overhead costs.
Abstract: The intent of this research is to make a contribution to SCEM (supply chain event management) and SCM
(supply chain management) systems. nowledge representation (KR) of a supply chain is modelled by the
“linking” of activity-state-resource clusters that represent activities of the supply chain. A formalization of
the costs of resources (i.e., resource cost units) is presented. Traditional overhead costs entities are
represented as period and non-period cost resources that may be deployed consistently, unambiguously and
with high traceability in Temporal-ABC
(registered trademark of Nulogy Corporation). KR and cost
management enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of SCEM and SCM systems.
Supply chains “link” enterprises together locally
and/or across the globe. SCEM is an application that
supports control processes for managing events
within and amongst companies. It consists of
integrated software functionality that supports five
business processes: monitor, notify, simulate,
control and measure supply chain activities. SCM is
an integrating function with primary responsibility
for linking major business functions and business
processes within and across companies into a
cohesive and high-performing business model. To
improve SCEM and SCM systems, this research puts
forth:- (i) a KR for supply chains; (ii) a
formalization of resource costs units and overheads
for Temporal-ABC so that activity costs are
consistent, unambiguous, accurate and traceable
throughout the supply chain.
The basic or primitive cost value of 1 unit of a
resource consumed or used by the enabling state of
an activity is defined as the resource cost unit of the
resource for the activity. Overheads are comprised
of the more "nebulous entities" of traditional
overhead and indirect costs such as depreciation of
factory/office buildings and equipment, taxes on real
estate, rent, insurance on factory building and
equipment, supplementary employee benefits for
management and unionized personnel, salaried and
non-salaried personnel, and similar expenses that are
incurred by enterprises.
Supply chains link different enterprises together
based upon various activities performed by each of
the enterprises. Enterprises are action oriented, and
therefore, the ability to represent action lies at the
heart of representing a supply chain through the
activities of these linked enterprises. At the
Enterprise Integration Laboratory (EIL) of the
University of Toronto, a formal approach is taken to
the modeling of enterprises. Formal models do not
refer to analytical models as found in Operations
Research, but to logical models as found in
Computer Science. The TOVE (TOronto Virtual
Enterprise) Project at EIL includes two major
undertakings: the development of an Enterprise
Ontology and a Testbed (Fox et al., 1993).
The formal activity-state-resource cluster (Fig. 1)
of TOVE is deployed for the representation of each
activity of the supply chain. In TOVE, action is
represented by the combination of an activity and its
Donald Tham K. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 363-366
DOI: 10.5220/0001718503630366
corresponding enabling and caused states. An
activity is the basic transformational action primitive
with which processes and operations can be
represented. An activity specifies a transformation of
the world. Its status is reflected in an attribute called
status. The domain of an activity’s status is a set of
linguistic constants:
Figure 1: Activity-State Resource Cluster.
Dormant – the activity is idle and has never been
executing before.
Executing – the activity is executing.
Suspended – the activity was executing and has
been forced to an idle state.
ReExecuting – the activity is executing again.
Completed – the activity has finished.
"Being a resource" is not an innate property of an
object, but is a property that is derived from the role
an object plays with respect to an activity (Fadel, 1994). The resource ontology includes the
concepts of a resource being divisible, quantifiable,
consumable, reusable, a component of, committed
to, and having usage and consumption
A state in TOVE represents what has to be true in
the world for an activity to be performed. An
enabling state defines what has to be true of the
world in order for the activity to be performed. A
caused state defines what will be true of the world
once the activity has been completed. An activity
along with its enabling and caused state is called an
activity-state resource cluster (Fig.1) or simply
activity cluster.
The status of a state, and any activity, is
dependent on the status of the resources that the
activity uses or consumes. All states are assigned a
status with respect to a point in time. There are five
different status predicates:- (i) committed - a unit of
the resource that the state consumes or uses has been
reserved for consumption or usage; (ii) enabled - a
unit of the resource that the state consumes or uses is
being consumed or used while the activity is
executing; (iii) disenabled - a unit of the resource
that the state consumes or uses has become
unavailable and the activity is suspended; (iv)
reenabled - a unit of the resource that the state
consumes or uses is re-available for the activity to
resume or reExecute; (v) completed – a unit of the
resource that the state consumes or uses has been
consumed or used and is no longer needed.
The resource cost unit of a resource is the cost of
a unit of the resource in the state that it exists in the
real world at some time point. The commit-resource-
cost-unit, the enabled-resource-cost-unit, the
disenabled-resource-cost-unit and the reenabled -
resource-cost-unit are respectively associated with
the commit, enabled, disenabled and reenabled states
associated with a resource.
For SCEM, representation of time is essential. As
in TOVE, time is represented by points and periods
(intervals) on a continuous time line (Fig.2) based on
Allen’s temporal relations (Allen, 1983).
Previously introduced, the Principle of Temporal-
ABC (Tham & Fox, 2004) states:- “A cost object,
i.e., a product or service, is the reason why activities
are performed. The assignment of costs to activities
is based upon their requirements of resources and
the possible changing temporal states of those
resources, thereby resulting in temporal costs for
activities. The cost of a cost object is based upon the
temporal costs of activities that produce it.”
In keeping with the Principle of Temporal-ABC,
the KR of activity, state, resource and time explicitly
recognizes the temporal status of the states
associated with the resources required by an activity,
which in turn affect the status of the activity.
To understand cost behaviour in Temporal-ABC,
resource cost units of a resource are explained as
follows (Fig. 2):
1. Committed Resource Cost Unit: A resource
that is committed to an activity may be viewed as
"inventory committed to the activity". From a
costing standpoint, the cost of borrowing the money
must be charged as the cost of capital (usually
expressed as some percentage factor) against the
activity to which the resource is committed.
2. Enabled Resource Cost Unit: The enabled
resource cost unit metric is taken to be equivalent to
the committed resource cost unit metric as each unit
of resource required by the executing activity costs
an amount equal to its commit resource cost unit.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3. Disenabled Resource Cost Unit: A disenabled
resource brings about the suspension of an executing
activity that requires it. The enterprise experiences
“lost opportunities” during this suspension. Hence,
from a costing standpoint, a lost opportunity cost
factor (usually some percentage factor) must be
taken into consideration when computing the
disenabled resource cost for an activity.
4. Reenabled Resource Cost Unit: The "repair" of
a disenabled resource, reenables the resource.
Hence, the cost value of a reenabled resource is
greater than that of the initial enabled resource
simply because the cost of "repair" activities must be
sunk into the disenabled resource. An enterprise may
consider cumulatively incrementing the value of the
reenabled resource cost unit with each iteration that
a resource is disenabled and then reenabled.
Figure 2: Activity Instance on Continuous Time Line.
Activities of a supply chain are represented through
the activity-cluster representation. As illustrated in
Fig. 3, the activities of a supply chain are formed
through the linkages of the activity clusters. By way
of explanation, the activity, act_1, consumes a
resource, int_res_1. The activity, act_2, produces
int_res_1. More precisely, the enabling state of act_1
is linked to the caused state of act_2, thereby
forming an enable_cause link between act_1 and
act_2. However, the activity, act_2, requires the
resource, int_res_2. The resource, int_res_2, in turn
is produced by the activity, act_3. We now have an
enable_cause link between act_2 and act_3. Thus
far, the two links form the enable_cause chain to
consist of three activities sequenced as (act_3, act_2,
act_1). In order to produce the resource, int_res_2,
the activity, act_3, requires resources, ext_res_3 and
Figure 3: Activity Clusters of Supply Chain (activity
clusters boxed).
ext_res4 and ext_res_5. For this illustration, assume
that ext_res_3, ext_res_4 and ext_res_5 are
resources that are supplied from sources (or
companies) external to the enterprise modeled.
In AI, a fluent is a condition that can change over
time. In logical approaches to reasoning about
Temporal-ABC costs in a supply chain, cost fluents
can be represented in first-order logic (FOL, i.e., a
formal language which supports expressing
propositions as well as predicates, where predicates
may have quantified variables as arguments) by
predicates having an argument that depends on time.
Period cost external resources are defined as
nonactivity cost fluents f based upon traditional time
period related overhead cost categories such as
building depreciation, equipment depreciation,
property taxes, borrowed capital interest, insurance,
salaries, wages, management/union supplemental
benefits, (refer Table 1), where:- f is a predicate
denoting class of nonactivity cost fluent for
overhead cost; tps denotes the time period under
study (e.g., 1 year, 6 months, etc.); tc_ext is an
externally given total nonactivity based cost
applicable to tps (e.g., if the fixed overhead of
depreciation is under study for tps = 1 year, then
tc_ext would be the annual depreciation cost); tt_act
is a total actual time or total estimated time for the
number of instances that occur in tps; r is the name
of the external resource associated with the
nonactivity cost fluent. If an enterprise has other
overhead cost entities, e.g., training, safety, etc., a
corresponding class of nonactivity cost fluent of the
form f(tps, tc_ext, tt_act, r) may be defined.
Table 1: Nonactivity Cost Fluents for Time Period
Overhead (OH) Costs.
Period Overhead Cost Nonactivity Cost Fluents
Building depreciation bldgDepCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Equipment depreciation eqDepCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Property taxes propTaxCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Borrowed capital interest borCapCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Insurance bldgDepCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Salaries salaryCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Wages wageCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Management benefits mgtBenCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Union benefits unnBenCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Leases leaseCost(tps, tc_ext,tt_act, r)
Non-period cost external resources are defined as
cost fluents f based upon traditional non-period
overhead cost categories such as material costs, and
utility costs like hydro, heat and water. The non-
period nonactivity cost fluents are shown in Table 2,
where tc_ext denotes a specified nonactivity-based
total cost parameter distributed over the total
quantity parameter tqty_ext associated with the
particular cost category.
Table 2: Nonactivity Cost Fluents for Non-period
Overhead (OH) Costs.
Non-period OH Costs
Nonactivity Cost Fluents
Hydro hydroCost( tc_ext,tqty_ext, r)
Heat heatCost( tc_ext,tqty_ext, r)
Water waterCost( tc_ext,tqty_ext, r)
“indirect materials” matlCost( tc_ext,tqty_ext, r)
First, the Cost Fluent Taxonomy (Fig. 4)
classifies cost fluents as being activity-based or
nonactivity-based so that unit costs of resources may
be deduced based upon some period of time or some
quantity associated with a resource, thereby drawing
upon the distinction between period cost resources
and non-period cost resources respectively. Second,
this taxonomy contains several defined classes of
nonactivity-based cost fluents to formalize the
concepts of the ever increasing traditional overhead
costs that are typically difficult to trace, allocate and
accurately compute otherwise (Tham, 1999).
Figure 4: Cost Fluent Taxonomy with Associated
Resource Classes.
By linking activity clusters, KR of supply chains is
achieved. The cost fluents introduced promote
reasoning of costs with Temporal-ABC and make
overheads traceable in activity clusters of a supply
Allen, James F., 1983. Maintaining Knowledge about
Temporal Intervals, David Waltz (editor),
Communications of the ACM, Vol.26, No.11, pp.832-
Fadel, F.G., Fox, Mark S. and Grüninger, M., 1994. A
Generic Enterprise Resource Ontology, Proceedings of
Third Workshop on Enabling Technologies: (WET-
ICE), Morgantown, WV., USA, pp. 117-128.
Fox, Mark S., Chionglo, John F., Fadi G., 1993. Towards
Common Sense Modelling of an Enterprise,
Proceedings of the Second Industrial Engineering
Research Conference, Norcross, GA., pp. 425-429.
Tham, K. Donald, 1999. Representing and Reasoning
about Costs using Enterprise Models and ABC, Ph.D.
Thesis, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Tham, K.Donald and Fox, Mark S., 2004. Determining
Requirements and Specifications of Enterprise
Information Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth ICEIS,
Porto, Portugal, pp.391-398.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems