Exploiting the JSR-170 Content Repository Standard
Michael Nebeling
Monash University, Australia/Ulm University, Germany
Grace Rumantir, Lindsay Smith
Berwick School of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia
Keywords: Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Content Management Systems (CMS), CMS Migration & Integra-
tion, CMS Interoperability.
Abstract: Content management systems (CMS) have evolved in diverse ways due to the lack of sufficient standards.
Even amongst CMS supporting JSR-170, the recent Java standard to organise and access content reposito-
ries, incompatible content structures exist due to substantial differences in the implemented content models.
This can be of primary concern when migration between CMS is required.
This paper proposes a framework to enable automated migrations between CMS in the absence of con-
sistency and uniformity in content structures. This framework serves as a starting point of a body of re-
search to design a common content model which can be implemented in future CMS to facilitate migration
between CMS based on JSR-170 and improve integration into existing information systems environments.
This is illustrated via a simple website created using two of the most popular open-source CMS supporting
JSR-170: Magnolia, and Alfresco. A model-based approach towards a generalised content structure is postu-
lated to resolve the differences between the proprietary content structures as identified in the visualisation of
the simple website created. The proposed model has been implemented in Jackrabbit, the JSR-170 reference
implementation, and the proposed framework therefore contains simple methods to transform content struc-
tures between Magnolia and Alfresco using this Jackrabbit implementation as an intermediator.
Content management systems (CMS) provide the set
of technologies to support the processes involved in
the management of content lifecycles with software.
In a web context, common processes include creat-
ing, updating, publishing, and archiving web pages
that may contain text, images, and other forms of
multimedia. For CMS to be implemented, however,
there is currently no approach that can be considered
standard across the systems. This can be of primary
concern when migration from one CMS product to
another is required.
Possible scenarios for CMS migrations range
from a takeover by a company or merges of depart-
ments within the same company where different
CMS have been tailored to individual needs to the
case where a company decides to switch to another
CMS implementation due to stagnating development
progress or inadequate support of the product cur-
rently in use. Migration of content requires at least
partial integration of CMS and is therefore consid-
ered a special form of databases and information
systems integration.
This paper reports on the most essential findings
of a research project (Nebeling, 2007) designed to
investigate migration of content between two of the
most popular open-source CMS supporting JSR-170,
namely Magnolia (http://www.magnolia.info) and
Alfresco (http://www.alfresco.com).
Section 2 of this paper establishes the context of
the reported research. Section 3 describes the chosen
research design. Sections 4 and 5 present the results
as part of the artefact development and evaluation
processes of this research. Section 6 presents the
reflection involved in the research project. Section 7
draws conclusions based on the experiences gained
from this research project.
Nebeling M., Rumantir G. and Smith L. (2008).
MIGRATION BETWEEN CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - Exploiting the JSR-170 Content Repository Standard.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 240-245
DOI: 10.5220/0001699802400245
It is often argued in the literature that for content
management to be implemented effectively, the fo-
cus has to be on the design of the content model (eg.
Päivärinta et al., 2005; Grossniklaus et al., 2002).
Content models describe the relationships between
the most important aspects of content such as con-
tainer, type, structure, format, and metadata. Rela-
tively little research has been conducted into the
design of content models (cf. Tyrväinen et al.,
Grossniklaus et al. (2002) propose separate mod-
els of content, structure, and format for content
management implementations. While they focus
mainly on these components, Päivärinta et al. (2005)
require content lifecycles, metadata, and corporate
taxonomy to be integrated in the content model. As
yet, a unified model that can be implemented to sup-
port all of these components has not been presented.
In fact, in their analysis of 58 content management
projects and implementations, Päivärinta et al.
(2005) report “no mentions of explicit, let alone uni-
fied, content modelling approaches” (p. 3).
However, with the Content Repository API for
Technology Specification (Nuescheler et al.,
2006) considerable work has been done to create a
Java standard under the Java Specification Request
170 (JSR-170) that provides the necessary constructs
for the implementation of content models. JSR-170
started as a proposal to be accepted as an industry
standard for the Java language and related platforms.
Members from more than 20 different companies,
well-known in the content management field, par-
ticipated in its development. While this research
focused on the recently approved JSR-170, a new
version specified as JSR-283 was under public re-
view in September 2007.
JSR-170 provides a hierarchical, tree-based view
of the content repository. Here, content is organised
in a structure similar to that of a folder and file struc-
ture known from the file system, where folders
would represent nodes and files would represent the
properties of the nodes. For the purpose of classifi-
cation, each node in the repository must be of a pri-
mary node type, and optionally, can add so called
mixin node types.
With the system view, JSR-170 also defines a
complete mapping of the content repository to XML.
System view XML exports and imports can in prin-
cipal be exploited to facilitate migration of content
between CMS based on JSR-170. However, this
requires an integrated content model that would re-
solve the differences between the content models of
the source and destination CMS implementations.
For this research, a design science approach (Hevner
et al., 2004) was chosen because the focus of the
research was on the design of an innovative artefact
that would facilitate migration between the selected
CMS implementations. Similar to Arnott (2006) the
research process involved the five distinct phases as
outlined in the following subsections.
3.1 Problem Recognition
The first phase of the research project aimed at the
identification of differences between the selected
CMS in terms of the implemented content models.
An experiment was designed in which the same
simple website (Figure 1) was created using each
Figure 1: Structure of the simple website.
For the purpose of this investigation, the struc-
ture of the website was kept simple and the content
plain. Although more complex structures would
more realistically represent today’s websites, they
would largely produce repetitive content structures.
It was decided to concentrate on Magnolia and
Alfresco as they are two of the most popular open-
source products that support the JSR-170 standard to
organise and access the content repositories. Magno-
lia was the first open-source CMS to be based on
JSR-170, and therefore has found widespread accep-
tance. It uses Jackrabbit as the underlying JSR-170
content repository implementation. Alfresco, on the
other hand, implements its own fully compliant JSR-
170 repository and supports a range of industry-wide
Java standards, which is why it has become a popu-
lar choice for many content management projects.
Once the simple website had been created using
Magnolia and Alfresco (Section 4.1), the produced
content structures were mapped to XML using the
system view export from each system. Also, for each
system, the implemented types used for the classifi-
cation of the proprietary content structures were
exported to XML. As the researcher found it diffi-
cult to explore and analyse the collected data in its
pure XML format, Extensible Stylesheet Transfor-
mations (XSLT) were applied to prepare the data for
visualisation using the GraphViz tools. This visuali-
sation then allowed the researcher to explore and
analyse the data more clearly.
3.2 Suggestion
The investigation conducted in the first step found
substantial differences in the content models imple-
mented by Magnolia and Alfresco. To resolve these
differences, the researcher proposed an integrated
content model based on the individual content mod-
els implemented by the selected systems.
Parsons et al. (2000) argue for the integration
process that it is necessary to regard “instances and
their properties independent of any classification”
(p. 239). In a JSR-170 compliant repository, all con-
tent “is ultimately accessed through properties”
(Nuescheler et al., 2006, p. 40), and nodes storing
content units only exist as members of node types.
Parsons et al. (2000) propose a two-layered ap-
proach to the integration process, which separates
the instances or nodes from the classes or node types
they belong to. Following this approach, the first
layer only represented the instance model providing
information about nodes stored in the repository and
their properties without any classification. The sec-
ond layer then represented the class model providing
information about node types only defined in terms
of their properties.
The two-layered approach had the advantage that
the integration of the content models could be per-
formed at the instance level without first agreeing on
a set of node types. As far as the class model is con-
cerned, Parsons et al. (2000) suggest that, once the
instance model has been combined, “the class model
can include all classes from all sources” (p. 248).
However, each CMS implementation then must have
at least partial knowledge about the node types de-
fined by the other system. In order for the class
model to represent only a global set of classes for
both Magnolia and Alfresco, a single generic node
type was defined for each set of similar content
structures. In making such an abstraction further
known as Generalisation, the researcher was able to
resolve most of the differences between the individ-
ual content models implemented by Magnolia and
Alfresco. This integrated model was then imple-
mented in Jackrabbit and simple repository trans-
formations were defined to exchange the simple
website between the systems (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Proposed framework for automated migrations
of content between Magnolia, Alfresco, and Jackrabbit
using simple transformation methods.
3.3 Artefact Development
The artefact at the core of this research was the Gen-
eralised Content Model (Section 4.2). This term was
chosen to reflect the fact that the proposed model is
a generalisation of existing content models whose
primary purpose was to provide an integrated view
of the individual content models implemented by
Magnolia and Alfresco.
Instantiations are used to demonstrate feasibility
and are aimed to prove that an artefact can be im-
plemented and executed in a working system (Hev-
ner et al., 2004). The instantiation of the proposed
model was in the form of a JSR-170 node type defi-
nition implemented in Jackrabbit to facilitate storage
and retrieval of content in the Generalised Reposi-
tory (Section 4.3).
3.4 Artefact Evaluation
The evaluation of the proposed model was con-
ducted in two steps: (1) It was tested if the node
structures extracted from the simple website in
Magnolia and Alfresco can be transformed to the
generalised content structure, and fully restored
when transforming back to each source repository.
(2) It was tested if the content structures of the sim-
ple website created in Magnolia and Alfresco could
be interchangeably transformed in both directions
between the two systems using Jackrabbit as the
Generalised Repository in between.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
If Step (1) proved successful then the approach
towards the Generalised Content Model was vali-
dated for Magnolia and Alfresco (Section 5.1). If
Steps (1) and (2) proved successful then the pro-
posed model would also facilitate migration between
the selected systems (Section 5.2).
3.5 Reflection
Reflection typically is involved in the final step of
design science research (Arnott, 2006; Hevner et al.,
2004). For this research project, the chosen research
design and the artefact design processes were criti-
cally reviewed. As a result, refinements of the pro-
posed model and its instantiation were identified to
indicate further research directions (Section 6).
In this section, the artefact development process is
reported in three parts. The first part summarises the
findings of the initial simple website experiment.
The second part describes the Generalised Content
Model that was proposed based on the findings of
the initial experiment. The third part reports on im-
portant design decisions for the instantiation of the
proposed model.
4.1 Experiment Findings
The simple website experiment allowed the re-
searcher to identify substantial differences between
the content models implemented by Magnolia and
Alfresco. With Magnolia, node types are defined in
a rather abstract manner and therefore lack explicit
agreement on how content is structured in the re-
pository. Even worse is the fact that with different
templates the actual content was sometimes stored
with different properties. Also, the Community Edi-
tion used for the investigation did not implement a
particular metadata standard. Even though only the
out-of-the-box node type definitions were used for
the investigation, many websites created using Mag-
nolia may be based on exactly these default node
type definitions, and the identified problems make
migration of content from and to Magnolia difficult.
With Alfresco, on the contrary, there is a rather
explicit agreement on how content is structured in
the repository, which is primarily due to the exten-
sive use of mixin node types. With Dublin Core, a
widely-used metadata standard is partially imple-
mented in Alfresco; however, the system did not
make use of the respective elements when the simple
website was created and associated with metadata.
4.2 Proposed Model
Based on the findings of the simple website experi-
ment, the Generalised Content Model as illustrated
in Figure 3 was proposed.
Figure 3: Proposed Generalised Content Model.
The relations between the different components
in Figure 3 can be described as follows: (1) With the
exception of the root container, each Content unit
always has a container. (2) Depending on the cho-
sen level of granularity, each Content unit can con-
tain finer grained units. Together, these relations
make for a hierarchy of Content units, typically re-
ferred to as the content structure. (3) Each Content
unit is always associated with a Type. The Type
makes for an explicit agreement on the content
structure. (4) Each Content unit is assigned to at
least one Template. Templates are used to transform
content from one form into another. Each form en-
riches the Content unit with format; however, the
format must have no impact on the content structure.
(5) Each Content unit is described by a set of Meta-
data elements. It is good practice to implement exist-
ing metadata models such as the Dublin Core Meta-
data Standard. (6) Each Content unit can have multi-
ple relations to each Identity that participates in the
management of the content lifecycle. The two inves-
tigated CMS implementations both assign at least
the creator with each Content unit.
The proposed model is not necessarily an alter-
native to the separate models proposed by Grossnik-
laus et al. (2002). Rather, it is attempted to integrate
the relationships between content, type, structure,
and format into a unified view of the content model.
Päivärinta et al. (2005) require the content model to
support content lifecycles and metadata. Metadata is
clearly an essential part of the proposed model but
content lifecycles may need further integration.
Päivärinta et al. (2005) also emphasise the need for
corporate taxonomy; however, the researcher argues
that corporate taxonomy can be supported with
metadata provided that a taxonomy of metadata ele-
ments can be established.
4.3 Instantiation of Proposed Model
The instantiation of the proposed model is a node
type definition for JSR-170 compliant repositories. It
was implemented and validated with Jackrabbit.
Mixin node types were first defined to establish
the difference between nodes storing content and
metadata in the repository as well as to allow for a
hierarchical structure of content units and a taxon-
omy of metadata elements. The use of mixin node
types yields the advantage that nodes storing actual
content can inherit from any particular primary node
type but will still be marked as either content or
metadata, simply by adding one of the proposed
mixin node types. As a result, the generalised node
types can be integrated with existing node type defi-
nitions more easily.
Simple primary node types for the storage of the
actual content were then proposed as a generalisa-
tion of the individual node types implemented by
Magnolia and Alfresco. As far as metadata is con-
cerned, the Dublin Core simple metadata element set
was implemented since it was sufficient to describe
the content of the simple website; however, no par-
ticular standard is inherent to the proposed model.
In this section, the results of the artefact evaluation
processes are presented in two parts. The first part
concentrates on the simple repository transforma-
tions that were defined to validate the proposed
model for Magnolia and Alfresco. The second part
reports on the exchanges of the simple website be-
tween the two systems in both directions.
5.1 Repository Transformations
Four distinct transformation processes between
Magnolia, Alfresco, and the Generalised Repository
were differentiated: (1) from Magnolia to the Gener-
alised Repository, (2) from the Generalised Reposi-
tory to Magnolia, (3) from the Generalised Reposi-
tory to Alfresco, and (4) from Alfresco to the Gener-
alised Repository. In all four cases the Generalised
Repository was Jackrabbit (Figure 4). Simple trans-
formation processes based on JSR-170 were defined
for the exchange of the simple website between each
Figure 4: The repository transformation processes between
Magnolia, Alfresco, and Jackrabbit.
Processes (2) and (4) were, in fact, inverse trans-
formations of Processes (1) and (3), respectively;
however, exceptions had to be made because with
Magnolia’s templates the content was sometimes
stored with different properties and, for Alfresco, the
implemented mixin node types had to be fully re-
stored as part of Process (4).
The distinct repository transformations were im-
plemented in separate Java classes and, while the
crucial steps involved in the repository transforma-
tion processes were logged, were exercised as fol-
lows: The simple website was transformed through
Process (1) and fully restored through Process (2),
i.e. without substantial loss of information. As a
result, the proposed model was validated for Magno-
lia. The same was shown for Processes (3) and (4),
respectively, so that the proposed model was also
validated for Alfresco.
5.2 Migration of the Simple Website
Final experiments exercised the following composi-
tions of repository transformations: (i) from Magno-
lia to the Generalised Repository and from the Gen-
eralised Repository to Alfresco, and (ii) from Al-
fresco to the Generalised Repository and from the
Generalised Repository to Magnolia. Again, the
Generalised Repository was Jackrabbit in both cases
(Figure 4). Hence, running Composition (i) demon-
strated migration from Magnolia to Alfresco; run-
ning Composition (ii) demonstrated migration from
Alfresco to Magnolia, using Jackrabbit as the inter-
mediator in both cases.
The correct display of the simple website after
executing Compositions (i) and (ii) together with the
visualisation of the exported node structures and the
repository transformation protocols provided strong
evidence that the simple website was effectively
exchanged between Magnolia and Alfresco in both
directions. As a result, the initial hypothesis, that the
Generalised Content Model can resolve individual
differences between the selected systems and there-
fore facilitate migration of content between them,
was accepted.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Design science is research into building artefacts
that address “important unsolved problems in unique
or innovative ways” (Hevner et al., 2004, p. 81). The
artefact at the core of this research is a model-based
approach towards the migration of content between
two CMS based on JSR-170. It is unique and inno-
vative because, to the knowledge of the researcher,
no similar approach has been presented.
In the initial phase of the artefact development,
the two content models implemented by Magnolia
and Alfresco were studied. An important step was to
extract and scrutinize the different node type defini-
tions implemented by the two selected systems. As
there was no documentation of the node type defini-
tions available, some of the findings of the simple
website experiment had to be tentatively explained
and may need further clarification. Therefore, the
researcher wishes to emphasise the need for a docu-
mentation of content models, where CMS develop-
ers may explain and justify their design decisions.
The design of the proposed model was based
primarily on the most essential commonalities and
differences between Magnolia and Alfresco as iden-
tified in the simple website experiment. Hence, the
researcher notes critically that the proposed model is
an approach towards a Generalised Content Model
rather than the Generalised Content Model, and still
is only based on Magnolia and Alfresco.
Content management systems (CMS) have evolved
in diverse ways due to the lack of sufficient stan-
dards. Only recently, with the JSR-170 content re-
pository standard, an ongoing effort to standardise
CMS can be observed. The reported research project
was designed to investigate migration of content
between two of the most popular open-source CMS
supporting JSR-170, namely Magnolia and Alfresco.
An initial experiment where the same simple
website was created using each of the selected sys-
tems found incompatible content structures due to
differences in the content models implemented by
Magnolia and Alfresco. To resolve these differences,
the Generalised Content Model was proposed as an
integration of both content models, and implemented
in Jackrabbit, the JSR-170 reference implementa-
tion. Simple transformation methods were then de-
fined to transform the content structures between
Magnolia, Alfresco, and Jackrabbit. Final experi-
ments provided evidence that the simple website
could effectively be exchanged between the selected
CMS in both directions using Jackrabbit as an in-
The research project showed that many individ-
ual differences between CMS can be traced back to
the lack of a common content model. The relations
between content, type, structure, format, and meta-
data need to be clearly defined to allow for the de-
sign of a common content model. With the chosen
approach, the researcher was able to resolve individ-
ual differences between the content models imple-
mented by Magnolia and Alfresco, and as a result
enabled migration of a simple website between the
two systems in both directions. This research may
therefore be regarded as a starting point to define
methods for automation of migrations between CMS
based on JSR-170 in the absence of a common con-
tent model. However, the researcher believes that
this research is also a blue print for a method to de-
sign and evaluate a content model that may become
standard across CMS implementations.
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tent Management: An Integrated Perspective on In-
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