Fuyuko Ito
Graduate School of Engineering, Doshisha University, Japan
Yasunari Sasaki, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Mitsunori Miki
Department of Engineering, Doshisha University, Japan
Avatar, subjectivity, feeling, annotation, collaborative tagging, folksonomy, consistency, expressiveness, con-
tents management.
Consumer Generated Media (CGM) is growing rapidly and the amount of content is increasing. However, it is
often difficult for users to extract important contents and the existence of contents recording their experiences
can easily be forgotten. As there are no methods or systems to indicate the subjective value of the contents or
ways to reuse them, subjective annotation appending subjectivity, such as feelings and intentions, to contents
is needed. Representation of subjectivity depends on not only verbal expression, but also nonverbal expres-
sion. Linguistically expressed annotation, typified by collaborative tagging in social bookmarking systems,
has come into widespread use, but there is no system of nonverbally expressed annotation on the web. We
proposed the use of controllable avatars as a means of nonverbal expression of subjectivity, and confirmed the
consistency of feelings elicited by avatars over time for an individual and in a group. In addition, we compared
the expressiveness and ease of subjective annotation between collaborative tagging and controllable avatars.
The result indicated that the feelings evoked by avatars are consistent in both cases, and using controllable
avatars is easier than collaborative tagging for representing feelings elicited by contents that do not express
meaning, such as photos.
There has been an increase in development and uti-
lization of social software that shares private informa-
tion such as photos and diaries, among a community
or the general public. As each user publishes their
own contents on the web, the amount of web content
has increased rapidly. Therefore, it has become dif-
ficult to extract necessary information and much of
the information that is available is left unused. The
current mainstream method of information retrieval
is to use keywords for the contents, but searching by
subjective information, such as feelings or intention,
is expected to allow users to find forgotten informa-
tion. Therefore, we propose gsubjective annotationh
in which users annotate contents with subjective in-
formation, and construct a content management sys-
tem to store and browse the contents based on the sub-
jective annotation.
Preliminary experimental results on expressive-
ness and ease of subjective annotation by collabora-
tive tags used for classification in social bookmarking
systems and blogs suggested that it may be difficult
to express subjectivity by verbal expression, such as
tags. In this paper, we propose the usage of avatars
as a means of nonverbal expression of subjectivity,
and report verification of its validity by experiments
on the consistency of feelings elicited by avatars over
time for an individual or a group of people. We also
compare the expressiveness and ease of subjectivity
between avatars and tags.
Consumer Generated Media (CGM), such as weblogs
(commonly referred to as ”blogs”) and photos, which
are published by users have increased rapidly because
the contents previously stored on local terminals are
now available on the web. To manage this large
amount of web content, social bookmarking services
Ito F., Sasaki Y., Hiroyasu T. and Miki M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 74-81
DOI: 10.5220/0001524700740081
have appeared.
Social bookmarking services manage their con-
tents from the bottom-up by sharing annotations, such
as tags or keywords, which are added to the contents
by users (Mathes, 2004). This enables the discovery
of related contents through tags, and users can reach
information that would otherwise be difficult to find.
However, increasing the number of tags makes it
difficult for users to keep track of their tags. So-
cial software stores the contents that are important to
users, but there are few chances to browse these con-
tents again. Even if tags are added to ease content
searching, users will not search the contents without
a clear purpose, and many of the contents that may
be important for users may be left unused in social
3.1 What is Subjective Annotation?
We propose ”subjective annotation, which involves
adding subjective information, such as feeling or in-
tention, to the contents. Currently, it is common to an-
notate web contents using a number of tags. Most of
these tags explain the contents objectively, and only
a few tags indicate subjective information. The so-
cial bookmarking service del.icio.us
has some tags
that indicate subjectivity, such as ”to be read, which
make it easier for users to determine how to use the
contents. At the photo sharing service Flickr
, some
photos are tagged ”cute” or ”cool”, and users can
search and classify photos according to their own im-
pressions and values (Golder and Huberman, 2006).
Therefore, subjective annotation can assist users to
make efficient use of web contents.
3.2 Contents Management System
based on Subjectivity
Here, we constructed a content management system
based on subjective annotation that helps users to dis-
cover knowledge from their past experiences. The
proposed system recreates their past feelings and ex-
citement by using subjective annotation over a wide
variety of contents and reminds users of their behav-
iors. The system targets the web contents of social
software, such as photo sharing, social bookmarking,
and schedule sharing services that are browsed only
when users need them. To utilize wasteful accumu-
lated contents, the system accumulates the contents
with subjective annotation in social software and pro-
vides a content browsing environment based on sub-
3.3 Collaborative Tags for Subjectivity
The expression of subjectivity must be considered to
implement subjective annotation. Most annotations
describe the contents in some way, and the expres-
siveness of the current annotation methods regarding
subjectivity and user stress must be assessed. First,
we adopted collaborative tagging, which is commonly
used as a means of annotation of web contents, as
an expression of subjectivity and performed an ex-
ploratory experiment on the expressiveness of subjec-
tivity and user stress.
In the experiment, 20 participants tagged 10 pho-
tos with subjective information, such as feelings and
impressions, and answered a questionnaire survey. A
wide variety of subjectivity, such as intention, feel-
ings, and imagery unclear, were used as tags. How-
ever, participants reported feelings of stress regarding
the difficulty of verbalizing subjectivity.
The questionnaire survey indicated that it is dif-
ficult to verbalize subjectivity with tags. There-
fore, subjectivity must be expressed by a nonverbal
method. We adopted an avatar for this purpose, as it
seemed suitable to express subjectivity such as feel-
ings. It is easy to deal with avatars on computers and
users often identify themselves with avatars. There-
fore, avatars allow users to express their feelings nat-
urally and they are able to express their feelings with
gestures. In addition, recognition of avatars is consis-
tent from person to person, even with different nation-
alities (Ekman and Friesen, 1971).
4.1 Controllable Avatars for Subjective
We adopted a controllable avatar to express a wide va-
riety of feelings. The avatar has a variety of patterns
of facial expressions, and arm and leg positions. Fig-
ure 1 shows examples of avatars and Figure 2 shows
all parts of the avatars. Users combine these face,
arm, and leg parts to express their feelings.
Figure 1: The examples of the avatar.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(5) (6)
(7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) (2)
Figure 2: The avatar consists of faces, arms and legs.
The avatar used for nonverbal expression of sub-
jectivity is shown in Figure 1 as a cartoon charac-
ter. There are three reasons why we use this type of
avatar. Firstly, We think Japanese show a preference
for animated illustrations rather than realistic figures
like Second Life
s avatars. Secondly, Takahashi et
al. (Takahashi et al., 2005) used two different car-
toon imaginary characters which are neither human
nor animals. On the other hand, a human charac-
ter is adopted as an avatar in this research, and en-
ables the users’ identities to be expressed by chang-
ing hairstyles or hair colors. This is so that the avatar
of each user can be recognized by their looks. How-
ever, our avatars don’t emphasize the users’ identi-
ties such as changing clothes and accessories, because
the main focus of our avatars is feeling expression by
faces and body movement. This is the last reason.
Thus, our avatars are different from the avatars of Ya-
. Also we will not refer to hairstyles of
avatars in this paper.
4.2 Validity of Avatars for Nonverbal
Expression of Subjectivity
The subjective information that is added by subjec-
tive annotation will be used as queries to search and
classify contents. Furthermore, information filtering
based on subjectivity of other users is possible by
sharing subjective annotation among communities or
the general public, similar to collaborative tags. To
achieve this, the following factors must be assessed
by experiments.
Consistency of feelings elicited by avatars for an
individual over time.
Consistency of feelings elicited by avatars in a
group of people.
Comparison of feeling expressiveness between
avatars and collaborative tags.
It is necessary to assess whether subjectivity, par-
ticularly feelings, elicited by avatars changes signif-
icantly over time for an individual, and also within
groups of people. Moreover, the comparison of feel-
ing expressiveness, satisfaction level of their own ex-
pression, and adaptability on of contents must be con-
ducted between avatars and collaborative tags.
5.1 Experimental Overview
To facilitate use of avatars for personal information
retrieval and experience browsing, the consistency of
feelings elicited by the avatars over time was assessed
based on a semantic differential method. Moreover,
features of feelings over time for each avatar pattern
are also discussed.
Avatars. In this experiment, the variety of avatar
faces was limited to face parts from (1) to (6) shown
in Figure 2 that were frequently used in a prelimi-
nary experiment of feeling expression. Leg parts were
fixed to leg parts(1), because participants reported a
greater effect of the arms than the legs in the prelimi-
nary experiment. A total of 24 avatars (6 face parts ×
4 arm parts) were presented to the participants.
Participants. Two men and 2 women ranging in age
from 23 to 25 years participated in this experiment.
All participants were Japanese university students.
Measurement. In this experiment, participants rated
the feelings elicited by the avatars using a seman-
tic differential method based on the two-dimensional
model of emotion proposed by Lang (Lang, 1995).
Participants rated the arousal and the valence from 0
(lowest) to 100 (highest) for each of avatar pattern on
six continuous-valued scales. A total of 144 stimuli
(24 avatar patterns × 6 scales) were presented to the
Each scale was anchored with a pair of antony-
mous words in Japanese, which were determined hi-
erarchically. In the preliminary experiment, partici-
pants labeled each avatar pattern with various words
indicating feelings. Then, pairs of antonymous words
were made from frequently used words. The pairs
of words were reduced to the six pairs shown be-
low, which are frequently used in the areas of social
psychology and personality psychology, according to
the survey results of scale construction of pairs of
Japanese antonymous words in a semantic differential
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: The experimental setup.
method reported by Inoue et al (Inoue and Kobayashi,
1985). The approximate translations to English are as
scale 1 (intension) : intense - calm
scale 2 (activeness) : active - passive
scale 3 (strength) : strong - weak
scale 4 (joy) : joyful - sad
scale 5 (amusement) : amusing - boring
scale 6 (favor) : likable - dislikable
1. After receiving instructions, participants were
trained to evaluate feelings.
2. Avatars were presented on the computer screen
(see Figure 3). Moreover, the order of presenta-
tion of faces and arms is counterbalanced across
the trials.
3. Participants evaluated the feelings elicited by the
avatars on each scale. The order of scales was
randomized for each avatar. The time limit was
set to 40 s for each avatar pattern to induce an
intuitive response.
4. Twenty-four avatars were presented by iterating
steps 2 and 3. After evaluation, participants an-
swered the questionnaire.
5. From step 1 to 4 was defined as a trial. Six trials
were conducted at the following intervals: 1 h, 2
h, 1 day, 2 days, 4 days.
6. More than 2 weeks after step 5, participants were
presented with all avatars and means of their eval-
uated values for each scale. Participants indicated
their satisfaction level from 0 to 100.
5.2 Results and Discussion
We evaluated the standard deviation of the spread
in the evaluated values for feelings elicited by each
avatar pattern and defined that as the statistical value.
Feelings elicited by the avatar pattern that are more
than mean+1SD were particularly inconsistent. Con-
versely, feelings elicited by the avatar pattern that
Table 1: Amount of avatar patterns outside the mean±1SD
Participant >+1SD <-1SD
Arousal Valence Arousal Valence
A 17 2 5 14
B 9 9 7 12
C 17 9 2 14
D 14 8 5 15
are less than mean1SD were particularly consistent.
There were average of 21 avatar patterns that are more
than mean+1SD for participants. These patterns cor-
responded to only about 14% of the entire 144 stimuli
(24 avatar patterns × 6 scales). Therefore, feelings
elicited by avatars are generally consistent over time
for individuals. Moreover, Table 1 shows the amounts
of avatar patterns outside the mean±1SD range of
arousal and valence.
There were more avatar patterns that are more than
mean+1SD in scales of arousal (see Table 1). On the
other hand, there were more patterns that are less than
mean1SD in scales of valence (see Table 1). There-
fore, valence elicited by avatars is more consistent
over time than arousal for an individual.
Figure 4 shows the transition of the total evaluated
values for each participant throughout all trials. The
figures show that the total evaluated values of arousal
changed more drastically than valence throughout all
The evaluated values of valence, such as ”joy” and
”favor”, were simply increased and evaluated more
positively due to the mere exposure effect(Zajonc,
1968). However, the evaluated values of arousal de-
creased from the first to the third trial, which may
have been due to loss of novelty with three trials in
one day.
Furthermore, two weeks after the experiment, par-
ticipants reported the satisfaction level of each avatar
pattern and its average evaluation value throughout
all trials. The satisfaction level was defined as the
statistical value, and we inspected the frequencies of
face parts and arm parts in avatar patterns that are less
than mean1SD. Face parts (2) (see Figure 2) ap-
peared frequently in avatar patterns that are less than
mean1SD. The satisfaction level of face parts (2)
tended to be low, as it was difficult for participants to
determine whether the feeling was positive or nega-
tive from the surprised face and the evaluation of va-
lence was inconsistent. On the other hand, arm parts
(3) (see Figure 2) appeared frequently in avatar pat-
terns that are more than mean+1SD. The satisfaction
level of arm parts (3) tended to be high, as waving
arms emphasized the feeling expressed by avatars and
made a deep impression on the participants.
Taken together, these observations indicated that
1 2 3 4 5 6
(a) Participant A
standardized evaluated value
1 2 3 4 5 6
(b) Participant B
standardized evaluated value
1 2 3 4 5 6
(c) Participant C
standardized evaluated value
1 2 3 4 5 6
(d) Participant D
standardized evaluated value
Intention Activeness Strength Joy Amusement Favor
Figure 4: Total evaluated value of each scales.
feelings elicited by avatars are consistent over time
for an individual.
6.1 Experimental Overview
We examined use of an avatar as a query for informa-
tion filtering in a group of people as with collaborative
tags. The consistency of feeling elicited by avatars in
a group of people was assessed based on a semantic
differential method in the same way as in the exper-
iment described in Chapter 5. Features of feelings
generated by participants are also discussed.
Design. A 6(faces) × 4(arms) within-subject experi-
ment was performed. The avatar parts used in this ex-
periment were the same as those described in Chapter
5. Overall, 24 avatars were presented to the partici-
Participants. Twenty men and 4 women ranging in
age from 21 to 27 years participated in this experi-
ment. All participants were Japanese university stu-
Measurement. This experiment was performed
based on the semantic differential method in the same
way as the experiment described in Chapter 5. The
pairs of antonymous words anchored on the six scales
were also the same as those in Section 5.1. A total
of 144 stimuli (24 avatar patterns × 6 scales) were
presented to the participants.
1. After receiving instructions, participants were
trained to evaluate feelings.
2. Avatars were presented on the computer screen.
Moreover, the order of presentation of faces and
arms is counterbalanced across the participants.
3. Participants evaluated the feelings elicited by the
avatars on each scale. The order of scales was
randomized for each avatar. The time limit was
set to 40 s.
4. Twenty-four avatars were presented by iterating
steps 2 and 3. After evaluation, participants an-
swered the questionnaire.
6.2 Results and Discussion
We evaluated the semi inter-quartile range of stan-
dardized evaluated values for each scale, for each
avatar to inspect the spread of feelings, and defined
that as the statistical value. The feelings elicited by
avatar patterns that are more than mean+2SD were
particularly inconsistent. Conversely, the avatar pat-
terns that are less than mean2SD were very consis-
tent. There were 7 avatar patterns that are more than
mean+2SD. These patterns accounted for only about
7% of the total of 144 stimuli (24 avatar patterns ×
6 scales). Therefore, feelings elicited by avatars were
consistent in a group of people as a whole.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Amount of avatar patterns outside the mean±2SD
>+2SD <-2SD
Arousal Valence Arousal Valence
7 0 0 2
Meanwhile, the amounts of patterns outside the
mean±2SD range of the semi inter-quartile range
were summarized for arousal and valence (see Ta-
ble 2). There were more patterns that are more than
mean+2SD in scales of arousal. On the other hand,
there were more patterns that are less than mean2SD
in scales of valence. There are two reasons why va-
lence elicited by avatars was more consistent than
arousal. First, scales of valence are nominal, and
users could recognize feelings from facial expres-
sions. The other reason is that arousal is an interval
scale and its degree is inconsistent even within an in-
Avatar patterns and scales that are more than
mean+2SD are discussed in detail. Valence showed
a much wider spread than arousal when the avatar
consisted of face parts (3), because it is difficult to
determine between pleasure and displeasure from the
excited face. Moreover, the evaluation of scale for
joy was particularly consistent as compared to other
Two-way ANOVA of the 6(faces) × 4(arms) pat-
terns was conducted for each of the following scales
to inspect the features and effects of feelings elicited
by avatars.
Intension. The interaction between faces and arms
was marginally significant (F(15, 345) = 1.58, p <
.1). Fisherfs least significant difference (LSD) post
hoc test was used to test the differences in pairwise
comparisons. The face parts (2), (3), and (5) were
different from (1), (4), and (6) (p < .05). Therefore,
these face parts increased arousal. Meanwhile, arm
movement also affected intention, and arm part (3)
was significantly different from arm parts (1), (2), and
(4) (p < .05).
Activeness. The main effects of faces and arms were
significant (F(5, 115) = 38.42, p < .01; F(3, 69) =
23.53, p < .01, respectively). However, there was
no significant interaction between faces and arms
(F(15, 345) = 1.13,n.s.).
Strength. The interaction between faces and arms
was marginally significant (F(15, 345) = 1.74, p <
.1). On LSD post hoc test, face part (4) was signif-
icantly different from the other face parts (p < .05).
Joy. The interaction between faces and arms was sig-
nificant (F(15, 345) = 2.18, p < .05). On LSD post
hoc test, the face parts (1) and (3) were significantly
different from the other face parts (p < .05).
Amusement. The interaction between faces and arms
was significant (F(15, 345) = 2.31, p < .01). On LSD
post hoc test, face parts (1) and (3) were significantly
different from the other face parts (p < .05).
Favor. The interaction between faces and arms was
significant (F(15, 345) = 2.25, p < .01). On LSD
post hoc test, arm parts (3) was significantly differ-
ent from arm parts (1) and (2) when face parts was (3)
or (6)(p < .05).
Taken together, these observations indicated that
feelings elicited by avatars are consistent in a group
of people and facial expressions affect valence, while
arm movements affect arousal, although face parts
(2), (3), and (5), which expressed surprise, excite-
ment, and anger, respectively, increased arousal.
7.1 Experimental Overview
The expressiveness, gap in expression according to
the contents, ease, and satisfaction of expression were
compared between avatars and collaborative tags rep-
resenting nonverbal and verbal expression, respec-
tively. In this experiment, participants expressed their
feelings elicited by contents, which consisted of arti-
cles as verbal contents and photos as nonverbal con-
tents, using avatars or tags.
This experiment was performed using all of the
avatar parts shown in Figure 2. The participants ex-
pressed their feelings elicited by contents with a com-
bination of these avatar parts. The format of collabo-
rative tags was open-ended, and participants were per-
mitted to use multiple tags for a single content. Fur-
thermore, participants were allowed to skip the ex-
pression if they felt difficulty in expressing their feel-
The contents were articles and photos on the
web. Practically, top 10 bookmarked articles in Ya-
hoo!Japan News
as of September 5th, 2007 and top
10 bookmarked photos in Zorg
( photo sharing ser-
vice) as of August 1st, 2007 were chosen for this ex-
(a) Participants express
their feelings elicited from
the article with an avatar.
(b) Participants express
their feelings elicited
from the photo with tags.
Figure 5: The experimental setups.
Participants. Twenty men and 4 women ranging in
age from 21 to 27 years participated in this experi-
ment. All participants were Japanese university stu-
1. After an instruction, the participants are trained to
express their feelings using avatars or tags to the
sample article and the sample photo. Moreover,
the order of using avatars and tags is counterbal-
anced across the participants.
2. Ten articles and 10 photos were presented on the
computer screen (see Figure 5). The participants
expressed their feelings regarding the contents us-
ing avatars or tags, respectively. The presentation
order of articles and photos was counterbalanced
across participants.
3. The participants expressed their feelings regard-
ing the same contents in the same way as in steps
1 and 2 using tags or avatars that have not been
used before.
4. After evaluation, participants answered the ques-
tionnaire about their satisfaction.
7.2 Results and Discussion
Figure 6 shows the results of 3 questionnaires on the
satisfaction of feelings expression by avatars and tags.
The participants responded regarding which of the
two expression methods they preferred. Each ques-
tionnaire was about the entire contents, articles, and
photos. In all questionnaires, none of the participants
indicated a preference for tags over avatars.
With regard to all contents, more than 70% of
the participants indicated a preference for expressing
their feelings using avatars (see Figure 6(a)). This
may have been because an avatar can express feel-
ings that are difficult to verbalize, and an avatar can
describe the degree or strength of a feeling.
On the other hand, 58% and 67% of participants
indicated a preference for avatars for expression of
feelings regarding articles (see Figure 6(b)) and for
photos (see Figure 6(c)), respectively. Moreover, 38%
and 8% of participants indicated that tags are better
than avatars for articles and for photos, respectively.
Based on the opinions of the participants, it is not
difficult to express feelings with tags in the case of
articles, as articles themselves are in verbal format.
However, the meanings of photos cannot be defined
clearly, and it is difficult to verbalize feelings elicited
by photos.
In this experiment, participants were allowed to
skip expression of feelings if they decided that expres-
sion with the suggested method was impossible. The
number of skips was 21 times using avatars and 42
times with tags. Thus, it seemed to be easier for users
to use avatars than tags.
There has been a lot of studies using avatars: cre-
ation of co-presence in online communication (Ishii
Avatars expressed feelings very well.
Avatars expressed feelings better than tags.
It is hard to choose between avatars and tags.
Tags expressed feelings better than avatars.
Tags expressed feelings very well.
(a) Both of
articles and photos.
(b) Articles. (c) Photos.
Which expressed your feelings about the contents better, avatars or tags?
Figure 6: Results of questionnaires about satisfaction level of feeling expression.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
and Watanabe, 2003), interpretation of avatar’s facial
expressions (Koda and Ishida, 2006), description lan-
guage for avatar’s multimodal behavior (Prendinger,
2004) and so on. However, there has been a few cases
using avatars for feeling extraction. In this section, we
will mention representative studies that use avatars for
feeling extraction.
Takahashi et al. (Takahashi et al., 2005) con-
structed TelMeA, an asynchronous communication
support system, which presents the relations among
participants and the relations between contents and
conversations by the behavior of static avatars. The
purpose of TelMeA is similar to ours, because
TelMeA was designed to ease interpretation of feel-
ings difficult to express verbally, by combining the
the contexts and the behaviors of avatars. However,
we defined feeling expressions by avatars as a part of
subjective annotation, and planned to use them like
collaborative tags for information retrieval and classi-
fication in contents sharing. For this reason, we ver-
ified the consistency of feelings elicited by avatars.
Moreover, our avatars could express feeling towards
the contents not only with clear context, but also with
unclear context such as photos.
Another case, PrEmo (Desmet, 2003), is a tool
to assess emotional responses toward consumer prod-
ucts. In PrEmo, avatars have 14 behaviors, which
consisting of 7 positive and 7 negative behaviors.
Users rate each avatar based on the feelings elicited
by the products. This tool enables product impres-
sion analysis based on user’s feelings. The purpose of
PrEmo is similar to ours because it was designed to
analyze feelings elicited by targets. However, the re-
sults of feeling analysis for each product using PrEmo
were mapped all together in the emotion space struc-
tured by 14 avatar behaviors. Therefore, users cannot
easily share their feelings elicited by each product.
Moreover, in PrEmo, the rating for each avatar only
indicates that the feeling that each avatar represents is
present in the user’s feeling elicited by products. On
the other hand, our avatar can express not only the
presence of feelings, but also degrees of them.
We proposed subjective annotation where users add
subjective information, such as feelings and intention,
to the contents. As it is particularly difficult to verbal-
ize a feeling, we adopted avatars to express feelings.
To use an avatar as the interface of subjective anno-
tation, the consistency of feelings elicited by avatars
over time for an individual, and also the consistency
in a group of people were assessed. The results indi-
cated consistency for both cases, although the varia-
tion of arousal was wider than that of valence.
In addition, a comparison was conducted regard-
ing feeling expressiveness and satisfaction level be-
tween avatars and collaborative tags. The results in-
dicated that avatars are more suitable than tags for ex-
pression of feelings, particularly in cases with con-
tents that include no context and no message, such
as photos. Overall, avatars could be used for expres-
sion of subjective annotation. In future studies, we
will improve the control interfaces of avatars to make
them more intuitive and continue to verify the practi-
cal usefulness of subjective annotation with avatars.
Desmet, P. M. (2003). Measuring emotions. In Funology:
from usability to enjoyment, pages 111–123. Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
Ekman, P. and Friesen, W. V. (1971). Constants across cul-
tures in the face and emotion. Personality and Social
Psychology, 17(2):124–129.
Golder, S. A. and Huberman, B. A. (2006). Usage patterns
of collaborative tagging systems. Journal of Informa-
tion Science, 32(2):198–208.
Inoue, M. and Kobayashi, T. (1985). The research domain
and scale construction of adjective-pairs in a semantic
differential method in japan. The Japanese Journal of
Educational Psychology, 33(3):253–260.
Ishii, Y. and Watanabe, T. (2003). An embodied video com-
munication system in which self-referentiable avatar
is superimposed for virtual face-to-face scene. Jour-
nal of the Visualization Society of Japan, 23(1):357–
Koda, T. and Ishida, T. (2006). Cross-cultural comparison
of interpretation of avatars’ facial expressions. Trans-
actions of Information Processing Society of Japan,
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tion and attention. American Psychologist, 50(5):372–
Mathes, A. (2004). Folksonomy - cooperative classi-
fication and communication through shared meta-
data. Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Library and
Information Science University of Illinois Urbana-
Prendinger, H. (2004). Mpml : A markup language for con-
trolling the behavior of life-like characters. Journal of
Visual Languages and Computing, 15(2):183–203.
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(2005). TelMeA - expressive avatars in asynchronous
communications. International Journal of Human-
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