Basilio Noris, Karim Benmachiche and Aude G. Billard
LASA Laboratory - EPFL, Station 9, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Eye gaze detection, wireless head mounted camera, gaussian processes, appearance-based.
In this paper we present a solution for eye gaze detection from a wireless head mounted camera designed
for children aged between 6 months and 18 months. Due to the constraints of working with very young
children, the system does not seek to be as accurate as other state-of-the-art eye trackers, however it requires
no calibration process from the wearer. Gaussian Process Regression and Support Vector Machines are used
to analyse the raw pixel data from the video input and return an estimate of the child’s gaze direction. A
confidence map is used to determine the accuracy the system can expect for each coordinate on the image.
The best accuracy so far obtained by the system is 2.34
on adult subjects, tests with children remain to be
For several years now, the detection of the direction of
gaze has been used in a variety of different domains,
from psychological investigations on reading to the
study of visual points of interest in advertisement or
for Human Computer Interfaces (HCI)(Duchowski,
2002). The measure of gaze patterns, fixations dura-
tion, saccades and blinking frequencies has been the
topic of many works(Young and Sheena, 1975). The
introduction of real-time gaze detection has opened
the way to a multitude of user interfaces such as writ-
ing systems for disabled people or virtual reality (VR)
navigation controls or to measure the focus of atten-
tion(Stiefelhagen, 2002).
Gaze detection systems can be separated into non
intrusive and head mounted devices. Non intrusive
systems usually use an external camera filming the
user and detecting the direction of the eyes with re-
spect to a known position. However the task is ren-
dered more difficult by the variability in the user’s
head direction. Head mounted devices allow to detect
the direction of the gaze without having to cope with
the pose of the subject’s head. Most modern systems
use infra red (IR) lighting to illuminate the pupil and
then extract the eye orientation by triangulation of the
IR spotlights reflections or other geometrical prop-
erties(Zhu et al., 2002; Ohno and Mukawa, 2004).
When IR lighting is impracticable, image based meth-
ods have been used to estimate the direction of the
Figure 1: A normally developing 14 months old child, wear-
ing the WearCam with eye-mirror.
eyes(Baluja and Pomerleau, 1994; Tan et al., 2002).
Regardless of the method used, a calibration involv-
ing the user looking at known locations is performed
beforehand. The most accurate systems can achieve
precisions below 0.5
of the visual field(Tan et al.,
2002; Hennessey et al., 2006).
In this work, we developed a head mounted gaze
direction detection system designed for 6 months old
children. The system aims at studying the visual be-
haviour of young children to help in the diagnosis
of developmental disorders. Children with develop-
mental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) have a strong tendency to avoid eye contact or
to avoid looking at people altogether. This behaviour
Noris B., Benmachiche K. and G. Billard A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 611-616
DOI: 10.5220/0001082706110616
is often present in very young children already, but it
is difficult to measure and analyse. In this work we
used a WearCam(Piccardi et al., 2007), a lightweight
wireless head mounted camera developed in our lab,
to record the field of view of the infants. The record-
ings could then be analysed to verify and study the
children’s social interaction aptitude. However, early
assumptions that the head direction sufficed to esti-
mate the direction of the child’s focus of attention
(i.e. the object of interest is always at the center of the
field of view) proved unsatisfying and thus we added
the detection of the gaze direction into the analysis.
The recordings from the WearCam present several
challenges: the camera can incur into severe lighting
changes as the child moves the head towards bright
areas of the environment; the wireless transmission
can overlay distortion artifacts over the video image.
For these reasons and due to the absence of user cali-
bration, the accuracy we aim at is not as high as other
state-of-the-art systems.
Working with children entails a number of constraints
on the hardware that can be used. The system is de-
signed to be used in a freeplay environment. As such a
head mounted solution becomes essential. However,
to avoid distracting the infant the use of goggles is
precluded. Likewise, it is not possible to use IR leds
pointing towards the child’s eyes. Our system uses
a 42g wireless camera mounted on the child’s head
using adjustable straps. The camera films the frontal
field of view of the child. The field of view is of 74
horizontally and 56
vertically. A small mirror pro-
truding from the bottom part of the camera reflects
the eye portion of the wearer’s face. The small mirror
occludes 20% of the bottom region of the image, re-
ducing the vertical field of view to 44
. The camera
can be tilted to be aligned with the eyes of the wearer.
In the cases where the children are too aware of the
mirror, the mirror can be placed on the upper part of
the camera, becoming less disturbing to the child.
Most works on gaze tracking systems can benefit
from a certain degree of cooperation from the users in
terms of calibration processes and predictability. Un-
fortunately this is not the case with young children.
For this reasons, the accuracy of the gaze tracking sys-
tem had to be sacrificed to enable the system to work
with little to no calibration. However, the system as it
is intended does not require subpixel precision meth-
ods and the rough region estimate that we can expect
from a calibration-free system can be be sufficient to
Figure 2: Flowchart of the gaze detection system. The video
frame from the camera is first projected to a lower dimen-
sionality with PCA and the result is used for the localization
of the right and left eye regions. When these are known, the
corresponding pixels from the source image are extracted
and projected once again into a lower dimensional space
for the gaze direction detection process. The resulting gaze
direction coordinates are then modified to obtain the actual
coordinates in the image. Additionally, the gaze coordinates
are used to read the system confidence on its results. These
informations are combined to give the final output.
suit our needs.
The camera is adjustable to take into account the
different eye positions and head shapes of the chil-
dren. Due to these differences, the first step for
gaze tracking is localizing the eyes (Fig. 2 shows a
schematic representation of the detection process).
2.1 Eye Region Localization
To be able to localize the eye regions, the mirrored re-
gion of the input images was extracted from the cam-
era videos. The 768 by 120 pixels image was first re-
duced to a 30 by 10 pixels then projected on the first
60 principal components to reduce its dimensionality.
The choice of components was made by evaluation of
the reconstruction error to explain 99% of the data.
To extract the cropping values for the eyes regions
(top, bottom, left, right) in the sample images we used
Gaussian Process Regression (GPR)(Rasmussen and
Williams, 2005). Although not extensively, Gaus-
sian Processes have been used in the computer vi-
sion domain for appearance-based approaches (Kim
et al., 2006)(Meng et al., 2000). To test GPR against
a more established method, Support Vector Machines
(SVM)(Osuna et al., 1997) were used. Separate sys-
tems were trained for left and right eyes. For GPR the
Rational Quadratic (RQ), Squared Exponential(SE),
Neural Network (NN) and Matern covariance func-
tions were used (a thorough description of these co-
variance functions can be found in(Rasmussen and
Williams, 2005)). For SVM we used a RBF kernel
with variating sigmas. The eye region is evaluated
over a short lapse of video frames and averaged to
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: First 24 principal components of the right eye region samples.
obtain the output for the eye localization.
2.2 Gaze Direction Detection
Once the location of the eye is known, the left and
right eyes regions of the image are cropped and com-
bined to extract the most likely direction of the gaze
in terms of coordinates on the full image. The GPR is
trained using the raw pixels intensities of the eye re-
gions as input and the coordinates on the image of the
point the wearers were looking at as output. Training
was done both using a single eye at a time or by com-
bining both eyes together. A simple setup with a col-
ored object on a black wall was used to generate the
data. This yields a mapping between eye appearance
and gaze direction in the image. To reduce compu-
tational costs, PCA was applied on the input eye re-
gions. The principal components were computed on
a subset of the training data. 99% of the data is ex-
plained by the first 24 components (See Fig.3). The
same amount of significant principal components was
found with sample resolution of 60 by 60 pixels down
to 5 by 5 pixels. However, due to the high variability
of eye shapes, the first principal components contain
information manly pertaining to the shape and posi-
tion of the eye corners. In order to be able to rep-
resent in a more detailed way the small changes in
the direction of the gaze (i.e. small changes in the
iris position), a total of 40 principal components was
used. A resolution of 40 by 40 pixels was used to al-
low enough quality while manually reviewing the eye
2.3 Confidence Map
Regardless of whether a calibration process is avail-
able, the problem of detecting the gaze direction is
more challenging when the eyes are pointing in cer-
tain directions (e.g. detecting the direction of the eyes
when the user is looking at extreme angles as opposed
to when the user is looking straight forward). To take
into account this fact we generated, for each region
Figure 4: Horizontal confidence map for gaze detection.
For each coordinate in the image, the average training error
is computed to estimate the precision that can be expected
for detections at those coordinates. The brighter the pixels,
the bigger the error. The values are computed in fractions
of the whole image width. The horizontal and vertical con-
fidence maps are computed separately.
in the field of view, a map of the confidence the sys-
tem manages to achieve(see Fig. 4). The map was
created by segmenting the image space into several
regions and computing the mean square errors of all
estimation made inside each area. As the training data
does not fill every single region of the image, multi-
ple resolutions were used so as to be able to average
over regions where the data is too sparse. The ver-
tical and horizontal errors were computed separately,
resulting in two different maps. The map can then be
used to accept or reject results that fall off a certain
confidence. Moreover this can be useful where one of
the directions of the gaze (vertical or horizontal) does
not play a critical role.
The resulting confidence maps allow for each gaze
direction detected to have an estimation of how sure
the system is of its decision. As the maximum pre-
cision of the system is far inferior to state-of-the-art
methods, this method renders the system usable for a
number of applications (e.g. determining if an object
is inside the wearer’s focus of attention).
The system is sensitive to the variation in shape and
position of the eyes as seen from the reflecting mirror.
If the camera is positioned slightly upwards on the
forehead, the angle from which the eyes will be seen
will be different which might appear as though the
wearer is looking downwards. Additionally, depend-
ing on the success of the eye localization process, the
cropped eye region can result shifted compared to the
actual eye position, which results in a shift in the gaze
direction detections.
However the detections for a single subject usu-
ally yield coherent results: if the wearer follows the
edges of his/her field of view, the resulting detections
will feature a similar behaviour, but covering a space
that will be offsetted and rescaled compared to the full
image. This results in a user-dependent coordinate
space that can be transformed into the actual image
space by a linear tranformation, reducing significantly
the detection error. Since the analysis of the videos is
done offline, it is possible to learn the transformation
between the two spaces (user-space and image-space)
by manually selecting a few reference points.
A reference point in one image is selected and
its coordinates are coupled with the detection from
the system. If only one reference point is selected,
the offset computed as the distance between reference
and detection points is applied to all successive detec-
tions. If several reference points are available (i.e. it is
possible to determine by looking at the image that the
wearer is looking at a specific location) the Procrustes
analysis(Small, 1996) applied between the reference
and detection points (see Fig.5). This gives a linear
transformation between the user-space and the actual
image-space coordinates which can be used to correct
all further detections.
4.1 Dataset
In order to train the system and to obtain ground truth
data, we collected a database of video footage from
33 adult subjects
evenly distributed between bright
and dark eye colors and of different skin tones. The
subjects sat in front of a black wall and followed
with their eyes a colored object moving in random
Obtaining ground truth data from children can be chal-
lenging and will be attempted after the system will have
been validated with adult subjects
Figure 5: Experimental setup and corresponding system re-
sponse. The inner circle and rectangle correspond to the raw
response of the system in user-space coordinates, the rect-
angle displays an approximation of the boundaries of the
user-space. The outside ellipse and rectangle correspond to
the response after the user space to image space conversion.
The conversion parameters were extracted from 3 manually
set reference points. The axes of the ellipse show the confi-
dence of the system obtained from the confidence map.
patterns covering most of the subjects’ field of view
(see Fig. 5). An average of two minutes per sub-
ject were recorded for a total of 67’000 frames of
video. Ground truth coordinates of the colored ob-
ject were obtained by semi-automatic tracking with
Adobe After Effects. This forced us to make the as-
sumption that the subjects eyes were constantly fol-
lowing the object, even though empirical analysis of
the video footage show that a certain amount of pre-
dictive tracking and saccades appears in all subjects.
The training set and testing set were generated
subject-wise using 22 subjects for training and 11
for testing. 11-fold cross-validation was performed
to take into account inter-subject variability. GPR
was trained by minimizing its hyperparameters on the
whole training set. However, SVM parameters were
optimized via cross-validation by training the system
on two thirds of the training set and validating on the
remaining third (14 subjects for training, 8 for valida-
tion). Once the optimal parameters were found, the
system was retrained on the whole training set. For
the gaze direction detection process tests were made
using the information from each eye separately or us-
ing the information of both eyes together.
4.2 Eye Localization Results
Table 1 shows the results for the eye localization per-
formance of GPR and SVM with different parameters.
The error is computed in terms of the mean square dis-
tances between the ground truth and estimated bound-
aries (upper, lower, left and right) of the eye regions.
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Eye Region Localization error with different al-
gorithms computed in terms of mean square distances from
the manually set ground truths (as fractions of the whole
image width). (ISO: isotropic, ARD: Automatic Relevance
Determination, ONE: single variable parameterization).
left eye right eye combined
GPR NN ONE 0.1334 0.1259 0.1296
GPR SE ISO 0.1539 0.1358 0.1449
GPR SE ARD 0.1208 0.1491 0.1349
GPR Mat3 ISO 0.1403 0.1177 0.1290
GPR RQ ISO 0.1387 0.1104 0.1245
GPR RQ ARD 0.1692 0.1473 0.1583
SVM RBF 0.1245 0.1490 0.1368
Table 4: Comparison of different eye gaze tracking systems.
(In each case it is noted whether the system requires offline
training and user calibration).
system accuracy train user calib
Baluja-Pomerleau 1.5
Yes Yes
Tan-Krieg.-Ahuja 0.38
No Yes
Ohno-Mukawa 1
No Yes
Hennessey 0.46
No Yes
Our System 2.34
Yes No
All distances are normalized by the screen resolution.
The localization accuracy of the systems for dif-
ferent eyes is not constant. This might be due to a
difference in the environment illumination. Overall
the tested methods perform similarly. The GPR with
an isotropic Rational Quadratic covariance function
achieves the best performances.
4.3 Gaze Direction Detection Results
The gaze detection performance can be seen in Ta-
bles 2 and 3. As could be expected, combining the
information from both eyes provides a greater accu-
racy than using one single eye at a time (see Table
2). Gaussian Processes obtain good results with most
covariance functions ranging from 3.33
of average
error up to 4.15
. Support Vector Machines achieve
better results; the best SVM trained used a RBF ker-
nel (σ = 2.7) and 1010 support vectors. The best ac-
curacy obtained is 2.97
horizontally and 2.34
cally. Table 4 shows a comparison of the best perfor-
mances of existing methods.
We have presented a wearable gaze direction detec-
tion system based on image appearance, Support Vec-
Figure 6: Gaze detection error with different algorithms.
While all algorithms perform comparatively, svm outper-
forms gaussian processes by more than half a degree of er-
ror. Moreover the detection performance is less sensitive to
changes in the training set.
tor Machines and Gaussian Process Regression. The
accuracy obtained is inferior to the existing eye track-
ers, attaining on average 2.34
. However our system
does not need any prior calibration and can be used
in cases where the cooperation of the user cannot be
expected (e.g. working with infants).
The system is designed to be used with children,
therefore the next step will be to collect a training
database with children. Although only preliminary
tests have been made, the eye region of children’s
faces presents less variability as eyelashes, eyebrows
and other facial features are not as pronounced as in
adults. As such the performance of the system may
increase when used by children.
Currently, no special processing is done for eye
blinks, the current results (see Table 3) just consider
all frames as valid. On average a person blinks 16
times per minute; although measures havent been
done, the blinking frequency during a gaze tracking
exercice is probably higher, however the amount of
blinking during the whole recordings is negligeable.
Nevertheless, a method for detecting eye blinking and
discarding the corresponding results will have to be
developed to increase the fiability of the system.
This work was supported by the Thought in Action
(TACT) project, part of the European Union NEST-
Adventure Program, and by the Swiss Science Fun-
dation within the National Center for Competence in
Research (NCCR) on Interactive Multimodal Infor-
mation Management (IM2).
Table 2: Mean gaze angle error (in degrees) using the left eye only, the right eye only or both eyes together.
left eye right eye both eyes
GPR SE ISO 4.4187 (±0.0443) 4.5344 (±0.2956) 3.4118 (±0.9208)
GPR SE ARD 5.0673 (±0.2388) 4.6751 (±0.2908) 4.1476 (±1.1279)
GPR Matern3 ISO 4.3318 (±0.4674) 4.1894 (±0.2728) 3.3326 (±0.8804)
GPR Matern5 ISO 4.7746 (±0.1925) 4.3421 (±0.0967) 3.5014 (±0.9427)
GPR NN ONE 4.4431 (±0.2189) 4.5548 (±0.2448) 3.4194 (±0.7898)
GPR RQ ISO 4.4050 (±0.1574) 4.0865 (±0.1970) 3.4965 (±0.9157)
GPR RQ ARD 4.6159 (±0.3592) 4.7742 (±0.1114) 3.5334 (±0.8798)
SVM RBF 3.4511 (±0.1060) 3.6634 (±0.0963) 2.6547 (±0.0941)
Table 3: Mean gaze angle error (in degrees) and corresponding standard deviation using the information from both eyes. The
error has been computed separately on vertical and horizontal directions.
horizontal vertical combined
GPR SE ISO 3.7896 (±1.1611) 3.0340 (±0.6805) 3.4118 (±0.9208)
GPR SE ARD 4.7569 (±1.5538) 3.5382 (±0.7021) 4.1476 (±1.1279)
GPR Matern3 ISO 3.6601 (±1.1772) 3.0050 (±0.5835) 3.3326 (±0.8804)
GPR Matern5 ISO 3.8068 (±1.2408) 3.1959 (±0.6446) 3.5014 (±0.9427)
GPR NN ONE 3.7568 (±1.1092) 3.0820 (±0.4704) 3.4194 (±0.7898)
GPR RQ ISO 3.9195 (±1.2942) 3.0734 (±0.5371) 3.4965 (±0.9157)
GPR RQ ARD 3.9179 (±1.2527) 3.1490 (±0.5070) 3.5334 (±0.8798)
SVM RBF 2.9700 (±0.1059) 2.3394 (±0.0824) 2.6547 (±0.0941)
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VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications