Phil Joyce
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia
Graham Winch
The University of Plymouth Business School, Plymouth Universiy, Plymouth, England
Keywords: Trust, Business to Consumer eBusiness, System Dynamics.
Abstract: In the development of B2C eBusiness trust is an emerging key issue. Indeed, this has prompted the re-
examination of our current understanding of trust. The development of trust models have been mainly
developed from the traditional research basis of trust or from the multi-disciplinary perspective. Moreover,
these have been descriptive and static in nature but the building and losing of trust is a dynamic process. In
this paper we present a new perspective into the dynamic process of building and losing trust by presenting
a four element model to pictorially demonstrate the particular factors that driving the process.
Today, the community as a whole are using Internet
technology, using websites, to enhance the provision
of goods and services through the usage of Business
to Consumer (B2C) eBusiness. Technology has
become more established in our daily lives and our
dependence on them grows, attention must turn to
the factors that impact on us all. Key among these is
As information, services or products are made
available electronically, researchers and practitioners
are focusing more intently on the factors of trust and
its impact. For many people B2C eBusiness (on-
line) is an encounter with new dimensions of
commerce compared with their traditional
experiences (off-line) of doing business (Corritore et
al., 2003, Gefen et al., 2003). The change from the
off-line to the on-line needs to be researched and the
impact on trust examined (Corritore et al., 2003,
Egger, 2000, Farrell et al., 2003, McKnight et al.,
2000, Winch and Joyce, 2006). The importance of
trust in the off-line world is well researched. The
fields of sociology, psychology, management,
marketing, human-computer interaction (HCI), and
electronic commerce all contribute to the rich
multidisciplinary nature. However, each producing
their own different concepts, definitions, models and
findings (Belanger et al., 2002, Corritore et al.,
2003, Farrell et al., 2003, Lewicki and Bunker,
1995, Tan and Thoen, 2001, Wicks et al., 1999).
Within each given field there is often a lack of
agreement (Lewicki and Bunker, 1995) but this
should not distract from the growing push to
developing a multidisciplinary approach to
understanding the factors of trust.
Consumer trust is acknowledged as a key element in
determining the success of B2C eBusiness offerings.
As a result, it has attracted research and many
models have been developed and published in the
literature. The purpose of this paper is not to present
yet another model, but to suggest how to move from
the information and knowledge those models
provide into a better understanding of the problem of
trust in B2C. Past models are largely descriptive and
static in nature. This work helps to give a new
understanding of trust building and maintenance as a
dynamic process within what is, in significant part, a
closed-loop system. The paper has therefore taken
the stock-flow diagramming approach from business
dynamics modelling to reflect the structure of the
trust building systems. This emphasises that the
management of system levels, such as trust, has to
be through the control of the in and outflows – if a
company needs to build trust it has to work through
Joyce P. and Winch G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 55-62
DOI: 10.5220/0002360500550062
the flows resulting from consumers’ beliefs about
how and whether problems might arise.
The paper is structured in the following way with
section 2 we cover the background issues of trust
while in section 3 we outline the dynamic model to
highlight the forces that determine trust. In section 4
we discuss the management action plans to build and
maintain customer trust. Section 5 concludes the
As in the “real world”, trust is an important social
construct for cooperative behaviour. Trust enables
people to live in risky and uncertain situations and
also provides the means to decrease the complex
world by reducing the number of options a person
has to consider in a given situation (Deutsch, 1960).
Moreover, trust can be considered a shared principal
that allows coordination and cooperation between
people. This can be extended to the world of
business where trust is central in successful
transactions and the development of long term
relationships (Keohn, 1996). It is reasonable to
expect that the body of knowledge in off-line trust
(traditional) can help build a better picture of the key
issues of trust in the on-line environment by drawing
on the established off-line trust concepts.
An obvious commonality between off-line and on-
line trust is exchange (Baron and Byrne, 1991). In
the off-line environment risk, fear, complexity and
cost restrict exchange while coordination and
cooperation enhance exchange, it is likely that it will
also be similar in the on-line environment. Likewise,
social rules of interaction between people appear to
function in both on-line and off-line environments.
Similarly, it is reasonable that in the on-line world
the presence of trust in the person – website
interactions is essential for the success of the
transaction and/or discourse, especially in the B2C
scenario. For without trust, it is likely that an on-line
environment of B2C would not be possible, just as it
would not be possible in the off-line environment. In
essence, the fundamental factors of trust are seen in
both the off-line and on-line domain (Corritore et al.,
2003, McKnight and Chervany, 2001, McKnight et
al., 2000).
The trustor/trustee relationships are different as
technology mediates the interactions - transactions.
The situation in which trust is primarily person-to-
website rather than person-to-person communication
mediated through technology. In this paper, we will
focus on the person to website interaction. Trustors
and trustees, that is, objects of trust can be
individuals or groups, families, organisations, and
even societies. Moreover, in the B2C eBusiness
scenario we must not only consider the interaction of
the customer with the website but also the company
providing the processes to support the interactions.
The trustor/trustee relationships needs to extend not
only to the technology mediating the transaction but
also the company and its processes in support of the
on-line customer. This is made all the more difficult
if all communication is performed electronically
Interestingly, the definition between the trustor and
the objects of trust when technology is an object of
trust is a departure from the conventional off-line
view of trustor/trustee relationship. The fields of
psychology and sociology do not countenance the
concept of technology as an object of trust.
However, people do enter into relationships of
trustor with technology, web sites and computers
and they appear to respond to these technologies
based on the rules that apply to the social
relationship (Nass et al., 1996, Nass et al., 1995,
Nass et al., 1994). Indeed, the work by Nass, Reeves
and their colleagues highlight the responses to
computers by people were polite or rude, identified
them as assertive, timid or helpful, and had a
physical response to them. Interestingly,
technologies of this nature are viewed as social
actors in the sense that they have a social presence
that people respond to and interact with (Reeves and
Nass, 1996).
In summary, the use of technology (computers and
web site), especially in the B2C scenario, people see
them as social actors and interact with them in a
similar manner to that of off-line trust. Moreover, in
the B2C scenario they view the technology as a tool
that mediates the underlying process of gaining a
good, service or information from a business,
company or organisation.
2.1 On-line Trust
Trust is the act of the trustor. A person places trust
in an object, whether that trust is well founded or
not. Importantly, trust emanates from a person and
their trust, in part, it is formed by their perception of
the competence of that object to be trusted.
Moreover, trust is inextricably linked to risk in the
on-line environment. Wicks (1999) proposes trust as
the notion of an optimal level of risk whereby parties
are neither overly trusting and vulnerable, nor
mistrusting and missing legitimate opportunities.
Deutsch (1960) outlines trust as the willingness of
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
an individual to behave in a manner that assumes
another party will behave in accordance with
expectations in a risky situation.
Of course, as Ruppel (2003) observes, when the
purpose of a website is simply to provide
information and promote products or services, the
visitor most probably perceives a smaller level of
risk which may require a lower level of trust to
function. However, if the site features functionality
that includes transaction processing, the risk is
increased. Therefore, the level of trust must rise to
reach a level of optimal trust where the increased
risk is manageable, acceptable and practical. At the
most basic level we assume that the trustor acts in a
trusting manner in a situation of risk when there is
little at stake (e.g., much money, very personal
information) and there are recognised systems of
reward and punishment. At the intermediate level, a
trustor has some experience and familiarity with the
web site, and so is in a situation of risk in which
knowledge can be used to predicate behaviour and
thus assign trust. Last in the development, which is
the deepest level of trust the trustor expects that his
of her interests will be respected by the website and
that he/she does not have to calculate the level of
risk anymore.
The building and losing of trust is a dynamic process
– people who are initially cautious can be persuaded
over time to be more confident in Internet-based
transactions and, conversely, people who start out
with an open-mind may become less trusting as
events and experiences unfold. Doney and Cannon
(1997), though talking about B2B dealings in
general are clear that developing and maintaining
trust is both a dynamic process and an essential
investment: ‘Supplier firms must make significant
investments to develop and maintain customer trust.
…. Our research suggests that though the process of
building customer trust is expensive, time-
consuming, and complex, its outcome in terms of
forging strong buyer-seller bonds and enhanced
loyalty could be critically important to supplier
firms, Doney and Cannon (1997), pg 48.
While here focussing on B2C interactions, this paper
tries to bring some new insights to these processes
by presenting models that inherently accept and
reflect their dynamic nature.
2.2 Trust and Trust Models in
A fundamental element of eBusiness transactions is
that the customers’ interaction with the supplier is
via an electronic interface not a person. As Gefen
and Straub (2003) observe, this lack of social
presence may impede the growth of B2C by
hindering the development of consumer trust in the
service provider. They also emphasise that human
interaction, or at least the belief that the system has
characteristics of social presence, is believed to be
critical in the creation of trust. They consequently
assert that managing e-services calls for managing
the trust that is engendered in the customer
experience on the website. But managing trust is
both a function of developing trusts but keeping trust
is also important because trust can be destroyed
(Lewicki and Bunker, 1995), and on the Internet,
retailers need to proactively (authors’ emphasis)
manage the trust component involved in selling
(Ambrose and Johnson, 1998).
The importance of trust has engendered much
research and the proliferation of models, many of
which have been tested against survey results. Some
authors have provided helpful comparative reviews
of models that have emerged from diverse
disciplinary backgrounds (Farrell et al., 2003).
While some have gone further by attempting to
integrate them into cross-disciplinary models (see
for example (Farrell, 2004), who proposes a further
multi-disciplinary trust model and (Keat and Mohan,
2004) who use the Davis’ Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) as their foundation). It is not intended
in this paper to provide a further review. These
models are worthy and generally comprise a
catalogue of selected key trust supporting factors,
usually displayed graphically with lines, or
sometimes arrows suggesting connectivity. They are
however, short of providing a dynamic view and
limited in their abilities to provide helping tools for
helping managers to think about the processes and
building and maintaining consumer trust and
formulating strategies to improve it. For example,
(Pennington et al., 2003) comment that while
perceived trust in vendors has been shown to be an
important predictor of purchase behaviour, practical
guidelines on interventions to enhance consumer
perceptions is limited.
Trust is essentially a function of the possible
problems in using the Internet process envisaged by
potential purchasers and it is suggested here that a
customer could be driven to sense possible problems
arising in these three ways:
Expected Problems - The building or depletion of
trust based on actual personal experiences – this will
be a function of the number of experiences and the
perceived quality of outcome that they feel they
Hypothesised Problems – potential problems that
people believe might happen based on the perceived
risk of the transactions and individual companies
that they are dealing with. Indirectly, this will be
moderated by the actual risks or quantifiable risks.
Extrapolated Problems – problems that users might
expect resulting from their extrapolation based on
their use of technology, especially in support of
performing transactions. These are often “first time
users” who have analysed the technology and have
some knowledge of the technology. This maybe
good or bad and hence, this is about the transition of
customers entering into to the on-line environment
versus the off-line (traditional) environment and
understanding their problems.
We suggest four simple inter-linked representations
to reflect the processes and interactions in the trust-
building system. We use the stock-flow structures
from system (or business) dynamics or process
control systems to capture the system structure; such
diagramming has been shown to support manager’s
understanding of complex dynamic processes (see,
e.g., (Sterman, 2000, Wolstenholme, 1990)) shows
that Trust – represented as a stock or reservoir - can
be added to or depleted through three flows – trust
derived from a consumer’s envisaged Expected,
Extrapolated, and Hypothesised Problems. These are
all bi-flows (two-headed flows) suggesting the
direction of flow can be either way – the level of
consumer trust can be built up or lost.
The primary driving forces for each of these are also
shown in Figure 1, and it is reflected that underlying
all the flows are an individual’s propensity to trust –
the intrinsic tendency of individuals to trust in others
(see, for example, (Egger, 2001, Grazioli and
Jarvenpaa, 2000, McKnight et al., 2000,
Papadopoulou et al., 2001)).
Change in trust from extrapolation is driven by the
customer’s technology understanding and their
development of a suitable knowledge level of the
technology. This requires an understanding of the
risk in utilising the technology. For example, a
purchase of a computer monitor, if we see the
customer is new to web technology but believes she
is capable of utilising the technology for the
purchase based on the knowledge that she has over
the technology. Without this knowledge, customers
are unlikely to utilise this approach in gaining
information, goods or service, which is central to
B2C eBusiness. As technology changes, from
eBusiness to mBusiness for example, different levels
of extrapolation (or knowledge base) must be
developed by the customer in order for them to
understand the risk and trust interplay. Similarly,
companies must emphasise the body of knowledge
to the customer and the relevance to them.
Once the customer has purchased on-line their
experience will inform their trust (risk) and therefore
reinforce or detract from knowledge they have
developed of the technology: Expected Problems.
The accumulated number of experiences and the
customer’s impression of the quality of those
experiences then also drive the change in trust from
experience. In both cases these maybe good or bad
experiences and importantly, a customer will draw
from their body of knowledge. For example, it may
be published information about ensuring a website
has a return policy clearly outlined on the website.
Initially, return policy maybe something a customer
may not understand or care about until they
Change in Trust
from Experience
Change in trust
from Extrapolation
Change in Trust from
Hypothesised Problems
Propensity for
Knowledge Base
Knowledge Gain
Perceived Risks
Perceived Quality
of Experiences
Programs & Activities
Figure 1: Inflows and Outflows from Customer Trust.
Perceived Risk
Change in
Perceived Risk
Actual or Quantifiable Risk
Risk Perception Gap
Risk Gap
Closure Time
Policy for Risk
Gap Closure
Figure 2: Working to Improve Perception of Actual Risks
towards the Perceived Risk.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
accumulate some experience with completing
purchases from a website in a B2C scenario.
Moreover, when a problem occurs the customer
focuses on both their experience and the body of
information for direction into how to solving the
The changes in trust from hypothesised problems are
those that are perceived by the customer. These may
or may not be based on the rationality. In this
scenario, cognitive and emotional trust is placed into
the domain of the hypothesised problems. The
customer can have cognitive trust where good
rational reasons as to why the object of trust merits
trust. While emotional trust is motivated by strong
positive feelings towards that which is being trusted
(Lewicki and Bunker, 1995). The change in
hypothesised problems is a mixture of cognitive and
emotional in nature. Consider an example of
purchasing a monitor. In this case, the company only
has an on-line presence and exists only as an on-line
company. If the company is a well-known company
such as this may not be an issue of not
providing an off-line presence. In order to
understand further the forces in play, additions to
this basic model shown in Figure 1. Firstly, an
emphasis is that actual risk and perceived risk are
not the same thing but they are integrated in our
model. For example, a website might be completely
secure for credit card transactions, but is this fact
fully known and understood by visitors to the site.
Similarly, it is possible to provide the actual
statistical values (quantifiable) of the success of all
purchases from the web site. However, a customer
may not see the actual risk as equal to the perceived
risk. Hence, companies will be continually striving
to reduce the actual risks, but there will be a lag
between changes in actual and perceived levels.
Most B2C eBusiness systems are a way for an
organisation to provide goods and services and it is
important that management understand the customer
Perceived Risks in
Rate of change
of PR in
Quantifiable Risks
Related to eTransactions
Difference in
PR in eTransactions
adjustment time
Modulation in
eTransaction PR
Ease of Use
Informational 
Perceived Risks
in Company
Rate of change
of PR in
Quantifiable Risks
Related to Company
Difference in 
Company Risks
PR in Company
adjustment time
transfer of trust
Modulation in 
Company PR
Company Perception : 
size & ima
Links to
other sites
Figure 3: Factors Feeding into Perceived Risks in e-Transactions and in the Company.
is interacting with them over a period of time to
complete the process. That is, the customer may
place an order for a product utilising a website
where they perform a transaction with the website.
However, customers and hopefully management are
also interested in the whole process of delivering the
good, information or service. The customer will be
interested in the next stage in the process of
providing the good, service or information. In this
we see that the transaction and the process as two
interrelated elements of the risk in B2C eBusiness.
In B2C both the e-transaction and the process
between the customer and company are important.
Indeed, customers may consider the risk of paying a
telephone bill utilising a power company’s website
small, even if their experiences have been poor in
utilising the website. Primarily, the power company
has processes in place that the customer is aware of
they can utilise to solve any problem that may arise.
This is similar to the eBay model of having dispute
processes in place even if the customers perceive the
risk in the transaction to be higher than normal.
Similarly, a customer may utilise a website to
perform an e-transaction even though they may
consider the organisation too risky to deal with.
Hence, the final element of the graphical model, the
factors believed to most influence actual and
perceived risks in both e-transactions and the
company can be brought together, shown in Figure
3. The existing literature and the range of descriptive
models available include a starting list of factors
such as this is beyond the scope of this paper. Farrell
(2004) and Farrell et al. (2003) provides a good
treatment of these factors that affect trust in the both
the e-transaction, company and its processes. Figure
2, shows the loss and gain (bi-flow) relationship
between the actual (or quantifiable) and perceived
risk highlighting the possible risk perception gap the
customer may perceive. The model shows a generic
risk adjustment mechanism emphasising two key
management variables that determine the
relationship between actual and perceived risk:
policy for risk gap closure and risk gap closure time.
The effort or emphasis placed on company
developing policies to narrow the perception gap and
the adjustment time by which companies would
want to bridge the gap. In this case, we can see that
management must develop policies that are capable
of influencing the customer to understand how the
actual (quantifiable) risks of their B2C offerings
have acceptable levels of risk. Similarly,
management must be aware that it will take time for
the message to be received, processed and acted on
by the customer.
Of course, the same factors might influence both
risks in e-transactions and in the company’s
processes, though clearly in the case of the former
the perception is going to be influenced to some
extent by experiences of other sites as well as with
the companies. This might take the form of simple
FAQ pages explaining principles and processes to
site users, through site use training, even to the level
of supporting formal education activities in
understanding computer and the Internet. The
model, in Figure 1, already suggests that a company,
acting either individually or in consortium with other
B2C providers, can directly influence consumer
trust, by supporting processes that educate
consumers in eBusiness processes. The diagram in
Figure 3 includes a starting list of factors form the
literature, but an individual company could tailor the
list to its own market place and offerings.
Figure 4: Completing the Management Action Loop.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The mechanisms described above are to a significant
extent contained with in a closed-loop system. All
factors that feed into the trust building model in
Figure 1, with the possible exception of the
accumulated number of consumer experiences, are
factors over which a company has control or at least
partial control. Figure 4, therefore includes the
mechanisms that close the loops with the other
diagrams. It firstly reflects that any purchase
decision is at the conjunction of three factors – the
value or need for the product or service, the quality
of the user experience, and the potential purchaser’s
trust. The notion of optimal trust (Wicks et al., 1999)
links the value/need and trust factors, and also
reflects that, for example, a site that is only offering
information demands less trust of a visitor than a site
offering transaction functionality. The magnitude of
the purchase may also affect the risk/trust trade-off –
visitors might be more willing to risk losses in small
transactions than big ones (Cheung and Lee, 2001,
Corritore et al., 2003, Papadopoulou et al., 2001,
Tan and Thoen, 2001).
The resulting representation is presented in four
interlinked parts. The first reflects three basic in- and
out-flows to trust that will determine how trust
might be built, or lost. That is why consumers
believe problems could arise based on either the
expectation of problems derived form previous
personal experience, extrapolation from their
technical understanding of web-based activities, or
problems they hypothesise based on their perception
of the risks associated with e-transactions and
specific companies. The second gives a general view
of the relationship between actual and perceived risk
and that there is a company policy issue to do with
how and in what time frame they would want
consumers’ perceptions to follow reality. The third
element outlines the range of factors that could
influence actual or perceived risks relating to both e-
transactions, companies and its processes. This is a
suggested diagram based on the authors’ selected
factors from the literature, but other models and
research could be used as the starting point for this,
and the structure could be tailored to individual
companies’ situations. The final diagram suggests
that the loops are closed though a variety of
management actions and a coherent B2C trust
strategy should involve the exploration of the
balance of benefits deriving from combination of
actions and initiatives.
If we consider example of the purchase of the
computer monitor we can see the management
strategies that could help in moving customers from
visitors to purchasers by ensuring that that trust and
therefore, risks are addressed. Firstly, the company
should provide a core body of knowledge on the
technology used in the purchase, basic details of the
acceptable web site design, and the processes offer
by the company, e.g., dispute resolution procedures,
the details of return policies and procedures.
Similarly, the company should provide an outline of
the actual (or quantifiable) risks in using the site and
the statistics of the website (extrapolated problems).
This should allow the customer to adjust their
perceived risk in using the site and using this
company. Another loop that management can pursue
is to provide education programs. This education
program can allow customers to perform
transactions for goods, services or information for
free or minimal charge (expected problems). This
increases the customer’s user experience decreasing
the perceived risk in both the transaction, company
and its processes (hypothesised problem). Clearly,
the product, service or information must be of value
to the customer but
trust (and risk) must be managed by
the development of an on-line offering.
Building, and losing of consumer trust in a B2C
eBusiness is a dynamics process requiring all
stakeholders to consider the drivers and their impact
on consumer trust.
The four element model then suggests the cycle of
management actions the company must consider if
potential customers progressing to purchases is
unsatisfactory – can they reduce trust from
extrapolated problems by improving visitor’s
knowledge and understanding of web processes and
the processes of the organisation?
The paper provides a new perspective of the
complex problem and provides managers with a
possible checklist of potential drivers in the trust
cycle. Importantly, it does not provide a new model
but place some perspective on the current research in
the area of B2C consumer trust in eBusiness.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems