Hyo-Moon Cho
School of Electrical, University of Ulsan, 7-524 san29 Muger-dong Nam-gu, Ulsan, South Korea
Sang-Bok Cho
School of Electrical, University of Ulsan, 7-524 san29 Muger-dong Nam-gu, Ulsan, South Korea
Keywords: High resolution, Motion compensation error, Super resolution, Low resolution.
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the input image selection-method to improve the reconstructed high-resolution
(HR) image quality. To obtain ideal super-resolution (SR) reconstruction image, all input images are well-
registered. However, the registration is not ideal in practice. By reason of this, the number of input images
with low registration error is more important than the number of input images in order to obtain good
quality of a HR image. The input image suitability could be evaluated by using statistical and restricted
registration properties. Therefore, we propose the input image evaluation-method in automatic manner as
pre-processing of SR reconstruction and its architecture. In video sequences, all input images in specified
region are allowed to use SR reconstruction as low-resolution (LR) input image and/or the reference image.
The evaluation basis is decided by the threshold value and this threshold is calculated by using the
maximum motion compensation error (MMCE) of the reference image. If the motion compensation error
(MCE) of LR input image is in the range of 0 < MCE < MMCE then this LR input image is selected for SR
reconstruction, else then LR input image are neglected. The optimal reference LR (ORLR) image is decided
by comparing the number of the selected LR input (SLRI) images for each reference LR input (RLRI)
image. Finally, we generate a HR image by using optimal reference LR image and selected LR images and
by using the Hardie’s interpolation method. This proposed algorithm is expected to improve the quality of
SR without any user intervention.
The super-resolution (SR) algorithms, which
produce a high-resolution (HR) image from multiple
low-resolution (LR) images, are one of the most
promising approaches for image quality
The basic framework of SR is to define the
reference LR image from given multiple LR images
and to generate the HR reconstruction image by
fusing the several LR images based on reference LR
The various SR algorithms have been proposed
by using frequency-domain approach and spatial-
domain approach. The SR algorithm was first
presented by Tsai and Huang. They used the
frequency-domain approach to obtain one improved
resolution image from several down-sampled noise-
free version of it, based on the spatial aliasing effect.
Usually, it assumed that there is some or small
relative motion between the camera and the scene. If
there is relative motion between the camera and the
scene, then the first step of SR is to register or align
the image, i.e., it computes the motion vector from
one image to others. The accurate registrations
between LR images are very important. To obtain
ideal SR reconstruction, the ideal registration is
executed among the LR input images and the point
spread function (PSF) of camera is accurate
estimated. However, in practice, these are not ideal.
To overcome such SR constraints, the recognition-
based SR algorithms have been proposed and the
methods considering the registration error in SR
reconstruction process have been tried.
Generally, the improved SR algorithms
considering the registration error have been applied
by using the restricted input images. However, all
input images of the specified region in video
Cho H. and Cho S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 188-191
DOI: 10.5220/0002139601880191
sequence can be used to SR reconstruction.
Therefore, to improve SR algorithm, we designed
the automatic input image evaluation and selection
block as pre-processing in order to solve a
registration error problem.
This automatic input image evaluation and
selection block designates the reference image
arbitrary because all input images are allowed to use
super-resolution reconstruction and it selects the
suitable LR input images from all LR input (LRI)
images for designated reference image. Finally, it
selects the optimized reference input LR (RILR)
image by using statistical property. All of these
processing are executed automatic manner and this
method achieves the HR image reconstruction
without any user interventions and fast and low
computational complexity. And also we design its
hardware architecture. This article is organized as
follows: in section 2, we describe the importance of
the ILR images and RILR image selection; in
section 3, we introduce the proposed algorithm and
its architecture; experimental results are shown in
section 4, and we conclude with section 5.
The SR reconstruction is achieved when the LR
images with sub-pixel distance from reference
registered onto the HR image grid. Therefore, the
motion estimation and motion compensation are
essentially needed.
Figure 1: Influence of unsuitable ILR image selection.
The reconstructed HR image is distorted when the
sub-pixel motion is estimated inaccurately. In this
case, the distortion can be called the registration
error (RE) noise. In many conventional approaches,
it is assumed that the RE noise is neglected or
considered the same for all LR images: i.e., all LR
images are ideally confirmed.
In most and practice, ideal registration has
constraint by registration model or restricted
searching area. As these reasons, the quality of
reconstructed HR image is decreased.
Figure 1 shows contaminated HR reconstruction
image when the RE is high. Therefore the LR input
images with low RE is more important than the
number of LR input images.
We designate a reference LR image arbitrary in
specified region of input video since all LR input
images are allowed to reference LR input image and
we restrict the number of maximum ILR images up
to five frames. The reason of this, if many LR input
images are used then it is difficult to evaluate the
performance of algorithms comparing with others
and the SR reconstruction processing time is very
long. Therefore, we restricted the number of LR
images and make analysis of the influence of a
registration error.
To select the suitable LR input images, first, our
algorithm decides the threshold value by using
designated reference LR input image and its motion
compensated image. Secondly, our algorithm
evaluates the SAD between a LR input image and
reference image is less than the threshold value.
Figure 2 shows the flow chart to select the selected
LR input (SRLI) images. Therefore, if the LR input
image is selected, then it has a low RE noise.
Figure 2: The flowchart of SLRI selection method.
The SAD (Sum of Absolute Difference)
computation is used as calculation of the motion
compensation error (MCE).The maximum motion
compensation error (MMCE) for each reference
image is calculated by computing SAD between the
reference LR input image and its motion estimated
in sequence order.
Generally, the distribution of registration error
(RE) for the sub-pixel shifts in practical video, the
RE has maximum value when shifting displacement
is at (dx, dy)=(0.5, 0.5) as shown figure 3.
To decide optimized reference LR input
(ORLRI) image, we count the number of the
selected LR input (SLRI) images for each designated
reference LR input image and compare the number
of SLRI[f(n)] of each designated reference input
image in specified region as shown figure 4.
To decrease computation time and complexity,
we designed advanced architecture as shown figure
5. As shown figure 5, the duplicated SAD operators
on each frame are removed. And the number of
selected low resolution input (SLRI) images for one
reference image equals to 4 then the remaining the
selection of LR input image processes are stopped.
The partial distortion elimination (PDE) method
is used to decrease the SAD calculation. The basic
concept of PDE is that the motion estimation is more
efficient as the larger initial accumulated SAD value
is selected.
Figure 3: Distribution of RE depending on sub-pixel shift.
Figure 4: ORLRI block flowchart.
We used the video sequences to experiment by PC
camera which is made by China. The camera
features are as below:
- CMOS image sensor with 1.3M pixel
- Maximum resolution 1280x960
- 24bit true color video mode
- 640 x 480@30fps
- USB 2.0 interface
We used the Hardie algorithm as interpolation with
16 restricted searching-area and 20 iterations. Figure
7 is shown the sequenced images for experiment.
Figure 5: Advanced architecture of the proposed algorithm.
Figure 6: The sample imaged which used to experiment.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
We take a picture of the sample object and
modified the image size into 128x128 from 512x512
original HR image. The modified images are used as
LR images, the f(3) frame is selected as reference
image by our algorithm procedure and it takes three
selected LR input (SLRI) images and other cases
have two or under SLRI images. Figure 8 is shown
the result image by using the proposed SR
reconstruction method Figure 8 is shown the result
image by using conventional SR reconstruction
method is shown the result image with bilinear
interpolation method. As shown figure 7, 8, figure 7
is better of them..
Figure 7: Experimental result image.
Figure 8: Result image with conventional SR
reconstruction method.
Figure 9: Result image with bilinear interpolation method.
We introduced the improved SR reconstruction
algorithm which selects the suitable input images
and the optimized reference image in automatic
manner. And also we presented its architecture.
However, we restrict the maximum input frame
number is five, so this is too small. If we increase
maximum input frame number then the image
quality higher than this. To do this, which restrict the
maximum frame number as 5 frames, is only for fast
and easy evaluation of our algorithm. This algorithm
is used to moving picture like as surveillance
This research was financially supported by the
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy
(MOCIE) and Korea Industrial Technology
Foundation (KOTEF) through the Human Resource
Training Project for Regional Innovation and 2 level
BK21 (EVERDEC(e-Vehicle Research & human
Resource Development Center)) in MOE (Ministry
of Education & Human Resources Development).
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