Pascual Ejarque and Javier Hernando
TALP Research Center, Department of Signal Theory and Communications
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Normalization, Equalization, Histogram, Bi-Gaussian, Support Vector Machines, Multimodal.
Abstract: Most Support Vector Machine (SVM) based systems make use of conventional methods for the
normalization of
the features or the scores previously to the fusion stage. In this work, in addition to the
conventional methods, two equalization methods, histogram equalization, which was recently introduced in
multimodal systems, and Bi-Gaussian equalization, which is presented in this paper, are applied upon the
scores in a multimodal person verification system composed by prosodic, speech spectrum, and face
information. The equalization techniques have obtained the best results; concretely, Bi-Gaussian
equalization outperforms in more than a 22.19 % the results obtained by Min-Max normalization, the most
used normalization technique in SVM fusion systems. The prosodic and speech spectrum scores have been
provided by speech experts using records of the Switchboard I database and the face scores have been
obtained by a face recognition system upon XM2VTS database.
Multimodal score fusion can be performed in two
main approaches: the arithmetical or logical
combination of the scores and the classification of
the score vectors by mean of classificatory
techniques (Bolle et al., 2004). In the combinatory
approach the scores provided by every monomodal
system must be normalized before the fusion process
due to, without this process, the contribution of a
biometric could eliminate the contribution of the rest
of the experts (Jain et al., 2005). In the classificatory
approach, not much importance has been given to
score normalization because the same classificatory
techniques can adapt themselves to the biometrical
scores characteristics.
Concretely, for the SVM based classificatory
, the usage of kernels permits the non
linear transformation of the input scores in a higher
dimensional subspace where the recognition
decision can be taken by means of a separator
hyperplane (Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor, 2000).
Some efforts have been made for the development of
particular kernels for each application, as in the case
of spherical normalization developed by Wan et al.
(Wan and Renals, 2005). However, most
investigators and developers use well-known kernels
as radio basis function (RBF) or polynomial kernels
for their systems and adapt them by the modification
of the kernel parameters. In this case, the number of
non linear transformations is limited by the kernel
and the chosen parameters.
The aim of this work is to demonstrate the
portance of the normalization of the monomodal
scores in an SVM fusion system and, more
concretely, the application of two equalization
techniques, histogram equalization and Bi-Gaussian
equalization, which have outperformed the results
obtained by the conventional normalization
methods. Histogram equalization consists in the
equalization of the probability density function
(PDF) to a reference signal and has recently been
introduced in multimodal systems (Farrús et al.,
2006; Ejarque et al., 2007). Bi-Gaussian
equalization, which has obtained the best results, is
presented in this work and equalizes the PDF to a
double gaussian with the same EER than the original
The multimodal system is composed by three
score s
ources: the first score is obtained by the SVM
fusion of 9 voice prosodic features (Wolf, 1972;
Farrús et al., 2006), the second one is obtained by a
voice spectrum expert based in the Frequency
Ejarque P. and Hernando J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 33-38
DOI: 10.5220/0002130000330038
Filtering front-end and GMM (Nadeu et al., 1996),
and the last one is provided by an NMFFaces
algorithm (Tefas et al., 2005) face recognition
system. A chimerical database has been created from
the prosodic and spectrum scores obtained from
voice signals of the Switchboard-I database and
from the scores obtained from the face still images
of the XM2VTS database.
The results obtained in the SVM fusion system
with the equalization techniques outperform that
obtained with the conventional methods with RBF
The paper is organized as follows: in section 2,
the normalization techniques that have been tested in
this work are presented; in section 3 the equalization
methods are presented; in section 4 the SVM
classificatory technique is reviewed and finally; in
sections 5 and 6, the results and conclusions are
The normalization process transforms the
monomodal scores of all the biometrics in a
comparable range of values and is an essential step
in multimodal fusion. The most conventional
normalization techniques are Min-Max, Z-Score,
and Tanh, which have been widely used in previous
works (Bolle et al., 2004; Jain et al., 2005).
2.1 Min-Max Normalization (MM)
Min-Max normalization maps the scores in the [0, 1]
range by means of an affine transformation. The
calculation in equation 1 must be applied upon the
multimodal scores a, where min(a) and max(a) are
the minimum and maximum values of the
monomodal scores.
2.2 Z-Score Normalization (ZS)
By means of Z-Score normalization the mean of all
the biometric scores is set to 0 and its variance is set
to 1 in a non affine transformation. In this case, the
normalization affects to the global statistics of the
scores. Equation 2 demonstrates the application of
this normalization:
where mean(a) and std(a) are respectively the
statistical mean and variance of a monomodal set of
2.3 Hyperbolic Tangent Normalization
Tanh normalization maps the scores in the [-1, 1]
range in a non linear transformation. By the
application of this technique the values around the
mean of the scores are transformed by a linear
mapping and a compression of the data is performed
for the high and low values of the scores. This
normalization is performed by means of the formula
in equation 3
where μ
and σ
are, respectively, the mean and
standard deviation estimates, of the genuine score
distribution introduced by Hampel (Jain et al., 2005)
and k is a suitable constant. The main advantage of
this normalization is the suppression of the effect of
outliers, which is absorbed by the compression of
the extreme values.
In this section, two equalization techniques are
presented: histogram equalization, which has
recently been integrated in multimodal person
recognition systems (Farrús et al., 2006; Ejarque et
al., 2007), and Bi-Gaussian equalization, which is
presented in this paper. These techniques have been
used as normalization methods in this work.
3.1 Histogram Equalization (HEQ)
By means of histogram equalization, the cumulative
distribution function of the monomodal biometrics is
equalized to a distribution of reference. This non-
linear technique has been widely used in image
treatment (Jain, 1986) and has been applied to
speech treatment in order to reduce non linear
effects introduced by speech systems such as:
microphones, amplifiers, etc. (Balchandran and
Mammone, 1998).
() ()
max min
std a
tanh 1
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The authors have used histogram equalization as
a normalization technique in combinatory score
fusion systems in several works (Farrús et al., 2006;
Ejarque et al., 2007) with good results. In the
experiments presented, all the biometrics have been
referenced to that with the best monomodal
recognition result, the face system.
3.2 Bi-Gaussian Equalization (BGEQ)
With this normalization technique the scores of each
monomodal biometric are equalized to a double
Gaussian distribution that would obtain the same
EER (Equal Error Rate) than the original scores. In
fact, histogram equalization is applied upon the
monomodal scores where the reference distribution
is artificially built by the combination of two
Gaussians with the same variance, one for the client
scores and another one for the impostor scores. The
mean of the client Gaussian is set to a half and the
impostor one is set to minus a half.
As in the case of histogram equalization, this
technique equalizes the whole monomodal
distributions. However, in this case, the elimination
of the effect of outliers is granted. Furthermore, the
mean of the genuine and impostor scores have the
same value as it can be seen in figure 1 where
histogram of the scores for Bi-Gaussian equalization
is plotted.
Figure 1: Histogram of the scores for BGEQ.
Support Vector Machines (SVM) are learning
classificatory kernel-based methods: learning
because the whole training data and not only some
statistical information is used for the training of the
SVM models, classificatory because a SVM system
performs a two-class classification of the data by
means of a hyperplane, and kernel-based because the
addition of a kernel in the system permits to make
the classification of the data in a higher dimensional
space (Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor, 2000).
In a multimodal fusion verification system, SVM
techniques aim to decide in the genuine-impostor
disjuncture. Multimodal score vectors are created
from the monomodal data which is used as the input
data of the SVM based system. During the training
phase, the normal vector w and the bias b of the
hyperplane are determined according to the
minimization of ||w||
subject to y
(<w, x
where x
are the training score vectors and y
are 1
for the genuine and -1 for the impostor training
The dual representation of this problem is
presented in equation 4:
where α
are the Lagrangian multipliers, and the bias
can be found from y
(<w, x
>+b)=1 where α
The extension to soft margin classifiers permits
the introduction of the regularization parameter C,
which controls the trade off between allowing
training errors and forcing rigid margins. The dual
representation restriction α
0 is converted in the
soft margin classification to 0 α
The dot product of the multimodal score vectors
in equation 4 can be replaced by a kernel, which
must accomplish Mercer’s conditions (Cristianini
and Shawe-Taylor, 2000). The use of a kernel
transports the data to a higher dimensional space
where the classificatory hyperplane is defined.
One of the most usually used kernel is radio
basis function (RBF), which is based in Gaussian
classificatory regions and correspond to the formula
in equation 5 where the parameter σ controls the
variance of the Gaussian functions, that is, the width
of the regions.
When an RBF kernel is used in the classificatory
process, the information used by the SVM system is
the distance between the score vectors. For this
reason, great differences in the range of values
covered by the different monomodal scores could
produce classificatory errors, due to the contribution
maximize ,
subject to 0, 0
ii i
αα αα
of some of the monomodal systems can be
eliminated by other ones.
To avoid this type of problem, the use of a
normalization process can be useful and most SVM
based systems incorporate a Min-Max normalization
previous to the classificatory system. In this work,
the effect of several normalization techniques upon a
SVM multimodal system is explored.
In this section, the speaker and face recognition
systems used in the fusion experiments and the
experimental results obtained with the different
normalization methods in an SVM fusion system
will be presented.
5.1 Experimental Setup
The monomodal scores used in the experiments have
been provided by three experts: an SVM fusion of 9
speech prosodic features, a voice spectrum based
speaker recognition system and a facial recognition
expert based in the NMFFaces (Tefas et al., 2005)
In the prosody based recognition system a 9
prosodic feature vector was extracted for each
conversation side (Wolf, 1972). The system was
tested with 1 conversation-side, using the k-Nearest
Neighbour method. The prosodic vectors have been
fused by means of a SVM classificatory system with
RBF kernel to obtain a single monomodal score.
The spectrum based speaker recognition system
was a 32-component GMM system with diagonal
covariance matrices; 20 Frequency Filtering
parameters were generated (Nadeu et al., 1996), and
20 corresponding delta and acceleration coefficients
were included. The UBM was trained with 116
The face recognition expert is based in the
NMFFaces algorithm (Tefas et al., 2005). Non-
negative matrix factorization is used in Tefas et al.
work to yield sparse representation of localized
features to represent the constituent facial parts over
the face images.
Prosodic and spectrum scores have been obtained
form speech records of the Switchboard-I database
(Godfrey et al., 1990) and the face scores have been
obtained from still images of the XM2VTS database
(Lüttin et Maître, 1998). The Switchboard-I is a
collection of 2,430 two-sided telephone
conversations among 543 speakers from the United
States. XM2VTS database is a multimodal database
consisting in face images, video sequences and
speech recordings of 295 subjects. A chimerical
database has been created by the combination of the
three expert scores. A total of 5,000 score vectors
have been generated for the training of the models
and 46,500 score vectors has been used in the test
5.2 Results
In the experiments, several normalization techniques
have been applied upon the monomodal scores.
Later, these scores have been fused by means of a
SVM system. The normalization methods are that
presented in previous sections: Min-Max (MM), Z-
Scores (ZS), a tanh based technique (TANH),
histogram equalization to the best monomodal
system (HEQ), and Bi-Gaussian equalization
To compare the effect of each normalization
method upon the SVM fusion system, an RBF kernel
based configuration has been tested. Concretely, for
the RBF kernel different values of the Gaussian
variance σ have been tested: 1/3, 1, and 3.
Furthermore, the regularization parameter C has
been set to 10, 100, and 200.
The minimum percentages of error provided by
the SVM verification system and the equal error rate
(EER) obtained by each normalization technique are
respectively presented in tables 1 and 2 for each
combination of the SVM parameters.
BGEQ obtains the best results and the rest of the
techniques obtain results with a difference of, at
least, a 10.51 % with respect to the best result.
Furthermore, the EER obtained by BGEQ is a 5.40
% better than that obtained by the non equalization
techniques. Concretely, Min-Max, the most used
normalization technique in SVM systems, is
outperformed by Bi-Gaussian equalization with a
relative error improvement of a 22.19 %.
The minimum results obtained with the
equalization techniques are from a 0.533 % to a
0.643 % while the best result obtained by the Min-
Max normalization is of a 0.826 %. In the same
way, the EER obtained by the equalization
techniques are from a 0.667 % to a 0.750 % and the
best result obtained by MM is a 0.815 %. That is, in
these experiments, the selection of an adequate
normalization method has been more decisive for
obtaining the best results than the choice of the
characteristics of the SVM system.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Multimodal results (minimum error).
1/3 10 0.854 0.632 0.619 0.613 0.600
100 0.729 0.791 0.632 0.611 0.611
200 0.714 0.830 0.613 0.617 0.641
1 10 0.940 0.615 0.729 0.622 0.587
100 0.849 0.617 0.652 0.611 0.533
200 0.826 0.589 0.660 0.602 0.540
3 10 0.976 0.628 0.770 0.643 0.611
100 0.946 0.742 0.710 0.613 0.602
200 0.905 0.754 0.703 0.617 0.578
Table 2: Multimodal results (EER).
1/3 10 0.946 0.822 0.720 0.684 0.686
100 0.841 1.179 0.714 0.679 0.739
200 0.815 1.114 0.703 0.690 0.750
1 10 1.065 0.709 0.839 0.709 0.697
100 0.940 0.852 0.756 0.679 0.667
200 0.875 0.882 0.720 0.679 0.673
3 10 1.090 0.720 0.916 0.738 0.703
100 1.071 0.809 0.834 0.697 0.703
200 1.065 0.798 0.804 0.701 0.697
In figure 2, the DET curve for the comparison of the
normalization methods is shown.
Figure 2: DET curve for RBF kernel SVM.
For all the range of FAR and FRR, the best
results are obtained by HEQ and BGEQ that
outperforms the conventional normalizations for all
the FAR and FRR values. TANH obtains better
results than MM normalization and ZS
normalization only obtains similar results to TANH
for FAR lesser than 0.4 % due to the range of values
of the scores is not controlled by the Z-Score
normalization and this can produce unexpected
Support Vector Machines fusion systems usually
make use of a Min-Max technique for the
normalization of the features or the scores. In this
work, several normalization methods have been
applied upon a multimodal score SVM fusion
system with RBF kernel.
The results obtained by the SVM system with the
MM normalization are improved by means of the
normalization of the scores with TANH
normalization and the equalization techniques.
Histogram equalization and Bi-Gaussian
equalization obtain the best results; concretely, Bi-
Gaussian equalization obtains a relative error
improvement of a 22.19 % with respect to MM
normalization and outperforms the normalization
techniques for all values of FAR and FRR.
In resume, in these experiments, the selection of
an adequate normalization method has been more
decisive for obtaining the best results than the choice
of the characteristics of the SVM system, as the
parameters of the kernel.
We want to thank Ms. Mireia Farrús for her help in
this work and Dr. A. Tefas who has provided us of
face recognition results.
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