Validating Metrics for OCL Expressions Expressed
within UML/OCL models
Luis Reynoso
, Marcela Genero
and Mario Piattini
Department of Computer Science, University of Comahue,
Buenos Aires 1400, 8300, Neuquén, Argentina.
Department of Computer Science, University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Paseo de la Universidad, 4, 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain.
Abstract. Measuring quality is the key to developing high-quality software, and it is
widely acknowledged that quality assurance of software products must be guaranteed
from the early stages of development, assessing through metrics the quality of early
models such as UML diagrams. There exists several proposals of metrics to UML
diagrams, such as class diagrams, use case diagrams, etc. But, even though the incorpo-
ration of OCL to UML diagrams improves software quality and software correctness,
there are no metrics for OCL expressions. In a previous work we have defined and
theoretically validated a set of metrics that can be applied to OCL expressions ex-
pressed within UML/OCL combined models. The main goal of this paper is to show
how we carried out a controlled experiment to ascertain the empirical validity of the
proposed metrics as early indicators of OCL expressions understandability and modifi-
1 Introduction
The huge amount of metrics existing in the literature that can be applied to Unified
Modelling Language (UML) [21] diagrams [1], [8], [15] reveals a great effort for
improving software quality from early stages of their development. Most of the exist-
ing studies are focused on the measurement of internal quality attributes of UML
diagrams, such as structural complexity, coupling, size, etc. However, none of the
proposed metrics take into account the added complexity involved when diagrams are
complemented by expressions written in the Object Constraint Language (OCL) [20],
that is a UML/OCL combined model. OCL was defined as a textual add-on to the
UML diagrams. Its main elements are OCL expressions that represent declarative and
side effect-free textual descriptions that are associated to different features of UML
diagrams [16]. OCL expressions add precision to UML models beyond the capabili-
ties of the graphical diagrams of UML [23], [25]. Moreover, OCL is essential in
building consistent and coherent platform-independent models (PIM) and helping to
raise the level of maturity of the software process [25].
Having in mind the importance of OCL in software development, in a previous
work we have defined and theoretically validated a set of metrics that can be applied
Reynoso L., Genero M. and Piattini M. (2004).
Validating Metrics for OCL Expressions Expressed within UML/OCL models.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Audits and Metrics, pages 59-68
DOI: 10.5220/0002687300590068
to a OCL expression within UML/OCL models. We have started our definition focus-
ing on a particular UML diagram: the class diagram, because it constitutes “the most
important diagram in the model” [25], since many other diagrams are structured and
developed around it. A new effort looking forward the improvement of class diagram
quality is our definition of OCL metrics attached to UML class diagrams we pub-
lished in [22]. In that work we have defined a set of metrics for measuring structural
properties of OCL expressions. These metrics were also theoretically validated ac-
cording to the Briand et al.’s framework [5], [6], [7]. But as many authors remarked
[2], [14], [18] the practical utility of the metrics must be demonstrated to empirical
validation in order the metrics can be accepted in the software engineering field. For
that reason, the main goal of this paper is to present a controlled experiment we car-
ried out in order to ascertain if our metrics could be used as indicators of OCL ex-
pressions understandability and modifiability.
In relation to our aim we start in the following section describing how we have de-
fined a set of metrics for OCL expressions whilst all the proper information related to
the controlled experiment is presented in section 3. Finally, in section 4 some conclu-
sions are drawn and future work is outlined.
2. A proposal of metrics for OCL expressions
Briand and Wüst [8] have been the mentors in providing the theoretical basis for
developing quantitative models relating to structural properties and external quality
attributes [17]. Their theory hypothesizes that the structural properties of a software
component have an impact on its cognitive complexity [13]. In this work we assume
that a similar representation holds for OCL expressions. We implement the relation-
ship between the structural properties on one hand, and external quality attributes on
the other hand [17]. We hypothesize that the structural properties of an OCL expres-
sion have an impact on its cognitive complexity
. High cognitive complexity leads to
a reduction in the understandability of an artifact –in this case, the OCL expressions-,
and provokes undesirable external qualities, such as decreased maintainability.
For defining the metrics in a disciplined manner we have applied a method for
metric definition based on [9] and [12], which will allow us to obtain valid and reli-
able metrics.
Moreover, for defining the metrics we have considered the two following issues:
- Structural properties of OCL expressions: In order to analyze the structural proper-
ties of an OCL expression we have considered the OCL concepts described in the
OCL metamodel [20].
- Cognitive aspects. Ideally, we should also be able to explain the influence of the
values of the metrics from a cognitive point of view. Cant et al. [10]; [11] argue in
their Cognitive Complexity Model (CCM model) that measuring complexity should
affect attributes of human comprehension since complexity is relative to human
cognitive characteristics. Therefore we have considered the cognitive techniques
By cognitive complexity we mean the mental burden of the persons who have to deal with the
artifact (e.g. modelers, designers, maintainers) [13].
applied by modelers when they try to understand an OCL expression (considered in
our study as a single mental abstraction: a chunk). These techniques are: “chunk-
ing” and “tracing” [10]; [11], [13]. We have defined metrics related to these cogni-
tive techniques.
Fenton [14] suggested that it is not advisable to define a single measure for captur-
ing different structural properties. For that reason we have defined a set of metrics,
each of which captures different structural properties of an OCL expression, related
to the cognitive techniques of the CCM model, such as the “tracing” and “chunking”
techniques. These techniques are concurrently and synergistically applied in problem
solving [19]. “Chunking” involves the recognition of a set of declaration and extract-
ing information from them, which is remembered as a chunk, whereas “tracing” in-
volves scanning, either forward or backwards, in order to identify relevant “chunks”.
The whole set of metrics defined for each group can be found in [22].
As chunking and tracing techniques are concurrently applied, we cannot plan an ex-
periment considering only a set of OCL metrics related to only one cognitive tech-
nique. We have selected, for the empirical validation, some metrics that are related to
those OCL concepts, which are more commonly used in simple OCL expressions:
- Metrics related to “chunking”: NKW (Number of OCL Keywords), NES ( Num-
ber of Explicit Self), NBO “Chunking” (Number of Boolean Operators), NCO
(Number of Comparison Operators), NEI (Number of Explicit Iterator variables),
NAS (Number of Attributes belonging to the classifier that Self represents).
- Metrics related to “tracing”: NNR (Number of Navigated Relationships), NAN
(Number of Attributes referred through Navigations), NNC (Number of Navi-
gated Classes), WNN (Weighted Number of Navigations), DN (Depth of Naviga-
tions), WNCO (Weighted Number of Collection Operations).
3. A controlled experiment
In this section we describe a controlled experiment we have carried out to empirically
validate the proposed measures as early OCL expressions understandability indica-
tors. To describe the experiment we use (with only minor changes) the format pro-
posed by Wohlin et al. [26].
3.1 Definition
Using the GQM [2], [24] template for goal definition, the goal pursued in this ex-
periment is: Analyze <<Metrics for OCL expressions within UML/OCL models>>;
for the purpose of <<Evaluating>>; with respect to <<The capability to be used as
understandability and modifiability indicators of OCL expressions >>; from the point
of view of <<OO Software modellers>>: in the context of <<Undergraduate Com-
puter Science enrolled in a course related to OCL, of the Department of Computer
Science at the National University of Comahue>>.
3.2 Planning
After the definition of the experiment, the planning phase took place. It prepares for
how the experiment is conducted, including the following six steps:
Context selection. The context of the experiment is a group of undergraduate
students who had agreed to take part in a course on OCL, and hence the experiment is
run off-line (not in an industrial software development environment). The subjects
were twenty-nine students enrolled in the third and fourth-year of Computer Science
at the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Comahue in
The experiment is specific since it is focused on twelve metrics for OCL expression
within UML/OCL combined models. The experiment addresses a real problem, i.e.,
which indicators can be used for the understandability and modifiability of OCL
expressions? With this end in view it investigates the relationship between metrics
and the time spent in understandability and modifiability tasks.
Selection of subjects. According to [26] we have applied a probability sampling
technique: a convenience sampling. The nearest persons we could choose were
undergraduate students who had, in average, one year of experience in the
development of OO systems using UML, and by the time the experiment took place
they were taking a course of OCL.
Variable selection. The independent variable is the structural complexity of OCL
expressions. The dependent variables are the understandability and modifiability of
OCL expressions.
Instrumentation. The objects were four UML/OCL combined models, having each
of them one OCL expressions. The independent variable was measured through the
selected metrics. The dependent variables were measured according to:
- The time each subject carried out the understandability and modifiability tasks.
- The subjects´ratings of understandability or modifiability.
- We have also used as indicators of understandability and modifiability the follow-
ing measures proposed in [4]
- Understandability Correctness = Number of correct answers/ Number of an-
swers., which represents the correctness of the understanding questionnaire, i.e.
the number of questions correctly answered. The number of correct answers is a
reasonable measure of the understanding since all the tests have the same de-
sign, it has the same quantity of questions.
- Modifiability correctness = Number of correct modifications/ Number of Modi-
fications applied.
- Modifiability completeness = Number of correct Modifications /Number of
modifications required
Hypothesis formulation. We wish to test the following hypotheses (two hypotheses
for each measure for the dependent variables)
1) H
: There is no significant correlation between the OCL metrics and the under-
standability and modifiability time. // H
: ¬ H
2) H
: There is no significant correlation between the OCL metrics and understand-
ability/modifiability correctness/completeness. // H
: ¬ H
3) H
: There is no significant correlation between the OCL metrics and the subjec-
tive understandability/modifiability. // H
: ¬ H
4) H
: There is no significant correlation between the understandabil-
ity/modifiability time and the subjective understandability/modifiability. // H
: ¬
Experiment design. We selected a within-subject and balanced design experiment,
i.e., all the tests (experimental tasks) had to be solved by each of the subjects. The
tests were put in a different order for each subject for alleviating learning effects.
3.3 Operation
The operational phase is divided into three steps: preparation, execution and data
Preparation. We have selected as experimental subjects a group of students who
have taken a semester class on System Analysis. In this course the student had learnt
the use of UML. The students were motivated to take a course on OCL , they were
informed that OCL is an expressive language used for formally expressing additional
and necessary information about a model specified in UML. Later, the students were
asked to participate in the course, 29 subjects agreed to take part, so they are
volunteers. They were motivated to take a training session on OCL language and to
do some practical exercises as part of the session, but it was not mentioned that these
exercises are constituent of an experiment. The subjects were not aware of what
aspects we intended to study. Neither were they aware of the actual hypothesis stated.
Table 1. Metric values for each UML/OCL model
1 2 1 2 1 1 0 3 2 4 4 2 1
2 4 2 5 4 0 0 3 4 5 6 4 1
3 3 1 4 3 0 1 2 3 5 5 2 3
4 4 2 2 3 2 0 3 2 4 4 4 3
We prepared the material handed to the subjects, consisting of four UML/OCL mod-
els. These diagrams were related to different universes of discourse that were easy
enough to be understood by each of the subjects, and some of them were obtained
from the existent OCL literature [20]. The structural complexity of each model is
different as it is revealed from the metrics values of each UCL/OCL model (see Table
1). Before running the experiment we performed a pilot experiment. We asked a re-
searcher who has experience on OCL to carry out the experimental tasks. All the
modifications she suggested were considered.
Each UML/OCL model had a test enclosed that included two types of tasks:
Understandability tasks:
- The subjects had to answer four questions about the meaning of the OCL expres-
sion within the UML/OCL model. These questions had the purpose to test if the
subjects had understood each expression. The first question was related to naviga-
tions concepts, meanwhile the last three questions were a multiple choice about the
meaning of the OCL expressions. Each question has three options, being only one
option the correct answer. They also had to note how long it took to answer the
questions. The “understandability time”, expressed in minutes and seconds, was ob-
tained from that.
- The subjects had to rate the understandability tasks using a scale consisting of five
linguistic labels (Very difficult to understand, A bit difficult to understand, Neither
difficult nor easy to understand, A bit easy to understand and Very easy to under-
stand). We called this measure “subjective understandability”.
Modifiability tasks:
- Each UML/OCL model used by the subjects in the understandability task had also
enclosed three new requirements for the OCL expression. Each subject had to mod-
ify the OCL expression according to the new requirements. The modifications to
each test were similar, including defining new navigations, attributes referred
through navigations, etc.
- They also had to write down the time when they started to do the modifications and
when they finished them. This time was called “modifiability time”.
- We have also used a scale consisting of five linguistic labels similar to the one used
for understandability, so that the subject could rate the modifiability tasks. We
called this measure “subjective modifiability”.
Moreover, we prepared a debriefing questionnaire. This questionnaire included per-
sonal details and experience.
Execution. In the lecture before the experiment was carried out, the subjects were
asked to bring a watch in the next lecture. Those subjects who did not bring a watch
were able to use a clock rendered with a multimedia projector. The subjects were
given all the materials described in the previous paragraph. We explained to them
how to carry out the test, asking for carrying out the test alone, and using unlimited
time to solve it. There was an instructor who supervised the experiment and any
doubt could be asked to him. We collected all the data, including subjects’ rating
obtained from the responses of the experiment.
Data validation. Analyzing the debriefing questionnaire, we can corroborate that the
subjects had approximately the same degree of experience in modelling with UML,
the profile of the subject is the following: their average age is 24 years old, they have
an average of 4 years programming experience, and one year in modelling UML class
diagrams. Taking into account their profile, we consider their subjective evaluation
Most of the answers for the modifiability part of the four tests were not correctly
answered, only the understandability part of the four tests had an optimal rate of an-
swers. We think that the reason is that the experiment was carried out after two lec-
tures of 2 hours each, and this period of time was enough for the students to under-
stand OCL expressions but they did not have enough practice in OCL expressions
modification. We think we exposed the students prematurely to do OCL expression
modification. For that reason we consider in this paper only the understandability part
of the experiment. Regarding this part, three tests were studied as outliers and 12 tests
were separated because they have a correctness below 75%. Finally, we had 101 data
sets to be analyzed.
3.4 Analysis and Interpretation
We had analysed the experiment data in order to test the hypotheses formulated in
section 3.2. First we had to check the normality of the data obtained. If the data was
normal, the best option in our case was to use parametric tests because they are more
efficient than non-parametric tests. Then, we applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to
ascertain if the distribution of the data collected was normal. As the data was non-
normal we decided to use a non-parametric test like Spearman’s correlation coeffi-
cient, with a level of significance α = 0.05, which means the level of confidence is
95% (i.e. the probability that we reject H
when H
is false is of at least 95%, which is
statistically acceptable). Each of the metrics was correlated separately to the mean of
the subjects’ understandability time (see Table 2). For a sample size of 101 and α =
0.05, the Spearman cut-off for accepting H
is 0.1956. Hence, after analyzing table 2,
we can conclude that:
- There is a significant correlation between WNN, WNCO, NEI, NCO, NBO,
NES, NKW and DN metrics and subjects’ understandability time.
- There is a significant correlation between NEI, NCO and NES metrics and cor-
rectness and completeness.
- There is a significant correlation between the NEI, NCO and DN metrics and the
subjective understandability.
Table 2. Spearman’s correlation between metrics and understandability time
Scc .162 .020
.207 .223
.348 -.348 .207 .282 .207
p-value .105 .840
.038 .025
.000 .000 .038 .004 .038
Scc -.073 .016 -.180 -.151 .173
-.229 .229
-.180 .016 -.147 Corr.
p-value .465 .877 .071 .131 .084
.021 .021
.071 .877 .143
Scc .093 -.026 .084 .108 -.076
.308 -.308
.084 .166 .084 -.026
p-value .357 .794 .403 .283 .450
.002 .002
.403 .097 .403 .794
Table 3. Spearman’s correlation between metrics and subjective understandability
Subjective Und.
Understandability Time Scc -.102
p-value .310
Moreover, after analyzing Table 3 we can conclude that there is a significant corre-
lation between the understandability time and the subjective understandability.
Nevertheless, these encouraging findings must be considered as preliminaries.
More experimentation would be necessary in order to obtain more conclusive results.
3.5 Validity evaluation
Next we will discuss the empirical study’s various threats to validity and the way we
attempted to alleviate them:
Threats to conclusion validity. The only issue that could affect the statistical
validity of this study is the size of the sample data which is perhaps not enough for
non-parametric statistic tests. We are aware of this, so we will consider the results of
the experiment only as preliminary findings.
Threats to construct validity. We proposed an objective measure for the dependent
variable, the understandability time, i.e., the time each subject spent answering the
questions related to each UML/OCL model, that it is considered the time they need to
understand it. We also proposed subjective metrics for them (using linguistic
variables), based on the judgment of the subjects. As the subjects involved in this
experiment have medium experience in OO system design using UML we think their
ratings could be considered significant. The construct validity of the metrics used for
the independent variables is guaranteed by Briand et al.’s framework [5], [6], [7] used
to validate them.
Threats to Internal Validity. The analysis performed here is correlational in nature.
We have demonstrated that several of the metrics investigated had a statistically and
practically significant relationship with understandability time, understandability
correctness and subjective understandability. Such statistical relationships do not
demonstrate per se a causal relationship. They only provide empirical evidence of it.
We tried to alleviate some threats: differences among subjects, Knowledge of the
universe of discourse among UML/OCL combined models, accuracy of subjects
responses, learning effects, fatigue effects, subject motivation, plagiarism, etc.
Threats to external validity. The greater the external validity, the more the results of
an empirical study can be generalized to actual software engineering practice. Two
threats of validity have been identified which limit the possibility of applying any
such generalization:
- Materials and tasks used. In the experiment we have used UML/OCL models,
which can be representative of real cases. Related to the tasks, the judgment of the
subjects is to some extent subjective, and does not represent a real task.
- Subjects. To solve the difficulty of obtaining professional subjects, we worked with
students from software engineering courses. We are aware that more experiments
with practitioners and professionals must be carried out in order to be able to gener-
alize these results. However, in this case, the tasks to be performed do not require
high levels of industrial experience, so, experiments with students could be appro-
priate [3].
4. Conclusions and future work
The quality of OO software systems is highly dependent on decisions made early
in its development, so many measurement researches have been developed focusing
on the quality of artifacts produced at the initial stages of the software systems life-
cycle. Important efforts were carried out for measuring UML diagrams. But many
design decisions, constraints and essential aspects of software systems cannot be
expressed in a UML diagram using only diagrammatic notations. This implies that the
metrics defined until now will not be able to capture those design decisions that can-
not be expressed using graphical notations. The quality of UML/OCL model should
be also considered. A first work in this direction was the definition and theoretical
validation of a set of metrics for an OCL expression within UML/OCL diagrams [22].
Although OCL is considered [20] a formal language easy to read and write, the
misuse of the language can lead to complicated written OCL expressions. Warmer
and Kleppe [25] recognize that the way OCL expressions are defined has a large
impact on readability, maintainability and the complexity of the associated diagrams.
Since empirical validation of metrics is crucial in defining reliable metrics we have
presented in this paper a controlled experiment.
The experiment reveals that there is a strong correlation between the subjective
understandability rating and the understandability time. The findings we have ob-
tained are: (1) only the set of metrics composed by WNN (Weighted Number of
Navigations), WNCO (Weighted Number of Collection Operations), NEI (Number of
Explicit Iterator variables), NCO (Number of Comparison Operators), NBO (Number
of Boolean Operators), NES (Number of Explicit Self), NKW (Number of OCL Key-
words) and DN (Depth of Navigations) is related with the understandability time. (2)
A subset of this set of metrics, that is composed of NEI; NCO, NES and DN has an
impact on the subjective cognitive understandability of subjects, and, although the
rating is subjective we have also corroborated that almost the same subset of metrics
(with exception of NES although it has a low p-value) is also correlated to the com-
pleteness of the experimental tests, giving the second finding more significance.
These findings should be considered as preliminaries. We are aware that further
validation is necessary in order to assess if the presented metrics could be used as
early indicators of OCL expressions understandability.
This work has been partially funded by the MESSENGER project (PCC-03-003-1)
financed by “Consejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla - La Mancha”, the network VII-J-RITOS2 financed by CYTED, and the
UNComa 04/E048 Research Group financed by “Subsecretaría de Investigación” of
Comahue University. Luis Reynoso enjoys a postgraduate grant from the agreement
between the Goverment of Neuquén (Argentina) and YPF-Repsol.
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