Artur Caetano
, António Rito Silva
, José Tribolet
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon.
CEO - Organizational Engineering Center, INOV, INESC Inovação.
Software Engineering Group, INESC-ID.
Surface Mail Address: INESC, Rua Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisboa, Portugal.
Keywords: business process modeling, role modeling, object-oriented analysis and design, organizational engineering.
Abstract: Role-based business process modeling deals with partitioning the universe of process modeling into differ-
ent areas of concern by describing how business objects collaborate. A business object represents a concept
of interest in the organization, such an activity or an entity, which can play multiple roles according to its
behavior while interacting with other business objects. A specific business object collaboration can be ex-
pressed by the roles played by every participant in that scenario. This approach allows creating semantically
richer business process models, and designing business objects where behavior is clearly separated and de-
pendent on its usage context. Both of these results contribute to increase the understandability of process
models and to enhance business object reuse.
Organizational modeling deals with providing an
enterprise-wide view of an organization from where
decisions can be made. Business process modeling
specializes on describing how activities interact with
organizational entities in order to support the opera-
tion of the business. The analysis, modeling and
representation of the knowledge about an organiza-
tion and its processes has been the focus of specific
research in past years and significant work has been
done on developing business process modeling con-
cepts, methodologies and ontologies as well as on
the specification of process modeling languages.
As a product, business process models can be
used for multiple purposes, such as facilitating hu-
man understanding and supporting process im-
provement, re-engineering and the analysis and de-
sign of process-oriented software implementations.
Business process models define a common me-
dium for communicating organizational concepts,
offering a set of domain level concepts and enabling
a broader distribution of information among people
with different knowledge about an organization.
Business process analysis relies on a detailed de-
scription of process models and related concepts. In
contrast, simulation allows for a detailed run-time
breakdown of a process model, and does not rely on
the structural properties of a business process but on
the execution of previously designed processes using
instances of entities and values. The combined re-
sults from both process analysis and simulation pro-
vide input for process reengineering, which involves
redesigning the structural or collaboration aspects of
a process model. Business process models may also
be used to design business-driven software (Curtis
1992, Scheer 1999) or to derive workflow schemas
(Aalst 2002).
Process modeling techniques often rely on cap-
turing procedural and behavioral aspects of the busi-
ness value chain, using data flow based models and
are based on notations such as IDEF (McGowan
1993), where processes are described as a flow of
activities along with the data and resources inter-
changed between these activities. However, and with
such approaches, it is difficult to abstract away from
the functional details of the process and to capture
details such as how differently the same resource is
used by different activities.
Modeling business processes involves capturing
the structure of its business objects, their relation-
ships and collaborations. A business object repre-
sents a concept of interest in the organization, such
as human actors or automated actors, such as a pro-
duction machine or an information system, and ac-
tivities (whereas a set of activities coordinated to-
wards the achievement of a goal is a business proc-
ess). Identifying the business objects of an organiza-
tion is fundamental to help documenting and evolv-
Caetano A., Rito Silva A. and Tribolet J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 109-114
DOI: 10.5220/0002648901090114
ing the business by facilitating communication and
analysis. Moreover, if an organization holds a docu-
mented view on its business objects and their rela-
tionships, then this information may assist later reus-
ing the same business object across organizational
units and in other business processes.
However, properly identifying the business ob-
jects of an organization is not a simple task, espe-
cially when reuse is a concern. For instance, the
same business object may be manipulated by multi-
ple different activities in different business contexts.
On the one hand, each business object relates to a set
of multiple other business objects. This leads to a
highly connected relationship graph for every busi-
ness object, which may not be easy to document or
understand. On the other hand, a business object
exhibits different behavior according to the relation-
ships it has at a given time. For example, the same
entity depicting a business product plays different
roles when relating to a financial activity or to a
manufacturing activity, meaning that the object’s
visible attributes, methods and behavior as a whole,
may be different, depending on the object’s active
relationships. Furthermore, the specific usage con-
text of a business object also defines it behavior. For
example, in a given context, a business object may
behave as an activity when being executed by an
actor, and, in other context, it may behave as a busi-
ness entity when being inspected by an audit activ-
Despite these issues, identifying an organiza-
tion’s business objects and specifying their behavior
so that reuse is facilitated is fundamental to partition
the universe of process modeling into different areas
of concern, each of which can then be handled and
documented independently. In order to address these
problems, this paper proposes a set of organizational
concepts, modeled as business objects, where their
relationships are specified through the roles the ob-
jects play. A role describes the behavior of an object
in a specific relationship and context, i.e., how an
object is involved in a situation or what responsibili-
ties it has. These concepts are represented by object-
oriented constructs and are illustrated as a meta-
model using the Unified Modeling Language
(UML). This approach allows modeling a business
process by (1) depicting the individual structure of
business objects and (2) describing business object
relationships according to the usage contexts of the
The remaining of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: next section reviews role and business process
modeling. Section 0 describes how role modeling
can be used along with business process modeling to
increase its expressive power along with some ex-
amples of application. Finally, section 0 outlines
future work and draws some conclusions.
From the perspective of sociological role theory, an
organization is a system of interactions between en-
tities constrained by norms and expectations. Enti-
ties can occupy a number of social positions and
play the roles associated with these positions. Inter-
actions are determined by the relationships among
the roles, and constitute the structural aspect of the
social system. They also include norms and rules
designed to regulate the behavior of entities so that
the goals of the system can be achieved. From this
viewpoint, the analysis and design of an organiza-
tional system should focus on the three building
blocks of a social system: the roles, the relationships
among roles and the regulations that constrain them.
Role theory defines concepts such as role and posi-
tion in order to specify the organizational structure.
In this perspective, Biddle and Thomas define a role
as a collection of rights and duties relating to a posi-
tion (Biddle 1979).
2.1 Roles and Software Engineering
Sociological role theory deals with collaboration and
coordination of actors, focusing on the position and
responsibilities of an element within an organization
or system. Nonetheless, the concept of role is also a
well-established modeling principle in computer
science that aims at separating multiple crosscutting
concerns existing in a given domain. It is used in
methodologies such as RM-ODP (ISO 1995) and
especially in object-oriented frameworks (Gottlob
1996, Kendall 1999, Halpin 2001). Here, a role is
defined as a set of its properties which are important
for an object to behave in a certain way as expected
by other objects. Therefore, a role translates the ex-
pectations other objects have upon an object. Roles –
just like objects – can be abstracted and later reused
as types, since they capture the similar behavior
properties of a class of individuals. Hence, there
may be several instances of a role at a given time.
Likewise, roles can also be decomposed and special-
ized and serve as a basis for reuse.
Roles emphasize on describing how objects in-
teract with each other. While classes define the
common capabilities of individual objects or in-
stances, roles focus on the responsibilities of ele-
ments within a system or organization. A role model
identifies the structure of elements and describes it
as a structure of roles. A role model is similar to a
UML collaboration diagram since both capture the
interactions between objects in a given scenario.
However, a UML collaboration diagram is subordi-
nated to class diagrams and is based on instances of
a specific application; its potential for reuse is thus
limited. Conversely, class diagrams address informa-
tion modeling but not interaction modeling. Classes
decompose objects based on their structural similari-
ties and not because of their shared or collaborative
activities and interactions. Role models overcome
this limitation by describing a system in terms of
their patterns of interaction, providing an abstraction
that is orthogonal to classes and objects. However,
they present a complimentary view on object inter-
action and do not aim replacing class models. Role
models, like class models, can be instantiated, spe-
cialized and aggregated into composite models,
promoting reuse in multiple contexts.
2.2 Roles and Process Modeling
In procedural and behavioral process models the
activities that are to be carried out by an actor are
spread around the process model because decompo-
sition focus on function, i.e. activities are decom-
posed into a hierarchy of functionally simpler sub-
activities. Nevertheless, for an actor to carry out its
activities, it needs to know what activities it must
take part in, in what order those activities must take
place, and what other actors or groups of actors it
must interact with. Ould proposed Role-Activity
Diagrams to overcome this issue (Ould 1995). Ac-
tivities in a RAD describe the interaction between
pairs of actor roles, from a driving to a target role.
By executing an interaction activity, both of the in-
teracting roles move to the next state in sequence. A
RAD may also represent other activity flows than
sequential, such as parallel and conditional. How-
ever, RADs only make use of a limited subset of the
role concepts discusses before which somewhat lim-
its the approach when used to capture context and
describe object relationships.
First, actors are the only concept that may play a
role. Thus, other concepts, such as entities, are not
modeled according to the different roles they also
play. Second, an actor role is defined by grouping
the set of activities the actor can execute in some
business process, thus describing its potential behav-
ior. However, the same actor may execute different
activities in different processes. By not capturing
this, reuse is not promoted and only macroscopic
roles are easily conveyed (e.g. an actor playing an
accounting role may interact with actors playing the
manufacturing and marketing roles; however the
actor behaves differently in each case, playing dif-
ferent sub-roles of accounting). Third, roles, as used
in RADs, are not abstracted as types or classes,
which hold back role specialization and reuse.
Recent approaches, such as Eriksson’s (2001),
have explicitly integrated the object-oriented para-
digm in business process modeling, making use of
an extended subset of the UML as a modeling nota-
tion. UML activity and collaboration diagrams are
used to represent the interaction between activities
(objects and classes), grouped as roles (swim lanes).
Activities, which are named with verbs, are descrip-
tions of work that form one logical step within a
business process. Activities are what organizational
actors “do” in their roles. However, a role is used
here with the same meaning of that of RADs, repre-
senting the macroscopic responsibilities of actors or
of organizational parties, grouping the set of activi-
ties representing some unit of responsibility.
Role modeling has been adapted in software engi-
neering as an abstraction mechanism to improve
several analysis and design qualities of software
when compared to standard object oriented tech-
niques. These qualities include making models eas-
ier to understand and communicate, promoting re-
use, and facilitating model adaptation. However, role
model, as currently is used in business process mod-
eling, is short of achieving the same goals since it is
limited to grouping activities into roles, highlighting
the responsibilities of each organizational actor or
unit. Despite improving the understanding of how
responsibilities are specified, it is not enough for
capturing the context usage and behavior of business
objects. For that reason, a challenge in process mod-
eling is not only to understand how process activities
are operationally carried out, but also to allow the
universe of process modeling to the separated into
different areas of concern, each of which can then be
handled independently. This approach differs from
current modeling approaches that focus on describ-
ing context free representations of processes. The
remainder of this section describes the fundamental
concepts of an object-oriented framework for role-
based business process modeling.
3.1 Proposed Framework
An organization can be perceived as a set of busi-
ness objects, coordinated towards the achievement
of common goals. Business processes comprise a set
of orchestrated activities, which operate over organ-
izational entities, and are executed by human or me-
chanical actors in order to achieve goals.
Previously we have presented an object-oriented
framework for capturing the structural and flow as-
pects behind business goals, activities and the sup-
porting information system infrastructure (Vasconce-
los 2001, Caetano 2003). This paper presents a meta-
model that allows describing the relationships of
business objects in a specific interaction context.
These concepts are represented as extensions to the
UML as a set of stereotypes. Stereotype declarations
are user-defined meta-elements that appear at the
model layer of the UML four-layer meta-modeling
The core concept behind the model is that of
business object. A business object represents a thing
that is active in the business domain or organization.
It is modeled as a class. Business objects may relate
to other business objects. The semantics of a rela-
tionship is given by one or more roles.
A role defines the attributes or methods that are
relevant to be stated for the business object to be-
have in a certain way as expected by other business
objects, thus defining its observable behavioral as-
pect. Roles are organized into role models. A role
model defines the set of roles required for a business
Object to fulfill a collaboration.
An activity is a specialization of a business ob-
ject and describes how to perform a piece of work. It
corresponds to a verb in the business domain and is
performed by at least one actor. A business process
is an abstraction mechanism, comprising a set of
activities that create a result with some value for an
external or internal customer and contributes toward
the achievement of goals.
An entity is a specialization of a business object
and stands for a noun (e.g. product, document) or an
actor in the business domain. Entities usually play
the role of “resource” when relating to activities,
representing their capacity to be created, accessed,
modified, produced or consumed.
An actor is someone or something that can act in
the context of an activity. It can be cognitive (a per-
son) or mechanical (e.g. production machines and
computer systems, including workflow systems).
A goal is a specialization of entity describing a
measurable state that the organization intends to
A constraint asserts conditions over business ob-
jects or roles, defining their behavior and relation-
ships (e.g. entity E may not play roles R and S si-
multaneously; activity A must be performed by actor
These concepts can be represented as extensions
to the UML as a set of stereotypes, as shown in the
following two diagrams. Stereotype declarations are
user-defined meta-element that appears at the model
layer of the UML four-layer meta-modeling hierar-
chy. A stereotype is declared by specifying its name,
base class, tags and constraints (OMG 2003).
Business Object
«Constraint» [0..*]
role: «Role» [0..*]
business noun
business verb
Role Model
role: «Role» [1..*]
constraint: «Constraint» [0..*]
Figure 1. UML stereotype declaration.
Figure 2. Roles, role models and business objects. Full
notation (top). Compact notation (bottom).
Figure 1 represents the previously defined frame-
work concepts as stereotypes. Note that not all tags
and constraints are shown in the diagram for sim-
plicity. Figure 2 shows the full and compact notation
for associating business objects to roles on a specific
role model.
3.2 Examples
This section exemplifies the framework concepts
using two different scenarios. The first example
show how the association entities and activities can
be detailed. The second example focuses on a sim-
plified business process, emphasizing entity and role
Figure 3. Actors and activities.
Figure 3 focuses on the relationships between
three actors and two activities. Three role models are
used by the business objects in this example: Execu-
tion, Supervision and Employee. A role model re-
lates roles required for an object to express some
behavior. For example, both actor John and actor
Accountant are performing a Service role in an Exe-
cution role model.
Actor Jane is playing roles from two different
roles models: supervision and employee. The Super-
vision role model relates the Supervisor and Subject
roles (meaning that a business object that is able to
play a Subject role can be supervised by some other
business object). The Employee role model relates
the Payroll and Client roles. Therefore, Jane is acting
as an actor supervisor of the activity “do some-
thing”. However, the same entity Jane is behaving as
a resource when her payroll information is being
accessed from the Calculate Salary activity. This
means that in perspective of activity “do some-
thing”, Jane is an actor, whereas from the “calculate
salary” activity, Jane is being regarded not as an
actor but as a payroll data resource.
Figure 4 depicts the top-level process for teach-
ing a course without roles. The goal of the process is
to enhance or add some skill to a person in a given
subject. To do so, the instruct activity uses course
material, is performed by an instructor and con-
trolled by a course supervisor. As an input, the proc-
ess takes an “unskilled” person and outputs the same
person in a “skilled" state (these states as well as the
corresponding transitions can be modeled with a
state machine).
Figure 4. Top-level process for course instruction.
However, the above diagram can be enhanced
with roles so that the behavior of each business ob-
ject is made clearer, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Top-level process for course instruction with the
roles played by each business object.
The role diagram depicts that the instruction ac-
tivity interacts with the trainee being instructed by
creating a new role on that person. In case the in-
struction activity did not add a new role to the actor,
then the situation would be modeled as the same
described in Figure 3, where payroll information is
read. In this case, the instruct activity would interact
with the actor through a resource role that, in its turn
would allow the actors skills to be updated accord-
ingly. A “forbid” constraint is defined between the
Performer and Creator roles, meaning that the actor
who is providing the services required for perform-
ing the instruction activity cannot be the same as the
target of the instruction activity (i.e. the trainee can-
not be the course instructor).
This paper has presented the fundamental concepts
required for building a role-based business process
model. These concepts were described as a UML
meta-model using a set of stereotypes. To illustrate
the concept usage, two examples were shown which
focused separating different concerns while model-
ing business objects. The approach here presented
relies on specifying individual business objects and
making the collaborations between these dependent
on the usage context. This is accomplished by defin-
ing and reusing roles that are assigned to business
objects and composed in role models. The examples
shown on this paper aim emphasizing that roles can
be used to detail the collaboration patterns between
business objects.
We are currently using these concepts in real or-
ganizations to enhance object-oriented representa-
tions of complex business processes. However, sev-
eral areas that we are currently researching make
direct usage of the concepts here presented. We em-
phasize activity-actor modeling and role reuse.
Activity-actor modeling deals with describing
how an actor (such as a person, an information sys-
tem or a web service) providing a set of services is
supporting the execution of an activity, which, in
turn, requires another set of services for successfully
being completed. These service contracts can be
specified as role models. A role binds an actor to an
activity during a specific collaboration, while ob-
serving business constraints. A service is then a fea-
ture of an actor that enables her to execute an activ-
ity. The goal of such modeling is to provide the
means to analyze the current situation of an organi-
zation and identifying requirements for future sce-
Role modeling can be used to promote reuse at
role level instead of business object level. Since be-
havior is not activity-dependent, reuse is enabled at a
role-level basis, as opposed to activity or process
level as it often happens in process modeling. It is
common that activities are identified and modeled
by depicting either control flow (representing the
orchestration of activities) or data flow. However, a
resource is repeatedly used in multiple different con-
texts, in the same process or by different processes,
which makes difficult identifying opportunities for
reuse. This arises either from modeling the resource
as a different business object on each different sce-
nario it occurs, or because the resource ends up a
specific and complex object. Moreover, resource or
entity modeling is essential not only to business
modeling but also during the requirements identifi-
cation of the software that supports and evolves with
the business. Entities or resources assigned to proc-
esses specify who has to work on the activity and
what will be needed. However, current approaches to
entity modeling offer only a set of simple features
for the descriptions of resources and do not explic-
itly address separation of concerns to facilitate re-
source aspect reuse or minimizing and enclose the
number and location of changes at the supporting
information systems caused by business process
redesign. For example, in UML, resources are not a
specific language feature; and Scheers (1999)
event-driven process chains do not include construct
for specifically modeling resources, which have to
be modeled using entity-relationship diagrams. In
this perspective, role modeling can facilitate re-
source and entity modeling and later reuse by identi-
fying the set of intrinsic roles and role models.
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