Hoseein Safari
Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Kargar, Tehran, Iran
Moslehi A., Mohammadian A., Farazmand E., Haki K., Khoshsima G.
Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Kargar, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: eGovernment, Maturity Model, ICT, eService Maturity, Plan Maturity
Abstract: eGovernment has been defined as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enabled route to good
governance. eGovernment is an evolutionary path that its effective implementation requires a complete
understanding of constituting elements and at the same time taking a holistic view to stay focused on its
overall objectives. This paper introduces a new heuristic model that could be used to measure eGovernment
maturity called “eGovernment Maturity Model” (eGMM). eGMM has five levels of maturity encompassing
varying degree of initiatives, from the lowest to the highest. Stages include close, readiness, develop,
manage, and seamless. In this model two aspects are considered: eService maturity and plan maturity.
The old model of ICT in government consisted to
automating the internal, back office and working of
government by processing data, similarly to private
sector enterprises. The new model is one of ICT
supporting and transforming the external working of
governance by processing and communicating
information and data and providing interactive
services through multiple channels. Network
communication technology has revolutionized how
agents in the economy interact, transact, and share
information with each other. Network technology
now allows government to offer multi channel and
multi media access, communication and interaction,
including WANs, the Internet as well as wireless and
mobile computing networks (Saidi and Yared, 2002)
eGovernment should be seen to encompass all
ICTs, but the key innovation is computer networks
creating a wealth of new digital connections: (Heek,
Connections within government - permitting
“joined-up thinking”.
Connections between government and
Connections between government and
Connections within and between NGOs.
Connections within and between communities.
Broadly defined, eGovernment can include
virtually all information and communication
technology (ICT) platforms and applications in use
by the public sector. Traditionally, the interaction
between a citizen or business and a government
agency took place in a government office. With
emerging information and communication
technologies it is possible to locate service centers
closer to the clients. Citizens may receive
government information and services in an
unattended Internet kiosk or room that is located in a
government agency or close to them, or through a
laptop or personal computer in the home or
office.(Ghasemzadeh and Safari, 2003) In an
eGovernment, if properly implemented, citizens can
log onto one Internet site, easily find the
governmental information and services they are
looking for, and use that site to conduct an online
transaction, businesses fill out an electronic form for
environmental regulatory compliance requirements,
and government officials make all purchases and
payments electronically.( Athkinson and Ulevich
Jacob, 2000) eGovernment can be defined as the
sum of all electronic communication between
government, enterprises and citizens.( Greunz et al.,
2001) E-Government is a technology enabled,
sector-wide, cultural, organizational and business
transformation program; it is not a massive IT
project,( BT Government Report , 2000) although it
Safari H., A. M., A. M., E. F., K. H. and G. K. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 471-474
DOI: 10.5220/0002607404710474
is a critical component of any such transformation
and plays a crucial role. Although the use of these
technologies is rapidly growing in the economic and
production systems of the world, they are not
available ‘off the shelf’. They have to be understood,
absorbed, and mastered. (Ghasemzadeh and Safari,
After this section, we'll present eGovernment
models in the literature and then explain
eGovernment maturity model of this paper.
1.1 Literature Review
There are several maturity models for eGovernment.
We are going to present five models for
eGovernment maturity.
Gartner Model: In this model, three stages are
introduced for eGovernment maturity; Information,
Interaction, and transaction.
Asia Pacific Region Model: This model sees
eGovernment progression in six stages. Not all
governments or agencies will reach all stages, and
there will be much variety within a government,
with different agencies at different stages. The
stages are: (1) setting up an email system and
internal network; (2) enabling inter-organizational
and public access to information; (3) allowing 2-way
communication; (4) allowing exchange of value; (5)
digital democracy; and (6) joined-up
government(Wescott, 2001)
UN Model: UN has five maturity stages in
implementing eGovernment: 1) Emerging that; is
when a government web presence is established
through a few independent official sites. In this stage
information is limited, basic and static, 2) Enhanced
that; is when government sites increase; information
becomes more dynamic and content and information
is updated with greater regularity, 3) Interactive; in
which users can download forms, contact with
officials, and make appointments and requests, 4)
Transactional; in which users can actually pay for
services or conduct financial transactions online, and
5) Seamless that; is total integration of e-functions
and services across administrative and departmental
boundaries. (UN, 2000)
EMM: In this model, six stages are defined for
eGovernment maturity: closed, initial, planned,
realized, institutionalized, and optimizing. (Misra
and Dhingra, 2002)
Utah Model: Windley(2002) presented a
maturity model in State of Utah. In this model four
stages are defined: simple website, online
government, integrated government, and
transformed government.
We are going to present a new heuristic model for
examining eGovernment maturity in a ministry.
There is an inductive view for eGMM. In this model,
we examine eGovernment maturity in affiliated
organizations with respect to two viewpoints:
Vice Minister
Figure 1: Schematic view of eGMM.
eService maturity and plan maturity. Then
eGovernment maturity in a ministry will be the sum
of affiliated organizations and vice minister
department’s maturity. Figure 1 shows schematic
view of eGMM. There are two main components of
maturity that explained.
2.1 Service Maturity
For determining eService maturity, we combined
concepts of two model: eCommerce model (Turban,
2002), and system model. With respect to these
models, there are several aspects related to a service:
product, process, and delivery agent from Turban
eCommerce model and input, process, and output
from system model. According to above mentioned
aspects, we defined three factors for examining
eService maturity as below:
Inform: is evaluates through two main
attributes: degree of transaction between client and
service providers, and the use of automated
channels. Inform continuum is:
Inform through brochures and magazines in
special places.
Inform through static website.
Inform through static website and there is a
responsive department inside the organization.
Inform through dynamic.
Inform through governmental portal; mutually
and continuously.
Type of Access: is the type of channels between
client and service providers. Evaluating of this
criterion comes under to three attributes:
Digitalizability of services.
Required security for services.
Type of channel that can be face to face,
telephone/fax, kiosk/ website, digital TV, and
government portal.
In a meanwhile, it should be mentioned that type
of access is equal to delivery agent (Turban, 2002)
that includes channels between customers and
governmental organizations for sending request
service delivery.
Process: is set of required activities from back
office for presenting services. This criterion is
examined from two attributes: degree of process
automation and degree of process integration.
According to above three criteria and their
combination, eService maturity includes following
Stage1- Start: In this stage, physical or semi-
automated channels are being used for
communication and back office can be automated
and integrated.
Stage2- Online Presence: In this stage, inform
starts from static website and finally ends to
dynamic website. In addition, documents with low
security can be transmitted through computer
networks and in other cases, physical channels are
Stage3- Transaction: This stage focuses on
security. In other words, security is the most
important factor that considered in this stage and
transmitting with high security is possible.
Stage4- Transform: In this stage, inform and
access to government services is possible through
government portal with support of automated and
integrated processes in back office.
2.2 Plan Maturity
In this component, supportive activities for
presenting eService are considered. Plan maturity is
adjusted from EMM. (Misra and Dhingra, 2002)
Several stages of plan maturity are:
Stage 1- Initial: In this stage, top management
knows ICT, its applications and benefits for
organizations. No organized efforts have been
attempted to undertake the eGovernment initiation.
Efforts usually are experimental and with lack of
direction. In the end of this stage, it’s expected to
that the necessity of eGovernment is realized. Main
criteria of this stage are: degree of ICT knowledge in
organization, perception of eGovernment advantages
and disadvantages, administrative efforts, and
productivity evaluation of efforts.
Stage 2- Planned: This stage starts with
systematic approach. With respect to strategic
approach, information technology strategic plan is
formulated in this stage. Main criteria of this stage
are: vision definition, need assessment,
eGovernment plan, and documentation.
Stage 3- Realized: After strategy formulation in
the last stage, we will have implementation and
assessment in this stage. So, according to strategies,
eGMM in an organization
action plan with budget and time will be defined.
Then required actions are implemented and finally
their results would be measured and controlled. Gap
analysis is a good methodology for assessing results.
Stage 4- Institutionalized: There’s not any gap
between design and reality; in other words new
technology has been accepted completely.
eGovernment becomes a part of the organization’s
work culture.
Stage 5- Optimizing: In this stage, organization
has continuous improvement with innovation and
2.3 eGMM
eGovernment Maturity Model (eGMM) is a maturity
model encompasses eService maturity and plan
maturity. This model has five stages: close,
readiness, develop, manage, and seamless (Figure
2). Specifications of eGMM stages are as below:
No use of ICT in organization.
Not organized efforts.
Isolated efforts and a few planning.
Semi automated/ physical channels and
Office automation is important
Transmitting documents with low security.
Static website.
Define a comprehensive ITSP.
Doing coordinated and integrated initiatives.
Dynamic website.
Transactional communication.
BPR and implementing eReadiness
Adjusting plans and actions and determining
Continuous transaction with develop (last stage)
Examine optimized solution.
Attain optimized situation for a limited time.
Institution of this situation in work culture.
Serving internal and external users
electronically that confirm Continuous
improvement in technology and processes
Start new lifecycle(Figure 2)
Organizations are attempting in several ways to use
ICT in organization in a special period. But without
any appropriate mechanism, it seems very difficult
to know actual status. In this paper, we have
introduced a new heuristic model, eGovernment
Maturity Model (eGMM), to illustrate and examine
path of eGovernment development. eGMM for
measuring eGovernment maturity has inductive
view. In the other words, eGMM firstly measure
affiliated organizations maturity and then a ministry
maturity will be sum of organizations maturities.
Two main components of eGMM are eService
maturity and plan maturity. With respect to these
components, eGMM has five stages: close,
readiness, develop, manage, and seamless.
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Heeks Richard, 2001, Understanding Governance for
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