Lexical and Morpho-syntactic Features in Word Embeddings
A Case Study of Nouns in Swedish
Ali Basirat and Marc Tang
Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University, Box 635, 75 126, Uppsala, Sweden
Neural Network, Nominal Classification, Swedish, Word Embedding.
We apply real-valued word vectors combined with two different types of classifiers (linear discriminant analy-
sis and feed-forward neural network) to scrutinize whether basic nominal categories can be captured by simple
word embedding models. We also provide a linguistic analysis of the errors generated by the classifiers. The
targeted language is Swedish, in which we investigate three nominal aspects: uter/neuter, common/proper, and
count/mass. They represent respectively grammatical, semantic, and mixed types of nominal classification
within languages. Our results show that word embeddings can capture typical grammatical and semantic fea-
tures such as uter/neuter and common/proper nouns. Nevertheless, the model encounters difficulties to identify
classes such as count/mass which not only combine both grammatical and semantic properties, but are also
subject to conversion and shift. Hence, we answer the call of the Special Session on Natural Language Process-
ing in Artificial Intelligence by approaching the topic of interfaces between morphology, lexicon, semantics,
and syntax via interdisciplinary methods combining machine learning of language and general linguistics.
The continuous vector representation of words,
known as word embeddings or word vector, has been
widely used in different areas of natural language pro-
cessing. The studies on the distribution of word vec-
tors show that different types of word similarities are
captured by word vectors, e.g., the semantically sim-
ilar words are clustered together. However, it is not
still clear what types of linguistic information (e.g.,
semantic or syntactic word classes) are encoded in
these vectors. By way of illustration, the semantic
and syntactic information of different types of nom-
inal classes is mirrored through language via gram-
matical systems of nominal classification. Thus, the
investigation of such linguistic structures in word vec-
tors is of high interest.
Nominal classification refers to how a language
classify nouns of the lexicon. The most frequent
grammaticalized system of nominal classification is
grammatical gender (Corbett, 1991; Seifart, 2010;
Corbett, 2013), e.g., all nouns in French are affiliated
to either masculine or feminine. Nouns may equiva-
lently be divided in categories according to different
semantic and/or syntactic criterion, i.e., count/mass
and common/proper (Delahunty and Garvey, 2010).
We study different types of nominal classifications
in Swedish with regard to the syntactic and seman-
tic information encoded to their word vectors. As a
research question, we aim at evaluating the perfor-
mance of word embeddings on the nominal classifi-
cation task. The outputs of such investigation are not
only expected to serve as a baseline for future research
in terms of computational models of nominal classifi-
cation, but also be compared with the findings of cog-
nitive and linguistic studies with regard to nominal
classification (Aikhenvald, 2012; Kemmerer, 2017).
Our studies are on the basis of the accuracy of a classi-
fier in predicting different classes of nouns from their
word vectors. To this end, we train a classifier with
word vectors as input and nominal classes as output.
As a case study, we select three binary nomi-
nal features in Swedish: uter/neuter (i.e., grammati-
cal gender), count/mass, and proper/common nouns.
These distinctions represent three different types of
nominal classification. First, grammatical gender is a
typically grammaticalized feature, which is reflected
in language via grammatical agreement with other el-
ements of phrase. For instance, in Swedish, the ar-
ticle and the adjective varies in terms of form de-
pending on the grammatical gender (uter or neuter) of
the following noun, c.f., ett stor-t
apple (a.SG.NEUT
big.SG.NEUT apple.SG.NEUT) ‘a big apple’ and en
0 h
ast (a.SG.UTER big.SG.UTER horse.SG.UTER)
Basirat, A. and Tang, M.
Lexical and Morpho-syntactic Features in Word Embeddings - A Case Study of Nouns in Swedish.
DOI: 10.5220/0006729606630674
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 663-674
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
‘a big horse’. Every noun can only be associated to
one grammatical gender, regardless of register and
context. Hence, grammatical gender is considered as
a static nominal feature in Swedish.
Second, the distinction between common and
proper nouns (proper names) is considered as a static
semantic feature. Common nouns generally refer to
classes of things (e.g., printer, desk) while proper
nouns designate particular individual entities such as
Stockholm, Paris, among others (Delahunty and Gar-
vey, 2010, p.149). To be more precise, proper nouns
do not necessarily refer to only one specific individ-
ual. By way of illustration, the proper name Smith
may be given to different people (or even objects)
which do not share any property or quality in com-
mon. On the other hand, common nouns refers to a
set of entities which share specific properties. Thus,
common nouns may not be used in the same arbi-
trary way of proper nouns. As an example, naming a
desk as a fridge in English would not be semantically
valid, since the properties of a desk do not concord
with the intrinsic semantic content of the noun fridge
(e.g., a fridge must have a cold temperature compart-
ment). Following this logic, nouns are either com-
mon or proper and do not fluctuate between the two
categories. Hence, it is defined as semantically static.
Few exceptions of conversion are attested but they are
context specific (Gillon, 1999, p.58), thus we do not
consider them in the current paper.
Finally, the count/mass distinction is recognized
as an intermediary between syntactic and semantic
nominal features (Doetjes, 2012), as “the brain dif-
ferentiates between count and mass nouns not only
at the syntactic level but also at the semantic level”
(Chiarelli et al., 2011). With regard to semantics,
count nouns point to objects which represent a dis-
crete entity and may be counted, e.g., computer, book
in English. On the other hand, mass nouns (also
named non-count nouns) generally refer to objects
which are interpreted as a uncountable mass and are
not specified as how to individuate or divide them,
e.g., sand, milk in English. In terms of morpho-
syntax, the categories of count and mass nouns are
Static gender systems are not obligatorily found in every
gender language. By way of illustration, Pnar (Austro-
Asiatic) applies a grammatical gender system based on the
masculine/feminine/neuter distinction. However, a noun
in Pnar may have different genders depending on the prop-
erties attributed to it. For instance, the noun dei
n ‘tree’
can be marked by both masculine and feminine proclitics.
The masculine form u=dei
n refers to a standing, upright
tree, while ka=dei
n refers to a fallen tree (log) or wood.
Phenomena of gender variation are likewise attested in
languages such as Hindi, Nepali, among others (Nespital,
1990; Hall, 2002; Pokharel, 2010).
also differentiated, as mass nouns cannot occur in
the plural form even if the language has plural in-
flection (among other criteria). However, it is con-
sidered difficult to define absolute syntactic and se-
mantic parameters to entirely isolate count and mass
nouns. As an example, a noun may undergo con-
version between count and mass, e.g., pizza may be
used as a mass noun or or a count noun depending
on context, c.f., did you order pizza? and I ordered
a pizza (Gillon, 1999, p.51). Moreover, the pres-
ence/absence of grammatical number marking (i.e.,
plural) on the noun does not completely correlate
with the count/mass distinction (Corbett, 2000; Dryer,
2005). For instance, certain mass nouns may have
a count interpretation but be morphologically mass
nouns as they only occur in the singular form, e.g.,
luggage (Pelletier and Schubert, 1989).
As a summary, the count/mass distinction is more
versatile than the uter/neuter and proper/common
nouns classification. Therefore, we estimate that the
classifiers should not have difficulties interpreting the
uter/neuter and proper/common features of the nouns,
since they provide transparent syntactic and semantic
clues. As for count/mass, we expect that the clas-
sifiers will be able to distinguish between the two
classes, but with less accuracy than grammatical gen-
der and proper names.
The structure of this paper is as follow. Section 2
presents a literature review of the three nominal fea-
tures approached in our research question. Section 3
explains the structure of the selected computational
models. Section 4 lists the setting of our experiments.
Section 5 details how the classifiers performed with
regard to the three nominal features involved in our
study. In Section 6, we provide an explanation to the
performance of the classifier, along with an error anal-
ysis. Finally, we conclude in Section 7.
In this section we describe the linguistic defini-
tion and examples of grammatical gender, com-
mon/proper, and count/mass distinction. Moreover,
we provide an overview of the difficulties of classifi-
cation observed from a linguistic approach.
2.1 Grammatical Gender
Nominal classification, i.e., how languages classify
nouns of the lexicon, reflects cognitive and cultural
facets of the human mind (Aikhenvald, 2012; Contini-
Morava and Kilarski, 2013; Kemmerer, 2017). Gram-
matical genders are one of the most common systems
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
of nominal classification (Corbett, 1991). They are
widely distributed in Africa, Europe, Australia, Ocea-
nia, while their presence is sporadicly attested in the
Pacific, Asia and Americas (Aikhenvald, 2000, p.78).
The definition of grammatical gender involves
grammatical agreement between a noun and other
syntactic units which appear with the noun in a sen-
tence. In other words, all nouns of the lexicon are
assigned to certain classes. For instance, a language
has two genders if two classes of nouns can be differ-
entiated by their agreement marker (Senft, 2000). As
an example in French, frigo ’fridge’ is masculine and
chaise ’chair’ is feminine. Thus, grammatical gender
is reflected via agreement on the articles, adjectives,
and verbs, c.f., un grand frigo (one.MASC big.MASC
fridge.MASC) A big fridge’ and une grande chaise
(one.FEM big.FEM chair.FEM) A big chair’. Likewise
in Swedish, all nouns are affiliated to either uter or
neuter gender (Bohnacker, 2004, p.198), which is re-
flected through grammatical agreement (see examples
in Section 1). Thus, the syntactic clues provided by
gender agreement are expected to be easily captured
by the word embedding model and mirrored in the
generated word vectors.
While the main functions of gender are relatively
transparent, e.g., to facilitate referent tracking in dis-
course (Dixon, 1986; Nichols, 1989; Contini-Morava
and Kilarski, 2013), gender assignment is considered
as much more opaque (Corbett, 1991, p.57). How-
ever, contradictory observation occur for Swedish.
While grammatical gender is commonly considered
as arbitrary (Andersson, 1992; Teleman et al., 1999),
several semantic principles are attested, i.e., nouns
referring to human and non-human animates tend to
be affiliated to the uter gender, while inanimates are
more likely to be neuter (Dahl, 2000). Moreover,
nouns pointing at concrete or countable entities are
generally uter while abstract or mass nouns are fa-
vored by the neuter gender (Fraurud, 2000).
2.2 Common/Proper Nouns
Nevertheless, not all classification of nouns in the lex-
icon are interpreted via agreement marking. As an
example, the distinction between common and proper
nouns is based on semantics. Common nouns refer to
a general things which share certain properties, while
proper nouns name specific individual things (De-
lahunty and Garvey, 2010, p.149). By way of illustra-
tion for common nouns, one of the inherent properties
of a printer is ‘a device which can print materials’.
Proper nouns, on the other hand, do not carry such
intrinsic properties. For instance, any person, animal,
and object may be named after Simon. The differen-
tiation between common and proper nouns is realized
via capitalization in languages such as English. How-
ever, such marking is only represented in the writing
system, which is an additional invention of language.
Moreover, the rules of capitalization of proper nouns
are not consistent in a cross-language manner. En-
glish capitalizes names of the months (e.g., Decem-
ber) while Swedish does not. Furthermore, languages
do not apply the same parameters, e.g., in German, all
nouns are capitalized. Finally, the rule of capitalizing
sentence initial words in certain languages may also
interfere with the recognition of proper nouns solely
based on capitalization.
Similar observations are made in terms of syn-
tax, as no absolute criterion is valid to differentiate
between common and proper nouns. For instance,
in English, proper nouns generally appear as bare
forms, e.g., John, Apple. However, the definite ar-
ticle is preferred for certain types of proper nouns,
e.g., the United States. Moreover, the use of article
with proper noun is not universal cross-linguistically.
By way of illustration, country names are used with
the definite article in French, e.g., la France (the.FEM
France), while in English it is not required (e.g.,
France). Therefore, the classification of common and
proper nouns is a relevant issue for machine transla-
tion (Lopez, 2008), sentiment analysis (Pang and Lee,
2008), topic tracking (Petrovic et al., 2010), web data
search (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 2011), case
restoration (Baldwin et al., 2009), among others top-
ics (Preiss and Stevenson, 2013).
2.3 Count/Mass Distinction
The third main subdivision of nouns is the contrast
between count and mass. Count nouns are commonly
perceived as entities which can be individuated and
counted, while mass nouns incarnate things as a mass
whose parts are not considered as discrete units (De-
lahunty and Garvey, 2010, p.156). As an example, a
piece of a cake is still cake, however, a piece of a desk
is not a desk. The reflection of the cognitive princi-
ple of individuation have been studied with regard to
its connection to human cognition and how such cog-
nitive concept is mirrored through language (Quine,
1960; Chierchia, 1998; Chierchia, 2010; Doetjes,
2012). For instance, morphological marking of gram-
matical number has been attested as one of the main
linguistic realization of count/mass marking (Gillon,
1999; Borer, 2005). Hence, we expect that the word
embedding model is capable of retrieving the syntac-
tic information and encode it into the vectors.
Formally, count nouns may bear singular and
grammatical plural marking (c.f., the book is here and
Lexical and Morpho-syntactic Features in Word Embeddings - A Case Study of Nouns in Swedish
the books are here in English), while mass nouns may
solely occur in singular (c.f., the furniture is new, *the
furnitures are new). Moreover, only count nouns can
apply indefinite article (c.f., a table and *a luggage),
among other syntactic criteria (Chierchia, 1998). Se-
mantically, count and mass nouns may be distin-
guished on the basis of cumulativity (Quine, 1960),
divisibility (Cheng, 1973), and specificity (Gillon,
1999, p.51-53). Mass nouns are unspecified as how
to be cumulated and divided, while count nouns are
specified for how to be cumulated or divided. By way
of illustration, coffee may be counted in terms of cup,
glass, barrel, brand, among other measure terms (Ki-
larski, 2014, p.9), with no intrinsic specification. On
the opposite, count nouns such as book can inherently
be counted by the mean of cardinal numbers and can-
not be divided.
Nevertheless, even though both syntactic and se-
mantic criteria are available to distinguish count and
mass nouns, the fact that nouns may undergo con-
version (shift) and migrate to the other category rep-
resents a challenge for classification (Gillon, 1999).
For instance, coffee in English may be used as a mass
noun when referring to a type of beverage, e.g., the
coffee is good. Nonetheless, the same word form can
equivalently be employed as a count noun when re-
ferring to ‘a cup of coffee’, e.g., I would like to have
two coffees. Such conversion is extremely productive
and common within languages of the world (Doetjes,
2012, p.14) and represents one of the major difficulty
of identifying count and mass nouns in terms of com-
putational linguistics (Katz and Zamparelli, 2012).
We selected Swedish as language of analysis due to
the contradictory observation attested on grammatical
gender (see Section 2.1) and its availability of first
hand data. For each nominal classification task, we
train a classifier on a set of word vectors which are
labeled with their corresponding nominal classes. The
process is divided into three steps: vector generation
(word embedding), data labeling, and classification.
During the first stage, word embedding, a corpus
of raw sentences with word segmentation is fed to a
word embedding model. The word embedding model
assigns a vector to each word in the corpus. This vec-
tors assignment is done in such a way that semantic
similarities of words is modeled by the correlation
between their corresponding vectors, i.e., the semanti-
cally similar words are assigned to the similar vectors.
Then, in the data labeling step, a dictionary is
used to associated a subset of word vectors with their
corresponding nominal classes. These are the word
vectors associated with some nouns in the dictionary
whose nominal classes could be extracted from the
dictionary. Later on, in Section 4, we elaborate how
the nominal classes are extracted from the dictionary.
This gives us a list of word vectors labeled with nom-
inal classes. This list is partitioned into train, and test
sets, to be used in the classification step.
Finally, in the classification, we train a classifier
on the pairs of word vectors and nominal classes. The
classifier takes word vectors as input and predict the
nominal classes in its output. The train data is used
to train the classifier, and the test set is used to evalu-
ate the classification model. Since, this research aims
to study the information provided by word vectors
for different nominal classification tasks, we use sim-
ple classification methods without performing com-
plicated tuning step. This is why we don’t keep a part
of data as development set to tune the classifier.
The evaluation is on the basis of the performance
of word vectors on each of the nominal classification
tasks, e.g., the higher the accuracy of the classification
is, the more the information about the nominal classes
is encoded into the word vectors. In the next section,
we elaborate the tools, models, and data used in each
of these steps, word embedding, data labeling, and
Our word vectors are generated via RSV (Real-valued
Syntactic Word Vectors) model for word embedding
(Basirat and Nivre, 2017). RSV extracts a set of
word vectors from an unlabeled data in three major
steps: First, it builds a co-occurrence matrix whose
elements are the frequency of seeing words together.
The elements of this matrix are the frequency of see-
ing words in the domain of different context words.
The columns are associated with words and the rows
are associated with contexts. Each column forms a
high dimensional word vector that describes the word
with respect to its occurrence frequency in different
contexts. In the second step, the elements of the high
dimensional column vectors are transformed in such
a way that the distribution of the vectors is more close
to the Gaussian distribution with zero mean. Finally,
in the third step, it forms the low dimensional data
from the top K right singular vectors of the trans-
formed co-occurrence matrix. Within this process, the
RSV model has the following parameters:
Context type: the context of a word may refer
to the preceding words (symmetric), following
words or include both directions (asymmetric).
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Context size: how many words does the system
count in the context. As an example, the most
popular setting is one preceding word.
Dimensionality: the quantity of dimensions the
model may use to represent the word vectors. The
amount of dimensions is generally positively cor-
related to the accuracy, but negatively correlated
with the processing time and memory.
Within our experiments we set context type and con-
text size as the immediate preceding word, as pro-
posed by (Basirat and Nivre, 2017). The number of
dimensions is set to 50.
We include two types of classifiers in our exper-
iments: linear discriminant analysis, and neural net-
work. The purpose of this selection is to verify the
complexity of nominal properties and to see if the
nominal classes are linearly separable. Linear dis-
criminant analysis (LDA) is a linear generative clas-
sifier that fits a Gaussian distributions on the training
data and predict the test data classes through the like-
lihood ratio of the data given the distributions. Neural
network (NN) is a non-linear discriminative classifier
that make no assumption on the data distribution. It
searches for a boundary between the data points with
regard to their classes in such a way that the classi-
fication accuracy is minimized. LDA is more simple
in terms of structure and processing time but may be
less accurate depending on the complexity of the task.
While Neural Network is the more elaborate type of
classifier but also costly in terms of processing time.
Our computational model is fed with two types
of data, which both originate from the Swedish
Language Bank (Spr
akbanken) at the University of
The word vectors are generated from a
corpus of Swedish raw sentences. This corpus is com-
piled by Spr
akbanken and involves data from Swedish
Wikipedia (available at Wikipedia Monolingual Cor-
pora, Swedish web news corpora (2001-2013) and
Swedish Wikipedia corpus). The OpenNLP sentence
splitter and tokenizer are used for normalizing the raw
We replace all numbers with a special to-
ken NUMBER and convert uppercase letters to low-
ercase forms. Due to the high ratio of compound
nouns in Swedish (Carter et al., 1996; Ostling and
Wirn, 2013; Ullman and Nivre, 2014), we only in-
clude nouns which have more than 100 occurrences
in the corpus.
Second, the information on grammatical gender,
common/proper, and count/mass distinction is ex-
tracted from the SALDO (Swedish Associative The-
saurus version 2) dictionary. The categorization of
SALDO is rather “generous” and lists diverse prop-
erties of nouns (Borin et al., 2008, p.27). By way
of illustration, nouns which were assigned two gen-
ders according to speaker variation are affiliated to
neither uter nor neuter but rather to a third type vack-
lande. Moreover, some nouns are annotated as blank
if their gender was difficult to interpret. The creation
of these categories was driven by specific pragmatic
and semantic classification purposes. In our study,
we only incorporate the relevant categories. For in-
stance, with regard to grammatical gender, we solely
cover nouns annotated as uter and neuter since only
these two classes fulfill the conditions of grammati-
cal gender. Furthermore, the frequency and quantity
of peripheral nouns such as vacklande and blank is
not significant compared to the whole dataset (1%).
Hence, we leave these patterns of variation for further
studies to explore. We also filter out those nouns that
are not in word vectors’ vocabulary set. The result of
our filtering is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Nominal features in Swedish based on SALDO.
Category Quantity Example
uter 13540 bok ‘book’
neuter 5518 hus ‘house’
count 16181 kontor ‘office’
mass 3085 bagage ‘luggage’
comon 18549 bord ‘table’
proper 3142 Alyssa
The distinction of grammatical gender and com-
mon/proper nouns is rather straightforward, as the
information is annotated in SALDO. However, the
count/mass distinction is not a category transparently
specified in the dictionary. Thus, we follow the for-
mal syntactic definition and consider that only count
nouns may have plural inflection (Chierchia, 1998;
Chierchia, 2010).
The results of our experiments are evaluated accord-
ing to the Rand index (Rand, 1971) (accuracy) and
F-score (Ting, 2010). To obtain the general accuracy
of the model on the entire dataset, the Rand index is
calculated by dividing the total number of correctly
retrieved tokens by the total number of retrieved to-
kens. In the remaining parts of this paper, Rand in-
dex and accuracy are used interchangeably. As as
side note, we do not compare directly our results with
other studies as we are not aware of methodologies
and approaches being applied in a way similar to ours.
Due to the lack of balance between the investi-
Lexical and Morpho-syntactic Features in Word Embeddings - A Case Study of Nouns in Swedish
gated classes (e.g., 71% uter words vs 29% neuter
words), we use majority label prediction, called Zero
rule, as our baseline. In this case, our accuracy base-
line for each of the nominal classifications is equal to
relative size of the larger class, i.e., 71.0% for gram-
matical gender prediction, 84.0% for count/mass pre-
diction, and 85.5% for common/proper noun predic-
tion. Moreover, we expect to obtain adequate mea-
sures not only for the overall accuracy of the classi-
fier, but also for the detailed performance on every
single class. For instance, in the classification task of
uter/neuter, did one of the two classes represent more
difficulties for the classifier. Hence, we generate from
the classifier’s output the two values of precision and
recall. Precision evaluates how many tokens are cor-
rect among all the output of the classifier, i.e., preci-
sion is equal to the total number of correctly retrieved
tokens divided by the total number of retrieved to-
kens. Recall quantifies how many tokens are correctly
retrieved among all the expected correct output, i.e.,
recall is obtained by dividing the total number of cor-
rectly retrieved tokens with the total number of cor-
rect tokens in the dataset. The two measures evaluate
different facets of the output, thus they are merged
into the F-score, which is equal to the harmonic mean
of the precision and recall, 2
Furthermore, we also provide two figures for ev-
ery class of nouns we targeted. First, we display how
the noun classes are distributed in the distributional
semantic space formed by the word vectors. Second,
we show the histogram of the entropy of the neural
network’s output for each class of nouns. The en-
tropy measures the uncertainty involved in the neural
network’s output to identify the noun classes. High
values of the entropy can be interpreted as more un-
certainty in the classifier’s outputs, which itself show
the weakness of the information provided by the input
word vectors with regard to the nominal classes. The
skewness of the histogram toward right or left shows
the certainty of the classifier for a particular nominal
class. Once the histogram is skewed toward right, the
classifier is uncertain about its outputs. However, the
left skewness means higher certainty in the output.
5.1 Grammatical Gender
The overall accuracy and processing time of the clas-
sifiers is shown in Table 2. As expected, neural net-
work reaches higher accuracy (Rand index), as it was
able to identify correctly the grammatical gender of
93.6% of the nouns in the test set. Such performance
is conjointly higher than our baseline accuracy, which
is 71.0%. LDA could reach relatively high accuracy
as neural network but in significantly shorter time.
Table 2: The performance of LDA and neural network (NN)
on the grammatical gender prediction.
accuracy 92.7% 93.6%
uter recall 94.8% 96.3%
uter precision 94.8% 95.0%
uter f-score 94.8% 95.6%
neuter recall 87.9% 87.4%
neuter precision 87.9% 90.1%
neuter f-score 87.9% 88.7%
This shows that the word vectors could encode
the information about the grammatical genders of the
nouns and they are almost linearly separable with re-
spect to the grammatical genders of the nouns. Such
statement is supported by the semantic space of neu-
ral network in Figure 1. The uter nouns (black) and
the neuter nouns (red) are forming two clusters which
only overlap at a small area. As expected, this in-
termediary zone is precisely where most of the errors
generated by the neural network (green and blue) are
located. Moreover, the classifiers had more difficul-
ties identifying neuter nouns. For instance, neural
network could interpret uter nouns with higher f-score
(95.6%) compared to neuter nouns (88.7%).
Figure 1: tSNE representation of the word vectors with re-
gard to their grammatical genders associated predicted by
the neural network.
Figure 2 shows the histogram of the entropy of the
neural network’s outputs. The top left histogram, the
neuter nouns are classified as neuter, and the bottom
right histogram, the uter nouns are classified as uter,
are skewed toward left. This left skewness in the his-
tograms show that the classifier predicts the correct
grammatical genders with high confidence. This con-
firm that the information about the grammatical gen-
ders of the nouns are captured by the word vectors.
We also see that the histogram of the entropy of the
neural network’s outputs for the erroneous items, i.e.,
the top right and the bottom left graphs, are skewed
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
toward right. This displays the uncertainty involved in
the neural network’s outputs and indicates the lack of
information in the erroneous word vectors. Thus, the
analysis of the output’s entropy demonstrate that with
regard to grammatical gender, the neural network was
interpreting the grammatical gender of nouns with
high accuracy, with exception to some outliers for
which the entropy was unusually high. Further ex-
planation is provided in the following Section.
Figure 2: The histogram of the entropy of the neural net-
work’s outputs with regard to grammatical genders.
5.2 Common/Proper Nouns
Table 3) summarizes the classification results ob-
tained from both LDA and the neural network to the
distinction between common and proper nouns. We
see that both classifiers outperform our baseline accu-
racy (85.5%).
Table 3: The performance of LDA and neural network (NN)
on the common noun versus proper noun distinction.
accuracy 93.4% 95.2%
common noun recall 96.8% 98.9%
common noun precision 95.5% 93.9%
common noun f-score 96.1% 96.3%
proper noun recall 73.4% 62.4%
proper noun precision 79
9% 91
proper noun f-score 76.5% 74.3%
In terms of accuracy, the neural network is more
accurate than LDA. However, most of this achieve-
ment is due to the unbalance data distribution which
biases the neural network toward the bigger popula-
tion. In term of f-scores, we see that LDA is more
accurate than the neural network in identifying the
proper nouns and it is as accurate as the neural net-
work in identifying the common nouns.
It is also worth noting that LDA is much more ef-
ficient than neural network when the processing time
is of importance. The high accuracy obtained from
LDA show that the word vectors should be linearly
separable with regard to this nominal classification.
We support this by the visualisation of the word vec-
tors with regard to their proper noun versus common
noun categories (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: tSNE representation of the word vectors associ-
ated with the proper noun and common noun categories by
the neural network.
Figure 4: The histogram of the entropy of the neural net-
work’s outputs with regard to the proper noun versus com-
mon noun classification.
As shown, a certain part of proper nouns are
merged into the common nouns, thus, hard to iden-
tify. In this case, the recall of the proper nouns is
significantly improved if we use quadratic discrim-
inant analysis (QDA) instead of the linear discrimi-
nant analysis. However, this improvement is together
with a dramatic decrease on the recall of the common
nouns. In our experiments with QDA, we obtained
the f-score of 93.3% on the common nouns and the f-
score of 71.4% on the proper nouns which are smaller
than LDA and the neural network.
As an additional evidence, the histogram of the
entropy of the neural network’s outputs in Figure 4
shows less confidence in the outputs of the neural net-
Lexical and Morpho-syntactic Features in Word Embeddings - A Case Study of Nouns in Swedish
work when it faces with proper nouns in its inputs. In
comparison with Figure 2, we see higher amount of
uncertainty in the classifier’s outputs which confirms
the lack of information in the word vectors with re-
gard to the common/proper noun classes.
5.3 Count/Mass Distinction
As for the classes of count and mass nouns, the clas-
sifiers did not perform as well as the two other tasks.
Table 4 summarizes the results obtained from the
count/mass distinction. As shown, the accuracy ob-
tained from both classifiers are below our baseline,
85.5%. As we mentioned before, our baseline uses
the Zero rule for classification which simply predicts
the majority class, i.e., count noun in this case. So,
it will be completely unable to predict the minority
class of mass nouns.
Table 4: The performance of LDA and neural network (NN)
on the count noun versus mass noun distinction.
accuracy 74
8% 82
count noun recall 74.3% 99.0%
count noun precision 93.7% 83.2%
count noun f-score 82.9% 90.4%
mass noun recall 76.9% 7.2%
mass noun precision 39.1% 61.4%
mass noun f-score 51.8% 12.7%
The baseline’s recall for the mass nouns, however,
is 0.0% since all the mass nouns are classified as count
noun. This is similar to the results obtained from the
neural network, resulting in the high precision 99.0%
on the count nouns but very small precision on the
mass nouns. This basically shows that the neural net-
work’s prediction on the mass nouns is almost always
wrong, i.e., mass nouns are always classified as count
noun by the neural network. However we see that
the LDAs recall on the mass nouns (76.9%) is sig-
nificantly higher than the baseline’s recall (0.0%) and
the neural network’s recall (7.1%). This is because
of the generative nature of LDA that always give a
chance to all classes, regardless of their size, to ap-
pear in the prediction task. However, this might not
always work well specially when the data is not prop-
erly distributed with regard to the classes. In this case,
the classifier will result in a small value of precision,
as we see for LDAs precision on the mass nouns. In
general, the weak performance of the classifiers on
the count/mass classification task shows that the word
vectors have almost no information about this fea-
ture of the nouns. This is because of the migration
of words between the two classes (see Section 2.3)
which allows a noun to be count or mass depending on
its syntactic environment. This dynamic behavior of
nouns results in a big overlap between the two classes
of word vectors associated with count and mass nouns
and makes the word vectors ineffective for this task.
The overlap between the two classes of word vectors
is seen in Figure 5. We see that mass nouns and the
count nouns appear everywhere in the semantic space.
Figure 5: tSNE representation of the word vectors associ-
ated with the mass nouns and count nouns by the neural
Such observation is further supported by the his-
togram of the entropy of the neural network’s out-
puts in Figure 6. First of all, with regard to the tasks
of uter/neuter and common/proper classes, the neural
network is highly certain about the correctly classified
tokens (see Figure 2 and Figure 4).
Figure 6: The histogram of the entropy of the neural net-
work’s outputs with regard to the proper noun versus com-
mon noun classification.
However, the neural network does not perform as
well on count/mass categorization. We see that the
classifier is very uncertain about the identification of
count versus mass nouns. This shows that the classi-
fier could not find any relevant information in the dis-
tribution of word vectors and its decisions rely highly
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
on chance. This uncertainty is seen is the four scenar-
ios shown in Figure 6. We observe that the amount
of uncertainty involved in the classifier’s decisions on
the mass nouns that are correctly classifies as mass
noun is higher than the count nouns that are correctly
classified as count noun. This because the likelihood
of migration (shift) from mass category to count cate-
gory is higher than the migration from the count cate-
gory to mass category (Gillon, 1999, p.57-58).
Our research question was to evaluate the perfor-
mance of word embedding on the nominal classifi-
cation tasks, uter/neuter, proper/common, count/mass
noun distinctions. Through our preliminary analy-
sis, we deduce that word vectors are satisfactory for
uter/neuter and proper/common noun distinctions, but
they show weak performance on the count/mass nom-
inal classification. Nonetheless, the classifiers still
encountered difficulties when categorizing the three
nominal classes in our experiment. Hence, we pro-
vide a preliminary error analysis of the erroneous out-
put of the classifiers. Due to ranking of performance
and space limitation, we only scrutinize the wrongdo-
ings of the neural network. As a preparatory analysis,
we do not provide a quantitative error analysis, we
rather describe qualitatively the main types of errors
attested. Further experiments and statistic measure-
ments are planned in future studies to investigate the
recurrent frequency of different types of errors gener-
ated by the classifiers.
Our analysis shows that most errors are due to pol-
ysemy, i.e., the coexistence of several meanings for a
unique word form. For instance, one frequently ob-
served type of error is due to participles which can be
used both as adjectives and nouns. By way of illustra-
tion with the task of uter/neuter distinction, the word
sovande sleeping’ may refer to the action of sleeping
as a neuter noun in (1).
(1) det
‘It is possible to break the circle of bad sleeping.
However, it can also be interpreted as an adjective
in (2). Such situation results in incoherent context in-
formation when building the word vectors. Thus, the
classifier equivalently encounters difficulties to iden-
tify the correct class of the noun.
(2) brasilien
‘Brazil can not continue to be a sleeping giant.
(2) and (1) further demonstrates the source of con-
fusion for the word vectors via the different articles
leading the target word. In (1), neuter agreement
is reflected on the adjective ‘bad’. However, in (2),
sovande is preceded by the uter indefinite article en
which actually refers to the next uter noun j
atte ‘gi-
ant’. Such situation are expected to occur frequently
as the majority of nouns in Swedish are affiliated to
the uter gender. Since the parameters of word em-
beddings were set to include the immediate preceding
word of the target, polysemous neuter nouns are more
likely to be erroneously identified as uter nouns. This
is exactly what we observed in Section 5.
Furthermore, polysemy may also occur with re-
gard to proper and common nouns. As an example in
(3), the word springer may refer to the name of a per-
son, e.g., Axel Springer. As a reminder, capitalization
effect was removed from our corpora. Thus, the word
embeddings could not simply retrieve the information
relevant to common and proper nouns by identifying
the starting letter of the encountered nouns.
(3) axel
Axel Springer is known as the owner of Bild,
which is Germany’s and Europe’s largest maga-
Nonetheless, the word form springer can also
carry the meaning of a verb, i.e., ‘run’, e.g. in (4).
Once more, the verb interpretation of springer is more
frequent than the reference proper noun. Thus, the
word vectors are disrupted when considering the syn-
tactic and semantic context of springer as a noun,
since it mistakenly involves the syntactic and seman-
tic contexts of springer as a verb.
(4) det
‘That’s the second year I’m running here.
Lexical and Morpho-syntactic Features in Word Embeddings - A Case Study of Nouns in Swedish
Moreover, (3) is in fact a double example of poly-
semy. As displayed in (5), the word bild is usually a
noun, i.e., ‘picture’. Yet, bild is employed as a proper
noun in (3) when referring to the name of a maga-
zine. Hence, such examples demonstrate the ease of
category shift for the same word form.
(5) en
An old picture of children.
Finally, polysemy likewise occurred in terms of
count/mass classification. As shown in (6), tequila
can refer to tequila as a category of liquid, thus a
mass. In such situation, the noun is expected to oc-
cur without indefinite articles or plural formation.
(6) samtliga
All can be done with vodka or tequila.
However, as explained in Section 2.3, mass nouns
regularly undergo conversion to count nouns. As dis-
played in (7), the noun tequila is considered as a count
noun since it does not refer to the liquid tequila, but
rather to a shot of tequila, which can be counted.
Hence, tequila as a count noun can be preceded by
the indefinite article en.
(7) han
‘He gets to start with telling how much he drank.
A glass of wine and a tequila.
Conversion is extremely productive between the
count/mass classes of nouns (Gillon, 1999; Doetjes,
2012). Hence, it creates additional difficulties to the
word embedding models. Therefore, we may de-
duce that static syntactic and semantic nominal fea-
tures such as grammatical gender (uter/neuter) and the
common/proper nouns differentiation are more gen-
erally interpretable by word embedding. However,
cases of polysemy represent a challenge to word em-
bedding, which may require additional tuning to reach
high precision, c.f. the accuracy of the count/mass
distinction was lower since the count/mass category
is more versatile. Such results are in accordance with
findings from linguistic and psycholinguistic stud-
ies. The brain differentiates count and mass nouns in
terms of syntax and semantics. However, “one-to-one
mappings between mass-count syntax and semantics
is not supported by empirical findings” (Barner and
Snedeker, 2005; Chiarelli et al., 2011).
Through the application of word embedding (Basirat
and Nivre, 2017) with various classifiers such as lin-
ear discriminant analysis (LDA) and feed-forward
neural network (NN), we are able to demonstrate that
some types of nominal features can be captured by
word embedding models. We show that both gram-
matical and semantic properties of nouns may be
identified correctly through word embedding. How-
ever, we equivalently point out the importance of pol-
ysemy with regard to classification task. By way of
illustration, the count/mass categorization represented
difficulties for the classifiers not only due to its com-
plex grammatical and semantic parameters, but also
for its high occurrences of conversion (shift) across
nouns. Such issues do incarnate complication for
word embeddings. Thus, the application of word em-
beddings is considered as adequate for static nomi-
nal features such as grammatical genders or semantic
features, but less appropriate for fluctuating proper-
ties such as count/mass. The high accuracy of LDA
on the nominal classification task shows that the word
vectors are almost linearly separable with regard to
the nominal classes.
The limitations of our study include a lack of di-
versity in terms of data. For instance, we only in-
cluded one language (Swedish) in our analysis. It
would be necessary to enlarge the sampling and run
the experiment on a phylogenetically weighted group
of languages. Furthermore, we solely selected one
model of word embeddings, i.e., Real-valued Syntac-
tic word Vectors. More existing architectures such as
GloVe and word2vec should be involved in our ex-
perimentation to further testify the pros and cons of
word embeddings. Finally, we identified the issue of
polysemy with regard to classification tasks via linear
word embedding models. Thus, the next step would
be to undergo similar functions with different types of
vector generator, e.g., dependency parsing, and com-
pare their respective performance.
Our work on this paper was fully collaborative; the
order of the authors names is alphabetical and does
not reflect any asymmetry in contribution. We are
grateful for the fruitful discussion with the audience
NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
of the Special Session on Natural Language Process-
ing in Artificial Intelligence at the 10th International
Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence in
Funchal, Madeira. We would like to express our grat-
itude to our colleagues Linnea
Oberg, Karin Koltay,
Rima Haddad, and Josefin Lindgren for their com-
ments and support. We also appreciate the construc-
tive comments from the anonymous referees. We are
fully responsible for any remaining errors.
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NLPinAI 2018 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence